Trait Theories: Allport, Eysenck, & Cattell

Trait Theories: Intro., Allport, Eysenck, &
trait = consistent patterns in the way that people
think, act, and feel.
Emphasizes inherent qualities
Views on traits:
1. nomothetic approach
2. idiographic approch
stability of personality
b. differences between people
Approaches to studying traits:
1. Many-trait approach
Single-trait approach
e.g. authoritarianism
e.g. self-monitoring
Essential-trait approach
Murray (20+ needs)
Cattell (16 traits)
Eysenck (3 traits)
The Big Five (or Five Factor Model)
Gordon Allport (1897 - 1967)
 ideographic approach
Structure of personality - heirarchy
3. Cardinal traits - ruling passions
2. Central traits
3. secondary traits
Proprium = the self
functional autonomy- behavior becomes
independent of original motive
Hans Eysenck (1916 - 1997) PEN Model
Three types:
1. Introversion/Extraversion
2. Stability/Neuroticism
3. Impulse control/Psychoticism Inhibition Theory:
Why do people differ on these types? Eysenck
A. heredity (research:)
B. cerebral cortex differences in CNS
C. research in support of Eysenck=s inhibition
Furnham & Bradley (1997)
Furnham et al. (1994)
Cambell & Hawley (1982)
Landrum (1992), Bullock & Gilliland (1993)
In-class application:
Based on what you know about yourself, are
you an introvert or an extravert? Given your
classification as an introvert or extravert, what
types of study conditions are likely to maximize
your academic performance? Does this match
with how you currently study?
Cattell (1905 - 1998)
Based on language. Used factor analysis to
reduce trait words.
Used a multivariate statistical approach.
1. Multivariate
2. Bivariate
3. Clinical approach
Sixteen Personality Factor (16 P.F.)
marriage counseling
career testing
16 personality factors:
reserved vs. warm
reactive vs. emotionally stable
deferential vs. dominant
serious vs. lively
shy vs. socially bold
trusting vs. vigilant
practical vs. imaginative
traditional vs. open to change
In-class Integration of material:
Compare the views of Allport, Eysenck, and
Cattell on the trait concept, emphasizing
similarities and differences.