1 Partner No.8 Final Project Report 15 December 2006 — 14 December 2008 Rudjer Bošković — RBI (HR) Croatia Acting as Scientific secretary: Bogomil Obelić, Ph.D. CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 2 WP 1: GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT AND KICK-OFF MEETING.............................. 2 WP 2: ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING OFFERS, NEEDS & LACKS: STATE-OF-THE-ART AND NEEDS ... 3 WP 3: DESIGN OF THREE EDUCATIVE AND TRAINING PROGRAMS AND THEIR MODULES ............. 4 WP 4: PILOT MODULES PERFORMED IN MOROCCO, MEXICO AND CROATIA .............................. 5 WP 5: FINAL MODULES WITH DIDACTIC MATERIAL; WEB AND @-LEARNING ............................ 8 WP 6: DIFFUSION OF DIDACTIC MATERIAL ................................................................................... 9 WP 7: GENERAL CO-ORDINATION OF THE PROJECT ..................................................................... 9 Participating in consortium meetings and educational courses ..................................................... 10 1. Barcelona (Spain), 17-21 February, 2007 ............................................................................. 10 2. Barcelona (Spain), 16-22 October, 2007 ............................................................................... 10 3. Luján (Argentina), 24 November – 3 December, 2007 .......................................................... 10 4. Marrakech (Morocco), 11-19 April, 2008 ............................................................................. 10 5. Morelia (Mexico), 7-21 June 2008 ........................................................................................ 10 6. Split (Croatia), 16.09.2008 .................................................................................................... 11 7. Split (Croatia), 27 September – 5 October, 2008 .................................................................. 11 8. Segovia (Spain), 16-21 November, 2008 ............................................................................... 12 Other tasks of the Scientific secretary............................................................................................ 13 2 Introduction Main objective of this Specific Support Action (SSA) were promotion and strenghtening of higher and professional education from developing countries, with the support from EU, in the field of cultural heritage connected with monuments taking into account socioeconomic resources of these countries. This objective was achieved through implementation of distance learning course (@-Learning) established in a free platform. Programs within the project improved development of capacities in academic institutions in Argentina, Croatia, Morocco and Mexico by introducing multidisciplinary modules within the field of restoration and valorization of Cultural Heritage which were presented on courses held in three countries with rich cultural heritage: Morocco, Mexico and Croatia The educative TRAINMONHER programs were focused on construction materials, environmental and anthropogenic impacts, building techniques of the monuments, intervention and monument conservation, study techniques for identification and dating materials. These programs included also an overview of art and architecture in selected countries, valorisation of this cultural heritage and socioeconomic impacts. Partners in the Project were: 1 Spain: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB, co-ordinator 2 France: Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines -UVSQ 3 Morocco: Université Cadi Ayyad- UCAM 4 Argentina: Asociación Consorcio para el Desarrollo Regional Bs.As. Oeste – Innovar 5 Croatia: Croatian Conservation Institute - CCI (Hrvatski Restauratorski Zavod HRZ) 6 Mexico: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo - UMSNH 7 Portugal: Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovação - INETI 8 Croatia: Rudjer Bošković Institute - RBI, acting as Scientific secretary The only representative of Partner 8 was Bogomil Obelić, senior scientist at the Rudjer Bošković Institute, who took also the task of the Scientific secretary of the Project. He cooperated with the Co-ordinator in organization and co-ordination of the Project and was in almost every day’s contact with all participants, collecting and arranging their contributions and informing them about the forthcoming events organized within the Project. Partner No.8 participated in all activities foreseen within the project Trainmonher. He prepared the text about dating method, within the Module “Materials and techniques of characterization” and held lectures in all three courses organized within the Project. WP 1: General Organization of the project and Kick-off meeting The main objective of this WP was in organization and the Kick-off meeting. It was organized on 19 and 20 February, 2007 at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona with participation of representatives of all partners in the Project who are forming also the steering committee of the Project. 