CURRICULUM VITAE College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University JAMES NORMAN MOUM, Professor Born: 2 December 1954 B.A.Sc. engineering M.A.Sc. engineering Ph.D. physics University of Toronto University of Toronto University of British Columbia Experience: Research Associate, Oregon State University Assistant Professor (Sr. Res.), OSU Assistant Professor, OSU Associate Professor, OSU Professor, OSU Affiliate Professor, Atmos.Sci., Colorado State University 1978 1979 1984 1984 -- 1986 1986 -- 1987 1987 -- 1991 1991 -- 1996 1996 -2013-- Awards Jack Dymond Memorial Excellence in Mentoring Award, 2009 Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2012: For outstanding contributions to our understanding of ocean mixing in coastal, abyssal and Equatorial regimes using innovative measurement technique. Department of the Navy Annual Research Publications Award for “Surface wave effects on highfrequency currents over a small bank”, 2013 (46th Annual Alan Berman Research Publications and Edison Patent Awards) Fellow, American Meteorological Society, 2014 The Henry Stommel Research Award, American Meteorological Society, 2014: For fundamental research on quantifying and modeling vertical mixing in the ocean. Publications 1979 Structural features of the plane turbulent jet, Phys. Fluids, 22, 1240–1244. (J.N. Moum, J.G. Kawall, and J.F. Keffer) 1983 Coherent structures within the plane turbulent jet, Phys. Fluids, 26, 2939–2945. (J.N. Moum, J.G. Kawall, and J.F. Keffer) 1985 Causes and implications of noise in oceanic dissipation measurements, Deep-Sea Res., 32, 379– 390. (J.N. Moum and R.G.Lueck) Local influences on shear flow turbulence in the equatorial ocean, Science, 230, 315–316. (J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell) The Rapid-Sampling Vertical Profiler: An evaluation, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 2, 615–625. (D.R. Caldwell, T.M. Dillon, and J.N. Moum) 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae 1986 James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Mixing in the main thermocline, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 16, 1250–1259. (J.N. Moum and T.R. Osborn) Pacific equatorial turbulence: revisited, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 16, 1516–1522. (J.N. Moum, T.R. Osborn and W.R. Crawford) Does ocean turbulence peak at the equator?, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 16, 1991–1994. Moum, D.R. Caldwell, C.A. Paulson, T.K.Cheresin and L.A. Regier) (J.N. Fine-scale variability at 140˚W in the equatorial Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 12,887–12,897. (T.K. Chereskin, J.N. Moum, P.J.Stabeno, D.R. Caldwell, C.A. Paulson, L.A. Regier and D. Halpern) 1987 Monitoring geostrophic currents at the equator, Deep-Sea Res., 34, 1149–1161. T.K. Chereskin, M.M. Park and L.A. Regier) (J.N. Moum, 1988 Mixing and intrusions in a rotating cold core feature off Cape Blanco, Oregon, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 18, 823–833. (J.N. Moum, D.R. Caldwell and P.J. Stabeno) The Coastal Transition Zone Program, EOS, 69, 698--699. (the Coastal Transition Zone Group) A new method for estimating the turbulent heat flux at the bottom of the daily mixed layer. J. Geophys. Res., 93, 14,005–14,012. (S. Imawaki, P.P. Niiler, C.H. Gautier, D. Halpern, R.A. Knox, W.G. Large, D.S. Luther, J.C. McWilliams, J.N. Moum and C.A. Paulson) 1989 Mixing in the equatorial surface layer and thermocline, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 2005–2021. (J.N. Moum, D.R. Caldwell and C.A.Paulson) Zonal momentum balance at the equator. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 19, 561–570. (T.M. Dillon, J.N. Moum, T.K. Chereskin and D.R. Caldwell) In situ monitoring of ocean chlorophyll via laser-induced fluorescence backscattering through an optical fiber, Applied Optics, 28, 595–600. (T. Cowles, J. Moum, R. Desiderio and M. Angel) 1990 Profiler measurements of vertical velocity fluctuations in the ocean, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 7, 323–333. (J.N.Moum) Sea slicks and surface strain, Deep-Sea Res., 37, 767–775. (J.N. Moum, D.J. Carlson and T.J. Cowles) The quest for K - Preliminary results from direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20, 1980–1984. (J.N. Moum) Enhancement of fronts by vertical mixing, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 9433–9446. (R.K. Dewey and J.N. Moum) 1991 Structure and dynamics of a coastal filament, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 14,885–14,907. (R.K. Dewey, J.N. Moum, C.A. Paulson, D.R. Caldwell and S.D. Pierce). The role of the turbulent stress divergence on the equatorial zonal momentum balance, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 7127–7136. (D. Hebert, J.N. Moum, C.A. Paulson, D.R. Caldwell, T.K. Chereskin and M.J. McPhaden). 