Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 Scope and Sequence Instructional Activities Weather: *Teacher will introduce new vocabulary using TPR (hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, good/bad weather) (7.1.A.2,4,5; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Culture All major countries in the world except the U.S. use the Celsius temperature scale (Celsius and Fahrenheit) In some countries seasons are at different times of the year than in the U.S. Content Connections Science: Weather *Weather in different hemispheres. Math: Temperature Celsius vs. Fahrenheit 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Grammatical Structure Weather *What is the weather like? It is . . .hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, good/bad weather 7.1.C.2 Assessment Teacher Resources Vocabulary pictures Crossword puzzle Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 Some countries experience only two seasons – rainy and dry. *Teacher will reinforce vocabulary through the use of games, activities and songs (student made flash cards, BINGO, slap it, matching, word poems, partner map activity, pantomime) (7.1.A.2,4,5; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Art: Coloring Formative: Oral evaluation Physical Education: Games and pantomime Weather What is the weather like? It is . . .hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, good/bad weather Index cards and mini weather pictures to make flashcards Hand outs Scissors Glue *Students will check their Language Weather Formative: Weather draw activity Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 understanding by reading the target vocabulary words and drawing simple pictures. They will make and read a simple book using guided and shared reading techniques. (7.1.A.2,4; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Arts: *Reading target words *Labeling *Students will present a simple weather forecast. (7.1.A.2,4; 7.1.B.2,3,5; 7.1.C.2) Drama: Presentation of weather forecasts 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 What is the weather like? It is . . .hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, good/bad weather Weather draw activity Crayons Weather easy reader What is the weather like? It is . . .hot, cold, sunny, cloudy, windy, raining, snowing, good/bad weather weather state Summative: Students will work in small groups to present a weather forecast to the class. U.S. map for weather forecast Large wall map of the U.S. Pointer Paper Art: Drawing Geography: Identifying Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 Seasons: *Teacher will introduce the four seasons (fall, winter, spring, summer) and discuss the use of definite articles. Students will color or decorate four trees, labeling each for the appropriate season. (7.1.A,2,4.5; 7.1.B.2,4,5) 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 states in the U.S. and different weather patterns United States Science: The four seasons fall, winter, spring, summer tree *definite articles Pictures of seasons Handout with 4 trees Crayons fall, winter, spring, Pictures of seasons Language Arts: Labeling Art: Coloring Science: Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 *Teacher will ask questions about the weather during different months, holidays and seasons. (Is it hot in Jan.? What season is it? In which season is Christmas? What is the weather like in summer?) Students will practice categorizing which months fall into each season. (7.1.A.2,4; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Weather and the four seasons 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 summer season tree/trees leaf/leaves flower/flowers 1.What is the weather like in summer/winter, etc? 2. It is cold in winter . . . 3. What is the weather like in Texas, in the fall? 4. In Texas it is hot in the fall. 5. What season is it? 6. It is fall/winter 7. In which season is Christmas? 8. In which season is your birthday? 9. I t is in . . . 7.1.C.2 Formative: Question and answer Holiday pictures Mini whiteboards Dry erase markers Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 *Students will sing songs and play games/activities to practice the target vocabulary. (Four corners, puzzles, identifying pictures, etc) (7.1.A.1,2,4; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Music: Listening to and singing songs about the seasons 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 CD’s with lyrics Activity handouts Puzzles fall, winter, spring, summer season 1. I like . . . 2. I don’t like . . . Physical Education: playing games *Students will draw a picture of their favorite and least favorite seasons and present them to the class as the teacher tallies the results. (7.1.A.2,4; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Math: Graphing, categorizing and tallying fall, winter, spring, summer season 1. I like spring. 2. I don’t like winter. Summative: Presentation of favorite seasons Paper Crayons Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 Clothing: *Teacher will introduce new vocabulary (shirt, t-shirt, pants, shorts, dress, skirt, blouse, sweater, socks, shoes, boots, glasses, jacket, hat, mittens) (7.1.A.2,4,5; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Clothing and dress differs in different countries as well as depending on where you live (rural vs urban) Certain cultures have unique clothing for special holidays and celebrations. 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clothing shirt, t-shirt, pants, shorts, dress, skirt, blouse, sweater, socks, shoes, boots, glasses, jacket, hat, mittens Colors 7.1.C.2 Clothing flashcards and/or real articles of clothing Wordsearch Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 *Students will play games and participate in other activities to practice the target vocabulary. (Pass the Clothing, Dominoes, BINGO, matching, relay, What’s Missing, I See, or I Spy, puzzles, songs, listening, paired, interviewing) (7.1.A.2,4: 7.1.B.1,2,4,5) Music: Listening to and singing songs about clothing Language Arts: Reading target vocabulary Art: Drawing and coloring Physical Education: Games and relay races 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clothing shirt, t-shirt, pants, shorts, dress, skirt, blouse, sweater, socks, shoes, boots, glasses, jacket, hat, mittens Colors 1.What are you wearing? 2. I am wearing . . . 3.What is he/she wearing? 4. He/She is wearing . . . 5.What is your teacher wearing? 6. My teacher is wearing . .. 7.What color is/are your shirt/shoes, etc.? 8. My shoes are . . . 9.Who is wearing . . .? 10. Bill is wearing . . . 11.Do you like red shoes? 7.1.C.2 Formative: I spy game Clothing flashcards and/or real articles of clothing Dominoes BINGO DVD’s Power point games Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 12. Yes, I do/No I don’t. *Definite articles *Adjective-noun placement and agreement *The teacher will introduce how to ask for the price. (How much is it?) The teacher will label each piece of clothing with a price tag. Students will be called upon to say the cost of the garments. (How much is the blouse? What costs fifteen dollars?) (7.1.A.2,4; 7.1.B.2,4,5) Three Kings Day Art: Drawing and coloring activities Math: counting and adding money There are Social clothing shirt, t-shirt, pants, shorts, dress, skirt, blouse, sweater, socks, shoes, boots, glasses, jacket, hat, mittens Colors 1. How much does it cost? 2. It costs . . . Summative: How much is it? activity Clothing flashcards and/or real articles of clothing Posters Sale tags Play money Hand outs Jefferson Township Schools Grade: 3 Thematic Unit: It’s raining, it’s pouring! Time frame: Jan - Mar Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture and development. Climate will help determine patterns of behavior and ways of life, including diet and mealtimes, living accommodations and clothing styles. Essential questions: How are clothing styles in the target culture similar and different to where I live? How and why does clothing style vary in the target culture? How do the seasons and weather differ when comparing the target country to our own. Objectives: SWBAT describe the weather and tell what their favorite season is. Using simple sentences they will be able to describe what someone is wearing. They will be able to identify what clothing is appropriate for each season. NJ Standards/Progress Indicator NM: 7.1.A.1,2,4, 5 Carnival Holy Week and Easter (7.1.A.1,3; 7.1.B.1) cultural activities and celebrations related to the target country during this time. Studies: Holidays and celebrations around the world Technology: Movies or video clips 7.1.B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1.C.2 Movies or video clips