CHEMINFO Ethanol Production in Alberta Final Report April 2000 Prepared For: Interdepartmental Ethanol Committee Government of Alberta CHEMINFO Ethanol Production in Alberta Final Report April 2000 Prepared For: Interdepartmental Ethanol Committee Government of Alberta c/o Alberta Grain Commission Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development #305, 7000-113 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6 Prepared By: Cheminfo Services Inc. 1706 Avenue Rd., Suite 4 Toronto, ON L3R 7W5 Telephone: (416) 785-9051 Fax: (416) 785-9876 e-mail: In association with: (S&T)2 Consultants Inc. Vancouver, BC and Cemcorp Ltd. Mississauga, ON CHEMINFO Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................22 2.1 2.2 3. OVERALL ETHANOL INDUSTRY STRUCTURE ....................................................................................24 GOVERNMENT INFLUENCES .............................................................................................................24 ALBERTA’S UNIQUE ECONOMIC CONTEXT ......................................................................................27 ETHANOL MARKET OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................33 WHEAT GLUTEN MARKET OVERVIEW .............................................................................................54 COMPARISON OF FUEL ALTERNATIVES ...............................................................................57 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5. BACKGROUND..................................................................................................................................22 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................23 ETHANOL BUSINESS SYSTEM ....................................................................................................24 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 1 ETHANOL MARKET OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 6 PRODUCTION, ENERGY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EMISSIONS .............................................................. 7 COMPARISON OF FUEL ALTERNATIVES ............................................................................................15 ETHANOL PLANT ECONOMICS..........................................................................................................15 SUMMARY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDIES .......................................................................................17 POTENTIAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS FOR ALBERTA ...................................................................18 STAKEHOLDER POLICY INPUT AND ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................19 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................57 VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES AND EMISSION STANDARDS .....................................................................57 GASOLINE AND HYDROCARBON BLENDING COMPONENTS ..............................................................59 OXYGENATES ...................................................................................................................................66 PROPANE..........................................................................................................................................70 NATURAL GAS .................................................................................................................................72 BIODIESEL........................................................................................................................................73 ETHANOL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY ...............................................................................76 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 ETHANOL PRODUCTION MODELS .....................................................................................................76 RAW MATERIALS .............................................................................................................................78 ETHANOL PRODUCTION MODELS FOR ALBERTA ..............................................................................84 ETHANOL PLANT ECONOMICS..........................................................................................................89 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS ........................................................................................................96 6. ETHANOL LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS FOR ENERGY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS .................................................................................................................................................98 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................98 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS .......................................................................................................102 ENERGY INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ......................................................................................................121 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................129 i CHEMINFO 7. REVIEW OF ETHANOL SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDIES ........................................................148 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8. SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................148 UNITED STATES STUDIES ...............................................................................................................148 CANADIAN STUDIES .......................................................................................................................156 STUDIES IN OTHER COUNTRIES ......................................................................................................159 POTENTIAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS FOR ALBERTA .............................................161 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 9. SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................161 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................163 IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURAL SECTOR............................................................................................166 IMPACTS FROM ETHANOL PRODUCTION .........................................................................................170 IMPACTS FROM CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................172 IMPACTS FROM GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES ..............................................................................173 IMPACTS ON CONSUMERS ..............................................................................................................173 IMPACTS ON OIL, REFINING AND GASOLINE MARKETING SECTOR ................................................174 NET IMPACTS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY .........................................................................................176 EMPLOYMENT ...........................................................................................................................176 GOVERNMENT REVENUES .........................................................................................................177 ETHANOL POLICIES IN NORTH AMERICA ..........................................................................180 9.1 10. STAKEHOLDER INPUT AND ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ......................................187 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 11. ETHANOL PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA.........................................................180 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................187 SCOPE OF ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................188 ENVIRONMENT PERSPECTIVES ..................................................................................................189 REFINERY, WHOLESALER, RETAILER CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................190 INCENTIVES AND ETHANOL PLANT FINANCING .........................................................................197 ECONOMIC AND TRADE CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................203 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................213 ii CHEMINFO Table of Tables TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF THIS STUDY ........................................................... 3 TABLE 2: NORTH AMERICAN SUPPLY AND DEMAND TRENDS FOR ETHANOL .................................................. 6 TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM GRAIN PRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 8 TABLE 4. FULL CYCLE ENERGY BALANCES FOR TRANSPORTATION FUELS ..................................................... 9 TABLE 5. SUMMARY OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM ALTERNATIVE FUELS ...................................... 9 TABLE 6. SUMMARY OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL .................................11 TABLE 7. SUMMARY OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM 10% ETHANOL BLENDS ..................................12 TABLE 8. SUMMARY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF A 10% ETHANOL BLEND ..................................13 TABLE 9: AMBIENT AIR QUALITY IN EDMONTON AND CALGARY ..................................................................13 TABLE 10: SUMMARY OF KEY PROPERTIES OF GASOLINE BLENDING COMPONENTS .....................................15 TABLE 11: SIZE AND DESCRIPTION OF MODEL FACILITIES .............................................................................16 TABLE 12: SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND OPERATING EXPENSES FOR MODEL PLANTS .................................16 TABLE 13: SUMMARY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS ....................................................................................18 TABLE 14: ECONOMIC DATA FOR ALBERTA AND COMPARISON TO CANADA .................................................29 TABLE 15: OIL PRODUCTION IN ALBERTA ......................................................................................................30 TABLE 16: ALBERTA’S OIL & GAS ENERGY PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION .............................................30 TABLE 17: MAJOR PARTICIPANTS IN ALBERTA OIL AND GAS, PETROLEUM REFINING AND FUELS MARKETING INDUSTRIES...........................................................................................................................................31 TABLE 18: ALBERTA’S MAJOR PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTS ..................................................33 TABLE 19: ECONOMIC DATA ON ALBERTA’S AGRICULTURE SECTOR ............................................................33 TABLE 20: NORTH AMERICAN CAPACITY, DEMAND TRENDS FOR ETHANOL .................................................34 TABLE 21: GROWTH IN GLOBAL ETHANOL PRODUCTION...............................................................................35 TABLE 22: NORTH AMERICAN ETHANOL ANNUAL CAPACITY TREND............................................................37 TABLE 23: TOTAL NORTH AMERICAN ETHANOL DEMAND ............................................................................38 TABLE 24: POSITION OF ETHANOL IN THE ESTIMATED NORTH AMERICAN GASOLINE-OXYGENATE MARKET .............................................................................................................................................................39 TABLE 25: REGIONAL U.S. ETHANOL CAPACITY TRENDS ..............................................................................39 TABLE 26: YEAR 2000 CAPACITY OF U.S. ETHANOL PRODUCERS .................................................................40 TABLE 27: TREND IN UNITED STATES ETHANOL DEMAND.............................................................................42 TABLE 28: POSITION OF ETHANOL IN THE U.S. GASOLINE-OXYGENATE MARKET ........................................43 TABLE 29: POSITION OF ETHANOL IN TOTAL ON-ROAD PLUS OFF-ROAD FUEL MARKETS ...........................43 TABLE 30: TREND IN REGIONAL CANADIAN ETHANOL CAPACITY .................................................................44 TABLE 31: CANADIAN ETHANOL PLANT CAPACITIES.....................................................................................45 TABLE 32: TREND IN CANADIAN ETHANOL DEMAND ....................................................................................45 TABLE 33: POSITION OF ETHANOL IN THE ESTIMATED CANADIAN GASOLINE-OXYGENATE MARKET ..........46 TABLE 34: PROVINCIAL RATIOS OF GASOLINE USE FOR PASSENGER CARS VERSUS FARM VEHICLES ...........47 TABLE 35: PROJECTED TREND IN VEHICLE POPULATION IN ALBERTA ...........................................................47 TABLE 36: TRENDS IN TRANSPORTATION FUEL DEMAND IN ALBERTA ..........................................................48 TABLE 37: APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF RETAIL STATIONS IN PRAIRIE PROVINCES, 1997 ..............................48 TABLE 38: TREND IN CANADIAN ETHANOL TRADE ........................................................................................49 TABLE 39: ETHANOL TRADE NOVEMBER 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE ....................................................................49 TABLE 40: CANADIAN ETHANOL EXPORTS BY DESTINATION, 1998 ...............................................................50 TABLE 41: TREND IN DEMAND FOR ETHANOL IN PNW ..................................................................................51 TABLE 42: ETHANOL CAPACITY IN PNW .......................................................................................................51 TABLE 43: SOME ETHANOL PRODUCERS IN PNW ..........................................................................................51 TABLE 44: PROPOSED ETHANOL CAPACITY IN THE PNW...............................................................................52 TABLE 45: CANADIAN PRICING DATA FOR ETHANOL.....................................................................................54 TABLE 46: UNITED STATES IMPORTS OF WHEAT GLUTEN .............................................................................55 iii CHEMINFO TABLE 47: IDENTIFIED US GLUTEN/ETHANOL PRODUCERS ...........................................................................56 TABLE 48: SUMMARY OF KEY PROPERTIES OF GASOLINE BLENDING COMPONENTS .....................................57 TABLE 49. LIGHT-DUTY GASOLINE VEHICLE STANDARDS IN CANADA EXHAUST EMISSIONS (G/KM) ...........58 TABLE 50. CALIFORNIA LOW EMISSION VEHICLE STANDARDS ......................................................................59 TABLE 51: TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF REFINERY STREAMS ....................................................................62 TABLE 52: EMISSION RESPONSE TO FUEL PARAMETER CHANGES ..................................................................62 TABLE 53: US EPA SULPHUR REDUCTIONS ...................................................................................................66 TABLE 54: INFORMATION ON GASOLINE OXYGENATES ..................................................................................66 TABLE 55: US COMPLEX MODEL RESULTS FOR BASELINE GASOLINE WITH AND WITHOUT 11% MTBE .....67 TABLE 56: US COMPLEX MODEL RESULTS FOR BASELINE GASOLINE WITH AND WITHOUT 12.5% ETBE ...68 TABLE 57: US COMPLEX MODEL RESULTS FOR BASELINE GASOLINE WITH AND WITHOUT 5.7% ETHANOL 70 TABLE 58: IMPACT OF BIODIESEL ON EXHAUST EMISSIONS ...........................................................................75 TABLE 59: TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF DIESEL FUEL AND BIODIESELS ..............................................................76 TABLE 60: EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTION/BUSINESS MODELS IN ETHANOL INDUSTRY ....................................77 TABLE 61: AGRONOMIC DATA FOR ALBERTA CROPS COMPARED TO CORN...................................................80 TABLE 62: ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR CROP PRODUCTION ........................................................................82 TABLE 63: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FOR WHEAT, BARLEY AND CORN PRODUCTION ...........................83 TABLE 64: ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR CPS WHEAT WITH AND WITHOUT MANURE.................................83 TABLE 65: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FOR WHEAT AND CORN PRODUCTION ..........................................83 TABLE 66: SUMMARY OF ETHANOL PLANT INPUTS AND OUTPUTS.................................................................85 TABLE 67: SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND OPERATING EXPENSES FOR MODEL PLANTS .................................89 TABLE 68: SIZE AND DESCRIPTION OF MODEL FACILITIES .............................................................................90 TABLE 69: ESTIMATED CAPITAL AND CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT ...........................................................92 TABLE 70: REVENUES FOR MODEL PLANTS ...................................................................................................93 TABLE 71: WHEAT REQUIREMENTS FOR MODEL PLANTS ..............................................................................93 TABLE 72: PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT ..........................................................................................................95 TABLE 73: UTILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR MODEL PLANTS..............................................................................95 TABLE 74: BASELINE VEHICLE FUEL ECONOMY FOR MODELLING USE .......................................................103 TABLE 75: CRUDE OIL SLATE MODELED .....................................................................................................104 TABLE 76: COMPARISON OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM THREE STUDIES.....................................104 TABLE 77: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM SYNTHETIC CRUDE PRODUCTION .....................................105 TABLE 78: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND LOW SULPHUR GASOLINE FOR 2000 ............105 TABLE 79: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND LOW SULPHUR GASOLINE ............................106 TABLE 80: EMISSION FACTORS IMPACTING LAND USE EMISSIONS ..............................................................107 TABLE 81: CO2 EQUIVALENT UPSTREAM EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM AN INTEGRATED CATTLE FEEDING OPERATION ............................................................................................................108 TABLE 82: CO2 EQUIVALENT VEHICLE EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM AN INTEGRATED CATTLE FEEDING OPERATION ............................................................................................................109 TABLE 83: CO2 EQUIVALENT UPSTREAM EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM A CONVENTIONAL DRY MILL ETHANOL PLANT ...............................................................................................................110 TABLE 84: CO2 EQUIVALENT VEHICLE EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM A CONVENTIONAL DRY MILL ETHANOL PLANT ...............................................................................................................111 TABLE 85: CO2 EQUIVALENT UPSTREAM EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM A COMBINED ETHANOL AND GLUTEN OPERATION ...................................................................................................112 TABLE 86: CO2 EQUIVALENT FULL CYCLE EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE AND ETHANOL FROM A COMBINED ETHANOL AND GLUTEN OPERATION ...................................................................................................113 TABLE 87: IMPACT OF MANURE USE AND METHANE CREDIT FROM DG ......................................................113 TABLE 88: IMPACT OF LOWER EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND HYDROCARBONS ON FULL CYCLE EMISSIONS ..............................................................................................................................114 TABLE 89: SUMMARY AND COMPARISON .....................................................................................................115 TABLE 90: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR NATURAL GAS AND GASOLINE .............................................116 TABLE 91: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR PROPANE AND GASOLINE .....................................................117 TABLE 92: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR GASOLINE, DIESEL AND METHANOL FOR 2000 .....................118 iv CHEMINFO TABLE 93: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR A METHANOL FUEL CELL VEHICLE AND GASOLINE. ............118 TABLE 94: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR DIESEL, BIODIESEL FOR 2000 ...............................................120 TABLE 95: CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR DIESEL AND BIODIESEL IN A HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK ..............120 TABLE 96: ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY USED IN CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION ....................................122 TABLE 97: ENERGY CONSUMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL ...............................122 TABLE 98: ENERGY BALANCE FOR INTEGRATED ETHANOL PLANT FEEDLOT COMPARED TO GASOLINE. ....123 TABLE 99: ENERGY BALANCE FOR A CONVENTIONAL DRY MILL ETHANOL PLANT ...................................123 TABLE 100: ENERGY BALANCE FOR GLUTEN AND ETHANOL PLANTS COMPARED TO GASOLINE ................125 TABLE 101: ENERGY BALANCE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................126 TABLE 102: ENERGY CONSUMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF GASOLINE AND COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS. ...127 TABLE 103: ENERGY CONSUMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF GASOLINE AND PROPANE ..................................127 TABLE 104: ENERGY CONSUMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF GASOLINE AND METHANOL ..............................128 TABLE 105: ENERGY CONSUMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF BIODIESEL AND DIESEL FUEL ............................128 TABLE 106: 1995 EMISSIONS FROM GASOLINE VEHICLES IN ALBERTA........................................................130 TABLE 107: CALCULATED 1995 VEHICLE EMISSION RATES ........................................................................131 TABLE 108: COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENT CANADA EMISSION RATES AND RATES CALCULATED BY CALIBRATED DELUCCHI MODEL ........................................................................................................132 TABLE 109: AIR TOXICS EMISSION RATES ...................................................................................................134 TABLE 110: FULL CYCLE EMISSIONS OF INDIVIDUAL GHG AND POLLUTANTS ............................................135 TABLE 111: EPA CONCLUSIONS ON CO EFFECTS FROM THE USE OF OXYGENATED GASOLINE ON LIGHT DUTY GASOLINE POWERED VEHICLES ...............................................................................................137 TABLE 112: EPA CONCLUSIONS ON HC EFFECTS FROM THE USE OF 10% ETHANOL ON LIGHT DUTY GASOLINE POWERED VEHICLES..........................................................................................................138 TABLE 113. COMBINED IMPACT OF 10% ETHANOL WITH ONE PSI HIGHER VAPOUR PRESSURE ON TOTAL HYDROCARBON EMISSIONS. ...............................................................................................................142 TABLE 114: US COMPLEX MODEL RESULTS FOR BASELINE GASOLINE WITH AND WITHOUT 10% ETHANOL ...........................................................................................................................................................143 TABLE 115. PARTICULATE MATTER EMISSIONS FOR TIER 0 AND TIER 1 VEHICLES ....................................143 TABLE 116. FULL CYCLE EMISSIONS OF INDIVIDUAL GASES AND POLLUTANTS ..........................................145 TABLE 117: EMISSION TESTING OF CME/DIESEL BLENDS ...........................................................................146 TABLE 118: SUMMARY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACTS ................................................................................162 TABLE 119: SUMMARY OF AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IMPACTS .....................................................................166 TABLE 120. CHANGES IN GROSS FARM INCOME FROM ETHANOL PRODUCTION IN ALBERTA ......................167 TABLE 121: TOTAL FARM ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ..........................................................................................170 TABLE 122: ETHANOL PLANT EXPENDITURES..............................................................................................171 TABLE 123: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY FROM ETHANOL PRODUCTION ................................................................172 TABLE 124. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY FROM ETHANOL PLANT CONSTRUCTION ................................................172 TABLE 125: SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY FROM ETHANOL PRODUCTION IN ALBERTA .....................176 TABLE 126. CALCULATED EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS ......................................................................................177 TABLE 127: KEY ALBERTA 1999 ECONOMIC DATA .....................................................................................177 TABLE 128: IMPACT OF AN EXPANDED ETHANOL PROGRAM ON GOVERNMENT REVENUES ........................179 TABLE 129: U.S. STATE GOVERNMENT POLICIES SUPPORTING ETHANOL ...................................................181 TABLE 130: PROVINCIAL TAX EXEMPTIONS FOR ETHANOL TRANSPORTATION FUEL ..................................185 TABLE 131: CPPI MEMBER COMPANIES – 1999 ...........................................................................................188 TABLE 132: AMBIENT AIR QUALITY IN EDMONTON AND CALGARY ............................................................190 TABLE 133: CURRENT AND PROPOSED CANADIAN AIR QUALITY STANDARDS ............................................190 TABLE 134: CANADIAN MARKET APPLICATION FOR PROPANE AND BUTANE ..............................................191 TABLE 135: HISTORICAL USES FOR BUTANE AND PROPANE ........................................................................192 TABLE 136: OCTANE RATINGS AND U.S. PRICES FOR SOME OCTANE PRODUCTS .......................................193 TABLE 137: PROJECTED OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL CONSUMPTION FOR ALBERTA AND G/D RATIOS FOR MAJOR PROVINCES .............................................................................................................................194 TABLE 138: APPROXIMATE ALBERTA GASOLINE DELIVERY ECONOMICS ....................................................204 TABLE 139: ESTIMATED ETHANOL DELIVERY COSTS TO RETAIL.................................................................204 v CHEMINFO TABLE 140: WHOLESALER INCENTIVE TO HANDLE, DISTRIBUTE ETHANOL AT DIFFERENT CRUDE OIL AND RELATED GASOLINE RETAIL PRICES ..................................................................................................205 TABLE 141: AVERAGE ETHANOL PROFITS FOR MINNESOTA BETWEEN 1994 AND 1996 .............................206 Table of Figures FIGURE 1: MAJOR COMPONENTS OF ETHANOL BUSINESS SYSTEM .................................................................25 FIGURE 2. GASOLINE PROCESSING IN A MODERN REFINERY ..........................................................................61 FIGURE 3: BIODIESEL PRODUCTION PROCESS.................................................................................................73 FIGURE 4: FULL CYCLE INCLUDING FUEL AND VEHICLE CYCLES ..................................................................98 FIGURE 5: GRAIN TO ETHANOL AND PETROLEUM TO GASOLINE FUEL CYCLES .............................................98 FIGURE 6. CORN PRICE EQUATION ...............................................................................................................169 vi CHEMINFO 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction The Alberta Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has had an “ethanol policy” since 1993. The policy offers a guarantee that the exemption of Provincial fuel tax payable on vehicle fuel will continue for a period of five years after the start-up of an ethanol production plant. The exemption is currently 9 ¢/litre of ethanol sold in the province. The policy is being reviewed in 2000. The Interdepartmental Ethanol Committee has been established to review the need for a new policy and to make recommendations to the Provincial Government of Alberta. The committee consists of representatives from Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Alberta Grain Commission, Alberta Economic Development, Alberta Environment, Alberta Infrastructure, and Alberta Resource Development. This report provides information and analyses on the following elements to assist in the committee’s policy review process: energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions comparison of transportation fuels, on lifecycle basis; environmental emissions comparison of fuels (particulates, ground level ozone, hazardous air pollutants); market and business structure overviews for ethanol and other fuels; production technology and typical ethanol plant economics; socio-economic impacts of expanded ethanol production and use in Alberta; and input for consideration from stakeholders. A lifecycle approach using a Canadianized version of the Delucchi 1 model was applied in this study to analyze the direct and indirect energy and environmental impacts in context of ethanol as an alternative transportation fuel. Alberta ethanol policy-makers face a complex North American policy environment and a dynamic business system. Information and analyses provided in this study lead to conclusions on most of the criteria that policy-makers can weigh in reviewing the current ethanol policy. However, this study was not conducted in the context of any predetermined or desired ethanol policy outcome (favouring or not favouring ethanol tax exemptions or other incentives) with defined objectives. Neither does this study attempt to take on the role of policy-makers by placing weight of importance on any of the elements to be considered in reviewing the ethanol policy. Any inference of such weighting and correspondingly any inference to a preference for any specific ethanol policy are unintentional. This report does not make recommendations on ethanol policy. 1.2 Summary of Conclusions The current market for transportation fuel ethanol in Alberta is less than 1% of the total gasoline market in the province. Most, although not all, Canadian integrated oil refiners and wholesalers currently view ethanol as uneconomical for their businesses. Alberta’s single ethanol producer therefore enjoys the benefits of the provincial tax exemption for only a minor portion of its total ethanol sales. The company exports nearly all its output to the United States. 1 A partial Canadianization of the Delucchi model, which was completed by Delucchi (1998) for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) in March, 1999 was further developed by Levelton and (S&T)2 for NRCan. (S&T)2 has applied this latest Canadianized version as the starting point for this study. It is considered to yield the most rigorous life cycle analysis of both greenhouse and non-greenhouse gases from alternative motor fuels, and has the advantage of incorporating functional capabilities and data for analysis of Canada and Alberta specifically. 1 CHEMINFO Demand for ethanol/gasoline blends for transportation is spread across Canada. There are approximately 1000 retail outlets selling ethanol blends. Canadian consumption is concentrated in Ontario where one major oil refiner/wholesaler blends ethanol with its gasoline. There are other Canadian gasoline suppliers selling ethanol blends in western Canada. Demand in the U.S. has been growing rapidly in context of environmental regulations requiring minimum oxygenate levels in gasoline in regions where ambient air quality standards are not being attained. Ethanol competes mainly with methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) as a gasoline oxygenate additive in the United States. Little MTBE is blended with motor gasoline that is consumed in Canada. MTBE has now been targeted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the State of California for phase-out due to soil and water contamination from underground leaking fuel storage tanks. The EPA is seeking to phase-out MTBE. However, corresponding mandatory minimal oxygenate levels in gasoline may be eliminated. Although the U.S. EPA and Department of Agriculture (DA) have proposed the development of a “Renewable Fuels Standard”, which favours ethanol, the form of this new program (or regulation) has yet to be defined by the U.S. Administration. The market position of ethanol as an environmental tool is therefore uncertain. In California some ethanol will likely be required to meet the gasoline standards. That is, California refiners may not have enough “clean-burning” components to make all of the gasoline (meeting standards) needed for the state without the use of oxygenates. However, there is uncertainty regarding how large the ethanol requirement will be in California as well as other states. Ethanol offers Alberta a renewable fuel source with a positive energy balance, even on a lifecycle basis. That is, more energy is contained in ethanol produced from wheat grown in the province than the total amount of energy inputs required for its production. However, the ratio of total energy output to input is greater for gasoline and some other fuels. 2 CHEMINFO Table 1: Summary of Results and Conclusions of This Study Study Area Market Factors Quantitative or Qualitative Conclusion Current market in western Canada is too small to support 200 million/year production. Potential in U.S. market as a result of MTBE phase-out. Market uncertainty due to legislated oxygenate requirements in US gasoline being eliminated. Uncertain form of new “Renewable Fuels Standard” favouring ethanol. Energy and Environmental Factors (as transportation fuel) Energy Balance Ethanol offers positive energy balance (i.e., output>input) on lifecycle basis. Gasoline offers higher net energy ratio (output/input) versus ethanol (and most transportation fuel alternatives). Criteria Air Contaminants (CAC) Ethanol blended with gasoline offers emission reductions for exhaust carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (VOCs), particulates (PM), sulphur (SOx), with small increases for nitrogen oxides (NOx), and greater increases for aldehyde. Can result in greater evaporative VOC emissions if fuel vapour pressure not adjusted. Urban environmental quality in Alberta meets existing air quality standards, and likely to meet future proposed Canada-Wide Standards for PM and ozone most of the time. Greenhouse gases (GHG) Ethanol is a renewable fuel that yields lower GHG emissions than gasoline, on lifecycle basis. It is premature to determine ethanol's priority as a GHG reduction option in Alberta. Socio-economic Considerations (200 million litre/year more production in Alberta) Employment Net increase in employment between 200 to 700. Economic Development An increase in total economic activity in the province on an ongoing basis of $104 to $132 million/year. One time plant construction impact of $245 to $280 million. Government Revenues Neutral to small increase in total provincial tax revenue. Less fuel tax revenue offset by higher income tax and other government revenues. Stakeholder Input and Additional Considerations Tax Exemptions, Producer Subsidies Fuel tax exemptions and/or investor/producer incentives available in many U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Magnitude of ethanol incentives and duration periods not harmonized across Canadian provinces. Ethanol stakeholders and potential investors prefer longer (8 to 10 years) periods and 3 CHEMINFO Refinery, Transportation Logistics Trade Issues Consumer/Retailer Concerns harmonized incentives. Gasoline suppliers concerned regarding long term support for “uneconomical”, competitor ethanol businesses. Costs to accommodate ethanol are oil refiner/wholesaler-specific. Most do not view ethanol as economical. Some do. Requires co-operation and optimization among interested business parties to make ethanol “work” in fuel system. Subsidized exports vulnerable to countervail trade actions. Requires expert assessment in context of specific policy design and trade implication details. Historical issues resolved, mostly related to moisture. Currently very few consumer and retailer complaints. Since ethanol is derived from renewable biomass, carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) emissions released during combustion are essentially captured during in the grain from which the ethanol was derived. Therefore, ethanol offers potential GHG emission benefits versus non-renewable fuels such as gasoline, even on a lifecycle basis. There are many technologies2 available to reduce GHG emissions from transportation and other sources. Alberta as well as other provinces are engaged with the Federal government in the National Climate Change Process (NCCP) that has the objective of providing recommendations for Ministers of Energy and the Environment to consider in formulating a strategy to address Canada’s Kyoto Protocol commitments. The Kyoto Protocol would require Canada to reduce its GHG emissions between 2008 and 2012 to a level that is 6% less than 1990 emissions. For Alberta Environment's Bureau of Climate Change, involved in identifying climate change solutions for the province, it is premature to determine the priority of ethanol as a technology tool. Ethanol blended at a level of 10% with gasoline provides reduced vehicle emissions for most criteria air contaminants (CAC)3 versus straight gasoline. Ethanol blends offer reduction in exhaust carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (VOCs), particulates (PM), sulphur (SOx), but small increases in nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions and substantial increases in aldehyde emissons. Ethanol can result in greater evaporative VOC emissions if vapour pressure of the fuel is not appropriately adjusted. Adjusting vapour pressure of fuels can present refinery-specific operations or blending issues. Evaporative emissions typically constitute the minor portion of total vehicle emissions. Urban (i.e., Calgary and Edmonton) environmental air quality in Alberta meets existing National Air Quality standards for ground level ozone (resulting from CAC precursors) and is likely to meet future proposed Canada-Wide Standards for PM and ozone most of the time. While ethanol offers environmental benefits, these are not necessarily required to achieve ambient air quality objectives. The potential construction of two 100 million/year ethanol plants in Alberta would have overall positive socio-economic benefits for the province. Beyond one-time construction employment and capital investment of between $245 and $280 million, there would be hundreds of permanent jobs, the exact number depending on plant sizes and business profiles. These potential businesses would generate an The term “technologies” in context of climate change response used in this study includes application of fuels, equipment, process changes, as well as behavioural changes (e.g., driving at speed limit, turning off lights) that can result in reduced GHG emissions. 3 The CACs include particulates (PMTotal, PM10, PM2.5), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and carbon monoxide (CO). 2 4 CHEMINFO additional $104 to $132 million of net economic activity for the province. This estimate includes major positive economic contributions from grain and ethanol producers. It is assumed that the amount of oil production in the province would not be materially affected, in that any crude oil displaced from domestic consumption of ethanol would be exported from the province at international prices. However, ethanol would result in lower economic contributions from oil refiners if they decided to use 200 million/year of ethanol potentially produced in Alberta. The impact on provincial government revenues, in context of a continued provincial tax exemption of 9 ¢/litre for 200 million litres/year of ethanol potentially sold in the province, is essentially neutral. That is, while tax revenues would be lost as a result of the exemption, these are made up through increased income taxes and other government revenue source that would be associated with the ethanol businesses. Fuel tax exemptions and/or producer subsidies are available in many U.S. states to attract ethanol investments. Some of the more attractive, co-ordinated and proactively promoted ethanol incentive programs are in states that grow large amounts of corn, such as Minnesota. In Canada, most of the provinces offer tax exemptions for ethanol made and/or sold within their province. These incentives are additional to the 10 ¢/litre federal government excise tax exemption that is available in all provinces. In general, provincial programs have been primarily motivated by the prospects of regional economic development, with positive environmental (CAC and GHG reductions) contribution viewed as a collateral benefit. The magnitude of ethanol incentives and their duration periods are not harmonized across Canadian provinces (or within the United States) such that potential ethanol investors seek out the most attractive state or provincial programs to support their business and reduce investment risk. Stakeholders favouring ethanol and potential investors in new plants interviewed in this study prefer longer (e.g., 8 to 10 years) periods and harmonized incentive programs across the provinces, if possible. In comparison, some oil refiners and gasoline wholesalers stakeholders have major concerns regarding incentives for ethanol businesses that they believe are not economical and self-supporting over the long term. Although this study covers a broad range of elements that should be considered when reviewing the ethanol policy, its scope is limited. Further analyses that may be required and are excluded from the scope of this study include: assessment of market feasibility for ethanol plant(s); business feasibility and risk assessment for plants in Alberta; oil refinery production and blending impacts in context of using ethanol; ethanol/gasoline blends delivery logistics optimization; comparison of a broad range of alternative economic development opportunities to assist the agricultural and other communities; comparison of ethanol in context of other climate change options for Alberta; and analysis of potential trade actions against ethanol in context of specific policy designs. 5 CHEMINFO 1.3 Ethanol Market Overview The trend toward cleaner, reformulated gasoline in North America has been largely responsible for the burgeoning ethanol industry. Demand for ethanol has increased substantially in recent years for use in ethanol/gasoline blends. Ethanol production capacity in North America has been growing as a result. Most of the existing and new capacity has been installed in the U.S. mid-west corn-producing states where over 90% of the North American capacity is located. Canada’s ethanol capacity is concentrated in south-western Ontario where one major producer relies largely on locally grown corn for raw material. Approximately 95% of producers use corn as the raw material in fermentation processes to produce ethanol. Table 2: North American Supply and Demand Trends for Ethanol4 (billion litres) Capacity Production Domestic Demand: Transport fuels All other uses Total 1990 5.8 4.6 1998 8.6 5.5 2005 9.8 6.7 3.7 1.1 4.8 4.9 1.0 5.9 6.0 1.2 7.2 * Production may not equal demand due to inventory changes and trade. The market for ethanol in the Pacific Northwest (PNW)5 region of North America (including north-western US states and western Canadian provinces and excluding California) constitutes approximately 6% of the North American total. The PNW would represent the primary regional market for any potential new Alberta capacity because of proximity and related transportation costs. The region is a net importer of ethanol, with customers importing from mid-west plants and to a lesser degree from outside North America. While ethanol production capacity in the region is currently not sufficient to support local demand, the potential construction of new, large plants that have been announced or are under consideration for Washington, Montana, Alberta and Oregon could boost capacity to exceed demand in the PNW (not for total North America). Beyond the regional market, proponents of these new ethanol plants have expectations of substantial growth in the California transportation fuel oxygenate market. The growth in the California market is largely contingent on the phase-out of MTBE6 as an oxygenate in transportation fuel and the potential switch to ethanol to meet fuel standards. However, there are other options available to meet gasoline specifications for at least a portion of the State’s gasoline supply. The US EPA’s and the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recent joint announcement on MTBE and ethanol may provide some uncertainty for ethanol investors. On the one hand the phase out of MTBE seems more certain. However, it has come in the context of eliminating the Clean Air Act’s 2% oxygenate requirement in gasoline.7 This may have removed the environmental legislative underpinning of the ethanol 4 Camford Information Services: CPI Product Profiles, Ethanol 1999 and Renewable Fuels Association. PNW includes Washington, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta 6 Methyl tertiary butyl ether 7 U.S. EPA, U.S. DA MARCH 20, 2000, Clinton-Gore Administration Acts To Eliminate MTBE, Boost Ethanol, March 20, 2000 5 6 CHEMINFO as well as other oxygenates market. One implication of this change is that states may use alternative control options to achieve environment standards. These options may or may not include oxygenates for transportation fuels. On the other hand the USDA’s remarks sound positive for ethanol suppliers. That is, “Ethanol will play an important role in ensuring that we maintain the air quality gains we have achieved to date, and the renewable fuels standard will encourage substantial new growth in the use of ethanol and other renewable fuels across the country. That's good news for our farmers, for our energy security, and for the environment." However, the form or nature of this renewable standard is not evident. It may present legal difficulties in context of environmental requirements (considering the elimination of the mandated oxygenate requirement). The standard may indeed have climate change underpinnings, although this is not yet clear. 1.4 Production, Energy, and Environmental Emissions Similar to the existing ethanol producer in Alberta, an expanded industry in Alberta would use wheat as the raw material. The most likely class would be Canadian Prairie Spring (CPS) wheat due to its high yield and lower protein content. Different ethanol production concepts have been used as reference points for analysis in this study, namely: an ethanol plant integrated with a cattle feedlot; a stand alone dry mill ethanol plant; and an ethanol plant gluten operation which could process either CPS wheat or Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheat. The energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the production of CPS wheat are net positive and compare favourably with those from the production of corn in Ontario as shown in the following table. 7 CHEMINFO Table 3. Summary of Energy Requirements and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Grain Production Energy Units Fertilizer Manufacture Pesticide Manufacture Field Operations CPS Wheat CWRS Wheat Barley Corn BTU/56 lbs. 35,681 643 8,754 BTU/56 lbs. 43,723 750 11,671 BTU/56 lbs. 40,360 643 9,482 BTU/56 lbs. 21,360 998 22,894 56,144 50,485 45,252 Grams CO2/ million BTU 8,672 -304 15,709 24,077 87.5 Grams CO2/ million BTU 7,890 -3,123 16,112 20,879 69.9 Grams CO2/ million BTU 8,912 908 6,654 16,474 66.5 Total 45,078 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Units Grams CO2/ million BTU Farming 6,504 Land Use and Cultivation -1,807 Fertilizer Manufacture 12,824 Total 17,521 Total grams CO2/lb grain 65.5 The analyses of energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions have been performed assuming that all chemical fertilizers are used in Alberta. It is known that some manure is used to supply a portion of the nitrogen requirements. No accurate estimation of the quantity of manure used was available thus it was assumed that no manure was used. The use of manure is less energy intensive than chemical sources of nitrogen and thus the energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions calculated are known to be conservative. Ethanol/gasoline blends yield overall reductions in criteria air contaminants as well as variety of hazardous air pollutants, some which are toxic. However, ethanol blends can also result in higher emissions of NOx as well as some hazardous substances such as aldehydes. Estimates of the overall magnitude of these benefits in emission reductions is subject to ongoing improvement and can be regionally as well as seasonally specific. This study provides estimates of the effects of ethanol blends in context of conditions in Alberta. 1.4.1 Lifecycle Analysis for Energy and GHG Emissions A lifecycle analysis is required to assess the net energy used and consumed for ethanol and alternatives. The full cycle concept of analyses considers all inputs into the production and use of a fuel. It combines the fuel production, vehicle manufacture and fuel use in a single analysis. It is also referred to as the fuel cycle by some authors. The ultimate result is a value that can be used for comparison of different commodities on the same basis, such as per unit of fuel energy or per kilometre driven. Greenhouse gas emissions over the full cycle include all significant sources of these emissions from production of the energy source (i.e. crude oil, biomass, natural gas, etc.), through fuel processing, distribution, and onward to combustion in a motor vehicle for motive power. A life cycle analysis should also include greenhouse gas emissions from vehicle material and assembly as these emissions are affected by the choice of alternative fuel/vehicle technology. Wide ranges of emission sources are involved in the production and distribution of fuels, and these vary depending on the type of fuel. 8 CHEMINFO Energy Balance Summary All of the fuels studied have a positive full cycle energy balance. That is, there is more energy contained in the fuel than that required to make the fuel. The table below is a summary of the ratio between energy out and energy in. The higher the number, the more favourable the energy balance. These energy balance ratios are sensitive to the input assumptions. The values do not represent a single refinery or ethanol plant but are representative of the whole industry for existing operations and for typical modern ethanol plants that would be located in Alberta. Table 4. Full Cycle Energy Balances for Transportation Fuels Fuel Gasoline Propane Diesel Methanol Biodiesel Integrated Feedlot-Ethanol Plant Conventional Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Gluten –Ethanol Plant CPS Wheat Feedstock Gluten –Ethanol Plant HRS Wheat Feedstock Energy output/Energy input 4.34 14.8 13.5 1.44 2.85 2.08 2.02 2.60 2.15 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary The greenhouse gases included in the calculations for this report are carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The emissions have been weighted according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines where CO 2 has a weighting factor of 1.0, CH4 is assigned a value of 21.0 and N2O has a weighting factor of 310. These are the 100-year global warming potential (GWP) multipliers recommended by the IPCC. Throughout the report we will report primarily CO 2 equivalent values. This will be the weighted sum of the three greenhouse gases. In some areas this will be further broken down to provide detail on the separate gases. All of the alternative fuels considered produce fewer greenhouse gases on a full cycle basis than gasoline or diesel. The greenhouse gas emission benefits from the biofuels ethanol and biodiesel depend on the renewable carbon credit that comes from burning these fuel and displacing the gasoline that would have otherwise be combusted. Methanol fuel cell vehicles derive their greenhouse gas benefit from the higher vehicle efficiency. Propane and natural gas have lower greenhouse gas emissions due to requiring less energy in their production processes and having a lower carbon content in the fuels. The following table summarizes the greenhouse gas emissions from the alternative fuels other than ethanol. The gasoline, propane, natural gas, and methanol are assumed to be light duty vehicles while the diesel and biodiesel are representative of class 8 heavy duty trucks. Table 5. Summary of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Alternative Fuels Gasoline Propane Natural Gas 9 Methanol Fuel Cell Diesel Biodiesel CHEMINFO Units Grams CO2 eq/mile Vehicle 356.6 Operation Fuel 150.7 production Vehicle 36.8 assembly and materials Total 544.1 Percent change vs. gasoline Grams CO2 eq/mile Grams CO2 eq/mile Grams CO2 eq/mile Grams CO2 eq/mile Grams CO2 eq/mile 327.7 309.7 262.5 1715.4 41.9 48.5 76.0 148.4 556.0 912.8 37.0 37.7 38.9 94.7 98.1 413.2 -24.1% 423.4 -22.2% 449.8 -17.3% 2366.1 1052.8 -55.5% The following table compares ethanol from the various production concepts considered to gasoline. The carbon in the fuel is added to the production emissions so that an equivalent comparison can be made. This table does not consider the impact of higher energy efficiency from the combustion of low level ethanol blends. 10 CHEMINFO Table 6. Summary of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol Units Gasoline Integrated Feedlot-Ethanol Plant Conventional Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Gluten –Ethanol Plant CPS Wheat Feedstock Gluten –Ethanol Plant HRS Wheat Feedstock Greenhouse Gas Emissions including the Carbon in the Fuel Grams CO2 equivalent per million BTU 92,673 50,950 52,498 34,711 Percent Change compared to gasoline 43,740 -52.8% -45.0% -43.4% -62.5% If ethanol is used as a 10% blend with gasoline approximately 6.5% of the energy will be supplied from the ethanol with the remainder from the gasoline. The percent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from a 10% blend need to be kept in perspective with the relative amount of energy supplied by the ethanol. It has been assumed that a 10% ethanol blend achieves 1% better energy specific fuel economy. This assumption is supported by test data available from the literature. Part of the reason for this is more complete combustion of the fuel and lower emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. The change in efficiency is therefore a function of how clean the emissions are from the test vehicles. The data used to support the 1% improvement was developed from vehicles that produce lower exhaust emissions than the Alberta fleet does. It is highly likely that the Alberta fleet will achieve a greater than 1% fuel economy benefit from the more complete combustion that the 10% ethanol blend promotes. There is no test data available on fleets with similar emissions to the Alberta fleet. The following table summarizes the greenhouse gas emissions for 10% ethanol blends with the 1% better fuel economy applied to both the existing Alberta fleet and a fleet with lower exhaust emissions and less unburned fuel. There is a significant difference in the full cycle emissions reductions that this uncertainty introduces. However, even the most conservative assumptions result in greenhouse gas emission benefits. 11 CHEMINFO Table 7. Summary of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 10% Ethanol Blends Ethanol Source Units Vehicle Operation Fuel production Vehicle Assembly and Materials Total % reduction with Alberta fleet emissions % reduction with lower exhaust emissions Gasoline 10% Ethanol Integrated Feedlot 10% Ethanol Dry Mill 10% Ethanol Gluten with CPS wheat 10% Ethanol Gluten with CWRS wheat g CO2 eq/mile g CO2 eq/mile g CO2 eq/mile g CO2 eq/mile g CO2 eq/mile 356.6 357.6 357.6 357.6 357.6 150.7 132.6 133.2 126.9 130.1 36.8 36.8 36.8 36.8 36.8 544.1 527.0 3.1 527.6 3.0 521.3 4.2 524.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 4.6 4.0 1.4.2 Ethanol as a Climate Change Tool All provinces and the federal government are actively engaged in the National Climate Change Process (NCCP) that is developing a strategy to address Canada’s Kyoto Protocol commitment for a 6% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the period 2008 to 2012, versus 1990. Alberta has taken proactive steps in establishing the Bureau of Climate Change (within Alberta Environment) as well as Climate Change Central, which is made up of representatives from the Alberta government, industry and other stakeholders. These groups will identify GHG emission reduction opportunities and recommend measures to address Alberta’s future obligations. One Alberta Environment representative on the Bureau indicated that it was premature to determine the role of ethanol, in relation to other alternative fuels, in addressing GHG emission from transportation within the province's overall climate change strategy, at this time. Technologies that reduce GHG emissions would likely have positive collateral environmental effects for CAC emissions. The context of this study does not include the influence of potential application of many possible technologies to achieve GHG emission reductions (and associated energy consumption). 1.4.3 Criteria Air Contaminant, Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions The emissions of criteria air contaminants from vehicles in Alberta for 1995 (as reported by Environment Canada8) are relatively high due to the age of the Alberta fleet, the high altitude and the cold weather. These emissions are expected to decline over time as a result of: an increase in the rate of vehicle turnover 8 Environment Canada, 1995 Criteria Air Contaminant Emissions for Canada, Jan. 1999. Data sheet only. 12 CHEMINFO (with more efficient and lower emitting vehicles replacing older vehicles); new Environment Canada Lower Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations9; and improving environmental standards for vehicles. Table 8. Summary of the Environmental Impacts of a 10% Ethanol Blend Parameter CO VOC PM CACs NOx Carbon Monoxide Exhaust Hydrocarbons Particulate Emissions Full cycle ozone forming potential Oxides of Nitrogen Total Air Toxics10 Aldehyde emissions Evaporative Emissions with Matched RVP Evaporative Emissions with Higher RVP VOC VOC Percent Change -12.3% -15% -35% -10% +5% -3.8% +150% 0% 0 to 100% depending on season The use of ethanol as a blending component of gasoline will lower the emissions of carbon monoxide and exhaust hydrocarbons (including some hazardous and toxic organic air pollutants). There will be small increases in exhaust nitrogen oxides, substantial icnreases aldehyde emissions, as well as evaporative hydrocarbon emissions if the vapour pressure of the gasoline is not adjusted. The increase in aldehyde emissions is not expected to cause increased ambient air quality problems, as secondary aldehyde formation in the atmosphere is larger than the primary emissions. Calculations of the full cycle ozone forming potential of 10% ethanol blends when the vapour pressure is adjusted show a 10% reduction compared to gasoline. A summary of the environmental impacts of 10% ethanol blend is shown in the above table. Evaporative emissions of VOCs will be higher if the vapour pressure of the gasoline is not adjusted. Currently, ethanol does not represent a priority environmental air quality management tool to address particulate and ground level ozone (smog) levels for Alberta Environment or Environment Canada. One issue is the degree of environmental air quality improvement required in Alberta. While 10% ethanol blends can provide some environmental improvements, these may be not be required to meet current environmental standards, or these standards may be achieved in alternative ways in Alberta. Alberta’s urban centres such as Calgary and Edmonton are generally meeting current National Air Quality Objectives, as reflected by the Air Quality Index. This does not mean that ethanol would not be environmentally favoured if used in gasoline blends since improvements in air quality would be expected, even though general objectives are being met most of the time. Ethanol blends would improve air quality for some contaminants (e.g., carbon monoxide), but may not improve with respect to some other contaminants (i.e., NOx, aldehydes). Table 9: Ambient Air Quality in Edmonton and Calgary (percentage of time achieved during year) 9 Environment Canada, Lower levels of sulphur in gasoline will result in cleaner air for all Canadians, Press Release, June 7, 1999. 10 The use of the term “toxics” in this report relates to a variety of hazardous air pollutants. These pollutants have not necessarily been declared “Toxic” under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). 13 CHEMINFO Air Quality Index Good Edmonton 1998 1999 93.58% 98.63% Calgary 1998 1999% 99.49% 99.78% (Lower than 50% of standard) Fair 6.3% 1.37% 0.51% 0.22% 0.06 0% 0% 0% (Between 50 and 100% of standard) Poor (Exceeds standard) Source: Alberta Environment The province is also expected to be able to meet the new proposed Canada-Wide Standards (CWS) for particulate and ozone concentrations that are due to come into effect in 2010 and 2015, respectively. The new proposed CWS standard for ozone of 65 part-per-billion–8 hour period is essentially equivalent to the current National Objective of 82 ppb-1 hour standard that is being achieved most of the time. 11 11 Personal conversation with Long Fu, Alberta Environment, Environmental Sciences 14 CHEMINFO 1.5 Comparison of Fuel Alternatives Ethanol can be considered both as an alternative fuel and as a gasoline blending component. As a gasoline component it competes with hydrocarbons such as alkylates, olefins, aromatics and with other oxygenates such as MTBE. Each component has its own unique attributes and each can have an impact on the exhaust emissions that a vehicle produces. A summary of the attributes and impact on exhaust emissions is shown in the following table. In this table ethanol is considered in context of a low level blend and not as a high level fuel or a diesel fuel component. Ethanol is the only component in this table made from a renewable resource. Ethanol MTBE ETBE Alkylate Aromatics Olefins 115 110 112 92.6 ~110 ~90 18.0 9.0 4.0 3.0 ~3 ~7 52.2 70.5 68.1 84 90.0 85.7 34.4 18.2 15.7 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 + - Impact on NOx Emissions Impact on HC Emissions* Impact on CO Emissions Impact on Fuel Economy Oxygen Content, wt% Carbon Content, Wt % Blending Vapour Pressure, psi Blending Octane R+M/2 Table 10: Summary of Key Properties of Gasoline Blending Components + 0 to + 0 to + 0 + + - DENOTES A DECREASE, + IS AN INCREASE. * Assumes vapour pressure adjustments to gasoline. HC emissions may increase if VP is not adjusted. Methanol is not being widely used as a fuel for internal combustion engines in North America, currently. It is being tested in blends with diesel fuel in Europe and South America. It is a leading candidate for the fuel in fuel cell vehicle engines. Biodiesel is made from animal or vegetable oils. It can be used as a blending component for diesel or as fuel on its own. Blends of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel can be used in unmodified engines. 100% biodiesel may require some engine optimization to maximize the benefits of the fuel. Biodiesel neat or as a blend generally reduces exhaust emissions from diesel engines, it has good lubricity properties but it has poor cold weather properties and would need to be treated with additives to perform adequately in Canadian winters. Propane and natural gas are gaseous fuels that have been used for many years in Canada. Most of the vehicles on the road today have been aftermarket conversions. The rate of conversions has dropped in recent years but an increasing number of natural gas and propane powered vehicles are being offered by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). These vehicles generally have very low exhaust emissions. 