SCRS/2007/139 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 62(5): 1629-1637 (2008) AGE AND GROWTH OF BULLET TUNA (AUXIS ROCHEI) IN THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA X. Valeiras1, D. Macías2, M.J. Gómez2, L. Lema2, S. García-Barcelona2, J.M. Ortiz de Urbina2 and J.M. de la Serna2 SUMMARY A total of 216 dorsal fin spines from western Mediterranean bullet tuna were analyzed from 2003 to 2006 for ageing and growth studies. The length of the aged individuals ranged from 31 to 44 cm for the males and from 31 to 46 cm for the females. Fish ages ranged 2 to 5 years old and the mean lengths by age were calculated for males and females. Growth parameter estimates were calculated from 206 cut spine sections which provided readable growth annuli by sex. The standard von Bertalanffy growth function was used to fit length at- age data. The growth parameters based on standard von Bertalanffy growth function are the following: for males, L (asymptotic length)=43.751 cm, k (growth coefficient)=0.865, t0 (age at zero length)=-0568; for females, L=45.545 cm, k=0.461, t0=-0.821; for both sexes, L=44.041 cm, k=0.700 , t0=-0.139. The relationships between FL and dorsal fin spine diameter were calculated for both sexes. Age-length keys were provided for catch at age calculation application. RÉSUMÉ Un total de 216 épines de la nageoire dorsale de bonitous de l’ouest de la Méditerranée ont été analysées de 2003 à 2006 aux fins d’études de détermination de l’âge et de croissance. La taille (longueur à la fourche) des individus dont l’âge avait été déterminé oscillait entre 31 et 44 cm pour les mâles et entre 31 et 46 cm pour les femelles. L’âge des poissons allait de 2 à 5 ans et les tailles moyennes par âge ont été calculées pour les mâles et pour les femelles. Les paramètres de croissance ont été estimés pour les deux sexes à partir de 206 sections d’épines qui ont fourni des anneaux de croissance lisibles. On a utilisé la fonction de croissance standard de von Bertalanffy pour ajuster les données de longueur par âge. Les paramètres de croissance basés sur la fonction de croissance standard de von Bertalanffy sont les suivants : pour les mâles, L (longueur asymptote)=43,751 cm, k (coefficient de croissance)=0,865, t0 (âge à la taille zéro)=-0568; pour les femelles, L=45,545 cm, k=0,461, t0=-0,821; pour les deux sexes, L=44,041 cm, k=0,700 , t0=-0,139. Les relations entre FL et le diamètre de l’épine de la nageoire dorsale ont été calculées pour les deux sexes. Des clefs âge-taille ont été fournies pour le calcul de la prise par âge. RESUMEN Se analizaron un total de 216 espinas de la primera aleta dorsal de melva del Mediterráneo occidental muestreadas entre 2003 y 2006 para realizar estudios de edad y crecimiento. Las tallas (longitud a la furca) comprendieron entre los 31 y 44 cm para los machos, y entre los 31 y 46 cm para las hembras. El rango de edad de los peces analizados estuvo entre 2 y 5 años y se determinaron las tallas medias por edad. Los parámetros de crecimiento se estimaron para ambos sexos a partir de 206 secciones de espina que proporcionaron bandas de crecimiento legibles. Se utilizó la función de crecimiento estándar de von Bertalanffy para ajustar los datos de talla por edad. Los parámetros de crecimiento basados en la ecuación estándar de von Bertalanffy son los siguientes: para machos, L (longitude asintótica)=43.751 cm, k (coeficiente de crecimiento)=0.865, t0 (edad a la talla cero)=-0568; para hembras, L=45.545 cm, k=0.461, t0=-0.821; para ambos sexos, L=44.041 cm, k=0.700 , t0=-0.139 . Se calcularon las relaciones diametro de la espina y FL para ambos sexos. Se presentan las claves tallas-edad para el cálculo de capturas por edad. KEYWORDS Bullet tuna, age determination, growth curves, Mediterranean, trap 1 2 Instituto Español de Oceanografía, P.O. Box 240, 39080 Santander, Spain. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, P.O. Box 285, 29640 Málaga, Spain. 