3 At the meeting technical aspects of the Project were presented, the definitive general working plan for 24 months of the Project duration was established together with the tasks assignment of each partner, and the definitive co-ordination of each WP, calendar of periodical meetings of the consortium and timetable for carrying out of the work and delivering of the results was given. Working groups were formed and they defined modules for educational and training program. The organization of WEB page was thrusted to the University of Versailles. At the meeting, and particular tasks among the partners were distributed. Three courses to be organized in Morocco, Mexico and Croatia were discussed and designed and preliminary dates were established. B.Obelić was active in preparation of the meeting. He moderated also several sections of the Kick-off meeting, wrote the agenda and conclusions. At this meeting his tasks as the Scientific secretary were defined: to write the agenda and conclusions of all meetings,to moderate organizational parts of meetings, to collect and arrange contributions from partners which will be uploaded to the @-learning platform and to help the Co-ordinator in correspondence with all partners. Participants at the Kick-off meeting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) WP 2: Assessment of existing offers, needs & lacks: State-ofthe-art and needs Objectives of this WP were to establish the state of the art and necessities about higher education, professional training and continuing training in thematic of the project (Monumental Heritage) in countries-partners in the Project. The studies of socioeconomic impacts of the Education about the Monumental Heritage in cultural tourism and other professional sectors, employment and job creation in connexion with the national policies including the comparative study of national policies in Tourism and Heritage were performed, taking into account the EC Directives, on Heritage and Tourism. Each country submitted basic data about the authorities and institutions responsible for conservation of cultural heritage, as well as about the main laws dealing with this issue. A comparative table of national policies and socioeconomic study was created. It consists of two parts: Comparative and legislative issues of countries involved in 4 the Project (Argentina, Croatia, France, Mexico, Morocco, Portugal and Spain) and socioeconomic study regarding to tourism, cultural heritage and employment. Activities of Partner No.8 were in administrating and arranging of textual contributions dealing with national policies in monumental heritage and sending them to be translated into other languages. Contribution dealing with national policies in Croatia, its state-of-the-art and necessities, was submitted by the Croatian Conservation Institute in Zagreb. WP 3: Design of three educative and training programs and their modules Objectives of this WP were to define several modules suitable to the targeted countries (Morocco, Mexico, Croatia) and oriented to (1) higher education (postgraduate), (2) professional training and (3) professionals in tourist sector and sectors of economy related to Monumental Heritage. All written material was prepared to the highest level of education, while oral explanations were adjusted for lower level auditorium by simplification and contracting of the prepared written material. Each module had a particular co-ordinator who was taking care in preparation of its content. Tasks of particular participants regarding preparation of chapters and coordination of modules are presented in Agenda of the Kick-off meeting. Each module consists of several chapters, as shown in the list and are translated into three official languages of the Project: English, French and Spanish. The modules included all problematic associated in the study: characterization, rehabilitation, valorization and diffusion of monumental heritage. They included both theoretical and practical contents. Theoretical aspect was achieved in lectures foreseen in three countries (Morocco, Mexico and Croatia) and the content of these lectures were uploaded onto the @-learning platform, participants, while practical aspect was realized in situ, in front of carefully selected monuments or specific sites. In order to realize field works with the students in each of the selectred countries several monuments were chosen as case studies and local specialists prepared lectures concerning their history, architecture, state of alterations and state of conservation. Five modules were prepared: Module No.1: History of art and architecture (co-ordinator: B.Tanouti) – 12 chapters Module No.2: Materials and techniques of characterization (co-ordinator: A.Alvarez) – 18 chapters Module