1.6 Ethanol Plant Economics 15 CHEMINFO Cost models are useful for providing approximate estimates of capital costs, employment, revenues, operating expenses, income taxes and profits associated with different sized plants with alternative business profiles. Microeconomic parameters are estimated based on the assumption of construction of “greenfield” facilities and the following profiles. These models are used in subsequent socio-economic analysis. Table 11: Size and Description of Model Facilities Model Ethanol Capacity Plant Profile (million litres/year) A 25 B 100 C 100 D 100 Dry mill CPS wheat with adjacent cattle feedlot. No drying of wet grains Dry milling with DDG for sale. CPS wheat. Gluten Production with ethanol by-product. CPS wheat. Gluten Production with ethanol by-product. HRS wheat. Ethanol plant revenues and profits are dependent on many factors, including: size of plant; configuration and co-products (or by-products) made; and the price of raw material – in this case wheat; and co-product revenues. For smaller plants the ability to sell ethanol (at above gasoline producers’ value – i.e., around 40 cents per litre) as well as animal feed to regional customers are important factors for profitable operations. Without tax incentives directly influencing ethanol prices, some plants cannot be profitable. Given wheat raw material price at $100 per tonne, and co-product DDG animal feed price at $160 per tonne, the breakeven ethanol price for a 100 million litre per year facility is approximately 28 cents per litre (includes additional simplifying assumptions for financing, etc.). For larger ethanol plants co-producing wheat gluten, the ability to actually sell the gluten (at required prices) is a necessary component of the profitability shown in model plant economics. Under actual business conditions, market barriers in the wheat gluten market may affect the ability to achieve the revenues and profits assumed for these model plants. Table 12: Summary of Revenues and Operating Expenses for Model Plants Dry mill CPS wheat, with feedlot, no drying Ethanol capacity (million litre/yr) ($ million) Revenue (ethanol only) (at 40 cents/litre) Dry mill CPS, Gluten/Ethanol Gluten/Ethanol with DDG CPS HRS Model A 25 Model B 100 Model 3 100 Model 4 100 $10.0 $40.0 $40.0 $40.0 16 CHEMINFO Net raw material cost $3.0 $11.8 $(36.1) $(46.4) Energy (electricity, natural gas) Labour Maintenance & overheads $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $4.3 $1.0 $4.2 $9.2 $2.8 $6.8 $9.4 $2.8 $6.8 Total expenses Interest on debt $5.9 $1.4 $22.3 $4.7 $(17.3) $7.7 $(27.4) $7.7 Income before income tax Income tax rate* Income tax payable $2.7 38% $1.0 $12.9 38% $4.9 $49.6 38% $18.8 $59.7 38% $22.7 Net income Return on Investment $1.7 9% $8.0 11% $30.7 27% $37.0 32% (credits applied for by-products – feed and/or gluten) (assumed 25:75 debt to equity, 9% interest changes) (Annual net income divided by total capital employed *) * Excludes capital cost allowances (CCA), which would result in reduced income taxes, and greater returns on investment. 1.7 Summary of Socio-Economic Studies Twenty socio-economic studies of ethanol were identified and reviewed. The studies covered the United States, Canada and Brazil. The studies had different scopes and used a variety of approaches and methodologies such that a variety of conclusions were reached. Most studies were related to ethanol from corn and carried out for areas of the United States while a few were undertaken for Canada. Most of the analyses concluded that the extra demand for feed grains (mostly corn) had some upward impact on feed grain prices. The amount of the increase varies year by year due to changes in the overall supply-demand balance. The studies that considered the whole US market have price increases for corn of 20 to 45 cents per bushel due to the demand created by ethanol production. Due to the interdependent nature of North American feed grain markets Canadian producers have also received some benefit from this extra demand. Most of the studies reported an increase in the number of jobs due to the production of ethanol. These jobs are weighted towards the rural sector of the economy but indirect benefits accrue to all sectors of the economy. Most of the studies also report an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) related to the demand for grain and the production of ethanol. However, these results are mostly in regions that have large rural populations, and lack an oil refining industry. The studies are not consistent in their determination of overall costs and benefits to the economy. As a result the conclusions of the reports vary with respect to the costs and benefits of ethanol development and use. Some conclude that the costs to governments and society outweigh the benefits and others reach the opposite conclusion. That is, the benefits are greater than the costs and that government expenditures drop as a result of ethanol fuel tax exemptions. Some studies are also internally inconsistent in how they treat issues such as ethanol’s lower energy content. They calculate the lost government revenue from the ethanol 17 CHEMINFO portion of fuels but do not include the extra fuel tax revenue from the extra gasoline sales caused by the lower fuel economy. 1.8 Potential Socio-Economic Impacts for Alberta This study’s analysis of potential socio-economic impacts related to ethanol production in Alberta has attempted to be: consistent with the treatment of costs and benefits in other studies; consistent in assumptions with respect to GHG modelling; and to be as complete as possible (although the scope of socio-economic impacts analysis is limited). The reference for the analysis was the assumption that 200 million litres per year of ethanol would be produced and used in Alberta. Although the analysis reflects potential increased ethanol usage in Alberta, it does not mean to imply any mandatory requirement for oil refiners, wholesalers, retailers or consumers to adopt ethanol. The analysis estimates the economic implications if these entities were to voluntarily adopt ethanol. Negative economic consequences identified in this study for some of these entities may relate to the lack of a large ethanol fuel market in Alberta. Economic analysis is not an exact science. In the review of the literature on socio-economic impact of ethanol production different economists have taken different approaches to the subject. One approach was used for this study. It is similar to the approach taken by some of the more detailed studies found in the literature. Two production scenarios were examined. In one scenario the ethanol was produced in two large dry mill ethanol plants, while in the other production was at eight smaller facilities that were integrated with cattle feedlots. The costs, benefits, employment impacts, government revenue impacts were calculated for each scenario. The results are summarized in the following table. Table 13: Summary of Socio-economic Impacts Assumptions Size of plant (million litres/year) Number of proposed plants Total ethanol production (million litres per year) Economic Impacts Grain Producers Ethanol Manufacturers Government Expenditures Consumer Spending Oil Producers Oil Refiners and Marketers Net Annual Impacts Plant Construction Impact (one time) Small Scale Plant Integrated to Cattle Feeding 25 8 200 Large Dry Milling plant ($ million) ($ million) 78.9 108.8 -18.0 -33.9 0 -3.3 132.5 280 29.1 129.7 -18.0 -33.9 0 -3.3 103.6 245 -13.77 9.31 7.65 3.2 -13.77 7.66 6.29 0.18 100 2 200 Impacts on Provincial Revenues Provincial Tax Exemption Provincial Income Tax Other taxes and revenue Net Annual Impact 18 CHEMINFO Related to Plant Construction Impact (one time) 29.4 25.7 Employment Impacts 875 323 Ethanol plant employment, direct and indirect 414 492 Other sectors -600 -600 Net Impact 689 215 There is an estimated increase in total economic activity under both ethanol production scenarios and an increase in net employment across the whole economy. The impact on provincial government revenue is estimated to be essentially neutral with tax exemptions for ethanol fuel offset by increases in income taxes and other government taxes and fees. Farm employment, direct and indirect 1.9 Stakeholder Policy Input and Additional Considerations This section summarizes stakeholder input and related analysis of additional policy considerations. 12 Stakeholders provided written submissions and verbal input, 13 which the Committee should consider in its review of the ethanol policy. There was a diverse set of perceptions surrounding ethanol among the stakeholders contacted. Therefore, for most issues identified by stakeholders, the consultant conducted follow-up research and analysis to clarify input and provide additional context to benefit the committee. However, the depth of analysis may be limited in some areas, since the number of issues and divergence of stakeholder input was in some cases substantial and could not be resolved in the context of this study. To address and resolve some technical, economic and other issues identified by stakeholders further focused and detailed analysis, well beyond the scope, purpose and resources available for this study may be required. Areas where further research could be conducted have been identified. Input was received from the following stakeholder groups: The Canadian Petroleum Producers Institute (CPPI) representing most Canadian oil refiners and some marketers; ethanol producers; gasoline wholesalers/retailers; farm co-operatives; Alberta Environment; Saskatchewan Wheat Pool; Alberta Economic Development; and some related Associations and other government departments. 1.9.1 Environment Considerations Although not unanimous, the general consensus among stakeholders interviewed for this project was that ethanol provides overall environmental benefits. The CPPI points out that there are both positive and negative aspects ethanol as a transportation fuel as it relates to VOC, NOx, CO, PM, SOx (the criteria air contaminants or CAC), greenhouse gases and toxics emissions. However, there exists conflicting information and perceptions even among CPPI members as well as other stakeholders interviewed in this study with respect to the magnitude and accuracy of environmental advantages of ethanol. One Alberta Environment representative on the Bureau of Climate Change indicated that it was premature to determine the role of ethanol, in relation to other alternative fuels and other options, in addressing GHG emissions from transportation within the province's overall climate change strategy, at this time. Although, ethanol does yield overall reductions in criteria air contaminants (CAC) and GHG emissions, there are other options to be evaluated for achieving environmental results. One consideration is the degree of air quality improvement required in Alberta. Urban centres such as Calgary and Edmonton are generally meeting current National Air Quality Objectives, as reflected by the Air Quality Index. This does not mean that ethanol would not be environmentally favoured if used in gasoline blends since improvements in air quality would be expected, even though general objectives are being met most of the time. Ethanol blends would 12 13 Additional to any environment, energy and socio-economic factors covered in previous sections. Telephone interviews conducted for this study. 19 CHEMINFO improve air quality for some contaminants (e.g., carbon monoxide), but may not improve with respect to some other contaminants (i.e., NOx, aldehydes). 1.9.2 Refinery, Wholesaler, Retailer Considerations There are technical and related economic considerations associated with any potential changes involving blending ethanol with gasoline. These considerations embrace the complete fuel production and delivery system, including oil refinery, blending, transportation, storage and retail operations. In general, the technical issues and magnitude of costs or potential benefits associated with incorporating ethanol into gasoline are company specific. Oil refiners, wholesalers and retailers that are not using ethanol have technical and economic concerns. Refiners, wholesalers and retailers that are using ethanol have overcome the technical and economic hurdles. The study provides input from both types of stakeholders. However, it is beyond the scope of this study to undertake any company-specific analysis of the merits or drawbacks of ethanol. 1.9.3 Incentives and Ethanol Plant Financing Incentives or subsidies for ethanol are prevalent and are likely to be continued in most jurisdictions interested in attracting ethanol investments and creating value-added business in agricultural communities. Ethanol investors are seeking the most preferable locations for new facilities. Criteria used to identify these locations include the magnitude of incentives or subsidies that are available. Governments interested in attracting such investments need to have competitive inducements versus governments in other jurisdictions. The ethanol “industry” in Alberta and Canada is relatively small in comparison to the US ethanol industry and in comparison to the oil refining and gasoline industries. Although a new plant was built in Alberta during the last decade, the size of the provincial industry has not substantially increased relative to the North American total. Given the small size of the industry and incentives available to producers in other jurisdictions, Alberta producers would likely require similar support to remain competitive. Whether incentives or subsidies would be required given a much large industry with competitive scale and scope requires detailed and focused feasibility analysis. Stakeholders interviewed in this project who were interested in ethanol stated that the duration of any incentive would need to be long enough to cover financing periods and providing time for accruing returns to any investments. This would reduce the risks associated with making an ethanol investment in Alberta. That period was identified as between 8 to 10 years, or more. 1.9.4 Economic and Trade Considerations Oil refiners and gasoline wholesalers interviewed for this study indicated that, at a minimum, ethanol needs to be competitive with the rack price of gasoline. Some stakeholders pointed out that it may even need to be lower than the rack price of gasoline to overcome any additional handling, transportation, storage and retailing costs. The rack price of gasoline can be considered to represent the full cost (including returns on equity) of making gasoline. It is also an indication of the value at which refiners are willing to sell gasoline to wholesalers/retailers or purchase gasoline from other refiners to meet their market requirements. Some oil refiners and gasoline wholesalers have concerns about the long-term viability of ethanol, as well as their own business risks (in the context of losing ethanol supply if they had made a commitment to blend, wholesale and retail ethanol). The scope of this report does not include a business feasibility analysis for ethanol production in Alberta, which would address Alberta-specific business viability, risks, and 20 CHEMINFO opportunities. This study provides limited anecdotal information and results of other studies that considered risks and opportunities14. For new ethanol plants in Alberta or elsewhere in North America, the risks associated with relying solely on environmentally driven markets and supporting legislation for business success over a long period of time are evident. One case in point is Alberta’s MTBE plant which is heavily reliant on mandated demand for oxygenates in gasoline in the United States. The prospects of phasing out MTBE have resulted in uncertainty for the Edmonton producer. Similarly, methanol production which feeds MTBE plants across North America is vulnerable. The business risks for any potential Canadian ethanol production destined for U.S. markets may be high. If the yet-to-be-defined “renewable fuels standard” is oriented toward “promoting” agriculture businesses and assisting farmers, or is a climate change response (i.e., using “renewable” resources) for the United States (and not linked to any mandated renewable or oxygenate level for gasoline to address ambient air quality environment standards), then ethanol made in Canada may not fit the U.S. policy framework and its objectives. If in “promoting” the development of ethanol, the US government provides increased levels of financial assistance to domestic ethanol producers, it would make it more difficult for Canadian exports to compete. In addition, if the US is developing ethanol to support farmers or address climate change, subsidized ethanol produced in Canada may be more prone to countervailing trade actions under these circumstances. 14 State of Minnesota, Office of the Legislative Auditor, Ethanol Programs: A Program Evaluation Report, Report #97-04, Feb., 1997. 21 CHEMINFO 2. Introduction 2.1 Background The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has had an “ethanol policy” since 1993. The policy offers a guarantee that the exemption of the Provincial fuel tax payable on vehicle fuel will continue for a period of five years after the start-up of an ethanol plant. Currently the exemption is 9 ¢/litre of ethanol. The policy will be reviewed in 2000. The Interdepartmental Ethanol Committee has been established to review the need for a new policy and to make recommendations to the Provincial Government of Alberta. The committee consists of representatives from: Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development; Alberta Grain Commission; Alberta Economic Development; Alberta Environment; Alberta Infrastructure; and Alberta Resource Development. The committee requires up-to-date information and analysis on a variety of issues that are applicable to the Alberta situation where ethanol would be manufactured from cereal grains other than corn. It is recognized that a successful ethanol industry requires that the production and use of ethanol have positive net energy balance implications, environmental benefits, favourable economical and social benefits for Alberta as a whole. A delineation of the energy, environmental and major socio-economic impacts is necessary input into the committee’s deliberations. Developing a comprehensive understanding of these elements is complex and requires a holistic analysis of the impacts that additional ethanol produced and consumed in Alberta could have. This analysis includes a lifecycle approach to understand the direct as well as many indirect advantages and disadvantages that ethanol offers as a transportation fuel alternative. The report also provides information on ethanol markets, wheat gluten markets, plant capital costs, revenues and operating expenses. There are a variety of ethanol stakeholders within Alberta and outside of the province that have interest in the committee’s policy decisions. These stakeholders include: grain growers, ethanol producers, oil & gas and petroleum producers, suppliers of alternative fuels, octane and oxygenate producers, fuel distributors and retailers, environmental groups, and governments. This study provides analysis related to most of these and other possible stakeholders of Alberta’s ethanol policy options. However for some issues, the analysis may not be to the level of detail or accuracy required by some stakeholders. Areas where further analysis may be required in addressing some stakeholders’ interests have been identified. 22 CHEMINFO 2.2 Overview of Research Methodology The methodology applied in this study involved: gathering and reviewing literature; obtaining energy and environment data from industry and government sources; internet searches; computer modelling (assumptions and details described in relevant sections below); and obtaining information and input from telephone interviews of ethanol industry and government stakeholders. Methodological details are described in each section. 23 CHEMINFO 3. Ethanol Business System 3.1 Overall Ethanol Industry Structure The ethanol fuel business system is complex and involves key linkages to the grain growing segment of the agriculture sector, the livestock feed business, the vehicle fuels market, as well as connections to the food processing and transportation sectors. In addition, the business system features government involvement, the degree of which varies by jurisdictions, as well as influence by stakeholders concerned about the environment. The North American ethanol industry is also quite dynamic such that traditional relationships between business entities have been evolving. In some market areas, the traditional supplier-customer and competitive boundaries have changed and blurred. For example, in Minnesota, corn growers have formed co-operatives that own ethanol plants. In Ontario, the major ethanol producer has a supply arrangement, rather than a competitive relationship, with a major oil refiner/gasoline retailer. 3.2 Government Influences Federal, state/provincial and municipal governments influence the ethanol business system in different ways and to varying degrees through the value-adding chain. In some U.S. states, there are substantial incentives to entice ethanol producers to invest in new plants within their states. In other states and Canadian provinces, the incentives are aimed more directly at fuel wholesalers/retailers to increase their purchases of ethanol for environmental reasons as well as to support the agriculture community. In many jurisdictions, there are no policies favouring ethanol production or ethanol use for transportation fuel. This variation in policy orientation in part relates to the influence that stakeholders may exert with regional elected government representatives, who in turn influence ethanol policies. For example, in the mid-west United States, corn growers and ethanol producers are important stakeholders in the regional economy that can influence favourable state government policies for ethanol. 24 CHEMINFO Figure 1: Major Components of Ethanol Business System Transportation Sector (Rail, Trucks, Passenger Vehicles) Livestock Producers (Agriculture) Food Wholesalers Food Processors Food Retailers Public Consumers Corn, Wheat Growers (Agriculture) Fuel Ethanol Producers Transportation Fuel (gasoline) Wholesalers Transportation Retailers Fuel Retailers Oil Refiners/ Gasoline Producers Other Transportation Fuel Producers Oil Explorers Developers Governments (Municipal, Provincial, Federal, Agencies) Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, Transportation, Business Development/Industry, Trade, Health, Finance) 25 CHEMINFO Government influences are significantly different between countries, states/provinces and specific economic regions. In addition, government influence has occurred for different reasons. Whereas the Brazilian government has strongly influenced ethanol production as a means to reduce its dependence on imported oil, many countries have no similar explicit ethanol policies. Environmental factors regarding ground level ozone (smog) have influenced the market for oxygenates and government policies toward ethanol specifically. In the United States, favourable state policies to promote the establishment of ethanol plants have been implemented mostly in states where there has been a strong corn growing agricultural community. Although, environmental benefits have played a role, regional economic development and diversification in agriculture communities have been collateral objectives. Minnesota, North Dakota, Missouri and Montana are among the U.S. States that have some of the most favourable ethanol policies. Apart from policies aimed at ethanol production and transportation fuel use, government policies also influence other components of the ethanol business system. Some of the government influences within the business system relate to: transportation fuel taxes; incentives for oil and gas exploration and development; agriculture business development and diversification incentives; and environment (e.g., smog, climate change, hazardous and toxics substances). Transportation fuel taxes are an important source of federal, and state/provincial revenues that in many jurisdictions they are used to support the transportation infrastructure (new roads, bridges, road maintenance, etc.). These taxes are relatively high in comparison to the total cost or wholesale price of transportation fuels. However in general, North American taxes are lower than in most European countries, which are more heavily dependent on imported supplies of crude oil. Governments can use transportation fuel taxes to influence conservation, improve crude oil and petroleum product trade balances, as well as achieve environmental objectives. 3.2.1 Agriculture There are a large number of government programs in many jurisdictions that are oriented toward improving the economic conditions of agriculture communities as well as fostering economic diversification. These programs can take the form of farm income stabilization, transportation subsidies, enhanced capital depreciation, investment and production subsidies, loan programs and other mechanisms. In some jurisdictions, ethanol policies have been aimed at enhancing grain grower economics as well as achieving economic diversification through ethanol production. The design of the ethanol incentive policy can determine the nature of ethanol development. For example, the ethanol policy in Minnesota features producer incentives for ethanol production less than 56 million litres per year. In part, this has encouraged the development of relatively small ethanol plants in the state. Corn is supplied by growers whose ownership of the ethanol business is tied the bushels of corn delivered as raw material to the facility. 3.2.2 Oil and Gas Governments also provide financial incentives for oil and gas exploration, development and research. These incentives have the general objective of increasing the supply of crude oil and natural gas, thereby improving trade balances and ultimately lowering prices for fuel consumers. Alberta’s oil and gas industry is influenced by a relatively complex royalty regime that in part reduces business risk due to unanticipated commodity prices. Allowances and incentives are in place to encourage production of oil and gas that is more expensive to develop and produce. For example, the Enhanced Recovery of Oil Royalty Reduction 26 CHEMINFO Regulation provides for the Crown sharing in the incremental costs of tertiary production.15 Federal government also offers accelerated capital cost allowances (CCA) for exploration and development. There are also programs to encourage and enhance the development of Alberta’s oil sands. 3.2.3 Environmental Influence Environmental factors have had and are likely to continue to have a strong influence on the ethanol business system. Policies addressing smog have favoured the use of oxygenates. The U.S. EPA and state government environmental departments have set minimum oxygenate levels for gasoline in areas where ambient air quality standards are not being attained. The result has been that ethanol, along with other oxygenates such as MTBE have been increasingly adopted for gasoline blending. Some jurisdictions have extended gasoline oxygenate requirements in regions or during seasons where ambient air standards are being satisfied. Environmental-related climate change policies enhance the prospects for ethanol, since the fuel is derived from renewable sources and on a lifecycle basis offers lower greenhouse gas emissions versus nonrenewable fossil fuels. However, climate change policies have yet to take hold, such that their influence on the ethanol fuel business system are minor to date. Climate change policy in Canada is currently under development. The potential impacts on ethanol may be positive (e.g., induce greater usage of renewable transportation fuels) or negative (e.g., induce improved automobile efficiency or fuels other than ethanol). The Transportation Table of Canada’s National Climate Change Process (NCCP) identified ethanol (10% and 85% blends in gasoline) as one of a large number of possible GHG-emission reduction alternatives. Ethanol was not identified as one of the Transportation Table’s “Most Promising” options, although it was classified as a “Promising” option. Most promising options include technology solutions or behaviours (e.g., not driving in excess of the speed limit) that are: cost-effective (generally have positive benefits or cost less than 10 $/tonne CO2 reduced); easy to implement; do not involve significant resource sectors; and they may require additional analysis and design. Promising measures have potential for various levels of GHG reductions at low to modest cost, or which are included to complement other measures in the package. They may need some additional analysis or development. The Transportation Table also identified many Less Promising Measures and Unlikely Measures, the definitions and descriptions of which are contained in the Transportation Climate Change Table’s options paper16. In Alberta, ambient air quality is in compliance with existing National Air Quality ozone standards most of the time, such that oxygenates for gasoline are not currently necessary to meet standards. New proposed Canada-Wide Standards (CWS) for ground level ozone and particulate matter (PM) may require further reduction of criteria air contaminants (CAC) emissions, a portion of which come from transportation fuel combustion. 3.3 Alberta’s Unique Economic Context Alberta is somewhat unique versus other provinces in Canada and U.S. states in that it contains representation from most of the entities in the ethanol business system. That is, there is a strong agricultural industry, which includes grain growing as well as beef cattle production. Similarly, Alberta has by far the most oil and gas production in Canada and close to one third of the national oil refining capacity. Furthermore, a portion of its petrochemical capacity is dedicated to production of oxygenates, namely 15 Alberta Resource Development, Oil and Gas Fiscal Regimes of the Western Canadian Provinces and Territories, Royalty and Tenure Branch, June 1999. 16 Transportation Climate Change Table, Transportation and Climate Change: Options for Action: Options Paper for the Transportation Climate Change Table, National Climate Change Secretariat, November 1999 27 CHEMINFO MTBE and methanol. Alberta also has one ethanol producer. With production quantities of grain, cattle, oil and gas, ethanol, petrochemicals and refined petroleum products well in excess of its own industrial and population needs, Alberta is heavily dependent on export markets. A feature of the Alberta’s economy is that it lacks the manufacturing breadth and diversity of Ontario or Quebec economies. 28 CHEMINFO Table 14: Economic Data for Alberta and Comparison to Canada Alberta 1990 2.6 0.9 Population (million) Households (thousands) Canada 1997 2.8 1.0 1997 30.3 11.6 Alberta Portion 1997 9% 9% 62 77 570 14% Total GDP ($1986 Billions) Total Agriculture GDP 2.2 2.6 11.8 22% Total Industrial GDP 20.5 28.1 164.8 17% Value of Output: ($1986 Millions) Oil & Gas Production, Other Mining 22.0 30.2 48.9 62% Construction 10.4 11.8 74.2 16% Agriculture17 7.2 8.3 34.0 24% Petroleum Refining 4.8 6.2 18.2 34% Petrochemicals and Other Chemicals 2.6 4.0 9.3 43% Pulp & Paper 1.0 1.9 26.0 7% Forestry 0.3 0.6 7.6 8% Smelting & Refining 03 0.4 10.5 3% Iron & Steel 0.1 0.2 9.7 2% Cement 0.1 0.2 0.7 22% Other Manufacturing 9.9 15.1 272.0 6% Sources: Natural Resources Canada, Industry Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada 3.3.1 Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining Alberta’s oil & gas production and oil refining sectors are large and important contributors to the province’s economy. The value of economic output for the oil & gas industry is sensitive to international prices for crude oil and the North American price for natural gas, which have both recently been subject to significant price fluctuations. Production of conventional crude oil is more mature than the development of synthetic oil from tar sands, which is expected to grow in the near term with substantial new investments for increased capacity. 17 Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Economic Overview of Farm Incomes, 1996. 1996 data used for 1997 column. 1990 estimated. 29 CHEMINFO Table 15: Oil Production in Alberta (thousands barrels per day) Oil Type Conventional* Synthetic Heavy Oil: Conventional Heavy Oil: In-Situ and Bitumen Pentanes 1990 738 208 174 135 110 1997 647 289 267 236 182 Total Oil From Alberta 1,366 *Conventional includes enhanced oil recovery. Source: Natural Resources Canada 1,622 The natural gas production sector in Alberta is also quite important in that it not only provides heating fuel for domestic and export markets, it also provides most of the raw materials for the province’s petrochemical industry, namely methane, ethane and butane. The province’s petrochemical industry expanded rapidly during the 1980s and 1990s. This assisted in diversifying the Alberta’s economy, and contributed to large export sales and employment. The petrochemical industry continues to grow with construction of major new plants underway (see Petrochemicals below). Table 16: Alberta’s Oil & Gas Energy Production and Consumption Production 1997 (Petajoule) 3,660 4,307 Oil Production Natural Gas Production Total Oil and Gas Alberta Consumption Refined Petroleum Products Natural Gas Liquid petroleum gases (LPGs) 7,967 Total oil and gas products demand 1,271 Alberta’s consumption as portion of production Source: Natural Resources Canada 16% 466 607 197 Alberta’s oil & gas production and oil refining sectors are largely dependent on export markets. Total oil refining capacity is close to 415,000 barrels per day while oil production is close to 1,600,000 barrels per day. Alberta’s oil refineries largely supply the western Canadian markets for refined petroleum products. These include motor gasoline, diesel, heat oils and asphalt. Alberta consumes approximately 16% of the energy contained in the total oil and gas the province produces. Most of its oil and gas production is exported, along with a portion of its motor gasoline, diesel and other refined petroleum products. 30 CHEMINFO Some oil producers operating in Alberta are vertically integrated to oil refining, as well as wholesale and retail fuels marketing. Integrated oil producers that have refineries are: Imperial Oil; Shell Canada; and Petro-Canada. Husky in Lloydminster, AB upgrades raw material provided from the adjacent heavy oil upgrader located across the border in Saskatchewan to make asphalt products. Parkland Refining uses natural gas condensates to produce and retail gasoline and other fuel products. Table 17: Major Participants in Alberta Oil and Gas, Petroleum Refining and Fuels Marketing Industries Company Location Crude Capacity Bulk Fuel Outlets ## (thousands barrels/day) Imperial Oil Ltd. # Petro-Canada Inc. # Shell Canada # Husky Oil Canada Ltd. * Parkland Refining Ltd. * Edmonton Edmonton Fort Saskatchewan Lloydminster Bowden Per cent of total Binks Petroleum Inc. Federated Cooperative Tempo United Farmers of Alberta (UFA) 180 116 89 24* 6 415 100% 86 53 20 9 1 169 55% 1 26 1 112 Total 415 309 Source: Oil & Gas Journal18. Notes: # Oil producers. * No crude charge for Husky Oil in Alberta. It operates an asphalt plant using raw material from the Saskatchewan heavy oil upgrader. ## The number of bulk fuel outlets may not be representative of the amount or type of fuel sold by the company. Integrated producers of transportation fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel) make optimal supply decisions based on vertical-integration economics. Depending on the quantities and company-specific operating and marketing situations, these can be quite different than non-integrated economics. Independent wholesalers/retailers of gasoline will tend to make purchasing decisions on the purchase cost of fuels available from refiners or other sources. They will not need to take into account integrated profitability related to oil refining or oil production, as may integrated operators. The level of integration in Alberta is generally higher than in most U.S. states and other Canadian provinces. A major factor is the presence of oil in Alberta and competitive costs for oil refining. The competitiveness of Alberta’s oil refining industry is enhanced by the abundant availability of nearby sources of crude oil. However, Alberta has to overcome the lack of large nearby markets by incurring higher distribution and transportation costs than refiners that are located in proximity to large markets. Most states and provinces do not have crude oil production and refineries. U.S. states that have favourable ethanol policies generally have a smaller or no oil refining sectors. 3.3.2 Petrochemical Industry 18 Oil & Gas Journal, Dec. 21, 1998 31 CHEMINFO Alberta’s petrochemical industry mostly upgrades methane, ethane and butanes contained in natural gas. Benzene, produced from oil refining operations, is also used as a raw material by the province’s single styrene producer – Shell Canada. Methane, the major constituent of natural gas, is used to make ammonia, which can be sold as a liquid fertilizer or reacted to form other fertilizers, such as urea 19, ammoniumsulphate and ammonium-phosphate. Methane also supports the production of the oxygenate methanol. Methanol is largely exported, although an important Alberta use is in MTBE production. MTBE uses methanol and butane as basic raw materials. Alberta’s petrochemical industry continues to grow rapidly. Nova, in conjunction with Union Carbide, is installing a new 900 kilotonnes/year ethylene/polyethylene complex in Alberta that will be operational in the year 2000. Meanwhile, Dow Chemical will expand its existing facility at Fort Saskatchewan. Amoco has announced construction of a linear olefins plant in the province. Imperial Oil Ltd. has considered making an ethylene investment in the province since the early 1980s but as yet has no capacity in the province. Shell’s petrochemical investment in Alberta is presently in styrene production. Its plant exports to global markets. 19 Urea is made by reacting ammonia with carbon dioxide. 32 CHEMINFO Table 18: Alberta’s Major Petrochemical Industry Participants Company Products 1997 2000 (kilotonnes/year) (capacity of bolded product only) Oxygenates Methanex Celanese Alberta Envirofuels Methanol Methanol, Acetic acid MTBE 830 850 770 570 850 770 Ethylene/Polyethylene Ethylene/Polyethylene /VCM, Ethylene glycol Styrene 1,700 550 2,600* 900* Ethylene & Derivatives Nova Inc. Dow Chemical Shell Chemical 450 450 Fertilizers Agrium Ammonia, Urea, etc. 2,280 2,280 Canadian Fertilizers Ammonia, Urea, etc. 1,045 1045 Sources: Cheminfo Services, Camford Information Services. * Expansions under construction. 3.3.3 Alberta’s Agriculture Sector Two major products from Alberta agriculture sector are wheat grain and beef cattle. Alberta produces a total of 6.5 to 8 million tonnes of wheat grain annually or approximately 28% of Canada’s total. The province also contains 5.6 million or 38% of Canada’s beef cattle population. There are also cattle slaughtering and value-added meat processing facilities in the province. Table 19: Economic Data on Alberta’s Agriculture Sector20 Economic Data Number of farms Total Farm Cash Receipts, 1997 Wheat production (tonnes) 1997 Cattle and calves (head) July 1997 Cattle slaughtered International Exports Wheat Live cattle Beef and veal Alberta Canada 59,007 $6.3 billion 6,839,000 5,605,000 1,909,000 276,548 $29.7 billion 24,270,000 14,912,800 3,480,060 Alberta as % Canada 21% 21% 28% 38% 61% $1.38 billion $661 million $691 million $4.3 billion $1.3 billion $1.0 billion 32% 50% 68% Alberta’s production of wheat, beef and meat products exceeds the province’s domestic consumption, such that grain grower and meat producers are export market oriented. Alberta accounts for approximately one third of the value of Canadian wheat exports, and close to two thirds of beef and veal exports. 3.4 Ethanol Market Overview 20 Alberta Agricultural Statistics Yearbook 1996. 33 CHEMINFO The trend toward cleaner, reformulated gasoline in North America has been largely responsible for the burgeoning ethanol industry. Consumption for ethanol has increased substantially in recent years for use in ethanol/gasoline blends. Ethanol production capacity in North America has been expanding as a result, increasing by approximately 2 billion litres per year between 1990 and 1999. Close to 90% of the U.S. capacity is located in the mid-west corn producing states. Approximately 95% of the industry uses corn as a raw material in fermentation processes to produce ethanol. Table 20: North American Capacity, Demand Trends for Ethanol21 (billion litres) Capacity Demand Transport fuels Other uses Total Demand Canada, 1990 5.9 1995 7.1 1999* 7.9 2005 9.8 3.6 1.1 4.2 1.1 5.0 1.0 6.0 1.1 4.7 5.3 6.0 7.1 Notes: * Start of year 2000 capacity shown. Figures are rounded. Estimates from data provided by Natural Resource U.S. Energy Information Administration, Camford Information Services, and Cheminfo Services. The market for ethanol in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of North America (including north-western US states and western Canadian provinces and excluding California) constitutes approximately 6% of the North American total. The PNW would represent the primary regional market for any potential new Alberta capacity because of proximity and related transportation costs. The region is a net importer of ethanol, with customers purchasing from mid-west plants and to a lesser degree from offshore imports. While ethanol production capacity in the region is currently not sufficient to support local demand, the potential construction of new, large plants that have been announced or are under consideration for Washington, Montana, Alberta and Oregon could boost capacity to exceed demand in the PNW (not for total North America). Beyond the regional market, proponents of these new ethanol plants have expectations of substantial growth in the California transportation fuel oxygenate market. The growth in the California market is largely contingent on the phase-out of MTBE22 as an oxygenate in transportation fuel and the potential switch to ethanol as the preferred oxygenate to meet Federal and California gasoline standards. Changes in these standards such as the elimination of an oxygen requirement would reduce but probably not eliminate the growth of ethanol in the California market. Ethanol is traditionally used as a blending ingredient usually at 5-10% concentrations (termed E5 and E10) in gasoline or as a raw material to produce high octane fuel ether additives, such as ethyl tertiary butyl ether (i.e. ETBE). Ethanol may be used in light duty vehicles without engine modification. Ethanol can also be used in high percentage blends (e.g. E85 - 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), or even in pure form in vehicles with modified engines and components. Ethanol blends of up to 10% in gasoline are approved under the warranties of all major auto manufacturers, domestic and foreign, marketing vehicles in Canada and the United States. Currently, Ford and DaimlerChrysler produce flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) including the Ford Taurus, Ford Ranger Pickup and 21 22 Camford Information Services: CPI Product Profiles, Ethanol 1999 and Renewable Fuels Association. Methyl tertiary butyl ether 34 CHEMINFO DaimlerChrysler 3.3 L minivan, that can operate on high level ethanol blends. These vehicles are available to fleet managers and the general public, at either the same cost or less than the cost of a conventionally fueled vehicle. One of the largest purchases of FFVs was recently made by the US Postal Service, which bought 10‚000 E85 FFVs. It has been estimated that in ten years, as many as 5 million vehicles may be using on non-petroleum motor fuels for a portion of their requirements in the United States. Heavy duty vehicles have also operated on blends of 90% ethanol and 100% ethanol in successful demonstration projects. Ethanol-blended fuels have been used in small engines and other non-automotive gasoline engines since they first came into the marketplace over 25 years ago. Practically, all mainstream manufacturers of power equipment, motorcycles, snowmobiles and outboard motors permit the use of ethanol blends in their products. 3.4.1 Global Market The growth in global demand for ethanol has been 3 to 4% per year on an average annual basis since the mid-1980s. Growth in Brazil and the United States has been nearly double that rate at approximately 7% per year. Canada has seen the installation of new capacity, including a large new facility focused on supplying the transportation fuel market. This new plant, completed in 1998, practically doubled Canada’s capacity. Nearly all of the growth in ethanol demand has been in the transportation fuel market. Ethanol demand for solvent, chemical intermediates, cosmetics and other applications have been growing more slowly and in some cases declining. Table 21: Growth in Global Ethanol Production23 (billion litres) 1985 1993 1998 AAG24 1985-98 Canada United States Brazil Other areas 0.1 2.3 5.5 0.1 0.1 4.8 11.7 0.1 0.2 5.5 13.5 0.2 5.5% 6.9% 7.2% 5.5% Total Americas 8.0 16.7 19.4 7.1% Europe & Asia All other areas 10.9 0.3 10.3 0.5 10.3 0.6 (0.4)% 5.4% Total global 19.2 27.5 30.3 3.6% Notes: Figures are rounded. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Camford Information Services, Cheminfo Services. Growth in world ethanol production will be largely dependent on the development of the transportation fuel alcohol market. An important driver for expanding ethanol in some nations (such as Brazil) has been the objective of reducing reliance on oil imports and related international oil pricing. This factor is less important in Canada and on a near-term practical basis in the United States, where the amount of import oil 23 24 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Renewable Fuels Association and F.O. Licht Average annual growth rate. 35 CHEMINFO is very large, such that domestic ethanol production in the foreseeable future would have only a minor impact on such imports. While, global output of ethanol jumped in the early 1980s and growth rates were strong up to the mid-1990s, future growth is expected to be slower. In North America, the potential for 2.8 billion litres per year of additional demand in the California oxygenate market will depend on the continuation of an oxygen content in Federal Reformulated Gasoline and the pace of the State’s phase out of MTBE. This in part may relate to legal challenges regarding the environmental and health problems associated with MTBE and the benefits of its phase out. There are many other factors that can affect the growth of ethanol in North America. These include: the price of crude oil; state provincial and federal environmental regulations; fuel taxes; along with governments’ support for agricultural communities and ethanol production. Brazil Brazil is the world’s largest national producer of ethanol, making approximately 12.5 billion litres per year of ethanol based on sugar cane as raw material. In 1998, ethanol production fell from 1997 levels due to a crisis in the Brazilian alcohol industry. However, historically, the industry has grown rapidly. Ethanol production in the country grew from 0.6 billion litres per year in 1975 to 15.3 billion litres per year in 1997/98, an average annual growth rate of 16%. Brazil began looking for alternative fuel sources in the late 1960s and early 1970s mostly to address the country’s high dependency on crude oil imports. Ethanol production from sugar cane was chosen as the main alternative. The National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL) was started in 1975 to increase the use of ethanol as a fuel substitute for gasoline and to increase ethanol production for industrial uses. Brazil now has a reported annual capacity for ethanol of approximately 16 billion litres per year or twice the capacity in North America. With the recent upturn in crude oil prices25, the low price of ethanol in Brazil has the country’s motorists turning more and more to the sugar cane-based product to fuel their vehicles. Demand for ethanol vehicles and gasoline-to-ethanol engine conversions have grown very rapidly in Brazil, according to industry observers. Producer ethanol prices are about half the current price of gasoline. Pump prices for ethanol in Brazil are running less than half of what is charged for gasoline. Fuel ethanol is either anhydrous alcohol that by law is mixed in a 24% blend with every gallon of gasoline, or 100% alcohol for fueling vehicles that run exclusively on ethanol. While total demand for ethanol blends has increased, over the years demand had been sliding for 100% ethanol vehicles. Less than 1% of new car sales were vehicles able to run on 100% alcohol. The government is considering measures to further encourage ethanol demand, although in 1999, the Brazilian government scrapped its ethanol price supports and implemented programs that encourage the 200,000 taxis and 80,000 government vehicles in Brazil to renew their fleets with ethanol-only transportation. Officials are studying plans to boost ethanol blending in gasoline from 24% to 26% and are considering the feasibility of a 3% blend for diesel fuel. In general, overall production and demand is expected to continue to grow but a more modest pace than recorded in recent years. United States Ethanol production and use in the U.S. has also grown significantly since the late 1970s to present day. Ethanol has been promoted as a solution for a variety of complex problems including addressing the U.S. dependence on foreign oil supplies, which came to light with the two oil crisis in the 1970s. The Clean Air Act of 1977 initiated the reduction of leaded gasoline, and ethanol was touted as a replacement for boosting octane. Ethanol was also promoted to counteract low farm incomes caused by the grain surplus in wake of 25 February 2000 prices nearly 30 US$/barrel. 36 CHEMINFO the Soviet embargo. Ethanol for fuel use is also being promoted to address environmental issues such as smog pollution problems. Amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 included provisions that certain regions where required to use oxygenated reformulated gasoline during certain months when ground level ozone levels (smog) were high. Consideration was also given that a certain percentage of oxygenates be derived from renewable sources. Ethanol became an oxygenate of choice for much of the market. However, the oxygenate market in California was effectively closed to ethanol in 1996 when reformulated gasoline was introduced to the market. As discussed elsewhere in this report, US EPA’s mandated requirements for oxygenates has changed, along with the potential position of ethanol. Western Europe and Asia Western Europe produces about 2 billion litres of ethanol per year. Only about 100 million per year or 5% of that is used for fuel. The European Union has a long-term goal of achieving a 12% share for renewable fuels by 2010. The European Union decided in 1994 to allow tax concessions for pilot plants producing renewable fuels such as ethanol. As a result, a number of projects have been announced. Production in eastern Europe is dominated by the Russian Federation, which estimated capacity of 1 billion litres per year (excluding beverage alcohol of 1.5 billion litres per year). China is the largest ethanol producer in Asia followed by India with about 2.7 billion litres of capacity. The slight trend to a drop in production in the region is the result of inconclusive data from Russia and other regions of the former Soviet Union. The ethanol industry in these areas is in part “underground”, such that statistics are unreliable. 3.4.2 North American Ethanol Industry Most of the ethanol consumed in North America is now used for motor fuel, which is the driving force behind the growth in the industry’s capacity. Nearly 83% of demand is in the transportation market. Other uses for ethanol are cosmetics, hair sprays, other toiletries, pharmaceutical manufacture, coatings, adhesives and liquid detergents. Demand for ethanol in North America is concentrated in the eastern half of the continent. Demand in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, California and the western provinces constitutes less than 10% of the North American total. However, demand in the California market may expand very rapidly, depending on the potential phase-out of MTBE and the continued use of oxygenates to achieve environmental standards. There are close to 55 ethanol plants in North America. The capacity of these vary tremendously in size, ranging from 1 million litres per year to approximately 800 million litres per year. The 9 large plants exceeding 250 million litres per year in capacity account for approximately 60% of total North American capacity, while 23 facilities with over 100 million litres per year capacity account for 90% of total capacity. Over 95% of North American capacity is located in the United States. The ethanol industries in the U.S. and Canada have no common producers. Trade between the two countries as well as with offshore countries has traditionally been minimal. Table 22: North American Ethanol Annual Capacity Trend (billion litres - rounded) 1990 5.8 1995 7.0 2000 7.6 % of total 96% Canada 0.1 0.1 0.3 4% Total North America 5.9 7.1 7.9 100% United States 37 CHEMINFO In the United States, passing of the “Transport Efficiency Act of the 21 st Century” in 1998, which is an extension of ethanol tax incentives through 2007, along with other incentive programs in the context of increased growth in demand, has resulted in new ethanol projects being announced. There have also been proposals for new capacity in Canada. Prior to the 1970s, ethanol production by fermentation (excluding that for beverages) had been declining in the U.S. since synthetic ethanol was introduced in the 1930s, because of the low cost and assured availability of “synthetic” raw material ethylene. The quadrupling of the selling price of crude petroleum by OPEC in 1973 had a profound impact on fermentation processes for producing ethanol. The U.S. Dept of Energy set objectives to develop methods to derive fuels economically from sugar crops and corn, to evaluate the potential feasibility of the various methods, and to suggest means of practical application. This program resulted in many economic studies and laboratory research programs. Interest then waned as the price of oil dropped, until 1979 when the Islamic revolution in Iran caused another oil crisis. State and federal tax subsidies and loan guarantees fueled the growth of fermentation ethanol capacity in the early 1980s. In 1980, loan guarantees of nearly US$342,000,000 from the Farmers Home Administration were approved for 15 new plants in 14 states to produce 931 million litres per year for fuel as part of the synfuels program. In the mid-1980s the phase-out of lead as an octane enhancer in gasoline kept the fuel ethanol program moving forward. The 1990 Clean Air Act requirements for oxygenates and renewal of the Federal tax rebates worth approximately US$ 0.16 per litre of ethanol pumped new life into the fuel ethanol program in the late 1980s. A small portion of ethanol production in North America continues to be made synthetically from ethylene. The synthetic route supplies most of the industrial market in the United States. However, the proportion of ethanol made from ethylene has been declining over the last two decades. Most recently, Eastman Chemical Company closed its closed its 102 million litre/yr synthetic ethanol plant in Longview, TX early in 2000. The plant was closed because it was outdated and antiquated, according to the company. Another factor in the closure of the plant is a pricing trend toward fermentation-based ethanol and away from synthetic ethanol. Eastman believes that presently and in the future, fermentation-based ethanol will be the price leader. Commercial Alcohols closed its synthetic ethylene-based ethanol plant in Varennes, QC in the 1980s. Close to 83% of ethanol demand in North America is for transportation fuel. Use in solvent, chemical intermediates, pharmaceuticals and other applications are a minor and slower growing portion of demand. Table 23: Total North American Ethanol Demand26 (billion litres) Applications Transportation fuels Solvents Chemical intermediates Other uses 26 1990 3.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 1995 4.2 0.5 0.3 0.3 1999 5.0 0.4 0.3 0.3 % of total 83% 7% 5% 5% Total demand North America 4.8 5.3 6.0 100% United States Consumption 4.7 5.2 5.8 97% Camford Information Services: CPI Product Profiles, and Chemical Marketing Reporter 38 CHEMINFO Canadian Consumption 0.1 0.1 0.2 3% Notes: Figures are rounded. Estimates from data provided by Natural Resource Canada, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Camford Information Services, and Cheminfo Services. Ethanol currently accounts for approximately 1% of the gasoline and blended gasoline market in North America. Ethanol competes with other oxygenates and octane boosters for reformulated gasoline. The major competitive oxygenate is MTBE. Competitive octane enhancing products include MTBE, other oxygenates as well as the manganese based additive MMT. Table 24: Position of Ethanol in the Estimated North American Gasoline-Oxygenate Market27 (billion litres - 1999) Gasoline (only) MTBE Ethanol ETBE and TAME Methanol North America 486 16 5 0.04 0.01 % of total 96% 3% 1% <<0.1 <<0.1 507 100% Total (rounded) Note: Figures are rounded. Estimates from data provided by Natural Resource Canada, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Camford Information Services, and Cheminfo Services. Does not include diesel and other transportation fuels. U.S. Ethanol Capacity There are approximately 40 ethanol producers in the United States operating close to 50 plants. Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) stands out as the dominant ethanol producer with upwards of one third of the total capacity. ADM is a broad, diversified corporation heavily involved in agricultural related businesses (i.e., feeds, seeds, oils, etc.). Petrochemical firms are not well represented in the ethanol industry, Equistar being an exception that makes ethanol from ethylene. Eastman recently closed its synthetic ethanol plant. Table 25: Regional U.S. Ethanol Capacity Trends (billion litres) Region Mid-west states 1990 4.8 1995 6.0 2000 6.7 % of Total 88% 0.5 0.2 0.03 0.5 0.2 0.04 0.5 0.2 0.04 5% 3% <1% California Other States 0.03 0.2 0.03 0.2 0.03 0.2 <1% 3% Total U.S. Capacity 5.8 7.0 7.6 100% (IA, IL, MN, SD, ND, KS, KY) Texas(practically all synthetic from ethylene) Ohio U.S. Pacific Northwest (WA, MT, ID, OR, NV) 27 Natural Resources Canada, Camford Information Services, U.S. Energy Information Administration 39 CHEMINFO Source: Cheminfo Services. Camford Information Services. Table 26: Year 2000 Capacity of U.S. Ethanol Producers Company Location State Feed Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Union Carbide Williams Energy Services New Energy Minnesota Corn Processors Cargill South Point Ethanol Grain Processing Midwest Grain Products Midwest Grain Products Equistar Chemical AGP A E Staley High Plains Corp. Minnesota Corn Processors Cargill Williams Energy Services Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Chief Ethanol Fuels High Plains Corp. Corn Plus CVEC Heartland Corn Products Al-Corn Central Minnesota Ethanol2000 Minnesota Energy Agri-Energy, LLC Alchem Reeve Agri-Energy Pro-Corn High Plains Corp. Morris Ag Energy Heartland Grain Fuel Broin Enterprises Parallel Products Parallel Products Georgia Pacific Golden Cheese Co. of California J.R. Simpot J.R. Simpot Kraft Inc. MMI/ETOH Minnesota Clean Fuels ESE Alcohol Kor Ethanol Jonton Alcohol Miller Brewing Vienna Correctional Decatur Peoria Cedar Rapids Clinton Texas City Perkin South Bend Columbus Blair South Point Muscatine Perkin Atchison Tuscola Hastings Loudon York Marshall Eddyville Aurora Walhalla Hastings Colwich Winnebago Benson Winthrop Claremont Little Falls Bingham Lake Buffalo Lake Luverne Grafton Garden City Preston Portales Morris Aberdeen Scotland Rancho Cucamonga Louisville Bellingham Corona Caldwell Burley Melrose Golden Dundas Leoti White Edinburg Olympia Vienna IL IL IA IA TX IL IN NE NE OH IA IL KS IL NE TN NE MN IA NE ND NE KS MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN ND KS MN NM MN SD ND CA KY WA CA ID ID MN CO MN KS SD TX WA IL Corn Corn Corn Corn Ethylene Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn/wheat Starch Corn/wheat Starch Ethylene Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Food waste Food waste Paper waste Whey Potato waste Potato waste Whey Brewery waste Waste sucrose Corn Wheat Corn Brewery waste Corn Total capacity kilotonnes million litres 640 610 608 485 360 300 255 216 200 195 180 155 155 150 135 135 125 105 100 100 90 90 50 50 50 48 45 45 45 36 35 32 30 30 30 25 24 21 15 15 10 9 9 9 9 5 5 3 3 3 2 1 800 760 760 608 450 375 319 270 250 244 225 194 194 188 169 169 156 131 125 125 115 113 63 63 63 60 56 56 56 45 44 40 38 38 38 31 30 26 19 19 13 11 11 11 11 6 6 4 4 4 3 1 million US gallons 211 200 200 160 118 99 84 71 66 64 59 51 51 49 44 44 41 34 33 33 30 30 17 17 17 16 15 15 15 12 12 11 10 10 10 8 8 7 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0.3 6,083 7,610 2,005 Sources: Cheminfo Services Inc., Camford Information Services Inc., Bryan & Bryan Inc., California Energy Commission28 28 California Energy Commission Report, Evaluation of Biomass-to-Ethanol Fuel Potential in California, Draft Report August 1999. 40 CHEMINFO Practically all of the fermentation ethanol in the United States is produced in the mid-west, close to the growing of the raw material corn. Texas boasts one large ethanol plant but it is based on ethylene raw material and generally serves the industrial chemicals market. There is practically no capacity in California and the Pacific North-western states, which together account for less than 1% of U.S. capacity. More than 40 new plants are being considered in the United States, although it is unlikely that all of these potential facilities will be constructed. The interest in new ethanol capacity is in context of favourable investment and market factors. Major factors in the United States include: probable phase-out of MTBE in California blended-gasoline market; continuation of federal tax exemptions to the year 2007; state and local government tax exemptions and investment incentives; accessible gasoline distribution channels through non-integrated gasoline wholesalers and retailers; continued environmental pressures on transportation emissions (including greenhouse gases); and mid-west corn grower stakeholders possess significant influence with regional governments. On the negative side, US EPA recently eliminated the mandated requirement for oxygenates in gasoline. States can apply other technology solutions to achieve air quality standards, which may use of ethanol. The new “Renewable Fuels Standard” has been proposed that favours ethanol, although the form of this standard is not available and consequently presents business uncertainty for ethanol suppliers. Some of these favourable factors are not present in the Canadian market. For example, implementation plans (or regulations) for reduction of ground level ozone have yet to be developed in Canada. As a result, it is unclear whether governments in Canada will regulate oxygenate levels in gasoline to address regions that are not in achievement of existing or new proposed air quality standards. Therefore, environmental pressures for increased use of oxygenates in gasoline are less in Canada. The ethanol market in the United States has more accessible wholesalers and retailers that are not integrated to gasoline production (i.e., crude oil refining) There are more independent fuel wholesalers in the U.S. who are the main buyers of ethanol for splash blending into gasoline. In Canada, blending and distribution of gasoline is more concentrated among the major oil refining companies. 41 CHEMINFO U.S. Ethanol Demand Over 80% of the ethanol made in the United States is consumed in motor gasoline blends. The requirement of the Clean Air Act amendments require minimum levels of oxygenates be incorporated in areas where minimal standards of air quality are not in attainment (i.e., non-attainment areas). The use of ethanol as a fuel in the U.S. has grown dramatically, starting in the 1980s, when annual growth rates were reported to be around 25%. Fuel use has continued in the 1990s, with growth rates of 3% per year range. Table 27: Trend in United States Ethanol Demand29 (billion litres) Transportation fuels Solvents Chemical intermediates Other uses Total U.S. demand. Totals may not add due to rounding. 1990 3.7 0.5 0.3 0.3 1995 4.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 1999 4.8 0.4 0.3 0.3 4.7 5.2 5.8 In the United States, the rationale underlying ethanol use as a transportation fuel has evolved over time. It has shifted in emphasis from an energy substitute for imported crude oil replacement, to use as an oxygenate (to achieve ground level ozone air quality standards), and more recently it is receiving attention as a renewable fuel that can achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions. Ethanol is currently entrenched in the oxygenate fuel market, competing mostly with MTBE in most U.S. markets. However, depending on the nature of future environmental regulations, this position may change. 