Excellence International Journal of Education and Research Volume

Mental Health and Intelligence :
A correlation Study
Excellence International Journal of Education
and Research (Multi- subject journal)
Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 1
ISSN 2322-0147
Mental Health and Intelligence: A correlational Study
Dr. Ehtesham Anwar
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Integral University, Lucknow
U.P. India
Introduction :
Mental Health is the state of one’s peace of mind, happiness and
harmony brought out by one’s level of adjustment with himself and his
environment. Such a person is capable of successfully steering himself
away from difficult situations involving stresses without losing his balance
or breaking and exhausting himself. Thus, it can be said that mental health
is the health of one’s mind which can prove a potent determinant of one’s
integrated personality and balanced behavour identified on the basis of the
level of him adjustment to himself, others and environment. A mentally
healthy individual possesses a number of characteristics which influence his
life positively and help him in achieving his goals of life effectively. He has
adequate ability to make adjustments in the changed circumstances and
situations. His intellectual powers are adequately developed. He is able to
think independently and take proper decision at the proper time. He tries to
accomplish his work as effectively as possible but he does not prove to be
an extremist by becoming a perfectionist. Though these characteristics are
expected from a mentally healthy individuals, but they should be taken as
essential and necessary conditions for the maintenance of proper mental
health and thus absence of one or the other characteristic does not
necessarily mean negation of mental health. Good mental health is not just
the absence of mental problems. Being mentally healthy is much more than
free of depression, anxiety or other psychological issues.
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Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 1
ISSN 2322-0147
Intelligence consists of an individual’s those mental or cognitive
abilities which helps him in solving his actual life problems and leading a
happy and well contented life. A mentally healthy individual also aims at
leading a well adjusted and successful life.
Now the question arises that whether mentally healthy individuals are
intelligent enough to tackle their real and practical life situation in an
effective manner or whether the intelligence and mental health are
correlated to each other and in a degree of how much.
Anand (1984-85) found that those students who were selected on the
basis of intelligence and interview were mentally healthy than those who
were selected on the basis of academic background only. Hundal (1969)
studied sex differences on verbal and performance test of intelligence. He
found girls to be superior to boys on the performance test. The study also
revealed that boys developed differentiation of abilities in themselves
earlier than girls. As suggested by Brody and Brody ( 1976) the middle
class students as compared to the lower class students might have got better
genetic potential, adequate biological environment in nutrition and health
care, and stimulating cultural and learning experiences. Consequently the
mean I.Q. of the middle class students might be higher the IQ of the lower
class students.
Statement of the ProblemA Study of the Relationship between Mental Health and Intelligence.
The investigator in the present study has tried to find out the relationship
between mental health and intelligence of secondary school students.
The objectives of the study are :(1) To examine the relationship between mental health and intelligence.
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Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 1
ISSN 2322-0147
(2) To compare the mental health of high and less intelligent students.
In the light of the above objectives the following hypotheses have been
formulated :
(1) There is no significant relationship between mental health and
(2) There is no significant difference between mental health of high and
less intelligent students.
The sample of the study consists of 150 class IX secondary school students
studying in government and private school of Lucknow district.
In the present study the following tools were used for data collection:
(1) Mental Health Battery by Arun Kumar Singh and Alpana Sen Gupta.
(2) A Group Test of Intelligence developed by Dr. R.K. Tandon
Analysis & interpretation
Hypothesis :1 There is no significant relationship between mental health
and intelligence.
For finding out the relationship between mental health and intelligence
Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation is calculated.
Table :1 Coefficient of Correlation between Intelligence and Mental
Health Score
N (Number)
Mental Health score
Intelligence score
The obtained result clearly indicates that there is positive relationship
between mental health and intelligence. This leads to the rejection of the
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Excellence International Journal of Education and Research VOLUME -1 ISSUE 1
ISSN 2322-0147
Hypothesis 1. This finding is fully supported by the studies of Brody &
Bordy (1976), A. Mastasi (1976), Contah (1960), Anand (2006), Sharma &
Srivastava (2010) who found that individuals having higher intelligence
tend to acquire better mental health.
Hypothesis :2 There is no significant difference mental health of high and
less intelligent students.
Table :2 Comparison of the mental health of high and less intelligent
Level of
Std. Error
of mean
41 83.98
Mental health score of 27% highly intelligent students (N=41) and 27% less
intelligent students (N=41) is compared with their intelligence score. The
mean score of highly intelligent students is 96.37 and their standard
deviation score is 20.568. The mean score and standard deviation score of
less intelligent students are 83.98 and 20.037 respectively.
The calculated t value is 3.212 and the tabulated t value at df = 80 is
1.99 at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated t value is greater than the
tabulated t value. Hence the hypothesis which states that, there is no
significant difference between mental health of high and less intelligent
students shall be rejected. It means that the mental health of highly
intelligent students differ significantly from the mental health of less
intelligent students. The mean & score of highly intelligent students is
greater than that of less intelligent students. This shows that mental health
of highly intelligent students is better than the less intelligent students.
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ISSN 2322-0147
On the basis of these findings, it can be concluded that mental
reasoning should be incorporated in school syllabus in addition to their
health care for their better educational performance. With the help of this
study we can find out the reason for the child’s poor performance and come
up with a treatment plan early so that the child can perform up to his full
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