No.3: Environmental impacts and restoration techniques (co-ordinator: Andrés Mage) – 7 chapters Module No.4: Management and valorisation Briansó) – 5 chapters Module No.5 Case studies (co-ordinator: Aureli Alvarez) – 5 chapters (co-ordinator: Marie Claire B.Obelić, being the Scientific secretary of the whole Project, collected written material in MS Word according to prepared template and sent it to the organization Innovar in 5 Luján (Argentina) to be filled into the @-learning platform. He informed the partners on a regular basis on the status of contributions of all written material and was taking care. Partner No.8 (B.Obelić) prepared the chapter about Dating techniques within the module 2: ”Materials and techniques of characterization”. WP 4: Pilot modules performed in Morocco, Mexico and Croatia Within this WP the development of three programs, and modules for each of them, for Morocco, Mexico and Croatia was performed, analyzing the suitability and acceptance of all programs and specific contents in respect to necessities and lacks in practice of education and training and to realize three educational courses in selected countries. The WP included election of monuments and appropriate sites for field work, as well as for specific practices which would be developed in each of these sites and preparation of teaching material, theoretical and practical, which served as the support to the modules, by using technologies of the information and communication society. During the courses experimentation of the @-learning platform was performed. At the end of each course the students were asked to fill a questionnaire in form of a quiz in order to check their comprehension of the contents which was explained (self-evaluation). First course was organized in Marrakech (Morocco), 14-18 April, 2008 for two groups of students (13 from Professional degree for Ceramics and Glass and 6 of Master degree for Tourism and Cultural Heritage). Since the @-learning platform foreseen to be prepared in Luján (Argentina) was not yet finished, students used the local platform in French, created by Mr. Abderrahim Brakez, which was available on the WEB site: http://www.cru.ucam.ac.ma/moodle/login/index.php Lectures were organized according to the Agenda of Annex 3, mostly in French. Partner 8 (B.Obelić) held his lecture about dating methods in English and prepared auto-evaluation questions for students. B.Obelić helding lecture on Dating Techniques at the Marrakech University (Morocco) 6 Within the framework of the module titled ‘cultural project management’, students created a cultural tourism itinerary including 3 visit points (Koutoubia mosque, Jemaâ el-Fna square and Bab Agnaou gate). Second course was organized in Morelia (Mexico), 7-13 June, 2008 for two groups of students: 13 graduated students in architecture and 5 students of Civil engineering. Lectures were organized according to the Agenda of Annex 4, mostly in Spanish. This training course was available online thanks to a distance @-learning platform in Spanish created by Silvia Martinelli, University of Luján (Argentina): http://educativa.unlu.edu.ar/ The platform included almost all modules prepared before by the members of the project consortium, together with relevant glossaries and auto evaluation questions in form of a quiz. The students were divided into four mixed groups containing both architecture and civil engineering and created reports on three most important colonial buildings in Morelia (the house of José María Morelos y Pavón, Aqueduct and the Cathedral). Partner 8 (B.Obelić) held his lecture about dating methods in Spanish and prepared auto-evaluation questions for students. Participants in front of the lecture room at the University in Morelia (Mexico) Third course was organized in Split (Croatia), 27 September to 5 October, 2008 for three groups of graduated students and students from 3 rd and 4th year from the University of Split who participated in the course. Since lectures were held mostly in English, the platform created by Silvia Martinelli, University of Luján (Argentina) for the course in Morelia was transferred onto another web site that permits all three languages used during the project, i.e. English, Spanish and French: http://www.trainmonher.net/ The platform included almost all modules prepared before by the members of the project consortium, together with relevant glossaries and auto evaluation questions in form of a quiz. Lectures were given by participants within the consortium and by professors from the University of Split and conservation departments of Split and Trogir according to the Agenda of Annex 5. Partner No.8 (B.Obelić) made the first draft of the working plan of the course and presented it to all participants, partners in the project Trainmonher, and professors from Split who took part in the course. After the discussion with local professors K.Marasović, I.