29 Camford Information Services: CPI Product Profiles, and Chemical Marketing Reporter 42 CHEMINFO Table 28: Position of Ethanol in the U.S. Gasoline-Oxygenate Market30 (billion litres) Gasoline (only) MTBE Ethanol ETBE and TAME Methanol Total (rounded) United States 450 16 4.8 0.04 0.01 % of total 96% 3% 1% <<0.1 <<0.1 471 100% Note: Figures are estimated and rounded. Estimates from data provided U.S. Energy Information Administration, Camford Information Services, and Cheminfo Services. Does not include diesel and other transportation fuels. In 1997, ethanol made up approximately 1% of the amount of gasoline used in the United States. Initially the value of E10 was seen as a gasoline extender that helped to reduce dependence on imported petroleum while stimulating the U.S. economy, especially in the rural areas. With regulations on the composition of gasoline in areas where air pollution has been a problem, fuel ethanol has taken on a role as an oxygenated gasoline additive. Additionally, the use of ethanol as an antiknock additive to replace tetra-ethyl-lead (TEL) formerly added to premium gasoline has also been recognized. In California, regulatory policies of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) essentially precluded ethanol from the oxygenate market for California reformulated gasoline (CA RFG). CARB policy limited the amount of oxygen in California RFG to a maximum of 2% oxygen (corresponding to 10% ethanol), thus preventing the utilization of vapour pressure allowance for ethanol. (Although this limit is now removed). Refiners were unwilling and in some cases incapable of producing a base gasoline that can be combined with ethanol at 2% oxygen content and meet the vapour pressure requirement of CA RFG without the vapour pressure allowance. However, ethanol now can be used in California gasoline up to 10% as long as it meets all of the requirements of California Clean Burning Gasoline. Blending ethanol at less than 10% by volume also reduced the value of federal tax incentive, which effectively increases the cost of ethanol. Consequently, ethanol (which historically enjoyed a significant market presence in California) has not been used in California for a period around 1996 since CA RFG was introduced. This created a dominant position for MTBE in California. It was reported by the California Environmental Protection Agency that in 1998 ethanol accounted for only about 3% of the oxygenates in gasoline in the state. Table 29: Position of Ethanol in Total On-Road Plus Off-Road Fuel Markets31 (1997 Gasoline Equivalent Basis for US) 30 31 Natural Resources Canada, Camford Information Services, U.S. Energy Information Administration U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy 43 CHEMINFO United States 97.3% 0.5% 2.0% 0.15% 0.04% 0.001% 0.01% Gasoline plus diesel Ethanol in gasohol MTBE Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) Natural Gas (compressed & liquefied) Methanol (M8532 &M100) Biodiesel Canadian Ethanol Capacity There are five ethanol producers in Canada operating six plants. Commercial Alcohols with two plants in Ontario accounts for 70% of Canadian capacity. Commercial Alcohols shifted its production from synthetic ethanol made from ethylene in Quebec (in the 1970s and 1980s) to fermentation ethanol in Ontario based on using corn grown in the province. Ontario accounts for approximately 80% of Canada’s corn production. Three relatively small producers in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba account for 20% of Canada’s remaining production. Tembec remains the only producer in Quebec. The company makes ethanol based on waste products from its pulp mill located in Temiscaming. Table 30: Trend in Regional Canadian Ethanol Capacity (billion litres) Province Ontario Quebec Western Canada (MB, SK, AB) 1990 0.01 0.09 0.01 1995 0.02 0.03 0.02 2000 0.17 0.03 0.05 Canada Total 0.11 0.07 0.25 In 1998, Commercial Alcohols completed construction of a fermentation based ethanol plant at Chatham, ON. The Chatham site was selected because of its proximity to Ontario corn production and major Ontario oil refineries, where ethanol could be blended with gasoline. The local Kent County corn-growers community and the municipality of Chatham were actively engaged in assessing the feasibility of the plant and promoting the location. The facility has a capacity for 150 million litres/yr (120 kilotonnes, 40 million US gallons). Output is sold in the eastern Canadian and the north-eastern United States gasoline fuel market. Much of the DDG is exported to the United States. In Canada, engineering work has commenced on a new 150-million-litre/yr ethanol plant to be built by Commercial Alcohols at Varennes, QC. The Quebec government helped make the $105-million project possible when it announced plans to reduce its tax on fuel ethanol. Commercial Alcohols and the Federation des Producteurs de Cultures Commerciales du Quebec (FPCCQ) were to be the main partners. Petro-Canada indicates it has signed an agreement to take a portion of the output. Commercial Alcohols had considered doubling the capacity of its Chatham, ON plant, although the state of that expansion is now uncertain. 32 The remaining portion of 85% methanol is gasoline. Consumption data includes the gasoline portion of the fuel. 44 CHEMINFO Table 31: Canadian Ethanol Plant Capacities (million litres) Company Commercial Alcohols Commercial Alcohols Temeco Enterprises API Grain Processing Pound-Maker Agventures Mohawk Oil Commercial Alcohols St Lawrence Starch Ontario Paper North West Location Chatham, ON Kincardine, ON Temiscaming, PQ Red Deer, AB Lanigan, SK Minnedosa, MB Varennes, PQ Mississauga, ON Thorold, ON Kerrobert, SK 1976 1980 70 15 4 Total 89 1990 1995 12 18 25 25 4 70 9 70 4 3 3 81 112 10 10 2000 150 25 25 22 13 10 70 245 Source: Camford Information Services, Cheminfo Services Inc. Metalore Resources, Sunthetic Energy, Canadian Agra, Seaway Valley Farmers Energy Co-operative and Plains Foods Fibre are among the companies that have considered constructing ethanol plants in Canada. Canadian Ethanol Demand The substantial jump in Canadian demand for ethanol in the period 1998-1999 was largely a result of Sunoco’s decision to blend the oxygenate into gasoline it retailed in Ontario. Use of ethanol for fuel in the rest of Canada as well as other applications have been growing more slowly. Demand for ethanol as a solvent in some applications has been declining, in part a result of environmental factors. Ethanol is considered a volatile organic compound (VOC) precursor to formation of ground level ozone. Some Canadian environment initiatives as well as spill-over effects from US environmental regulatory programs have negatively influenced demand in coatings, adhesives and other solvent applications. Table 32: Trend in Canadian Ethanol Demand33 (million litres – 100% Ethanol basis) Fuels Solvent uses Vinegar Liquid detergents & cleaners Miscellaneous Total domestic demand 33 1976 0 25 5 2 2 1981 4 30 5 2 2 1990 11 25 5 2 2 1993 24 28 6 2 2 1999 150 27 8 3 2 34 43 45 62 188 Camford Information Services: CPI Product Profiles, and Chemical Marketing Reporter 45 CHEMINFO Export sales 31 39 6 0 15 Total disappearance 65 82 51 62 213 Source: Camford Information Services, Cheminfo Services Inc. 1999 exports based on November year-to-date total pro-rated for 12 months. Canadian export sales of ethanol have dropped to low levels since Commercial Alcohols closed down its large synthetic ethanol plant in Varennes, PQ. Canadian Use of Ethanol Gasoline Blends The level of consumption of fuel ethanol in Canada for 1998/1999 is estimated to be nearly 150 million litres per year34. Across Canada, there are approximately 929 retail outlets for ethanol-blended fuels (November, 1998), excluding those that are not listed with the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association. Ethanol blends are usually sold at approximately the same price as conventional gasoline fuel. The first Canadian commercial venture into renewable ethanol fuel in Canada was in the early 1980s by Mohawk Oil Company, a B.C. based firm. Mohawk renovated a distillery in Minnedosa, MB and began retailing wheat-based ethanol blends in Manitoba in 1981. The program was expanded to include all Mohawk premium gasoline in western Canada in 1988. In 1992 an ethanol blended regular grade gasoline was introduced at all Mohawk stations outside of Manitoba. In 1992, UCO Petroleum (now UPI Inc) first launched ethanol blends in Ontario. Retailers in Ontario, where production is based on corn, are now the national leaders in selling ethanol blends. 35 The province of Quebec began retailing ethanol blends in 1995 and now has the second largest retailing base in the country. Mohawk Oil is presently selling ethanol blends at over 290 stations in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon and northern Ontario. Across southern Ontario, UPI retails ethanol blends at over 60 UPI, FS and Co-op gas bars and card locks. It is available in all grades of gasoline and for on-farm delivery. On January 1, 1998 Sunoco launched ethanol-enhanced fuels at all of its 275 retail outlets in Ontario. The company ramped up sales in 1998 with supply from Commercial Alcohols’ new Chatham, ON ethanol facility. In eastern Ontario and western Quebec, MacEwen Petroleum is retailing ethanol blends at over 60 locations. Fuel ethanol retailing has expanded into Quebec with over 100 Sonic stations and other independent retail outlets. Other companies that have joined in the retailing of ethanol-blended fuels include Mr. Gas, Pioneer Petroleum, Frances Fuels, Stinson Petroleum and Sunys. Table 33: Position of Ethanol in the Estimated Canadian Gasoline-Oxygenate Market36 (billion litres) Gasoline Ethanol ETBE and TAME Methanol MTBE Canada 36 0.15 0 0 0 % of total 99.6% 0.4% <<0.1 <<0.1 <<0.1 36.2 100% Total (rounded) 34 Camford Information Services, CPI Product Profiles: Ethanol May 1999. Canadian Renewable Fuels Association 36 Natural Resources Canada, Camford Information Services, U.S. Energy Information Administration 35 46 CHEMINFO Note: Figures are rounded. Estimates from data provided by Natural Resource Canada, Camford Information Services and Cheminfo Services. Does not include diesel and other transportation fuels. 3.4.3 Alberta Transportation Fuels Market The market for on-road and off-road transportation fuels in Alberta in comprised of approximately 1.9 million vehicles that consume 10 to 11 billion litres per year of liquid fuels. These include gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas and ethanol. The transportation fuels business in Alberta is somewhat different than most other provinces (especially non-prairie provinces), with respect to considering the potential and economic value of ethanol. Important features of the Alberta fuels market related to ethanol are: greater weighting on agricultural segments of the market; greater presence of farm co-operatives in wholesale/retail distribution channel; and three large vertically integrated oil refineries, and one small non-integrated refinery creating substantial provincial oversupply of gasoline and other petroleum based products. Alberta’s transportation fuels market, similar to the other prairie provinces, has a greater emphasis on the farm segment. The ratio of gasoline used in passenger cars versus farm vehicles in Alberta is approximately 4.8, which is slightly higher than Manitoba’s and the ratio in Saskatchewan. By comparison the ratio in Ontario is 32.9, 43.7 in British Columbia and similarly high in other provinces with large urban transportation segments. Table 34: Provincial Ratios of Gasoline Use for Passenger Cars Versus Farm Vehicles (energy content ratio basis) Region Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta Ontario BC Atlantic provinces Quebec Source: Natural Resources Canada Based on 1997 1.8 4.6 4.8 31.9 43.7 52.7 80.6 The ratios of gasoline trucks and light duty diesel trucks in Alberta are also higher than non-prairie provinces. These segments of the Alberta market are also growing faster than gasoline passenger vehicles, according to Natural Resources Canada. One factor contributing to the slower growth in fuels required for the passenger car segment is the improved efficiencies expected from new vehicles over time. Although gasoline and diesel trucks are also expected to improve efficiencies, these are anticipated to be lower. Table 35: Projected Trend in Vehicle Population in Alberta (thousands of vehicles) 1995 983 668 Passenger cars (all fuels) Gasoline trucks 47 2000P 1024 739 2010P 1172 972 CHEMINFO Light diesel trucks Heavy diesel trucks 51 31 72 38 92 44 Total vehicles 1,733 Source: Natural Resources Canada 1,873 2,280 The Alberta fuel ethanol market is currently a small fraction of the total gasoline made or used in the province. There is approximately 5 billion litres of annual gasoline demand in Alberta (on-road and offroad vehicles). The amount of fuel ethanol consumed is less than 0.1% of the total market for gasoline in the province. Table 36: Trends in Transportation Fuel Demand in Alberta37 (million litres) Gasoline Diesel Propane Natural gas Other fuels 1995 4417 4046 353 1 14 2000P 5101 5597 137 1 31 2010P 6140 7528 47 1 83 Total 8831 10868 13799 (petajoules) Gasoline 153 175 210 Diesel 157 217 291 Propane 9 4 1 Natural gas 0 0 0 Other fuels 1 1 3 Total 319 397 505 (Percent of petajoules) Gasoline 47.9% 44.2% 41.5% Diesel 49.1% 54.6% 57.6% Propane 2.8% 0.9% 0.2% Natural gas 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% Other fuels 0.2% 0.3% 0.6% The development of a substantial market for ethanol (i.e., 200 million litre/year) in Alberta requires the integrated oil refiners/wholesalers to purchase the product. Imperial Oil, Shell and Petro-Canada account for between 65 to 80% of the retail gasoline sold in Alberta. These firms account for a large portion of retail outlets in the province and even a higher portion of gasoline sales due to their strong presence in the larger urban markets. Table 37: Approximate Number of Retail Stations in Prairie Provinces, 1997 Company Imperial Oil Ltd. (Esso) Shell / Turbo Petro-Canada Husky/Mohawk 37 Alberta Alberta Sask. Manitoba Total 20% 20% 10% 17% 297 292 154 255 179 115 83 55 164 456 101 70 640 863 338 380 Source: Natural Resources Canada. 48 % of Total 19% 26% 10% 11% CHEMINFO Fas Gas United Farmers of Alberta DOMO Co-op / Tempo 7/11 Canadian Tire Hughes 13% 6% 2% 6% 4% 1% 2% Total 100% Sources: Octane. Industry sources. 200 96 27 92 53 15 30 58 0 6 309 26 3 6 0 25 173 17 6 264 96 58 574 96 24 30 8% 3% 2% 17% 3% 1% 1% 1,511 834 1,018 3,363 100% 3.4.4 Canadian Trade in Ethanol The pattern of Canadian trade in ethanol has changed over the years. Canada was a net exporter of ethanol in the 1970s, but export sales dropped to low levels since Commercial Alcohols closed its synthetic ethanol plant in Varennes, QC in the 1980s. In 1999 Canada imported more ethanol than it exported. Table 38: Trend in Canadian Ethanol Trade (million litres) 1976 1981 1990 1999 Exports 39 49 8 27 Imports (0) (3) (0) (75) Net exports 39 46 8 (48) Source: Statistics Canada. Includes denatured and undenatured. 1999 are estimates based on year-to-date November data. May include product less than 100% ethanol, which may result in differences versus trade in Table 32 above. Trade in ethanol covers movement of product that is used for alcoholic beverages, industrial solvents as well as transportation fuels. The unit values of these grades are quite different, with transportation fuels being the lowest priced (There may be different grades included within each of the commodity categories such that the average unit values of the imports may be a mix of grades.) Over 95% of ethanol imports come from the United States. Table 39: Ethanol Trade November 1999 Year-to-Date Imports Description Spirits nes denatured of any strength Ethyl alcohol, nes, denatured, of any strength Ethyl alcohol, denatured, in accordance with specs of excise act and regulations Ethyl alcohol, nes, undenatured ?80% vol. Code Quantity Total Value Average Unit Value (million litres) (C$ million) (¢/litre) 2207209000 34.3 20.8 61 2207201900 0.1 0.2 126 2207201100 11.2 9.4 84 2207109000 16.6 7.7 47 49 CHEMINFO 2207101000 Ethyl alcohol undenatured ?80 vol, for use as or for mfr of spirituous/alc bev Total November 1990 YTD 6.7 5.4 81 68.9 43.5 63 75 47 63 Quantity Total Value Average Unit Value Estimated total 1999 Code Exports Description Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength Undenatured ethyl alcohol strength by vol of 80% vol or higher Total November 1990 YTD (million litres) (C$ million) (¢/litre) 22072000 7.3 6.6 90 22071000 17.3 19.4 112 24.6 26.0 106 27 28 106 Estimated total 1999 Canada’s ethanol exports are not concentrated on the United States market. In 1998 the United States only accounted for 30% of exports. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have recently become major exporting destinations for denatured and undenatured grades of ethanol. Table 40: Canadian Ethanol Exports by Destination, 1998 (million litres) Code Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength Undenatured ethyl alcohol strength by vol of 80% vol or higher Total USA Georgia All Other Countries 0.7 Total 1.9 Ukraine, Russia 0.6 22072000 1.8 22071000 5.3 10.4 3.5 0.2 19.4 7.1 12.3 4.1 0.9 24.4 5.0 3.4.5 Pacific Northwest Ethanol Market To date, ethanol demand in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. has been driven primarily by federal and state Clean Air Act requirements mandating the use of oxygenates in winter gasoline to lower emissions. There is currently a capacity shortfall in the region such that ethanol is sourced from the mid-west U.S. and from imports. Demand for ethanol in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. dropped for transportation fuel when the Seattle area in Washington achieved ambient standards of environmental attainment for carbon monoxide. 50 CHEMINFO Table 41: Trend in Demand for Ethanol in PNW38 (million litres) 1992 431 58 Transportation fuel All other applications 1995 431 61 1997 290 63 Total 489 492 353 Includes Western Canadian provinces Capacity in the region (including western provinces) has doubled over the last decade, with new plants in Alberta and Wyoming. However, these capacity additions have been relatively small in context of meeting local demands. The region imports a large percent of its ethanol requirements. Table 42: Ethanol Capacity in PNW (million litres/year) States Washington Montana Oregon Idaho Wyoming Provinces Alberta* British Columbia Saskatchewan Total 1990 16 23 - 1998 16 23 19 200539 329 114 114 23 19 4 40 22 16 93 22 16 637 * Excludes as base case announcements for new Alberta and BC capacity To date, ethanol producers in the PNW have to date installed facilities that are small in comparison to many plants in the mid-west regions. For example, the Commercial Alcohol plant in Chatham, ON with approximately at 150 million litre/year capacity is about 7 times larger than the biggest of the PNW plants. Table 43: Some Ethanol Producers in PNW Company Location Type of Plant Capacity Market Focus (million litre/yr) API Grain Processing Georgia Pacific Red Deer, AB Bellingham,WA Wheat, gluten Pulp waste 22 13 Miller Brewing Olympia, WA Distilled spilled beer 3 J.R. Simplot Caldwell, ID Burley, ID Potato skin wastes 23 38 100% fuel 70% fuel 30% industrial 60% fuel, 40% food 100% fuel Estimate of demand in Montana and Idaho from state authorities, Washington, Montana, Oregon and Nevada data from U.S. Energy Information Administration. 39 This forecast assumes proposed/announced ethanol projects in Washington, Montana and Oregon are constructed. 51 CHEMINFO Wyoming Ethanol Torrington, WY Dry process, corn, sorgham 19 100% fuel Total regional 80 Note: Excludes Saskatchewan There are a host of new plants being proposed for the PNW. Not all may come to fruition. Some of the proposed plants have been announced and “on the books” for years. Most proposed are large scale (over 100 million litre/year) although predicated on using a variety of fermentable raw materials including wheat, corn, potato wastes and wood wastes. (Alberta potato production is growing.) If all of the announced/proposed capacity is constructed, the region will have an overcapacity situation versus regional demands. In total, the regional overcapacity could reach 200 to 300 million litres/year, or the equivalent of 2 to 3 large plants. Potential new installations have expectations regarding the growth in the California market. Table 44: Proposed Ethanol Capacity in the PNW40 Company Location Type of Plant American Agri-Tech Great Falls, MT Agra Processing Pacific Rim Ethanol Pacific Rim Ethanol Sustainable Energy Moses Lake, WA Moses Lake, WA Longview, WA Central Region, OR Dry process, wheat/barley Potato waste Dry process, grain Dry process, grain Wood waste Total Capacity (Million litres/yr) 114 11 152 152 114 543 API Grain Processing operates Alberta’s only commercial ethanol plant. The 22 million litre/year ethanol facility at Red Deer, AB was started in June of 1998. The Red Deer complex is mainly a grain processing facility. The company says this grain fractionation facility is the first of its kind in North America and uses wheat as its feedstock in the initial stages of production. The plant produces bread flour, high quality vital wheat gluten, motor fuel grade ethanol and livestock feed. API has a market partnership agreement with International Marketing Associates (IMA). IMA plays a key role in marketing the motor fuel grade ethanol. IMA distributes fuel grade ethanol, fuel additives and oil field chemicals throughout the U.S. and Canada. IMA has been marketing fuel grade ethanol since 1980 to gasoline marketers and refiners. There are a number of proposals for plants in the province. There are no known commercial ethanol plants currently in production in British Columbia. There are two groups reported to be working on ethanol projects. One group is proposing a grain fraction plant in the Peace River area, the other claims to have technology to convert wood waste to ethanol and is proposing a plant in Prince George. Montana does not currently produce ethanol, but does have some proposed ethanol plants. One proposed plant has reached the stage of regulatory approval. The plant to be located in Great Falls, MT would have a capacity of 114 million litre/yr. According to state spokespeople, output from the plant could be shipped by railcar to the California market. 40 Source: Bryan & Bryan, October 1999. 52 CHEMINFO The state of Washington has two ethanol plants in operation and one, Agra Processing at Moses Lake, is said to be in the start-up mode. The state has studied the feasibility of ethanol from biomass using agricultural wastes. The ethanol would be targeted for the fuel market to meet requirements for a 7% reduction in emissions from the state’s transportation sector. Spokespeople for the Washington’s energy program think any future ethanol production facilities would be targeting the California market. Two ethanol plants in Idaho operated by J.R. Simplot are in production. There are no known proposed ethanol plants, according to state officials. Montana has about 35 gasoline stations selling an ethanol fuel blend. The stations are located mostly in the north-eastern part of the state. There is one non-attainment area in the state for CO at Missoula. From November 1 to the end of February there is a mandate to oxygenate fuels to have a 2.7% oxygen content. This is achieved by using 8% ethanol in the area. There are six or seven other areas in the state which are close to being non-attainment for CO. West Yellowstone, MT is very high for CO levels in winter months mostly because of the use of snowmobiles. Since there is currently no reported producer of ethanol in Montana the supply is serviced from the adjacent states of North Dakota, South Dakota (Heartland Grain Fuels) and Wyoming (Wyoming Ethanol). Some of the ethanol requirements have been sourced in the past from Iowa and Indiana. The state in addition to collecting a 27 cents/gallon tax on any type of fuel has a 0.75 cents/gal clean-up fee. The state of Washington has seen the use of ethanol fuels drop recently. Ethanol fuels were being used in greater amounts in the Seattle area as an oxygenate. However, the Seattle area is no longer a non-attainment area for carbon monoxide (CO), such that oxygenated fuels are not required. The replacement of older cars with newer less polluting vehicles is a contributing factor in the reduction of CO emissions. Spokane still requires the use of oxygenate in the winter months. The improvement in air quality has not happened to the same degree in Spokane, potentially because of the colder climate and colder engine starts. Washington’s incentive to use ethanol fuels was removed when the State’s revenue loss became significant. There are currently no requirements for reformulated gas in the State. Arco is reported to be the major user of ethanol for fuels and is more than likely purchasing product from the mid-western United States, and to lesser degree from offshore suppliers. There is conflicting information and data on the consumption of ethanol in Idaho. While no consumption of gasohol is reported in Idaho by the U.S. Department of Energy, officials with the states energy program report the estimated use is actually about 8 M gallons per year. There are 42 gasoline stations in the state offering E10 fuels. Another major supplier to the state is Wyoming Ethanol. There is one non-attainment area in Idaho, year round, for carbon monoxide (CO) and PM 10 (particulate) in North Ada County. The state has three other non-attainment areas for PM10. Nevada has non-attainment areas for CO in the counties of Clark and Washoe from October 1 to February 29. Both locations have a winter oxygenates program. Clark County has a number of stations that use and sell ethanol fuels year-round. Clark County, which is located in southern Nevada, began its winter ethanol program in 1989. The county adds 3.5% ethanol by weight to gasoline. Nevada is reported to be the only state in the US that mandates only the use of ethanol in winter fuels. Consumption of ethanol used in gasohol in Nevada in 1998 was 52.3 million litres according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Ethanol demand in the western states of California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Washington increased from 154 million to 214 million gallons per year from 1992 to 1995. In 1996, ethanol demand dropped to 124 million gallons per year with the loss of the California market and a significant decrease in the Washington market. The are no public figures for fuel use in B.C. and Alberta. As a public company Mohawk released sales volumes for ethanol blended gasolines. Not all of the gas was blended at 10%. The most ethanol used 53 CHEMINFO according to an analyst was about 23 million litres in 1995. In 1996, Mohawk increased the price of ethanol blends in Alberta and Saskatchewan and that caused consumers to shift away from ethanol blends, which had been sold at the same price as gasoline blends. Alberta and B.C. are currently estimated to use about 5 million litres/yr and Saskatchewan 2.5 million litres/yr of ethanol for ethanol/gasolines blends. 3.4.6 Market Pricing Prices of ethanol are influenced by the cost of raw material grains (corn) as well as ethanol plant coproducts, such as DDG and gluten. Other influences are the price of gasoline which is turn is strongly influenced by the price of crude oil. Recent (February, March 2000) escalations of crude oil and gasoline prices saw increases in the price of ethanol, although to lesser degrees. In the United States list prices has tended to fluctuate, while in Canada the listed price has remained relatively stable. Canadian suppliers increase or decrease discounts from high list prices, depending on prevailing market conditions. Generally, the price for ethanol is similar across North America. Most of the ethanol sold in Canada is under contract, with pricing mechanisms and actual transaction prices that are unique to the producer-buyer relationship. Therefore, market list or spot prices for ethanol do not necessarily reflect the actual transaction prices in Canada. Recent fluctuations in crude oil and gasoline prices across North America have also influenced ethanol prices. Crude oil reached close to 32 US$/barrel in the first quarter of 2000 and has recently dropped to 26 US$/barrel. Ethanol prices have corresponding increased and decreased. Table 45: Canadian Pricing Data for Ethanol High price in last 5 years Low price in last 5 years Current market price in U.S. Sources: Industry sources. Cdn¢/litre 68 34 38-55 3.5 Wheat Gluten Market Overview Wheat gluten represents a potential value-added product of an integrated ethanol plant. The North American wheat protein market can be considered to include vital wheat gluten as well as intrinsic wheat protein. Total North American wheat protein demand is roughly estimated at 35-40 million tonnes per year. In the 1996/1997 crop year, approximately 35 million tonnes of wheat were consumed in the United States for food, feed and seed, alone. The U.S. produces approximately 64 million tonnes per year of wheat, a large portion of which is exported. By comparison in the same period, 120,000 tonnes of wheat gluten were consumed in the United States, or only 0.3% of the total weight of domestic wheat processed. However, since wheat gluten consists of approximately 75-80 percent protein, its contribution to total wheat protein market, is higher and to a minor degree can influence the overall market. 41 3.5.1 Market Size The total North American (including Canada) market for wheat gluten is estimated at 130,000 to 140,000 tonnes per year. A new 100 million litre-ethanol per year gluten/ethanol facility could produce 41 Stiegert, K., Balzer, B., Evaluating the U.S. Wheat Gluten Quota Policy, The Wheat Utilization Committee of the U.S. Wheat Associates, August 1999. 54 CHEMINFO approximately 25,000 to 30,000 tonnes of gluten annually. This is a relatively large portion - approximately 20% - of the North American market, which presents substantial potential marketing problems and trade issues for a new supplier. Lately, U.S. producers of gluten have been more protective of their domestic market (see below). In 1997, North American imports, mostly into the United States, made up approximately 30% of domestic consumption. In 1998, these imports increased substantially and for European Union countries and Australia exporters, exceeded import quotas established during 1998 by the U.S. Administration. Table 46: United States Imports of Wheat Gluten42 (HS Code: 110900: Value in Millions of Canadian Dollars) Country of Origin 1994 1995 1996 1997 Europe, Western Canada Australia Others (M$) 48 17 47 10 (M$) 43 13 36 4 (M$) 55 15 49 5 (M$) 45 12 31 4 Total 122 96 124 92 1997 (estimated) (kilotonnes) 1998 (M$) 18 6 12 2 76 16 47 7 38 146 In most applications, gluten competes with wheat protein, which varies in supply based principally on the types of wheat varieties planted and weather factors late in the growing season. The value of protein depends on its supply and availability. There are crop years in which protein is in oversupply, which tends to drive its value to very low levels. In other years, when availability of wheat protein is low, the price can be influenced by the cost of incremental production of protein contained in value-added products (e.g., gluten).43 The full dynamics affecting the price of wheat gluten are complex, and beyond the scope of this study to detail. However, potential ethanol producers, need to understand these complex markets in context of investment decisions. 3.5.2 Suppliers of Wheat Gluten There are less than half a dozen identified wheat gluten producers in North America. The major Canadian producer of wheat gluten is ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) in Lachine, Quebec. The facility has an estimated capacity of approximately 20 kilotonnes per year of gluten, which represents nearly 2 times the size of total Canadian demand. ADM exports gluten to the United States 44. It does not make ethanol at the Quebec plant. Starch is a co-product. API Grain Processing in Red Deer, AB also makes wheat gluten. Its capacity is assumed to be smaller than ADM’s, with a substantial portion of its production potentially used for its enriched flour products. API does make ethanol. 42 Trade Data Online v3.0, Stiegert, K., Balzer, B., Evaluating the U.S. Wheat Gluten Quota Policy, The Wheat Utilization Committee of the U.S. Wheat Associates, August 1999. 44 May sell gluten internally to ADM food operations. 43 55 CHEMINFO Table 47: Identified US Gluten/Ethanol Producers Company Manildra Midwest Grain Products, Inc. Location Hamburg, Iowa Atchison, Kansas 3.5.3 Dumping and Recent U.S. Import Quota On January 22, 1997, the Wheat Gluten Industry Council of the United States filed a Section 301 petition to stop the current European Union trade practices concerning wheat gluten and starch. European producers were increasing their share of the U.S. market. Between 1995 and 1998, European wheat gluten EU producers nearly doubled their share of the U.S. market from 14 percent to 28 percent. The Wheat Gluten Industry Council estimated that the U.S. wheat gluten industry was operating at only one-third of its production capacity as the result of what it claims was European gluten dumping. Pressure on U.S. wheat gluten markets caused U.S. prices to fall, at times, below production costs. U.S. gluten production has been forced to scale back, causing job loss and reduced demand for U.S. wheat, according to U.S. producers. As a result in 1998, The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) imposed a 3-year quota (June 1, 1998 until June 1, 2001) on wheat gluten imports from the European Union, Australia, Argentina, Taiwan, China, and some East European nations. It limited total imports to 57.5 kilotonnes in year 1 and increases by 6% annually. Canada, Israel, Mexico and countries included in the Caribbean Basin were exempt45. In 1999 it became evident to United States officials that some exporting countries were exceeding their quotas. Further action was taken. The Clinton Administration took steps to reduce the quantity of European vital wheat gluten that could be imported into the United States over the next 12 months. In a presidential proclamation issued May 28, EU import allocation was reduced by 5,402,000 kilograms, or 21% of 25,700,000 kilograms. The action was taken after the U.S. Customs Service determined that gluten imports from the European Union during the previous 12 months had exceeded the EU quota by 5,200,000 kilograms. For the 12 months ended May 31, 2000, the EU quota will be 20,581,000 kilograms. European Union officials claimed the move was "highly discriminatory" and "without warning." Further, the EU said that the quota cut for the next 12 months of 5.4 million kg exceeds the 5.2 million kg the EU is said to have shipped into the United States in excess of the quota. That gluten exports from the EU exceeded the quota at all is the fault of U.S. Customs, according to the Europeans. Specifically, the EU has accused Customs of failing "to record declared imports against the EU quota. Only U.S. Customs had the complete picture of how much wheat gluten had been imported, yet they were posting misleading data on their traders’ Internet site about the room for further imports under quota," the Europeans claim. "When they realized their error, the extra amounts were added to the quota, showing the overshoot for the EU Now the EU trade is being penalized for what is in effect an omission of the U.S. authorities." 45 Washington File, Statement On Wheat Gluten Import Quotas, U.S. Information Service, June 1998. The President found pursuant to the NAFTA Implementation Act that imports of wheat gluten from Canada do not contribute importantly to the injury caused by imports and that imports from Mexico do not account for a substantial share of imports of wheat gluten. As such, imports of wheat gluten from Canada and Mexico were excluded from the quota. 56 CHEMINFO 4. Comparison of Fuel Alternatives 4.1 Summary This section describes vehicle emission standards, technologies to reduce emissions and compares alternative fuels as gasoline blending components or fuels used in pure form (e.g., propane, natural gas, biodiesel). The table below summarizes key properties of gasoline blending components, namely ethanol, MTBE, ETBE, and alkylates, aromatics and olefins. The characteristics are presented in context of ethanol as a low level blending component, not as a high ethanol-concentration fuel or as a diesel fuel component. Propane, natural gas and biodiesel are also considered in this section although summary data are not provided in table below. Impact on CO Emissions Impact on HC Emissions Impact on NOx Emissions 18.0 9.0 4.0 7.9 ~3 ~7 Oxygen Content, wt% 115 110 112 92.6 ~110 ~90 Carbon Content, Wt % Ethanol MTBE ETBE Alkylate Aromatics Olefins Blending Vapour Pressure, psi Blending Octane R+M/2 Table 48: Summary of Key Properties of Gasoline Blending Components 52.2 70.5 68.1 84 90.0 85.7 34.4 18.2 15.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + - + 0 to + 0 to + 0 + + - DENOTES A DECREASE, + IS AN INCREASE * Assumes vapour pressure adjustments to gasoline. HC emissions may increase if VP is not adjusted. 4.2 Vehicle Technologies and Emission Standards Vehicle and engine technologies are continually changing in response to these government regulations, consumer demand, technological capabilities and other factors. These changes have resulted in exhaust emissions from new vehicles being over 90% less than emissions from vehicles of the 1960’s. One of the results of this continual improvement has been that vehicles with different technologies and different control strategies respond differently to changes in fuel composition. It is therefore necessary to look at fuel impacts separately for the varying classes of technology. Most cars today are equipped with catalytic converters. Catalytic converters are pollution control devices installed directly in the exhaust system of vehicles to reduce harmful emissions. First used in 1975, oxidation (or two-way) catalytic converters take hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) and convert them into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour, which are then released into the air. Three-way catalytic converters appeared in the mid-1980s, and convert carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions as well as nitrogen oxide (NOx) into nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour. 57 CHEMINFO The following table provides an illustration of the evolution of Canadian exhaust emission standards for gasoline-fuelled vehicles. On August 20, 1997, Transport Canada published comprehensive new emission regulations in the Canada Gazette Part II. The new regulations require the more stringent control of exhaust emissions (HC, CO, NOx and PM), evaporative emissions (mostly HC) and refuelling emissions (mostly HC) from 1998 and later model year vehicles. In addition, the new regulations require that new light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks be equipped with on-board diagnostic systems to monitor vehicle emission control systems for proper functioning and to alert the driver of any malfunction by illuminating a dashboard light. Table 49. Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Standards in Canada Exhaust Emissions (g/km) HC Effective CO NOx PM Date THC NMHC Prior to Standards 5.5 54 2.2 (Estimates) January 1971 1.4 14 July 1971 2.1 24 January 1973 1.2 24 1.86 January 1975 1.2 16 1.93 September 1987 0.25 2.1 0.62 Tier 0 Vehicles September 1997 0.25 0.16 2.1 0.25 0.05 Tier 1 Vehicles LEV Proposal 0.047 2.1 0.125 HC: Hydrocarbons, THC: Total Hydrocarbons, NMHC: Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, CO: Carbon Monoxide, NOx: Nitrogen Oxides, PM: Particulate Matter. Note: In the case of the standards in place from 1971 through 1974, different test procedures were used to verify compliance. Therefore, their stringency cannot be directly compared with the other standards. For the 1998 model year, similar standards exist for diesel, methanol, natural gas, and LPG vehicles. Source: Environment Canada, Transport Canada Canada's new vehicle emission standards are now fully harmonized with those applicable in the United States under the Environmental Protection Agency's federal emission control program and are consistent with a recommendation of the CCME's Task Force on Cleaner Vehicles and Fuels. This has not always been the case. There was a delay in standards setting in the 1980’s with the 1987 Canadian standards being introduced in 1980 and 1981 in the US. Vehicles meeting these standards are now known as Tier 0 vehicles. Transport Canada has also initiated a public process to develop low-emission vehicle standards for the 2001 model year. These low emission vehicles are available in the US and have NOx emissions about 50% lower than the Tier 1 standards and NMHC 70% lower than Tier 1. The US has implemented new standards to take effect in 2004. These Tier 2 standards have an average NOx level of 0.04 g/km and a range of standards for NMOG, CO, formaldehyde and particulate matter that is a function of the NOx certification level for that vehicle. In general, NMOG and particulate levels are lower than LEV’s and the aldehyde standard is new. California has its own terminology for classifying vehicles that have emissions lower than that required by law. Some of the alternatively fuelled vehicles have been calibrated to meet these lower standards. The standards are shown in the following table. 58 CHEMINFO Table 50. California Low Emission Vehicle Standards Category NMOG Oxides of nitrogen g/mile 0.4 0.4 Formaldehyde g/mile 0.25 0.125 Carbon Monoxide g/mile 3.4 3.4 mg/mile n/a 15 Diesel Particulate g/mile 0.08 n/a Units Tier 1 TLEV, Transitional Low Emission vehicle LEV, Low Emission Vehicle ULEV, Ultra Low Emission Vehicle SULEV, Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle. Proposed 2001 standard at 120,000 miles. 0.075 3.4 0.05 15 n/a 0.040 1.7 0.05 8 n/a 0.010 1.0 0.02 4 0.01 Vehicle emissions are a very complex issue and are highly dependent on engine operating conditions such as load, speed, engine temperature and the rate of change of conditions. The results of emission testing are therefore dependent on the test protocol. As noted in a previous table there have been changes in test procedures over time. The most common test today is the US FTP (Federal Test Procedure). This is the test used to confirm that vehicles meet the required emission standards. It is acknowledged that operating conditions during this test procedure are less severe than typical in-use operation, the speeds are slower with less rapid accelerations. In the real world the higher speed and faster acceleration periods are known as “off cycle” periods. The US EPA has developed a new test procedure (the Supplemental FTP or SFTP) in response to the requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, which includes higher speeds and higher rates of acceleration. New vehicles will have to be certified in the US using SFTP starting with the 2001 model year. Manufacturers are expected to mitigate the impact of the emissions from these off cycle periods and will be required to meet the same emission standard as they would with the FTP. Emissions from these off cycle periods can be very high. Ross (1995) reports that emissions during high power accelerations can be 500 times higher than FTP emissions for CO, 100 times higher for HC and 20 times higher for NOx. Ross estimated that these periods could contribute 7.3 g/mile of CO, 0.12 g/mile HC and negligible emissions of NOx per average mile driven. The EPA (German 1995) reached the same conclusions regarding the importance of controlling off cycle emissions during their review of the FTP and development of the SFTP. The increase in emissions is due to enrichment of the air fuel mixture and a drop in catalyst efficiency during these periods. Fuel oxygen leans the air fuel mixture and could be expected to have a larger impact on off cycle emissions than on emissions from the FTP cycle where the air fuel mixture is generally controlled close to stoichiometric. Emissions from vehicles generally increase with age or mileage. The rate of increase is dependent on the vehicle technology. Older vehicles deteriorate at a faster rate than newer technology vehicles. This deterioration along with off cycle emissions accounts for the much higher in-use emission factors than the certification emission rates. 4.3 Gasoline and Hydrocarbon Blending Components 59 CHEMINFO Gasoline and diesel fuels are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons that are produced from refining crude oil. These two fuels provide the majority of the energy requirements of the transportation sector. Traditionally the fuels have been blended to meet the performance requirements of the vehicles they are used in and to balance the production at the refinery. Refiners increasingly have to blend fuels to meet environmental requirements, allowing vehicles to operate with lower exhaust emissions. Canadian fuel specifications now limit benzene content of gasoline, the sulphur content of diesel fuel and in the future will also limit gasoline sulphur content. Not only are fuels complex mixtures but the refineries that produce them are also complex manufacturing processes that combine many individual process operations to obtain the required yield of fuels demanded by the market in the most efficient and cost effective manner. The schematic layout of a typical refinery is shown in Figure 2 (Chevron, 1996). Crude oil is fed to the distillation column where straight run light and heavy gasoline, jet and diesel are separated at atmospheric pressure. Whereas straight-run jet and diesel are usually acceptable as is, the straight-run gasolines typically require more processing to convert them into gasoline blending components. The straight run light gasoline may be isomerized to increase octane, hydrotreated to convert benzene to cyclohexane so that the final gasoline blend will meet a benzene specification limit, or both. The straight run heavy gasoline is hydrotreated to remove sulphur and then reformed to improve octane and generate hydrogen for the hydrotreaters. The bottoms from the atmospheric column is vacuum distilled to obtain gas oils for FCC or hydrocracker feed. The gasoils are hydrotreated to reduce sulphur and nitrogen to levels which will not interfere with the FCC process. Even though the feed was desulphurized, the FCC product must be sweetened to convert reactive sulphur compounds (mercaptans) to more innocuous ones, otherwise the gasoline blend will be malodorous and unstable. In the future with tighter restrictions on the sulphur content of finished gasoline, the FCC product must be further desulphurized. 60 CHEMINFO Figure 2. Gasoline Processing in a Modern Refinery 61 CHEMINFO The typical characteristics of the major refinery streams are shown in the table below (Miller, 1999). Table 51: Typical Characteristics of Refinery Streams Name Light Straight Run Isomerate FCCU Reformate Alkylate Lt. Hydrocrack n-Butane Blending Octane, R+M/2 73.1 87.0 86.4 87.0 92.6 80.9 92.0 Blending Vapour Pressure, psi 13.3 16.9 7.1 3.0 3.0 12.5 51.8 Olefins, % Aromatics, % Benzene, % 2.2 0.7 29.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 0 2.8 1.4 29.2 58.9 0.4 3.0 0 0.3 0.1 2.9 1.8 0.04 0.2 0 Many of the gasoline components not yet regulated in Canada are known to impact vehicle emissions. The Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program (AQIRP) was initiated in the late 1980’s to develop a better understanding of the relationships between fuel composition and fuel parameters and vehicle emissions. The AQIRP program and efforts of the US EPA and California throughout the 1990’s has lead to a much better understanding of the impact of fuel parameters and exhaust emissions. A recent presentation from the California Air Resources Board (1999) summarized the emissions response to fuel parameters. Table 52: Emission Response to Fuel Parameter Changes Decreasing Fuel Parameter RVP Sulphur Benzene Aromatics Olefins T50 and T90 Oxygen Leads to Reduced evaporative Reduced , NOx, Toxics, SOx Reduced Toxics Reduced , NOx, Toxics Reduced NOx, Toxics, Increased Reduced , Toxics, Increased NOx Increased , Toxics, CO, Reduced NOx Gasoline is formulated to meet many quality parameters including octane content, volatility, driveability, and energy content. In addition, refiners must simultaneously meet the quality specifications of the other products being produced. The result is that it is extremely difficult to change only one parameter at a time. For example, aromatics are a good source of octane, such that lowering aromatics to reduce emissions of VOCs, NOx and toxics must be offset by increasing another component that will increase octane. Adding an oxygenate to gasoline such as ethanol or MTBE, not only reduces VOCs, CO, and toxics and increases NOx, it also adds octane so the aromatics can be reduced. A refiner that takes full advantage of the properties of the oxygenate can therefore reduce VOCs and Toxics further and offset at least some of the NOx increase usually associated with oxygenates. The oxygenate will also dilute some of the other gasoline parameters such as benzene and sulphur leading to further small improvements in air quality. 62 CHEMINFO A brief description of various gasoline blending components with their key energy and environmental considerations follows. 4.3.1 Aromatics With aromatic compounds some of the carbon atoms are joined in a ring. These rings always contain six carbons. Some of the better known aromatics include benzene, toluene and xylene. The benzene content of gasoline in Canada is now limited to 1.0% by volume. In other jurisdictions such as California and those areas of the United States that require reformulated gasoline there are also limits on the quantity of aromatics that gasoline may contain. Aromatics have high-octane levels and a high specific gravity (~0.87 g/l) which leads to good volumetric fuel economy. Aromatics have a carbon content of about 0.90 by weight. This leads to slightly higher greenhouse gas emissions per mile driven. The blending octane is a function of the severity of the reforming process but it is generally in the range of 88 to 92 (R+M/2). The aromatic content of gasoline generally rose when lead was removed from gasoline. Refinery processes such as reforming produce streams with high aromatic contents. Increasing the aromatic content of gasoline leads to higher emissions of hydrocarbons, NOx, and air toxics. Higher aromatics also lead to a higher driveability index resulting in poorer performance. Aromatics are also linked to higher levels of combustion chamber deposits. Both higher driveability index and higher combustion chamber deposits are linked to higher exhaust emissions (Piel, 1999). 63 CHEMINFO 4.3.2 Reformate Reformate is the product stream produced by catalytically reforming low octane straight chain paraffins into aromatics. Hydrogen is also produced in the process. The hydrogen can be almost as important as the octane boost. Hydrogen is used in the refinery to remove sulphur and in processes such as hydrocracking. Reformate is high in aromatics, carbon and specific gravity. It is low in sulphur. 4.3.3 Benzene Benzene is a specific aromatic compound. It is a known carcinogen and for this reason the quantity permitted in gasoline is now limited to 1% in Canada. Canada introduced this limit on benzene in gasoline effective July 1999. Benzene can also be produced during the combustion process in an engine from incomplete combustion of larger aromatic compounds. This is a factor in leading some areas to limit total aromatic content of gasoline. Working under the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Canada-Wide-Standards for benzene are in the development process and cover all benzene sources of emissions. The results of the CWS may have additional regulatory impact on benzene in gasoline. 4.3.4 Olefins Olefins are unsaturated hydrocarbons with one or more double bonds. They rarely exist in crude oil but are formed during the refining process. They have a lower stability than paraffinic compounds. Increasing olefin content of gasoline increases emissions of NOx and air toxics. Refinery streams with a high olefin content include cat cracker gasoline. Cat cracker gasoline typically has an octane rating of 86 (R+M/2). The cat cracker converts the heavier hydrocarbons in crude oil to lighter, higher-octane gasoline components. Olefins have a specific gravity of about 0.77 g/l and a carbon content of 0.86. Both of these properties are close to the average for gasoline. The gaseous, light C3 and C4 olefins can be used as feedstock for the alkylation process. Olefin content of gasoline is regulated in US and California Reformulated Gasoline. 4.3.5 Alkylate The alkylation process combines small gaseous olefins with boiling points too low to be used in gasoline with iso-butane to produce liquid paraffinic hydrocarbons. Alkylate has a high octane, usually in the low 90’s (R+M/2). Alkylation is a key process in producing reformulated gasoline due to limits placed on the other classes of high-octane hydrocarbons, olefins and aromatics. Alkylate has very low contents of olefins, aromatics and sulphur. Alkylate has a low specific gravity (~0.68) leading to a lower volumetric fuel efficiency. The carbon content is typically 0.84 by weight. Gasoline with high alkylate content can produce lower greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of the fuel per mile driven. Alkylate production in the refinery is limited by the capacity of the cat cracker and the olefin production. It has been proposed that MTBE plants could be converted to alkylation units if the market for MTBE shrinks but this would produce very expensive alkylate (Miller, 1999). 4.3.6 Butane 64 CHEMINFO Butane is a light paraffin used to adjust the front end volatility of gasoline. It is a high-octane component. Tighter vapour pressure limits on gasoline limits the amount of this high-octane component that can be added to gasoline in the summer. This puts additional pressure on gasoline octane. Butane has a carbon content of 0.86, a specific gravity of 0.58 and an octane of 92. 4.3.7 Sulphur The Federal government has introduced limits on gasoline sulphur content that will take effect in 2002 and 2005. The average sulphur content of Canadian gasoline is about 360 ppm. This will be reduced to an average of 150 ppm for the period of July 1, 2002 to January 1, 2005. After January 1, 2005, sulphur levels are to be less than 30 ppm. Therefore, by 2005 sulphur related emissions (SOx) from gasoline vehicles are projected to be less than 10% of the 360 ppm level. Sulphur in gasoline impairs the operation of catalytic converters. Low sulphur gasoline can reduce emissions substantially. The reduction is dependant on the vehicle technology used but emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are all reduced when the sulphur content of gasoline is reduced. The reductions reported by the US EPA (EPA 1999). The reductions for lowering sulphur from 400 to 50 ppm would be additive. 65 CHEMINFO Table 53: US EPA Sulphur Reductions Emission Mode Vehicle Technology Percent Reduction in HC when Sulphur is changed from: 400>200 FTP Running Tier 0 Tier 1 Complex Model Tier 0 Tier 1 Percent Reduction in NOx when Sulphur is changed from: 200>50 400>200 200>50 Percent Reduction in CO when Sulphur is changed from: 400>200 200>50 6.0 3.4 9.9 12.8 7.1 7.5 2.08 2.4 5.7 4.2 4.8 7.4 6.92 5.23 9.6 14.8 11.1 7.26 11.7 13.4 26.3 32.5 3.38 2.3 7.0 4.71 10.5 9.72 23.3 21.4 4.4 Oxygenates Oxygenates are combustible liquids that contain oxygen in addition to carbon and hydrogen. All of the oxygenates currently used in gasoline belong to either the alcohol or ether families. With alcohols the oxygen is bonded to a hydrogen atom and a hydrocarbon group. With ethers two hydrocarbon groups are bonded to the oxygen atom. While the physical properties of the two families are different their impacts on exhaust emissions are quite similar for a given oxygen content. The most common oxygenates used in North America are ethanol, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), Ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and tertiary-amyl methyl ether (TAME). The basic properties of these four oxygenates are shown in the table below. Table 54: Information on Gasoline Oxygenates Name Ethanol MTBE ETBE TAME Formula C2H6O C5H12O C6H14O C6H14O Oxygen Content, mass % Blending Octane Number, R+M/2 34.7 18.2 15.7 15.7 129 118 119 112 Blending Vapour Pressure, psi 18.0 9.0 4.0 2.5 Maximum Concentration Approved by EPA Mass % Oxygen 3.7 2.74 2.7 2.7 Volume % Oxygenate 10.0 15.0 17.1 16.6 4.4.1 Ethers Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) MTBE is manufactured from methanol and isobutylene. The methanol is almost always manufactured from natural gas and the isobutylene is either a by-product of the refining process or manufactured from field butanes. MTBE facilities within a refinery tend to be small units limited by the availability of isobutylene. 66 CHEMINFO Stand-alone facilities that obtain the isobutylene from butane are usually larger units producing 10,000 bbls/day (584 million litres/year) or more of MTBE. US MTBE demand was reported to be 250,000 bbls/day in 1997 (~14 billion litre/year) by the US Energy Information Administration. One fifth of that was met through imports with the remainder being domestically produced. Although eastern Canadian refiners/fuel suppliers (especially North Atlantic Refining in Newfoundland and Irving in New Brunswick) import a substantial amount of MTBE, practically all of it is blended for gasoline export sales to the United States. The eastern Canadian refiners selling into U.S. smog non-attainment areas require the oxygenate to meet specifications. MTBE began to be used as a gasoline blending component in the early 1980’s. Initially it was used because of its high octane value and it was used to replace lead as an octane booster. In the 1990’s with the introduction of winter Oxyfuel programs and Reformulated Gasoline in the US it was also used as a source of oxygen for gasoline. Fuel economy of gasoline is reduced when any oxygen containing compound is added to the fuel. An 11% MTBE blend contains 2.0% oxygen and can be expected to reduce the fuel economy by 1.5 to 2% compared to gasoline without oxygen. The addition of oxygen to gasoline will reduce exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. The actual amount of the reduction is dependent on the vehicle technology. Older vehicles tend to exhibit a larger reduction in exhaust emissions than newer technology vehicles. With 11% MTBE new vehicles with Tier 1 technology can be expected to have an 8% reduction in unburned hydrocarbons ((S&T) 2, 1999). Most studies have concluded that these Tier 1 vehicles do not exhibit a CO reduction at the 2% oxygen level. There should be no impact on NOx at this level. Incomplete combustion of MTBE will lead to exhaust emissions of MTBE and formaldehyde. Emissions of MTBE and formaldehyde are very low with these vehicles, less than 10 mg/mile. Percent increases can be very large because of the small baseline quantities. The US EPA Complex Model46 predicts formaldehyde increases of 9.7% (1 mg/mile) from the addition of 11% MTBE to gasoline. Total air toxics decrease from 86 to 80 mg/mile with this addition. The Complex model results for baseline gasoline and gasoline with the addition of 11% MTBE are shown in the table below. Table 55: US Complex Model Results for Baseline Gasoline With and Without 11% MTBE Units Exhaust benzene Nonexhaust benzene Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Butadiene Particulate organic matter (POM) Total exhaust toxics Total toxics Baseline Gasoline mg/mile 53.54 5.51 4.44 9.70 9.38 3.04 80.10 85.61 Gasoline with MTBE mg/mile 48.34 5.01 4.14 10.64 8.78 3.02 74.92 79.93 Change, % -9.72 -9.03 -6.73 9.68 -6.36 -0.72 -6.47 -6.63 The US EPA’s Complex Model is a spreadsheet model used to estimate potential emissions for hazardous or toxic organic substances. 46 67 CHEMINFO MTBE use in gasoline has become a significant concern in the US over the past several years. Many chemicals in gasoline, including MTBE, can be harmful in water. However, MTBE is highly soluble in water and if gasoline containing MTBE is spilled or leaks into the soil it travels faster and further in water than the other gasoline components. MTBE is therefore more likely to be found in ground water or drinking water than other gasoline components. Combined with its distinctive odour, MTBE use in gasoline has become an issue of significant public concern. The State of California moved to eliminate the use of MTBE in gasoline and an EPA recently announced its intention to phase-out MTBE from use in gasoline. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the production and use of MTBE depend on how the fuel is made. Large stand alone plants using purchased methanol and field butanes will have greenhouse gas emissions similar to that of gasoline production on a per unit of energy basis. Ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE) ETBE is a very similar compound to MTBE. It can be manufactured in the same plants by substituting ethanol for methanol in the feed to the plant. It has a slightly lower oxygen content than MTBE which requires more of it to be used to meet the same oxygen level in the final gasoline. It has a lower vapour pressure than MTBE, which could be attractive for some refiners, especially in the summer months. Ethanol costs more than methanol so ETBE is more expensive to make than MTBE. In the US if the ethanol that is used for ETBE production qualifies for the ethanol tax exemption then that reduces the cost disadvantage for ETBE production. In recent years the cost spread between methanol and ethanol has been high enough that not even the tax incentive was sufficient to overcome ethanol’s price disadvantage and very little ETBE has been produced. ETBE will behave in a very similar fashion to MTBE if it enters ground water. It is not considered as a replacement for MTBE. Incomplete combustion of ETBE will produce acetaldehyde in the exhaust rather than formaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is less reactive in the atmosphere than formaldehyde. The Complex Model predicts a 4 mg/mile increase in acetaldehyde emissions when 2% oxygen is added with ETBE. This is an 88% increase in acetaldehyde emissions. Even with this increase acetaldehyde emissions are less than formaldehyde emissions from non-oxygenated gasoline. Total toxics emissions decline by 2 mg/mile or 2.4%. The Complex Model results for gasoline with 12.5% ETBE (2% Oxygen) are shown in the table below. Table 56: US Complex Model Results for Baseline Gasoline With and Without 12.5% ETBE Units Exhaust benzene Nonexhaust benzene Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Butadiene POM Total exhaust toxics Total toxics Baseline Gasoline Gasoline with 12.5% ETBE Change, % mg/mile 53.54 5.51 4.44 9.70 9.38 3.04 80.10 85.61 mg/mile 48.34 5.50 8.36 9.70 8.78 3.02 78.20 83.71 -9.72 -0.00 88.33 0.00 -6.36 -0.72 -2.37 -2.22 4.4.2 Alcohols 68 CHEMINFO The two alcohols that are of interest from a fuels perspective are methanol and ethanol. In the past isopropanol, tertiary butyl alcohol, and isobutyl alcohol have been used as gasoline blending agents. These other alcohols are usually made from petroleum and are more expensive to make than gasoline so their use in gasoline has essentially disappeared. The octane properties of alcohols heavier than butyl alcohols are lower than gasoline so their has never been significant interest in those compounds as a gasoline fuel component. Methanol Methanol is made from natural gas. In the past it has been used as a low level blending agent with gasoline (M5) and as a high level blend (M85). There is little interest in these two markets today from the methanol or automotive industries. The last M85 vehicles were produced about a year ago by Ford. The methanol industry is very interested in the potential application of methanol as the fuel for fuel cell vehicles. The industry is also investigating the use of diesel methanol emulsions for use in unmodified diesel engines. Methanol is the simplest alcohol. It has the highest oxygen content (50%) of any of the ethers and alcohols. Of all of the alcohols it is the one most unlike a hydrocarbon. It has the lowest solubility in hydrocarbons and thus has needed to be used with a co-solvent to improve water tolerance. It is the most aggressive towards elastomers and some of the metals typically found in automotive fuel systems. Methanol and ethanol exhibit unusual volatility properties. As pure liquids there have very low vapour pressure but in low level blends they form azeotropes with some low weight hydrocarbons and as a result exhibit very high blending vapour pressures. As high level blends the 15% gasoline serves a number of purposes including increasing volatility to aid with cold starts. Blends of 5% methanol can increase the vapour pressure of gasoline by as much as 3 psi. Methanol does have a high octane rating particularly in low level blends (R+M/2 of 120). Its high heat of vapourization has made methanol and attractive fuel in high performance applications such as Indy car racing. In blends with diesel fuel methanol has demonstrated an ability to lower particulate and NOx emissions. These diesel emissions are the target of current efforts by Governments and manufacturers to improve the environmental performance of diesel engines. Methanol’s other attractive attribute is that it is one of the few liquid fuels that does not have a carboncarbon bond. This means that the temperature at which methanol breaks down to form hydrogen is much lower than any of the non-hydrogen fuels that are being considered for fuel cell applications. Lower temperature reforming should improve the transient response for on-board reforming. Methanol’s high hydrogen content is also attractive as a fuel cell fuel. Ethanol Ethanol is used widely throughout North America as a blending component of gasoline. In the United States approximately 4.8 billion litres were used in 1998. There is a small but growing market for high level blends (E85) for flexible fuels vehicles developing in the United States. Most of the ethanol produced in North America is made from fermentation of biological materials. In some parts of the world some ethanol is made from the petrochemical feedstock, ethylene. Ethanol has a high blending octane value, a high blending vapour pressure and a high oxygen content. It is soluble in gasoline when water is not also present. Water contents above 0.4% will cause a 10% ethanol 69 CHEMINFO blend so separate into a gasoline rich phase and an ethanol rich phase. This phase separation must be avoided for the fuel to work properly in vehicles. When ethanol is added to gasoline at the 10% level it will increase the octane of the fuel by up to 3 octane numbers. It will increase the vapour pressure by approximately 1 psi and will reduce the emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. The magnitude of the emission reductions is dependent of the vehicle technology. The vehicle fleet average reduction in Alberta will be about 15% for carbon monoxide, 14% for hydrocarbons. Emissions of NOx may increase by 5% and evaporative emissions will increase if the ambient temperature is above 10C and the vapour pressure of the gasoline is not adjusted by removing other highly volatile components such as butane. Ethanol will increase the emissions of acetaldehyde in the exhaust. The Complex Model results for a 5.7% ethanol blend (same oxygen content as presented for MTBE and ETBE) are shown in the table below. Table 57: US Complex Model Results for Baseline Gasoline With and Without 5.7% Ethanol Baseline Gasoline Units Exhaust benzene Nonexhaust benzene Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Butadiene POM Total exhaust toxics Total toxics mg/mile 53.54 5.51 4.44 9.70 9.38 3.04 80.10 85.61 Gasoline with 5.7% Ethanol mg/mile 48.34 5.50 7.31 9.70 8.78 3.02 77.20 82.65 Change, % -9.72 -0.00 64.64 0.00 -6.36 -0.72 -2.37 -3.45 More details on the environmental effects of ethanol are provided in Section 6 of this report. Ethanol can be used in high level blends containing 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Flexible fuelled vehicles are being manufactured and sold by Ford, DaimlerChrysler, and Mazda. The Ford vehicles are certified to the Transitional Low Emission Vehicle level. High level blends require the 15% gasoline to provide volatility for vehicle staring. There are demonstrations taking place in the US with ethanol diesel emulsions in heavy-duty applications. Emissions of particulates and NOx are reduced with this fuel. 4.5 Propane Propane has been widely used as a transportation fuel in Canada for thirty years. In its natural state it is a gaseous fuel, however under moderate pressures it becomes a liquid making storage simpler. In Alberta about 300 million litres of the fuel is sold annually for transportation applications. In Canada approximately 1 billion litres per year is sold for road transportation. Sales have been dropping throughout Canada due to the imposition of Provincial taxes on the fuel, the lack of a major effort on the part of the industry to promote conversions, a very small offering of OEM vehicles, and the need for more sophisticated conversions to keep pace with improving gasoline technology. 