Go to the Web and Login Select Exceptions on the
home page
Select Report, Scope and
Display Report
Review and select Action for each Exception and Update
Go to the Web: www.sfsu.edu/faculty
Login by typing your SFSU ID number and your Personal Access Code (PAC) in the boxes provided.
Then click on the Login box.
SFSU ID Number Example: 123456789 (no hyphens or spaces)
Personal Access Code (PAC) Example: 1234 - Need a PAC?
Don’t know your Personal Access Code (PAC)? Call Human Resources (415) 405-3993 for help.
Select Exceptions: Click on Exceptions box to see any pending, processed grading exceptions or class comments. Class comments should have faculty requests for retroactive adds, section changes and any additional administrative requests faculty might have. If you do not have access to all your disciplines or departments, please contact Sophia Hutson at x87661 or Sung Hu at x82839 or the Registrar’s Office at (415) 338-2567.
Select Report Type, Scope and Display Exceptions/Report: You can customize your review of petitions for grade exceptions to suit your schedule/needs. You can access exceptions any time during the Grade Submission Period and review by individual class, department, class level, individual student or type of exception. You can have multiple sorts, e.g., you can select all Upper Division withdrawals within a particular department/discipline. Just click on the Display Exceptions/Reports box.
Review and Select Action for each Exception: Once you have requested your report, please review each exception and select/highlight from the Action box your decision to either Approve, Deny or No Decision. We have pre-set the default for all
Chairs and Deans to No Decision .
Note: You can change your default setting for the Grading Exception Action box. Click on the Settings box at the top
of the page. By Default decision for exception review, there are three choices: No Decision, Approve, and Deny. Select
one of the default settings and click on Update preferences.
If you need to contact an instructor and he or she has an email account, you may click on the instructor’s name to send them an email.
Instructors can view all their pending and processed grading exceptions on Web Grades . You should send them an email notification of your denial of any exception petitions. They will need to input the proper grade now that you have denied the exception .
When you have finished reviewing all the grading exception petitions submitted by your faculty and have selected the actions, click on the Update Exceptions box. Any approved exceptions will be posted on students’ records.
COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING: Beginning Fall 2004, faculty may assign Community Service Learning credit hours earned to students in designated classes. This is done via web grades. Faculty will see an additional column next to the grade column. If CSL credit has been earned, they will click on the pull down and select the number of credit hours earned. When grades are submitted, the grade and CSL credit hours earned will be posted on the student’s record. This information will also print on the student’s transcripts. PLEASE NOTE: Chair and dean’s approval is NOT needed to assign CSL credit; however, course must have received the CSL designation .
If you have any questions about the CSL program, please contact Perla Barrientos, Director of the Office of Community Service Learning, (415) 338-3282, barrent@sfsu.edu
or visit their web site at http://www.sfsu.edu/~ocsl/
You may repeat the above process for any new grading exceptions until the Dean’s deadline of Friday, January 7, 2005 at 5pm.
Chairs should complete their review earlier in order to allow the Dean’s office sufficient time to review all grading exceptions.
Need Help? Contact Sung Hu at x82839 or Sophia Hutson at x87661 or call Francie McGowan (415) 338-2567 through Dec 23.
After Dec.23
rd , contact Suzanne Dmytrenko @ (415) 338-2823 .