JEcol-A1-5 1 APPENDIX S1. P HOTOSYNTHETIC LIGHT RESPONSES To assess energy assimilation during flowering, light responses of photosynthetic rates were measured using a portable, open-path, gas-exchange system (LI6400; Li-Cor) on 24 June 2009. We selected 3 females and 2 males and enclosed a leaf in the opaque leaf chamber of the gasexchange system, through which air was exchanged. Ten photosynthetic photon flux densities (2000, 1500, 1000, 800, 500, 300, 100, 50, 10 and 0 µmol m -2 s-1) were provided using a redblue LED at a constant leaf temperature (20 oC). The CO2 concentration in the ambient air entering the leaf chamber and the leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit were maintained at 370 mL L-1 and 1.1 kPa, respectively, during measurement. Net photosynthetic rate per area (A) can be described as a non-rectangular hyperbolic function of photon irradiance (I, mol m-2 s-1), A fI Pmax fI Pmax 2 4 fIqPmax 2q R, (1) where Pmax is the light-saturated photosynthetic rate per area (mol m-2 s-1), f is the initial slope (mol m-2 s-1), q is the degree of curvature (dimensionless), and R is the dark respiration rate (mol m-2 s-1: Marshall and Biscoe, 1980). We quantified the relation of mean net photosynthetic rate to photon irradiance based on eq. 1 by non-linear, mixed-model regression (proc nlmixed, SAS version 9.3). This analysis considered normally distributed residuals for individual plants and normally distributed variation among plants in light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax). We analysed all data for females and males simultaneously and considered all possible models that differed with respect to which of the four parameters (f, Pmax, q, and R) were common or different between sexes. The best-fitting model was identified based on the Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). The AIC for the model with common parameter between males and females for all photosynthetic parameters was smaller than that for all other models by > 11 (Table S1), and so JEcol-A1-5 2 was selected as best-fitting model. For this model the parameter estimates ( SE) are: f, 0.036 0.016; Pmax, 3.58 0.35; q, 0.00014 0.76; R, 0.95 0.15. Based on this result, we conclude that the sexes photosynthesized at equivalent rates. Table S1. Fits of the five non-linear mixed models for photosynthetic parameters with the lowest AIC f Pmax q R AIC common common common common 74.1 separated common common common 85.3 common common common separated 86.0 common common separated separated 86.8 separated common separated common 87.0 References Marshall, B. & Biscoe, P.V. (1980) A model for C3 leaves describing the dependence of net photosynthesis on irradiance. 1. Derivation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 31, 29-39. JEcol-A1-5 3 APPENDIX S2. DETAILS OF RESULTS OF GENERALIZED LINEAR MIXED MODEL OF THE EFFECTS OF STAGE, SEX, AND SINK MANIPULATION ON THE DISTRIBUTIONS OF EXCESS 13C AND MASS AMONG ORGANS FOR INTACT FEMALE PLANTS DURING 2008 AND INTACT AND FLOWER-REMOVAL PLANTS DURING 2011 Table S2. Results of generalized linear mixed models of the effect of stage (flowering or early fruiting), sex (female or male), and sink manipulation (intact, flower removal) on the distribution of excess 13C and mass among organs (flowers or fruits, stems, leaves, current rhizomes, previous rhizomes, new rhizomes). Excess 13C Mass Effect df F df Excess 13C F df F a) Seasonality (only females) Stage (Flowering, Fruiting) 1, 15 23.65 *** 1, 15 16.51 *** 1, 16.24 0.07 Organ 5, 80 122.04 *** 5, 80 39.65 *** 5, 81.44 97.8 *** Stage x Organ 5, 80 4.97 *** 5, 80 10.3 *** 5, 79.40 14.6 *** 1, 15 5.67 * 1, 16.69 Log(total 13C per plant) Log(mass per organ) Log(total