70 CHEMINFO One of the original attractions of propane as a vehicle fuel was the fact that the fuel was gaseous. This can lead to good mixing of the air and the fuel and result in lower exhaust emissions. This relative advantage of propane has been reduced over the past twenty years with the continuing development of gasoline technology. Improvements in propane fuel technology, particularly in the after-market have not kept pace with those of gasoline. Only Ford offers a factory built light duty propane fuelled vehicle. The F-Series pick-up truck is certified as a Low Emission Vehicle. Propane is produced as a by-product of natural gas processing plants and in refineries. In Canada 86% of the propane comes from gas plants with the remainder being produced in refineries. In Alberta an even higher percentage comes from gas plants. Propane has a lower carbon content (0.817) than gasoline so the combustion of the fuel produces less carbon dioxide than gasoline per mile driven. 71 CHEMINFO 4.6 Natural Gas Natural gas has been used as a vehicle fuel in Canada for almost twenty years. In its natural state it is a colourless, odourless gas which is widely used as a heating fuel in residential, commercial and industrial applications. It is also used as a feedstock for chemical processes and can be used as a feedstock for other fuel options such as methanol, dimethyl ether or various gas to liquid fuel processes. Natural gas can be used as vehicle fuel without any further refining or chemical processing beyond that required for heating applications. It is composed primarily of methane with very small amounts of higher hydrocarbons that have not been completely removed at the gas processing plants. It is essentially sulphur free with only a few parts per million of mercaptans added to provide an odour for safety purposes. As a vehicle fuel it is most often compressed to between 3000 and 5000 psi (CNG) to provide a higher energy density; but sometimes liquefied (LNG is a cryogenic liquid at –159 C) to provide even higher energy densities. CNG has been used as a vehicle fuel in the United States, New Zealand, Italy, Argentina and the Netherlands for as long as or longer than it has in Canada. The market is starting to develop in a number of countries in Asia, Europe and South America. There are a number of OEM natural gas vehicles available. Ford offer six vehicles, DaimlerChrysler two, and General Motors one. Honda, Volvo, Toyota, and Mazda also have natural gas vehicles in development or production in the US or internationally. Most of the vehicles have been certified to a more stringent emissions level than their gasoline counterparts, many of them to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles. Natural gas has an octane rating of 130, making it suitable for use in very high compression engines. High compression engines have a higher efficiency and the potential for lower greenhouse gas emissions. Few of the existing OEM vehicles take full advantage of the octane rating due to economic limitations imposed by the small number of vehicles being sold. The carbon content of natural gas (0.75) is lower than gasoline, resulting in the fuel having inherently lower greenhouse gas emissions. The LNG market is not as well developed as the CNG market anywhere in the world. The major advantage of LNG is the higher energy density of the fuel, which allows a larger vehicle range. LNG can be transported as a liquid and can be used at locations that are not connected to a gas pipeline. The applications of the fuel have tended to be heavy-duty trucks rather than light duty vehicles. There are several LNG refuelling sites in the United States including public sites that allow for self-serving the fuel. Interest in LNG as a vehicle fuel for heavy-duty applications is starting to increase in Canada. Natural gas has a low cetane number. When the fuel is used in diesel type engines it requires an ignition source or the pilot injection of diesel fuel to ignite the natural gas. A Canadian company, Westport Innovations Inc, is developing the pilot injection systems. They are working on developments with Ford and Cummins. 72 CHEMINFO 4.7 Biodiesel Biodiesel is the methyl or ethyl ester of vegetable or animal fats. It can be used in its pure form or as a blend with petroleum based diesel fuels, the most common blend being 20% biodiesel. It can be made from a variety of products, including animal fats and virgin and recycled vegetable oils derived from crops such as soybeans, canola, corn and sunflowers. Oil of low quality oil seeds, used restaurant oil, and tall oils produced from pulp waste are also potential feedstocks. The technology for using biodiesel has been available for over a century, but it is only recently been used for commercial production. Biodiesel is receiving attention as an alternative fuel and fuel additive because of growing interest in environmental issues and through the development of more cost-effective processing techniques. It is produced and distributed in Europe to large extent and has also been produced and used in the United States. The production of biodiesel is well known. Methanol and ethanol can both be used as the alcohol. There are three basic routes to ester production from oils and facts: based catalyst transesterification of the oil with alcohol, direct acid catalyzed esterification of the oil with alcohol, conversion of the oil to fatty acids, and then to esters with acid catalysis. The majority of the esters produced today are done with the base catalyzed reaction using methanol because it is the most economic for several reasons: it is low temperature (65C) and pressure (1.35 atm), it yields high conversion (98%) with minimal side reactions and reaction time, it is a direct conversion to methyl ester with no intermediate steps, methanol is the lowest cost alcohol, exotic materials of construction are not necessary. The general process is depicted in Figure 3-2. A fat or oil and is reacted with an alcohol, like methanol, in the presence of a catalyst to produce glycerine and methyl ester or biodiesel. The methanol is charged in excess to assist in quick conversion and recovered for reuse. The catalyst is usually sodium or potassium hydroxide, which is already been mixed with the methanol. Figure 3: Biodiesel Production Process. 73 CHEMINFO The Canadian production of oilseed crops (canola, soybeans, and flaxseed) ranges from 8 to 10 million tonnes per year. Given the current yields, the suitable land base and crop rotational requirements there is very little potential for increased production of oilseeds in Canada. The oilseeds are grown primarily for the oil content which has a value of two to four times that of the protein on a weight basis. Most of this oil was used for high value human consumption markets in Canada or the United States. Approximately four million tonnes of this crop are exported as seed and as much as 900,000 tonnes are exported as oil. Approximately three quarters of the exports are canola or canola oil. The primary market for the seed is Japan and the United States for the oil. The canola seed has an oil content of approximately 40%, double that of soy oil, so there is the equivalent of 1.6 million tonnes of oil exported as seed. The maximum potential resource, if one considers all of the exported material for diversion to the fuel market is 2.5 million tonnes of oil. One kilogram of oil produces one kilogram of methyl ester or 1.13 litres of biodiesel. If the oil currently being exported was produced in Canada and converted to biodiesel there would be the potential to produce 2.8 billion litres of biodiesel each year. Total Canadian annual consumption of diesel fuel is 14.5 billion litres. The potential for substitution of biodiesel is about 20%, which coincidentally is the blend of biodiesel and conventional diesel being used in the United States. In most urban areas of Canada waste cooking oils and animal fats are collected and processed into animal feed and feedstocks for chemical processes. There is very little information available on quantities that might be available for biodiesel production but it is unlikely that the availability of this material would make a significant difference to the market penetration potential. The production costs are strongly influenced by the cost of the vegetable or animal oil used as feedstock. The production costs are typically broken down as follows: Oil feedstock Cost of capital Direct costs Indirect costs 70% 7% 14% 9% Canola oil prices have been about $750 per tonne the last several years. This generates a cost estimate of $1.00 per litre. 74 CHEMINFO The following table highlights the impact of biodiesel on exhaust emissions from diesel engines when the fuel is used either as a blend with diesel fuel or as a neat fuel. The wide variation in the data is evidence of the influence of engine design on the emissions. Table 58: Impact of Biodiesel on Exhaust Emissions Parameter 20% Biodiesel 100% Biodiesel Particulate Matter -5 to –15% +27 to –68% Total hydrocarbons -15 to –20% -37 to –63% Nitrogen oxides +1 to +5% -8 to + 8% Carbon monoxide -2 to –16% -33 to –46% -20% -100% 0 to –2% 0 to –5% Sulphur oxides Power Biodiesel is not presently commercially available in Canada. It is commercial in Europe and has some niche markets in the United States. It has been widely tested and much is known of its properties. Biodiesel has many similar properties to conventional diesel. The table below compares the properties of the diesel, soy methyl ester and canola methyl ester as reported by Peterson et al (1994). 75 CHEMINFO Table 59: Typical Properties of Diesel Fuel and Biodiesels Property Diesel GROSS HEATING VALUE KJ/KG SME Soy Methyl Ester 40,000 45,000 CME Canola Methyl Ester 40,000 Cetane number 40-45 60 58 Specific Gravity 0.85 0.88 0.88 Pour Point C -40 to -10 2 -7 Flash Point C 60 180 160 Viscosity CS @ 40C 2-3 4-5 4-5 Sulphur % mass <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 Oxygen % mass 0 9-11 9-11 Aromatics % volume 25 0 0 Olefins % volume 15 0 0 The positive attributes of biodiesel are higher cetane, the oxygen content, the higher viscosity, and the lower sulphur. The lower pour point is a problem for Canadian winters that can be partially overcome with the use of pour point depressants and by using biodiesel as a blend with petroleum diesel fuels. The 10% lower energy content will impact refuelling frequency or fuel tank size in a commercial application. Biodiesel is rated non-toxic to humans and aquatic life. It biodegrades about four times faster than petroleum diesel. Blends of biodiesel and diesel biodegrade about twice a fast as diesel fuel. It has a much higher flash point than diesel. These characteristics have lead to niche applications such as marine fuels, and fuels for underground mines. Emissions are lower than petroleum diesel, tests have shown that ozone forming potential is about one half that of diesel. Emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrated PAH compounds are much lower, most PAH’s are reduced by 75-80% and nPAH’s by 90%. Biodiesel’s renewability, higher cetane, generally lower emissions, lower toxicity, and biodegradability and better lubricity are attractive marketing propositions. These have been demonstrated in countries such as Germany and Austria, which have seen rapid growth in production and marketing in recent years. Market penetration has been aided by favourable tax considerations that have made the fuel economically comparable to petroleum diesel in those countries. 5. Ethanol Production Technology 5.1 Ethanol Production Models Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is can be produced as either 95% ethanol (190 proof) or 100% anhydrous (200 proof). A low-boiling, clear, colorless liquid, it is miscible in all proportions with water and most hydrocarbon based solvents. Ethanol manufacturing industry is now dominated by the fermentation (and 76 CHEMINFO distillation) method of production, which depends on grains, such as corn or wheat and converts the contained sugars into alcohol. There have been promising developments and adoption on a minor scale of technology based on using biomass raw materials, such as wood cellulose or organic wastes. Biomass routes are being touted as more cost effective than grain-based fermentation. Generally, synthetic alcohol production from ethylene has not been competitive with fermentation based processes. Fermentation alcohol constitutes nearly 90% of North American production. There are only a couple of synthetic ethanol plants left in the United States. None exist in Canada since Commercial Alcohols closed its facility at Varennes, QC in the 1980s. This report is focused on fermentation ethanol based on grains. There are various operational (and business) models that ethanol producers have adopted, as shown by some examples below. Table 60: Examples of Production/Business Models in Ethanol Industry Fermentation ethanol Archer Daniel Midland (ADM) 5 plant locations in the United States Commercial Alcohols Kincardine, ON Chatham, ON API Grain Processing Red Deer, AB Poundmaker Agventures, Lanigan, SK Model Components Most ADM plants have capacity for 500 to 800 million litres per year and are based on corn. ADM has strong position in raw material grains business. Integrated to livestock feed markets, value-added co-products and other businesses related to fermentation ethanol. Diversified food industry business portfolio. Important stakeholder in mid-west economy. Based on corn for raw material. Serves industrial and fuel markets. New 150 million litre/year fermentation plant in Chatham services fuel market in Ontario region. Based on wheat for raw material. Producer of flour, flour products, wheat gluten, and ethanol for export markets. Most revenues from flour and flour products. Relatively low ethanol capacity at 22 million litres/year. Sells most ethanol in United States. Based on wheat for raw material. Ethanol for domestic gasoline blending. Relatively low ethanol capacity (13 million litres/year). Integrated to cattle feedlot operations. 77 CHEMINFO 5.2 Raw Materials Ethanol production in North America primarily uses corn as the feedstock. The exception to this is Western Canada where wheat has been the dominant feedstock. The reason for this is the lack of corn production in this region and the use of wheat provides lower production costs than importing corn into the region. The area generally does not have enough heat degree-days and moisture for corn production. The exceptions are Southern Manitoba and a very small irrigated area of Southern Alberta. Wheat is also an excellent source of starch that can be converted to fermentable sugars for ethanol production. Compared to corn, wheat has a lower starch content and a higher protein and fibre content. These characteristics have a small impact on ethanol production and generally require more energy to make a litre of ethanol than if corn was the feedstock. The wheat co-products have a higher protein content than corn products and are thus more valuable as an animal feed. It has been assumed that any Alberta ethanol plants will be designed to process wheat. Plants that are designed to make animal feed (dry milling) will process Canadian Prairie Spring (CPS) wheat. For plants that produce gluten as well as ethanol and animal feed the use of Hard Red Spring (CWRS) wheat is also investigated to determine the impact of feedstock on greenhouse emissions and energy balances. Data on feedstock production has been compiled with the assistance of Alberta Agriculture. The data is based on the consensus estimates of five agronomists and represents grain production in all parts of the province and not an individual soil type or region. Data has been compiled for both CPS and CWRS wheat as well as for barley. The barley data is required because in some animal feeds the wheat distillers dried grains (DDG) will replace barley in the ration. The co-product credit for energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions purposes will be calculated based on the displaced emissions from barley production for some of the production scenarios investigated. 5.2.1 Wheat Wheat is the largest crop in Alberta both in terms of acreage planted and crop produced. In 1997 and 1998 approximately 6.8 million acres (2.75 million hectares) of wheat was seeded producing 6.8 million tonnes of grain each year. 80% of the crop is spring wheat and 20% is Durum wheat. All classes of wheat are capable of being used for ethanol production but the most likely feedstock for a dry milling ethanol plant is CPS wheat. This type has a higher starch content and a lower protein level than hard red spring wheats. Both characteristics are desirable from the perspective of efficient ethanol plant operations. CPS wheat also produces a higher yield for the farmer. The Canadian Wheat Board (1999) reports a 44% yield advantage over CWRS wheat and only a 14% reduction in price resulting in an increase in revenue for the producer, consequently it’s production is increasing in the Province. Hard Red Spring wheat is a potential feedstock for a plant producing gluten. Gluten is primarily the protein portion of the wheat and thus feedstocks that are high in protein have a higher gluten yield. Gluten can be produced from CPS wheats and in fact the gluten facility in Red Deer uses CPS wheats. Both wheats have been considered as feedstocks to a gluten ethanol plant combination to determine the impact of feedstock choice on greenhouse gas emissions and on energy consumption. An ethanol plant in combination with a gluten facility will process the starch rich, low protein stream that leaves the gluten plant. 5.2.2 Barley Barley is grown for malting purposes and for animal feed in Alberta. It is the second largest grain crop after wheat. Typically 5.5 million acres are planted producing 6 to 7 million tonnes of grain. While barley theoretically can also be used for ethanol production it has a lower starch content and higher fibre content than wheat making it less desirable. Some of the carbohydrates in barley are beta glucans, which are 78 CHEMINFO difficult to hydrolyze and ferment. The barley hulls can cause erosion of ethanol plant equipment. The lower cost of barley is insufficient to overcome these disadvantages of processing barley and the result is that total ethanol production costs are higher for barley than for wheat. Barley is of interest for this study because wheat DDG will replace barley in some animal feed rations. The greenhouse gas emissions and energy credits for DDG are calculated based on the displaced emissions from barley production. 5.2.3 Agronomic Data The agronomic data that is required for determining the energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions for ethanol production in Alberta is summarized in the table below. The data has been compared to corn grown in Ontario. The Ontario data is from a recent study that used the same greenhouse gas and energy balance model. (Levelton, 1999). All data is presented on the same weight basis as corn for comparison. The wheat and barley data represents the agronomist’s best estimates for the crops across the variety of soil zones and tillage practices in the Province. The estimate for tillage practices were 20% zero till, 35% minimum till and 45% conventional tillage. It is assumed that all of the fertilizer requirements are met with chemical fertilizers. The impact of the use of manure to supply a portion of the nitrogen requirements is calculated later in this section. 79 CHEMINFO Table 61: Agronomic Data for Alberta Crops Compared to Corn Yield Fertilizer Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur Lime Pesticides Seed % N from manure Energy for production Units Bu/acre Lbs/bu Lbs/acre CPS Wheat 50 60 3,000 CWRS Wheat 38 60 2,280 Barley 59 48 2,832 Corn 116 56 6,496 Lbs/acre Lbs/56 lbs Lbs/acre Lbs/56 lbs Lbs/acre Lbs/56 lbs Lbs/acre Lbs/acre Lbs/acre Lbs/56 lbs Lbs/acre Lbs/56 lbs 55 1.03 30 0.56 10 0.19 0 0 0.3 0.006 110 2.05 50 1.27 30 0.74 10 0.25 0 0 0.3 0.007 95 2.33 60 1.186 30 0.59 10 0.20 0 0 0.3 0.006 110 2.17 125 1.08 40 0.34 54 0.47 0 0 2.4 0.021 2.8 .024 35 Litres diesel equivalent /acre Litres diesel equivalent /56 lbs 13.0 13.0 13.0 18.647 0.24 0.32 0.26 0.16 There are several points of interest in above table. The productivity of wheat and barley is significantly lower than it is for corn. The fertilizer requirements are similar overall for all four crops, pesticide usage is lower for wheat and barley compared to corn but seed requirements are higher. The energy required for planting and harvesting is higher for the Alberta crops than it is for corn in Ontario. These factors will all have some impact on the energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions of ethanol produced from wheat rather than corn. Change in soil carbon content and above and below biomass due to crop cultivation will impact greenhouse gas emissions. The quantity of biomass is calculated from the grain yield. Bolinder (1997) measured the root mass as percent of above ground biomass for some potential ethanol plant feedstocks. For barley the roots were 50% of the above ground biomass and for wheat the roots were 16% of the above ground biomass. The straw yield is equal to 1.2 times the grain yield for barley and 1.3 times for the wheat crops. Changes in the level of soil carbon due to cultivation is a function of crop rotations, tillage practices, fertilizer rates and other management practices. Historically cultivation has caused a loss of soil carbon. Smith (1995) has calculated that about 23% of the soil organic carbon has been lost in Canada due to cultivation. Changes in cultivation practices are slowly beginning to reverse this trend. Smith estimates that by the year 2000 the carbon losses for Canada will have stopped and carbon in the soil will slowly begin to increase. There are large differences between provinces due to the different soil types and cultivation 47 This is the energy required for field operations. There is an average of 55.2 litres equivalent required for crop drying in addition for a total requirement 0.63 litres equivalent/56 lbs. 80 CHEMINFO practices. Smith estimates that Saskatchewan soils began to build soil carbon in 1995 but Alberta soils are still forecast to be depleting carbon through to the year 2010. The rate of carbon loss has been modeled to be 0.0036 kg C/m2/yr in 2000 and 0.0027 kg C/m2/yr in 2010. The difference in the rate of loss of soil carbon between Alberta and Saskatchewan is primarily a function of the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application. Nitrogen loss through the removal of crops in Alberta exceeds the rate of nitrogen added through fertilizers, whereas Saskatchewan has recently reversed this long standing practice. There is a delicate balance of carbon and nitrogen in soils such that a drop in soil nitrogen leads to a drop in carbon to maintain this balance. The rate of soil carbon loss modeled is consistent with the other agronomic data modeled. The nitrogen added with the fertilizer is essentially equal to the nitrogen removed in the grain. This will not be enough nitrogen to cause soil carbon to increase. 5.2.4 Energy Requirements for Crop Production A full cycle emissions model was developed by Dr. Mark Delucchi of the University of California at Davis in the early 1990’s. The model has been used by the US DOE and Natural Resources Canada to model greenhouse gas emissions from fuels and vehicles. More detail on the model is presented in section 6.1 The Delucchi model calculates the energy required for the production of the crops of interest from the agronomic data. The energy requirements are calculated not only from the actual fuel used in the farming process but also from the energy used to produce the farming inputs of fertilizer and pesticides. The model results for the three feedstocks of interest are shown below along with the data for corn production in Ontario. 81 CHEMINFO Table 62: Energy Requirements for Crop Production units Fertilizer Manufacture Pesticide Manufacture Field Operations Total CPS Wheat BTU/56 lbs. 35,681 643 8,754 45,078 CWRS Wheat BTU/56 lbs. 43,723 750 11,671 56,144 Barley BTU/56 lbs. 40,360 643 9,482 50,485 Corn BTU/56 lbs. 21,360 998 22,894 45,252 The energy requirements for CPS wheat are close to those for corn. Fertilizer requirements are higher due to the higher protein levels in the wheat but less energy is required for crop drying so field energy requirements are much lower. The variations in energy efficiency will have an impact on the energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions of ethanol production from wheat. The results in the above table for wheat are comparable to those reported by Stumborg et. al. (1996). In that study energy requirements for a variety of wheats, tillage systems and soils in Saskatchewan were calculated. Results ranged from a low of 31,600 BTU/56 lbs. to a high of 107,000 BTU/56 lbs. The average value for CPS wheat was 61,500 BTU/56 lbs. and the average for CWRS was 74,700 BTU/56 lbs. Stumborg does not provide detailed information on fertilizer and fuel use so it is difficult to determine the exact reasons why his average energy values are higher. Possible explanations are that wheat yields are generally lower in Saskatchewan than in Alberta and fertilizer application rates are higher. The greenhouse gas emissions from the production of wheat, barley and corn for manufacturing ethanol are shown in the table below. The emissions are for the feedstock required to produce 44.9 litres of ethanol or one million BTU of energy. 82 CHEMINFO Table 63: Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Wheat, Barley and Corn Production Units Farming Land Use and Cultivation Fertilizer Manufacture Total Total grams CO2/lb grain CPS Wheat Grams CO2/million BTU 6,504 -1,807 CWRS Wheat Grams CO2/million BTU 8,672 -304 Barley Grams CO2/million BTU 7,890 -3,123 Corn Grams CO2/million BTU 8,912 908 12,824 15,709 16,112 6,654 17,521 65.5 24,077 87.5 20,879 69.9 16,474 66.5 Alberta has a large and important livestock industry, which produces substantial quantities of manure. The manure is spread on the land for disposal. This process also fertilizes the soil and provides nitrogen to the soil. This results in less chemical nitrogen added and lower emissions from the production of nitrogen fertilizer. The emissions of N2O do not change significantly and the nitrogen in the manure can still be converted to N2O. There is additional diesel fuel required to spread the manure and work it into the soil. Alberta Agriculture was unable to provide an estimate of the amount of the crop nitrogen requirement that is currently being supplied by manure. This practice is known to exist so it is important to determine the magnitude of the impact of manure addition on the energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions that have been calculated for CPS wheat. This will aid in determining if the GHG results calculated for 100% chemical fertilizer are conservative or pessimistic. It will be assumed that over a four year period the manure replaces an average of 17.5% of the annual nitrogen, with the manure being added in year 1 and the benefit being measured over the four years. An additional 3.75 litres of diesel fuel is used in year 1 to spread and incorporate the manure into the soil. This calculation does not assume any additional cattle production or manure generation over the current situation. Table 64: Energy Requirements for CPS Wheat With and Without Manure units Fertilizer Manufacture Pesticide Manufacture Field Operations Total CPS Wheat w/o manure BTU/56 lbs. 35,681 643 8,754 45,078 CPS Wheat with manure BTU/56 lbs. 16,928 643 11,373 28,944 Table 65: Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Wheat and Corn Production Units Farming Land Use and Cultivation CPS Wheat w/o manure Grams CO2/million BTU 6,504 -1,807 83 CWRS Wheat with manure Grams CO2/million BTU 8,450 -1,807 CHEMINFO Fertilizer Manufacture 12,824 7,389 Total Total grams CO2/lb grain 17,521 65.5 14,032 52.4 The use of manure as a source of nitrogen is beneficial from the perspective of energy used in the production process and greenhouse gas emissions. It has not been possible to accurately estimate the quantity of nitrogen fertilizer replaced by manure in Alberta. The use of 100% chemical fertilizers has been modeled in determining the overall greenhouse gas emissions and energy balances and it is recognized that the results projected are conservative because of the use of manure. A sensitivity case will be modeled that includes the use of manure in one of the ethanol production scenarios. 5.3 Ethanol Production Models for Alberta Four ethanol plant models have been developed to analyze the potential feedstock and energy requirements related to increased ethanol production in Alberta. The first considers an ethanol plant integrated with a cattle feeding operation similar to the Pound Maker Agventures facility at Lanigan Saskatchewan. The second concept is a conventional dry milling operation processing wheat and producing distillers dried grains. The third concept combines a wheat gluten plant with an ethanol plant. For this concept the use of both CPS and HRS wheats are investigated and modeled. The summarized results for energy and feedstock requirements, as well as products from the four ethanol plant configurations are provided in the following table. The gluten plant options are presented on the basis of a tonne of feed to the gluten plant. For larger size ethanol plants, dry milling plants are generally more feasible than wet milling. Very large nearby feedlot operations would be required to support large wet milling operations. More detailed descriptions are provided below. 84 CHEMINFO Table 66: Summary of Ethanol Plant Inputs and Outputs Integrated Feedlot Ethanol Yield, L/t Natural Gas Consumption scf/L Electricity Consumption kWh/L Animal feed kg/t feed Gluten kg/t feed 370 7.77 Conventional Dry Mill 370 9.98 Gluten Plant with CPS Wheat 340 3.70 Gluten Plant with HRS Wheat 325 4.44 0.25 0.40 352 352 0.11 (incremental for ethanol only) 269 0.11 (incremental for ethanol only) 283 0 0 88 100 5.3.1 Wheat Feedstock in an Ethanol Plant Cattle Feedlot Complex An ethanol plant integrated with a cattle feedlot has a number of advantages over more traditional stand alone facilities. The capital costs are lower because no drying of the distillers grains (DG) is required. This also reduces the energy consumption in the ethanol plant. The plant captures the true value of the coproduct since it is all utilized by the operation where the benefits of higher feed efficiency and higher rates of growth are captured. The size of these facilities is limited by the number of cattle in the feedlot and the total size of the industry is limited by the number of cattle fed in large feedlots. A facility with an ethanol production rate of 15 million litres per year and a one time feedlot capacity of 30,000 is modeled. This is similar in size to the Pound Maker operation. The energy requirements of the ethanol plant are 29.4 scf of natural gas used per USG of ethanol production and 0.95kWh/USG of electricity. It has been assumed that 0.01 USG of diesel fuel is also used at the plant. 5.3.2 Conventional Wheat Dry Milling Plant A conventional dry milling plant is not limited in size by the co-product market in the immediate vicinity of the plant since the product can be stored and shipped. The energy consumption in the plant is higher than the integrated cattle feedlot plant since the co-product must be dried. This is offset partially by higher coproduct displacement ratios which are discussed in more detail later in this section. The energy consumption in the plant is modeled as 37.7 scf of natural gas per USG of ethanol and 1.51 kWh/USG of electricity. The same 0.010 USG of diesel fuel per USG of ethanol produced is modeled. This is a state of the art facility with respect to energy consumption. 5.3.3 Wheat Gluten and Ethanol Plant Wheat gluten is a portion of the protein found in the wheat grain kernel. It has a number of applications in foods for humans and typically commands a higher price than the protein used in animal feed rations. The gluten plant does not utilize the starch, which can be used to manufacture ethanol. The concept modeled here is a combined gluten and ethanol operation. The energy consumption has been broken out between the gluten plant and the ethanol plant so that the ethanol plant can be modeled by itself. 85 CHEMINFO The feedstock for the ethanol plant is the co-product from the gluten operation. The farming emissions have been allocated between the gluten facility and the ethanol plant on the basis of weight. The facility has been modeled both with CPS wheat as the feedstock and HRS wheat as the feed. From a gluten perspective the HRS with its higher protein levels will provide a higher gluten yield and is usually the type of wheat used. CPS wheat is being used as the feedstock at the Red Deer gluten ethanol plant complex. The incremental electrical energy for ethanol at a gluten plant for both feedstocks is 0.11 kWh/litre of ethanol and the incremental natural gas requirements are 3.70 scf/litre of ethanol for CPS feedstock and 4.44 scf/litre ethanol for the HRS feedstock. There are some synergies between the gluten plant and the ethanol plant as can be seen from the lower energy consumption for the ethanol part of the gluten ethanol complex. The synergies have been all allocated to ethanol since that way the emissions displaced by the gluten production become the same as a stand alone gluten plant. This is the appropriate treatment as long as the supply of this new gluten in Alberta does not create new demand for the gluten. The ethanol yields expressed per tonne of gluten plant co-product (ethanol plant feed) are 370 litres/t for CPS wheat and 360 litres/t for the HRS feedstock. 5.3.4 Co-Products Ethanol production utilizes the starch portion of the feedstock. The protein, fibre and minerals do not contribute to ethanol and constitute the co-products (or by-products). Typically an equal weight of ethanol and co-products are produced. Depending on the ethanol production process used, different ratios and a variety of co-products can be produced. These are described further under the two general categories of ethanol production, dry milling and wet milling. Dry Milling The co-products of a dry milling ethanol plant are carbon dioxide and distillers grains. In large plants (more than 50 million litres per year) it can be economical to collect the carbon dioxide and sell it. Most applications for CO2 result in the CO2 eventually being released into the atmosphere so it has little impact on greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 is not considered in the greenhouse gas emission analyses that follow. Distillers grains (DG) can be used wet or dried and are almost exclusively used as an ingredient in animal rations. It is high in protein, fibre and micro-nutrients. It is also very digestible and widely accepted as a premium feed ingredient. Distillers grains made from wheat have protein contents of 35%. Wet distillers grains (WDG) typically have a moisture content of 65% and have a shelf life of 2-3 days. The high moisture content and short shelf life require the product to be consumed close to the point of production. A scenario where the ethanol plant is integrated with a cattle feedlot is developed. Dried distillers grains (DDG) have a moisture content of less than 10% and an indefinite shelf life. A second scenario is developed for dried distillers grains than are shipped to the end consumer. The model uses the displacement method for determining the energy and greenhouse gas credits that should be applied for the distillers grains. It is thus necessary to determine what would have been in the animal ration if the distillers grains were not included and what would be the overall impact on the quantity of feed consumed by the animal. One of the key components of DG is its high protein content and more importantly its high level of bypass protein. Bypass protein is protein that is not degraded in the rumen but is absorbed in the intestine where the animal requires a portion of its protein. This is particularly important for cattle, the primary market for DG. 86 CHEMINFO Different types of animals require different amounts of bypass protein and the amount also varies over the life cycle of the animal. Cattle require more bypass protein when they are small and growing rapidly than when they are approaching full size. Dairy cows require very high levels of bypass protein during lactation. The two scenarios under consideration therefore have different displaced emissions due to the different uses of the DG. The integrated plant gets less value from the DG since there tends to be more protein available than the animals require. The displacement ratio is therefore lower. Delucchi uses a displacement ratio of one pound of DDG replacing 1.57 pounds of corn in cattle rations. In Canada the feedlot will be feeding barley rather than corn and the DG will have a higher protein level than corn DG. The barley has a higher protein content than corn so the animals need for protein from supplements is lower. The experience at Pound Maker Agventures where wheat does displace barley is that the displacement ratio is strongly dependent on being able to optimize the ratio by including lower quality components in the ratio to offset the high quality DG. It is not always possible to source this material and thus the displacement ratio is often less than it theoretically could be. It has been assumed that one pound DG replaces 1.4 pounds of barley for modelling purposes. As shown earlier barley greenhouse gas emissions are 1.068 times higher than wheat on a per unit weight basis. The modelling of greenhouse gases is performed on the basis of one pound of DG replacing 1.49 pounds of wheat with no energy required for drying and no energy for the distribution of the DG to the consumer. The second scenario examined is where the DG are dried so that they can be stored and shipped to consumers that are some distance from the ethanol plant. There are increased emissions from the drying and transportation of the DDG but it is assumed that the consumers can take full advantage of the bypass protein and that higher displacement ratios can be achieved. It has been assumed that the average transportation distance of the DDG is four times that of the wheat entering the plant or 200 miles. All of the DDG is shipped by truck. Wang (1999) reported displacement ratios for corn DDG of one pound DDG replacing 1.077 lbs. of corn and 0.822 lbs. of soymeal. These ratios were based on DDG being used not only for cattle rations but also a portion for dairy cows. It is expected that in Alberta the wheat DDG will replace barley and canola meal in rations. Delucchi reports a displacement factor for soymeal based on barley. After adjusting for the different protein levels in soymeal and canola meal the overall displacement ratio becomes one pound of wheat DDG replaces 3 lb. of barley. This is the ratio used for this scenario. There is another aspect of DDG use that has not been investigated in previous full cycle analyses of ethanol production and use. That is the impact of DDG on the animal consuming the DDG and its emissions of methane. There have not been any definitive studies done on the magnitude of changes in methane emissions from the addition of DDG to a ration (Mathison, 1999). An analysis of methane production from cattle fed brewers grains, distillers grains with solubles and corn gluten feed confirmed that DDGS produced less methane and more energy than corn gluten feed (Jarosz). The diets used by Jarosz were designed to determine the impact of the feedstock and were not representative of feedlot rations so it is difficult to extrapolate the magnitude of the impact from the work. Small changes in feed efficiency in the animal, if the daily rate of gain does not change significantly, are expected to influence methane emissions. The experience at Pound Maker Agventures and from feed trials performed in the United States (Fanning, 1999, and Ham, 1994) suggests that 8 to 10% less feed is required for the same gain if the feed contains DDG. For small changes in feed, methane emissions are directly proportional to feed efficiency (Mathison). Feedlot cattle in North America emit 47 kg methane/head/year (IPCC, 1996). Feedlot cattle consume about 10 kg/day of feed. Methane emissions are therefore 12.9 grams of methane per kg of feed. One kilogram of DDG saves 0.5 kg of feed or 6.4 grams of methane. Each litre of ethanol has 0.7 kg of DDG produced, which is equivalent to 4.5 grams methane or 94 grams of CO 2 eq. A million BTU of ethanol has equivalent savings of 4,200 grams of CO 2 eq. This is approximately 8% of 87 CHEMINFO the full cycle emissions as will be shown in the next section. The impact is even greater on dairy cows since they emit more than twice as much methane per head per year. This methane emission credit has not been included in the full cycle analyses because it has not been conclusively proven. It should be an area of research because of the magnitude is significant. Wet Milling The wet milling plants considered here produce gluten and a low protein animal feed as co-products. The modelling has been done in such a fashion that the energy required to produce the gluten has been kept separate. This way it is not necessary to deal with the issue of gluten co-product values. The ethanol plant is simply another facility that has as its feedstock the wet starch stream from a gluten plant. The primary outlet for gluten is in bakery products. Vital gluten is added to both conventional and continuous white pan bread, bread and rolls, including rye, specialty protein and diet breads, rolls and buns, and sweet yeast—raised products. It is generally used at 2-4% of the flour in breads and rolls. The addition of vital gluten to baked goods improves dough-handling properties and the quality of the finished product. Supplementing flours that have poor baking qualities and low protein content with vital gluten permits reducing the number of flour types required, and tends to increase production flexibility. Addition of gluten to buns and rolls, like sandwich buns, improves hinge strength and produces the type of crust most desirable in commercial markets where buns are steamed. Yeast—raised sweet goods, like doughnuts, when fortified with gluten, generally show greater volume, proof tolerance, and strength. Vital gluten also finds some usage as a supplemental source of protein in breakfast cereals. Gluten can also be used as a texturizing protein and meat substitute in all vegetable meat-like products. Other food applications of gluten are as a protein source for the preparation of hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, in soy sauce production, and as a meat or fish extender in sausage or pasta-type products. Current U.S. consumption of Vital Gluten breaks down to approximately 85 million pounds per year for cereal and other human consumption products and 20 million pounds for pet food year for a total of 105 million pounds per year. Of this figure more than one third is supplied by imports primarily from Canada and Australia (Don, these numbers are old and still need verifying) The growth in vital gluten market for human consumption is expected to rise only proportionately to population. Significant growth is also anticipated in pet foods where it is used as a supplement and/or replacement of meat, due to its very high protein content (e.g., 80%+). Relative to meat prices, based on protein content, vital gluten is an attractive alternative to pet food processors. The bran, fibre and yeast produced as by-products in gluten-ethanol plants will have a different composition from normal distillers grains due to the removal of the high protein gluten concentrate. However, the combined products would have a good energy/protein balance. The material does have a protein content of 15 to 16%. The animal feed that is produced is assumed to replace barley on a one to one basis in animal rations. This is a reasonably assumption given the composition of the product. This product is dried and shipped to consumers. Since there is less of this product produced than a dry mill facility and because it has a lower value it has been assumed that it can be used closer to the ethanol plant. The shipping distance for this material is assumed to be equal to the distance that the feedstock coming in to the plant travels. This is one quarter of the distance assumed for the dry mills. 88 CHEMINFO 5.4 Ethanol Plant Economics Ethanol plant revenues and profits are dependent on many factors, including: plant size; configuration; type and amount of co-products (or by-products) made; the price of raw material – in this case wheat; and coproduct revenues. For smaller plants the ability to sell ethanol (at above gasoline producers’ value – i.e., around 40 cents per litre) as well as animal feed to regional customers can be important factors for profitable operations. Without tax incentives directly influencing ethanol prices, some plants cannot be profitable. Prices for raw materials and for finished products change constantly. Currently grain prices are low and energy prices are high which leads to a period of high profitability for ethanol producers. The following economics are based on the market conditions of late 1999. Given wheat raw material price at $100 per tonne, and co-product DDG animal feed price at $160 per tonne, the breakeven ethanol price for a 100 million litre per year facility is approximately 28 cents per litre (includes additional simplifying assumptions for financing, etc. – see below)48. For larger ethanol plants co-producing wheat gluten, the ability to actually sell the gluten (at required prices) is a necessary component of the profitability shown in model plant economics. Under actual business conditions, market barriers in the wheat gluten market may affect the ability to achieve the revenues and profits assumed for these model plants. Table 67: Summary of Revenues and Operating Expenses for Model Plants Dry mill CPS wheat, with feedlot, no drying Dry mill CPS, Gluten/Ethanol Gluten/Ethanol with DDG CPS HRS Model A 25 Model B 100 Model 3 100 Model 4 100 $10.0 $40.0 $40.0 $40.0 $3.0 $11.8 $(36.1) $(46.4) Energy (electricity, natural gas) Labour Maintenance & overheads $0.8 $1.0 $1.2 $4.3 $1.0 $4.2 $9.2 $2.8 $6.8 $9.4 $2.8 $6.8 Total expenses Interest on debt $5.9 $1.4 $22.3 $4.7 $(17.3) $7.7 $(27.4) $7.7 Ethanol capacity (million litre/yr) ($ million) Revenue (ethanol only) (at 40 cents/litre) Net raw material cost (credits applied for by-products – feed and/or gluten) (assumed 25:75 debt to equity, 9% interest changes) 48 Generally, prices for DDG, gluten and raw materials are based on information from industry sources. DDG prices are based on soybean meal values adjusted downward for protein content in DDG. DDG prices in this study were based on soybean meal values at the time of preparing this report in December 1999. By May 2000, soybean meal values were different than in December 1999. 89 CHEMINFO Income before income tax Income tax rate* Income tax payable $2.7 38% $1.0 $12.9 38% $4.9 $49.6 38% $18.8 $59.7 38% $22.7 Net income Return on Investment $1.7 9% $8.0 11% $30.7 27% $37.0 32% (Annual net income divided by total capital employed *) * Excludes capital cost allowances (CCA), which would result in reduced income taxes, and greater returns on investment. 5.4.1 Ethanol Plant Construction and Operating Costs This section provides an overview analysis of production options and associated costs for model ethanol facilities based on using wheat as the raw material. The models are useful for providing approximate estimates of capital cost, employment, revenues, operating expenses, income taxes and profits associated with different sized plants and for alternative business profiles. Microeconomic parameters are estimated based on the assumption of construction of “greenfield” facilities and the following profiles. Table 68: Size and Description of Model Facilities Model Ethanol Capacity Plant Profile (million litres/year) A 25 B 100 C 100 D 100 Dry mill CPS wheat with adjacent cattle feedlot. No drying of wet grains Dry milling with DDG for sale. CPS wheat. Gluten Production with ethanol by-product. CPS wheat. Gluten Production with ethanol by-product. HRS wheat. Model A corresponds to a relatively small plant that produces ethanol and Wet Distillers Grains (WDG). No drying of the distillers grain is undertaken. The wet DG requires a nearby feed lot of approximately 1,000 to 1,200 head of cattle per million litres of annual ethanol production. This assumes a ration of 30% WDG, with the remainder feed barley, roughage and concentrates. The Pound-Maker Agventures EthanolFeedlot in Lanigan, Saskatchewan employs an even lower ration than 30% WDG, which results in approximately 2,400 head per million litres of annual ethanol for that facility. Pound-Maker have found the constraints to be the amount of liquid consumed by the animals during cold weather and the animals optimum protein requirements. Model B involves 100 million litres per year ethanol production combined with drying and resultant production of Distillers Dried Grains (DDG). This product can be shipped to more distant (than WDG) animal feed markets and does not rely on a feedlot operation. 90 CHEMINFO Models C and D correspond to 100 million litre/year ethanol operations where the wheat gluten containing protein is separated and sold on international markets. Models for CPS and HRS wheat were developed to compare the alternative raw materials. The bran, fibre and yeast produced as by-products of these glutenalcohol plants will have a different composition than normal distillers grains due to the removal of the high protein gluten concentrate. For Models C and D (gluten plants), the bran, fibre, and wheat germ components ("mill feed"), have been added to the stillage solubles to arrive at the total animal feed production, in order to simplify the comparison. In a fully integrated plant, these may be separated and which may add to by-product values. The result would be similar for HRS and CPS (76.5% flour vs. 75% flour). 5.4.2 Capital Cost Estimates Capital (including installation) costs have been conservatively estimated. There have been some facilities of comparable size to the models that have been installed for less than indicated in the model plants. However, some of these have been at, or near, existing complexes. Capital cost estimates are meant to be order-of-magnitude only. They serve the purpose of this project and should not be used for investment decisions. These estimates are based on a combination of the following: Process Equipment Costs are based on costs published by Chemical Engineering January 1982, updated to December 1998, using Chemical Economic Indicators, allowing the Lang Multiplier of 1.5 to 2.5 to give installed costs and 10% contingency adjusted for Canadian factors, plus engineering, project management; Standard equipment supply packages and systems prices were obtained from appropriate manufacturers. Some prices were obtained from various vendors. Engineering estimates based on 1998 units costs such as (per sq.ft.)(per ft. of length)(per ton), etc.; Installation performed at 1998 union rates; Grain handling and cleaning, flour mill, mashing sized @ 115% of plant capacity rating; Wet Gluten Processing, fermentation process sized @ 110% of plant capacity rating, balance sized @ 105% of rated capacity; and Co-generation of Steam and electric power are not included. Costs of Feedlot operation are not included. The capital (and operating) costs for an ethanol plant making ethanol and Distillers Dried Grains (DDG) increases. Drying, handling and other equipment are required. Making wheat gluten results in additional capital cost to the basic ethanol/WDG-feedlot plant. However, if the gluten can be sold at reasonable price, there is a substantial positive return for this incremental investment. 91 CHEMINFO Table 69: Estimated Capital and Construction Employment Plant Model Ethanol Capacity Capital Cost* Construction Employment (million litres/year) ($ million) (total labour-years over 3 years) 20 800 70 2,400 114 9,600 114 9,600 * Excludes capital costs for feedlot operations. Construction employment include direct and indirect A B C D Ethanol + feedlot Ethanol+DDG Ethanol+Gluten (CPS) Ethanol+Gluten (HRS) 25 100 100 100 5.4.3 Revenues, Operating Expenses and Returns Revenues from ethanol plants are generated from sales of ethanol as well as WDG, DDG animal feed, gluten or other value-added products. Prices for these products vary over time, depending on the global or regional demands, contract volumes, and other factors. For this analysis the following sale price assumptions have been made: ethanol at 40 cents/litre; animal feed (without gluten removed) at $160 per tonne; animal feed (with gluten removed) at $125 per tonne; gluten at $1.0 per pound ($2205 per tonne); and carbon dioxide value is assumed zero (some plants do sell the CO 2). The ethanol price inherently reflects the effect of provincial retail tax relief of 9 cents per litre and the Federal Excise tax exemption of 10 cents per litre. Animal feed with gluten protein contained is higher priced than animal feed, gluten removed. The gluten price is based on U.S. import values and quantities. These are simplifying price assumption for the purpose of this study. These prices may not be available or relevant for specific times and under difficult business conditions. In addition, entry by new suppliers into existing markets can present problems. Suppliers of gluten or DDG may protect key accounts by reducing prices. 92 CHEMINFO Table 70: Revenues for Model Plants (dollars) Dry mill CPS wheat, with feedlot, no drying Dry mill CPS, with DDG Gluten/Ethanol CPS Gluten/Ethanol HRS ($) Model A Model B Model 3 Model 4 Ethanol Animal feed Gluten 10,000,000 3,805,405 - 40,000,000 15,221,622 - 40,000,000 9,889,706 57,070,588 40,000,000 10,884,615 67,846,154 Total Revenue 13,805,405 55,221,622 106,960,294 118,730,769 Because of its high value as a food commodity, the use of wheat for industrial purposes has been fairly limited. Wheat is the feedstock of choice for fuel ethanol production in the prairies. It is currently used as a feedstock in the Pound-Maker plant in Saskatchewan and the Mohawk Oil Co. Ltd. plant in Manitoba. In Europe and in Australia, wheat is considered the primary raw material for fuel ethanol production. It is a generally more expensive feedstock than corn although higher protein DDG and higher DDG yields offset much of the higher cost49. Commercial ethanol yields typically range wheat vary 340 to over 500 litres per tonne of wheat. Yields vary depending on the type of wheat, as well as the ethanol process employed. Some processes that recycle fermenter broth report yields in excess of 500 litres/tonne. 50 For this analysis the following yields and wheat requirements have been assumed for the different model plants. Net raw material costs are dependent of the price of wheat and competing sources of protein (soybean meal). Prices fluctuate substantially over time. The simplifying assumption for this analysis is that the price of wheat for ethanol production is $100 per tonne (2.70 $/bushel). The portion of the wheat (e.g., ~10%) that is used for gluten would need to be purchased through the Canadian Wheat Board (with an associated current price of $150 per tonne). Therefore, the total weighted average price of the raw material wheat for Models C and D is $105 per tonne (90% * 100 $/t + 10% * 150 $/t). A slightly greater amount of HRS wheat than CPS wheat is required per unit of ethanol produced in gluten plants. Table 71: Wheat Requirements for Model Plants Dry mill Dry mill Gluten/Ethanol Gluten/Ethanol CPS wheat, CPS, CPS HRS with with DDG feedlot, no drying Model A Model B Model 3 Model 4 49 Tibelius, C., Coproducts and Near Coproducts of Fuel Ethanol Fermentation from Grain, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Canadian Green Plan Ethanol Program: Starchy Waste Streams Evaluation Project, May 1996 50 ibid. 93 CHEMINFO Tonnes wheat/tonne ethanol required Total wheat required (tonnes) 3.42 67,568 3.42 270,270 3.72 294,118 3.89 307,692 Wheat bushels (1000) 2,483 9,932 10,808 11,307 Price of wheat ($/tonnes) Wheat costs ($ million) $100 $6.8 $100 $27.0 $105 $30.9 $105 $32.3 Revenues for by-products are often credited against raw material costs. Viewed in this manner, the net raw material cost for gluten plants can be substantially negative. That is, there is more potential revenue associated with by-products (gluten and DDG) than the cost of purchasing the wheat. Cost calculations below assume that all of the gluten and DDG can be sold at $1/lb. This may not always be the case. It is emphasized that transportation costs to accessible markets, other distribution and marketing costs have not been considered. Industry sources point out that wheat gluten typically sells for 75-1.00$/lb. One supplier claims that C$1.00 per pound is very close to the current price. 5.4.4 Employment The more complicated the facility, the more employees are required for operations, handling, maintenance, sales and management. Total estimated employment for a 100 million per year ethanol plant is estimated at 50 people. Another 20, for a total of approximately 70 people would be required for a gluten/ethanol facility. 94 CHEMINFO Table 72: Permanent Employment (Includes sales and management: excludes feedlot) Dry mill CPS wheat, with feedlot, no drying Model A Model B Model 3 Model 4 25 50 70 70 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 Employees Payroll Dry mill CPS, Gluten/Ethanol Gluten/Ethanol with DDG CPS HRS 5.4.5 Other Expenses The following assumptions have been made for the price of utilities and other costs: electricity available at 4 cents/kilowatt-hr; and natural gas available at 2.75 $/million BTU (or 1000 scf); and insurance, maintenance, expenses, etc. at 6% of capital costs; and income tax rate in Alberta at 38%. Producing DDG adds to the electricity and heating requirements versus an ethanol plant selling wet DG. Energy costs more than double for gluten/ethanol plants. Table 73: Utility Requirements for Model Plants Dry mill CPS wheat, with feedlot, no drying Total electricity required (kW-hr/litre ethanol) Total cost electricity Natural gas required (scf/litre ethanol) Total gas cost Dry mill CPS, Gluten/Ethanol Gluten/Ethanol with DDG CPS HRS Model A Model B Model 3 Model 4 0.25 0.40 1.04 1.04 $250,000 $1,600,000 $4,160,000 $4,160,000 7.8 1.0 18.3 19.0 $534,188 $2,744,500 $5,027,000 $5,230,500 5.4.6 Fully Integrated Facility 95 CHEMINFO An integrated wheat biorefinery that can produce fuel ethanol, milled wheat products and higher value coproducts has long been touted as the most viable choice for the future of the wheat industry. 51 These plants separate the wheat into the fibrous bran hull, the germ, starch and gluten, all before fermentation the production of ethanol. Determining the suitable size and operational flexibility for these plants in consideration of potential market costs or barriers are important investment considerations for such plants. Economics of Integrated Facility The incremental capital cost to a 100 million litre-ethanol/year gluten /ethanol for construction of an integrated biorefinery has been very roughly estimated at $60 million. These facilities are more labour intensive and can add 20, or so, more employees to the payroll. They are also more energy intensive than gluten/ethanol plants. The profitability of these plants is heavily dependent on revenues from value-added co-products, which will exceed ethanol sales. Detailed plant costs and market analysis for all co-products (beyond the scope of this study) are required to develop proper economic models for these types of facilities. 5.5 Technology Developments Technology developments for the production of ethanol include (not limited to) advances related to: alternative raw materials (e.g., cellulose biomass instead of grains); increasing the efficiency of the fermentation process; improving the separation of co-products; use of ethanol as a renewable transportation fuel. Some of the Canadian research activities are described below. This analysis is not intended to be comprehensive of all the research underway. Nor, does the study have the scope of evaluating the potential impacts of the research on the ethanol industry. There may be many other or more important R&D activities.52 5.5.1 Examples of Ethanol Research Areas in Canada A range of carbohydrate containing biomass raw materials may be used for ethanol production. These include: rice straw; corn fiber; sawdust; pulp and paper sludge; yard clippings; and dedicated energy crops like switch grass‚ prairie grasses and fast-growing trees. Advances such as the production of new enzymes and development of new production processes may facilitate the commercialization of cellulose (as opposed to sugars only) to ethanol production. Petro-Canada and Iogen (a privately held biotechnology company of 60 people) have signed an agreement to develop new ethanol production technology from biomass. Iogen and Petro Canada plan commercialization of ethanol from cellulose using Iogen’s technology known as enzymatic hydrolysis. The process produces fermentable sugars from such feedstocks as straw, hay, grasses and oat hulls. PetroCanada uses ethanol for some of its gasolines, particularly SuperClean 94, a high octane fuel sold in Quebec. Iogen has recently received a $10 million loan from Technology Partnerships Canada towards construction of a $25.3 million ethanol demonstration plant. The demonstration plant will be located adjacent to Iogen’s current enzyme manufacturing facility in Ottawa. The companies initiated construction in April of 1999 and hope to have production begin in the summer of 2000. By the fall of 2000, should the 51 Tibelius, C., Coproducts and Near Coproducts of Fuel Ethanol Fermentation from Grain, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Canadian Green Plan Ethanol Program: Starchy Waste Streams Evaluation Project, May 1996 52 This analysis borrows from past Cheminfo Services studies and other existing literature on ethanol research. 96 CHEMINFO demonstration plant be successful, work on a commercial plant will be started. Iogen plans to have several plants constructed across Canada by 2004.53,54 There are various universities and other institutions that are conducting R&D into ethanol into Canada. At the University of British Columbia, a proposal is in progress to establish a Process Development Program to adapt the most promising world technologies to produce ethanol and by-products from BC softwood residue. The proposal seeks to progress the technology from bench scale to larger scale in a 5-year timeframe. The University of Saskatchewan and the University of Toronto are other universities that have or are conducting ethanol related R&D. Research into very high gravity fermentation (VHG) of wheat to produce ethanol continues to be done at the University of Saskatchewan. 55 The VHG process involves removal of the bran before fermentation, which relates to value-added co-product production. Seaway Valley Farmers Energy is working with ethanol production technology developed at Queen's University. The technology uses oleyl alcohol as a solvent for continuous extraction of ethanol and to avoid end product inhibition. The new technology is said to double the efficiency of ethanol production. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was more involved in ethanol R&D in the past. AAFC’s Green Plan Ethanol Research Program lasted approximately 3-4 years, but was shut down a few years ago. This program conducted R&D on a wide variety of areas with respect to ethanol at AAFC’s research stations across Canada. Natural Resources Canada’s Alternative Fuels Market Development Program had annual expenditures of $900,000 in 1996/97. This initiative was developed to encourage the production and use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. The alternative fuels that were focused on include methanol, ethanol, propane and natural gas. A second program at NRCan, the Alternative Transportation Fuels Research and Development program, had annual expenditures of over $5 million in 1996/97. The purpose of the program was to increase the market penetration of alternative transportation fuels through technology development.56 53 Cheminfo Services Inc., Profiles of Selected Technologies to Reduce GHG Emissions, For National Climate Change Secretariat, Technology Table, May 1999. 54 Camford Information Services, Camford Chemical Report, February 1, 1999 Issue. 55 Tibelius, C., Coproducts and Near Coproducts of Fuel Ethanol Fermentation from Grain, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Canadian Green Plan Ethanol Program: Starchy Waste Streams Evaluation Project, May 1996 56 Natural Resources Canada, 1997 Efficiency and Alternative Energy Programs in Canada Directory. Program may have been discontinued. 