Academy Parent Handbook - Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Parent Handbook
Revised 07-03-14
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to learn what the Boys & Girls Club Academy is all about. This
handbook is set up both in paragraph and question-answer format and covers our most recent policies and
procedures. As the Academy continues to grow, so will the process by which The Academy is run. Thus old
policies may be tweaked and new policies may be developed to fit the needs of The Academy. We would like
to thank you again for choosing to make The Academy a part of your family and look forward to working with
you in the years to come!
Mission Statement
“To inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as
productive, responsible and caring citizens.”
What is the contact information for the Academy?
Main Office:
Boys & Girls Club of Yankton
1804 Broadway
Yankton, SD 57078
Phone: 605-668-9710 Fax: 605-664-9166
Arlene Shockman, Unit Director: 605-668-9710
Vanessa Merhib, Executive Director: 605-692-3333
Phone List:
Stewart: 605-661-7894
St. Bens: 605 -661-2910
Staff will carry cell phones during the hours of the program: 6:30 am to 6:00 pm during the summer and from
5:30 -8:30 am in the morning and 3:15 -6:00 pm in the evening.
We encourage you to leave a message on voicemail if you’re calling during off hours. The Academy does not
have access to school phones.
What agreement does The Academy have with the school district?
The Academy has an agreement with the Yankton School District 63-3 to use certain buildings at certain times
before and after regular school days. Yankton School District 63-3 is not responsible for the supervision,
training or safety of your child during these times. The Boys & Girls Club Academy program is completely
separate from the Yankton School District 63-3 and the district is not responsible for the program in any way.
How does registration and enrollment work?
Children are admitted by properly completing the registration form. To reserve a space in the program, a $50
registration fee is required to hold your spot. This is per season, per youth, nonrefundable registration fee.
The Boys & Girls Club will waive this fee if you choose to participate in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This fee
is put towards funding our educational aspects of the program (arts & crafts, science projects, special
speakers, etc.). Families will pay a max of $100 for a registration fee if more than two children from the same
family attend.
The program is filled on a first come first served basis. Children may enroll in the program any time if space is
available at the site. Yankton Transit will be available if busing is required from the alternate sites at the
parent’s expense.
What are the hours of operation for The Academy?
The Academy is designed to run in conjunction with the school year during the following times:
School Year:
Morning: 5:30 am-8:30am
Afternoon & Evening: 3:15pm-6:00pm
Summer and No School Days:
6:30 am -6:00pm
The Academy non-school days will be advertised for parents but it can be expected that The Academy be open
during Teacher Workshops & In-service Days. Each non-school day will be held at one of the Academy
locations – all parents will be notified of scheduled location.
The Academy is NOT open the following holidays:
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
We may be open over the winter break at the no-school day rates. Please check with the Academy Program
Coordinator or Unit Director to confirm dates and times.
What happens if there is inclement weather?
In the event of early dismissal due to inclement weather, the program will not be held. If school is starting
late, the Academy will not hold an AM session.
Due to the Academy opening at 5:30 am during the school year, it is possible that school could be cancelled
after your child has arrived at the program. We ask that you get to the site as soon as possible to pick up your
child. The Academy will close once all children have been picked up.
What is the Fee and Payment Policy?
Parents will be billed monthly on the 15th of the month prior to attending if scheduled and if drop-in/no school
days the following month. All billing will be handled at the Boys & Girls Club Corporate office, 1126 Southland
Lane, Brookings, SD 57006. If you have questions about your bill please call Kelli Jorgensen at 605-692-3333,
between 9:00am and 5:00pm or email her at We will continue to offer a free
and reduced lunch rate with proper documentation from the school district and accept CCA reimbursements.
All payments must be paid in order for youth to attend The Academy.
Please make checks payable to Boys & Girls Club of Brookings-Yankton Unit (or BGCB-Yankton Unit). Credit
card payments are also accepted by EFT or stopping at the office located at 1804 Broadway. There is a $25
service charge on all checks returned. Payment will then be required to be made in the form of money order
or cash for the amount due and for any service charges and fees incurred.
How do schedules work?
Schedules for each month are due by the 20th of the previous month (ex. registration due May 20th, for dates
in June). If you wish to change from your status of part-time or full-time, it must be done two weeks in
advance for the change to occur without additional cost. If a change is made to the schedule without two
weeks’ notice, the drop-in rate will apply or full charges to the account will be made. Calendars will be
provided in the registration packet as well as on site.
For question regarding billing or payment, please contact Kelli Jorgensen at our Corporate Offices at 605692-3333.
A year-end statement of payments will also be available no later than January 31st, 2014 in order to assist you
with your income tax preparation.
Does the Academy provide lunch during the summer?
For the summer 2014 Program, the Academy will be bussing youth over to Webster school to receive hot
lunch for six weeks and also the first three and last three weeks of summer, providing cold lunches on site.
Lunch is included in summer fees.