1629 1. Introduction The genus Auxis distributes worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. Bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) is an epi and meso-pelagic fish that has a seasonal coastal distribution in temperate and tropical areas including the Mediterranean (Uchida, 1981; Collete, 1986; Valeiras and Abad, 2007). This species is abundant in the Strait of Gibraltar, north coast of Africa and Spanish Mediterranean coast (Postel, 1973). The bullet tuna is one of the most abundant small tuna species in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea where has been commercially exploited by seasonal artisanal fisheries (Sabatés and Recasens, 2001). In Spain, the species have been caught traditionally by seasonal coastal fisheries. Several fishing gears have been used to catch it: Traps and other minor fixed gears, purseseine and hand-line (Uchida, 1981). Little is currently known about the biology of this small tuna in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Certain areas in the Mediterranean have been suggested as possible spawning sites of Auxis sp: Greece and Gulf of Catania (Bellot, 1954), Balearic Islands (Duclerc et al., 1974), Tunisian and Algerian waters (Postel, 1964) and off east Spanish Mediterranean coasts (Macías et al., 2005). The spawning period in the Mediterranean has been reported to occur from June to September (Ehrenbaum, 1924; Piccinetti et al., 1996; Alemany, 1997; Macías et al., 2005). The first maturity size has been stated in 35 cm (FL) when the fish is two years old (Rodriguez-Roda, 1983). Information concerning to migration patterns is scarce and fragmented (Rey and Cort, 1981). Several authors have suggested a genetic migration from the Atlantic Ocean to the spawning areas in the Mediterranean trough the Gibraltar Strait (Sabatés and Recasens, 2001). Knowledge of the early life stages in tunas is very scarce. It is assumed that larval period is short. During the first life stages bullet tuna are not caught and juvenile life history is unknown. Inmature fish first appear in fishery from around 25 cm of fork length. Bök and Oray (2001) studied age and growth by otoliths and dorsal spines analysis in the eastern Mediterranean and Rodriguez-Roda (1983) studied bullet tuna age composition from Atlantic area near Gibraltar Strait. From 2003, sampling effort in a Spanish tuna trap was focused on collect bullet tuna samples to improve biological knowledge in western Mediterranean. The aim of this paper is to present first results from the western Mediterranean Sea fisheries from spine analysis and provide age-length keys and parameter estimates of bullet tuna growth in the area. 2. Material and methods 2.1 Fish sampling 216 specimens were collected from tuna trap of “La Azohía” at Mediterranean coast of Spain during sampling from 2003 to 2006. Sampling was done according to a random stratified design covering the length range of the species in the study area. Size FL (fork length in cm) and sex were recorded from all sampled specimens. 2.2 Spine preparation Methodology for spine analysis was based on Ortiz de Zárate et al. (2007). The first spine of the first dorsal fin was collected from each specimen. The spine was preserved in a dry state within a paper envelope and labelled. The spine was cut near to the base coinciding with the bulge in the spine (the part with the greatest diameter) and close to the ridge. Series of spines were encased in a matrix of plastic resin. A cross section of 0.5 mm thick was cut using an ISOMED 5000 Cutter. Two consecutive cuts were made in order to choose the best one when taking the reading. The sections were washed in a 70% ethanol solution. They were later mounted onto labelled holders and embedded in Eukitt highly transparent mounting resin. 2.3 Age interpretation The clearest of the two sections was examined using a binocular microscope with transmitted light at 80x. The diameter of each growth band (annulus) was measured and recorded. Spine sections were read twice by one reader and unresolved differences in readings resulted in spine elimination. Alternative pairs of a translucent band and a opaque band were considered to be a year annuli. When present, multiple annuli and disappearance of the first annulus in older fish were carefully considered to assess the age classes. 1630 2.4 Growth parameters Age length keys were produced for males, females and for the two sexes combined, and their mean lengths at age and standard deviations calculated. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were fitted to the data applying the standard von Bertalanffy growth function (von Bertalanffy, 1938). Growth parameters were computed for females and males using non-linear least square estimation. Standard VB model: Lt= L (1-e-k(t-t0)) where, Lt is length (FL) at age t; L is asymptotic length; k is the growth coefficient; t0 is theoretical age at zero length. 