97 CHEMINFO 6. Ethanol Lifecycle Analysis for Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 6.1 Introduction To assess the total direct and indirect net effects of more ethanol production and use, a lifecycle analysis is required. The full cycle concept of analyses considers all inputs into the production and use of a fuel. It combines the fuel production, vehicle manufacture and fuel use in a single analysis. It is also referred to as the fuel cycle by some authors. The ultimate result is a value that can be used for comparison of different commodities on the same basis, such as per unit of fuel energy or per kilometre driven. Greenhouse gas emissions over the full cycle include all significant sources of these emissions from production of the energy source (i.e. crude oil, biomass, natural gas, etc.), through fuel processing, distribution, and onward to combustion in a motor vehicle for motive power. A life cycle analysis should also include greenhouse gas emissions from vehicle material and assembly as these emissions are affected by the choice of alternative fuel/vehicle technology. Wide ranges of emission sources are involved in the production and distribution of fuels, and these vary depending on the type of fuel. Figure 4: Full Cycle Including Fuel and Vehicle Cycles The two fuel pathways of primary interest here are petroleum to gasoline and grain to ethanol. The ethanol is subsequently blended with gasoline in various proportions. The final comparison is gasoline to ethanol blended gasoline. Figure 5: Grain to Ethanol and Petroleum to Gasoline Fuel Cycles 98 CHEMINFO 6.1.1 Full Cycle and Energy Balance Analysis Methods Two spreadsheet models are available from the United States to facilitate full cycle emission analysis; one developed by Delucchi (1991,1993, 1998), the other by Wang (1996). The work of Delucchi in the 19871993 period resulted in the development of a spreadsheet model based on Lotus software for AppleTM computers, which contained capabilities for predicting emissions of greenhouse gases and criteria nongreenhouse gases from most of the alternative fuels of potential interest in this study. The model is comprehensive in scope and level of detail, and, hence, requires input of extensive information on the energy usage for fuel production, distribution and related fuel cycle sources, as well as factors for emissions of non-greenhouse gases from these sources and motor vehicles. Using the results from the Delucchi model and a simplified approach based on the application of energy conversion efficiencies and relative emission factors for pollutants from the full cycle sources, Wang (1996, 1999) developed a userfriendlier spreadsheet model for the US DOE in ExcelTM. This model is available on the Internet at Delucchi has updated his model since 1993, as described in Delucchi and Lipman (1996) and a report by Energy and Environmental Analysis Inc. (1999). This work has focused primarily on updating the earlier model to include recent data for motor fuel production, processing, distribution and use in the United States, and incorporation of improved algorithms for predicting non-greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles based on the U.S. EPA Mobile 5 model. A partial Canadianization of the Delucchi model was completed by Delucchi (1998) for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) in late 1998 through to March, 1999, drawing from information on the production and distribution of conventional and alternative fuels that was provided by NRCan and Statistics Canada and some other Canadian government agencies. The partially Canadianized version of the full cycle model prepared by Delucchi in 1998 was further developed by Levelton and (S&T)2 for NRCan. This Canadianized version is used as the starting point for this study. It is considered to yield the most rigorous life cycle analysis of both greenhouse and nongreenhouse gases from alternative motor fuels, and had the advantage of incorporating functional capabilities and data for analysis of Canada specifically. The parameters used in the model for predicting emissions from gasoline and ethanol production and use were further refined to accurately simulate full cycle emissions in the study area. 6.1.2 Greenhouse Gases Encompassed in Analysis 99 CHEMINFO The greenhouse gases included in the calculations for this report are carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The emissions have been weighted according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines where CO 2 has a weighting factor of 1.0, CH4 is assigned a value of 21.0 and N2O has a weighting factor of 310. These are the 100-year global warming potential (GWP) multipliers recommended by the IPCC. Throughout the report we will report primarily CO 2 equivalent values. This will be the weighted sum of the three greenhouse gases. In some areas this will be further broken down to provide detail on the separate gases. Other gases and contaminants associated with the production and use of fossil and renewable fuels, such as carbon monoxide, non-methane organic gases, oxides of nitrogen and particulates, also have the potential to influence climate change, either directly or indirectly. The global warming potential of these other gases has not been considered in this study, to be consistent with the approach being used by most other studies in this area. 6.1.3 Model Used to Calculate Full Cycle Emissions The Delucchi model, as used in this study, is capable of estimating fuel cycle emissions of the primary greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and the criteria pollutants, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, non-methane organic compounds (also known as VOC’s) and exhaust particulate matter. The model also is capable of analyzing the emissions from gasoline and alternative fuelled internal combustion engines for both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, and for light duty battery powered electric vehicles. The full cycle model predicts emissions for past, present and future years using historical data or correlations for changes in energy and process parameters with time that are stored in the model. The model is thus capable of analyzing what is likely to happen in future years as technologies develop. The model allows for segmentation of the predicted emissions into characteristic steps in the production, refining, distribution and use of fuels and the production of motor vehicles. The fuel cycle segments considered in the model are as follows: Vehicle Operation Emissions associated with the use of the fuel in the vehicle. Includes all three greenhouse gases. Fuel Dispensing at the Retail Level Emissions associated with the transfer of the fuel at a service station from storage into the vehicles. Includes electricity for pumping, fugitive emissions and spills. Fuel Storage and Distribution at all Stages Emissions associated with storage and handling of fuel products at terminals, bulk plants and service stations. Includes storage emissions, electricity for pumping, space heating and lighting. Fuel Production (as in production from raw materials) Direct and indirect emissions associated with conversion of the feed stock into a saleable fuel product. Includes process emissions, combustion emissions for process heat/steam, electricity generation, fugitive emissions and emissions from the life cycle of chemicals used for ethanol fuel cycles. Feedstock Transport Direct and indirect emissions from transport of feedstock, including pumping, compression, leaks, fugitive emissions, and transportation from point of origin to the fuel refining plant. Import/export, transport distances and the modes of transport are considered. Feedstock Production and Recovery Direct and indirect emissions from recovery and processing of the raw feedstock, including fugitive emissions from storage, handling, upstream processing prior to transmission, and mining. Fertilizer Manufacture 100 CHEMINFO Direct and indirect life cycle emissions from fertilizers, and pesticides used for feedstock production, including raw material recovery, transport and manufacturing of chemicals. Land use changes and cultivation associated with biomass derived fuels Emissions associated with the change in the land use in cultivation of crops, including N 2O from application of fertilizer, changes in soil carbon and biomass, methane emissions from soil and energy used for land cultivation. 101 CHEMINFO Carbon in Fuel from Air Carbon dioxide emissions credit arising from use of a renewable carbon source that obtains carbon from the air. Leaks and flaring of greenhouse gases associated with production of oil and gas Fugitive hydrocarbon emissions and flaring emissions associated with oil and gas production. Emissions displaced by co-products of alternative fuels Emissions displaced by distillers grains, a co-product of ethanol production, equal to emissions from animal feed products displaced from other sources. Other co-products are calculated on the same displacement method. Vehicle assembly and transport Emissions associated with the manufacture and transport of the vehicle to the point of sale, amortized over the life of the vehicle. Materials used in the vehicles Emissions from the manufacture of the materials used to manufacture the vehicle, amortized over the life of the vehicle. Levelton and (S&T)2 (1999b) conducted a thorough review of the assumptions and characteristic parameters used in the original model to predict fuel cycle emissions from the fuels chosen in this study for detailed analysis. These assumptions and parameters were compared to information available to Levelton and (S&T)2 from in-house information, direct contact with energy and vehicle companies, published literature and other sources. For this study further refinement of the model was undertaken to properly model the Alberta emissions. The primary requirement was to be able to assign Alberta electricity indirect emissions to those activities happening in Alberta and the indirect emissions from electricity from Canada for those activities happening outside the Province. The ethanol production process was changed from corn to wheat and an in-depth review of land-use changes, soil sinks and emission, and co-product credits was made to better model the Alberta situation. Emissions and energy requirements for natural gas were adjusted to Alberta by reducing energy requirements for transmission by 80% compared to the national values in the Canadianized model. The basic emission data on natural gas for the Canadianized model was derived from a report by Radian (1997) for the Canadian Gas Association to improve the model’s estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from leakage and energy use from processing, transmission and distribution in Canada. Emissions associated with production and processing and with distribution for Alberta were not changed. Fuel economy in units of miles per US gallon is the principal input variable available to the user of the model for case studies and is used within the model as the energy demand that must be satisfied by the fuel production, refining and other segments of the fuel cycle. Fuel economy values are input separately for city and highway travel and for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. The model inputs are all in US units. Most of the full cycle energy and greenhouse analyses found in the literature use US units. We have presented results in US units and in most cases present input data in metric and US units. 6.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions The baseline information on vehicle fuel use that has been used in the modelling are shown in the table below. The key model inputs are vehicle fuel economy and total vehicle kilometres travelled over the life of the vehicle. The annual kilometre accumulation rates are the same as used by Levelton (1999b) and were originally provided by NRCan. The N2O emission factors used are the same as are currently being used by NRCan and Environment Canada. These values have been reduced from those used to determine the 1995 102 CHEMINFO Canadian inventory of emissions (Jaques, 1997). The reductions were based on the most recent data from the US EPA. Table 74: Baseline Vehicle Fuel Economy for Modelling Use New Vehicle Test Values 2000 2010 2020 Passenger Cars* Gasoline Vehicles City L/100km US mpg Highway L/100km US mpg Combined L/100km US mpg 2000 On-Road Values 2010 2020 9.60 24.39 6.40 9.00 26.02 6.00 8.30 28.21 5.60 10.70 21.95 8.20 10.00 23.42 7.70 9.3 25.39 7.1 36.59 8.20 39.04 7.70 42.32 7.10 28.54 9.60 30.45 9.00 33.01 8.3 28.70 30.61 33.19 24.50 26.14 28.34 6.2.1 Gasoline There are four refineries in Alberta producing road transportation fuels. The refineries are owned by Imperial Oil, Petro-Canada, Shell and Parkland Industries. The companies were contacted to determine the types of crude oil processed at each facility such that a weighted average could be determined for modelling purposes. 103 CHEMINFO Table 75: Crude Oil Slate Modeled Crude Oil Type Conventional Heavy Bitumen Synthetic Percent of Input 55.5% 0% 4.8% 39.7% It is assumed that all of the crude oil is transported by pipeline an average of 150 miles and that 10% of the oil is transported by truck an average of 20 miles. The greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of the crude oil are derived from the Foundation Paper for the Upstream Petroleum Sector presented to the Industry Table of the National Climate Change Process (CAPP, 1998). The CAPP data was disaggregated by crude type and then combined in the same proportions as the crude used for the four Alberta refineries. The model was then calibrated to this data. The Alberta crude oil slate has a higher portion of synthetic crude oil than is used nationally. This crude oil requires more energy for production and produces more greenhouse gases than conventional crude oil. This produces higher greenhouse gas emissions than have been reported for Ontario (Levelton, 1999) and nationally (Levelton, 1999b). Table 76: Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Three Studies Units Feedstock transmission Feedstock recovery Gas Leaks and Flares Total Alberta Ontario National Gram CO2 eq/million BTU Gram CO2 eq/million BTU Gram CO2 eq/million BTU 139 12,726 277 371 8,219 1,924 204 5,848 3,081 13,142 10,510 9,133 The differences in feedstock transmission are driven by distance. The differences in feedstock recovery and gas leaks and flare is a function of the type of crude oil. Heavy oil has a high level of methane emissions according to the CAPP data and those emissions combined with methane’s GWP of 21 contribute to the gas leaks and flares values. With no heavy oil use reported by the Alberta refiners that value is low for Alberta. Several of the producers of synthetic crude oil have announced goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions per unit of production in the future. They will accomplish this through improvements in energy efficiency, reductions in fugitive emissions, and in some cases through changes in product specifications. The later is not necessarily a true reduction since it may be transferring the use of energy from the upgrader to the refiner. The production of synthetic crude oil is also expected to increase over time with several expansions underway or announced. With the projected reduction in conventional light crude oil it is likely that the use of synthetic crude oil will increase in Alberta over the next ten years. The issue then becomes will emissions from synthetic crude oil be as low as the emissions from the conventional oil it replaces? In the table below the current and projected emissions from the synthetic oil plants are shown (Syncrude, Suncor, Shell, 1999) and compared to the data modeled. The year 2000 data modeled was derived from CAPP average synthetic crude oil data. The year 2008 value will be used for the 2005 scenarios modeled. It is an estimate of the average future emission rate. 104 CHEMINFO Table 77: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Synthetic Crude Production Syncrude Suncor Shell Data modeled Units gms CO2eq/million BTU gms CO2eq/million BTU gms CO2eq/million BTU gms CO2eq/million BTU 1998 2000 2002 2008 21,412 16,800 22,136 20,710 16,600 11,500 to 15,700 19,800 14,000 13,890 For the year 2005 projections the emissions from a crude oil slate with 55% synthetic, 5% bitumen, and 40% conventional oil essentially reversing the proportions of conventional and synthetic oil in the slate were determined. It was assumed that the synthetic emissions decreased by 30%. In this potential future case the greenhouse gas emissions from the production of the oil were 19% lower than for the case calculated for the year 2000. Three of the four refineries are large complex producing a variety of products. It is assumed that the energy used in the refineries is typical of that reported by the industry in the Petroleum Downstream Sector Industry Foundation Paper (Purvin & Gertz, 1998). That paper provides the total energy used as well as the type of fuel providing the energy. That data is used as inputs to the model. The energy has been allocated between products on the same proportional basis as the original Delucchi model. The refining energy used is less than Delucchi reports for the United States refineries. The reasons for this include the lower proportion of gasoline produced by Canadian refineries requiring less complexity in the refinery and the use of MMT as an octane enhancer. The refining energy use data is for the year 1996. Future years have been calculated based on annual improvements of 1% per year until the year 2001 and 0.5% per year after that until the year 2010. Low sulphur gasoline will be available in 2005 and the additional energy required to remove the sulphur and replace the octane lost in the desulphurization process has been taken from the Downstream Foundation paper. Depending on the technology chosen by the individual refiners that may lead to an over estimation of greenhouse gases emitted and energy consumed after the year 2005 as the foundation paper represents a worst case. In the table below the greenhouse gas emissions for gasoline for Alberta are presented for 2000 and for 2005. For 2005 the additional energy required to make low sulphur gasoline is considered along with a crude slate with more synthetic crude. The lower energy requirements for the synthetic crude are factored in. The annual improvements in refinery energy consumption are accounted for. This table presents the data for the fuel cycle up to the dispenser nozzle on the basis of grams CO2 eq per million BTU. Table 78: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Gasoline and Low Sulphur Gasoline for 2000 Source Category Year Feedstock Specification Units Fuel Dispensing Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil 300 ppm S Low Sulphur Gasoline 2005 Oil 30 ppm S Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 585 105 CHEMINFO Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Sub Total Percent Change 918 14,887 139 12,697 0 0 277 0 29,514 856 17,136 126 10,223 0 0 271 0 29,198 -1.1 The advancements in synthetic crude oil production are mostly offset by the increase in energy required to make low sulphur gasoline. In the table below, the data is presented for the complete life cycle on the basis on grams CO 2 eq. per mile travelled. This takes into account the exhaust emissions from the vehicles that contribute to GHG, CO 2, methane and N2O. For the low sulphur gasoline case the impact of sulphur on exhaust emissions is also considered. The most significant reduction is a 60% drop in N 2O emissions when sulphur is lowered to 30 ppm. Other assumptions are that carbon monoxide is reduced 20%, NOx by 15% and VOCs by 30%. The mechanism for the reductions is less catalyst fouling from the sulphur. Vehicle fuel economy has been kept constant between 2000 and 2005 so that just the impact of upstream changes can be compared. Table 79: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Gasoline and Low Sulphur Gasoline Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Gas leaks and flares Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Gasoline Low Sulphur Gasoline Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 1.4 507.3 364.7 3.0 4.4 87.5 0.6 52.2 1.4 513.8 0.9 5.4 29.5 548.7 0.9 5.5 31.3 544.1 The table above introduces an interesting issue with the model that has been caused by the calibration of the vehicle exhaust emissions to the Alberta emission factors. Vehicle fleet exhaust emissions in Alberta are higher than the default values in the model. This means that fuel is being wasted due to incomplete combustion. More detail on this is presented in a later section. The improved catalyst efficiency with low sulphur gasoline results in significant quantities of carbon monoxide and to a lesser extent oxidized to carbon dioxide in the catalytic converter. This accounts for the increase in CO 2 emissions per mile driven for vehicle operation. This should not impact the overall result if this oxidation takes place in the converter but if some of the oxidation takes place in the engine then vehicle efficiency will improve which has not been accounted for in the model. 106 CHEMINFO Since greenhouse gas emissions for gasoline are projected to remain fairly constant over the next five years the analyses of ethanol and the other alternative fuels will focus on the year 2000. The lack of significant change in the emissions from baseline gasoline during the next decade makes the year 2000 applicable over the decade. 6.2.2 Ethanol The greenhouse gas emissions for the four scenarios studied are described in the following sections. The methodology for the treatment of land use changes and emissions displaced by co-products is constant for each of the scenarios. Land use changes includes emissions of N2O from the application of nitrogen fertilizers, loss of soil carbon from cultivation, changes in above and below ground biomass due to the production of the crop and emissions of methane from the soil. It is recognized that changes in soil carbon and plant biomass are reversible if changes in soil use occur. Changes that happen in the future are less certain and the model applies a discount factor to future changes. The discount factor used is 2%. Soil carbon changes are assumed to occur over a 25 year period and changes in plant biomass happen over a 15 year period. Further discussion of this topic can be found in Delucchi (1998). The summary of key factors impacting land use emissions for wheat and barley production are shown in the following table. Table 80: Emission Factors Impacting Land Use Emissions Emission Factors 0.0125 g N2O/g N 0.10 g CH4/kg N fertilizer 25.0 g CH4/ ha/year 25 0.0036 kg C/m2 15 2% 0.37 kg C/m2 for CPS wheat. Varies with yield. None. Land previously used for wheat. N2O from nitrogen application Methane emissions from soil Methane emissions from soil Years over which soil loss occurs Rate of soil loss Years over which biomass changes occurs Discount rate for carbon loss Plant biomass carbon (above and below ground) Acreage displaced The energy and greenhouse gas emissions credits for the co-products from the ethanol production process are calculated based on the energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the products that they replace. In the case of the animal feeds the displaced product is barley. Barley emissions were calculated and shown in an earlier section. Co-product displacement ratios are determined for the various co-products in the different scenarios. For gluten the energy use for the ethanol production is calculated based on the incremental energy requirements and thus the gluten can be removed from the calculations. This methodology in effect treats gluten in exactly the same manner as the other co-products and is correct as long as the gluten production does not increase gluten demand. Further discussion of the displacement method of co-products can be found in Delucchi (1998). The displacement method generally produces a smaller credit than allocating the emissions and energy use based on mass of products produced or on a market value allocation. It is a more complex procedure. In previous analyses (Levelton, 1999,1999b) it has been assumed that a 10% ethanol blends achieves a 1% better fuel economy on an energy basis or 2.5% less on a volumetric basis. Dynamometer testing has confirmed this increase in efficiency (Ragazzi, Hochauser). There are a number of reasons to expect higher energy efficiency with low level ethanol blends. The lower emissions of carbon monoxide and 107 CHEMINFO hydrocarbons mean more energy from the fuel is released in the engine. In addition there are more moles of combustion products formed per mole of air for ethanol than for gasoline leading to higher pressures in the cylinder and finally the ethanol has a higher heat of vapourization than gasoline leading to lower intake tract losses and a cooler mixture. This 1% efficiency improvement has been used for this analysis. This may be too low. The cited references were on vehicles that had lower exhaust emissions than the Alberta fleet average and thus produced less carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. Since a portion of the increased efficiency is derived from more complete combustion, vehicles with higher emissions should get a larger efficiency increase since more grams of partially burned fuel are completely burned in the presence of extra oxygen. Hochhauser did report that the older fleet had an even higher efficiency gain with fuel oxygen. Vehicle fleet tests performed in the 1980’s when emissions were higher usually found no significant change in volumetric fuel economy. The modelling results do support the case for higher than 1% efficiency as will be shown later. No allowance for the octane of ethanol has been given since an in-depth study of the Alberta refineries is beyond the scope of this study. Other studies (Levelton, 1999) have found that including this benefit changes the greenhouse gas reductions for a 10% blend by 0.1 percentage point. The changes in exhaust emissions from a 10% blend that were modeled were a 15% reduction for CO and VOC and a 5% increase in NOx. The CO and VOC values do have a small impact on greenhouse gas emissions. None of the scenarios considers the application of manure to provide a portion of the nitrogen fertilizer nor considers the impact of DG on animal emissions of methane. The projections can thus be considered to be very conservative. Separate sensitivity cases will study these two issues and the fuel economy issue. It is important to consider that a blend with 10% ethanol by volume is a blend with 6.5% of the energy in the fuel being supplied by the ethanol. If the ethanol contributed no greenhouse gases then the reduction in greenhouse gases would be 6.5% compared to 100% gasoline. Integrated Ethanol Plant Cattle Feedlot The greenhouse gas emissions from the production of CPS wheat and the conversion to ethanol in an integrated ethanol plant cattle feedlot are shown and compared to gasoline in the table below. The coproduct credits and ethanol plant inputs are as described in earlier sections. Table 81: CO2 Equivalent Upstream Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from an Integrated Cattle Feeding Operation Source Category Year Feedstock Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 918 14,887 139 12,697 0 108 Ethanol 2000 CPS Wheat Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 856 1,337 38,424 2,187 6,504 -1,807 CHEMINFO Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total CO2 Emissions from Combustion in Use Total Percent Change 0 277 0 29,514 63,159 92,673 12,824 0 -9,376 50,950 0 (renewable) 50,950 -45.0 The emissions from combustion only include CO2 since the methane and nitrous oxide emissions are dependent on engine technology. This data is shown for comparison purpose since in the case of ethanol the CO2 emissions are not counted since they came from biomass. This is in accordance with the IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 1999). The use of this ethanol in a 10% blend with gasoline in the average fleet vehicles can be compared to gasoline on a per mile driven basis. Table 82: CO2 Equivalent Vehicle Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from an Integrated Cattle Feeding Operation Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Land Use and Cultivation Gas leaks and flares C in end use fuel from CO2 in air Emissions displaced by coproducts Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Gasoline Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 0 1.4 0 0 507.3 5.5 31.3 544.1 Ethanol Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 357.6 3.1 4.8 83.5 1.4 66.5 -0.6 1.3 -23.9 -3.3 490.4 -3.3 5.5 31.2 527.0 -3.1 On a full cycle basis ethanol from an integrated ethanol plant cattle feedlot will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 3.1% for a 10% ethanol blend with gasoline. This table provides evidence that the assumed fuel economy improvement is too low. The CO 2 emissions are higher for the ethanol blend even though ethanol produces less CO 2 per million BTU of energy than gasoline and a 1% efficiency gain was used. The high emissions of carbon monoxide modeled along with the reduction in carbon monoxide emissions from the ethanol increased the amount of CO 2 produced. The complete oxidation of the carbon monoxide would release more energy than has been accounted for with the 1% efficiency gain. This issue will be explored further in the sensitivity section. 109 CHEMINFO Conventional Dry Milling Ethanol Plant In a conventional dry milling ethanol plant there is more energy consumed in the process due to the need to dry the co-product and there is energy required distributing the product to the end user. Offsetting this, the co-product can be better utilized by feeding less of it to each animal or by incorporating it into dairy cow rations. The upstream emission results and the full cycle emissions are shown in tables below. Table 83: CO2 Equivalent Upstream Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from a Conventional Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Source Category Year Feedstock Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total CO2 Emissions from Combustion Total Percent Change Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 918 14,887 139 12,697 0 0 277 Ethanol 2000 CPS Wheat Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 856 1,337 48,086 2,187 6,504 -1,807 12,824 0 0 29,514 63,159 -17,789 52,498 0 92,673 52,498 -43.3 110 CHEMINFO Table 84: CO2 Equivalent Vehicle Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from a Conventional Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Land Use and Cultivation Gas leaks and flares C in end use fuel from CO2 in air Emissions displaced by coproducts Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Gasoline Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 0 1.4 0 0 507.3 5.5 31.3 544.1 Ethanol Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 357.6 3.1 4.8 86.9 1.4 66.5 -0.6 1.3 -23.9 -6.2 490.9 -3.2 5.5 31.2 527.6 -3.0 This scenario produces slightly higher greenhouse gas emissions than the integrated feedlot concept. Gluten and Ethanol Plant The reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from ethanol from a combined ethanol plant gluten operation are greater than the dry milling operations. This is due to the synergies between the two operations. The ethanol plant does not have to mill the grain or dry the co-products since these activities already happen with a gluten plant. The greenhouse emissions for the gluten ethanol plant complex are shown in the table below. The results for both feedstocks are compared to gasoline. 111 CHEMINFO Table 85: CO2 Equivalent Upstream Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from a Combined Ethanol and Gluten Operation Source Category Year Feedstock Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total CO2 Emissions from Combustion Total Percent Change Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil Ethanol 2000 HRS Wheat Ethanol 2000 CPS Wheat Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 856 856 918 1,337 1,337 14,887 139 12,697 0 0 277 0 29,514 20,157 2,258 8,953 -351 16,219 0 -5,690 43,740 18,109 2,205 6,556 -1,822 12,927 0 -5,457 34,711 63,159 0 0 92,673 43,740 -52.8 34,711 -62.5 112 CHEMINFO The results can also be presented for the full cycle on a grams per mile driven basis, as shown in the table below. Table 86: CO2 Equivalent Full Cycle Emissions for Gasoline and Ethanol from a Combined Ethanol and Gluten Operation Gasoline Units Feedstock Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Land Use and Cultivation Gas leaks and flares C in end use fuel from CO2 in air Emissions displaced by co-products Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Ethanol Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Ethanol Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Oil HRS Wheat CPS Wheat 356.6 3.0 4.7 357.6 3.1 4.8 357.6 3.1 4.8 76.0 0.7 64.8 0 1.4 0 77.0 1.5 68.6 -0.1 1.3 -23.9 76.3 1.4 66.5 -0.6 1.3 -23.9 0 -2.0 -1.9 507.3 487.8 -3.8 484.6 -4.5 5.5 31.3 544.1 5.5 31.3 524.5 -3.6 5.5 31.2 521.3 -4.2 Impact of Manure, Reduced Animal Methane Emissions and Vehicle Emissions It has been shown that the use of manure to supply some of the nitrogen requirements for crop growth can reduce the energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions from the production of wheat. It is also likely that the use of DG will reduce the emissions of methane from the animal eating it. A case is considered where these two situations are quantified to determine the potential full cycle impact. It is assumed that manure supplies 35% of the nitrogen requirements on 50% of the farms. The overall impact is to increase diesel fuel consumption by 1.87 litres per acre per year and to reduce the energy required to make the nitrogen fertilizer by 17.5%. The co-products credit has been increased by 4,200 gms/million BTU. The scenario is applied to the integrated feedlot ethanol plant. Table 87: Impact of Manure Use and Methane Credit from DG Source Category Year Feedstock Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil Ethanol 2000 CPS Wheat 113 Ethanol 2000 CPS Wheat, Manure, CHEMINFO and Methane Credit Units Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 856 1,337 856 1,337 14,887 139 12,697 0 0 277 0 29,514 63,159 38,424 2,187 6,504 -1,807 12,824 0 -9,376 50,950 0 38,424 2187 7456 -1,807 11,465 0 -13,573 46,346 0 92,673 50,950 -45.0 46,346 -50.0 Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total CO2 Emissions from Combustion Total Percent Change 918 The manure impact is relatively small in this case. The impact would be larger if more manure was spread over a smaller percentage of the land. The inclusion of the methane benefit increases the co-product credits by 45%. To determine the impact of vehicle emissions and the efficiency increase improvement from the use of ethanol. The feedlot full cycle case was run with the default vehicle emission rates. This has an appropriate balance between emissions and fuel economy. Carbon monoxide emissions were reduced from 20.0 g/mile to 10.9 g/mile in 2000. The VOC emissions were reduced from 2.34 g/mile to 1.09 g/mile. There are no changes in the emissions for the upstream part of the cycle. Table 88: Impact of Lower Exhaust Emissions of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbons on Full Cycle Emissions Vehicle Exhaust Emission Assumption Ethanol Plant Concept Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Land Use and Cultivation Gas leaks and flares C in end use fuel from CO2 in air Emissions displaced by coproducts Sub total (fuel cycle) Gasoline Calibrated to Alberta Fleet Ethanol Calibrated to Alberta Fleet Integrated Feedlot Gasoline Model Defaults Ethanol Model Defaults Integrated Feedlot Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 0 1.4 0 0 357.6 3.1 4.8 83.5 1.4 66.5 -0.6 1.3 -23.9 -3.3 370.9 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 0 1.4 0 0 369.4 3.1 4.8 83.5 1.4 66.5 -0.6 1.3 -23.9 -3.3 507.3 490.4 521.6 502.2 114 CHEMINFO % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change -3.3 5.5 31.2 527.0 -3.1 5.5 31.3 544.1 -3.7 5.5 31.2 538.9 -3.5 5.5 31.3 558.4 The low emission case has a higher percentage reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The CO 2 from the vehicle operation is lower than the gasoline case, which is now consistent with the efficiency improvement modeled. GHG emissions are higher because the vehicle fuel economy has not been adjusted and more of the carbon in the fuel has been oxidized to CO2. The model assumptions for the low emission case are more internally consistent and the 3.5% reduction is more representative of what would happen in the real world. There are no external references for fuel efficiency improvements for high emitters which is why the 1% improvement has been chosen for the base cases even though it is recognized that it creates internal inconsistencies in the model. The actual Alberta emission rates are important for the consideration of other environmental impacts. Summary of Environmental Emissions Effects The results of the four model plants and the sensitivity cases are shown the table below. Also shown are the results for gasoline and the results for gasoline and corn ethanol for Ontario. The GHG emissions for gasoline in Alberta is significantly higher than similar emissions in Ontario due to the different crude oil slates used in refining (a higher percentage of synthetic crude oil in Alberta) and the higher carbon intensity of electricity production in Alberta compared to Ontario. Table 89: Summary and Comparison Feedlot Dry Mill CPS Gluten HRS Gluten Ontario Corn 92,673 83,359 50,950 52,498 34,711 43,740 45,917 544.1 510.3 45.0% 527.0 3.1% 43.3% 527.6 3.0% 62.5% 521.3 4.2% 52.8% 524.5 3.6% 44.9% 490.6 3.9% 3.5% 3.4% 4.6% 4.0% 3.9% Alberta gms CO2 eq/million BTU including CO2 from combustion % reduction gms CO2 eq/mile % reduction, Alberta exhaust emission rates % reduction, model default exhaust emission rates Ethanol Wheat Ontario Gasoline 6.2.3 Alternative Fuels 115 CHEMINFO Natural gas It is assumed that natural gas is sold and used in vehicles as a pure compressed gas at 3000 psi. The compression is provided by an electric motor. It has been assumed that the natural gas vehicles have the same engine efficiency as gasoline vehicles. The extra weight required for the natural gas tanks has been factored into the final energy efficiency used in the model. Natural gas vehicles have the potential for higher efficiencies if full advantage is taken of the 130 octane rating of the fuel. With the small production runs for natural gas vehicles currently it is not economically feasible to take full advantage of the octane. Table 90: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Natural Gas and Gasoline Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Gas leaks and flares Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Gasoline Natural Gas Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 1.4 507.3 309.7 34.6 3.4 7.5 0.0 9.0 21.5 385.6 -24.0 5.7 32.0 423.4 -22.2 5.5 31.3 544.1 Natural gas has a lower carbon content per unit of energy released and thus produces lower greenhouse gas emissions per mile driven. The emissions between the oil or gas field and the vehicle are also lower for natural gas. The extra vehicle weight for the fuel tanks can be seen in the higher emissions from materials in vehicles. Emissions from natural gas vehicles could be improved by taking advantage of the fuels high octane rating. A 10% improvement in vehicle fuel efficiency would increase the total reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to 27.9%. Propane Propane for vehicle fuels can come from gas plants and from refineries. For Canada the split is 86% gas plants and 14% refineries. Alberta has a larger proportion of the Canada’s gas plants than it does refineries. The model inputs set the Alberta proportions to 95% gas plants and 5% refineries based on 90% of the gas plants being in Alberta and 30% of the refining capacity located in Alberta. Emissions from the refineries are higher than from the gas plants. The propane vehicles are assumed to have the same engine efficiency as gasoline. Like natural gas the production runs are too small to be able to take advantage of propane’s higher octane rating. 116 CHEMINFO Table 91: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Propane and Gasoline Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Gas leaks and flares Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change Gasoline Propane (Grams CO2 equivalent/mile) (Grams CO2 equivalent/mile) 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 1.4 507.3 327.7 3.0 10.8 9.9 0.0 12.4 12.3 376.2 -25.8 5.6 31.4 413.2 -24.1 5.5 31.3 544.1 Methanol Methanol’s use as an alternative fuel is likely to be either as a fuel for fuel cells or as a blend with diesel. The greenhouse gas emissions for methanol production are based on the average gas conversion efficiency of North American methanol plants (100 scf/USG methanol). It is assumed that the methanol is produced and distributed by truck in Alberta. The greenhouse gas emissions are presented on the basis of grams per million BTU of output followed by discussion of the implications for the two market applications. 117 CHEMINFO Table 92: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Gasoline, Diesel and Methanol for 2000 Source Category Year Feedstock Units Conventional Gasoline 2000 Oil Diesel Fuel 2000 Oil Methanol 2000 Natural Gas Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 597 558 765 1,155 8,838 143 13,051 0 0 284 0 23,639 22,917 527 5,142 0 0 3,938 0 35,863 +21.5% (vs. gasoline) Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total Percent Change 918 14,887 139 12,697 0 0 277 0 29,514 1,937 Greenhouse gas emissions for the production of methanol are higher than for gasoline and diesel fuel production. The lower carbon content of methanol offsets some of this when it is consumed but reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will only be possible with an increase in engine efficiency. The blends of methanol and diesel will not result in an efficiency increase so while that fuel will reduce particulate emissions and NOx it will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The situation with fuel cells is not as clear. Fuel cell vehicles do offer an increase in efficiency because they are really electric vehicles and offer a better load cycle than the internal combustion engine. The question is how much of an increase and how quickly can they be developed to achieve this higher efficiency. Very little data has been released on the performance of the few fuel cell vehicles currently in existence. In the future it is likely that fuel cell vehicles may achieve twice the efficiency of internal combustion engines when operated on hydrogen and about 1.6 times when operated on methanol. The case modeled is where current fuel cell efficiency on methanol is 25% higher than the internal combustion engine. Table 93: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for a Methanol Fuel Cell Vehicle and Gasoline. Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage and distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Gas leaks and flares Sub total (fuel cycle) Gasoline Methanol FCV Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 356.6 3.0 4.7 76.0 0.7 64.8 1.4 507.3 262.5 4.7 7.9 94.0 2.2 21.1 17.2 409.6 118 CHEMINFO % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change 5.5 31.3 544.1 -19.3 5.9 33.9 449.8 -17.3 The methanol fuelled fuel cell vehicle results in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions based on the assumptions made. There is room for further improvement in this reduction as fuel cell technology improves. If fuel cell use becomes widespread and creates demand for new methanol plants, the greenhouse gas emissions from the new efficient plants will also be lower. Biodiesel The greenhouse gas emissions for biodiesel has been modelled based on the use of canola grown in Western Canada as the feedstock. The canola yield is 25 Bu/acre, nitrogen and phosphorus is applied as fertilizer at 50 lb./acre N and 6.5 lb./acre P. The energy requirements for field work and the energy used in the biodiesel plant is the same as modeled by Delucchi. With biodiesel production there is actually more mass in the co-product meal than there is with the biodiesel. As a result the co-product credits are very high. The methodology developed by Delucchi for calculating the co-product credits has been followed. The meal replaces barley in animal feed rations. Corrections for mass of co-product and protein content in the co-product have been made to adjust the model from soy oil to canola oil. The displacement factors are not based on animal feed trials but on protein and energy displacement calculations. They may underestimate actual displacement ratios. 119 CHEMINFO Table 94: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Diesel, Biodiesel for 2000 Source Category Year Feedstock Units Diesel Fuel 2000 Oil Biodiesel 2000 Canola Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered Grams CO2 Equivalent/Million BTU Delivered 558 765 8,838 143 13,051 0 0 284 0 23,639 612 1,007 48,528 1,321 18,105 1,789 13,179 0 -45,746 38,795 Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution and Storage Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Land Use Changes Fertilizer Manufacture Gas Leaks and Flares Emissions displaced Total The greenhouse gas emissions of diesel, a 20% biodiesel blend and 100% biodiesel in a heavy-duty engine are shown below. Table 95: CO2 Equivalent Emissions for Diesel and Biodiesel in a Heavy-Duty Truck Diesel Units Vehicle operation Fuel Dispensing Fuel storage, distribution Fuel Production Feedstock transport Feedstock production Land use and cultivation Gas leaks and flares C in end use fuel from air Emissions displaced by coproducts Sub total (fuel cycle) % Changes (fuel cycle) Vehicle assembly Materials in vehicles Grand total % Change 20% Biodiesel 100% Biodiesel Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile Grams CO2 equivalent/mile 1,715.4 13.1 18.0 207.9 3.4 307.0 0 6.7 0 0 1,715.9 13.4 19.1 388.0 8.7 389.7 8.4 5.4 -323.2 -207.5 1,718.0 14.4 23.7 1,141.7 31.1 736.0 42.1 0 -1,676.1 -1,076.2 2271.5 2,017.6 -11.2 14.8 80.6 2,113.0 -10.7 954.7 -58.0 14.8 83.3 1,052.8 -55.5 14.8 79.9 2366.1 120 CHEMINFO 6.3 Energy Inputs and Outputs The Delucchi model calculates greenhouse gas emissions from emission factors based on energy and material inputs. The energy balances are calculated for most of the alternative fuels as part of the greenhouse calculations. For alternative fuels that use the same feedstock for conversion to the fuel and the energy to the conversion plant the model can overestimate the energy inputs. Of the fuels considered here only methanol uses the same feedstock for energy and production. The energy balance as calculated by the model for methanol is reasonable. For most fuels greenhouse gas emissions are dominated by the use of energy used to produce them and the release of the carbon in the fuel when it is burned. There should therefore be a correlation between greenhouse gas reductions offered by alternative fuels and the energy balances of those fuels. The exceptions to this are fuels made from renewable resources. By IPCC convention the carbon released from these fuels is not counted in a country’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory since it is considered to have come from the air in the production of the resource. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from these sources are counted. The other difference with renewable fuels is the use of nitrogen fertilizers and the conversion of a portion of the nitrogen directly to nitrous oxide. For these renewable fuels there is therefore not a correlation between greenhouse gas reductions and energy balances. 6.3.1 Gasoline The energy balance for gasoline production is calculated based on the energy inputs in the model for all stages except the production of crude oil. For that step, for countries other than the United States, the model applies a factor against US emissions. The model as used here has been calibrated to produce the same greenhouse gas emissions for crude oil production as reported by CAPP. The energy used is calculated based on the distribution of energy types, e.g., electricity, natural gas, diesel, used in the United States and the Canadian adjustment factor. The Canadian energy use factors are not available in the formats required for the model. The potential errors introduced by this approach are considered to be small as most of the carbon based fuels have similar greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy. The biggest error would be introduced from the use of purchased electricity because of the high carbon intensity of electricity production in Alberta. If the electricity fraction is too high then we have underestimated the energy consumed in crude oil production. Given the significance of synthetic oil in our crude oil slate and the nature of that process it is unlikely that the electricity use is overestimated. 121 CHEMINFO Table 96: Energy Distribution of Energy Used in Crude Oil Production Fuel Used Crude Oil Production Diesel Fuel Residual Fuel Natural Gas Purchased Electricity Gasoline Other Percent of Total 1.3% 8.9% 1.3% 62.2% 18.7% 1.8% 5.6% Total 100.0% The energy consumed in the refining process is based on data from the Downstream Foundation Paper (Purvin and Gertz). This source provides both the quantity and type of energy supplied. The distribution of refining energy to the individual products is on the same basis as Delucchi has used. Table 97: Energy Consumed in the Production of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Total Percent Gasoline BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 115,700 400 107,600 230,500 23.0 Diesel BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 67,900 400 110,600 185,700 18.6 6.3.2 Ethanol The energy consumed in the production of the grain and the conversion of the grain to ethanol are calculated for each of the ethanol production scenarios discussed. The energy is calculated for each stage of the process. The energy consumption displaced by the co-products is determined and subtracted from the ethanol plant energy requirements. Since the E10 blends considered here have a higher energy efficiency when burned in an engine that gasoline does the energy balances are presented both as energy in versus energy out and on the basis of apparent energy out. This incorporates the higher energy efficiency from combustion and is more of a life cycle approach to energy balances. The energy that could be saved in a refinery from utilizing ethanol’s high octane rating has not been incorporated in the analyses due to the scope of the project, just as it was not considered for the greenhouse emissions. Integrated Ethanol Plant Cattle Feedlot 122 CHEMINFO The integrated ethanol plant feedlot complex has the lowest energy inputs of the four scenarios considered and therefore the best energy balance. Table 98: Energy Balance for Integrated Ethanol Plant Feedlot Compared to Gasoline. Units Gasoline BTU per Million BTU Delivered Ethanol BTU per Million BTU Delivered 107,600 115,700 6,800 41,300 407,300 12,400 Energy Inputs Feedstock Recovery Fuel Production Fuel Distribution, Storage, and Dispensing Feedstock Transmission Fertilizer Total Inputs Co-Product Credits 400 0 230,500 14,500 170,000 645,500 -96,600 230,500 548,900 Net Inputs 1,000,000 1,000,000 Energy Output Effective Energy Output 1,141,600* 769,500 451,100 Net Energy Net Effective Energy 592,700 * Based on the energy content of the blended gasoline, allowing for the better energy specific fuel consumption of ethanol. The additional effective energy for a 10% ethanol blend is: 0.01*(120,000 BTU/USG/(84,750 BTU/USG*0.10))=141,600 BTU/Million BTU Delivered. Conventional Dry Milling Ethanol Plant More energy is consumed in a conventional dry mill operation than in the integrated cattle feeding operation but the DDG has a higher displacement ratio and thus the co-product energy credits are higher. Table 99: Energy Balance for a Conventional Dry Mill Ethanol Plant Units Gasoline BTU per Million BTU Delivered Ethanol BTU per Million BTU Delivered 107,600 115,700 6,800 41,300 516,400 12,400 400 0 230,500 14,500 170,000 754,600 -188,470 566,130 1,000,000 1,141,600* Energy Inputs Feedstock Recovery Fuel Production Fuel Distribution, Storage, and Dispensing Feedstock Transmission Fertilizer Total Inputs Co-Product Credits Net Inputs Energy Output Effective Energy Output 230,500 1,000,000 123 CHEMINFO 433,870 Net Effective Energy 575,470 * Based on the energy content of the blended gasoline, allowing for the better energy specific fuel consumption of ethanol. The additional effective energy for a 10% ethanol blend is: 0.01*(120,000 BTU/USG/(84,750 BTU/USG*0.10))=141,600 BTU/Million BTU Delivered. Net Energy 769,500 As expected the energy balance for this scenario follows the same trend as the greenhouse gas emissions and is not quite as positive as the integrated ethanol plant feedlot concept. The energy balance is still positive and more energy is produced than is consumed in manufacturing the ethanol. Gluten and Ethanol Plant The energy balances or the ethanol gluten plant complex is calculated on the same incremental basis as the greenhouse gas emissions were. This insures that the gluten co-product is treated by the co-product displacement method. 124 CHEMINFO Table 100: Energy Balance for Gluten and Ethanol Plants Compared to Gasoline Gasoline Feedstock Units BTU per Million BTU Delivered Ethanol CPS Wheat BTU per Million BTU Delivered Ethanol HRS Wheat BTU per Million BTU Delivered 107,600 115,700 6,800 41,700 199,000 12,400 56,900 232,000 12,400 Energy Inputs Feedstock Recovery Fuel Production Fuel Distribution, Storage, and Dispensing Feedstock Transmission Fertilizer Total Inputs Co-Product Credits 400 0 230,500 14,700 15,000 171,300 214,800 439,100 531,100 -61,600 -60,900 230,500 377,500 470,200 Net Inputs Energy Output 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Effective Energy Output 1,141,600* 1,141,600* 769,500 622,500 529,800 Net Energy Net Effective Energy 764,100 671,400 * Based on the energy content of the blended gasoline, allowing for the better energy specific fuel consumption of ethanol. The additional effective energy for a 10% ethanol blend is: 0.01*(120,000 BTU/USG/(84,750 BTU/USG*0.10))=141,600 BTU/Million BTU Delivered. Impact of Manure Use The impact of manure for a portion of the nitrogen fertilizer requirements has a small impact on the energy balance of the integrated ethanol plant feedlot. There is a 15,800 BTU/million BTU savings on the energy inputs but the co-product credit drops by 10,500 BTU/million BTU since it is also based on the energy inputs. The net effect is a 5,300 BTU/million BTU increase in net energy out. 125 CHEMINFO Energy Balance Summary All four of the ethanol plant scenarios investigated have a positive energy balance. Table 101: Energy Balance Summary Gasoline Concept Units Energy inputs Ratio Energy Out/Energy In Ratio Effective Energy Out/Energy In BTU/Million BTU Output 230,500 4.25 Ethanol Integrated BTU/Million BTU Output 548,900 1.82 Ethanol Dry Mill BTU/Million BTU Output 566,130 1.77 Ethanol HRS Gluten BTU/Million BTU Output 531,100 1.88 Ethanol CPS Gluten BTU/Million BTU Output 439,100 2.28 4.25 2.08 2.02 2.15 2.60 The effective energy compares ethanol on an equal basis to the other fuels. There are two adjusted to net energy. The first relates to the higher octane for ethanol and takes into account that a refinery could save some processing energy if they could produce a lower octane gasoline for ethanol blending. The second adjustment for a slightly higher efficiency of the engine when operated on a 10% blend of ethanol compared to gasoline. 6.3.3 Alternative Fuels Natural Gas The energy consumed in the production and distribution of compressed natural gas in Alberta is shown in the table below. It is compared to gasoline. The compressed natural gas system is more efficient than gasoline refining in Alberta as evidenced by the lower energy consumption. This combined with the fuel’s lower carbon content accounts for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for natural gas vehicles. 126 CHEMINFO Table 102: Energy Consumed in the Production of Gasoline and Compressed Natural Gas. Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Total Percent Gasoline BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 115,700 400 107,600 230,500 23.0 Compressed Natural Gas BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 22,000 8,300 20,600 In fuel dispensing 23,000 73,900 7.4 Propane The energy consumed in the production and delivery of propane is based on 95% of the propane coming from gas plants and 5% from refineries. The gas plants use about 25% of the energy used in a refinery to produce an equivalent volume. The energy savings and the lower fuel carbon account for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for propane. Table 103: Energy Consumed in the Production of Gasoline and Propane Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Total Percent Gasoline BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 115,700 400 107,600 230,500 23.0 127 Propane BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 12,000 25,300 In feed recovery 28,400 67,500 6.7 CHEMINFO Methanol The energy consumed in the production of methanol is based on the efficiency of existing North American plants and the assumption that all natural gas feedstock is either converted to methanol or required to operate the plant. Table 104: Energy Consumed in the Production of Gasoline and Methanol Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Total Percent Gasoline BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 115,700 400 107,600 230,500 23.0 Methanol BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 3,700 12,700 606,500 6,700 62,300 691,900 69.2 A modern methanol plant with state of the art conversion capability uses about 15% less natural gas per unit of production. This has a significant impact on the energy balance and reduces the energy consumed per unit of output to 44.1% of the energy in the methanol. This still results in a positive energy balance for methanol. If the methanol is being used in a fuel cell vehicle that has a higher efficiency than the internal combustion engine then it is not appropriate to compare the energy balance on the fuel production cycle only. The simplest way to account for this is to apply the ratio of efficiency to the energy output and recalculate the energy consumption based on apparent energy output. Using the 25% higher efficiency for a methanol fuel cell vehicle that was modelled for greenhouse gas emissions the energy consumed per apparent million BTU of output drops to 553,000 BTU for existing plants and 352,800 BTU for new plants. There is the potential for further improvements with improvements in fuel cell technology in the future. Methanol’s higher energy consumption accounts for the increase in greenhouse gas emissions on a production basis. The extra energy use is offset by the relatively low carbon intensity of the natural gas used in the process. Greenhouse gas emissions from the full cycle methanol fuel cell vehicle result from the efficiency of the fuel cell vehicle and the low carbon content of the methanol fuel. Biodiesel The energy balances for biodiesel must also account for the energy displaced by the co-products and the energy consumed in the production of agricultural chemicals. The differences between biodiesel and diesel are accounted for by the higher energy requirements of the production process and the energy required for fertilizers. Table 105: Energy Consumed in the Production of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel 128 CHEMINFO Units Fuel Dispensing Fuel Distribution Fuel Production Feedstock Transmission Feedstock Recovery Ag Chemicals Co-products displaced Total Percent Diesel BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 1,800 5,000 67,900 400 110,600 185,700 18.6 Biodiesel BTU Consumed/Million BTU Delivered 2,000 13,400 426,100 8,300 89,200 138,000 -326,800 350,200 35.0 Biodiesel uses more energy than petroleum diesel for the same energy output. It does have a positive energy balance with three times as much energy being produced as consumed in the process. Greenhouse gas emissions benefit from the renewable nature of the fuel. 6.4 Other Environmental Considerations The transportation sector is a significant source of a number of criteria contaminates in Alberta. These include carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and sulphur oxides. In addition there are emissions of air toxics such as benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3 butadiene that are know to exist in vehicle exhausts but are not yet regulated or fully inventoried. Emissions of these compounds from gasoline, ethanol blended gasolines and alternative fuels are discussed below. 129 CHEMINFO 6.4.1 Gasoline The emissions from gasoline powered vehicles in Alberta in relation to all transportation sources and all sources are shown below (Environment Canada, 1999). These emissions are derived from the vehicle emissions model Mobile5C.57 Table 106: 1995 Emissions from Gasoline Vehicles in Alberta (tonnes) Vehicle Category Heavy Duty Gasoline Trucks Light Duty Gasoline Trucks Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles Motorcycles Off Road use Total Gasoline Total Transportation Gasoline as % Transportation All Sources Gasoline as % All Sources Carbon Monoxide 34,165 VOCs NOx PM2.5 SOx 2,444 3,851 96 122 289,762 28,982 21,125 385 480 430,581 44,123 30,733 306 666 1,173 194,030 949,711 1,029,617 92.2 171 11,769 87,489 107,946 81.4 63 5,158 60,930 206,326 29.5 1 313 1,101 11,420 9.6 2 149 1,419 9,453 15.0 2,000,869 47.5 762,732 11.5 653,319 31.6 268,963 0.4 608,100 0.23 Gasoline sales in Alberta were 3.9 billion litres (Transport Canada, 1999) not including off road use. With a combined on road fuel economy for gasoline cars and trucks of 10.94 L/100km in 1995 the total kilometres driven to produce those emissions are calculated to be 35.9 billion kilometres. The majority of the on road emissions are from light duty cars and trucks which have very similar emission rates. The emission rates in the table are higher than that calculated from the same sources for Ontario. 57 Environment Canada, 1995 Criteria Air Contaminants Emissions For Canada, January 1999. 130 CHEMINFO Table 107: Calculated 1995 Vehicle Emission Rates Carbon Monoxide VOC NOx PM 2.5 SOx Calculated Emission Rate Alberta, g/km Calculated Emission Rate Alberta, g/mile Calculated Emission Rate Ontario, g/mile 21.0 2.1 1.5 0.022 0.035 33.7 3.4 2.5 0.035 0.057 25.4 2.5 1.8 0.064 0.112 These emission factors are very high. The in-use vehicle emission rates were higher in Alberta than many other provinces in Canada due to factors such as the age of the fleet, the altitude, and the cold winters. The Alberta fleet age has been reduced the past several years and remote sensing emissions measurements in Alberta have reported similar results to those reported in Ontario (CASA, 1999). This would suggest that emission rates in Alberta are approaching those of Ontario. The average emission rates are declining each year in Canada. This trend is expected to accelerate in the near future due to the introduction of Tier 1 vehicles that were phased in to the market place between 1995 and 1998. These vehicles not only have lower emission rates when they are new compared to the earlier Tier 0 vehicles but they are required to meet the emission standards for 160,000 km rather than the 80,000 of earlier vehicles. This lower deterioration rate is expected to significantly impact total vehicle emissions over the next ten years. None of the existing vehicle emission factor models are yet able to predict these emissions. Mobile6, which will be able to accurately predict these emissions, is due in 2000. The Delucchi model has been calibrated to the Ontario emission factors for the year 1995 for CO, VOC, and NOx. The Alberta data is used for particulates and SOx. For the year 2000 it is expected that this will predict full cycle emissions of regulated pollutants in Alberta quite closely and will allow an accurate assessment of the impact of ethanol on emission rates. It has introduced some internal inconsistency within the model with respect to fuel economy and engine efficiency that were addressed in the discussions on greenhouse gas emissions. For the year 2005 the model will overweight vehicle emissions since it mimics the results of the Mobile5 model. The comparison of the Environment Canada emission factors and the Delucchi model results for the year 1995 and 2000 are shown in the table below. 131 CHEMINFO Table 108: Comparison of Environment Canada Emission Rates and Rates Calculated by Calibrated Delucchi Model Carbon Monoxide VOC NOx PM 2.5 SOx Environment Canada Calculated Emission Rate for Ontario, g/mile 25.4 2.5 1.8 0.035 0.057 Delucchi Model 1995, g/mile Delucchi Model 2000, g/mile 25.4 2.5 1.8 0.036 0.080 20.0 2.0 1.4 0.035 0.080 The Delucchi model calculates the SOx emissions from the gasoline sulphur content and includes the sulphur from lubricating oil that is burned. The gasoline sulphur content is 240 ppm in the model, which is reasonable for Alberta. It is not clear where the Environment Canada data was derived from but it probably did not include the lube oil. The Environment Canada data includes evaporative emissions and the model has also been calibrated to include the evaporative emissions. The evaporative emissions are 18% of the total VOC emissions (0.37 g/mile). The EPA Complex Model calculates evaporative emissions for a summer fuel of 0.55 g/mile and winter emissions of 0 g/mile. The model value is reasonable given the average of summer and winter emissions. . Gasoline powered vehicles are also sources of other pollutants known as air toxics. These are known or probable human carcinogens. Benzene, for instance, is a known human carcinogen, while formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene and diesel particulate matter are probable human carcinogens. Studies are underway to determine whether other toxic substances are present in mobile source emissions. For example, EPA is also working with the vehicle and fuel industries to test motor vehicle emissions for the presence of dioxin. EPA estimates that mobile (car, truck, and bus) sources of air toxics account for as much as half of all cancers attributed to outdoor sources of air toxics. This estimate is not based on actual cancer cases, but on models that predict the maximum number of cancers that could be expected from current levels of exposure to mobile source emissions. The models consider available health studies, air quality data, and other information about the types of vehicles and fuels currently in use. Some toxic compounds are present in gasoline and are emitted to the air when gasoline evaporates or passes through the engine as unburned fuel. Benzene, for example, is a component of gasoline. Cars emit small quantities of benzene in unburned fuel, or as vapour when gasoline evaporates. A significant amount of automotive benzene comes from the incomplete combustion of compounds in gasoline such as toluene and xylene that are chemically very similar to benzene. 