People First Surprise Party for David Kilton

People First of Nevada Statewide Board Meeting
March 19th, 2013, 2012
Grand Sierra Resort, Rm N-8
This meeting was teleconferenced for any members that could not be present in person. Members on the
phone: Elizabeth Downie. Members present: Santa Perez, Kenny Taycher, Travis Mills, David
Sorenson, Richard and Cammie Bochman, Star, Ryan McKinney, Brianna Hammon, Robin Renshaw,
Chris Ripke, Stephen Schumacher, Blanca Perez, Davis Osbourne, Charity and Wayne Macomber,
Kathy Gannit, Jason Freeman, Margie Simpson, James Watson and Andrea Johnson. Non-members
present: Tim Brown (PCA), Diedre Hammon (PCA) Dee Dee Eberle (Arc), Steve Rock (NCED), Nicole
Schomberg (Arc), Kari Horn (NCED), Caroline Taylor (NDALC), Diana DeBishop (NDALC). Quorum
was met.
Santa Perez, President, called the meeting to order at 1:10.
Approval of minutes from November 19, 2012 meeting (see 3/19/13 agenda packet for minutes)
 A motion was made to approve the minutes from the last board meeting. The motion was carried.
People First of Nevada 5 Year State Plan (see 3/19/13 agenda packet for initial plan)
Public comment on this agenda item:
 Kenny Taycher stated that members need to stick to the plan, that it’s important for People First
and it needs to be applied by everyone.
 Stephen Schumacher stated that it was a good plan over-all and that members need to stick to it
because it will work for People First and help get more people involved.
 Andrea Johnson said she would like to see more advocacy in schools and in the community.
 Richard Bochman stated he would like to see more community involvement and more supports
for people with disabilities.
 Santa Perez stated the plan was for every member, not only officers.
 Diedre Hammon stated she would like to change the wording in the plan from “mentorship” to
 Stephen Schumacher made a motion to add a goal to work on better employment opportunities
for individuals with disabilities. The goal was made and the motion was carried.
 James Watson made a motion to add a transportation goal. A goal was made and the motion was
The 5 Year State Plan was unanimously approved with the following changes:
 Goal #1, Objective 4, delete “and mentorship” from the last line.
 Goal #1, Objective 5, delete “mentors for other members” from line 4.
 Addition of goal #3 to work with agencies to research ways to create more employment options
for individuals with disabilities.
 Addition of goal #4 to work with agencies to research ways to improve transportation for
individuals with disabilities.
Vote on agency to hire to help write/administer next grant
 The current grant with the Governors Council on Developmental Disabilities comes to an end on
September 30th of this year. Two agencies are competing to be hired by People First of Nevada
to help write and if awarded, manage the next grant from the Governor’s Council on
Developmental Disabilities. Proposals were given by Dee Dee Eberle from the Arc of Nevada
and Steve Rock from the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities.
Public comment on this agenda item:
 Members asked questions of both agencies to their satisfaction.
 All individuals with a conflict of interest then left the room during the voting process. Caroline
Taylor of the NDALC remained to provide support for members during the voting process if
 Members made a motion to hire the Arc of Nevada for their next grant. The motion was carried.
Statewide Officer Elections
 New officers are to take office on May 6th to allow time for training.
 New officers elected are as follows:
President – Santa Perez (a motion was made to amend the current by-laws to allow an officer to
serve up to 3 terms (1 term is 2 years) for the same position. The motion was carried)
Vice President – Chris Ripke
Secretary – Travis Mills
Treasurer – Charity Macomber
Sergeant at Arms – Richard Bochman
Addition of by-law regarding bank accounts under Article 4, Section 5 Bank Accounts
A motion was made to approve the by-law addition below under Article 4, Section 5 Bank
Accounts. The motion was carried.
 “All state and chapter money is to be used for People First business ONLY. No one shall steal or
misrepresent People First’s money for their own benefit. Doing so is considered an illegal act
and legal action can be taken. If a member is caught stealing or misrepresenting People First
money the chapter officers and statewide president are to be notified, the member will need to
resign immediately if they are an officer and be responsible for reimbursement of all funds
through a signed agreement with that chapters officers and statewide president. The Statewide
Board and members of that chapter can also vote on whether or not to seek legal action and/or
vote that member out of People First permanently under Article 3, Section 7, Participant/Member
Removal or Suspension guidelines. Additionally, no debit cards shall be issued for any People
First bank account. Signers on the bank accounts must adhere to the following guidelines:
o A signer is someone that is listed on the bank account that can withdraw money.
o Signers are legally responsible for the money they withdraw and must provide the
treasurer with receipts and change for any money withdrawn.
o All accounts must have two signers that are voted in by the chapter.
o Signers must be their own legal guardian. If no member who is their own legal guardian
wants to be a signer, a member who I not their own legal guardian may designate
someone who is their own legal guardian (this person does not have to be a People First
member) to act as a signer on their behalf. These regulations apply to both statewide and
chapter bank accounts.”
Santa Perez asked to be informed of any misrepresentation or other issues regarding statewide or
chapter bank accounts.
Public Comment from 11/19/12 Board Meeting discussed (see 3/19/13 agenda packet for Public
 A motion was made to add a by-law under Article 3, Section 1, Annual Meeting and all other
meetings that “each chapter have the option to set up a time for staff and parents to leave the
room during their meetings if they desire”. The motion was carried.
Public comment:
 Andrea Johnson recommended that each chapter create a goodwill ambassador or a sunshine
club to reach out to members who aren’t feeling well.
Santa Perez asked if there were any other public comments. There being none, the meeting was
adjourned at 4:45 p.m.