MGNT 4640 SYLLABUS, FALL 2006, PAGE 1 MGNT 4640B (Management Science) Syllabus Fall Semester 2006 Instructor: Dr. W. Kent Moore Phone: 333-5991 Office: Thaxton Hall 203 e-mail: Office Hours: Mondays, 9:00 - 12:15, 1:30 - 5:30 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:45, 3:15 - 5:30 Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:00 - 12:15, 1:30 - 4:30 Text: Render, Stair, and Hanna, Quantitative Management, 9th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2006. Analysis for Course Description: Applications of quantitative techniques to managerial decisions. Topics include linear programming, decision theory, applications of probability, forecasting, transportation problems, and simulation. Prerequisite: BUSA 2100 or MATH 2620, and MGNT 3250. Course Objectives: 1. To apply major quantitative techniques in order to improve managerial decisions. 2. To develop analytical, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in a business context. Course Outline: I. Introduction to Management Science (Sections 1.1 – 1.5) A. B. II. Decision making; discipline of management science Model building; breakeven analysis Probability (Sections 2.1 – 2.6) A. B. C. D. Basic probability concepts Addition and multiplication rules Conditional probability Bayes Theorem MGNT 4640 SYLLABUS, FALL 2006, PAGE 2 Course Outline (continued) III. Transportation Problems (Supplementary notes) A. B. Steppingstone Method: improvement indexes, costs Balanced and unbalanced problems IV. Linear Programming (Sections 2.1-2.3, 2.5, 8.2, 8.5, 8.8) A. B. C. D. IV. Characteristics and examples Graphical method (maximization & minimization) Slack and surplus variables; special cases Formulation Forecasting (Sections 5.1 - 5.5, 4.1 - 4.4, Supplementary Notes) A. B. C. D. E. Qualitative approaches Averaging methods Exponential smoothing Regression and correlation Time series with seasonal adjustments VI. Simulation (Sections 15.1 - 15.3, 15.7, Supplementary Notes) A. B. C. D. Characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages Use of random numbers Simulation work sheets Cost-benefit analysis VII. Probability Distributions and Decision Analysis (Sections 2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 3.1 - 3.5, Supplementary Notes) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Alternatives, states of nature, payoff tables Decision making under uncertainty: optimistic, conservative, regret, & equally likely criteria Expected value, decision making under risk Conditional profits tables, expected profits under risk Expected profit under certainty, EVPI Exp. net marginal profit; cutoff probabilities Normal distribution Application of normal distribution to inventory levels VIII. Management Science Usage (Supplementary Notes) MGNT 4640 SYLLABUS, FALL 2006, PAGE 3 Testing and Grading: Each student's grade will be determined by the number of points that he/she accumulated during the semester. There will be a total of 450 - 500 possible points derived from the following sources: four tests, homework, and a final exam. The final exam will cover topics discussed after the previous test and other important selected topics from the course. At the end of the semester (and during the semester, after each test), all point totals will be ranked from highest to lowest. Cutoff points very close to 90%, 80%, 70%, and 60% will be used to determine grades. Attendance: You are expected to be present each class period except when special hardships occur, e.g. illness. I reserve the right to lower your course grade by half a letter grade (5%) if you have more than 3 absences. More than 6 absences will mean an automatic F. (See page 79 of the 2006-2007 VSU catalog.) Policy Concerning Make-up Tests: Make-up tests will be given only for very good reasons, such as illness or a death in the family. In any case, you are expected to call me prior to the time of the test if you must be absent on a test day. If I am not in my office when you call, leave your name and number with the dean's secretary (Mrs. Carolyn Shaw) and I will return your call. Both the secretary and I can be reached at 333-5991. Homework: Homework will be assigned at the end of each class period. Homework is considered an essential learning tool and provides excellent preparation for tests. Some assignments will include use of the computer and will be handed in for a grade. Withdrawals: After Friday, October 6, a student can withdraw only for non-academic hardships, e.g. hospitalization or a death in the family. Students with Disabilities: Students requiring classroom accommodations or modifications because of a documented disability should discuss this need with me at the beginning of the semester. These students also must contact the Access Office for Students with Disabilities and register as a student with special needs (1115 Nevins Hall, 245-2498 or 219-1348). MGNT 4640 SYLLABUS, FALL 2005, PAGE 4 APPROXIMATE SCHEDULE Aug. 15 17 22 24 29 31 Course policies, introduction, breakeven analysis Basic probability concepts, addition rules Independent and dependent events, conditional probability Multiplication rules Bayes Theorem Bayes Theorem (continued) Sept. 5 7 12 14 Transportation problems TEST 1 Transportation problems (continued) Transportation problems (continued), introduction to linear programming Graphical linear programming Graphical linear programming (continued) Linear programming formulation TEST 2 19 21 26 28 Oct. 3 5 6 10 12 19 24 26 Nov. 2 7 9 14 16 Dec. Forecasting: qualitative techniques, averaging methods Forecast error, exponential smoothing MID-TERM WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE Exponential smoothing (continued), correlation Correlation (continued), regression Regression (continued) TEST 3 Regression (continued), time series analysis with seasonal adjustments 31 Simulation 21 28 30 6 Simulation (continued) Decision making under uncertainty Expected value, conditional profits tables TEST 4 Expected profits under risk, expected profits under certainty, EVPI Expected net marginal profits, cutoff probabilities Normal distribution, application to inventories Management science usage, review FINAL EXAM, 2:45 – 4:45 (Wednesday)