mass per plant) 1, 93.41 1, 15 83.85 *** 0 287.4 *** JEcol-A1-5 4 b) Treatment (Flower-removal during flowering) Sex (Male, Female) 1, 32 0.69 1, 32 0.16 1, 31.78 0.4 Treatment (Intact, Flower removal) 1, 32 1.88 1, 32 0.43 1, 31.74 3.99 Organ 5, 165 Sex x Treatment 1, 32 Sex x Organ 5, 165 Treatment x Organ Sex x Treatment x Organ 206.1 *** 0 104.24 *** 5, 168.4 192.17 *** 1, 32 0.28 1, 31.73 0.01 0.63 5, 165 1.68 5, 164 9.21 *** 5, 165 0.34 5, 165 0.77 5, 164 0.44 5, 165 0.43 5, 165 1.19 5, 164 1.98 1, 32 4.61 * 1, 31.73 Log(total 13C per plant) Log(mass per organ) Log(total mass per plant) 5, 165 1, 194 1, 32 214.01 *** 12.55 ** 1351.23 *** JEcol-A1-5 5 APPENDIX S3. DISTRIBUTION OF LEAST -SQUARES MEAN EXCESS 13C AMONG ORGANS AFTER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMONG - PLANT VARIATION IN TOTAL EXCESS 13 C AND INDIVIDUAL ORGAN MASS (2008) To assess the extent to which carbon allocation simply reflected the size of each organ (i.e. mass), excess 13C was analysed with ln(mass per organ) as a covariate (Fig. S1). Detailed interpretations are presented in the main text. For females during the early fruiting period (Fig. S1c), mass affected the distribution of excess 13C among organs differently, depending on treatment (Table 1c, Ln(mass per organ) x Treatment x Organ interaction), primarily because of effects on fruits. For intact and defoliated plants, excess 13C in fruits increased with mass (intact; partial regression coefficient ± SE = 2.34 ± 0.20, t116.4 = 11.61, P < 0.001, defoliation; 2.68 ± 0.21, t116.1 = 12.67, P < 0.001), whereas in fruit-removed plants, excess 13C varied independently of mass (0.17 ± 0.46, t118 = 0.38, P = 0.70). Thus, fruits of fruit-removed plants received much less excess 13C than those of intact and defoliated plants. JEcol-A1-5 6 FIG. S1. Distribution of least-squares mean (±SE) excess 13C among organs (Fl - flowers; Fr = fruits; L - leaves; S - stems; CR - current rhizomes; PR - previous rhizomes; NR - new rhizomes) after adjustment for among-plant variation in total excess 13 C and individual organ mass with respect to a) sex and stage, (b) sex (flowering stage only), and (c) and treatments applied to females (intact, defoliation, and fruit removal) during fruiting in Thalictrum JEcol-A1-5 7 occidentale. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) among factors within an organ. Note the logarithmic scaling of the ordinate. Statistical results are shown in Table 1. JEcol-A1-5 8 APPENDIX S4. R ELATIONS OF LEAST -SQUARES MEAN FLOWER NUMBER AND FLOWER MASS TO DEFOLIATION , AND OF FRUIT MASS TO DEFOLIATION OR FRUIT REMOVAL AFTER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMONG - PLANT VARIATION IN PLANT MASS (2008) FIG. S2. Relations of least-squares mean (±SE) flower number and mass to defoliation, and of fruit mass to defoliation or fruit removal after adjustment for among-plant variation in mass per JEcol-A1-5 9 plant for Thalictrum occidentale. Note the logarithmic scaling of the ordinate. Statistical results are shown in Table 3. JEcol-A1-5 10 APPENDIX S5. RESULTS OF GENERALIZED LINEAR MODEL FOR SIZE-DEPENDENT ALLOCATION TO FLOWER PRODCUTION DURING 2012 Table S3. Results of analyses of size-dependent allocation to flower production during 2012 using a generalized linear model that considered the effects of sex, reproductive status during the past year (fully or limited reproduction during 2011), and stem diameter during 2012 as a measure of plant size in Thalictrum occidentale. Effect df F Sex 1, 105 2.79 Past reproduction (PR) 1, 105 3.99* Sex x PR 1, 105 3.55 ln(stem diameter) 1, 105 8.58** ln(stem diameter) x Sex 1, 105 4.46* ln(stem diameter) x PR 1, 105 5.66* ln(stem diameter) x Sex x PR 1, 105 5.32*