Lecture 2. LABOUR DEMAND Theories for the demand for the factors of production Labour demand theory sets to explain the demand for manpower The demand for labour depends on the cost of labour, but also on the cost of other factors, such as how effective its workforce are, and the price they can sell their products. The demand side of the labour market W Supply Demand L 1 Share of total employment in some industries in Norway 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 1970 1980 Industri 1990 Helse og sos 2000 Underv 2006 Offentlig 2 DISPOSITION 1. LABOUR DEMAND IN THE SHORT RUN 2. THE SUBSTITUTION OF CAPITAL FOR LABOUR 3. SCALE EFFECTS 4. BEYOND TWO INPUTS 5. MONOPSONY 3 1. LABOUR DEMAND IN THE SHORT RUN Only labour is a variable input Y(P): Demand for particular good P = P(Y) The inverse demand function PY P Y Y P Elasticity of demand, assumed to be decreasing PY 0 Perfect competition PY 0 Im perfect competition Y = F (L) F’>0, F’’<0 The firm’s profit: II(L) = P(Y)Y-WL with Y=F(L) Goal of the entrepreneur: To choose L so to maximise profits. The first order condition: II’(L) = F’(L)[P(Y)+P’(Y)Y] –W = F’(L)P(Y)(1+ PY ) –W = 0 When (1+ PY )>0 the labour demand is given by: (1) F ' ( L) v W P with v 1 1 PY 4 Where v is the mark up, a measure of the firm’s market power. v = 1: No market power Derivating (1) with respect to w: L v 0 W F ' F ' P ' pF ' ' Short run labour demand is a decreasing function of w W Supply Demand L This represents a movement along the demand curve 5 2. THE SUBSTITUTION OF CAPITAL FOR LABOUR In the longer run, the firm may replace part of its workforce with machines, or conversely increase the number of workers and reduce its stock of capital Two inputs: Capital and labour Y = F(K,L) FK>0 FL>0 FKK<0 FLL<0 Minimization of total costs Min (WL RK ) ( K , L) The solutions: subject to F ( K , L) Y L and K are the conditional demand for labour and capital. The minimal value of total costs or WL RK is a function of the unit cost of each factor and the level of production. This is called: The minimum cost function: C(W, R, Y) 6 The properties of the cost function: i) It is increasing with respect to each of the arguments and is homogenous of degree 1. ii) It is concave in (W,R), which signifoes that Cww<0 and CRR<0 iii) It satisfises the Shepard’s lemma: ==> L = Cw(W,R,Y) and K = CR(W,R,Y) Where L and K are the optimal use of L and K. The properties of the conditional factor prices: Variation in factor prices: L CW W 0 W Where the sign follows from that the cost function is concave. Cross elasticities: The cross elasticities of the conditional demand for a factor with respect to the price of the other factor are defined by: RL R L L R and RL W K K W 7 The elasticity of substitution This is the elasticity of the variable ( K / L ) with respect to the relative price W/R. The elasticity of substitution between capital and labour is given by: W / R ( K / L ) K / L ( w / R) This formula says that the capital labour ratio increases by % when the ratio between the price of labour and the price of capital increases by 1 %. K L Put simple: The elasticity of substitution measures how many per cent K/L has to change with when the isoquant become 1 % steeper 8 3. SCALE EFFECTS Now: The firm can choose the level of production Unconditional factor demand The profit function: (14) II (W, R,Y) = P(Y)Y – C(W,R,Y) Maximising (14) with respect to Y The optimal level of production is given by: (15) P(Y) = vCY(W,R,Y) with v 1 1 PY The firm sets its price by applying the markup v to its marginal costs CY The optimality condition takes the form: W P R FK ( K , L) v P FL ( K , L) v and At optimum, the marginal productivity of each factor equal to its costs, multiplied by the mark up==>The long run demand for capital and for labour When v = 1: perfect competition v>1 : imperfect competition 9 The relationship between the demand for a factor and its cost: The profit function is equal to the maximal value of profit for given values of the inputs. It is defined by: II(W, R) Max II(W, R, Y) P(Y )Y C (W , R, Y ) Y Differentiating the profit function with respect to W, we get: II W (W, R) [P(Y*)(1 η PY ) - C Y (W, R, Y*)] Y * C W (W, R, Y*) W where Y* be the optimal level of production: According to (15) the term in brackets are zero. Moreover: Shepard’s lemma (6) states that the CW = L*. Then we arrive at the following relation IIW = -L* and IIR = -K* The profit function II(W,R) being convex, we have IIWW 0 and IIRR 0 10 L * II W W 0 and W L * II RR 0 R Thus, unconditional demand for a factor is a decreasing function of the cost of this factor. Labour demand elasticities: It is possible to be more exact about the unconditional labour demand. We have L* = CW(W,R,Y*) Differentiating this equality with respect to W, we get: L * Y * CW W CW Y W W Multiply with W/L*. We then get: L * W W Y * W CW W CW Y W L * L* W L * WL Y * CW Y W Y CW W ( )W L L* W CW W and Since L* =CW(W,R,Y*), the terms: L ( Y * CW Y ) designate respectively the elasticity WL L* 11 of the conditional labour demand, and the elasticity of this demand with respect to the level of output at point