Grammar Post-test One w answers for review

Grammar Post-test One with Answers
Choose the correct answer.
1. Actually, why he really needed a cell phone was to talk to his friends in between school and work. And to send
text messages.
*a. fragment
b. complete sentence
Choose the correct answer.
2. Ethan's cell phone stopped working, so he needed a new one.
a. fragment
*b. complete sentence
Choose the correct answer.
3. He wondered what kind of pictures he would send by phone. If he had a phone that could send pictures.
*a. fragment
b. complete sentence
Choose the correct answer.
4. The man behind the deli counter had a great smile and seemed to be very happy with his job.
a. fragment
*b. complete sentence
Choose the correct answer.
5. After she rang the doorbell, a man opened the door, he was a large man, unshaven and dressed in his pajamas.
*a. comma splice
b. fused sentence
c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
6. Ever since the family across the street got its new watchdog, the dog had barked all night every night.
a. comma splice
b. fused sentence
*c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
7. Lenny didn't have a job and he often said that his parents were not rich therefore Anthony couldn't help
wondering where Lenny was getting the money.
a. comma splice
*b. fused sentence
c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
8. Sophia was exhausted and angry, she hadn't slept well for a week now.
*a. comma splice
b. fused sentence
c. correct
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
Choose the correct answer.
9. Ever since I moved to this dormitory room I've had one accident after another these are not major accidents, just
small ones like hitting my leg against a table.
a. comma splice
*b. fused sentence
c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
10. I'm thinking I'd be better off getting rid of my head, but I guess that's not very realistic.
a. comma splice
b. fused sentence
*c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
11. My best answer so far has been to look up right after I bend over unfortunately, that hasn't stopped me from
slamming my hip against the table.
a. comma splice
*b. fused sentence
c. correct
Choose the correct answer.
12. The maintenance people said they could not guarantee that Melinda would get only hawthorn trees they would
select the trees randomly when they come to do the planting.
a. comma splice
*b. fused sentence
c. correct
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
13. A common childrens' lesson is to explain how the sun travels through the sky over the course of a day.
*a. A common children's lesson is to explain how the sun travels through the sky over the course of a day.
b. A common childrens lesson is to explain how the sun travels through the sky over the course of a day.
c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
14. Followers of the Atkins diet are allowed only twenty gram's worth of carbohydrates a day during the first two
weeks of the diet.
*a. Followers of the Atkins diet are allowed only twenty grams' worth of carbohydrates a day during the first
two weeks of the diet.
b. Followers of the Atkins diet are allowed only twenty grams worth of carbohydrates a day during the first two
weeks of the diet.
c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
15. Most doctors agree that both the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fine for healthy people on a shortterm basis; however, doctors are not certain if mens and womens bodies are affected differently.
a. Most doctors agree that both the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fine for healthy people on a shortterm basis; however, doctors are not certain if mens' and womens' bodies are affected differently.
*b. Most doctors agree that both the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are fine for healthy people on a shortterm basis; however, doctors are not certain if men's and women's bodies are affected differently.
c. no change
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
16. The Egyptians' are thought to have established the first 365-day calendar, around 4236 BCE.
a. The Egyptian's are thought to have established the first 365-day calendar, around 4236 BCE.
*b. The Egyptians are thought to have established the first 365-day calendar, around 4236 BCE.
c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
17. After locating springs and other water sources in the hills engineers dug channels in the rock to funnel the water
downhill to huge cisterns.
*a. After locating springs and other water sources in the hills, engineers dug channels in the rock to funnel the
water downhill to huge cisterns.
b. After locating springs and other water sources in the hills, engineers dug channels in the rock, to funnel the
water downhill to huge cisterns.
c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
18. At a time when many young women went to teachers' college, if they were lucky enough to go to school at all,
she studied math at a nearby university.
a. At a time when many young women went to teachers' college if they were lucky enough to go to school at all,
she studied math at a nearby university.
b. At a time when many young women went to teachers' college, if they were lucky enough to go to school at all
she studied math at a nearby university.
*c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
19. My grandmother remembers, that Cleo liked to quote lines of poetry and repeat what she saw as useful sayings.
a. My grandmother remembers that Cleo liked to quote lines of poetry, and repeat what she saw as useful
*b. My grandmother remembers that Cleo liked to quote lines of poetry and repeat what she saw as useful
c. no change
Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.
20. There she met my great-grandfather Tom Henderson and they married shortly after Tom completed his service
in World War I.
a. There she met my great-grandfather Tom Henderson, and they married shortly after Tom completed his
service in World War I.
