Quotation Document PART ONE – Instructions to Tenderers QUOTATION RETURN DATE: The tenderer is to submit their companies’ quotation by 4.00pm on Friday 28th November 2014 electronically to the secure email address set out in the invitation to tender letter, their companies’ quotation. OBSCURITY: Where any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any item in the quotation document the Tenderer is to seek immediate clarification and confirmation in writing from the Open Space and Bereavement Service Manager before sending in his tender in order that such doubt or obscurity may be removed. For should any misunderstanding arise during the contract the decision of the Open Space and Bereavement Service Manager as to the true intent and meaning of any dimension, clause, appendices, work or sent, shall be conclusive and binding. ALTERATION AND QUALIFICATION TO SPECIFICATION: No alteration or qualification shall be made to the quotation document without instruction from or prior approval of the Open Space and Bereavement Service Manager. Should a tenderer qualify his tender he shall be given the opportunity to withdraw such qualification without amending his tender, if he fails to do so his whole tender will be rejected if it afforded an unfair advantage. THE EMPLOYER: The Employer does NOT accept responsibility for any expense the Tenderer may incur in preparing his tender. The Council is not bound to accept any tender submitted. QUOTATION RETURN: Returned as part of the quotation return must be;1 The Form of Quotation, duly completed 2. Pert Three – Schedule of Fees, duly completed 3. A suggested programme for the completion of work stages 1 & 2 4. Details of similar projects carried out by the Company within the last five years, together with contact details for these projects to enable the Council to obtain a satisfactory reference. 5. CV’s for company staff that you propose to use on this project All quotations must be returned using the secure email address quoted in the invitation to tender letter. A hard copy will not be accepted. QUOTATION EVALUATION The quotations will be evaluated on the basis of price and the tenderers previous experience. Should the tenderer be unable to provide details of at least three similar projects undertaken within the last five years and if any of these three projects provides a less than satisfactory reference then the tenderers quotation will be rejected. CANVASSING: Canvassing either directly or indirectly will disqualify. VAT: The tender value is to be exclusive of VAT PART TWO - Quotation Document Requirements The Council seeks a quotation from competent and qualified companies to undertake consultancy work required to design, obtain planning permission and seek competitive tenders for the development of additional burial space and a mitigation drainage scheme, at Clacton Cemetery, Burrs Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex Scope of the Work The Council has previously obtained an initial design for the scheme which was prepared by Cemetery Development Services (CDS) together with a Preliminary Assessment carried out by Essex Ecology Services Limited (EECOS). This design provides an overall design for the future layout of the site, together with the installation of mitigation surface water drainage work to prevent surface water remaining in and around the existing graves together with providing a suitable Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) to take the water from the rest of the site and to discharge this via reed beds into the existing surface water drainage system. The Council is now looking to progress the 1st phase of the layout which includes the installation of new drainage, the installation of the SUDS and the laying out of the first section of the cemetery extension by appointing suitable consultants to carry out the following work stages. Work Stage 1. Outline proposals and scheme design followed by detailed design, production of drawings and associated details required to apply for planning consent together with the submission of a planning application. Work Stage 2, Tender and Pre Contract Work, preparation of drawings and documents required to obtain competitive prices for the delivery of the project Work Stage 3, Site and Post Contract Work (Whilst this element is to be priced as part of this quotation an order for this work will not be raised until a letter of intent has been issued. PART THREE – APPENDICES 4.1 Proposed Layout Plan – CDS_TEN_CLA_01 4.2 Proposed 1st Phase Layout Plan 4.3 CDS Site conditions Report dated July 2010 4.4 EECOS Preliminary Ecological Assessment dated December 2011 Schedule of fees The fees detailed below are those associated with the requirement to deliver the above work stages No Description Quotation Value £ Work Stage 1 - Complete Scheme Environmental 1.1 Environment Agency T1 Audit 1.2 Environment Agency Flux Modelling Required for Planning Consent 1.3 Flood Risk Assessment Required for Planning Consent 1.4 SUD’s Policy and reed bed design Required for Planning Consent 1.5 Ecology Survey (previously completed) Update if required 1.6 GCN Survey To be undertaken only if required from updated Ecology Survey 1.7 Reptile Survey (To be undertaken only if required from updated Ecology Survey) Policy 1.8 Consultation with County Archaeologist 1.9 Archaeology pre-determination survey To be undertaken only if required from above 1.10 Needs & Planning Policy Statement Required for Planning Consent 1.11 Design and assessed Statement Required for Planning Consent 1.12 Consultation with County Rights of Way 1.13 Public Rights of Way Statement To be undertaken only if required from above 1.14 Visual Appraisal Required for Planning Consent £ Design £ 1.15 Assessment of preliminary design prepared as part of the feasibility carried out by CDS 1.16 Preparation of all drawings required to Planning Consent 1.17 Completion and Submission of Planning Application forms and drawings Work Stage 2 - 1st Phase Only 2.1 Production of Engineering Drawings 2.2 Production of Specification 2.3 Production of Tender Documents incl. conditions of Tender, Bils of Quantities etc 2.4 Management of Tender process, incl the preparation of a tender evaluation report. £ TOTAL C/F to Form of Quotation Work Stage 3 – 1st Phase Only 3.1 The monitoring of the work on site following the issuing of the letter of intent through to project completion, including but not limited to, site inspections, the monitoring of costs, the issue of variations and certificates for payment, completion and handover to client, final account % of contract sum TENDRING DISTRICT COUNCIL FORM OF QUOTATION FOR CONSULTANCY WORK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL BURIAL SPACE AND MITIGATION DRAINAGE AT CLACTON CEMETERY, BURRS ROAD, CLACTON ON SEA, ESSEX TO: The Open Space and Bereavement Service Manager I/We the undersigned hereby undertake to carry out the above work in accordance with the attached specification and plan to the satisfaction of Open space & Bereavement Service Manager, Northbourne Depot, Vista Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 6AY for the total sum of:For Work Stage 1 & 2;£ …………………………………………………………….. (Amount in words) …………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. For Work Stage 3;% of contract sum …………………………………………. (Amount in words) …………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….. Dated this day of 2014 Signature ……………………………………………………. On behalf of …………………………………………………. Address ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………. I/we further undertake that my/our quotation is a fixed price sum and that no claims for increased costs will be submitted. I/we understand that the Council does not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any quotation that they may receive and that this quotation remains open for acceptance within three months of the quotation return date. I/we agree that unless and until a formal works order is raised, this quotation, together with our written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us. CERTIFICATE THAT THE QUOTATION IS BONA FIDE In recognition of the principle that the essence of selective tendering is that the client shall receive bona fide competitive quotations from all those quoting WE CERTIFY THAT:1. The quotation submitted herewith is bona fide and is intended to be competitive. 2. We have not fixed or adjusted the amounts of the quotations under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. 3. We have not done and we undertake that we will not do any time before the hour specified for the return of the quotations any of the following acts: (a) communicating to a person other than the person calling for the quotations the amount or approximate amount of the proposed quotation (except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the quotation was essential to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the quotation); (b) entering into any agreement with any other person that he shall refrain from quoting or as to the amount of any quote to be submitted; and (c) offering or paying or giving or agreeing to give any sums of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other quotations or proposed quotations any act or thing of the sort described above. In this certificate:1. "Person" includes any person and any body or association corporate or incorporate. 2. "Any agreement or arrangement" includes any transaction of the sort described above, formal or informal and whether legally binding or not. DATED this Signed by duly authorised person day of ............................................ 2014