2.5 Backcalculation The relationship between FL and dorsal spine diameter (S) was determined by using two procedures: − Standard linear regression: FL = a+bS − Power function: FL=aSb 3. Results and discussions A total of 206 sections of first dorsal spines were aged successfully (109 males and 97 females). 10 spines were unreadable due to multiple banding pattern or unidentifiable growth annuli. A summary of samples collected for this work is presented in Table 1. Mean sizes by age for both sexes are presented in Table 2. Assigned ages of spine sections were from 2 to 5 years. 75% of males and 68% of females were 2-3 years old. Age length key is presented in Table 3. Growth parameter estimates for the standard von Bertalanffy are presented in Table 4. Equations results were the following: Standard VB model: Males: Lt= 43.751 (1-e-0.865(t+0.568)) Females: Lt= 45.545 (1-e-0.461(t+0.821)) Both sexes: Lt= 44.041 (1-e-0.700(t+0.139)) In Figure 1, growth curves of observed lengths at age data and von Bertalanffy estimates are plotted. Also growth curves from results of other authors are included. Mean FL at age for present paper and other articles are presented in Table 5 (Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean Sea). The obtained relationship between FL and anal fin spine radius were the following (Figure 2): Linear regression relationship: Males: FL = 10.746S+20.053, r 2=0.7781. Females: FL = 10.743S+20.326, r 2=0.7227. All sexes: FL = 10.714S+20.233, r 2=0.7529. Power function relationship: Males: FL = 29.932S 0.471, r 2=0.7674. Females: FL = 30.445S 0.4485, r 2=0.7134. All sexes: FL = 30.181S 0.4602, r 2=0.7425. 1631 Figure 3 presents bullet tuna annual size distributions from 2003 to 2005 (Macías et al., 2006). All annual distributions show a bimodal appearance. The highest modal value approximately corresponds to 35-36 cm (2 years old tunas). A second (minor) modal value was around 44 cm except for 2005 when this modal value cannot be found (All sampled fish were around two-year old size). The second modal value could be compounded by 3 years old and older specimens. Bök and Oray (2001) studied age and growth by otoliths and dorsal spines analysis and found five age groups (0+ to 4+) for the Aegean Sea and the eastern Mediterranean. Rodriguez-Roda (1983) studied vertebrae of 27 bullet tuna from Atlantic area near Gibraltar strait and found four age groups (1-4). In this work, we obtain similar results on growth parameters and mean lengths at age of bullet tuna in western Mediterranean compared to north Atlantic (Gibraltar Strait) and eastern Mediterranean Sea estimates. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the skippers and crew members of the Spanish trap of “La Azohía” for their collaboration on this and other scientific tasks. Special thanks to all the staff involved in the IEO-Málaga projects PNDB-Túnidos and GPM3 through which this research and other works were possible. We are very grateful to Joaquín Barrado for his assistance in laboratory work and to Marta Ruiz from Tuna growth laboratory at Santander. References ALEMANY, F. 1997. Ictioplancton del Mar Balear. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. Illes Balears. BELLOC, G. 1955. Les thons de la Méditerranée. Deuxième note: Thonine et Bonite. FAO Proc. Gen. Fish. Counc. Medit. nº 3 (52): 471-486. BÖK, T. and K. Oray, 2001. Age and growth of bullet tuna Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) in Turkish waters. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 52(2): 708-718. COLLETE, B.B. 1986. Scombridae. In: P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen, and E. Tortonese (eds.), Fishes of the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranea. Vol II. pp. 981-997. UNESCO, Paris. DUCLERC, J., J. Sacchi, C. Piccinetti, G. Manfrin, A. Dicenta, and J-M. Barrois. 1974. Nouvelles données sur la reproduction du thon rouge, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus), et d’autres espèces de Thonidés en Mediterraneé. Rev. Trav. Inst. Pêches Maritime., 37: 163-176. EHRENBAUM, E. 1924. Scombriformes. Report on the Danish Oceanografical Expeditions 1908-1910. Mediterranean and Adjacent Seas, 2 (A, 11). MACÍAS, D., M.J. Gómez-Vives, J.M. de la Serna. 2005 . Some reproductive aspects of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) from the south western Spanish Mediterranean. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 58(2): 484-495. MACÍAS, D., L. Lema, M.J. Gómez-Vives, J.M. Ortiz de Urbina, and J.M. de la Serna. 