Šverko, G.Nikšić, J: Belamarić and R. Buzančić the final plan was 7 adopted, including three itineraries in the old core of Split, which include selected monuments and sites to be visited: 1st itinerary: N-S communication: Porta aurea - Peristyle – Harbour “Riva” (including cellars of the Diocletian Palace) - Description of protection works 1956-1961, analysis of communication 2nd itinerary: Varoš (mediaeval Split) –Prokurative – Marmont street - Analysis of communication, pedestrian routs and tourist itinerary 3rd itinerary: Porta argentea - Hrvojeva street - market: Valorization of monuments, urbanistic problematic and tourist valorization Also, the list of students was defined: 11 students in architecture, 1 student of Civil engineering and 4 students from the Academy of Arts, Department for restoration. They were divided into four mixed groups containing architecture, civil engineering and restoration. Students working on @-learning platform in Split Participants at the ruins of antic Salona near Split B.Obelić held his lecture about dating methods in English and prepared autoevaluation questions for students. Since, besides the Croatian Conservation institute, Ruđer Bošković Institute took also part in organization of the course, B.Obelić was engaged in organization of the workshop, transport of participants to and from the hotel and in field trips to Trogir and Salona. B.Obelić helding lecture on dating techniques in Split (Croatia) Besides three itineraries for students, a half-day trip for participants to the most interesting archaeological sites in the neighbourhood of Split was organized: mediaeval town of Trogir and ruins of Salona, which was the capital of old Roman province Dalmatia. 8 WP 5: Final modules with didactic material; WEB and @-learning This WP included elaboration of definitive specific contents of each of three educational and training programs by writing of didactic material within the selected modules, translation it into three official languages used during the Project (English, French and Spanish) and uploading onto the @-learning platform. Main activities of Partner No.8, acting as the Scientific secretary, were in collecting and arranging of contributions within the modules and to contact with Partner No.4 (Consorcio Innovar in Luján, Argentina), whose member Ms. Silvia Martinelli was engaged in creation of the @-learning platform and in uploading of written material. Within the module 2 (Materials and techniques of characterization) B.Obelić prepared didactic material about dating methods. In Introduction the difference between relative and absolute dating was explained, as well as an overview of most important dating techniques, used in archaeology and geology was presented. Three dating techniques were explained: dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating and thermoluminescence dating. These techniques can be used also in dating of historical monuments. Literature sources, in which students can find details about presented dating techniques are the fololowing: C.RENFREW (1991). Archaeology: Theory, Methods and Practice. Thames and Hudson, London. ISBN: 0-500-27867-9. R.SWITSUR (2001). Dating Technology. The Building Conservation Directory, Cathedral Communications. http://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/datingtech/datingtech.htm. W.F.LIBBY (1955). Radiocarbon Dating. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 175 pp. M.STUIVER, H.A.POLACH (1977). Discussion: Reporting of 14C Data. Radiocarbon 19, 355-363. C.BRONK RAMSEY (2005). OxCal Program v 3.10. Oxford: University of Oxford Radiocarbon Unit. http://www.rlaha.ox.ac.uk/oxcal/oxcal.htm. T.Higham, F.Petchey (2000). Radiocarbon Dating in Archaeology; Methods and Applications. In: Radiation in Art and Archaeometry (D.C.Creagh & D.A.Bradley, eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.255-284. ISBN: 0-444-50487-7. M.J.AITKEN (1983). Recent Advances in Thermoluminescence Dating. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 6, 181-183. L.Musílek, M.Kubelík (2000). Thermoluminescence Dating. In: Radiation in Art and Archaeometry (D.C.Creagh & D.A.Bradley, eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.101-128. ISBN: 0-444-50487-7. M.A.GEYH, H.SCHLEICHER (1990). Absolute Age Determination. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 503 pp. ISBN 3-540-51276-4. L.BENKŐ, F.HORVÁTH, N.HORVATINČIĆ, B.OBELIĆ (1989). Radiocarbon and Thermoluminescence Dating of Prehistoric Sites in Hungary and Yugoslavia. Radiocarbon 31, 992-1002. He took advantage of his own experience in Radiocarbon and Tritium Laboratory of the Ruđer Bošković in Zagreb, by using the Laboratory manual in which basic procedures in sample preparation and measurement are described. During the lectures organized within three workshops (Morocco, Mexico, Croatia) he explained also the most interesting results in dating performed in his laboratory. 