ISCI 2001 Mid

ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
of Living Things
Introduction and
Study Objectives
1 Identify characteristics common to all living things
2 Carbohydrates
 Know the functions of carbohydrates
 Energy value compared to lipids
 Function in cells
 Identify monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides; know
 Know examples of polysaccharides (starches, glycogen, etc) and
their functions
3 Proteins
 Know the functions of proteins
 Know the structure of proteins
 Know the significance of a peptide bond
 Know that amino acids form polypeptides that form proteins
 Know examples of proteins such as enzymes, hormones,
hemoglobin, etc.
 Know the functions of proteins in cells
4 Lipids
 Know the functions of lipids
 Know examples of lipids (triglycerides, steroids, phospholipids,
 Know the functions of lipids in cells
 Know the structure of lipids
5 Nucleic Acids
 Know the structure of nucleic acids
 Know examples of nucleic acids
 Know the significance of DNA and RNA
 Know their functions in cells
 Know the structure of DNA and RNA
 Know the location of DNA in cells
6 Know the three basic parts of the cell
7. Compare Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells. Give examples of each
8. Compare plant and animal cells
1 Know how to calculate total
magnification of a specimen
under a microscope
2 Compare the independent
and dependent variables in a
scientific experiment
3 Define hypothesis
4 Know the outcomes and
concepts of the activity
Transport I – osmosis
5 Draw a simple cell with the
three basic parts
6 Know the basic rules of
drawing and labeling a graph
7 Be prepared given data, to
make a line or bar graph
ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
9 Know the functions of the following organelles of a cell
 Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi
Apparatus, Lysosomes, Nucleus, Plasma Membrane, smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton
10 On page 326 compare the sizes of different cells, organelles, viruses,
11 Know the function of choloroplast in cells
12 Know the function of a plasma membrane
13 Know the structure of a plasma membrane
 Hydrophobic and Hydrophillic parts; transport proteins;
14 Know that a phospholipid structure makes up the major part of a
15 Compare and contrast osmosis and diffusion
16 Compare facilitated diffusion to regular diffusion
17 Compare active and passive transport systems concerning energy
18 Give examples of molecules or substances that can pass into and out
of the plasma membrane via simple diffusion or passive transport
19 Compare endo and exocytosis
20 Explain how cells communicate via gap junctions
of Living Things
1 Compare mitosis to meiosis
2 Know the parts and events that take place in the cell cycle. Describe
3 Know the longest phase of the cell cycle
4 Know the significance of the ‘S’ phase of interphase
5 Know the significance of cytokinesis
6 Know the 4 phases of mitosis and know what takes place in each phase
7 Know what takes place in meiosis I and II
8 Know that meiosis produces sexual gametes (sperm and egg)
9 Know how many chromosomes are found in human somatic or body
10 Know the resulting chromosome numbers in the daughter cells of
11 Know the resulting number of chromosomes at the end of meiosis in
1 Be able to draw or identify
stages of mitosis
2 Be able to identify stages of
3 Know how to replicate a
strand of DNA
ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
sexual gametes
12 Define haploid and diploid
13 Relate chromatin to chromosomes
14 Know the basic structure of a chromosome
15 Know the significance of crossing over and when it occurs
16 Know the scientist who first explained the structure of DNA
17 Know the structure of DNA and the base pairing rules
18 Know the significance of hydrogen bonding in DNA
19 Know the role of the following enzymes during DNA replication
 Helicase and DNA Polymerase
20 Know the function of transcription
21 Know the location of transcription in a cell
22 Know the role of mRNA during transcription
23 Know the base pairing rules in RNA
24 Know the significance and process of translation
25 Transcribe a strand of DNA into mRNA
26 Define codon and state the significance of codons in mRNA
27 Know the role of tRNA in protein synthesis
28 Describe why Gregor Mendel is called the father of genetics
29 Know that alleles are alternate forms of genes
30 Define gene and relate it to DNA
31 Distinguish between recessive and dominant alleles
32 Define the principle of segregation
33 Define the following terms
 Homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype
34 Define incomplete dominance
35 Define codominance
36 Define polygenic traits and provide examples
37 Define pleiotrophy and provide examples
38 Define sex-linked traits and give examples
39 Identify causes (environmental and hereditary) of genetic disorders
40 Distinguish between a genetic mutation and a nondisjunction of
chromosomes (give examples of each)
41 Distinguish between a point mutation, nonsense mutation and a frame
shift mutation. Be able to identify each if given a strand of DNA such as
we see on 365
4 Using a genetic code,
translate mRNA into Amino
5 Be able to perform the
following monohybrid
crosses. Be able to give the
phenotype and/or genotype
ratios or % of each cross
Complete dominance;
incomplete dominance;
codominance (ABO blood
types); sex-linked
ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
42 Give several examples of chromosomal (nondisjunction) disorders
Selection and
Ecology and
1 Know the impact or influence that the following scientist/people had
on Charles Darwin in forming his ideas concerning natural selection
 Lamarck; Malthus; Lyell
2 Define Natural Selection
3 Know the following events that take place during the process of natural
selection. Describe the significance and process of each
 Variation; heritability; natural selection; adaptation
4 Define fitness and explain how it applies to natural selection
5 Be able to describe adapatations in animals (coloration;
thermoregulation; length of limbs; insulation, etc)
Darwin and
6 Compare the modes of natural selection (directional, stabilizing,
Natural Selection
diversifying) and give examples
7 Describe the following parts of the modern synthesis of natural
selection and evolution (changes in the allele frequency; genetic drift
mutation pressure; migration – immigration and emigration)