132 CHEMINFO Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, particulate matter, and 1,3-butadiene are not present in fuel but are by-products of incomplete combustion. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are also formed through a secondary process when other mobile source pollutants undergo chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The emissions that come out of a vehicle depend greatly on the fuel that goes into it. Consequently, programs to control air toxics pollution have centred around changing fuel composition as well as on improving vehicle technology or performance. The 1990 Clean Air Act required reformulated gasoline to be introduced in the US's most polluted cities beginning in 1995. From 1995-1999, these gasolines must provide a minimum 15% reduction in air toxics emissions over typical 1990 gasolines. This increases to a 20% minimum reduction beginning in the year 2000. The air toxics reductions will be achieved mainly by reducing gasoline volatility, reducing the benzene content of the gasoline and adding oxygenates. To date, there are no specific standards for air toxics emissions from motor vehicles in Canada. However, the proposed Tier 2 emission regulation recently introduced in the US includes limits of 11 to 18 mg/mile on aldehydes for the first time. The EPA Complex Model includes models for the air toxics. The model is specific to Tier 0 vehicles and was only developed from data from light duty cars and trucks nevertheless it is still the most robust tool currently available with which to estimate toxics emissions from late model vehicles (EPA 1999). Separate equations were developed for normal and high emitters. The aldehyde emissions are specific to the type of oxygen added while exhaust benzene and 1,3 butadiene are a function of oxygen content only for the high emitters. The table below compares the emission rates predicated by the Complex Model for the US base gasoline adjusted to 1% benzene with the fleet average emission rates reported for Chicago (EPA 1999). 133 CHEMINFO Table 109: Air Toxics Emission Rates Units Benzene Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde 1,3 Butadiene Particulate matter Total Complex Model Results mg/mile 51.2 4.4 9.7 9.4 3.0 77.7 EPA Fleet Average Results mg/mile 53.3 17.8 29.4 7.2 53.6 161.3 It can be seen that in use emissions of air toxics are higher than the Complex Model results which is not unexpected since the Complex Model is based on just Tier 0 technology. The average fleet results are calculated by determining toxics as a percentage of VOC emissions from the complex model and then applying those fractions to the estimated fleet VOC emissions. New vehicles have much lower emissions of VOC and air toxics compared to the fleet averages. The Delucchi model calculates not only greenhouse gas emissions on a full cycle basis but also the criteria emissions. The emission factors used for the production of fuels and vehicles are taken mainly from the US EPA AP-42 emission factors database. No changes to these emission factors have been made for this modelling exercise. Evaluating these pollutants on a full cycle basis allows the emissions from production of fuels, use of the fuel and manufacture of the vehicles to be put into perspective. The next table shows the emissions of the individual greenhouse gases and the criteria emissions for gasoline for the year 2000. It is apparent from this table that the different stages in the life cycle contribute different proportions of the emissions for each of the gases. The upstream stages contribute the majority of methane and sulphur compounds. The vehicle operations contribute the largest proportions for the rest of the gases, although not insignificant amounts of NOx and VOC are also contributed by the upstream stages. 134 CHEMINFO Table 110: Full Cycle Emissions of Individual GHG and Pollutants Upstream Units CO2 CH4 N2O CO NOx VOC – ozone weighted SOx Particulate Ozone Forming Potential58 g/mile 139 0.425 0.009 0.560 0.823 0.376 Vehicle Operation g/mile 326 0.167 0.062 19.967 1.435 2.245 Vehicle Material & Assembly g/mile 81 0.001 0.003 0.014 0.180 0.003 Total g/mile 546 0.594 0.075 20.541 2.438 2.624 0.475 0.000 1.279 0.081 0.035 6.532 0.341 0.024 0.185 0.896 0.059 7.996 6.4.2 Ethanol The impact of 10% ethanol on each of the regulated pollutants and on the air toxics is discussed below. The discussion includes the impact on the different types of vehicle technology as well as estimates of the impact on the Alberta fleet. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas. A product of incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels, carbon monoxide consists of a carbon atom and an oxygen atom linked together. Emissions of carbon monoxide when measured by weight are the largest of all of the exhaust pollutants. Carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream through the lungs and forms carboxyhemoglobin, a compound that inhibits the blood's capacity to carry oxygen to organs and tissues. Persons with heart disease are especially sensitive to carbon monoxide poisoning and may experience chest pain if they breathe the gas while exercising. Infants, elderly persons, and individuals with respiratory diseases are also particularly sensitive. Carbon monoxide can affect healthy individuals, impairing exercise capacity, visual perception, manual dexterity, learning functions, and ability to perform complex tasks. Although carbon monoxide is an inorganic gas it is a precursor to ozone formation much like VOCs and oxides of nitrogen. It is less reactive than the other components by weight but because of the higher weights emitted can still be a significant contributor to ozone formation. The National Academy of Science (National Research Council,1999) in a recent review of ozone forming potential of gasoline concluded that carbon monoxide contributed about 20% of the ozone forming potential of gasoline emissions, much more than was once believed. Whitten (1999) suggested that CO might be responsible for about as much ozone as VOCs. 58 Ozone Forming Potential is calculated as the sum of VOC plus NOx plus 1/7 CO. 135 CHEMINFO Carbon monoxide results from incomplete combustion of fuel and is emitted directly from vehicle tailpipes. Incomplete combustion is most likely to occur at low air-to-fuel ratios in the engine. These conditions are common during vehicle starting when air supply is restricted ("choked"), when cars are not tuned properly, and at altitude, where "thin" air effectively reduces the amount of oxygen available for combustion (except in cars that are designed or adjusted to compensate for altitude). Today's passenger cars are capable of emitting 90 percent less carbon monoxide over their lifetimes than their uncontrolled counterparts of the 1960's. As a result, ambient carbon monoxide levels have dropped, despite large increases in the number of vehicles on the road and the number of miles they travel. There is concern that with continued increases in vehicle travel projected; carbon monoxide levels may begin to climb again unless even more effective emission controls are employed. Oxygen in the fuel is the primary fuel variable that influences carbon monoxide emissions. The response to oxygen is dependent on the vehicle technology. New vehicles produce less carbon monoxide and exhibit a smaller response to fuel oxygen. In the following table the CO effects from the use of oxygenated fuels on the various vehicle technologies are shown. The conclusions shown are those of the US EPA (Rao) with the exception of Tier 1 vehicles. The EPA reached their conclusion on Tier 1 vehicles from a limited number of tests on fuels containing 2% oxygen from MTBE. Two other test programs (Ragazzi, CARB, 1998) completed since the EPA data was released tested 10% ethanol in Tier 1 vehicles and found a similar response in Tier 1 vehicles and in Tier 0 vehicles. 136 CHEMINFO Table 111: EPA Conclusions on CO Effects from the Use of Oxygenated Gasoline on Light Duty Gasoline Powered Vehicles CO Effects from the Use Of Oxygenated Fuels Emitter classification Normal Emitting Vehicles < 7g/mile High Emitting Vehicles >7 g/mile Vehicle Technology LEV and Advanced Technology (1999+) Tier 1 (1994-1999) 1988+ TWC/Adaptive Learning 1986-1987 TWC/ Adaptive Learning 1986+ TWC/No Adaptive Learning 1981-1985 TWC/Closed loop Ox Cat/Open Loop Non-catalyst LEV and Advanced Technology (1999+) Tier 1 (1994-1999) 1981+ Ox Cat & Open Loop Non-catalyst # Tests 1 Emissions (Start and running) per percent oxygen Insufficient data Impact at 10% Ethanol Insufficient data 12 133 -3.1059 -3.10 -10.94 -10.9 104 -4.80 -16.8 151 -5.70 -20.2 73 -4.00 -14.0 -9.40 -6.60 -5.3 -32.9 -23.1 -18.6 -5.3 -5.3 -9.4 -18.6 -18.6 -32.9 -6.6 -23.1 134 The fleet average impact for Alberta can be determined by utilizing the fleet distribution data within the emissions factor model Mobile 5C. In 1995 the impact is estimated to have been an 18% reduction. For 2000 a 12.3% reduction is predicated. The impact beyond 2000 will depend on the response of LEV technology vehicles and the reduction in off-cycle emissions that result from the implementation of new vehicle testing procedures in 2001. California recently projected (CARB, 1999a) a 9.1% difference in the year 2003 between non-oxygenated gasoline and 10% ethanol blended gasoline. 59 This is the conclusion from the (S&T)2 Report on Assessment of Emissions from Ethanol-Gasoline Blends. On the basis of MTBE blends only the EPA concluded that Tier 1 vehicles show no effect of fuel oxygen. 137 CHEMINFO Exhaust VOCs Hydrocarbon emissions result when fuel molecules in the engine do not burn or burn only partially. Hydrocarbons react in the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight to form ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. Ozone irritates the eyes, damages the lungs, and aggravates respiratory problems. It is our most widespread and intractable urban air pollution problem. A number of exhaust hydrocarbons are also toxic, with the potential to cause cancer. In this section hydrocarbon exhaust emissions will be discussed. Later sections of the report will deal with evaporative emissions and with air toxics (some of which are hydrocarbons). Ozone is a severe irritant. It is responsible for the choking, coughing, and stinging eyes associated with smog. Ozone damages lung tissue, aggravates respiratory disease, and makes people more susceptible to respiratory infections. Children are especially vulnerable to ozone's harmful effects, as are adults with existing disease. But even otherwise healthy individuals may experience impaired health from breathing ozonepolluted air. Elevated ozone levels also inhibit plant growth and can cause widespread damage to crops and forests. Like carbon monoxide motor vehicle manufactures have achieved considerable success in reducing hydrocarbon emissions. Emissions from new vehicles are over 95% less than an uncontrolled vehicle from the 1960’s. Oxygenated compounds like ethanol can reduce hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles. This is partly due to the leaning effect that accounts for the CO impact but also from the dilution in gasoline composition that adding ethanol or MTBE causes and in some cases from the changes in composition that the high octane of ethanol allows. (S&T)2 reviewed the literature a part of a review of ethanol’s impact on vehicle emissions for Environment Canada. The data sets reviewed were reasonably consistent with the conclusions that EPA has reached in the past on the impact of oxygen on hydrocarbon exhaust emissions. The following table shows the conclusions reached regarding the impact of ethanol on exhaust hydrocarbon emissions. The bases for the conclusions are the factors from the EPA’s AP-42, which have been supplemented by data on Tier 1 vehicles from the Colorado test program (Ragazzi). These are the factors that are included in Mobile 5 and the EPA is not proposing any changes for Mobile 6. Table 112: EPA Conclusions on HC Effects from the Use of 10% Ethanol on Light Duty Gasoline Powered Vehicles 138 CHEMINFO HC Effects from the Use Of Oxygenated Fuels Emitter classification Vehicle Technology Normal Emitting Vehicles LEV and Advanced Technology (1999+) Tier 1 (1994-1999) Port Fuel Injection 1981+ Throttle Body 1981+ Carburettor 1981+ High Emitting Vehicles Emissions Reduction per wt% oxygen -4.060 Impact at 10% Ethanol -4.05 -4.0 -14.05 -14.0 -2.9 -6.2 -10.3 -21.5 Open Loop Catalyst pre 1981 -4.5 -15.8 Non-catalyst pre 1981 -6.60 -23.1 No data No data -5.8 -6.6 -20.3 -23.1 LEV and Advanced Technology (1999+) Tier 1 (1994-1999) 1981+ -14.05 The Alberta fleet average impact was determined to be a 15% reduction in both 1995 and in 2000. The actual change in 2000 will be lower than in 1995 because the level of emissions is projected to be lower. The reductions projected by the California Air Resources Board are for organic gases are not appropriate for Alberta because the non-oxygenated gasoline in California is not representative of Alberta gasoline and it has been blended to meet California Cleaner Burning Gasoline standards whether ethanol is in the gasoline or not. Nitrogen Oxides Nitrogen oxides are a precursor to ozone formation, where NOx and VOCs react in the presence of sunlight to form ozone. To reduce ozone formation it is generally required to reduce both NOx and VOCs. Transportation contributed 32% of the Alberta sources of NOx excluding forest fires in 1995. Gasoline sources contributed 29.5% of the transportation NOx, the largest portion coming from diesel sources. Nitrogen oxides are formed during the combustion process by the reaction of excess oxygen and nitrogen at high temperatures. Nitrogen oxides tend to have an inverse 60 Conclusion based on data presented in the (S&T)2 Environment Canada report. 139 CHEMINFO relationship with CO and hydrocarbons; NOx tends to be higher when CO and THC are lower. The addition of oxygen to the fuel will create excess oxygen in the combustion chamber and elevate peak temperatures and thus tend to increase NOx. Test data supports this hypothesis. In general similar effects have been found for all oxygenates. The US EPA has concluded that oxygenates have no impact on NOx. That conclusion is imbedded in the Mobile models, it is stated in AP-42 and it is part of the Complex Model. The California Air Resources Board in contrast to the EPA has long maintained that oxygen does have an impact on NOx and until recently maintained an oxygen cap on their cleaner burning gasoline. That cap was lifted in December 1998. The California Clean Burning gasoline regulations still require a gasoline with 10% ethanol to demonstrate NOx emissions equivalency using their predictive model. The Colorado test program concluded that ethanol use resulted in a small overall increase in NOx. A similar conclusion was reached concerning increasing oxygen content with the 1998 California study, although most of the increase there could be attributed to one vehicle. Almost all of the test programs identified in the literature have found a small increase in NOx emissions with increasing oxygen content. The increases that have been found in individual test programs have not always been statistically significant especially at the lower oxygen levels resulting from MTBE use. This lack of consistent statistically significant results is probably the reason for EPA’s conclusion that fuel oxygen does not impact NOx. It will be assumed that 10% ethanol will increase NOx emissions by 5% for the air quality impacts calculated later in the report. The same value will be applied to all classes of vehicle technology. This is considered conservative since not all studies have found statistically significant increases in NOx from ethanol addition. Gasoline sulphur content does have an impact on NOx. A drop in vehicle NOx emissions can be expected when low sulphur gasoline is introduced in 2005. Most of the processes for removing the sulphur from gasoline also lower the octane of the fuel. Ethanol could be used to replace the olefins and the octane. By replacing the olefins the impact of ethanol on NOx will be minimized. Evaporative Emissions Evaporative hydrocarbon emissions are classified into three types: running losses, hot soak, and diurnal emissions. Running loss emissions occur when the vehicle is driven and can originate from a number of sources within the fuel system and from fuel vapour overflow of the on-board carbon canister. Hot soak emissions occur immediately after a fully warmed up vehicle is stationary with the engine turned off and are due to high under-the-hood temperatures. Diurnal emissions occur when a vehicle is parked and are 140 CHEMINFO caused by daily ambient air temperature changes. Most of these emissions result during increasing ambient temperatures, which causes an expansion of the vapour in the fuel tank. Fuel volatility is the major fuel related parameter influencing evaporative emissions. Higher emissions result from increasing fuel volatility. Ethanol creates azeotropes with some hydrocarbon components of gasoline. These azeotropes have a lower boiling point than the pure hydrocarbon and cause an increase in fuel volatility unless other changes are made to the fuel, such as removing butane, to compensate for the azeotrope. The azeotropes only increase the vapour pressure of a blended gasoline at temperatures above 10C. At lower temperatures ethanol can actually depress the true vapour pressure of the blend. Ambient temperatures also strongly influence emissions particularly diurnal emissions. The EPA considers evaporative emissions from gasoline to be zero during the winter months. Most of the test data available on evaporative emissions compares an ethanol blend with a higher RVP to a non-oxygenated fuel since in most areas of the US a one psi RVP waiver is available for ethanol blends. Evaporative emissions are being evaluated as part of the Mobile6 review. The latest EPA document on hot soak emissions is Update of Hot Soak Emissions (1999b). The EPA has developed hot soak emission curves for vehicles based on fuel system, year of manufacture, fuel RVP and temperature. The impact of ethanol will be a function of RVP. Running loss emissions are a function of vehicle age, fuel RVP, speed, trip length and ambient temperature (EPA 1999c). The EPA has not identified any ethanol specific factors with running losses. Diurnal emissions are a function of test temperature and fuel RVP (EPA 1998c). Again EPA identifies no ethanol specific factors. Similar conclusions have recently been reached in California. The development of new predictive models for Phase 3 Reformulated gasoline that included ethanol resulted in evaporative emissions equations that are only a function of RVP (CARB, 1999b). The impact of ethanol on evaporative emissions is dependent on several factors. In the winter, late fall and early spring when ambient temperatures are low evaporative emissions from gasoline are very low and adding ethanol to the fuel does not have a significant impact. If ethanol is blended in the refineries to meet the same vapour pressure as gasoline then the impact of ethanol is again small for most cars. The possible exception to this would be caused by individuals switching between ethanol blended gasoline and all hydrocarbon gasoline. The increase in vapour pressure that ethanol causes in gasoline blends is non-linear. The magnitude of the increase is about the same 141 CHEMINFO between 3 and 10% ethanol. Mixing two fuels with the same vapour pressure but one with ethanol and one without causes an increase in vapour pressure. The magnitude of the increase is dependent on the ratio of the two fuels mixed but is less than one psi increase in vapour pressure. This co-mingling is beyond the control of refiners and marketers. The largest increase in vapour pressure occurs when ethanol is added to finished gasoline. The increase in evaporative hydrocarbon emissions offsets the decrease in exhaust hydrocarbon emissions. The Canadian emission factors model Mobile5C can be used to determine the total hydrocarbon emissions for each season. That data for Alberta is shown below for a 10% ethanol blend. Table 113. Combined Impact of 10% Ethanol with One psi Higher Vapour Pressure on Total Hydrocarbon Emissions. Change in Exhaust Emissions (gm/mile) Winter Early Spring and Late Fall Late Spring and Early Fall Summer -0.35 -0.327 Change in Evaporative Emissions (gm/mile) 0 0.167 % Change in Total Hydrocarbon Emissions -13.3 -6.5 -0.316 0.217 -4.2 -0.293 0.453 +7.2 It is only in the summer that the increase in evaporative emissions is larger than the reduction in exhaust emissions. Summer is the season where ozone is the largest problem. A fuel with the same vapour pressure as gasoline will have a combined impact similar to the winter value all year long if there is no comingling in the vehicle fuel tanks. Evaporative emissions have decreased as vehicle technology has improved the same way that exhaust emissions have. In Canada starting with the 1998 model year on-board refuelling vapour recovery systems are being phased in over a three-year period. These systems will further reduce evaporative emissions from vehicles. Total vehicle emissions are declining as newer technology vehicles constitute a larger proportion of the vehicle fleet. Hazardous (or Toxic) Air Pollutants The Complex Model results for a 5.7% ethanol blend were shown in an earlier section of the report. The results for a 10% blend are shown here. The only significant increase is in acetaldehyde. There are small decreases in the other air toxics. 142 CHEMINFO Table 114: US Complex Model Results for Baseline Gasoline With and Without 10% Ethanol Baseline Gasoline Units Exhaust benzene Nonexhaust benzene Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Butadiene POM Total exhaust toxics Total toxics mg/mile 53.54 5.51 4.44 9.70 9.38 3.04 80.10 85.61 Gasoline with 10% Ethanol mg/mile 44.6 5.51 11.16 9.70 8.33 3.00 76.83 82.34 Change, % -16.63 -0.00 151.53 0.00 -11.2 -1.34 -4.08 -3.82 The California predictive model calculates similar increases in acetaldehyde emissions. There has been some research performed to try and determine the impact of this increase on ambient air quality. The Denver area has used ethanol blended gasoline to reduce winter CO emissions since the late 1980’s. Anderson (1997) compared the concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde during the winter of 1995/1996 when almost 100% of the gasoline contained ethanol with the levels of the winter of 1988/1989 when 95% of the gasoline contained MTBE. No significant differences in acetaldehyde concentrations were found. The authors concluded that the photochemical production and destruction of these aldehydes (secondary effects) suppress the effect of exhaust emission changes. The California review of air quality impacts of ethanol use in gasoline included airshed modelling (CARB, 1999a) The model tracked both primary acetaldehyde emissions (from vehicles) and secondary emissions (from atmospheric reactions). They also reported that the secondary reactions had a larger influence on ambient air concentrations of acetaldehyde than the vehicle emissions. The projected difference in acetaldehyde concentrations in 2003 between gasoline containing 10% ethanol and non-oxygenated gasoline was 1.3 ppb. In both cases the concentrations were lower than modeled for the year 1997, showing the influence of continuing improvements in vehicle exhaust emissions. Recent determinations of particulate emissions from vehicles using non-oxygenated gasolines and gasolines containing 10% ethanol were reported by Ragazzi (1999). The results for Tier 0 and Tier 1 vehicles were reported separately. A much larger reduction for the 10% ethanol blends was found than is predicted by the complex model. Particulate emissions are receiving much more attention now that their role in respiratory ailments is better understood. The results reported by Ragazzi are shown in the following table. Table 115. Particulate Matter Emissions for Tier 0 and Tier 1 Vehicles Tier 0 Vehicles Tier 1 Vehicles Gasoline 10.3 mg/mile 4.5 mg/mile 10%Ethanol Gasoline 7.0 mg/mile 3.4 mg/mile Percent Change -32.2 -25.3 The full cycle emissions for a 10% ethanol blend with the same vapour pressure as gasoline when the ethanol is made in a dry milling operation processing CPS wheat is shown below. For comparison purposes the total emissions for gasoline are also shown. 143 CHEMINFO 144 CHEMINFO Table 116. Full Cycle Emissions of Individual Gases and Pollutants Units Fuel CO2 CH4 N2O CO NOx VOC – ozone weighted SOx Particulate Ozone Forming Potential Upstream Vehicle Operation Total Total g/mile 10% ethanol 328 0.174 0.062 16.583 1.490 1.809 Vehicle Material & Assembly g/mile 10% ethanol 80 0.001 0.003 0.014 0.179 0.003 g/mile 10% ethanol 123 0.438 0.010 0.538 0.821 0.429 g/mile 10% ethanol 531 0.613 0.075 17.135 2.491 2.242 g/mile gasoline 546 0.594 0.075 20.541 2.438 2.624 0.481 0.000 1.327 0.076 0.033 5.668 0.340 0.024 0.184 0.897 0.057 7.179 0.896 0.059 7.996 6.4.3 Alternative Fuels The discussion on the environmental considerations of the other alternative fuels follows. Some discussion of the engine for the fuels is necessary to put the fuels into perspective. A poorly set up engine can negate any environmental benefit that a fuel may offer. Natural Gas The discussion of natural gas will focus solely on OEM vehicles. The quality of aftermarket conversions is variable and some conversions may have higher emissions than the original gasoline vehicles. Most OEM natural gas vehicles are certified to more strict emission standards than Tier 1. The DaimlerChrysler vehicles are certified to ULEV as are the dedicated Ford vehicles. The bi-fuel Fords and GM vehicles are TLEV vehicles. The US DOE has tested some of the OEM alternative fuel vehicles and the similar gasoline vehicles for comparison. The Ford F-250 pickup truck and the Honda Civic dedicated natural gas vehicles have been tested. Both the natural gas vehicles meet the ULEV standards. For the Ford the natural gas vehicle had 97% lower non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), 63% lower carbon monoxide, 81% lower NOx, and 99% lower air toxics. Carbon monoxide emissions from the vehicle were 17% lower. The gasoline used for testing was the US industry average fuel. The Honda exhibited similar reductions, a 96% reduction in NMHC, 90% less CO, 69% lower NOx and 97% lower air toxics. The Honda levels on natural gas were 1/10 th the ULEV standards. The tests on a bi-fuel GMC Sierra pickup truck were quite different illustrating the compromises that must be made for bi-fuel operations. On natural gas the vehicle had 67% lower NMHC, 34% lower NOx, 83% lower air toxics, but it had CO emissions 68% higher than the gasoline version. 145 CHEMINFO Methane emissions from CNG vehicles are higher than from gasoline vehicles. Some tests on older vehicles have shown methane emissions to be an order of magnitude higher. This was factored into the greenhouse gas emissions for CNG reported earlier. The full cycle emissions from the Delucchi model are not a fair comparison as a new CNG vehicle would be compared to the average gasoline powered vehicle in Alberta. Evaporative emissions are very low from natural gas as the fuel system is pressurized and not open t the atmosphere. A small amount of gas that is trapped in the fuelling nozzle is released at the end of the refuelling process. Propane Only Ford offers an OEM light duty propane powered vehicle. It is a dual fuelled F-250 pickup truck. GM does have a number of medium duty trucks with a propane option. The testing performed by the US DOE on this vehicle showed that on propane the NMHC emissions were 55% lower, the CO emissions were 96% higher and the NOx emissions were 160% higher than when the vehicle was tested on gasoline. The vehicle did meet ULEV standards on both propane and gasoline. The emissions of air toxics were 98% lower on propane than on gasoline. The DOE did not test a gasoline powered truck for comparison. Propane is also stored in a pressurized container so there are no evaporative emissions. Methanol There is very little data available on emissions from a methanol fuelled fuel cell. One analysis of emission data from prototype fuel cells projected emissions of 0.001 g/mile of NOx, 0.003 g/mile for carbon monoxide, and 0.007 g/mile for VOC’s (Mark, 1996). These emissions are very low, at least 95% cleaner than an ultra low emission vehicle and are one of the reasons for the large interest in fuel cell vehicles being showed by auto manufacturers. Evaporative emissions from methanol for fuel cell vehicles will be low as the methanol in its pure state has a very low vapour pressure. Biodiesel Diesel engine emissions are quite sensitive to the cetane fuel level particularly when the cetane is between 40 and 50 as it is with Western Canadian diesel fuels. biodiesels emission impact is derived from both its high cetane value and the fact that it contains some oxygen. There has developed a large body of data on engine emissions when biodiesel is used in conventional diesel engines. The information includes both the use of biodiesel in low-level blends and as a neat fuel. Typical of the data in the literature is work by Spataru and Romig who tested blends of canola methyl ester (CME) and soy methyl ester (SME) with Federal EPA and California ARB diesel fuels in both engine and chassis dynamometers operated to US EPA protocols using a Detroit Diesel 6V92TA bus engine. Table 117: Emission Testing of CME/Diesel Blends 146 CHEMINFO EPA Diesel (g/bhp/hr) Total PM Soluble PM Insoluble PM THC NOx CO CO2 0.265 0.133 0.132 0.435 5.62 1.19 653 20% CME/EPA (g/bhp/hr) 0.234 0.145 0.090 0.363 5.87 1.04 652 Percent Change -11.7 9.0 -31.8 -16.6 4.4 -2.1 -0.2 California Diesel ARB (g/bhp/hr) 0.270 0.141 0.128 0.546 5.34 1.24 653 20% CME/ARB (g/bhp/hr) 0.257 0.158 0.099 0.437 5.54 1.20 653 Percent Change -4.8 12.1 -22.7 -19.9 3.7 -3.2 0 Emissions of particulate matter, total hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide dropped, nitrogen oxide emissions increased and carbon dioxide emissions stayed the same. Chassis dynamometer results showed similar trends. Other researchers using other engines have found similar results. Biodiesel is biodegradable which makes it an attractive fuel for some sensitive environments. It is used in some marine applications in the US where a spill of petroleum fuel would cause problems. 147 CHEMINFO 7. Review of Ethanol Socio-Economic Studies 7.1 Summary Numerous socio-economic studies of ethanol production and use in various jurisdictions have been performed over the past two decades. Approximately 20 of these studies are reviewed below. Most studies were related to ethanol from corn and were carried out for areas of the United States while a few were undertaken for Canada. There is considerable variation in the scope, approaches and methodologies applied. Most of the analyses concluded that the extra demand for feed grains (mostly corn) had some upward impact on feed grain prices. The amount of the increase varies year by year due to changes in the overall supply-demand balance. The studies that considered the whole US market have price increases for corn of 20 to 45 cents per bushel due to the demand created by ethanol production. Due to the interdependent nature of North American feed grain markets Canadian producers have also received some benefit from this extra demand. Most of the studies reported an increase in the number of jobs due to the production of ethanol. These jobs are weighted towards the rural sector of the economy but indirect benefits accrue to all sectors of the economy. Most of the studies also report an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) related to the demand for grain and the production of ethanol. However, these results are mostly in regions that have large rural populations, and lack an oil refining industry. The studies are not consistent in their determination of overall costs and benefits to the economy. As a result the conclusions of the reports vary with respect to the costs and benefit analyses. Some conclude that the costs to governments and society outweigh the benefits and others reach the opposite conclusion. That is, the benefits are greater than the costs and that government expenditures drop as a result of ethanol fuel tax exemptions. Some studies are also internally inconsistent in how they treat issues such as ethanol’s lower energy content. They calculate the lost government revenue from the ethanol portion of fuels but do not include the extra fuel tax revenue from the extra gasoline sales caused by the lower fuel economy. A brief overview of the most recent studies presented by country and in chronological order follows. The key findings, limitations, and unique aspects of the studies are highlighted. 7.2 United States Studies 7.2.1 Economic Analysis of Replacing MTBE with Ethanol in the United States. USDA, 1999 This paper analyzes the effects of replacing MTBE with ethanol. The analysis assumed that all MTBE in the US is phased out and replaced with ethanol on an equivalent oxygen basis. The replacement happens gradually over the 2000 to 2004 time period. The USDA used an econometric model to estimate crop production, use and prices of major crops and livestock prices, retail food prices, and net farm income. An input-output model was used to determine the impact on employment. 148 CHEMINFO The scenario modeled resulted in a doubling of US ethanol production to 3.0 billion USG per year by 2004 compared to the business as usual scenario. The average price increase for corn over the 2000-2010 period was forecast to be 14 cents per bushel. This is in addition to the price increases already caused by the current production level of 1.5 billion gallons per year. Other feed grain prices also increase while soybean prices decline due to the increased production of high protein feeds from the ethanol plant. Farm cash receipts average $1.0 billion more over the ten year period. The increase in farm and ethanol production creates an additional 13,000 new jobs across the economy by 2010. The US trade balance is expected to improve by $1.3 billion per year. This is caused by a $200 million increase in agricultural exports and a $1.1 billion per year decrease in US MTBE imports. There is the potential for a decrease in US farm program costs over the period due to the higher farm income. The USDA is currently projecting the farm prices for the next decade will be above the threshold where the loan deficiency payments and marketing loans will kick in and thus payments under these programs are minimal. The higher farm prices caused by expanded ethanol production will not have an impact on these programs provided prices stay above the minimums set by the programs. It is acknowledged that farm prices are highly volatile and if commodity prices drop below current forecasts these programs could start to make payments and thus there may be future savings caused by the higher corn prices and farm incomes. It should be noted that the current USDA estimate for the year 2000 projects a $33.5 billion (US) expenditure for farm support programs. This is $10 billion more than 1999 and is due to the increased need to address farm income and natural disaster issues (USDA 2000). 149 CHEMINFO 7.2.2 The Costs and Benefits of State-Level Oxygenate Mandates to Expand Ethanol Production. American Petroleum Institute, January 1999 The principal purpose of this paper was to assess the likely costs and benefits of additional state level mandates that were being considered by various state assemblies. The analysis concentrates on the state of Minnesota and calculates the costs and benefits from the mandated program in that state. The paper concludes that the costs outweigh the benefits by a factor of over four to one. Details of the calculations of costs and benefits are shown below. The benefits to corn producers are calculated from the production margin on incremental corn production required to meet the ethanol demand in Minnesota. The production margin is estimated at $0.64 per bushel and the increased demand is 52.8 million bushels for a benefit of $25.8 million. The report suggests that the extra demand will increase corn prices by $0.04 to 0.05 per bushel but does not calculate or include the benefit to the producers from this higher price. The total increase in revenue from corn produced in the state from a $0.04 per bushel increase is $44 million. The indirect benefits accruing to the agricultural sector are calculated from the feed grain multiplier of 2.0 derived from the US input-output accounts. The benefits are calculated from the assumed incremental production of corn of 52.8 million bushels at $2.19 per bushel and the factor of 2.0 for a total of $115.6 million in extra economic activity from the incremental corn production. The study further assumes that a 10% profit margin on this activity yields a net benefit of $11.6 million. It is not clear why incremental production margins were used for the corn production but average production margins are used for the indirect benefits. There are no direct or indirect benefits calculated from the increase in employment or economic activity associated with the production of ethanol. The total benefits are calculated to be $37.4 million ($25.8 million + $11.6 million). The costs of a mandated program are calculated from three components, higher prices paid by consumers, lost revenue from State ethanol incentives and Federal tax exemptions. The higher gasoline prices are supported by comparisons of retail prices in Minnesota compared to fourteen other states in the mid west over a five week period in November and December 1998. The difference in retail prices was $0.03 per gallon. No adjustments were made for different tax levels in the various states nor for different competitive wholesale and retail scenarios or distribution costs. The cost difference is further supported by a comparison of ethanol prices of $1.20 per gallon and wholesale gasoline prices of $0.30 per gallon. No time reference is given for this comparison and while the ethanol price is not unusual for Minnesota the gasoline price corresponds to a crude oil price of less than $10 per barrel which is highly unusual. Current wholesale gasoline prices are about $0.80 per gallon. This cost to consumers is calculated to be $50 million per year. The cost of the state incentives is calculated to be $26.7 million per year (132 million gallons at $0.20 per gallon and $300,000 in loan rate subsidies). The federal tax exemption is calculated to be $79.9 million (based on $0.54 per gallon plus the small producer payments of $0.10 per gallon on production from plants of less than 15 million gallons per year. The total costs calculated are $156.6 million. Approximately one third of that is based on a snapshot of market conditions. This study is certainly one of the least rigorous of the socio-economic studies performed on ethanol. The data chosen would appear to overestimate the costs, underestimate the benefits and in fact would not appear to include all of the potential benefits. For example the impact on corn prices in other areas of the US is not calculated. 150 CHEMINFO 7.2.3 Ethanol Tax Incentives and Issues. David Andress and Associates for the US Department of Energy. April 1998 This is not a socio-economic study per se but rather an analysis of the actual cost of the US Federal Tax exemption and typical state programs. The conclusions are that nominal incentive values for the Federal and State programs overstate the true cost to governments for several reasons. The first is that fuel taxes are applied volumetrically and ethanol only has about 65% of the energy of gasoline. Consumers therefore must purchase more gasoline to travel the same distance and the tax revenues to the government increase. The US $0.54 per gallon ethanol incentive therefore costs the government only $0.479 per gallon ($0.541/3*$0.184(the gasoline tax rate)). This principle applies to both federal and state programs. Secondly the US treats the ethanol income tax credit as revenue and thus it is taxed at the taxpayers marginal rate. Thirdly, there will be some increase in the domestic tax base from the increased economic activity resulting from the ethanol production. For states that do not provide differential taxation for ethanol, the report correctly points out collect more fuel tax when 10% ethanol is used. Based on a typical US State fuel tax of 20 cents per gallon the additional state revenue is 6.7 cents per gallon. The total cost to governments of the $0.54 per gallon incentive is then typically $0.412 per gallon. The paper’s calculation of the impact of the income tax benefit is probably overstated since most blenders utilize the excise tax exemption rather than the income tax credit. It is well established in the US that the income tax credit has less value. This is due to the fact that it is taxable and only recoverable once per year against income taxes owing. The key finding of this study is the lower impact of ethanol’s energy content on lost government revenues. 7.2.4 The Economic Impact of the Demand for Ethanol. Michael K. Evans, Kellogg School of Management, North-western University. February 1997. This study which was commissioned by the Governors’ Ethanol Coalition is based on econometric modelling of the US corn and ethanol industries. The key conclusions from the study were: 1. The 1997 ethanol demand of 1.52 billion gallons (not all fuel use) created a demand for 0.60 billion bushels of corn. This resulted in net new demand of 0.42 billion bushels and a reduction of 0.18 billion bushels of exports and other uses. This higher demand increased corn prices by $0.45 per bushel 2. The higher corn price increased net farm incomes by $4.5 billion. 3. The higher farm income combined with multiplier effects boosted employment by 169,000 in 1997. Most of this was off farm. 4. Further employment gains of 13,300 jobs in the ethanol industry including indirect jobs and 12,500 jobs including indirect jobs due to farm equipment purchases were recorded. 5. The total employment increase was 195,200 jobs. 6. The corn growing states experienced $465 million higher state and local tax receipts due to the economic activity. 7. Federal tax receipts increased by $3.6 billion and unemployment payments declined by $0.6 billion. This includes personnel income tax, corporate income tax, and social security payments. 8. The cost of the federal fuel ethanol subsidy was $0.6 billion in 1997. 9. Increases in food prices due to ethanol demand was fully offset by declines in energy prices resulting in no net impact on the cost of living. 10. Trade balance improved by $2.0 billion. The primary driving force for the benefits is the increased demand for corn and the resulting higher price for the commodity. Impacts on farm income, employment, taxes, trade and balance of payments are all 151 CHEMINFO derived from changes in farm income. The author modeled corn prices with and without the demand for ethanol and compared the results to historical periods where there were large changes in corn exports. He concluded that the historical data supported the modelling results. The impact on corn prices has increased as demand for corn for ethanol production has increased. More discussion of the impact of demand on price is found in a later section. Increases in corn prices were an order of magnitude higher than was used in the API study described earlier. This and the much more rigorous modelling of the economy performed for this study accounts for much of the different conclusions reached in the two reports. The study did not consider the energy content of the ethanol when it determined the costs to government. 7.2.5 Ethanol Programs. A Program Evaluation Report. State of Minnesota, Office of the Legislative Auditor. February 1997. This report considers the cost and benefits of Minnesota’s ethanol program from a state perspective. It does not consider the costs of the federal tax exemption, nor the impact on national corn prices. The authors used a state input-output model to determine the impact of the ethanol program on the state economy. The report concludes that the state’s support of ethanol has significant costs but produces net economic benefits. The net benefits are quantified at $109 to $260 million per year in addition to a one time benefit of $174 to $261 from the construction of the plants. The wide ranges in benefits are primarily due to assumptions that the program could increase farm revenue some years and decrease it other years. This is due to the co-op structure of many of the ethanol plants where corn producers own the ethanol plants and are obligated to deliver corn to the plant. In years of low corn prices the ethanol plant may pay higher than market price for corn and in years of high corn prices it may pay less than the market price. A multiplier of 1.53 is used on farm income to determine the total economic impact. If no impact on corn price is assumed then the range of net benefits is calculated to be $167 to $202 million. The benefits are determined by comparing the state economic output from $17 million spent on the ethanol program to the state output from an equivalent income tax reduction. The analysis assumes that the corn used for feedstock is incremental to farm production and income. The economic output from the ethanol program is therefore the total revenue generated from the ethanol and the DDG production. This totals $269 million for 1997 and can be compared to $20 million in economic activity generated by a $17 million tax cut. Note that the multiplier for the tax reduction is 1.18, considerably lower than the factor used for the agricultural sector. The analysis calculated about 900 net jobs before the consideration of the impact of higher fuel costs. The report calculates the impact of an ethanol mandate on annual fuel costs for consumers. The additional fuel costs of 2 to 3 cents per gallon for consumers are projected. In addition higher total costs arise from the lower energy content of the ethanol blended gasoline and the determination that fuel costs will be higher for the oxygenated gasoline. The data that supports the assumption of higher prices is in part the same as sited in the API report. The data covers such a large area with different taxes, different competitive pressures it is difficult to reach absolute conclusions. Week to week price differences are much larger than the average values that the authors used to calculate total costs. Only nine weeks of data was used in the calculations. Some of the wholesale price data that is presented would suggest that conventional gasoline prices in Minnesota were 3 cents per gallon higher than the rest of the Midwest before the oxygen mandate was imposed. If that were the case then no additional cost has been imposed due to the ethanol mandate. The same multiplier is used for the extra fuel costs as the tax reduction since both should have similar impacts on consumer spending. The total program costs calculated range from $67 to $102 million. This is comprised of $27 million in producer incentive and blender tax credit (since phased out) impact and $40 to $75 million in higher 152 CHEMINFO consumer fuel costs. The extra state fuel tax revenue from the increased fuel cost is not calculated and accounted for. 7.2.6 Tax Policy. Effects of the Alcohol Fuels Tax Incentives. United States General Accounting Office. March 1997. This report was developed to address four specific issues; Whom do the incentives benefit and disadvantage economically? What environmental benefits, if any, have the incentives produced? Have the incentives increased the nation’s energy independence? To what extent has the incentive reduced the flow of revenue to the Highway Trust Fund? The study was not an socio-economic or cost/benefit analysis and the authors clearly state that it should not be used for that purpose. The study found that fuel blenders, ethanol producers and corn and soybean farmers benefit from the tax exemption. The farmers benefit from higher commodity prices (9.3% for corn and 4.8% for soybeans). The total farm income is 2.4% higher because of the demand or ethanol production. The magnitude of the total benefits were not quantified. The tax incentives impact producers and consumer of alternative fuels to ethanol. The available evidence suggested that ethanol lowers gasoline prices by only a small amount (0.27 %). The consumer benefits from the lower gasoline price, which at least partially offsets the higher cost of food that higher grain prices would cause. The impact on the environment was minimal in the view of the authors. In areas with air quality problems if ethanol wasn’t used MTBE would be used instead and there would be no environmental impact. In areas that didn’t require oxygenated fuel the view was that air quality would not degrade to the point that air quality standards were not met. It was thus concluded that ethanol had little environmental impact. From the fact that ethanol only represents about 1% of the vehicle fuel consumption it was concluded that ethanol doesn’t significantly reduce oil imports. This was rationalized by comparing oil import levels in 1978 with those in 1995 and finding no change. The fact that oil imports more than doubled between 1982 and 1995 is ignored. It was determined that revenues flowing to the Highway Trust Fund were reduced by about $617 million in 1995. The report acknowledged the need for stability in government programs. Without stability investors will not invest in new technologies and ventures. A number of comments from the US DOE and USDA are included in the report. Some of these comments disagree with the major conclusions reached by the authors. 7.2.7 Comments Concerning the Environmental Protection Agency’s Regulations of Fuels and Fuel additives: Renewable Oxygenate Requirements for Reformulated Gasoline Proposed Rule. February 1994. The USDA projected a 3-5 cent per bushel increase in the price of corn for every 100 million bushels of increased corn demand. At 1999 production levels this equates to increased corn prices of 18 to 30 cents per bushel. This higher farm income also resulted in lower deficiency payments under Farm support programs in place at the time. The savings in these programs was projected to be as much as $780 million. 153 CHEMINFO 7.2.8 The Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Use in Wisconsin. April 1994. Wisconsin Energy Bureau, Division of Energy and Intergovernmental Relations. This report discussed the impact of increased ethanol production within the state of Wisconsin. Higher corn prices from increased demand for ethanol will have the following economic impacts in the state; Lower demand and price for soybeans, Benefits to cattle and poultry producers from additional supply of high protein feeds, Overall increases in net farm incomes, Slight increase in food prices. The study concluded that ethanol gasoline blends would not generate any loss of income or employment from the displacement of gasoline. The economic impacts from gasoline sales in Wisconsin is limited to the amount of state tax collected plus the marketing and transportation cost component of the fuel since there is no oil production or refining in the state. 154 CHEMINFO 7.2.9 Nebraska’s Ethanol Industry. October 1993. Nebraska Department of Economic Development. The state used an input/output economic model to determine the impact of an expanded ethanol industry in the state on job creation and personal and business income. It was projected that in 1995, 213 million gallons of ethanol would be produced in the state. This would create 455 direct jobs and 1599 indirect jobs. The direct to indirect multiplier for the ethanol plant jobs was 3.5. There were 2.13 jobs created in ethanol manufacturing per million gallons of annual production. The annual payroll would be $16.8 million and $2.4 million would be collected in state income and sales taxes. The state collected a further $2.1 million in taxes during the construction of the plants. 7.2.10 Ethanol Production and Employment. USDA, Economic Research Service. Agricultural Information Bulletin Number 678. July 1993. This study reviewed the economic impacts of expanding ethanol production to 2 billion gallons by 1995 and to 5 billion gallons by 2000. This is considerably faster than the industry was able to expand. The emphasis was on job creation, agricultural implications, and tax revenues and budget implications. The 1992 ethanol production rate was 950 million gallons. Increasing production to 2 billion gallons was forecast to create almost 28,000 jobs. These jobs would be distributed with 15,000 in farming and farm related activities, 10,000 direct and indirect in ethanol manufacturer (3500 direct) and 3500 construction jobs. The 5 billion gallon scenario creates 108,000 jobs, 34,000 in ethanol processing, 60,000 farm related and 14,000 temporary construction jobs. The impact on commodity prices was forecast to be relatively small. Corn prices would increase by one cent per bushel at the 2 billion gallon level, although corn acreage would increase by 3.4%, at the 5 billion gallons level, corn prices rise by 19 cents per bushel and out put rises by 12%. Soybean prices and output would fall under both scenarios. Higher commodity prices would result in lower government farm deficiency payments. At the 5 billion gallon production level farm deficiency payments drop by $870 million. 7.2.11 Ethanol and Agriculture: Effect of Increased Production on Crop and Livestock Sectors. USDA, Economic Research Service. Agricultural Economic Report Number 667. May 1993. This is a similar study to the previous one but provides more detail of the impact on the agricultural sector. At the 2 billion gallon level farm income increases by $153 million. This is the net impact of a $407 million increase in grain prices and output less a $246 million increase in input costs and a drop of $57 million in federal payments to the farm. Livestock producers net income gains as a result of lower protein costs. At the 5 billion gallon level the net impact on farm income is an increase of $1.6 billion. The impact on farm deficiency payments is a reduction of $0.9 billion. 7.2.12 Estimating the Economic Impacts of an Ethanol Plant. Indiana Department of Commerce. April 1992. This study looked at the impacts of a single large corn wet milling plant. The plant had an annual output of $132.8 million and the total output impact was calculated at $449.6 million, $90.8 million in earnings and 4131 jobs. State revenues were forecast to increase by $13.5 million and local revenues by $100,000 to $3 million. 155 CHEMINFO The expenditure of $117 million during construction would have a total economic impact of $418 million, create 5604 man-years of employment and increase state revenue by $20 million. 7.2.13 Benefits to Illinois in Developing and Utilizing Ethanol Fuels. March 1992. This review of the Illinois ethanol industry found that over $1 billion has been invested by the industry in the state. 800 plant jobs and 4000 additional jobs in service related industries have been created. For every 100 million bushels of corn processed 2250 new rural jobs are created. It was reported that national corn prices increase by 5 cents per bushel for every 100 million bushels of demand created. Illinois demand alone was forecast to be responsible for 8 to 10 cents of the national corn price. 7.2.14 Alcohol Fuels: Impacts from Increased Use of Ethanol Blended Fuels. US GAO. July 1990. This study used the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Association model of US agriculture to estimate the impact of doubling of ethanol production to 2.2 billion gallons and a tripling over an 8 year period. The model indicated that corn prices would increase by 32 cents per bushel under the high scenario and 19 cents per bushel in the low scenario. The overall farm income would increase by $415 million ($814 million higher prices and $399 million higher expenditures). The consumer price index would increase by 0.1 percent. The higher farm incomes would decrease the federal deficiency payments by $900 million in the low growth scenario and $1.4 billion per year in the high growth scenario. The government fuel tax revenues would decline by $400 million in the low growth scenario and $813 million in the high growth scenario. The net impact on the federal government resulting from the ethanol program would be a savings of between $499 million and $608 million per year. 7.3 Canadian Studies 7.3.1 Ethanol Fuel Study. Sypher:Mueller International Inc. Prepared for Imperial Oil. July 1999. The objective of this study was to provide a review of ethanol and gasoline with a focus on a number of issues including economic and social impacts. The review was to be based on analysis contained existing literature sources. The economic and social impact section quantified the potential lost government income from a 50% market penetration of 10% ethanol blends in Canada and the additional cost to consumers caused by reduced fuel economy. There was some analysis of the groups that benefit and groups that are disadvantaged by re-allocating monetary resources through ethanol tax incentives. The calculations of foregone government tax revenues did not adjust for the lower energy content of ethanol even though for the section on direct consumer impact the extra quantity of fuel consumed was calculated. Using the report’s own data, they seem to have overestimated the negative impact on tax revenue by $137 million dollars. Taking the lower energy contact of ethanol into consideration (requiring 156 CHEMINFO more litres of fuel to be sold and taxed), the lost tax revenue would be calculated as $163 million (not as $300 million). The extra cost to consumers was calculated to be $300 million per year from 3% poorer fuel economy caused by the 10% ethanol blend. There was no discussion of fuel economy variances between gasolines from different refineries. In Alberta alone the variation in energy content among refineries is more than 7%. Gasoline fuel economy has not been the only consideration for refiners in the past when they have chosen refinery configurations nor is it the only measure that consumers consider as evidenced by the market share of the refiner with the low energy content gasoline in Alberta. The discussion of groups benefiting and being disadvantaged by ethanol tax incentives draws on two of the US studies identified in the previous section, the Minnesota study and the 1997 GAO study. The Sypher study concludes that corn and soybean prices would rise, as would meat prices caused by Ontario corn supplying the ethanol for 50% of Canada’s gasoline. This conclusion is not the same as the GAO referred to in the discussion. No attempt was made to determine the impact of higher agricultural prices on government revenues. The report concludes that at current ethanol production rates the farmers receive no benefit but at higher production rates the farmers would benefit at the expense of the general public. 7.3.2 Socio-Economic Impacts of the Pound-Maker Feedlot/Ethanol Complex. Stabler, J.C., Brown, W.J., Olfert, M.R. September 1993. The focus of this study was on the socio-economic impacts of the Pound Maker operation on the farms and rural communities within 60 km of Lanigan, SK. The economics of ethanol production itself were not to be studied and no proprietary cost of production information was to be published. The report considers the combined costs and benefits of ethanol and cattle production. This limits the value of the report to its specific scope and context. The direct impact of the operation on the agricultural economy included the costs and benefits associated with the crop production, manure utilization and the costs to government. Some of the findings include slightly higher grain prices were paid by the facility than local elevators, there were reduced grain handling costs for farmers and there were positive effects from the spreading of manure in terms of reduced fertilizer costs and higher yields. Farm profitability was considerably higher over both a five year period and a fifteen year period with farmers who had more involvement with the Pound Maker operation. The economic multipliers developed related to the impact on the local economy, not the provincial or Canadian economies. They are lower multipliers applied in other studies. The local employment multiplier is 1.39 and the local income multiplier is 1.32. 7.3.3 Kent Ethanol Feasibility Study. Chatham Ethanol Consortium. April 1993. The primary focus of this study was to determine the financial feasibility of an ethanol plant in Kent county. This study touched on some socio-economic elements. The benefits from a plant were described as increased farm revenues, agricultural market diversification, reduction in government farm support, the potential of new types of crops on less productive lands, a better air environment, and sustainable fuel development. Since the actual size of a plant had not yet been determined the study did not attempt to quantify the benefits from the plant development or from secondary development. 157 CHEMINFO 7.3.4 An Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of an Ethanol Industry in Alberta. Touche Ross, 1988. This report reviewed an analysis undertaken by the Government of Alberta and refined the analysis based on additional information the consultants obtained. The report concluded that an incentive level of 29 cents per litre would be required to get the gasoline industry interested in ethanol. It was assumed that ethanol plants would process barley and that a number of small 10 million litre per year plants would be constructed. The study identified a number of Alberta-specific economic multipliers for ethanol plants. The study found that there would be a net positive impact on the Alberta economy of $19.6 million per year from the production and use of 130 million litres per year of ethanol. This impact was in the context of about $200 million worth of economic activity (positive and negative) and within the level of detail available, the consultants were not able to assign a 100% probability of a positive economic flow. A number of key issues were identified including the impact on barley prices, incremental grain production requirements, use of DDG in the cattle feeding industry, revenue gains to the agricultural sector, impact on oil producers, refiners and marketers. The consultants concluded that there would be a small impact on grain prices and that some of the grain required for ethanol production would be new production and some would be a reallocation of exports. Very little credit was given to DDG as a protein source. It was assumed to be used as a source of energy for the cattle. It was concluded that displacement of crude oil processed in Alberta was not an issue as the oil would be absorbed by the export market. There would be some costs to the refiners to incorporate ethanol into the product mix. These were estimated to be 1.5 cents per litre of ethanol. The major differences to the current study are the use of wheat as a feedstock for ethanol production, a lower level of Alberta support required for the ethanol industry and a better understanding of the feed value of DDG. Simply reducing the cost to the Alberta Treasury from the 29 cents per litre to 6 cents per litre (the gasoline energy equivalent value of the provincial fuel tax exemption) dramatically changes the results. The direct impact changes from a cost $12.3 million to a benefit of $18.2 million. By including the spin-off benefits the net economic impact on the province increases from $19.6 million benefit to $89.7 million. 158 CHEMINFO 7.4 Studies in Other Countries 7.4.1 Brazil Brazil has the world’s largest ethanol fuel program. It has an economy very different from those of more developed countries such that it is not practical to compare the impacts of the Brazilian ethanol program to Canada. A recent paper (Carvalho, 1999) on the economic impacts of ethanol in Brazil was presented at a Governors’ Ethanol Coalition meeting. Some of the key features of the presentation were: The Brazilian ethanol industry is a part of the larger sugar cane industry. The sugar cane industry employs 1.3 million people in Brazil. Ethanol production is used in part to support the sugar industry during periods of low world sugar prices. The economic impact of the industry is dependent on world oil prices and on world sugar prices. Brazil is still a net importer of oil. The sugar cane industry offsets this through sugar exports and ethanol substitution for gasoline. The sugar and ethanol industries are much more labour intensive than the oil industry with 152 times as many jobs in the ethanol industry as the oil industry for an equivalent amount of energy production. The degree of government intervention in the sugar, ethanol and oil marketplaces has been declining in recent years. In 1975 when the Brazilian ethanol program was created the ethanol market and ethanol production were heavily regulated. When oil prices fell in the late 1990’s some deregulation of the industry was necessary as it became difficult to economically sustain the program. The industry’s health is now very sensitive to world oil and sugar prices. At the current time with high oil prices and low sugar prices the industry is flourishing. The government is currently attempting to encourage the production and use of pure ethanol vehicles to increase demand for ethanol. Just two years ago when oil prices were much lower and sugar prices were higher the industry was suffering economically. 