SCHOOL FACILITY USE PERMIT REQUEST LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 381 To submit this facility request form please email, mail, fax or drop off. Today’s date: __________ No phone requests are taken, however it is advisable to check with the Community Education Office to ensure that facility is available for the desired date. Two Harbors High School (Door 17) - 1640 Hwy 2, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: 218-834-8201, ext. 8230 Fax: 219-834-8263 Email: William Kelley High School 137 Banks Blvd, Silver Bay, MN 55614 Phone: 218-226-4437, ext 8137 FAX 218-226-4860 Email: This form must be submitted to the Community Education Director at least 7 working days prior to the rental date. Submission of this form is request only (not approval). Organization Name _________________________________________________________________ Client Type: _____Resident/Organization* _____Nonresident/Organization* _____School Sponsored/Approved Activity Address ________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP ___________________________________________________________ ____________PIN NUMBER (CE office will assign this pin number for you) Primary Contact Person(s) First Name________________________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________ Title _____________________________ Address ____________________________________ City State ZIP__________________________________ (if different from organization information) Office Phone_________________________ Cell Phone ________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Office FAX _______________________ Email ________________________________________________ I do not want my contract emailed _____ (facility contracts will be emailed unless requested otherwise) Name & Phone number of person supervising event (if different from primary contact above) Name ____________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Type of Activity/Event ____________________________________________________________________ Date(s) requested ________________________________________________________________________ Start Time __________________ Ending Time __________________ Set Up Time _________________ Tear Down _____________________ Will vacate building by ___________ 1 SCHOOL FACILITY USE PERMIT REQUEST LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 381 Page 2 of 2 School To Be Used Minnehaha _____ Two Harbors High School ______ William Kelley ______ Location(s)/Rooms Requested ___________________________________________________________ Equipment, etc. requested (please indicate amount): TV/VCR_______ Chairs ______ Tables _______ Overhead Projector _______ Screen _______ Microphone _______ Podium ________ Other : _____________________________________________________________________________ Custodial Supervision Required ______________ (outside of normal working hours or if the event would requires additional staffing beyond normal schedules) Kitchen Supervision Required _______________ (The kitchen is not available without School Food Service staff present) Lighting Tech Required _______ (for Auditorium use) Life Guards Required _______ (for pool use) Special Setup Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Attendance Anticipated _______ I request use of the district facilities as noted in this permit request. I have the authority to legally bind this organization and hereby obligate the organization to provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $500,000 and to indemnify the school district and hold it harmless from any liability arising from our use of the school district property. I understand the district needs to be named on the certificate as additionally insured. Requests are not valid until copy of insurance certificate is received and on file at the Community Education office. I understand buildings and property are tobacco and alcohol free. The organization agrees to comply with all State and federal non-discrimination laws. The organization will be responsible for any and all damages to the school district property arising from our use. The organization has familiarized itself with the Facilities Use Policy # 902 of the District and agrees to comply with all conditions of that policy. The organization accepts that the school district may have to preempt our scheduled use of district facilities in which case we understand the district will give as much advance notice as possible and that any money we have paid for use of the facilities will be refunded. ________________________________________________________ (Signature of person obtaining permit) ______________________ (Date) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Office Use Only: Key Card Number _______________ Key Number ________ Signature of person assuming key responsibility: ________________________________________________________________________________________: Approved: _________________________________ _________________________________________ Building Principal Community Education Director 2