FAIR BOARD REGULAR MEETING Lane Events Center, Meeting Room #2 May 13, 2014, 7:30AM Kelley Present Voorhees Present Harris Present Cosio Present Vacant Others Present Corey Buller – Division Manager, Lane Events Center Rachel Bivens – Director of Marketing & Sales, Lane Events Center Elizabeth Henry – Events Coordinator, Lane Events Center –note taker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ITEMS FROM THE COMMUNITY None APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 8, 2014 MOTION: Sid Voorhees SECOND: Cliff Kelley VOTE Name Vote Cliff Kelley Yes Sid Voorhees Yes Sascha Cosio Abstain Jack Harris Yes COMMENTS: Sid Voorhees motioned to approve the April 8, 2014 minutes as written. Cliff Kelley seconds. No discussion. DISCUSS TORT CLAIM DISCUSSION TOPICS: Tort Claim Fair Board involvement Lane County Legal involvement ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Bring report from legal and/or bring legal if needed to next Fair Board meeting SECURITY RECRUITMENT DISCUSSION TOPICS: RFP responses & quote process Possible security companies Type of security and security management ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Bring quotes back to Fair Board when received UPDATE ON FAIR BOARD VACANCY DISCUSSION TOPICS: Posting and responses ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Corey to inform Fair Board on progress via email updates Intent to move forward following 3 or more applications received. DISCUSS GLENWOOD PROJECT/IMPLICATIONS DISCUSSION TOPICS: Glenwood project/implications Transient Room Tax allocations Lane Events Center Facility Assessment ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Corey to inform Fair Board of relevant meetings BUDGET UPDATE DISCUSSION TOPICS: Fair Budget Budget presentation and process Will inform if anything comes up that will impact us. ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Corey will inform the Fair Board of any changes that will impact the Fair TRACTOR DISPLAY DISCUSSION TOPICS: Rules, policies and procedures for the display 9. Signage and promotion ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Fair Board will provide Fair staff with a list of questions regarding rules, policies and procedures. Fair staff will respond with a one sheet of answers that can be provided to prospective participants. OTHER DISCUSSION TOPICS: Fair Polos Fair Board Awards Governance - MOU and Bylawss Fair Board role in Lane Events Center Catering at Lane Events Center ACTIONS/DIRECTION: Fair Board members to review MOU and discuss at next meeting. Fair Staff will distribute bylaws for Fair Board review prior to next meeting if received from Lane County Legal Add Governance to Fair Board Agenda as a standing item until process is complete Meeting Adjourned X_______________________________________________ Jack Harris, President