2006. Some biological aspects of small tunas (Euthynnus alletteratus, Sarda sarda & Auxis rochei) from the south western Spanish Mediterranean traps. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 59(2): 579-589. ORTIZ DE ZÁRATE, V., X. Valeiras and M. Ruiz, 2007. Sampling protocol for skeletal structures of north Atlantic albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and ageing interpretation. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 60(2): 492-506. PICCINETTI, C., Piccinetti, G. Manfrin, and S. Soro. 1996. Larve di Tunnidi in the Mediterranean. Biol. Mar. Medit., 3: 303-309. POSTEL, E. 1973. Thunnidae. Check – list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. Clofnam I. Editors: J.C. Hureau and Th. Monod, Paris. UNESCO. RODRÍGUEZ-RODA, J. 1983. Edad y crecimiento de la melva, Auxis rochei (Risso), del Sur de España. Invest. Pesq. (Barc.), 47 (3): 397-402. SABATÉS, A. and L. Recasens. 2001. Seasonal distribution and spawning of small tunas, Auxis rochei (Risso) and Sarda sarda (Bloch) in the northwestern Mediterranean. SCI. Mar., 65 (2): 95-100. 1632 UCHIDA, R.N. 1981. Synopsis of biological data on frigate tuna, Auxis thazard, and bullet tuna, A. rochei. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circ., (436):63 p. Issued also as FAO Fish.Synop., (124):63 p. VALEIRAS, J. and E. Abad, 2007. ICCAT Manual. Chapter 2. Description of Species. 2.1 Species Directly Covered by the Convention. 2.1.11. Small tuna (in press). Table 1. Summary of bullet tuna from western Mediterranean Sea used in this study (M, males; F, females; I, indeterminate). Number Size range cm) Age range (years) M 111 31-44 2-5 F 105 31-46 2-5 M+F+I 216 31-46 2-5 Table 2. Summary statistics of male and female aged bullet tuna from western Mediterranean Sea. FL: furcal length in cm. Age_Males 2 3 4 5 n spines 62 21 19 7 Mean FL 35.0 39.5 42.4 41.7 FL range 31-39 36-43 39-44 39-44 Std. Error 0.23 0.44 0.34 0.75 Age_Females 2 3 4 5 n spines 53 19 22 3 Mean FL 35.2 38.9 41.0 43.0 FL range 31-38 35-42 39-44 42-45 Std. Error 0.23 0.35 0.38 1.00 Age_Males+Females n spines 2 115 3 40 4 41 5 10 Mean FL 35.1 39.2 41.7 42.1 FL range 31-39 35-43 39-44 39-45 Std. Error 0.16 0.29 0.28 0.60 Table 3. Age length key (ALK) of bullet tuna from western Mediterranean Sea. FL 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 100 100 100 100 96 93 80 69 7 3 4 4 7 20 31 61 57 29 25 17 32 71 58 58 89 1633 5 43 17 25 11 100 Table 4. Parameter estimates for the standard von Bertalanffy for bullet tuna from western Mediterranean Sea (n= 111 males and 105 females). Growth Parameters Standard von Bertalanffy Male Female All sexes L∞ 43.751 45.545 44.041 k t0 0.865 -0.568 0.461 -0.821 0.700 -0.139 Table 5. Estimated size at age for bullet tuna from studies in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Age BUL 1 2 3 4 5 Bök and Oray, 2001 East Mediterranean 30.7 34.4 38.7 41.1 42.4 Rodriguez-Roda, 1983 Gibraltar 25 33.1 37.4 41.2 This paper This paper Observed vonBertalanffy West West Mediterranean Mediterranean 24.2 35.1 34.2 39.2 39.1 41.7 41.6 42.1 42.8 45 40 FL (cm) 35 30 25 20 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 Age (yr) Bök and Oray, 2001 Rodriguez-Roda, 1983 Valeiras et al., 2007 (VB) Valeiras et al., 2007 (obs) Figure 1. Growth curves for this paper (observed and von Bertalanffy model) and curves from Bök and Oray (2001) and Rodriguez-Roda (1983). 1634 Males 60 55 50 FL (cm) 45 40 y = 10.746x + 20.053 R2 = 0.7781 35 30 y = 29.932x 0.471 R2 = 0.7674 25 20 15 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.6 Spine diameter (mm) Females 60 55 50 FL (cm) 45 40 35 y = 10.743x + 20.326 R2 = 0.7227 30 y = 30.445x 0.4485 R2 = 0.7134 25 20 15 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Spine diameter (mm) Males + Females 60 55 50 FL (cm) 45 40 y = 10.714x + 20.233 R2 = 0.7529 35 30 y = 30.181x 0.4602 R2 = 0.7425 25 20 15 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 Spine diameter (mm) Figure 2. Relationship between FL and dorsal spine diameter for male, female and both sexes bullet tuna from the western Mediterranean Sea. 1635 Figure 3. Bullet tuna annual size distributions from 2003 to 2005 and the combined size distribution. Extracted from Macías et al., 2006. 1636 Figure 4. Bullet tuna spine sections examples. A: age 2, B: age 3, C: age 4, D: age 5 (Not proportional sizes of spine pictures). 1637