2 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Does ocean turbulence peak at the equator?: revisited, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 1690–1698. (D. Hebert, J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell) 1992 Internal waves, dynamic instabilities and turbulence in the equatorial thermocline: an introduction to 3 papers in this issue, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 1357–1359. (J.N. Moum, M.J. McPhaden, D. Hebert, H. Peters, C.A. Paulson and D.R.Caldwell) Turbulence and internal waves at the equator. Part 1: Statistics from towed thermistors and a microstructure profiler, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 1330–1345. (J.N. Moum, D. Hebert, C.A. Paulson and D.R. Caldwell) Turbulence from breaking internal waves at the equator. Part 2: Details of a single event, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 1346–1356. (D. Hebert, J.N. Moum, C.A. Paulson and D.R. Caldwell) The superadiabatic surface layer of the ocean during convection, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 1221– 1227. (A. Anis and J.N. Moum) 1993 Microstructure profiles of laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence spectra: Evaluation of backscatter and forward scatter fiber optic sensors, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 10, 209–224. (R.A. Desiderio, T.J. Cowles, J.N. Moum and M. Myrick) Microstructure activity within a minifilament in the coastal transition zone. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 14,457–14,470. (R.K. Dewey, J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell) 1994 Prescriptions for heat flux and entrainment rates in the upper ocean during convection, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 2142–2155. (A. Anis and J.N. Moum) Decay of a near-inertial wave, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 2334–2351. (D. Hebert and J.N. Moum) Ocean mixing studies in TOGA COARE, EOS, 75, 489–495. (J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell) 1995 Comparison of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates from two ocean microstructure profilers, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 12, 346–366. (J.N. Moum, M.C. Gregg, R.C. Lien and M.E. Carr) Surface wave-turbulence interactions: scaling (z) towards the sea surface, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 2025–2045. (A. Anis and J.N. Moum) Turbulence and mixing in the ocean: a review, Rev. Geophys., Suppl., 1385–1395. (D.R. Caldwell and J.N. Moum) Turbulence variability at the equator in the Central Pacific at the beginning of the 1991/93 El Nino, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 6881–6898. (R.C. Lien, D.R. Caldwell, M.C. Gregg and J.N. Moum) Mixing efficiencies in turbulent tidal fronts: a comparison of direct and indirect density flux estimates, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 2583–2608 (A.E. Gargett and J.N. Moum) 1996 Efficiency of mixing in the main thermocline, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 12,057–12,069. Moum) (J.N. Energy-containing scales of turbulence in the ocean thermocline, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 14,095– 14,109. (J.N. Moum) 3 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Oceanic response to a westerly wind burst, Part I: Dynamic response, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 22,495–22,512. (W.D. Smyth, D. Hebert and J.N. Moum) Oceanic response to a westerly wind burst, Part II: Thermal and freshwater responses, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 22,513–22,534. (W.D. Smyth, D. Hebert and J.N. Moum) 1997 Decay of turbulence in the upper ocean following sudden isolation from surface