Y=Y* This last elasticity can be denoted: YL We finally obtain: (19) Y WL WL YLW L Substitution effect: W Always negative Scale effect: Y W Always negative L Y The substitution effect: For a given output; a rise in labour costs always leads to reduced utilization of this factor. The scale effect measures on the profit maximating production level from increased W. 12 4. BEYOND TWO INPUTS Now, more than two inputs 1.Conditional demand Minimization of total costs for a given level of output: The product function Y = F(X1,...,Xn) where Xi is the quantity of factor i. The conditional demands are obtained by minimizing total costs of a given quantity Y: n i i Min W X 1 n X ,..., X st F(X1 ,..., X n ) Y i 1 The Lagrangian of this problem is: n W i X i (F(X 1 ,..., X n ) - Y) i 1 13 Differentiating the Lagrangian wrt Xi gives us the first order condition i W Fi 0 i X The conditional factor demand X i are defined by the following equation: (23) F ( X ..., X ) Y 1, n and Fi( X 1, ..., X n ) W i Fj( X 1, ..., X n ) W j Eq (23) says that the technical rate of substitution (Fi/Fj)between factor i and j is equal to the relative cost (Wi/Wj). The cost function The minimum value of total costs, or W i X j is also called the cost function of the firm. It depends on the output and its price: C(W1,...,Wn,Y) As earlier: It satisfies Shepard’s lemma: (24) X i Ci (W1 ,..., Wn , Y ) 14 P-substitute and P-complements Differentiating (24) with respect to W gives X i C ii 0 W i The conditional demand for input is always decreasing with the price of input. General result. Does not depend on the number of inputs The cross-price effect Contrary to the two-factor case, the variation in the conditional demand for a factor resulting from a change in the cost of another factor does not always have the same sign. When Wi rises the firm reduces their demand for i, and they must increase their demand for at least one other factor to keep output constant. Without any further information about technology, it is not possible to know either which factor will be utilized more. Still, the symmetry condition holds: X i X j (26) Cij j i W W Eq (26) says that the effect of a variation in the price of factor j on conditional demand for factor j on conditional demand for factor i is 15 the same as that of a variation in the price of factor i on the conditional demand for factor j. X i 0 Substitutes W j X i 0 complements W j Factor i and j are substitutes if, to keep a given level of Y, the demand for one of the factors increases when the price of the other factor rises. Elasticity of substitution The cross elasticity of the conditional demand for factor i with respct to price j: W j X i W j (27) Cij X i W j X i The partial elasticity of substitution is given by: ( 28) ij CCij Ci C j This is analogous to the two-factor situation. 16 2. Unconditional demands Now the goal is to maximise profits ==> Unconditional demand Maximise profits The previous cost function C(W,R,Y) is replaced by C(W1,...,Wn, Y) The optimal level of output is given by: (30) P(Y) = vCY(W1,...,Wn, Y) i.e., the firm set its price by applying the markup to the marginal costs. We have: II(W1,...,Wn) This is the maximal value of profit for given factor costs The unconditional demand for factor i is given by: Xi = - IIi(W1,...,Wn) IIi is the partial derivative of the profit function with respect to W The profit function is convex, i.e., IIii >0 Then we can present the relationship between demand for a factor and its price: X i II ii 0 i W 17 The demand for a factor diminishes with the price of this factor applies irrespective of the number of inputs. Often called the “law” of demand. W Supply Long run Short run L 18 Gross substitutes and gross complements From earlier we have the equation for the optimal use of factor i: X i Ci (W 1 ,...,W n , Y ) Differentiating this with respect to Wj we get: X i Y C C ij iY W j W j Multiplying by Wj/Xi : Wj YC W Y i Cij ( iYi ) j X X Y W j i j This is a measure of the elasticity of the demand for factor i with respect to price Wj The term Wj Cij represents Xi the the elasticity of the conditional demand taken at profit optimum. From Shepard’s lemmaXi=Ci, the term YC iY Xi measures the output elasticity of the conditional demand for input i. 19 Finally, then we have: (31) ij ji Yi jY This measures the effects of a rise in Wj of factor j on the demand for factor i. ij is the substitution effect Yi jY is the scale effect When i j, j , has no determinate sign. It is positive (negative) if the i factor i and j are substitutes (complements). The second term is the scale effect, which also has an indeterminate sign. 20 MONOPSONY Imperfect competition, barriers to entry Enables the firm to discriminate The basic model The firm faces a labour supply Ls(w)=G(W) which is an increasing function of w The problem of the monopolist is given by: II ( w) Ls ( w)( y w) Max w The first order condition wL ( w M ) wM y 1 wL ( w M ) where wLs ' ( w) (w ) s 0 L ( w) L w M The term wL ( w M ) 1 wL ( w M ) lies between 0 and 1. The wage chosen by the monopsonist is below the competitive wage, except were labour supply is infinite. 21