159 CHEMINFO 7.4.2 France France is the only country in Europe with a significant commercial ethanol program. Fuel ethanol production totals about 60 million litres per year. Wheat and sugar beets are used as feedstocks for the plants. The crops are grown on agricultural set-aside lands. Farmers are paid to take land out of production of food crops. Payments as high as $525/t are made. The land can be used for non-food uses such as ethanol. In France the ethanol is used to produce ETBE for blending with gasoline. The ETBE qualifies for a reduced taxation level. The incentive is approximately 75 cents per litre of ethanol. The combination of set-aside payments, payments for the industrial crops and the tax incentives make the French program very attractive for ethanol producers and users. No detailed information on socio-economic impact analyses could be located for the French program. Sourie reported that potential cost savings through economies of scale and R&D programs combined with Macro Economic benefits convinced the French government to adopt the tax relief. 160 CHEMINFO 8. Potential Socio-Economic Impacts For Alberta 8.1 Summary This analysis of potential socio-economic impacts related to more ethanol production in Alberta has attempted to be consistent with the treatment of costs and benefits in other studies (i.e., with studies reviewed above) as well as the assumptions with respect to energy and GHG emissions modelling. Direct impacts are not estimated for all affected entities in the business system. Excluded from the analysis of direct economic impacts are the transportation sector, grain elevators, machinery business and other entities. Direct economic impact analysis for these sectors may require system optimization prior to application of cost models that may not be suitable. Some of the indirect impacts on these and other entities are inherently encompassed by the application of economic multipliers to direct costs and benefits. Neither does this study estimate the economic impacts on human mortality or morbidity associated with changes to environmental quality. The basis of the analysis was the assumption that 200 million litres of additional ethanol would be produced and used in Alberta. Although the analysis reflects potential increased ethanol usage in Alberta, it does not infer any mandatory requirement for oil refiners, wholesalers, retailers or consumers to adopt ethanol. The analysis estimates the economic implications if these entities were to voluntarily adopt ethanol. Negative economic consequences identified in this study for some of these entities may relate to the lack of a large ethanol fuel market in Alberta. Two production scenarios were examined, the ethanol was produced in two large dry mill ethanol plants or alternatively there were eight smaller ethanol facilities that were integrated into cattle feedlots. The costs, benefits, employment impacts, government revenue impacts were calculated for each scenario. There is an increase in total economic activity estimated for both ethanol production scenarios along with a net increase in jobs across the whole economy. The impact on provincial government revenue is expected to be essentially neutral with tax exemptions for ethanol fuel offset by increases in income taxes and other government taxes and fees. The results are summarized in the following table. 161 CHEMINFO Table 118: Summary of Socio-economic Impacts (Includes Direct and Indirect Impacts) Assumptions Size of plant (million litres/year) Number of proposed plants Total ethanol production (million litres per year) Economic Impacts Grain Producers Ethanol Manufacturers Government Expenditures Consumer Spending Oil Producers Oil Refiners and Marketers Net Annual Impacts Plant Construction Impact (one time) Small Scale Plant Integrated to Cattle Feeding 25 8 200 Large Dry Milling plant ($ million) ($ million) 78.9 108.8 -18.0 -33.9 0 -3.3 132.5 29.1 129.7 -18.0 -33.9 0 -3.3 103.6 280 245 -13.77 9.31 7.65 3.2 -13.77 7.66 6.29 0.18 29.4 25.7 875 414 -600 689 323 492 -600 215 100 2 200 Impacts on Provincial Revenues Provincial Tax Exemption Provincial Income Tax Other taxes and revenue Net Annual Impact Plant Construction Impact (one time) Employment Impacts Farm employment, direct and indirect Ethanol plant employment, direct and indirect Other sectors Net Impact 162 CHEMINFO 8.2 Scope and Methodology The analysis that follows determines some of the important social and economic effects of an expanded ethanol industry in Alberta. The analysis is limited to direct and only some of the indirect costs and benefits arising from the potential production and use of ethanol in Alberta. Potential costs and benefits related to human health and environment arising from the use of ethanol blended gasolines are among the effects not quantified. The analysis has been performed from an Alberta perspective. The costs of the Federal excise tax exemption are not included nor are the benefits that would accrue to Federal government revenues from increased economic activity. The analysis has been performed at a general consolidated level. That is, the overall impacts on the economy are quantified but an attempt is not made to allocate costs or benefits to all individual groups or sub-sectors within the economy. That level of detail is beyond the scope of this study. There will be sectors that benefit and some sectors that are disadvantaged by an industry as large as projected here. Some of these indirect impacts are inherently accounted for through the application of economic multipliers. The analysis is in the context of the assumption that the ethanol will be produced and consumed within Alberta. This serves to define the impacts to stakeholders, although does not imply a requirement to buy and use ethanol. If ethanol were not used in Alberta the costs and benefits will be different. It will be noted in the following sections that the benefits flow primarily from the production of ethanol and the costs tend to be associated with the use of ethanol. 8.2.1 Methodology The base premise that has been used for the purposes of this report is that an additional 200 million litres per year of ethanol would be produced and used in Alberta. Consideration is given to producing this in two equal sized, large dry mill plants or in eight small plants that would be integrated with existing cattle feeding operations. Under both plant scenarios CPS wheat would be the raw material processed. A comparison of these two scenarios is provided to illustrate the different effects of these different potential pathways for ethanol development in Alberta. In the review of socio-economic studies performed in other jurisdictions it was apparent that a variety of approaches have been used to evaluate the costs and benefits of ethanol production and use. The two basic approaches were: 1. 2. calculate the direct costs and benefits to government of an incentive program for ethanol and compare it to the benefits of higher taxation or reductions in other government expenditures; and calculate the total economic activity generated by an ethanol incentive and compare that to the economic activity that would be generated by a tax reduction of an equivalent amount. Some of the studies combined both approaches to provide the reader with more information while other studies combined only parts of both approaches. The later can result in incomplete information being presented. The second approach may be more preferred by economists. The US General Accounting Office (1997) states, “In preparing an overall cost and benefit analysis, the real benefits of a government program should be measured in terms of the extent to which the program expands the total production potential of society. Similarly the cost of a program should be measured in terms of the lost opportunity to increase production under an alternative allocation of resources. A program would have a net benefit if it leads to a resource 163 CHEMINFO allocation that increases production and consumption above what they would have been under the best alternative resource allocation.” They further state that the total production should include generation of intangibles, such as energy security, and improvements in environmental quality. Quantitative assessment of these intangibles is beyond the scope of this report. A similar philosophy towards socio-economic analysis is presented on the Alberta Agriculture Web Site 61 describing the socio-economic impacts of hog operations in Alberta. An excerpt from that report follows. “Economic impact analyses estimates the impact of economic decisions (i.e., expansion of hog operations) on the output of goods and services in an economy and on employment and personal income. It allows for an objective evaluation of the economic impact of a particular action or project on the local economy. The flow of goods and payments through an economy may be divided into two broad groups, basic and non-basic. The basic sector is made up of firms that sell goods and services to businesses and consumers outside the local economy. The sale of these goods and services bring new income into the local economy. Most agricultural businesses fall into this category. This new spending by businesses and consumers from the outside provides the base on which an economy can grow. Inflows include the sale, or export, of goods and services to outside entities, investment income from external sources, and payments received from outside. The non-basic sector is made up of firms that sell goods and services to local businesses and consumers. Dollars remain in the local economy. Such businesses as grocery store and service stations fall into this category. An economy can remain prosperous if the basic sector remains strong.” “An economic impact analysis is based on the concept of the multiplier. The multiplier is a numeric value, greater than 1.0, representing the ratio of the total impact, or the sum of the direct, indirect and induced impacts, to the initial or direct impact. Impacts can be expressed in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects. Direct effects are production, income, employment, tax, resource or environmental changes associated with the immediate effects of a change to the total output of a basic industry of an economy; Indirect effects are production, income, employment, tax, resource or environmental changes in backward-linked industries (i.e., suppliers to the hog operations), caused by the changing needs of the hog operation, e.g., the additional purchases of inputs to produce more hogs; and, Induced effects are the changes in regional household spending patterns caused by changes in income generated from the economic activity of the hog operation. The ultimate, total impact represents a multiple effect – the value of the multiplier – of the original output within the hog industry. For every dollar in initial expenditures, total expenditures throughout the entire economy will increase by a larger amount. The more pervasive the linkages of the hog industry to other industries within the local economy, the greater this multiple effect. For example, an increase in the economic output of a hog operation (direct effect) would cause suppliers of such inputs as feed manufacturing, grain handling, veterinarians, trucking, equipment suppliers, etc. to increase their production (indirect effect). The direct and indirect effects on sales, employment, and income would cause household income and spending to increase in general, further stimulating the economy (induced effect).” This report follows the methodology recommended in the two references above. Where possible the data on individual cost and benefit components is provided for comparison purposes. 61 164 CHEMINFO It must be acknowledged that economic analysis is not an exact science. As has been seen in the review of the literature related to socio-economic effects of ethanol production, different economists have taken different approaches to the subject. The following is one approach to the subject. It is similar to the approach taken by some of the more detailed studies reported in the previous section. 165 CHEMINFO 8.3 Impacts on Agricultural Sector The production of 200 million litres per year of ethanol will require approximately 540,000 tonnes of wheat per year. The ethanol plants would produce distillers grains that would replace some barley and canola meal in animal rations in Alberta. The displacement ratios depend on how the distillers grain is fed to animals. Farm income will increase due to the increase in wheat demand and a small increase in wheat prices due to the increased demand. Farm employment will increase. Table 119: Summary of Agricultural Sector Impacts Ethanol Feedlot Complex 274,000 266,000 0 $32.7 million 875 Net Wheat Requirements (tonnes) Barley to wheat displacement (tonnes) Canola to wheat displacement (tonnes) Increase in Gross Farm Income Increase in Farm Employment Dry Mill Plant 350,000 0 190,000 $8.4 million 323 Feedstock Production and Farm Income. The most direct impact on the agricultural sector is the requirement for grain as ethanol plant feedstock. Production of 200 million litres per year of ethanol requires 540,000 tonnes of CPS wheat. This is less than 10% of the Alberta spring wheat crop but it represents about 18 to 25% of the Western Canada CPS production (Manitoba Rural Adoption Council). This wheat use is not all new demand since the distillers grains produced from the plants will displace some barley and canola meal from animal rations. Due to the different uses of the co-products in the two types of plants under consideration, there will be differences in the net feedstock requirements. For the integrated ethanol plant feedlot complex, one tonne of wheat produces 370 litres of ethanol and 0.352 tonnes of WDG. This WDG replaces 0.49 tonnes of barley in the animal ration. (This was also the basis used for GHG emissions and energy modelling). There is a price premium for wheat over barley most of the time. A premium of $20 per tonne is assumed. The economic impact for this scenario will be from 274,000 tonnes of net new CPS wheat and the price premium for wheat over barley on a further 266,000 tonnes of CPS wheat that displaces an equivalent amount of barley production. For the dry mill ethanol plant the gross wheat requirements and the amount of distillers grains produced is the same but the assumptions on how the DDG is used has an impact on the grains displaced. One tonne of DDG will replace one tonne of wheat and one tonne of canola to be consistent with the treatment given for the GHG emission calculations. The net new requirements for wheat will be 350,000 tonnes with a reduction in demand of 190,000 tonnes of canola where the lower value of the wheat must be accounted for. A difference of $140 per tonne is assumed. It should be recognized that this is a worst case scenario, as canola is grown primarily for its oil content and not its protein content. An alternative scenario would see no change in canola production and an increase in canola meal exports. This was not the basis on which the GHG calculations were made so it will not be the basis of the economic analyses. It may be that an ethanol industry in Alberta could develop and result in no new production of wheat but just a diversion of feedstock from the export market to a new domestic market. This scenario would result 166 CHEMINFO in less economic ouput than is calculated here. It is also a very different scenario with respect to greenhouse gas emissions than shown in earlier sections. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with feedstock production, fertilizer production, land use and feedstock transport would be eliminated from this analysis. Since this incremental approach was not used for the GHG emission calculations it is not used for the economic analysis. In the GHG modelling it was assumed that new wheat production was required for ethanol production and not just an allocation of existing production from the export market to ethanol production. This assumption gave the most conservative results for GHG emission reductions. The impact on gross farm income is therefore calculated from the incremental grain production calculated above. The impact for the two ethanol production scenarios is shown in the next table. Table 120. Changes in Gross Farm Income from Ethanol Production in Alberta Net Wheat Requirements (tonnes) Net Wheat Requirements ($ value) Barley to wheat displacement (tonnes) Barley to wheat displacement ($ value) Canola to wheat displacement (tonnes) Canola to wheat displacement ($ value) Total value Ethanol Feedlot Complex 274,000 $27.4 million 266,000 $5.3 million 0 0 Dry Mill Plant $32.7 million $8.4 million 350,000 $35 million 0 0 190,000 -$26.6 million Handling, Elevator and Inventory Costs Wheat producers may be able to save on all or a portion of the grain elevator and other third part handling costs for the wheat delivered to the ethanol plant. Elevator costs to farmers are approximately 10 - 15 $/tonne. Wheat growers supplying ethanol plants may need to carry grain inventory and associated costs to deliver product in equal amounts over the course of the year. What portion, if any, of these costs that would accrue to the farmer may depend on contract and delivery arrangements made between the ethanol producer, growers and others involved in delivery. This is an example of the local impacts that may occur within a sector. Transport modes may shift from rail to road, and there may be lower throughputs in local elevators. The total economic activity does not change if the prices for the wheat do not change but the individual activities that comprise the total economic activity can change substantially. As a result there are “winners and losers” within each sector of the economy. The identification of all these groups is beyond the scope of this work. Grain Prices The magnitude of the impact on grain prices from an additional 200 million litres of ethanol is likely to be very small. Many of the socio-economic studies carried out in the United States have projected that corn prices are higher due to the use of some corn for ethanol production. The estimates from the most comprehensive studies range from 20 to 45 cents per bushel. Given the interdependent relationship between the Canadian 167 CHEMINFO and American grain markets, Canadian farmers also benefit from higher prices for feed grains because of the US programs. The reason for the relatively large range of projected impact on grain prices is that the impact can change each year depending on grains usage and stocks. The USDA (Westcott) has developed models to predict grain prices based on grain stocks and use at the end of the crop year. The equations are logarithmic and are of the form shown in the next figure. Increasing corn usage lowers the stocks to usage ratio by impacting both the numerator and the denominator in the equation and thus leads to higher corn prices. The results are non-linear since the equation is logarithmic and partially explain the variance in projected results in the literature. The impacts on prices are highest when the stock to use ratio is the lowest. 168 CHEMINFO Corn price $/bu Figure 6. Corn Price Equation 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Stocks to use ratio Using the 5 cents per 100 million bushel ratio used for the Illinois study, the impact in Alberta would be about 1 cent per bushel. This would impact all feed grains not just those used for ethanol production so the total impact on Alberta farm incomes could reach $5.8 million. There would also be some impact on Saskatchewan and Manitoba feed grain prices. Farm Income Multipliers The higher farm income creates increased demand for goods and services used on the farm and thus has a multiplier effect on economic activity in the agriculture sector. The studies reviewed in the earlier section used a range of multipliers. The Evans study had employment multipliers ranging from 1.78 to 2.74 depending on the state, the API study used 2.0 on primary farm income, and the Minnesota study used 1.53. In Canada the Touche Ross study used 2.1 and the Alberta Hog study used values of 2.62 to 2.94 for all of the non-wage inputs to a hog barn. Statistics Canada provides ratios that relate changes in GDP to changes in gross industry value of output for each sector. The Statistics Canada 1990 GDP ratio (GDP/$ of industry output shock) for the Agricultural 169 CHEMINFO sector for the Province of Alberta is 2.05.62 This ratio will be used here as the multiplier for the agriculture sector. This ratio will be applied to the total increase in farm income calculated for the two cases including the impact of higher prices. The total direct and indirect economic activity generated in the farm sector is calculated and shown in the next table. Table 121: Total Farm Economic Activity ($ million) Ethanol Feedlot Complex $32.7 $5.8 Dry Mill Plant Total Direct Income $38.5 $14.2 GDP Ratio 2.05 2.05 Total Economic Activity from Grain Production $78.9 $29.1 Gross Farm Income from Increased Production Gross Farm Income from Higher Prices $8.4 $5.8 There will be an increase in farm related employment due to the additional farm income. The total employment impact is calculated in a later section. 8.4 Impacts from Ethanol Production The impacts from ethanol production can be calculated in the same general manner as the farm income. The grain purchases will be subtracted from the total ethanol and distillers grains revenues since this has been dealt with in the previous section. The following table identifies the relevant factors needed to calculate the economic activity caused by the production of 200 million litres of ethanol. 62 Statitstics Canada, Catalogue 15F0042XDB Interprovincial Input-Output Tables. Provided by System of National Accounts, Input Output Division, Consulting and Marketing, Spreadsheet output (ALB 1990S.wk1) made available by Statitistics Canada Vancouver office. Data for year 1990 is latest available. 170 CHEMINFO Table 122: Ethanol Plant Expenditures ($ million) Ethanol Feedlot Complex 8 200 Million Litres $80 112 $/t $21.3 2 200 Million Litires $80 million 160 $/t $30.4 $101.3 $110.4 Grain Purchases $54 $54 Number of Plant Employees Total Wages 200 $8 100 $4 $39.3 $52.4 Number of Plants Total Ethanol Volume Ethanol Revenue Distillers Sales Price Distillers Revenue Total Revenue Net purchases (Sales - grain - wages) Dry Mill Plant In the previous table different values have been assigned to wet distillers grains from the integrated complex compared to the dry mill plant. In the feedlot scenario it was assumed in the greenhouse calculations that WDG replaces barley in the animal feed ration and is used for both its protein and energy values. The price is based on the same displacement ratio to barley (1.4) as was used for the greenhouse gas co-product credit. For the dried distillers grains the sales price is the market value based on current conditions. The ethanol sales price is lower than current expectations but is typical of the expected price based on the average crude oil values of the 1990’s. The ethanol sales price reflects the current Federal and Alberta tax incentives for ethanol. The multipliers developed for the Alberta Hog study ranged from 2.62 to 2.94 depending on the Census Division. The StatsCan GDP ratio for Alberta manufacturing industries is 2.30. The lower multiplier of 2.30 is applied to the ethanol plant revenues adjusted for the grain purchases. The results are presented in the following table. 171 CHEMINFO Table 123: Economic Activity from Ethanol Production ($ million) Direct Economic Impact (Revenue less grain purchases) Ethanol Feedlot Complex $47.3 Dry Mill Plant $56.4 2.30 2.30 $108.8 $129.7 GDP Ratio Total Economic Activity from Ethanol Production 8.5 Impacts from Capital Construction The construction of new facilities such as ethanol plants create one time increases in economic activity. The construction of new plants will not have as great a multiplier when viewed from a provincial or even national perspective because some of the equipment will come from the United States or other foreign countries. The GDP ratio will therefore be lower for construction expenditures. Statistics Canada has a GDP ratio of 1.75 for Alberta Construction Industries. The one time economic benefits from ethanol plant construction are shown in the following table. Table 124. Economic Activity from Ethanol Plant Construction ($ million) Ethanol Feedlot Complex 8 $160 Dry Mill Plant Economic Multiplier 1.75 1.75 Canadian Economic Activity $ 280 $245 Number of Plants Total Capital Cost 172 2 $140 CHEMINFO 8.6 Impacts from Government Expenditures The use of 200 million litres of ethanol in Alberta will have a negative impact on Alberta fuel tax revenues. Alberta has a gasoline fuel tax of 9 cents per litre that most alternative fuels do not currently pay. The actual revenue loss to Alberta is on the gasoline displaced by the ethanol, since ethanol has a lower energy content than gasoline 200 million litres of ethanol replace less than 200 million litres of gas. For the GHG modelling it was assumed that a 10% ethanol blend achieved a 1% better energy efficiency than gasoline. This results in about 2.5% poorer volumetric fuel economy. Using that same assumption the 200 million litres of ethanol replaces 153 million litres of gasoline and the lost revenue to the province is $13.77 million. The consumer will purchase an extra 47 million litres of gasoline (200 –153 million litres) a year. The lost revenue must be made up of taxes on other goods and services or alternatively it represents a potential reduction in taxes if the ethanol was not supported. Taxes and tax reductions also have a multiplier effect. Touche Ross used an Alberta multiplier of 2.3 in their 1988 work. The Minnesota study used a multiplier of 1.18 for government expenditures. This multiplier was the factor for middle income household expenditures and represented the impact of a tax cut for middle income taxpayers. Statistics Canada does not have a multiplier for taxes in their database. Statistics Canada’s average GDP ratio for secondary industries excluding construction is 1.31 and the average multiplier for wholesale trade, retail trade, community, business and personal service sector, and the finance, real estate and insurance sector is 1.24. It is assumed that these sectors are representative of how consumers would spend any tax reduction that they received in lieu of supporting ethanol. Based on using the value of 1.31, the impact on economic output to the provincial economy is $18.0 million (1.31 X $13.77 million). The same value applies to both ethanol production scenarios. 8.7 Impacts on Consumers Consumers will need to purchase more fuel if 10% ethanol blends are used due to the lower energy content of the gasoline. Using the same fuel economy data as was applied in the previous section and assuming an average gasoline price of $0.55 per litre, the additional expenditure on 47 million litres of gasoline is $25.85 million. Assuming a multiplier of 1.31 the total impact on the economy will be $33.9 million. 173 CHEMINFO 8.8 Impacts on Oil, Refining and Gasoline Marketing Sector The analysis of the impact on the oil, refining and gasoline marketing sector in Alberta is in the context of all of the ethanol produced in Alberta being consumed in Alberta. This is a hypothetical scenario attempting to reflect some the potential impacts on the oil/refining/gasoline sector if gasoline wholesalers and retailers required ethanol for their customers. This analysis does not imply any mandatory requirement to adopt purchase ethanol. This is a conservative assumption (i.e., may overestimate the costs on this sector) since a portion or all of the ethanol could be exported outside of the sales region of the Alberta oil refiners. 8.8.1 Oil Production The 200 million litres of ethanol that could be produced in these scenarios represents about 0.16% of the crude oil produced in Alberta on an equivalent energy basis. The majority of crude oil produced in Alberta is exported from the province. A small increase in the rate of exports is not expected to have an impact on crude oil producers or prices. There is sufficient pipeline capacity to move this extra oil out of the province. It is assumed that the price paid by export customers is the same as that paid by domestic refiners for the same quality of oil. There will be an increase in the costs of oil producers to pipeline oil to export markets which will relate to increased revenues for the pipeline companies due to the extra volume shipped. This is not significant at the level of confidence in the impacts being calculated. 8.8.2 Oil Refining, Blending, Wholesaling and Marketing There is the potential for decreased output from the Alberta petroleum refineries due to displacement of gasoline by ethanol. This displacement is 153 million litres per year or about 0.65% of Alberta’s current refined products production. (This quantity takes into consideration the impact of ethanol’s lower energy content.) There are a number of opportunities available to refiners to reduce this impact. Some of these opportunities include: adjusting the ratio of gasoline to diesel produced to produce more diesel fuel; and export gasoline to the United States or other provinces. Refiners in Western Canada currently import and export both gasoline and diesel fuel to the United States at different times of the year. Diesel imports usually occur in the winter and gasoline imports are more frequent in the summer. Substituting ethanol for gasoline will reduce the need for summertime gasoline imports but will exacerbate the diesel situation in the winter for any refiner that is already operating at the maximum diesel output condition and the opportunity for gasoline exports is reduced. To determine the potential magnitude of the impact of reduced economic activity it is assumed that 50% of the ethanol substitution results in reduced refinery throughputs and that the incremental value-added by the refinery is 3 cents per litre. The reduced refining economic activity under this scenario is $2.3 million per year. The Statistics Canada GDP multiplier for the manufacturing sector is 2.30 so the total potential impact on the economic activity is $5.3 million. (153 million litres*50%*$0.03=$2.3 million) At the retail level there will be an increase in sales due to the lower energy content of the ethanol blend. The retail margin is assumed to be three cents per litre and it applies to the total increase in volume of 47 174 CHEMINFO million litres for a total impact of $1.4 million. The Statistics Canada GDP ratio for retail sales in Alberta is 1.28 so the benefit is $1.8 million per year. These impacts do not reflect any additional costs that refiners, wholesaler or retailer would incur to handle, blend, distribute and dispense ethanol/gasoline blends in Alberta. The magnitude of the costs will vary for each refiner, wholesaler and retailer. If it is assumed that these costs are not passed on to consumers (all gasoline is still sold at the same price) then these costs do not impact the on the output from the sector. They do impact individual profitability of the sector participants. For refiners and wholesalers these costs may be relatively high or can be negligible. Some refiners/wholesalers that have closely examined the costs have found the costs can range from zero to 5 cents per litre of ethanol depending on the methods of handling and blending. The ethanol price of 40 cents per litre used in this analysis is equivalent to 21 cents per litre after consideration of the tax incentives. The retail gasoline price of 55 cents per litre is equivalent to 25 cents per litre at the refinery rack. The difference of 4 cents per litre is sufficient to cover the costs of transporting the ethanol to the refinery and blending it with gasoline. The direct economic activity resulting from this handling cost is $8 million and with a multiplier of 1.47 for transportation and storage industries the total economic impact is $11.8 million. The net impact on the refining and marketing and transportation sector is a positive $8.3 million per year. (The sum of -$5.3 + $1.8 +11.8 million dollars). 175 CHEMINFO 8.9 Net Impacts on Economic Activity The total impacts on the economy are the sums of the individual impacts calculated above. The results are summarized in the following table. Table 125: Summary of Economic Activity from Ethanol Production in Alberta ($ million) Farm Economic Activity Ethanol Plant Economic Activity Reduced Activity from Government Expenditures Reduced Activity from Consumer Expenditures Activity of Refineries & Marketers Total Annual Impact One Time Impact from Construction Ethanol Feedlot Complex Direct Indirect Total $38.5 $40.4 $78.9 $47.3 $61.5 $108.8 -$13.8 -$4.2 -$18.0 Dry Mill Plant $14.2 $56.4 -$13.8 Indirect $14.9 $73.3 -$4.2 Direct -$25.8 -$8.1 -$33.9 -$25.8 -$8.1 $7.1 $1.2 $8.3 $7.1 $1.2 $53.3 $160 $90.8 $120 $144.1 $280 $38.1 $140 $77.1 $105 Total $ 29.1 $ 129.7 -$ 18.0 -$ 33.9 $8.3 $115.2 $ 245 There is net economic activity generated in Alberta from an ethanol industry located in the province. The difference between the two types of plants is caused by the different displacement ratios used for wet distillers grains compared to dry distillers grains. A portion of the difference may be recovered if the analyses were carried through the livestock sector. That analysis is beyond the scope of this work. 8.10 Employment There are a number of ways of calculating the number of jobs that would be created by an ethanol industry. The number of direct jobs in the ethanol plants can be determined accurately from extrapolating from existing ethanol plants of a similar size and design to those envisioned here. That data was presented in an earlier section. To determine the indirect employment created or lost Statistics Canada employment multipliers can be applied. Such statistics indicate that Alberta manufacturing industries have 2.30 total jobs for every direct job in the sector. This would suggest that a total of 460 jobs would be created from 8 ethanol plant feedlot complexes and 230 jobs from two larger dry mill facilities. This method probably underestimates the number of jobs in the agricultural sector since they are lower paying than jobs in the other primary industries. Statistics Canada also data shows direct and total employment effects per $1,000 of output for the various sectors. These are for 1990 and must be deflated for 2000 values. In the following table the direct and total employment effects are calculated from these factors. 176 CHEMINFO Table 126. Calculated Employment Impacts Ethanol Feedlot Complex 565 310 875 Dry Mill Plant Ethanol Direct Jobs Ethanol Indirect Jobs Sub Total 180 234 414 214 278 492 Total 1289 815 Agriculture Direct Jobs Agriculture Indirect Jobs Sub Total 208 115 323 The second method is probably more representative of the total employment in a large ethanol industry in Alberta. These employment rates are within the ranges found in the socio-economic studies performed in the United States. It must be remembered that the assumption was that new grain production occurs due to the demand for ethanol. If this is not the case then fewer agricultural jobs will be created but greater greenhouse gas emission reductions will occur. The negative economic impacts identified will have a negative impact on job creation. The negative impacts totalled $39.6 million from tax losses and increased expenditures on fuel. The impact on refiners is excluded because the incremental impact is too small to have a direct impact on employment. Using the same methodology as for the creation of ethanol jobs and using the employment impacts for the service industries adjusted to 2000 there is the potential of 600 jobs negatively impacted from the expenditures. The net impact on employment is expected to the creation of 215 to 689 jobs. 8.11 Government Revenues The impact of the fuel tax exemption is the most significant and easiest to measure impact on Government revenues, however it is not the only impact. There are a number of smaller impacts as a result of the increased economic activity. These include personal and corporate income taxes, taxes on fuel used to move the additional goods to markets, taxes on goods such as liquor and tobacco, payments for government services such as Workers Compensation, property taxes etc. To estimate the magnitude of these revenues information from the Alberta budget for 2000 is used. Government revenues are estimated as a function of the provincial GDP. The following table summarizes that budget information. Not included in the total is revenue from resources, federal transfers and investment income. Table 127: Key Alberta 1999 Economic Data Item Value ($ billion) $113.8 Gross Domestic Product 177 CHEMINFO Personal Income Tax Corporate Income Tax Other Taxes Other Revenue $4.98 $1.56 $2.35 $3.02 Total % of GDP $11.91 10.5% This data can be applied to the increased in economic activity projected from the expansion of an ethanol industry. The government revenue factor is applied to the increased economic activity excluding the impact of the tax exemption since the goal of the exercise is to compare government expenditures and revenues. The impact on government revenues is shown in the following table. 178 CHEMINFO Table 128: Impact of an Expanded Ethanol Program on Government Revenues GDP ($ million) Fuel Tax Exemption GDP from Plant Construction GDP from Ethanol Program $245 to $280 $133.2 to $162.1 Government Revenue ($ million) -$13.77 $25.7 to $29.4 $13.95 to $16.97 $0.18 to $3.2 million Total Annual Impact Excluding Plant Construction The projected impact on an annual basis is neutral to a small positive impact on government revenue when the impact of plant construction is excluded. Amortization of the positive impact of government revenues from the plant construction would provide a positive annual impact on government revenues. Governments may chose other methods of analysis of policy options instead of the examples calculated here. The important factors with respect to ethanol incentives are that the true cost to governments is less than a simple extension of the per litre incentive and the volume of ethanol consumed. There are benefits in the form of increased tax revenues (including increased gasoline sales) from increased economic activity that must also be considered. 179 CHEMINFO 9. Ethanol Policies in North America 9.1 Ethanol Programs in the United States and Canada Many U.S. states and Canadian provinces have favourable ethanol policies and offer incentive programs to encourage the production and use of ethanol as a blend with gasoline for transportation fuel. The magnitude of the value of these incentive programs varies substantially. The programs typically feature tax exemptions such that their value depends on the existing fuel tax regimes in each jurisdiction. For example, if a particular jurisdiction applies a high tax level on gasoline sales, for ethanol that is exempt from this tax the value of the incentive will be high in that jurisdiction, since it will allow ethanol sellers to charge a similar price to gasoline that is fully taxed. The policies and incentives related to ethanol are constantly changing. This analysis presents the circumstance as identified in the last quarter of 1999 and the first quarter of 2000. In the United States, a federal exemption of 4 cents per gallon for alcohol fuels was initiated with the enactment of the Energy Tax Act in 1978, representing the full amount of the Federal gasoline tax. The last change to the federal tax incentive came with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 that established a rate of 5.4 cents per gallon of motor fuel containing 10% alcohol by volume. This translates into a 54 cents tax exemption per gallon (~20 Cdn¢/litre) of ethanol. The act also introduced a tax credit of 10 cents per gallon of ethanol for small producers (producing less than 15 million gallons per year). The Energy Policy Act of 1992 extended the tax exemption to ethanol/gasoline blends containing less than 10% alcohol. Mixtures containing 7.7% alcohol receive an exemption of 4.16 cents per gallon, and the exemption for the 5.5% mixture is 3.08 cents per gallon. The government ethanol policies in the U.S. states vary and can range from no incentive for ethanol to tax exemptions coupled with producer subsidies, loans and other vehicles to promote production and use of ethanol in the jurisdiction. Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Montana and North Dakota are some of the states that have favourable ethanol programs that feature producer incentives. In these states grain growing (or agriculture) usually forms an important component of the economic infrastructure. States that have small grain growing industries are less likely to offer highly attractive ethanol policies. Some states are in the process of reviewing the overall attractiveness of their programs. 180 CHEMINFO Table 129: U.S. State Government Policies Supporting Ethanol63 State Alaska State Excise Tax Exemption $0.08 per gallon tax exemption for E10 State Producer Credits No producer payment Connecticut $0.01 per gallon tax exemption for gasoline containing a 10% ethanol content. 4% tax exemption on gasoline products containing 10% biomass derived ethanol. Provides a fuel excise tax exemption for biofuels up to $0.21 cents per gallon for E10. 2% sales tax exemption for gasoline containing at least 10% alcohol which is produced from agricultural products. No producer payment Special Information Tax exemption applies only in Anchorage and only during the winter months Anchorage requires all vehicles use E10. No sunset No producer payment No sunset No producer payment No sunset No producer payment Indiana None No producer payment Iowa $0.01 tax exemption for gasoline containing at least 10% alcohol which was produced with agricultural products grown in the U.S. Iowa Corn Promotion Board is sending their economic impact study on the Iowa ethanol industry No producer payment Sunset (7-1-99) legislation is underway to extend sunset to 2003. 30% reduction in taxes on proceeds of sales of gasohol before July 1, 2003 exits. Government vehicles mandated to use ethanol blended fuels Provides a 10% gross income tax deduction for improvements to ethanol production facilities. Subsidized Loans Grants for construction of ethanol facilities (among other qualifying facilities). Cap of $900,000 per facility. Government vehicles mandated to use ethanol blended fuels Hawaii Idaho Illinois 63 Renewable Fuels Association; Clean Fuels Paving the Way for America’s Future, 3 rd edition, 1998; California Study; Iinterviews with state agencies. 181 CHEMINFO State Kansas State Excise Tax Exemption No tax exemption; had blenders tax around 12-13 years ago Minnesota No tax exemption on 10% blend (was $0.02 which was stopped in 1997), $0.058 tax exemption on E85 Missouri Excise tax exemption of 2 cents per gallon exists for ethanol/gasoline blends which have 10% or greater ethanol content. State Producer Credits Avg. $0.07 per gallon; total funds available are $2.5 million annually which is divided by the total gallons produced annually (approximately 43-45 million) to reach the approximate $0.07 per gallon producer incentive; fund created in mid1980s; all existing ethanol plants were already operating when the fund was first created. $0.20 per gallon producer credit through to 2010; applies to up to 15 million gallons per year maximum (i.e. Maximum of $3,000,000 per facility per year); each plant qualifies for 10 years (i.e. Maximum of $30,000,000 over the lifetime of the facility). No funds are left for new ethanol production facilities however. Program expires June, 2010. $0.20 per gallon applies to the first 12.5 million gallons, $0.05 per gallon applies to the next 12.5 million gallons; no credit for production above 25 million gallons; maximum of $3,125,000 per facility per year; ethanol has to be produced using Missouri agricultural products; 182 Special Information $2.5 million is split amongst all producers (there are 4 currently); for several years the payout was approximately $0.08-0.09, but capacity expansions has decreased the average pay-out to around $0.07; there is a limit of $0.20 per gallon that has been established; sunset 2001 No loan guarantees specific for constructing ethanol facilities are in place Subsidized loans of up to $500,000 per plant for construction of ethanol facilities (loans are at 4% or half of what the current rate offered by banks). Revolving loan account, however no money is currently in the account. State-wide year round use of motor fuel with 2.7% oxygen mandated in 1997. Only state with such a requirement (Nebraska, Iowa are assessing the potential of this requirement) The state of Missouri has $6 million set aside for the producer credit program; producer credit is only eligible for 60 months of operation. Program just recently got extended to 2007. Requirement that 50% of all state vehicles run on e10 by 2000. CHEMINFO State Montana State Excise Tax Exemption No tax exemption State Producer Credits $0.30 per gallon producer credit (ethanol has to be made from Montana agricultural products); funding has a $6,000,000 annual cap with a $3.0 million annual company restriction. The policy is in place to 2005. Nebraska No tax exemption Past tax exemption of 5 cents per gallon was stopped around 1992, with the funds being utilized to provide new tax credits to ethanol producers. Policy Being Phased-Out This Year $0.20 per gallon producer credit if produced from cereal grains or domestic agricultural commodities; applied to facilities with a minimum production of 2 million gallons and was capped at 25 million gallons annually per facility; maximum of $5,000,000 per year per facility for 5 years $0.50 per gallon tax credit for ETBE made from ethanol produced in the state. Policy Being Phased-In This Year 0.075 per gallon credit for ethanol produced at new facilities or in expanded capacity at existing facilities on production up to 10 million gallons annually for a period not to exceed 3 years. 183 Special Information New business incentive in place were property and equipment taxes have been reduced to 3% (from around 11% - varies by county) for the first 10 years of any new ethanol plant or expansions to existing plants (in place to 2005) E85 infrastructure grants to convert service stations. Total of $45,000 available to June 2001. State law requires that all state vehicles be fueled with ethanol gasoline blends when competitive with gasoline. Policy Being Phased Out This Year Producer credit applies for the first 60 months of any plant operational prior to 12-31-95 Government vehicles mandated to use ethanol blended fuels CHEMINFO State New Mexico State Excise Tax Exemption Partial exemption of fuel excise tax provides 4 cents per gallon benefit for all alternative fueled vehicles - phased in over 6 years. . None State Producer Credits No producer payment North Dakota No tax exemption $0.40 per gallon producer credit if derived from agricultural products; up to 750,000 gallons per facility. A total of $3,657,000 was appropriated to fund this producer incentive in 1995. Ohio Provides a $0.01 per gallon income tax credit for sale of E10 with a maximum of $15 million per year. None No producer payment South Dakota $0.02 tax exemption (if the ethanol component is 98% pure and is derived from cereal grains) for E10 and $0.12 for E85 Wyoming $0.04 tax exemption for 10% ethanol blended fuels (available to June, 2000). Issues credit vouchers to ethanol producers which are redeemable by gasoline wholesalers with tax liability (E10) or gasoline. $0.20 per gallon producer credit (if produced from cereal grains and blended with gasoline); plant had to be constructed after July, 1986; maximum of $1,000,000 per year per facility with a cap of $10,000,000 over the lifetime. No producer payment North Carolina Oregon No producer payment No producer payment 184 Special Information Since 1987 has provided corporate and personal income tax credit for construction of some ethanol plants. Producer credit applies only to ethanol that will be sold in the state of North Dakota. Sunset 2007 All state vehicles must be fueled with E10 when possible. Loan guarantees are available for construction of ethanol plants. Fleets in three state agencies have to use E10 whenever possible. Five year, 50% property tax exemption of new ethanol production facilities; incentive is effective through 2008. $1 million per year limit - sunset $10 million cap Government vehicles mandated to use ethanol blended fuels Effective through July 2000. CHEMINFO In Canada, the federal government excludes ethanol used as transportation fuel from excise tax. This represents a 10 ¢/litre exemption for the ethanol portion used in gasoline. The provincial governments have different rates of tax on gasoline and therefore the value of exemptions varies. Provincial tax exemptions on ethanol used in gasoline were not identified for the Atlantic provinces. Table 130: Provincial Tax Exemptions for Ethanol Transportation Fuel Province Provincial Exemptions for Ethanol Ontario 14.7 ¢/litre Quebec 16 to 20 ¢/litre 106% to 130% of 15 ¢/litre Manitoba 25 ¢/litre* Alberta 9.0 ¢/litre B.C. 11.0 ¢/litre only for E85 Saskatchewan 15 ¢/litre Source: Cheminfo Services Inc. Includes provincial tax exemption of 11.5 ¢/litre plus 13.5 ¢/litre producer incentive. 9.1.1 Quebec’s Ethanol Policy The rationale underlying Quebec’s favourable ethanol policy relates mainly to fostering economic development. Specifically the provincial government, led by the Energy Division within the Ministry of Natural Resources (which includes the Oil and Gas group) expects positive net socio-economic benefits from the construction and continued operation of a large ethanol plant in Varennes, QC. The ethanol policy is not driven by environmental concerns of expected benefits. According to Quebec’s Ministry of Natural Resource officials, some environmental organizations do not regard ethanol as an optimal solution for pollutant reduction in transportation. According to Quebec government officials, Commercial Alcohols is still evaluating the project. Construction has not been initiated. Costs of construction and related financing are reported issues. The proposed plant would have a capacity of 110 million litres per year, with the possibility to expand capacity to 150 million litres per year. Petro-Canada would be a major potential customer for the facility, taking the majority of the output for use in gasoline blending. The Quebec Liquor Control Board would take a portion of the remaining production. The tax policy to support the new proposed plant features a tax exemption equal to between approximately 106% and 130% of the provincial road tax of 15 ¢/litre. This equates to approximately 16¢ to 20 ¢/litre of ethanol. A formula would be used to calculate the exact amount of the exemption. The amount of the tax exemption could reach approximately $30 million per year if the production reaches 150 million litres per year. The exact formula to be applied in the calculation has yet to finalized, so that there is not certainty with respect to the final amounts. The federal tax exemption of 10 ¢/litre would continue. There is also some uncertainty with respect to whether the flow of funds regarding the exemption. Since the amount of the incentive exceeds the tax exemption amount, the question arises as to who should receive the excess (difference between the 15¢ and 16 to 20 ¢/litre.). The tax exemption is not applicable to the existing Tembec facility in Quebec that relies on spent liquor biomass for ethanol production. This facility currently does not have the capability of supplying the anhydrous ethanol required for the fuel market. 185 CHEMINFO 9.1.2 Saskatchewan’s Ethanol Policy The Saskatchewan government’s ethanol policy was recently changed in its March 2000 budget. The province reinstated an exemption of 15 ¢/litre for ethanol blended with gasoline in the province up to 10% content64. (Such an exemption had existed in the early 1990s, but was phased out in the 1994/95 period). The exemption has a maximum value amount that corresponds to some portion of the ethanol produced and sold in Saskatchewan (quantities not clear and could escalate over time). Essentially, the policy assists the existing producer in Saskatchewan to compete with producers enjoying similar programs in other jurisdictions. (The term of the policy is believed to be 5 years, although this is not confirmed. Written details of the policy were requested but were not available in time for preparation of this report.). Saskatchewan is also considering special programs aimed at attracting potential new ethanol plants to the province. These may require special incentive programs. 9.1.3 Manitoba Ethanol Policy The Manitoba government exempts ethanol from provincial tax (11.5 ¢/litre) and provides a 13.5 ¢/litre incentive for the single ethanol plant in the province. The total incentive for ethanol, including the Federal exemption of 10 ¢/litre, is 35 ¢/litre. 64 Personal conversation with Eugene Bendig, Manager Industrial Development, Industry Development Branch, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. March 2000. 186 CHEMINFO 10. Stakeholder Input and Additional Considerations 10.1 Introduction This section provides analysis of additional policy considerations. 65 In many cases these additional elements were identified by stakeholders as being important for consideration in the Committee's deliberations regarding ethanol policy. Groups of stakeholders that were contacted to obtain input included: oil refining companies not blending ethanol with gasoline; oil refining companies blending ethanol with gasoline; gasoline wholesalers/retailers not blending ethanol with gasoline; gasoline wholesalers/retailers blending ethanol with gasoline; Alberta Environment; Alberta Economic Development; existing and potential ethanol producers; farm co-operatives, the Canadian Wheat Board; and related industry associations. There is quite a large and diverse set of perceptions surrounding ethanol among the stakeholders contacted. For most issues identified by stakeholders, the consultant conducted follow-up research and analysis to clarify some input and provide additional context. However, the depth of analysis may be limited in some areas, since the number of issues and divergence of stakeholder input was in some cases substantial and could not be resolved in the context of this study. To address and resolve some technical, economic and other issues identified by stakeholders requires further focused and detailed analysis, beyond the scope, purpose and resources available for this study. Areas where further research could be conducted have been identified. 10.1.1 Written Input From Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI) The Canadian Petroleum Producers Institute (CPPI) is an organization representing oil refiners and marketers in Canada. Most of the companies operating refineries in Canada are members of the organization. Exceptions are Irving Oil in New Brunswick, North Atlantic Refining in Newfoundland, and Consumers Co-op in Regina, SK. The CPPI provided a written submission as direct input to the Committee for their consideration in preparing this report and developing suitable ethanol-related policies.66 This section documents that input67, and provides some additional information and context based on follow-up research and analysis. The field research included telephone interviews of 5 members of the CPPI (asterisked below in table), interviews of other stakeholders along with literature review and analysis of related information sources. Some issues identified by the CPPI are covered in previous sections of this report and are not analyzed further in this section. 65 Additional to any environment, energy and socio-economic factors covered in previous sections. CPPI, January 2000. Fax from Alberta Grain Commission to Cheminfo Services Inc., January 11, 2000 67 Input regarding environmental and socio-economic considerations are dealt with elsewhere in this report. 66 187 CHEMINFO Table 131: CPPI Member Companies – 1999 Refining and Marketing Members Chevron Canada Ltd. Husky Oil Operating Ltd.* Imperial Oil Ltd. * NOVA Chemical (Canada) Ltd. Petro-Canada * Shell Canada Products Ltd. * Sunoco Inc., Suncor Energy Inc. * Ultramar Ltd. Marketing Members ARCO Products Company Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Safety-Kleen Canada Inc. * Interviewed for this study Location Vancouver Calgary Toronto Sarnia Calgary Calgary North York Montreal BC AB ON ON AB AB ON QC Los Angeles Toronto Breslau CA ON ON Some members of the CPPI purchase ethanol for blending into their gasoline products. Therefore, their experience, perspective and orientation toward ethanol are different than those members that are not using ethanol. A major reason for the different views on ethanol is the different business, operating and marketing orientations of the different organizations. These differences are, in part, due to the competitive nature of the oil refining and gasoline markets. Refiners have different oil refining capabilities, raw materials, regional or product market strengths, as well different blending, storage and product distribution systems. Companies, in general, use different strategies in the competitive business dynamic. In general, most of CPPI’s input seems to be the context of a mandatory requirement to use ethanol in gasoline in Alberta. In this study, the information and analysis surrounding CPPI’s as well as other stakeholders’ input should not be interpreted as intending or implying any mandatory requirement to use ethanol in gasoline blends in Alberta. 10.2 Scope of Analysis Some stakeholders had input on the scope and purpose of this analysis. The scope, approach and research methodologies for this study were determined in the context of the Committee's original Terms of Reference, time and resources available to undertake analysis as outlined in the consultant’s competitive proposal. Similar to other ethanol studies reviewed, this study is limited in scope and does not address all possible social, technical and economic elements involved with the ethanol industry and related business areas. Although this study (as others) may exclude analysis of some elements the results meet the objectives of the project and the client’s requirements. A balanced presentation of available literature and analysis is provided and any exclusion (due to scope limitations) is not an attempt to mislead or confuse. The CPPI expressed concern regarding the scope of analyses that are typically carried out. …CPPI is not positioning these comments as conclusions that should be drawn by the study but as issues that need to be addressed by this study or a subsequent review. We expect opinions may vary, even within the CPPI, as to the relevance of these factors and the degree of uncertainty that exists. Nevertheless, an assessment of ethanol use/production without the inclusion of these issues would be incomplete and the ability to make sound policy decisions on ethanol support would be compromised. 188 CHEMINFO A comprehensive technical review of ethanol covers a wide spectrum of economic, environmental and technology related issues. In past studies, CPPI has been concerned that not all impact areas have been considered or we may disagree whether an impact exists or the estimated magnitude of certainty of an impact. In some cases CPPI believes that selected information has been used which misleads or confuses the reader with respect to relevant factors. This can have serious consequences. Available literature reviewed for this project is similarly limited in scope and unique approaches and methodologies are applied to meet specific study objectives. This does make comparison of different studies difficult. Due to limitations of scope, approaches and methodologies chosen, some elements of the complex business system surrounding ethanol are not fully analyzed in these studies (similar to this project). Readers and decision-makers need to keep in mind the scope and limitations of this and other studies to avoid incorrect interpretation and conclusions. 10.3 Environment Perspectives Although not unanimous, the general consensus among stakeholders interviewed for this project is that ethanol provides overall environmental benefits. The CPPI points out that there are both positive and negative aspects ethanol as a transportation fuel as it relates to VOC, NOx, CO, PM, SOx (the criteria air contaminants or CAC), greenhouse gases and toxics emissions. However, there exists conflicting information and perceptions even among CPPI members as well as other stakeholders interviewed in this study with respect to magnitude and accuracy of environmental advantages and disadvantages of ethanol. This study does include a comprehensive lifecycle-based analysis of environmental implications for ethanol with explicit assumptions. However, similar to any study, simplifying assumptions are made. In the ongoing process of refining these estimates over time, other assumptions based on improved information or different scope may be more appropriate. 10.3.1 Alberta Environment and Bureau of Climate Change Input Currently, it is premature to determine the priority of ethanol as an environmental or climate change management tool for development by Alberta Environment. Although ethanol does yield overall reductions in criteria air contaminants (CAC) and GHG emissions, it may be part of a bundle of options to achieve environmental results, rather than a measure in isolation. One consideration is the degree of air quality improvement required in Alberta. Urban centres such as Calgary and Edmonton are generally meeting current National Air Quality Objectives, as reflected by the Air Quality Index. This does not mean that ethanol would not be environmentally favoured if used in gasoline blends since improvements in air quality would be expected, even though general objectives are being met most of the time. Ethanol blends would improve air quality for some contaminants (e.g., carbon monoxide), but may not improve with respect to some other contaminants (i.e., NOx, aldehydes). 189 CHEMINFO Table 132: Ambient Air Quality in Edmonton and Calgary (percentage of time achieved during year) Air Quality Index Good Fair Poor Edmonton 1998 1999 93.58% 98.63% 6.3% 1.37% 0.06 0% Calgary 1998 1999% 99.49% 99.78% 0.51% 0.22% 0% 0% Source: Alberta Environment, Personal conversation Long Fu Environmental Sciences Division, . The province is also expected to be able to meet the new proposed Canada-Wide Standards (CWS) for particulate and ozone concentrations that are due to come into effect in 2010 and 2015, respectively.68 Table 133: Current and Proposed Canadian Air Quality Standards69 Contaminant Particulate (PM2.5) (particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter) Ozone Current National Objective no current objective 82 parts per billion – 1 hour) (equivalent to 65 ppb –8 hour) Proposed Canada-Wide Standards 30 µg/meter3 (24 hour average) (effective 2010) 65 ppb –8 hour (effective 2015) All provinces and the federal government are actively engaged in the National Climate Change Process (NCCP) that is developing a strategy to addresses Canada’s Kyoto Protocol commitment for a 6% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the period 2008 to 2012, versus 1990. Alberta has taken a proactive step in establishing the Bureau of Climate Change, which is made up of Alberta government, industry and other stakeholders. This group will identify GHG emission reduction opportunities and recommend measures to address Alberta’s future obligations. One Alberta Environment representative on the Bureau did not view ethanol as a priority tool for addressing GHG emissions from transportation within the province’s climate change overall strategy. There may be better options for the province. However, Alberta’s strategy to address GHG emissions is under development, such that ethanol may turn out to be a more important element in the future. 10.4 Refinery, Wholesaler, Retailer Considerations There are technical and related economic considerations associated with any potential changes involving blending ethanol with gasoline. These considerations embrace the complete fuel production and delivery system, including oil refinery, blending, transportation, storage and retail operations. 68 Personal conversation with Long Fu, Alberta Environment, Environmental Sciences Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Canada-Wide Standards for Particulate Matter (PM) and Ozone, Accepted November 29, 1999. For endorsement in May 2000. Nov., 29, 1999. 69 190 CHEMINFO In general, the technical issues and magnitude of costs or potential benefits associated with incorporating ethanol into gasoline are company specific. Refiners, wholesalers and retailers that are not using ethanol have technical and economic concerns. Refiners, wholesalers and retailers that are using ethanol have overcome technical and economic hurdles. The study provides input from both types of stakeholders. However, it is beyond the scope of this study to undertake any company-specific analysis of the merits or drawbacks of ethanol. 