Topographic Map Notes Outline

Topographic Map Notes Outline
Name: ________________ Period: _____
You will need your Glencoe book p. 268 – 271
1. Define the following:
Topographic Map Contour line –
Contour intervals Index Contours –
Map Scale –
Map legend –
2. List 4 things that topographic maps indicate, besides location relative to identifiable natural features.
3. How do contour lines change if the elevation is more steep or less steep?
4. The Contour Rules:
A. Contour lines ___________ around __________ and ____________. To decide whether you are
looking at a hill or basin, _________________________________________________________
_______. These are __________ lines drawn at ___________ angles to the contour line. They show
______________ by pointing toward ______________________________.
B. Contour lines __________________. If they did, ________________________________________
C. Contour lines form _________ that point _______________ when they ______________________.
This is because streams flow in ______________________________________________________
____________________________. When contour lines cross the depression, _________________
5. What do scientists use to map the planets?
6. Scales are often represented as a ___________________.
7. The units of measure on each side of the ratio must ______________________________.
For example: 1 cm (on map) = 80,000 cm (in real life)
8. Use page 600 of the book and draw and label 5 symbols.
9. Read the “Applying Science” section on p. 271. Use the graph below to complete the Identifying the Problem
part and then answer questions 1-3 underneath. You may work with a partner on this problem.
Various Elevations of
geological map near coal
seam (meters)
go from 770 km to
860 km
Distance of coal seam (km)
Answer Questions 1, 2, and 3 below.