Middle School Commitment to Excellence 2014-2015 School-Wide Title I School-Parent-Student Compact TEACHER’S COMMITMENT: I will . . . . . . meet the individual needs of each student daily. . . . have a student-friendly classroom. . . . commit to using Social Skills . . . . be a caring, respectful, cooperative team player. . . . maintain organized documentation of student progress, parent contact, and other professional activities. . . . support an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork through centers, small group work, and the use of manipulatives. . . . be an engaged member of and contribute to our professional learning community –keep learning each day! . . . work diligently to cultivate positive relationships with school community members –communicate with parents frequently. . . . encourage healthy attitudes and model healthful habits which support wellness and physical fitness. . . . complete a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times a week. . . . bring healthy food and drinks to school and no nuts. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow these commitments to excellence. ______________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher’s Signature / Date Signed PARENT(S)’/GUARDIAN(S)’ COMMITMENT: I will . . . . . . work with teachers as partners for my child. . . . talk with teachers through emails, car rider line, phone calls, text, etc. . . . check the parent portal frequently. . . . check homework and discuss lessons with your child. . . . help my child with homework and projects. . . . encourage or study with my child for tests and quizzes. . . . encourage healthy attitudes and model healthful habits which support wellness and physical fitness. . . . send only healthy foods or drinks to school. . . . not send any items to school with nuts –we are a nut-free school. . . . ensure that my student(s) follow the school rules in order to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all learners. . . . make sure I get my child to school by 8am each morning . . . come into the school office to sign my child(ren) in if they arrive after 8am. . . . send in doctor’s notes when my child is out sick… but strive to have my child have perfect attendance this year. . . . make sure I pick my child(ren) up on time each day . . . . allow my child(ren) to go on Legacy Charter School field trips and pay necessary fees that correspond to each trip. . . . make sure my child(ren) follow Legacy Charter School dress code. ( clean khaki bottoms, white shirt and Legacy tie, sneakers, shirts tucked in.) . . . strive to volunteer at least 5 hours each year in classroom or for school events. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow these commitments to excellence. ________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature / Date Signed STUDENT’S COMMITMENT: I will . . . . . . read every night. . . . complete my homework every night. . . . study for tests and quizzes. . . . be an engaged and active learner. . . . model healthy attitudes and healthful habits which support wellness and physical fitness. . . . bring only healthy foods and drinks to school and no nuts. . . . follow the school rules and behave in a manner that will protect the safety, interest, and rights of all learners. . . . be polite each day in school and on field trips. . . . follow Legacy Charter School’s dress code. (khaki bottoms, white shirt and Legacy tie, sneakers, shirts tucked in, clean.) . . . follow Legacy Charter School’s school calendar and be on time. I understand that it is my responsibility to follow these commitments to excellence. ________________________________________________ Student’s Signature / Date Signed I understand that it is my responsibility to follow these commitments to excellence. ________________________________________________ Principal and/or Assistant Principal Signature/ Date ****Legacy Charter Faculty shall respond to parental concerns at the most appropriate school level(s) within 24 hours or first business day after receiving parental comment; share the concerns or questions with other school officials as appropriate or required, and maintain a file of parental comments and concerns and their dispositions at appropriate local school and District levels as required by District or Title I procedures.