Youth will also have the option to bring in a sack lunch if they do not choose to participate in the school lunch
program. Because microwaves will not be available, youth will need to bring food that does not need to be
warmed up. Please be sure to clearly label your child’s lunchbox/lunch bag each day. The Academy will not
be responsible for lost lunch boxes.
Does the Academy provide breakfast during the summer?
Breakfast will be served between 7:00 am-7:30am in the summer and 7:45 am during the school year.
Does the Academy provide snacks during the summer?
The Academy will provide one snack/day during the summer during the afternoon hours at no cost.
NOTE: In the event that your child is on a special diet or allergic to any food, the Academy will work to
accommodate your child. If the Academy cannot accommodate your child’s needs you will need to provide the
child’s breakfast/snack. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify The Academy in writing of such allergies or
special diets on the registration form.
What is the Pick-Up/Sign In & Out Policy?
Children must be signed in and/or out by a parent or guardian daily. Please check with the Site Coordinator
for the specific sign-in/sign-out location where your child attends.
Each member of the Academy will receive a membership ID card that must be used for signing in and out at
each site. These cards will be located at the front entrance by the front desk computer.
Late Pick-Up:
This policy is strictly enforced. FINES are $10.00 per child for every 15 minutes the child remains at The
Academy after closing (our employees go by the time reported on their Academy site cell phones.) Late pickup payments must be paid prior to the child returning the next day.
Release Policy:
Release of a child will be only to a parent/guardian or to an authorized individual. The Site Coordinator or
Academy Program Coordinator is to be notified by the parents/guardians in person and must have any
changes in writing. If there is an unusual restriction as to the parent not being allowed to visit or pick up a
child by court order, the guardian must provide a copy of the court order to the Academy Program
Coordinator and Site Coordinator. If possible please provide a picture of the restricted person.
NOTE: If Academy staff are suspicious that the authorized person coming to pick up a child is under the
influence of alcohol or drugs, that parent or authorized person will be asked to make other arrangements
for the transportation of the child. The child will be kept at the site until such arrangements have been
made. Per their discretion, the Academy staff has the right to contact authorities if the situation
necessitates it.
If any person other than a parent or guardian will pick up, a written note is required to allow the child to be
released. The authorized individual picking up will be required to show identification and their name will be
compared with the list of emergency contacts or authorized persons on the registration form. No child will be
released without notification from parent or guardian.
If a parent or guardian is unavailable due to an emergency and the person is listed on the registration as an
authorized person, then in those circumstances the child will be released to them.
NOTE: If the person picking up (in an emergency) is not on the authorized list, an emergency contact person
will be called to confirm this person’s identity or authorization. All changes of authorized persons or
emergency contacts need to be relayed to the site coordinator immediately.
What happens if my child is absent?
If your child will not be attending on a particular day (doctor appointment, visiting friend, vacations, etc.)
please send a note or call informing the absence to the Site Coordinator.
If your child is scheduled to attend and does not arrive, The Academy will immediately call you, the
parent/guardian, to verify the whereabouts of your child. If you expected your child to attend and they did
not arrive, school staff will be contacted. If further steps need to be taken, you will be asked to come to the
school in order to work with The Academy and school staff to ensure the safety of your child.
What happens if my child is sick?
The Academy is unable to provide for sick children. Please do not send children to the program if they are ill
or contagious in any way (including head lice). You will be notified by phone if your child has become ill or is
injured while attending the program. The parent is required to make immediate arrangements to have the
child picked up.
The Academy is not allowed, by policy, to dispense, store and/or oversee medication of any kind, including all
non-prescription medications.
What happens if my child needs to take medication?
Parents/guardians must fill out a form medication form that advices the Club on times, dosage and time of use
prior to the Club being allowed to administer.
Should I inform The Academy of the medication that my child is taking?
Yes. This information is crucial as it helps The Academy staff know how to appropriately help a youth if he/she
is distressed. If there is a change in medication, parents/guardians must let The Academy know of this change.
When an emergency occurs, the Site Coordinator or Academy Program Coordinator will make every effort to
contact the parent or guardian first. Then an attempt will be made to reach the person listed as the
emergency contact. If no one can be reached, the ambulance will be called for medical treatment.
The Academy cannot transport children. If a life threatening situation occurs, the ambulance will be
contacted first and then the parents. If an ambulance is needed, parents will be financially responsible.
If a non-life threatening situation occurs, The Academy employee will make a decision on medical treatment.
What is the policy on discipline?
Any member who disrupts programs or creates a dangerous situation will be disciplined appropriately.
Members who do not follow rules can expect to lose privileges and face consequences. First-time offenses are
never excused as such and will be handled based on their severity. Parents will be called, engaged and invited
to meetings when a child becomes a danger to themselves or others. Until a solution to keep the child safe
and the other children safe, the child can be removed from the program. The Club focuses on diversion and
utilizes checkmarks, Be Great Cards, accident and incident reports to communicate daily with the parents on
Children sometimes tend to explain an incident in a manner that will not implicate them or casts blame
their way. In addition, staff members, though well trained and experienced, are human, so please call The
Academy if you have any questions at all concerning disciplinary measures or any other Club activity. Your
support and involvement as the parent/guardian is vital to our success as youth development professionals.