forcing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 810–822. (W.D. Smyth, P.O. Zavialov and J.N. Moum) Turbulence decay and restratification in the equatorial ocean surface layer following nighttime convection, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 1120–1132. (D.R. Caldwell, R.C. Lien, J.N. Moum and M.C. Gregg) 1998 Quantifying vertical fluxes from turbulence in the ocean, Oceanography, 10, 111–115. (J.N. Moum) Dynamic instability of stratified shear flow in the upper equatorial Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 10,323–10,338. (C. Sun, W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum) 1999 Turbulent dissipation during a westerly wind burst: a comparison of large eddy simulation results and microstructure measurements. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 1, 1–28. (E. Skyllingstad, W.D. Smyth, J.N. Moum and H. Wijesekera) Estimating salinity variance dissipation rate from microstructure conductivity measurements, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 16, 263–274 (J.D. Nash and J.N. Moum) A thermocouple probe for high speed temperature measurements in the ocean, J. Oceanic Atmos. Technol., 16, 1474-1482. (J.D. Nash, D.R. Caldwell, M.J. Zelman and J.N. Moum) 2000 Topographically-induced drag and mixing at a small bank on the continental shelf. J. Phys. Oceanogr. , 30, 2049-2054. (J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash). Length scales of turbulence in stably stratified mixing layers. Phys. Fluids, 12, 1327-1342. (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum). Anisotropy of turbulence in stably stratified mixing layers. Phys. Fluids, 12, 1343-1362. (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum). Ocean mixing studied near Hawaiian Ridge. EOS, 81, 545, 553 (Experiment PIs). 2001 Internal hydraulic flows on the continental shelf: high drag states over a small bank. J. Geophys. Res., 106(C3), 4593-4612. (J.D. Nash and J.N. Moum). The efficiency of mixing in turbulent patches: inferences from direct simulations and microstructure observations. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 31, 1969 – 1992. (W.D. Smyth, J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell) 2002 Observations of boundary mixing over the continental slope. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2113-2130. (J.N. Moum, D.R. Caldwell, J.D. Nash and G.D. Gunderson). Microstructure observations of turbulent salinity flux and the dissipation spectrum of salinity. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2312-2333. (J.D. Nash and J.N. Moum). 4 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Waves and instability in an asymmetrically stratified jet, Dyn. Atmos. Ocean, 35, 265-294. (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum). 2003 Structure and generation of turbulence at interfaces strained by internal solitary waves propagating shoreward over the continental shelf, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 2093-2112. (J.N. Moum, D.M. Farmer, W.D. Smyth, L. Armi and S. Vagle). From tides to mixing along the Hawaiian Ridge, Science 301, 355-357. (Experiment PIs including J.N. Moum). Internal solitary waves of elevation advancing on a sloping shelf, Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, OCE 31 – 3-4. (J. M. Klymak and J.N. Moum) 2004 Convectively-driven mixing in the bottom boundary layer, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 2189-2202. (J.N. Moum, A. Perlin, J.M. Klymak, M.D. Levine, T. Boyd and P.M. Kosro) Form drag and mixing due to tidal flow past a sharp point, J. Phys. Oceanogr , 34, 1297-1312. (K. A. Edwards, P. MacCready, J.N. Moum, G. Pawlak, J. M. Klymak and A. Perlin). 2005 A modified law-of-the-wall to describe velocity profiles in the bottom boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C10S10, doi:10.1029/2004JC002310 (A. Perlin, J.N. Moum, J.M. Klymak, M.D. Levine, T. Boyd and P.M. Kosro) Differential diffusion in breaking Kelvin-Helmholtz billows, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 1004-1022. (W.D. Smyth, J.D. Nash and J.N. Moum) Response of the bottom boundary layer over a sloping shelf to variations in alongshore wind, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C10S09, doi:10.1029/2004JC002500 (A. Perlin, J. N. Moum and J.M. Klymak) River plumes as a source of large-amplitude internal waves in the coastal ocean, Nature, 437, 400—403, doi:10.1038/nature03936 (J.D. Nash and J.N. Moum) Irreversible vertical nitrate fluxes due to turbulent mixing in a coastal upwelling system, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C10S11, doi:10.1029/2004JC002685 (B. Hales, J. Moum, P. Covert and A. Perlin) 2006 The pressure disturbance of a nonlinear internal wave train, J. Fluid Mech., 558, 153-177. (J.N. Moum and W.D. Smyth) An estimate of tidal energy lost to turbulence at the Hawaiian Ridge. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1148-1164. (Klymak, J.M., J.N. Moum, J.D. Nash, E. Kunze, J.B. Girton, G.S. Carter, C.M. Lee, T.B. Sanford, and M.C. Gregg) 2007 Oceanic isopycnal slope spectra: Part I: Internal waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr,. 37, 1215-1231. (J.M. Klymak and J.N. Moum) Oceanic isopycnal slope spectra: Part II:Turbulence, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 1232-1245. (J.M. Klymak and J.N. Moum) Dissipative losses in nonlinear internal waves propagating across the continental shelf, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 1989-1995. (J.N. Moum, D.M. Farmer, E.L. Shroyer, W.D. Smyth and L. Armi). 5 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Energy transport by nonlinear internal waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, 1968-1988. (J.N. Moum, J.M. Klymak, J.D. Nash, A. Perlin and W.D. Smyth). Enhanced turbulence due to the superposition of internal gravity wave shear on the coastal upwelling jet, J. Geophys. Res. 112, C06024, doi:10.1029/2006JC003831. (G. Avicola, J.N. Moum, A. Perlin and M.D. Levine). Organization of stratification, turbulence and veering in bottom Ekman layers. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C05S90, doi:10.1029/2004JC002641 (A. Perlin, J. N. Moum, J.M. Klymak, M.D. Levine, T. Boyd and M. Kosro) Shallow Water ’06 – A Joint Acoustic Propagation / Nonlinear Internal Wave Physics Experiment, Oceanography, 20(4), 156-167. (D.J. Tang, J.N. Moum, J. Lynch, P. Abbott, R. Chapman, P. Dahl, T. Duda, G. Gawarkieweicz, S. Glenn, J. Goff, H. Graber, J. Kemp, A. Maffei, J. Nash and A. Newhall). 2008 Seafloor pressure measurements of nonlinear internal waves. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 481-491. (J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash). Observation of sound focusing and defocusing due to propagating internal waves, J. Acoustic Soc. Amer., 124, EL66-EL72. (J. Luo, M. Badiey, E.A. Karjadi, B. Katsnelson, A. Tskhoidze, J.F. Lynch and J.N. Moum) Mid-frequency sound propagation through internal waves at short range with synoptic oceanographic observations. J. Acoustic Soc. Amer., 124, EL73-EL77. (D. Rouseff, D.J. Tang, K. Williams, Z. Wang and J.N. Moum) Small-scale processes in the coastal ocean, Oceanography, 21(4), 22-33. (J.N. Moum, J.D. Nash and J.M. Klymak) 2009 Observations of polarity reversal in shoaling nonlinear internal waves, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 691-701. (E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) Mixing measurements on an equatorial ocean mooring, J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 26, 317-336. (J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) Do observations adequately resolve the natural variability of oceanic turbulence? J. Mar. Sys., 77, 409-417. (J.N. Moum and T.P. Rippeth) A new look at Richardson number mixing schemes for equatorial ocean modeling, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 2652-2664. (E. D. Zaron and J.N. Moum) The structure and composition of a highly-stratified, tidally-pulsed river plume. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2008JC005036 (Nash, J.D., L. Kilcher and J.N. Moum). Sea surface cooling at the equator by subsurface mixing in tropical instability waves, Nature Geoscience, 2, 761-765. (J.N. Moum, R-C. Lien, A. Perlin, J.N. Nash, M.C. Gregg and P.J. Wiles) 2010 Mode-2 internal waves on the continental shelf: ephemeral components of the nonlinear internal wave field. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C07001, doi:10.1029/2009JC005605 (E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) 6 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Measurements of acoustic scattering from zooplankton and oceanic microstructure using a broadband echosounder, ICES J. Mar. Science, 67, 379-394. (A.C. Lavery, D. Chu and J.N. Moum) Corrigendum: Seafloor pressure measurements of nonlinear internal waves. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1151-1151. (J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash). Vertical heat flux and lateral particle transport in nonlinear internal waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2010GL042715. (E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) Observations of broadband acoustic backscattering from nonlinear internal waves: assessing the contributions from microstructure and zooplankton. IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. , 35, 695-709. (A.C. Lavery, D. Chu and J.N. Moum) Inertial-convective subrange estimates of thermal variance dissipation rate from moored temperature measurements. J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27, 1950-1959. (Y. Zhang and J.N. Moum) Energy transformation and dissipation in the evolving nonlinear internal wave field over New Jersey’s continental shelf. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 17, 345-360. (E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) 2011 Narrowband high-frequency oscillations at the equator. Part I: Interpretation as shear instabilities. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 41, 397-411. (J.N. Moum, J.D. Nash and W.D. Smyth) Narrowband high-frequency oscillations at the equator. Part II: Properties of shear instabilities. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 41, 412-428. (W.D. Smyth, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) Nonlinear internal waves over New Jersey’s continental shelf. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C03022, doi:10.1029/2010JC006332. (E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) On the potential for automated realtime detection of nonlinear internal waves from seafloor pressure measurements. Appl. Ocean Res., 33, 275-285. doi:10.1016/j.apor.2011.07.007 (U. Stoeber and J.N. Moum) 2012 The role of turbulence stress in the dynamics of the Columbia River outflow. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C05032. doi: 10.1029/2011JC007398 (L. Kilcher, Nash, J.D. and J.N. Moum). Ocean mixing by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Oceanography, 25(2), 140-149 (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum) Comparison of thermal dissipation rate estimates from moored and profiling instruments at the equator. J.Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 1347-1362. (A. Perlin and J.N. Moum) Modulation of equatorial turbulence by tropical instability waves. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C10009, doi:10.1029/2011JC007767. (R. Inoue, R-C. Lien and J.N. Moum) The unpredictable nature of internal tides on the continental shelf. J. Phys. Oceanogr., doi:10.1175/JPO-D-12-028.1. (J.D. Nash, S. Kelly, E.L. Shroyer, J.N. Moum and T. Duda) 2013 Measurement of tidal form drag using seafloor pressure sensors. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 11501172. (Warner, S.J., P. MacCready, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) 7 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Seasonal sea surface cooling in equatorial Pacific cold tongue controlled by ocean mixing. Nature, 500, 64-67, doi:10.1038/nature12363. (J.N. Moum, A. Perlin, J.D. Nash and M.J. McPhaden) Surface wave effects on high-frequency currents over a shelf edge bank. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 1627-1647. (H.W. Wijesekera, D.W. Wang, W.J. Teague, E. Jarosz, E. Rogers, D.B. Fribance and J.N. Moum) Shear instability, the descent of the diurnal mixing layer and the deep cycle of equatorial turbulence. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2432-2455. (W.D. Smyth, J.N. Moum, L. Li and S.A. Thorpe) Effects of the diurnal cycle of solar radiation in the tropical Indian Ocean mixed layer variability during wintertime Madden-Julian Oscillation events, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 4945-4964. (Y. Li, W. Han, T. Shinoda, C. Wang, R-C. Lien, J.N. Moum and J-W. Wang) Marginal instability and deep cycle turbulence in the eastern equatorial Pacific ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1-5, doi:10.1002/2013GL058403. (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum) 2014 Air-sea interactions from westerly wind bursts during the November 2011 MJO in the Indian Ocean. Bull.Am.Met.Soc., in press. (J.N. Moum, S.P. de Szoeke, W.D. Smyth, J.B. Edson, H.L. DeWitt, A.J. Moulin, E.J. Thompson, C.J. Zappa, S.A. Rutledge, R.H. Johnson and C.W. Fairall) Stratification and mixing regimes in biological thin layers over the mid-Atlantic Bight. Limnol. Oceanogr., in press. (E.L. Shroyer, J.D. Nash, K.J. Benoit-Bird and J.N. Moum) Submitted: Measurements of form and frictional drags over a rough topographic bank. J. Phys. Oceanogr. (H.W. Wijesekera, E. Jarosz, W.J. Teague, W.D. Wang, D.B. Fribance, J.N. Moum and S.J. Warner) In preparation: Observations of vertically-propagating, biweekly Yanai waves in the eastern Indian Ocean. for J. Phys. Oceanogr. (W.D. Smyth, J.N. Moum and T. Durland) Interaction of an internal bore with a small bank on the continental shelf. J. Phys. Oceanogr. (J.N. Moum, U. Stoeber and J.D. Nash) Diurnal cycle of stratified shear flow instability growth rates in the equatorial Pacific. for J. Phys. Oceanogr., (C. Sun, W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum) Parameterizations of turbulence, for J. Phys. Oceanogr. (G. Avicola, J.N. Moum and J.D. Nash) Book Chapters, Book Reviews 2001 Upper ocean mixing processes. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 6, Academic Press, 3093-3100 (J.N. Moum and W.D. Smyth) Three-dimensional turbulence. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 6, Academic Press, 2947-2955 (W.D. Smyth and J.N. Moum ) 8 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Book Review of Small Scale Processes in Geophysical Fluid Flows, by L.H. Kantha and C.A. Clayson. Physics Today, 54 (10) (J. N. Moum) 2008 Bottom boundary layers. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Academic Pres (R.G. Lueck, L. St. Laurent and J.N. Moum) Supporting Data RESEARCH Research Interests My general research interest is the study of small-scale physical processes in the ocean; in particular, the studies of turbulence mechanics, upper ocean physics, boundary mixing, air-sea interaction and smallscale internal flows, such as internal hydraulics and solitons. My approach is largely experimental, and has involved the conception and development of new measurements and sampling strategies to investigate small-scale ocean physics. I have had an active collaboration with chemical and biological oceanographers to experimentally determine some fundamental effects of small-scale physics on chemical and biological properties in the ocean. The collaboration with turbulence modelers using the supercomputer facilities in the College has been particularly fruitful following a long spinup time. It is becoming one of our standard tools for investigating ocean turbulence. Significant Research Results Analysis of the sources of noise in ocean turbulence measurements using shear probes; demonstration of the implications for deep ocean measurements (Moum and Lueck, 1985; Moum and Osborn, 1986). Discovery of the diurnal cycle of mixing at the equator plus further analysis showing the influence of internal gravity waves (Moum and Caldwell, 1985; Moum et al, 1989; Moum et al (1992); Hebert etal 1992); ongoing work). Development of a new method to measure the vertical component of turbulent velocity fluctuations in the ocean (Moum, 1990a). First direct estimates of turbulent heat flux in the ocean using the sensor mentioned above (Moum, 1990b). This is part of an ongoing project which will encompass several field experiments. The goal is to determine whether any of the current models used for estimating turbulent fluxes from microstructure measurements is correct. Participated in the development of a method to measure the microstructure of chlorophyll in the ocean via laser-induced fluorescence backscattering through an optical fiber (Cowles, Moum, Desiderio and Angel, 1989). Clear demonstration of the existence of a superadiabatic surface layer in the ocean, which is analogous in structure but different in scaled magnitude to that in the atmosphere. Scaling arguments suggest that the difference in scaled magnitudes indicates