8 Know the events and the classic study of the Peppered Moths in
England during the 1800’s. Relate to natural selection
9 Distinguish between prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers.
Give examples of each
10 Distinguish between sympatric and adaptive radiation
11 Describe and give examples of the following evidences of evolution
(Fossil record; Biogeography; Molecular and Biochemical)
12 Define punctuated equilibrium
1 Define Cladisitics
2 List the taxons of classification (domains to genus and species)
3 Know Linnaeus contributions to classifications of living things
4 Define binominal nomenclature concerning classification
5 Define clade
6 Know the three domains of life
7 In your book know the basic characteristics of the following organisms
and be able to identify examples from each group:
 Bacteria
 Protists
 Plants
1 Be able to describe/know the
main outcomes of the
Natural Selection Activity
with the moths
1 Know how to interpret a
cladogram. Know the parts
of a cladogram
ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
Diversity and
Ecosystems and
the Environment
 Animals
 Fungi
8 On page 410 know the following about a moss life cycle:
 Gametophytes vs sporophytes
 Define alternation of generations
9 On page 411 know the following about a fern life cycle:
 Ferns are seedless plants
 Know the parts of the cycle
 Significance of spores
10 On page 412 know the following about the life cycle of a seed plant
 Know the parts of the cycle
 Know the function of pollen and flowers
 Examples of conifers and flowering plants
11 Know the diagram of a seed plant on page 413
 Know the functions of the carpel, stamen, ovary, anther and
 Know how a flowering plant reproduces
 Know the function of a fruit on a flowering plant
12 Distinguish between sponges and cnidarians and give examples
13 Give examples of arthropods and know the basic characteristics of
14 Know the basic characteristics of mollusks, annelids, echinoderms. Be
able to identify examples of each
15 What examples of organisms are found in the chordate group? Give
16 How are amphibians and reptiles different?
17 Distinguish between ectotherms and endotherms. Give examples.
18 Describe the basic characteristics of viruses
19 What are prions
*For most of these objectives be sure to complete and review all
information on the chapter 18 practice sheets.
1 What is biomass. What is primary productivity? Give examples on how
they provide a source of energy for organisms
2 Describe what occurs when energy enters a ecosystem.
3 Know that only 10% of the energy at one trophic level becomes
1 Know the outcomes of the
Abiotic and Biotic Activity
ISCI 2001 Mid-Term Review
available to the next level
4 Distinguish between the following trophic levels: producers, primarysecondary-tertiary consumers. Give examples of each
5 Be able to interpret an energy pyramid such as the one on page 21.11
6 Know the basic characteristics of each type of ecosystem: Terrestrial
Biomes (tropical forrest; temperate forrest; coniferous forrest; tundra;
savannas; temperate grasslands; chaparral; deserts
7 Define ecosystem
8 Know the basic characteristics of the following aquatic biomes:
freshwater habitats such as estuaries; lakes; ponds; Saltwater habitats
such as oceans
9 Distinguish between primary succession and secondary succession in
ecosystems. Give examples
10 What is a climax community? Give examples.
11 What is the difference between exponential and logistical growth?
Give examples
12 What is carrying capacity? Give Examples
13 Be able to interpret an age structure diagram like the one on page 498
14 Be able to interpret graphs of population growth like the ones on page