9 WP 6: Diffusion of didactic material Objectives of this WP (Diffusion of didactic material among university, professional training and sectors linked with cultural tourism and rehabilitation) consist evaluteion of programs achieved within the Project, in distribution of all material generated by this SSA to the members of the Project, institutions of consortium, academic communities, local authorities, ministries, civil society and general public in order to sensibilize these targeted groups to the importance od study, valorization and conservation of Cultural (Monumental) Heritage. dentification of possible new fields of interest and new partners for future framework programmes of R+D was also part of the task of this WP. The task of Partner No.8, being the Scientific secretary of the Project, was diffusion of all produced material to the institutions of the consortium, especially in overall control in collection of teaching material (modules) and its translation into three languages, as well as to help in organization of three courses, especially that in Split. Since the Croatian Conservation Institute is more connected with problematic of conservation, restoration and rehabilitation, they were more engaged also in diffusion of produced material. B.Obelić presented project Trainmonher in his lecture about the activities of Radiocarbon Laboratory at the regional training course on “Dating Techniques in Archaeometry”, organized from 5 to 9 May, 2008 at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, within the IAEA regional project CRO/1/005 “Nuclear Techniques for the Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage”. Information about this course is available on the WEB site of the Project Trainmonher. Link to the WEB page of the project Trainmonher was put at the web site of the Rudjer Bošković Institute: http://www.irb.hr/en/str/zef/z3labs/lna/ WP 7: General co-ordination of the project Main objectives of this WP are the overall management of the project, organization of meetings, conferences and workshops, contacting the Project Officer in Brussels and preparation of annual and final reports and cost statements. The project was coordinated by Prof. José Luis Briansó who was helped by the Scientific secretary of the SSA Dr. Bogomil Obelić (Partner 8, Rudjer Boškovićč Institute, Croatia). The Coordinator and the Scientific secretary were in permanent contact with all partners in order to monitor the day-by-day progress and assure the schedule realisation of the Project. Besides the above mentioned tasks, B.Obelić, acting as the Scientific secretary of the Project, was present at all meetings of the consortium, taking also an active part in organizing and performing of the courses organized for students in Morocco, Mexico and Croatia. His travels are listed below within the explanation of meetings and courses performed in the period from 15 December 2006 to 14 December 2008. 10 Participating in consortium meetings and educational courses 1. Barcelona (Spain), 17-21 February, 2007 B.Obelić was active in preparation of the Kick-off meeting and he moderated also several sections. His activities as the Scientific secretary were also to write the agenda conclusions in which particular tasks among the partners were distributed and schedule for three educational courses was established. 2. Barcelona (Spain), 16-22 October, 2007 This travel of B.Obelić, acting as Scientific secretary, was used for helping the Coordinator of the Project in arranging of the materials sent by the partners and in preparation of the meeting to be held in Luján (Argentina), which was foreseen for the end of November. 3. Luján (Argentina), 24 November – 3 December, 2007 The meeting of the consortium was organized in the Museum complex “Enrique Udaondo” in Luján, ca 60 km NE from Buenos Aires. B.Obelić presented the state-ofthe-art of the project and details of particular modules to be uploaded to the @-learning platform, to be designed by Argentinian partners. Also socioeconomic aspects concerning Cultural Heritage and preparation of documents containing comparative study of national and European policies were discussed. B.,Obelić presenting in Luján (Argentina) the state-of-the-art of the Project After the meeting B.Obelić helped the Co-ordinator of the Project in elaboration of the annual report for the period 15 December 2006 – 14 December 2007. 4. Marrakech (Morocco), 11-19 April, 2008 The course was held at the University Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech. B.Obelić helped in organization of the meeting and the course for students of the Université Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech and the preparation of the next course to be held in Mexico. Besides, he held the lecture about the dating methods in monumental heritage. 