10.4.1 RVP Considerations Regarding vapour pressure of fuels, CPPI points out that: Producing an ethanol blended gasoline requires a low RVP base stock gasoline. The typical summer gasoline would have 72 kilopascals (Kpa) vapour pressure such that adding even a small percentage ethanol (e.g., 10%) would increase vapour pressure by 7 Kpa. To compensate, refiners will need to install facilities to remove butane from gasoline. Market conditions will dictate the value of the butane removed. In the past, the value of butane has typically decreased from gasoline value to fuel value if a suitable market isn’t found. This represents a significant economic loss for a refiner. Some refiners will have to remove both C4-butanes and C5-pentanes to meet the RVP spec, especially if condensate makes up a substantial portion of their feedstock. Input from oil refiners contacted for this study pointed out that the economics of excluding butane, pentanes and/or propane from gasoline and using ethanol are refinery specific, such that individual refiner’s circumstance and economics vis-à-vis ethanol will vary. Typically, some butane is added or merely excluded from gasoline blends as part of normal refinery and blending operations, depending on seasonal RVP requirements and other refinery–specific considerations. The amount of butane (and/or pentanes and/or propane) that would potentially be excluded from gasoline to accommodate any ethanol, which may be used, would need to be defined for each refiner. This quantity is not necessarily equal to the amount of ethanol blended in the gasoline, according to some refiners. The research for this study found one refiner that did not require the installation of additional refinery facilities to remove butane from gasoline to accommodate ethanol. This refiner pointed out that butane (similar to ethanol) can be considered as an additional blending component of the many blending components available to refiners (i.e., a range of different hydrocarbons) to meet product specifications. However, in some cases, additional refinery facilities may be required, the costs of which would need to be defined by the refiner. Any displaced butane would require less production or disposition in alternative markets for butane. Most of the butane (and propane) consumed in Canada originates in Western Canadian provinces. Some of the quantity is pipelined from western Canada to Ontario, where natural gas liquids (NGLs – e.g., propane and butane) is separated and stored before being sold. Most of the butane (and propane) storage capacity in Canada is in very large underground salt storage caverns. Butane can be stored in above ground metal spheres, although the quantities these containers can accommodate are much lower than underground caverns. When demand for propane and butane is lower during the summer, it is stored and brought up from the caverns in the winter months for use in heating fuel, transportation gasoline blending or other markets. Propane and butane have a variety of alternative market applications to straight blending with gasoline. Some of these applications (including some fuel markets) feature higher market prices than blended gasoline. Table 134: Canadian Market Application for Propane and Butane 191 CHEMINFO Applications Petrochemicals Butane Used for MTBE in Alberta Used in Quebec, Sarnia depending on value Alkylate feed. Packaged fuel, heating Refinery Retail Solvent flood for enhanced oil recovery Export Mostly in AB All in Western Canada. Exported from western and eastern provinces. Mostly to USA. Propane Some use in Alberta Used in Sarnia Alkylate feed. Polygas feed. Packaged fuel (e.g., BBQs), heating, some transportation use Mostly in AB. All in Western Canada. Exported from western and eastern provinces. Mostly to USA The total amount of propane and butanes produced from gas plants in Canada is on the order of 17 billion litres per year70, of which butane represents nearly 35-40%. Additional amounts are produced from crude oil refining operations, ethane straddle plants in Alberta and petrochemical facilities in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Total butane and propane production (including refineries and petrochemical facilities) in Canada is roughly 20 billion litres/year (1997). The amount of displaced butane potentially resulting from ethanol blending in gasoline in Alberta (not prescribed) is very low and should not result in significant market effects. However, impacts may be significant for some refiners. Table 135: Historical Uses for Butane and Propane Applications Butane Exports 30-40% Refinery 25-40% Retail 10-15% Petrochemicals 5-15% Solvent flood for oil recovery 1-5% Other applications 0-5% Source: Natural Resources Canada. NGLs Report Propane 35-50% 1-3% 35-45% 10-15% 5-10% 0-5% The CPPI points out that some refiners may have to displace butanes or other light hydrocarbons from gasoline to meet RVP specifications, especially if condensate makes up a substantial portion of the their feedstock. The CPPI indicates that storage and disposal of butane can be a significant economic issue, if the displaced butane has to be shipped over long distances, or is used as a low price fuel. The potential cost of storage, transportation and alternative disposition (fuel or otherwise) that may need to be incurred is not estimate in this study. Such an estimate would require detailed investigation and optimization of refinery operations, transportation and storage systems. However, costs associated with a relatively low amount of butane (especially in proportion to the total butane in the market) displaced by ethanol are likely to be quite low in most cases. In some cases, the potential replacement of light hydrocarbons with ethanol can provide an advantage for refinery logistics and economic benefits. One refiner that blended ethanol with gasoline found there were economic advantages in being able to use heavier gasoline base stocks with ethanol. Linear programming (LP), which is routinely carried out by refiners, was an important part of an optimization process to identify the most profitable methods to blend ethanol with gasoline. 70 Natural Resources Canada, Canada’s Energy Outlook: An Update, December 1999. 192 CHEMINFO The CPPI points out that “most issues that pertain to butane also pertain to pentane removal”. There are a few additional concerns with pentane removal that need to be considered, namely: pentane removal causes a heavy octane penalty since isopentanes are no longer part of the gasoline blend; pentanes can’t be burned in refinery fuel gas, like butane, since they are not volatile enough. Therefore, they must be sold often at distressed prices into other markets; and; removal of pentanes can very significantly impair the ability of the gasoline blend to meet the DI even with smaller additions of ethanol. If DI isn’t met, vehicle performance will become an issue. The associated net costs (or benefits) to overcome issues related to reducing the amount of pentanes in gasoline require refinery-specific analysis and LP optimization. Since pentanes have favourable octane ratings, some refiners may benefit in having access to more ethanol for incorporating in some blends. 10.4.2 Drivability Index The CPPI points out that butane removal makes the Drivability Index (DI) specification for gasoline more difficult to achieve. Even if butane is not a factor, ethanol/gasoline blends have poorer drivability than conventional gasoline with the same DI. It is more costly to produce blends with the same drivability performance as conventional gasolines since the distillation characteristics of the gasoline blending component have to be adjusted to compensate for the ethanol impact on DI. The costs of these potential changes are not estimated in this study. Such an estimate would require detailed investigation and optimization of refinery operations and blending operations. Linear programming at refinery operations would identify the optimal solution for each refiner. 10.4.3 Octane As the CPPI points out, ethanol would increase gasoline octane. Gasoline blending would be adjusted to meet the octane specifications (i.e., less reformate/alkylate) so gasoline would be sold with little or no octane giveaway as it is today. Consumers should not expect higher octane gasoline as a result of ethanol blending. However, refinery implications may vary. The economic benefits (or costs) of ethanol’s octane-enhancing capability will be refinery-specific. In some cases, refineries may have no requirement for octane-enhancing molecules for gasoline blending. Others may face octane shortages, or ethanol may provide an alternative octane source that could displace the potential use of products destined for chemicals production, such as aromatics (e.g., toluene or xylenes). There are other octane-enhancing options such as MTBE, toluene, MMT, reformate. The CPPI points out that unless highly subsidized, it is unlikely ethanol can compete with most available alternatives. Recently, crude oil derived products such as benzene, toluene and xylenes (mixed isomers) have increased in price as a result of crude oil price escalations, such that ethanol in the U.S. market is more competitive. However, these prices are expected to decline with expectations of lower crude oil prices. Table 136: Octane Ratings and U.S. Prices For Some Octane Products Product Methanol Octane Rating 115 193 Feb. 24, 2000 Price (Cdn¢/litre) 13 CHEMINFO Isobutane 121 n-butane 91 MTBE 110 Toluene 103 Ethanol 113 Benzene 101 Source: Octane Week, February Issue. 27 27 37 40 42 55 10.4.4 Gasoline/Diesel Ratio, Potential for Decreased Production or Exports The CPPI identified additional refinery and blending considerations. These include: A 10% addition of ethanol to gasoline in Alberta would cause a significant shift (reduction) in the gasoline to distillate (G/D) ratio. Unlike US and eastern Canadian refiners, Alberta refiners already produce a diesel dominated product slate. Further reducing the G/D may be more or less constrained at a given refinery due to crude feed, process configuration or product slate requirements. This could trigger costly investments. Increased ethanol would mean crude runs in Alberta could decrease by up to 5% along with some petroleum based co-products. Otherwise gasoline exports out of Alberta would need to increase. The assumption in this study is that export markets are available and that increased gasoline that might be available could be exported. Given this assumption, Alberta refineries would not need to decrease production of gasoline and petroleum based products. The basis of this assumption is that Alberta’s refineries currently export a large portion of their petroleum products. In addition, future increases in gasoline and other petroleum product market demands could offset decreased demands for gasoline components. Natural Resources Canada projects that motor gasoline consumption in Alberta will increase by 11% between 2000 and 200571. This increase is based on the growth in economic activity, larger vehicle fleet, and continued vehicle fleet efficiency improvements. A greater increase (17%) is projected for diesel (on-road and off-road transportation) as a result of Alberta’s rapid economic expansion in oil sands refining, petrochemicals and other sectors. Faster growth in diesel versus gasoline may also assist refiners to offset the market driven reduction in the gasoline/diesel (G/D) ratio. Table 137: Projected of Gasoline and Diesel Consumption for Alberta and G/D Ratios for Major Provinces (petajoules) (Projections between 2000 and 2020) Alberta Demand Motor Gasoline Diesel 71 1990 159.5 90.6 1995 152.5 123.7 1997 163.0 159.7 2000 175.3 159.7 2005 195.0 187.4 2010 209.8 200.3 2015 226.0 227.9 2020 244.8 244.2 Total 250.1 276.2 Gasoline/Diesel (G/D) Consumption Ratios for Major Provinces Alberta 1.8 1.2 322.7 335.0 382.4 410.1 453.9 489.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Natural Resources Canada, Canada’s Energy Outlook: An Update, December 1999. 194 CHEMINFO Saskatchewan 1.5 1.1 BC 1.8 1.8 Ontario 3.1 2.7 Quebec 2.5 2.2 Source: Natural Resources Canada72 1.0 1.6 2.5 2.1 1.1 1.8 2.8 1.9 1.2 1.8 3.0 1.8 1.2 1.8 3.0 1.8 1.3 1.9 2.9 1.8 1.3 1.9 3.0 1.8 With diesel market demand potentially increasing faster than gasoline (at least according to Natural Resources Canada), some refiners may find ethanol can alleviate the requirement for lighter gasoline blending components. According to the CPPI, “if a refiner wanted to increase gasoline production but wanted to minimize capital investment, ethanol addition would facilitate this objective. The suitability of this option would be dependent on the given refinery”. 72 Natural Resources Canada, Canada’s Energy Outlook: An Update, December 1999 195 CHEMINFO 10.4.5 Transportation and Storage Logistics The CPPI points out that ethanol would need to be shipped by truck, as opposed to pipeline due to potential water contamination. In addition to potential contamination with water, this study identified other potential problems associated with shipping ethanol by pipeline. These included possible contamination by other petroleum products, dirt, grease, or oils. One refiner/wholesaler who blends ethanol in gasoline and had studied the potential use of pipelines pointed out that they should not be used to transport ethanol blends. Blending can be carried out at blending racks (not necessarily in-line), which are not necessarily located at refineries. Truck or rail deliveries of ethanol would be required. In Alberta these blending site for ethanol could be in Calgary or outside of the Edmonton-area refineries. Ethanol plants would need to be located near Calgary or Edmonton to minimize transportation costs to these or other blending sites. In terms of blending logistics, ethanol should be viewed as another one of many available blending components needed to make different grades of gasoline meeting different specifications. Generally, refiners have some flexibility can be innovative in addressing constraints. However, a detailed transportation/storage logistics optimization analysis (including potential backhauls, computerized mixing, etc.) would be required to determine the actual costs of handling, blending and transportation. If the distribution/storage systems are properly designed, these costs can be similar to other gasoline blending components, at least according to one refiner with ethanol experience. 10.4.6 Consumer Problems, Retailer Concerns Canadian wholesalers/retailers of ethanol/gasoline blends contacted for the purposes of this study (including two CPPI member companies) did not identify vehicle performance problems for blended grades. Generally, these firms claim market advantages and consumer satisfaction. However, consumer rejection is difficult to measure since consumers that are not satisfied may not re-purchase the product after initial dissatisfaction (rather than complain about performance). Historically in the 1970s and 1980s, there were some performance problems associated with ethanol/gasoline blends. As the CPPI points out: Performance of ethanol blended gasolines in the retail marketplace has been less than compelling. Retailers, like Citgo, the largest North American marketer of ethanol treated gasoline in the 1980s retreated in the early 1990s because of reoccurring problems and customer rejection. Most Canadian retailers that offer ethanol blended gasolines usually do so in certain regions and/or certain blends. With the existing track record, retailers will be cautious about getting into ethanol blended gasolines According to gasoline wholesaler/retailers selling ethanol blends, typically these problems were related to water contamination. Ethanol is quite hygroscopic (attracts water), such that moisture can contaminate the handling, transportation and storage systems. The first time that ethanol/gasoline blends are added to a vehicle tank, performance problems can occur if there is water in the tank. These problems are not likely to reoccur upon subsequent filling of the tank with ethanol blends. Wholesalers/retailers take routine precautions to avoid water contamination. For example, special pastes that indicate the presence of water are used with dip-sticks that measure inventory levels in the underground storage tanks. With this and other precautions to prevent contamination of the fuels water and related performance issues are negligible. The experience of one wholesaler/retailer in western Canada (contacted for this study) that test marketed ethanol/gasoline blends found that at a couple test outlets there was a significant increase in demand in the short term but the preferred demand for ethanol/gasoline blends subsided from high levels after a period of 196 CHEMINFO time. Over time, the few test outlets selling ethanol achieved marginal increases in sales volume. The perception of this wholesaler/marketer is that there is no substantive market need for ethanol among its customer base (largely rural). Concentrated promotional efforts may be required to sustain higher demand for ethanol/gasoline blends and increase market share. 10.5 Incentives and Ethanol Plant Financing Incentives or subsidies for ethanol are prevalent and are likely to be continued in most jurisdictions interested in attracting ethanol investments and creating value-added business in agricultural communities. Ethanol investors in ethanol are seeking the most preferable locations for new facilities. Criteria used to identify these locations include the magnitude of incentives or direct subsidies that are available. Governments interested in attracting such investments need to have competitive inducements versus governments in other jurisdictions. The ethanol “industry” in Alberta and Canada is relatively small in comparison to the US ethanol industry and in comparison to the oil refining and gasoline industries. Although a new plant was built in Alberta during the last decade, the size of the provincial industry has not substantially increased relative to the North American total. Whether incentives or subsidies would be required given a large industry with competitive scale and scope requires detailed and focused feasibility analysis. Stakeholders interviewed in this project who were interested in ethanol stated that the duration of any incentive would need to be long enough to cover financing and providing returns to any investments. This would reduce the risks associated with making an ethanol incentive in Alberta. That period was identified as between 8 to 10 years, or more. API Grain Processors API Grain Processors is a partnership which is jointly owned by Agri Partners International Inc. (API), a privately held Alberta based corporation, and the Edmonton Pipe Industry Pension Trust Fund. API Grain Processors operates a somewhat unique grain fractionation and processing facility in Red Deer, Alberta. The plant, which was operational in 1998, uses wheat as its feedstock to make standard patent flour, vital wheat gluten, fuel grade ethanol and livestock feed. The main products are flour and wheat gluten, such that ethanol contributes a minor portion of revenues. Total capacity for ethanol is approximately 22 million litres per year, although production is less. Agri Partners International Inc. invested in the plant with a view to capitalize on what they saw as expanding opportunities in agriculture and food processing in Western Canada. API’s orientation is not focused on ethanol. Practically all of the company’s production of ethanol is sold to the United States and mostly in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region, where a regional supply shortage exists. The company is easily able to sell all its ethanol in the fuels market. In shipping to the PNW market, the company claims transportation cost advantages versus mid-west ethanol competitors. Therefore it is not overly concerned about mid-west competitors and subsidies that may receiving. API recognizes that government policies can greatly affect an industry’s ability to utilize identified opportunities. Agri Partners International monitors government initiatives that may impact the industry and individual projects. When evaluating opportunities in the value-added agri-food marketplace, API will carefully consider the political and economic climate, technological developments and consumer habits. Additionally, API is proactive in working with governments as an advisor at every appropriate opportunity. API has built a reputation as initiators of change. This, combined with API's market knowledge and strong 197 CHEMINFO working relationships with its market partners and government, opens a large window of opportunity in the value-added agri-food industry.73 API Grain Processors management desire a “level playing field” and therefore, similar to some other jurisdictions, would prefer: an ethanol incentive paid directly to the ethanol producer; and harmonized ethanol tax incentives (timing and magnitude of exemptions or other incentives) across Canadian provinces. API Grain Processors has not been able to attract substantial customers for its ethanol among oil refiners and wholesalers in Alberta. Although API has had expression of interest by some potential customers, contracts to purchase a large portion of the company’s ethanol production have not materialized. The economics for these potential customers are not favourable and there are technical, logistic and marketing barriers that need to be overcome. Although environmental regulations mandating ethanol blends for transportation fuel would create market opportunities, API does not believe there is environmental justification for this in Alberta. Faced with competing in the U.S. market, API would benefit from and therefore prefer an ethanol incentive program that was paid directly to ethanol producers. However, the company points out there may be potential countervailing trade action considerations that need to be studied in greater detail. U.S. producers may view some incentive programs paid to Canadian exporters as causing injury to their businesses. The recently reinstated ethanol policy in Saskatchewan which provides a 15 ¢/litre provincial tax exemption for ethanol sold and produced within the province is an example where non-harmonized policies lead to favourable business conditions for competitors. API management would prefer to have access to the Saskatchewan ethanol market, through alleviation of the policy constraint that only ethanol produced in Saskatchewan is exempt from the provincial tax. API points out the contradiction regarding Alberta’s ethanol policy that provides the exemption, even if the ethanol is not produced in Alberta74. Another important policy consideration for API Grain Processors is the time of duration of the 9 ¢/litre incentive. Consideration should be given to extending the period of duration as well as harmonizing the expiry of these incentive programs with other provinces. API stresses and is very appreciative for the raw material- grain supply, marketing, transportation logistics and other facilitating efforts the Alberta government has provided. However, many of detailed operational and marketing elements have been addressed through the learning process. API has strong interest to participate in research and development projects related to its business. It would appreciate more assistance on this front. 73 74 API Website Personal conversation Cary Keating, General Manager, API Grain Processors 198 CHEMINFO Parkland Refining Parkland Refining in Bowden, AB operates a small refinery with a capacity of 6,300 barrels/day based on using natural gas condensates as the feedstock. Natural gas condensates are lighter than crude oil and contain a higher benzene content (approximately 3%). Parkland makes gasoline blending components using a platformer (a type of reformer) and isomerization unit. Additional reformate is purchased from Shell Canada Ltd. (The Bowden refinery once belonged to Shell which had diminished use for the refinery after their Scotford refinery was operational). Parkland also operates nearly 400 retail outlets in Western Canada, stretching from Manitoba to British Columbia. A major recent operational and economic issue for the refinery was the requirement to achieve a 1% by volume of benzene content in its gasoline product by July 1999. This has necessitated increasing the severity of the platformer unit (i.e., higher temperatures) that has reduced the throughput capacity of the unit, which in turn has required a reduction in the raw material condensate throughput. Parkland senior management prefers a level playing field for transportation fuels of all types and therefore prefers tax exemptions for ethanol be eliminated. At the same time, Parkland also believes that all fuel taxes should be closely examined and possibly reduced in Alberta. In comparing ethanol as a fuel for its retail operations, Parkland is primarily focused on economic considerations. Ethanol is considered to be uneconomical for Parkland and consequently not desired at the present time. Senior management believes that supporting ethanol production would have the effect of potentially increasing wheat prices which would in turn increase the price of the fuel. That mechanism reduces the incentive to use ethanol in gasoline. CPPI The CPPI points out that: Ethanol subsidies have been in place in Alberta for almost a decade. Ethanol is as dependent on subsidies today as it was when subsidies were introduced and will continue to be dependent on subsidies in the foreseeable future. This is an ongoing cost to the Alberta and Canadian taxpayer on the basis of foregone tax revenues. Canadian Renewable Fuels Association The Canadian Renewables Fuels Association (CRFA) represents a broad set of stakeholders that favour the development of ethanol production and markets. Members and affiliates include some representatives of: ethanol feedstock producers making corn and other grains; ethanol producers; fuel wholesalers and retailers; livestock feed suppliers; health and environmental organizations; engineering and construction firms; and government groups. According to the CRFA, obtaining debt financing for new ethanol plants is often a barrier for investors. Banks have difficulty accepting the risks associated with the investment and often require substantial equity, guaranteed tax exemptions for extended periods of time and other risk reducing elements be in place before providing debt. In Canada, the 66 million litre/year, $44 million Seaway Valley plant project slated for Cornwall, ON has had some difficulty obtaining financing, despite approximately $32 million in community and equity capital already in-place. 199 CHEMINFO An important policy consideration provided by the Canadian Renewables Fuels Association is that tax exemptions guarantee periods be extended to at least 10 years. This reduces the risks perceived by banks providing debt financing as well as other investors. Any policies and actions that governments can implement to reduce the risks associated with investment enhance the likelihood of ethanol development. An important step to reducing investment risk would be to extend the period of guarantee for tax incentive programs. Input from the CRFA suggests that some Canadian ethanol investors have had difficulties dealing with Canadian lending institutions. One factor is that some capital resource groups that have been approached have recently been undergone ownership changes. This may be coincidental and not systemic. However, there are some differences with respect to financing between Canadian and U.S. growers interested in ethanol production. Some of the large Canadian banks are perceived to be less able to internalize the complexities associated with the ethanol business, which increases the perception (and reality for them) of risk. Another factor is the flexibility and interest of farmer credit co-operatives in Canada (which may be less than farm co-operatives in the United States). New generation co-operatives (NGC) have financed a significant portion of the ethanol plants in Minnesota. Iogen Corporation Input Iogen Corporation is a privately-held biotechnology company which markets industrial enzymes in the pulp and paper, textiles and animal feed industries. It was established in 1974, it had a staff of about 60 in 1997, of whom more than half were involved in research and development. Iogen Corporation has been developing enzyme technology and related production processes for ethanol made from biomass. A commercial demonstration facility is currently being developed in the Ottawa area that would use straw as raw material. Practically any type of straw can be used. The facility is larger than a lab-scale pilot plant and can produce close to 3 million litres of ethanol per year. In 1997, Petro-Canada signed an agreement with Iogen Corporation of Ottawa to invest in the technology of using renewable resources such as straw, wood wastes and grasses to make the motor fuel ethanol. PetroCanada and Iogen were to jointly fund research and development for 2 years. Petro-Canada was then to fund construction of a plant to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of the technology. Petro-Canada will earn exclusive rights to use the technology in Canada for plants to meet its own needs. Currently, Iogen is investigating alternative locations to install an ethanol production plant. The company hopes to make an investment decision within 6 months. Although smaller plants are possible, Iogen is envisioning a plant that would: make 225 million litres of ethanol per year; cost between $100 and $200 million to build; employ approximately 110 people; require approximately 714,000 tonnes of straw (one tonne of straw per tonne of wheat grain – very rough); and pay approximately $5 to $20 million for raw material straw to farmers. Iogen is evaluating different states and provinces and comparing them with respect to various criteria that include: raw material availability; infrastructure; incentives available; 200 CHEMINFO regional markets; transportation; and regulatory environment. Iogen has found that government representatives from the U.S. states and some provinces are very keen to attract ethanol investments to their jurisdictions. Iogen is considering Iowa, Nebraska, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Utah, and other locations (none excluded from list purposefully). According to an Iogen executive, the mid-west states are particularly aggressive, well co-ordinated and present attractive investment enhancement packages related to ethanol investments. They are “swooning” to attract new investments in ethanol plants. Regional U.S. state programs are supported by U.S. federal programs for “agricultural value-added businesses”. In Iowa, the governor has become actively involved in promoting and communicating the state’s keen interest in ethanol. This creates a favourable impression on potential ethanol investors. A group of 30 people (including growers) are reportedly going to Ottawa to visit Iogen’s commercial demonstration plant. Iogen has three main points with respect to ethanol government incentive policies. These are: 1. 2. 3. There are fuel tax exemptions and other incentives in many jurisdictions such that any province or state that hopes to attract an ethanol plant would require competitive inducements; The duration of the guaranteed tax exemptions needs to be extended to at least 10 years, with the duration periods harmonized across Canada to reduce risk for investors; Environmental standards and automobile fuel efficiency standards (similar to the United States) are required to enhance and match the market potential for ethanol in Canada versus the United States. Iogen’s ethanol policy input for consideration relates to elements that reduce the risks to equity and debt investors. Some of the banks that Iogen has approached indicate that to make their involvement worthwhile a series of ethanol plants across the continent would be required. This may present an issue for Iogen, which would need to consider optimizing its plant investment decisions across different regional featuring diverse market, environmental regulations for fuels, incentive regimes and other business factors. Iogen points out that a period of five years for tax exemptions is too short. Banks and other investors have concerns that governments may not renew exemptions after short periods of time. Even the Canadian federal government does not have a guaranteed period of time over which the 10 ¢/litre tax exemption applies. This creates uncertainty on behalf of ethanol customers, producers and investors. Harmonizing the periods for which tax exemption programs are in place is also recommended for the different provinces. This would allow ethanol investors to make the optimal investment choices base on other business factors. For example, if one province’s exemption expires within one year, that province has a reduced chance of attracting an investment, even though there may be attractive business factors relating to locating a plant in that province. Petro-Canada Petro-Canada operates refineries in Montreal, Oakville and Edmonton and markets gasoline across the country. The company also has a lubricants plant in Mississauga, ON. Petro-Canada has been involved in developing new ethanol technology based on using biomass such as wheat straw and corn stover, rather than the actual wheat and corn grains. It assisted in financing the development of Iogen’s commercial demonstration facility that is expected to be operational in 2000. 201 CHEMINFO According to Petro-Canada, current cost of ethanol production from the facility is too high (with raw material straw priced at 30 to 40 $/tonne) to make output competitive with refinery gasoline. It is hoped that costs of approximately 20¢/litre can be demonstrated, at which point ethanol would be competitive to gasoline production costs at crude oil prices of 20 US$/barrel. Petro-Canada’s interest in ethanol is in the context of: developing a climate change response to Kyoto Protocol requirements; having access to an alternative octane source that would help in optimizing its refining and petrochemical production in eastern Canada, especially in the context of operational changes to meet the Low Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations, that will begin taking effect between 2002 and 2005; and commercial interests in Iogen’s technology. Petro-Canada will earn exclusive rights to use the technology in Canada for plants to meet its own needs. Petro-Canada has signed an agreement to purchase a portion of the ethanol from the proposed 150 million litre/year Commercial Alcohol facility for Varennes, QC. Commercial Alcohols is seeking to secure financing, which in part may be contingent on the Quebec government’s final ethanol exemption rules. On an environmental basis, Petro-Canada points out that ethanol derived from wheat straw biomass can be 70 to 90% less GHG-intensive than gasoline. This estimate reflects no GHG emissions associated with use of fertilizer applied to grow wheat. The economics of ethanol can also vary from refiner to refiner. The economics may look more favourable for refiners that are short of octane components or require large investments to produce more octane. Other economic factors include: petrochemical operations and values; anticipated operational changes and costs to meet the new low sulphur levels in gasoline; price of oil and cost of making gasoline; and provincial tax exemptions incentives. A major factor for investing in new ethanol facilities in the duration of the incentive. When selecting a location, investors desire security that the incentives will be in place for a long-enough time to cover the returns on the investment. 10.5.2 Improvements in Ethanol Technology The CPPI points out that: past projections of improvements in ethanol production technology and reduction in production costs do not seem to have been realized, as ethanol is not becoming more market competitive. The certainty of future production for large cost reductions, step changes in technology or the emergence/dominance of ethanol from waste biomass should be viewed with great caution. If these events do come to pass and ethanol is market competitive, government intervention should not be required. A comprehensive historical analysis of production cost trends was not identified. Neither is there a study comparing past projections of improvements from new technology and the realized costs when that technology has been applied. While the basic fermentation technology in the ethanol industry may not have changed, the increasing size of the industry and newer larger plants can result in reduced production costs. As the industry increases in size, experience curve economics (i.e., production costs slowly decline as the cumulative amount of the industry’s output increases) dictate that production costs will decline. Companies such as ADM have been able to reduce production costs as they increased the size as well as scope (product 202 CHEMINFO scope) of their ethanol operations. Whether this is reflective of the industry as a whole requires special focused analysis. 10.5.3 Price Increases for Food The CPPI points out that If ethanol production caused in an increase in market price for the feedstock, wheat or barley, these increased prices would be applied to all operations that use this feedstock. These higher prices would be passed on to all operations that use this form of higher costs of foods. These economics must be factored into overall economic assessment. The ability of ethanol use in Alberta to increase local wheat prices is questionable since wheat is an international commodity and the increase in market demand caused by Alberta ethanol use is expected to be insignificant. It may be very difficult to distinguish an change with respect to the impact on Alberta agriculture, the market demand for wheat or the price of wheat. This requires further study. The effect on wheat prices of hypothetical production of 200 million per year of ethanol has been analyzed elsewhere in this report and found to be very small (e.g., 1 ¢/bushel). 10.6 Economic and Trade Considerations Economic implications related to potential ethanol production plants in the context of Alberta were covered in Section 3. Following in this subsection are brief analyses related to other economic elements identified by and of concern to stakeholders. Attractiveness for Refiners/Wholesalers Oil refiners and gasoline wholesalers interviewed for this study indicated that, at a minimum, ethanol needs to be competitive with the rack price of gasoline. Some stakeholders pointed out that it may even need to be lower than the rack price of gasoline to overcome any additional handling, transportation, storage and retailing costs. The rack price of gasoline can be considered to represent the full cost (including returns on equity) of making gasoline. It is also an indication of the value at which refiners are willing to sell gasoline to wholesalers/retailers or purchase gasoline from other refiners to meet market requirements. Some input on economic and trade considerations from the CPPI is summarized below. At today’s cost of ethanol, which is about 40-45 ¢/litre, a 19¢ subsidy may not he enough to create a business case for ethanol. The 1988 Touche Ross report for the Alberta Grain Commission indicates a 29 ¢ subsidy would be needed for ethanol to be of interest to the refining industry. This factor should be undated. A major factor affecting costs is the market price of crude oil, which affects raw materials and energy costs. Crude prices fluctuate due to supply/demand circumstances such that the competitiveness of ethanol will vary in the context of different crude oil prices and gasoline production costs. Currently (March 2000), high crude oil prices have resulted in a favourable competitive position for ethanol that is favoured by tax exemptions. Most industry sources contacted in this study believe that the high crude oil prices will drop from currently high levels. 203 CHEMINFO The CPPI points out that: “Wheat and crude oil prices can fluctuate dramatically. This variability is considered a risk by the oil industry looking at ethanol. Crude oil fluctuations have caused the rack price of gasoline to increase from 17 ¢/litre in February 1999 to 28 ¢/litre in December 1999. Similar fluctuations have occurred for ethanol.” Ethanol variable production costs are largely related to raw material, energy and by-product values. The ethanol cost structure and market dynamic is quite different to oil refining and the gasoline business which is largely influenced by crude oil prices. To reduce risks associated with dissimilar cost structures and many market variables, refiners/wholesalers using ethanol have worked closely with ethanol producers to establish long term contracts for ethanol purchases. Contracts can feature pricing mechanisms that minimize the downside risks of higher corn or ethanol prices, as well as taking advantage of price increases in crude oil and gasoline. Table 138: Approximate Alberta Gasoline Delivery Economics Cost components 15 US$/barrel C¢/litre 14 5 20 US$/barrel C¢/litre 18 6 30 US$/barrel C¢/litre 27 7 40 US$/barrel C¢/litre 36 8 Rack price of gasoline Provincial tax Federal excise tax Wholesalers distribution costs Wholesalers margins Retailer margin G.S.T. 19 9 10 1 2 3 3 24 9 10 1 2 3 3 34 9 10 1 2 3 4 44 9 10 1 2 3 5 Retail price of gasoline 47¢ 52¢ 63¢ 74¢ Price of raw material crude oil Refiners’ cost to make gasoline (sum of above) Sources: Industry sources Ethanol, purchased at 40 ¢/litre, which is exempt from provincial (9¢/litre) and federal excise tax (10¢/litre) can be competitive with gasoline at crude oil prices in excess of 20 US$/barrel. This assumes that handling and distribution costs are less than 3 ¢/litre (conservatively high) versus gasoline. With crude prices at close to 30 US$/barrel and ethanol purchase prices at 40 ¢/litre, there is an economic incentive favouring taxexempt ethanol, if the ethanol is sold at the retail price of gasoline. Companies selling ethanol/gasoline blends claim it is best to assume that these blends will not command a premium price in the marketplace. Wholesalers contacted in this study believe that the recent substantial increase in crude oil prices resulting in crude oil at approximately 31 US$/barrel and gasoline retail prices in Alberta at nearly 62 ¢/litre, is a temporary phenomenon. Prices for crude oil are expected to decline, which would affect the current attractiveness favouring tax-exempt ethanol. Table 139: Estimated Ethanol Delivery Costs to Retail 204 CHEMINFO Cost components Price of ethanol Provincial tax Federal excise tax Wholesalers’ handling, distribution costs Wholesalers’ margin Retailers’ margin G.S.T. Cost of ethanol delivery Tax Exempt C¢/litre 40 0 0 4 2 3 3 Tax Exempt C¢/litre 50 0 0 4 2 3 4 Not Tax Exempt C¢/litre 40 9 10 4 2 3 5 52 63 73 (sum of above) Without federal or provincial tax exemptions, the price of crude oil would need to be approximately 40 US$/barrel to make ethanol purchased at 40 ¢/litre competitive with gasoline for wholesalers. It is likely that the price of crude oil would even need to be slightly higher, since increases crude oil prices increases the cost of energy, transportation fuels involved in ethanol production. Table 140: Wholesaler Incentive to Handle, Distribute Ethanol at Different Crude Oil and Related Gasoline Retail Prices Cost components Retail price of gasoline Delivery cost of ethanol 15 US$/barrel C¢/litre 47 52 20 US$/barrel C¢/litre 52 52 30 US$/barrel C¢/litre 63 52 -5¢ 0 +11 (at ethanol purchase price of 40¢/litre) Wholesaler incentive if ethanol sold at same retail price as gasoline Wholesalers contacted in this study have concerns about the long-term viability of ethanol. During periods when price of for crude oil are less than 20 US$/barrel ethanol can be economically unattractive to wholesalers. Wholesalers also believe there is a lack of secure supply of ethanol in Alberta. One issue with respect to purchasing ethanol from the United States is the volume/weight restrictions on trucks in the United States. U.S. transportation regulations limit loads to 33,000 litre, while Canadian shipments can be 56,000 litres. The smaller load sizes in the U.S. increase the distribution costs for ethanol imported from the United States. 10.6.2 Business Risks and Viability of Ethanol Facilities The scope and purpose of this report do not include a business feasibility analysis for ethanol production in Alberta, which would address Alberta-specific business viability, risks, and opportunities. Such as study would need to be carried in context of specific plant sizes, markets and all other important business factors. The relative importance of factors will likely be different than other provinces or states, and different depending on market conditions (e.g., relative price of crude oil, gasoline and raw material wheat). The magnitude of risk and viability of are very business and investor specific. Ascertaining these parameters 205 CHEMINFO requires detailed feasibility analysis of the investment at hand. This study provides limited anecdotal information and results of other one study that considered these factors. The CPPI points out that: Ethanol subsidies in Minnesota exceed 30 ¢/litre, not including the availability of low interest loans. Yet the Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor considers ethanol plants as risk ventures. For plants less subsidized, we would assume the risk increases substantially. Regarding business risks, the Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor study identified and analyzed the following risks facing the industry: the possibility that ethanol plants will not be able to make money at prevailing prices for corn and ethanol; the possibility that Minnesota plants will lose out in competition with larger, more efficient producers; the possibility that the federal government will withdraw all or much of its current 54 US¢/USgallon (~10 Cdn¢/litre) tax credit for ethanol, or its requirement that oxygenated gasoline be used in certain areas; the possibility that new technologies of ethanol production will become commercially viable and compete with corn-based production. The Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor’s report also considered future scenarios that would be beneficial for the ethanol industry. These were: the price of crude oil increases; and the national market for ethanol expands for any reason (e.g., MTBE phased out of markets and oxygenates still required). In general, some of Minnesota’s plants are smaller than larger scale plants in some other states. Larger plants enjoy better economies of scale and product scope than smaller plants. However, there are many plants in North America that have been viable for many years and are smaller than plants in Minnesota. The average profit for plants was determined based on monthly prices of ethanol, DDG, and corn between 1994 and 1996. Although the average profit was positive with and without 20 US¢/USG subsidy, for many months profitability was negative. Table 141: Average Ethanol Profits For Minnesota Between 1994 and 1996 Ethanol Price (US¢/US Gallon DDGS (US$/short-ton) Corn Price (US$/Bushel) Profit (US$/US gallon (With 20 ¢/gallon producers payment) Percent of months when profit was negative Profit (US$/US Gallon (Without 20 ¢/gallon producers payment) 206 Average in US Funds $1.30 $128.20 $2.55 $0.28 Range $1.09 to 1.81 $93.10 to 184.38 $1.96 to 4.65 -$0.25 to 55 25% 25% $0.08 -$0.45 to 35 CHEMINFO Some of the key report’s conclusions to be considered include: If the future economics of ethanol production are favourable, there is nothing to prevent growth in Minnesota to 220 million gallons per year (836 million litre, the state’s goal). However, we think there are reasons to doubt the wisdom of state support for one industry, especially one where there are significant risks to future profitability. One danger is that ethanol subsidies will drive out other opportunities for economic development in rural Minnesota. A substantial amount of private capital is invested in Minnesota’s ethanol plants and when the state and federal governments ultimately withdraw their financial support as they are now scheduled to do within ten years, this private capital which could have gone to other local investments is put at risk. US EPA Decision on MTBE and Oxygenates in Gasoline For new ethanol plants in Alberta or elsewhere in North America, the risks associated with relying solely on environmentally driven markets and supporting legislation for business success over a long period of time are evident. One case in point is Alberta’s MTBE plant which is heavily reliant on mandated demand for oxygenates in gasoline in the United States. The prospects of phasing out MTBE have resulted in uncertainty for the Edmonton producer. Similarly, Methanex’s methanol production which feeds MTBE plants across North America is vulnerable. California requested the US EPA to allow it to opt out of mandated oxygenated gasoline requirements (2% oxygen content) in context of environmental releases of MTBE. The Governor points out that, “ethanol may well play a large role in California’s future fuel supply. But if California, or any state, can meet the emission standards of the Clean Air Act – with or without the use of oxygenates – we should be permitted to do so”.75 The USEPA recently announced its response to these requests. On March 20, 2000, EPA Administrator Carol Browner and Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman announced actions to be taken by the Administration to significantly reduce or eliminate use of the fuel additive MTBE and boost the use of safe alternatives like ethanol. The actions are in order to protect drinking water from MTBE contamination, preserve clean-air benefits, and promote greater production and use of renewable fuels like ethanol.76 Browner and Glickman released a legislative framework to encourage immediate Congressional action to reduce or eliminate MTBE and promote renewable fuels like ethanol. The legislative framework being sent to Congress includes the following three recommendations: Congress should amend the Clean Air Act to provide the authority to significantly reduce or eliminate the use of MTBE. This step is necessary to protect America's drinking water supplies. Second, as MTBE use is reduced or eliminated, Congress must ensure that air quality gains are not diminished. The Clinton-Gore Administration is deeply committed to providing Americans with clean air and clean water. 75 Letter from Governor Gray Davis to Senator Dianne Feinstein, March 29, 1999.Letter from Governor Gray Davis to Carol M. Browner, Administrator EPA. 76 U.S. EPA, U.S. DA MARCH 20, 2000, Clinton-Gore Administration Acts To Eliminate MTBE, Boost Ethanol, March 20, 2000 207 CHEMINFO Third, Congress should replace the existing oxygenate requirement in the Clean Air Act with a renewable fuel standard for all gasoline. By preserving and promoting continued growth in renewable fuels, particularly ethanol, this step will increase farm income, create jobs in rural America, improve energy security, and help protect the environment. "Threats posed by MTBE to water supplies in many areas of the country are a growing concern," Browner said. "Action by Congress is the fastest and best way to address this problem. We need to begin now to eliminate MTBE from gasoline and move to safer alternatives, like ethanol because Americans deserve both clean air and clean water -- and never one at the expense of the other." "These principles provide a strong, unified framework for promoting the continued growth of renewable fuels like ethanol," said Glickman. "Ethanol will play an important role in ensuring that we maintain the air quality gains we have achieved to date, and the renewable fuels standard will encourage substantial new growth in the use of ethanol and other renewable fuels across the country. That's good news for our farmers, for our energy security, and for the environment." In addition to the legislative framework, Browner also announced that EPA today formally began regulatory action to eliminate or phase down MTBE, issuing an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. "To ensure that our water supplies will be protected, I am also directing EPA to take an additional insurance policy by starting a regulatory process aimed at phasing out MTBE," Browner added. "However, this action can require time to complete; that is why it is in the best interest of the American people for Congress to take quick action now." Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act gives EPA authority to ban, phase out, limit or control the manufacture of any chemical substance deemed to pose an unreasonable risk to the public or the environment. EPA expects to issue a full proposal to ban or phase down MTBE within six months, after which more time is required by the law for analysis and public comment before a final action can be taken. The USEPA’s and USDA’s announcement on MTBE and ethanol provides some uncertainty for ethanol investors. On the one hand the phase out of MTBE seems more certain. However, it has come in the context of eliminating the Clean Air Act’s 2% oxygenate requirement in gasoline. This may have removed the environmental legislative underpinning of the ethanol (as well as other oxygenates) market. The implication of this change is that states may use alternative control options to achieve environment standards. These options may or may not include oxygenates. On the other hand the Glickman’s remarks sound encouraging with respect to ethanol. That is, “Ethanol will play an important role in ensuring that we maintain the air quality gains we have achieved to date, and the renewable fuels standard will encourage substantial new growth in the use of ethanol and other renewable fuels across the country. That's good news for our farmers, for our energy security, and for the environment." However, the form of nature of this renewable standard is not evident. It may present legal difficulties in context of environmental requirements (considering the elimination of the mandated oxygenate requirement). The standard may indeed have climate change underpinnings, although this is not yet clear. The business risks for any potential Canadian ethanol production destined for U.S. markets may be high. If the yet-to-be-defined “renewable fuels standard” is oriented toward “promoting” agriculture businesses and assisting farmers, or is a climate change response (using “renewable” resources) for the United States (and not linked to any mandated renewable or oxygenate level for gasoline to address ambient air quality environment standards), then ethanol made in Canada may not fit the U.S. framework and its intended objectives. If in “promoting” the development of ethanol, the US government provides increased levels of financial assistance to US ethanol producers, it would make it more difficult for Canadian exports to compete. In addition, if the US is developing ethanol to support farmers or address climate change, subsidized ethanol produced in Canada may be more prone to trade actions under these circumstances. 208 CHEMINFO Prices, Buyer-Seller Relationships to Reduce Risk Ethanol price-setting mechanisms that are based solely on the rack price for gasoline (i.e., rack price plus provincial and federal sales tax incentives) may not make economic sense for both fuel wholesalers (buyers) and ethanol sellers. Large quantity buyers of ethanol as well as ethanol producers may need to take into consideration fluctuations in the market place both on crude oil and on grain pricing. Ethanol sales contract could consider tie-ins to gasoline rack price as well as embody mechanisms to reduce business risks. To reduce risks, these features for ethanol transactions could be taken into account: hedging against low crude oil prices (that may result in ethanol prices being too low to support ethanol producer profitability); protecting against high crude oil price that results in potential windfall profits for ethanol producers (and no upside incentives for refiners/wholesalers); and protecting against high grain prices and low or medium crude oil prices that can hurt the ethanol producers. Trade Issues A direct government subsidy to an ethanol producer whose ethanol or co-products (e.g., DDG) are exported to other countries (notably the United States) make the business vulnerable to trade actions. As a general rule, instruments (i.e., incentives or subsidies) that are broad and not focused on providing assistance to any one specific industry (e.g., all manufacturing) are generally less vulnerable to countervail actions. Whether various forms of incentives are indeed direct subsidies subject to countervail trade actions is dependent on the design and scope of the incentive, the quantities and values of products involved, market conditions, and other factors. Producers in the country of destination need to prove financial harm resulting from the subsidized products. If successful, import duties may be placed on the products. The CPPI has questions regarding the scope of economic support for ethanol: It is unclear if economic support for ethanol is only intended for ethanol produced in Alberta or if it would be extended to imported ethanol. In addition, it is unclear what the trade implications would be of disadvantaging imported ethanol (NAFTA and interprovincial trade) and supporting only ethanol produced within the Province of Alberta. The scope, intent, design and mechanism of a change in Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development's (AAFRD) guarantee on the current government of Alberta’s provincial tax exemption policy have yet to be defined, and are not the subject of this study. This study provides input for consideration. Information and further analysis related to international and interprovincial trade issues may be required, depending on: the nature of AAFRD's policy on the guarantee of the current current exemption; the design of incentive programs in other jurisdictions; and the actual amount of trade between provinces and internationally. The elements of international trade law are complex, such that consideration should be given to seeking a formal “opinion” from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) when designing financial or other incentives to specific to an industry. These opinions may be obtained from 209 CHEMINFO Trade Remedies division of DFAIT. The contact person is Mr. Michael Robertson, Deputy Director (613944-9108) in Ottawa. 10.6.3 Economic Development, Alternatives to Aid Farmers Some stakeholders pointed out that ethanol incentives may not be the optimal vehicle for developing and diversifying the Alberta economy. Generally, the attitude toward ethanol was conservative, rather than negative. One consideration that was identified by a couple of stakeholders is that there are no ethanol government department or private sector “champions”, promoting and crafting ethanol industry development strategy for Alberta. Alberta Economic Development Alberta Economic Development priorities have been on upgrading the province’s oil and natural gas (especially ethane contained in natural gas) resources into value-added products such as petrochemicals. Ethanol has not been a priority or focus for development. Upgrading natural gas into petrochemicals has been a natural process for Alberta due to the abundant supply of raw materials. Petrochemical investment has generated major investments and contributed significantly to the economic prosperity and growth in the province. In part, petrochemical development has occurred as a result of policies favouring the extraction and use of ethane in Alberta. This has created opportunities for petrochemical developers using ethane in the province. Future priorities for Alberta Economic Development are oriented toward more petrochemical production including the potential for upgrading available propylene into polypropylene and other derivatives, as well as additional ethylene and polyethylene capacity, which will depend on the availability of ethane. The business case for ethanol is less certain than petrochemicals, and more difficult to assess. The benefits for ethanol are not clear. There may also be other fuels that should be considered such as biodiesel. Ethanol is not viewed as a strategic climate change tool, yet. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool77 Saskatchewan Wheat Pool is Canada's largest publicly traded agri-business co-operative. The Pool is an integrated and diversified company engaged in five distinct but interrelated agri-businesses. Based on sales, it was the largest company in Saskatchewan in 1998 and is the largest Canadian publicly traded agribusiness co-operative with over 70,000 members. The company's principal business is handling and marketing grain. It is also one of western Canada's largest marketers of farm supplies and services. In addition, the company markets livestock, maintains a feed processing operation, and is involved in hog production. The Pool is also extensively involved in agri-food processing with products sold world wide and publishes The Western Producer, a weekly farm newspaper. Pool shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool is organized around five strategic business segments which largely servicing western Canada, with head office in Regina and regional offices in Alberta and other provinces: • • Grain Handling & Marketing; Agri-products (elevators, fertilizers blending and distribution); The background information on the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool is from the Pool’s website: 77 210 CHEMINFO • • • Agri-food Processing; Livestock Production & Marketing; and Publishing and other (agro-economic information, insurance, etc.). Through its strategic diversification into Agri-food processing, the company expands markets for producers' commodities and leverages its grain handling and marketing operations. Included in this segment are CSP Foods, a division of the Pool, CanOat Milling, a wholly owned affiliate, CanAmera Foods (33% ownership interest), Fletcher's Fine Foods Ltd. (44% ownership interest, Prairie Malt Limited (42% ownership interest) and Robins Foods Inc. (35% ownership interest). Its livestock businesses include operations conducted by the Pool's 89.9% owned affiliate, Heartland Livestock Services, and the production and sale of hogs through wholly owned, Heartland Pork Management Services. CanGro Processors Ltd. (100% owned) is the Pool's feed manufacturing operation. The Pool also has interests in Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Poundmaker Agventures and Agro Pacific Industries Ltd. At the present time, economic development personnel at the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool have concerns regarding the viability of ethanol production ventures. In addition, the impact to wheat farmers (members of the co-operative) ethanol plants may not provide high direct benefits for farmers. Investments in new ethanol facilities are not currently a priority for the Pool. Canadian Wheat Board78 The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) is the export marketing agency for Western Canadian wheat and barley growers. Its role is to market these grains for the best possible price. All proceeds from sales, less the marketing costs, are passed back to farmers. With annual revenues of over $6 billion, it is one of the country's biggest export firms and one of the world's largest grain marketing organizations. A Canadian Wheat Board manager79 confirms that wheat sold for domestic ethanol production would not need to go sold through the Board. There are no concerns regarding the supply of wheat to support ethanol production in western Canada. The Board is interested in value-added opportunities for farmers in western Canada. However, it has some concerns regarding the viability of ethanol plants and farmers investing in such plants through co-operatives (New Generation Co-operatives or other forms). There are also questions regarding the effects on the mix of wheat varieties grown. The positive impact on prices obtained grain farmers supporting an ethanol plant would likely be very low. There may be better incentive for farmers regarding lowering their elevator costs (which can be 10 to 15 $/tonne) for the portion of wheat sold to an ethanol plant. The Board also points out that the price of wheat in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is likely to be less expensive that in Alberta. The rationale for this relates to the pricing mechanism for wheat in western Canada. This mechanism is such that the netback to farmers is the border price (say at the port of Vancouver) less the transportation cost to get it there. Given a hypothetical price of 200 $/tonne of wheat in Vancouver, the price in Alberta may be 180 $/tonne, and 170 $/tonne in Saskatchewan and even slightly less in Manitoba. Ethanol plants therefore may have favourable raw material prices in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, according to the Board. The background information on the Canadian Wheat Board is from the Board’s website: 79 Personal conversation with Earl Geddes, Senior Program Manager (Value-Added Businesses)., Mar. 31,2000 78 211 CHEMINFO 212 CHEMINFO 11. References 1. Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Economic Overview of Farm Incomes, 1996. 2. Alberta Agricultural Statistics Yearbook 1996. 3. Alberta Resource Development, Oil and Gas Fiscal Regimes of the Western Canadian Provinces and Territories, Royalty and Tenure Branch, June 1999. 4. Andress, David. David Andress & Associates, Inc. Ethanol Tax Incentives and Issues. Prepared for Office of Fuels Development, US DOE. April 1998. 5. API. Arthur M. Wiese. Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning Department. The costs and Benefits of State-Level Oxygenate Mandates to Expand Ethanol Production. January 1999. 6. Benefits to Illinois in Developing and Utilizing Ethanol Fuels. March 1992. 7. Bolinder, M.A., Angers, D.A., Effects of Crops Used for Ethanol Production on the Soil C Balance in Eastern Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 1997. 8. Bryan & Bryan, October 1999. 9. California Air Resources Board, 1999a, Air Quality Impacts of the Use of Ethanol in California reformulated Gasoline. Staff Report, November 18, 1999. 10. California Air Resources Board, What is California Cleaner-Burning Gasoline and why is Flexibility required in California? Presentation to EPA Blue Ribbon Panel on the use of MTBE and other Oxygenates in Gasoline, March 1999. 11. California Air Resources Board. 1998. Comparison of the Effects of a Fully Complying Gasoline Blend and a High RVP Ethanol Gasoline Blend on Exhaust and Evaporative Emissions, November 1998. 12. California Air Resources Board. 1999b. Appendix K. Development of Evaporative Emissions Models. California reformulated Gasoline Phase 3 Amendments, 1999 13. 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Prepared for Transportation Issue Table. National Climate Change Process, 1999 47. Levelton Engineering Ltd., Assessment of Net Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Ethanol-Gasoline Blends in Southern Ontario. Prepared for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Vancouver, BC, 1999 48. Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council and Canadian Wheat Board. The Market Competitiveness of Western Canadian Wheat. January 1999. 49. Mark, J., Zeroing Out Pollution, the Promise of Fuel cell Vehicles. Union of Concerned Scientists, 1996. 50. Mathison, G.W. Professor, Animal Nutrition. University of Alberta. Personnel communication. 1999. 51. Miller, K. Dexter, Alkylates, Key components in Cleaner-Burning Gasoline. Presented to US EPA Blue Ribbon Panel on Oxygenates in Gasoline. May 1999. 52. National Research Council, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources. OzoneForming Potential of Reformulated Gasoline. National Academy Press., 1999 215 CHEMINFO 53. 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