Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 1 CCSS: 3.OA.5 WIDA ELDS: 3 Listening Speaking Writing Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Recognize the Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Properties as strategies to add and multiply whole numbers. Language Objective Apply the basic number properties to simplify calculations when adding and multiplying whole numbers during oral discussions using a model and a word wall. Language Needed VU: Commutative, associative, distributive, sum, value, method LFC: Adverbs, ordinal numbers, past-tense, cognates, writing questions LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Apply and illustrate in writing the properties of operation when adding and multiplying whole numbers in L1 and/or use gestures, examples and selected technical words. Teacher Modeling Charts/Posters Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations ELP 2 Apply and illustrate in writing the properties of operation when adding and multiplying whole numbers in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences. Teacher Modeling Charts/Posters Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Illustrations ELP 3 Apply and illustrate in writing the properties of operation when adding and multiplying whole numbers using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Apply and illustrate in writing the properties of operation when adding and multiplying whole numbers using key, technical vocabulary in some complex sentences. ELP 5 Apply and illustrate in writing the properties of operation when adding and multiplying whole numbers using technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Teacher Modeling Charts/Posters Manipulatives Small group Word wall Charts/Posters Manipulatives Small group Manipulatives Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 2 CCSS: 3.OA.6 WIDA ELDS: 3 Speaking Writing Listening Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Solve division of whole numbers by representing the problem as an unknown factor problem. Language Objective Language Needed Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem VU: Factor, multiplication, by drawing the picture of the answer using a word wall, division, equation digital tutorial and Math Journal. LFC: Create “how many” After solving the equation, explain the reasoning orally and questions, past-tense in writing using the drawing and a model. LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem by drawing the picture of the answer and then explain the reasoning orally and in writing in L1 and/or use arrays, illustrations and single technical words. ELP 2 Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem by drawing the picture of the answer and then explain the reasoning orally and in writing in L1 and/or use arrays, illustrations and selected technical vocabulary in simple phrases. ELP 3 Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem by drawing the picture of the answer and then explain the reasoning orally and in writing using arrays and key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem by drawing the picture of the answer and then explain the reasoning orally and in writing using arrays, and key technical vocabulary in some complex sentences. ELP 5 Demonstrate understanding of a dictated equation problem by drawing the picture of the answer and then explain the reasoning orally and in writing using arrays, and technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations Math Journal Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Sentence frames Math Journal Manipulatives Small group Word wall Technology and Technological Resources Math Journal Manipulatives Technology and Technological Resources Math Journal Technology and Technological Resources Math Journal Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 3 CCSS: 3.OA.7 WIDA ELDS: Reading Writing Listening Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Multiply and divide within 100 using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division. Language Objective Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers using the relationship between multiplication and division which are dictated orally and written using a word wall, a multiplication table chart and Math Journal. Language Needed VU: Product, quotient, multiplication facts, division, equation, true LFC: Present-tense LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers by completing equations with unknown numbers after listening to multistep oral directions with technical vocabulary in L1 and/or single directions with modeling using selected technical words. Multiplication Table Chart Math Journal Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations ELP 2 Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers by completing equations with unknown numbers after listening to multi-step oral directions with technical vocabulary in L1 and/or single directions with selected technical vocabulary in phrases. ELP 3 Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers by completing equations with unknown numbers after listening to one-step oral directions with key technical vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers by completing equations with unknown numbers after listening to two-step oral directions with key technical vocabulary in expanded sentences. ELP 5 Demonstrate understanding of how to find the quotient or product of numbers by completing equations with unknown numbers after listening to multi-step oral directions with technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Multiplication Table Chart Math Journal Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Multiplication Table Chart Math Journal Small group Word wall Multiplication Table Chart Math Journal Multiplication Table Chart Math Journal Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 4 CCSS: 3.OA.3 WIDA ELDS: 3 Reading Writing Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Use multiplication within 40 to solve word problems using measurement quantities by creating drawings or arrays. Language Objective Explain in writing and through drawings and arrays the process of solving multiplication word problems using measurement quantities using a word wall and a Math Journal. ELP 1 Explain in writing the process of how to solve multiplication word problems using measurement quantities in L1 and/or creating arrays, drawings, equations and single technical words. ELP 2 Explain in writing the process of how to solve multiplication word problems using measurement quantities in L1 and/or creating arrays drawings, equations and using selected technical vocabulary in simple phrases. ELP 3 Explain in writing the process of how to solve multiplication word problems using measurement quantities by creating arrays, drawings, equations and using key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Explain in writing the process of how to solve multiplication word problems using measurement quantities by creating arrays, drawings equations and using key, technical vocabulary in some complex sentences. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations Math Journal Arrays Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Sentence frames Math Journal Arrays Manipulatives Small group Word wall Math Journal Arrays Manipulatives Small group Math Journal Arrays Language Needed VU: Units of measurement (feet, miles, centimeters), arrays, altogether, equal LFC: Past tense (regular and irregular), present tense, wh questions LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 5 Explain in writing the process of how to solve multiplication word problems using measurement quantities by creating arrays drawings, equations and using technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Manipulatives Math Journal Arrays Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 5 CCSS: 3.OA.3 WIDA ELDS: 3 Read Write Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Use multiplication within 40 to solve word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays by writing equations to represent equal groups or arrays. Language Objective Write and explain equations to illustrate word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays. Language Needed VU: Equation, rows, patterns, total, arrays LFC: Past tense, wh questions LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Write and explain equations to word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays in L1 and/or use Manipulatives, illustrations and single illustrated words. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations Arrays ELP 2 Write and explain equations to word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays in L1 and/or use Manipulatives illustrations and simple phrases. ELP 3 Write and explain equations to word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays and use some key vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Write and explain equations to word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays and use key vocabulary in complex sentences. ELP 5 Write and explain equations to word problems modeled as equal groups or arrays and use precise vocabulary in multiple complex sentences. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Sentence frames Arrays Manipulatives Small group Word wall Technology and Technological Resources Arrays Manipulatives Small group Technology and Technological Resources Arrays Manipulatives Technology and Technological Resources Arrays Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 6 CCSS: 3.OA.9 WIDA ELDS: 3 Reading Writing Speaking Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Recognize arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables and explain the pattern using the properties of operations. Language Objective Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns using number Charts/Posters, addition and multiplication tables, Teacher Modelings and digital tutorials. Language Needed VU: Expression, value, product, diagonal, even numbers, odd numbers, shaded LFC: Comparison, presenttense, wh questions LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables using the properties of operations in L1 and/or use gestures, diagrams and selected technical words. ELP 2 Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables using the properties of operations in L1 and/or use selected technical vocabulary in phrases and short sentences ELP 3 Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables using the properties of operations with key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. ELP 4 Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables using the properties of operations with key, technical vocabulary in expanded sentences. ELP 5 Identify and explain orally and in writing arithmetic patterns in addition or multiplication tables using the properties of operations with technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Teacher Modeling Number Chart Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations Technology and Technological Resources Teacher Modeling Number Chart Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Technology and Technological Resources Teacher Modeling Number Chart Small group Word wall Technology and Technological Resources Number Chart Small group Technology and Technological Resources Number Chart Technology and Technological Resources Math – Grade 3 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold SLO: 7 CCSS: 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 WIDA ELDS: 3 Reading Speaking Writing Language Objectives Learning Supports Student Learning Objective (SLO) Find the area of a rectangular array by counting the number of square units and compare that number with the product of the (whole number) side lengths. Language Objective Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a given rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the product of the side lengths using Manipulatives. Language Needed VU: Unit, area (formula) length, width, equation, whole number, array, LFC: Wh questions, past tense, comparison LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the side length in L1 and/or use shapes, illustrations, drawings, equations and illustrated single words. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Pictures/illustrations ELP 2 Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the side length in L1 and/or use shapes, illustrations, drawings, equations and selected technical vocabulary in phrases. Manipulatives Small group Word/picture wall L1 text and/or support Sentence frames ELP 3 Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the side length using shapes, illustrations, drawings, equations and key, technical vocabulary in simple sentences. Manipulatives Small group Word wall Technology and Technological Resources ELP 4 Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the side length using illustrations, drawings, equations and key technical vocabulary in complex sentences. Manipulatives Small group Technology and Technological Resources ELP 5 Explain orally and in writing how to determine the area of a rectangular array in square units and compare that number to the side length using illustrations, drawings, equations and technical vocabulary in multiple complex sentences. Manipulatives Technology and Technological Resources