5. Morelia (Mexico), 7-21 June 2008 The next course was held in Morelia (Mexican state of Michoacán). B.Obelić helped in organization of the meeting and the course for students of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH). Acting as the Scientific secretary 11 he introduced the Project to the rector University and dean of the Architectonic faculty and was interviewed by local television. Besides, he held the lecture about the dating methods in monumental heritage. After the course plans for the next one, to be held in Split, were discussed. B.Obelić greeting the Rector of UMSNH in Morelia (Mexico) 6. Split (Croatia), 16.09.2008 Together with Mihaela Klarić from the Croatian Conservation Institute, B.Obelić traveled to Split in order to prepare the next course. Discussions were held with Ms. Zoraida Staničić, head of the restoration department in Split and with mr. Ivica Trumbić, director of the Coastal Activity Centre of the Priority Actions Programme of UNDEP. The rooms of this organization were used for the course. In discussion with the professors from Split, Katja Marasović, Ivana Šverko, Goran Nikšić, Joško Belamarić, Radoslav Buzančić and Sagita Mirjam Sunara, who participated the courses, the final version of the program was set up. M.Klarić and B.Obelić visited also the hotel Jesenice near Split, the foreseen accommodation of participants. 7. Split (Croatia), 27 September – 5 October, 2008 The last course was organized in Split for the students of the Faculty of Architecture and Academy of Arts (Conservation department). B.Obelić took part in organization of the course. The last day general instructions for elaboration of Final report were discussed too. The funds fro the project Trainmonher were used also to cover costs of several professors from the University in Split who took part in che course by giving lectures about the monuments and archaeological sites in Split and surroundings: Prof. Dr. Ivana Šverko – Cultural tourism in Split, lecture to students Dr. Radoslav Bužančić – expert visits to the mediaeval town Trogir and ruins of Roman town Salona Dr. Joško Belamarić – Stratigraphy of styles of the Dioclertian mausoleum (lecture in situ in the Cathedral) 12 Students at the Peristyle of Diocletian’s Palace in Split (Croatia), in front of the building of the Coastal Activity Centre, where the lectures were held 8. Segovia (Spain), 16-21 November, 2008 Last meeting of representatives of all participants was organized in Segovia near Madrid (Spain) from 17 do 21 November 2008. The achievements of the Project during last 2 years were discussed with special emphasis to the courses which were organized in Marrakech, Morelia and Split. Main tasks were in preparation of particular scientific reports for all partners according to a scheme proposed by the coordinator prof. Briansó and redaction of the first version of the consolidated scientific report, study and comprehension of patterns (forms) of the economic part and study of new initiatives for academic formation or scientific investigation. Status of contributions of texts within the educational modules was also discussed in order to accelerate delivering of translations to all three official languages (English, French, and Spanish) to the Co-ordinator and the Scientific secretary. Participants in Segovia (Spain), working on the Final report 13 Other tasks of the Scientific secretary Partner No.8 prepared the Agendas and wrote conclusions of the following meetings: Barcelona (Spain), 19-20 February, 2007 Luján (Argentina), 26 - 27 November, 2007 Marrakech (Morocco), 14-18 April, 2008 Morelia (Mexico), 7-13 June, 2008 Split (Croatia), 29 September — 3 October, 2008 Segovia (Spain), 17 — 21 November, 2008 He collected particular annual and final technical reports from the partners and,, together with the Co-ordinator, he was engaged in writing the consolidated (joint) annual and final reports of the Project. The permanent duty of Scientific secretary was collecting of texts within the modules he obtained from particular participants, checking their content and form, and sending them to Luján where they should be put into the @-learning platform. All all contributions were translated into three official languages of the Project, namely in English, French and Spanish, so there are all together more 150 files which had to be considered! Therefore he was sending almost on a monthly basis the “Status of contributions” to all participants, in order that they could follow the progress in these issues (cf. Annex 1). The funds from project Trainmonher project were used to cover costs of several students from the University of Zagreb who helped the Scientific secretary: VladimirMario Obelić for helping in preparation of power-point presentations (presentation of the project itself and lectures on dating techniques within the module “Materials and techniques of characterization”), Dario Jukic during the preparation of the course in Split and Petra Tomljanović for corrections of English texts of educational modules.