different mixing physics. (Anis and Moum, 1992; Anis and Moum, 1994) Assessment of mixing efficiencies in stratified fluids, from observations and theoretical arguments, indicates different instability processes may mix with different efficiencies. (Gargett and Moum, 1995; Moum, 1996a) 9 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Energy-containing scale estimates of turbulent dissipation and heat flux yield good agreement with direct estimates, promising new, and simpler, means of determining these parameters from measurements. (Moum, 1996b) First measurements of the dissipation rate of salinity variance in the ocean (Nash and Moum, 1997, 2001). This has led to the 1st observational hints of differential diffusion of heat and salt in the ocean in weakly turbulent flow regimes. Computation of the systematic changes in mixing efficiency as a function of time as turbulence evolves in direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows (Smyth etal, 2001). Applied to observational data, this parameterization leads to a 50%–60% increase in median estimates of turbulent diffusivity, suggesting a potential reassessment of turbulent diffusivity in weakly and intermittently turbulent regimes such as the ocean interior Discovery and unambiguous determination of internal hydraulic control of local flows on the Oregon shelf. This is particularly important as it provides the oceanic analogue to orographic drag on the atmosphere, considered to be 50% of the drag on the atmospheric circulation. Modelers have yet to consider this but will have to now (Moum and Nash, 2000; Nash and Moum, 2001). Detection of deep boundary mixing over the continental slope, which is modified by interaction of the internal tide with critical slopes and detached boundary layers (Moum etal, 2002). This has been made possible by an extensive engineering effort to bring a new instrument platform (Marlin) to life that can be used to observe turbulence in the deep ocean for extended durations. Determination of the mechanism of instability within internal solitary waves of elevation on the continental shelf, from which must be inferred both velocity structure on scales than can be observed and high mode wave structure (Moum et al, 2003). Reassessment of the form of the velocity profile and the turbulence in the bottom boundary layer has led to a fundamental modification to the age-old law-of-the-wall in stratified boundary layers (Perlin et al, 2005 a,b,c). Determination of the release condition for internal solitary waves from a gravity current (Nash and Moum, 2005). First calculation of the nonhydrostatic pressure in a nonlinear internal wave, leading to the discovery that the sum of the wave perturbation pressures at the seafloor is measurable (Moum and Smyth, 2006). This in turn suggests a new method of detecting these waves and led to a solicited proposal to ONR for experimental verification, which was successful (Moum and Nash , 2008). In turn, this led to a new proposal to NSF to measure (for the first time) the pressure drop across an oceanic obstacle – this constitutes the form drag exerted on the mean flow by the obstacle. First elucidation of the energy transported by nonlinear internal waves, both experimentally and theoretically. This is fundamentally distinct from energy transport in linear internal waves. (Moum etal. 2007). Clear demonstration of polarity reversal in shoaling nonlinear internal waves (Shroyer etal, 2008). Successful deployment of mixing meters (pods) on an equatorial mooring for a 4 month period (Sep2005-Jan2006) followed by a spectacular 8 month period (Sep2006-May2007). We are in the process of establishing a long-term presence at 0 140W. (Moum and Nash, 2009) 10 16 February 2016 Curriculum Vitae James N. Moum Professor, Physical Oceanography Determination of the role of tropical instability waves in maintaining equatorial SST (Moum etal 2009) Direct measurement of form drag using seafloor pressure sensors was successfully demonstrated via measurements over a three-dimensional ridge in Puget Sound by Warner etal, (2013). It is yet unknown how significant a role this plays in oceanic circulation. Demonstration of the dominant role that mixing plays in seasonal cooling of the Pacific equatorial cold tongue (Moum et al, 2013) 11 16 February 2016