What are checkmarks and who receives checkmarks?
A checkmarks are on a blue sheet of paper and are a reminder to youth that we do not want to see specific
behavior that was displayed again at the Academy (it is similar to a yellow or pink slip at school).
What happens if my child receives a checkmark?
The first two of a singular day are used to keep the parent informed and updated on the events and behaviors
of their child that day. If a youth receives three checkmarks in one day, the youth will be dismissed from the
Academy immediately for the remainder of the day. If a youth receives five checkmarks within three days, the
youth will be immediately dismissed for two days. Consequences will continue to become more severe if the
youth does not make good choices.
What is an Incident report?
An Incident report is on an orange sheet of paper and is filled out when a behavior that was displayed was
severe (such as bullying, physically harming another child or staff member, bringing a weapon to the Academy,
etc). In addition to the child who was taking the action to receive an incident report, guardians will also
receive one if their child was victim of said circumstances. An Incident report is also filled out when a child is
dismissed from the Academy for receiving three or more checkmarks.
What other kind of guidance strategies are used at the Academy?
The primary strategies used at the Academy is diversion and positive reinforcement. The Academy team will
also focus on collaborating with Club families, teachers and guardians to ensure a successful experience for
the child. At times, it is necessary for The Academy to use strategies such as suspension from program areas,
loss of Academy privileges, suspension (one to two weeks), indefinite suspension (until the situation can be
resolved or the parent/guardian is consulted), expulsion (permanent suspension), and contacting proper
authorities if necessary.
NOTE: If a child becomes physical or harmful to another child or staff member it is an immediate discipline
plan. Parents who demonstrate a pattern of abusive language and/or inappropriate scenes or disturbances to
children, staff or other adults will be asked to withdraw their child from the program.
*Possession of a weapon, contraband, drugs or other dangerous objects
*Stealing from the program, staff, or other peers
*Running away from the program
*Exposing private parts of the body
*Threatening or actual harm to self or others
How can I become involved?
Families are a part of The Academy program! Parents are welcome to visit the sites at any time, as long as
they have filled out the Volunteer Application and completed the Club background check! The exchange of
information about a child from the parent’s perspective and the staff members can be very helpful to the
family and to our program. The staff will be able to better meet the needs of your child if they are aware of
things like an illness in the family, a change in living location, special fears, etc.
□ Parents are required to update the child’s enrollment form when there is a change in an address or
phone number.
□ Parents will be notified if there are any significant changes with our services or policies. The
Academy Program Coordinator will send out parent letters or handouts with important information.
All records and information about families, children and staff members will remain confidential at all times.
Information that you, as parents, feel is necessary for staff to be aware of, can be directed towards your Site
Coordinator through the Academy Program Coordinator in a confidential manner.
Child Abuse and Reporting Policy:
The Academy employees are mandatory reporters. Any staff members who feels that a child may have been
abused or neglected is to immediately report to the Department of Social Services (DSS) or law enforcement.
Staff members will cooperate with the DSS or law enforcement following investigation along with taking
corrective action as recommended by DSS or law enforcement following investigation. In the event that a
staff member is being accused of child abuse, the employee will be suspended until charges are investigated.
(A full background check and fingerprints are processed on all employees before they are hired.)
Termination of Service:
Service will be terminated if a child is not following the discipline plan outlined in the handbook, or if the
family is not paying the required fees. You will be contacted by the Unit Director or Academy Program
Coordinator prior to action being taken. Please feel free to make an appointment to discuss any personal or
financial problems you may be experiencing which affects your participation.
Personal Property:
The Academy is not responsible for lost personal property. Children should not bring money, toys, food, or
other items not necessary to the program.
Please discourage your child from bringing anything to The Academy that is not completely necessary,
especially money. Necessary items, such as backpacks and jackets should be clearly marked with the
member’s name. Items that are not collected from our lost-and-found by the 15th of every month will be
donated to a local charity. The Academy is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
Thank you and welcome to The Academy with the Boys & Girls Club of Yankton!
Boys & Girls Club of Yankton
1804 Broadway
Yankton, SD 57078
Boys & Girls Club – Corporate Offices
1126 Southland Lane
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-3333
Receipt and Acceptance of Parent Handbook
I have this day received a copy of The Academy Parent Handbook, and I understand that I am responsible for
reading the policies and practices described within it.
If I have any questions regarding the content or interpretation of this Handbook, I will bring them to the
attention of the Unit Director.
I hereby certify that I expressly agree to the terms of the Parent Handbook. By signing below, I acknowledge
that I have carefully read the information and agree to the terms stated above.
Print Parent Name
Signature of Parent