*b. There she met my great-grandfather, Tom Henderson, and they married shortly after Tom completed his
service in World War I.
c. no change
21. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
*a. In December 2004, a tsunami hit Sri Lanka and other countries in the Indian Ocean, killing more than 200,000
people and displacing more than a million.
b. In December 2004, a tsunami hit Sri Lanka and other countries in the Indian Ocean, killing more than 200,000
people and more than a million were displaced.
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
22. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
*a. A rare inland tsunami could happen only in a lake with deep water and a vast surface located in an
earthquake-prone area.
b. A rare inland tsunami could happen only in a lake with deep water and having a vast surface located in an
earthquake-prone area.
23. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
*a. A good cup of tea requires fresh tea leaves, filtered water, and a preheated teapot.
b. A good cup of tea requires fresh tea leaves, filtered water, and making sure the teapot has been preheated.
24. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. I hated being called on to read aloud. I had not only a distinct accent but also was naturally shy.
*b. I hated being called on to read aloud. I not only had a distinct accent but also was naturally shy.
25. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. After the summer's drought had dried up the water in the woods around our town, you began to see skunks
*b. After the summer's drought had dried up the water in the woods around our town, we began to see skunks
26. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. Rowling, who is now one of the richest people in England, had the ability to make readers of any age
remember their awkward preteen years.
*b. Rowling, who is now one of the richest people in England, has the ability to make readers of any age
remember their awkward preteen years.
27. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. If a skunk sprays the family dog, soap and water will not remove the smell from their fur.
*b. If a skunk sprays the family dog, soap and water will not remove the smell from its fur.
28. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. Although every child would love to have magic abilities like the ones Harry has, few would want to face all of
the evils that Harry encountered.
*b. Although every child would love to have magic abilities like the ones Harry has, few would want to face all of
the evils that Harry encounters.
29. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. An American family is likely to have at least two cars in their garage.
*b. American families are likely to have at least two cars in their garages.
30. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. Every automobile manufacturer in the 1990s was making their biggest profits on giant sport utility vehicles
with very poor gas mileage.
*b. Every automobile manufacturer in the 1990s was making its biggest profits on giant sport utility vehicles
with very poor gas mileage.
31. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. Healthy bodies come in all types, and young people need to understand this.
*b. Healthy bodies come in all types, and young people need to understand this lesson.
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
32. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a. Images in glossy magazines, in film, and on television tell you every day that extra pounds are ugly.
*b. Images in glossy magazines, in film, and on television imply every day that extra pounds are ugly.
Choose the correct answer.
33. Before reaching college, nearly everyone already (knows / know) several facts about fables.
*a. knows
b. know
Choose the correct answer.
34. The mouse who makes the suggestion gets a round of applause. The committee members, who (wishes / wish)
that they had thought of the idea, are silent. Then a wise old mouse asks, "Who will bell the cat?" The
experienced mice and the young pipsqueak are silent. It is easy to make suggestions that others have to carry
a. wishes
*b. wish
Choose the correct answer.
35. In the story, a committee of mice (is / are) appointed to find a way to stop the cat from killing so many mice.
*a. is
b. are
Choose the correct answer.
36. There (is / are) generally only two or three characters in an Aesop fable.
a. is
*b. are
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
37. Adam didn't know why, but he was always high interested in learning how to square dance.
*a. Adam didn't know why, but he was always highly interested in learning how to square dance.
b. Adam didn't know why, but he was always most high interested in learning how to square dance.
c. no change
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
38. By the last lesson, Adam felt he had learned two important things; he now knew that the steps were easier to
follow when he danced lightly, and he knew he liked Melissa a lot.
a. By the last lesson, Adam felt he had learned two important things; he now knew that the steps were more
easy to follow when he danced lightly, and he knew he liked Melissa a lot.
b. By the last lesson, Adam felt he had learned two important things; he now knew that the steps were easier to
follow when he danced light, and he knew he liked Melissa a lot.
*c. no change
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
39. He hit the ball extreme hard, and I didn't have time to get ready for it.
a. He hit the ball extreme hardly, and I didn't have time to get ready for it.
*b. He hit the ball extremely hard, and I didn't have time to get ready for it.
c. no change
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
40. One day, my friend Allison dropped by and saw me wearing the eye patch; she said it looked true distinguished.
a. One day, my friend Allison dropped by and saw me wearing the eye patch; she said it looked most true
*b. One day, my friend Allison dropped by and saw me wearing the eye patch; she said it looked truly
c. no change
Grammar Post-test One with Answers
Post-test One Answer Key