Scenario Title Patient Name Medical Record # Level (year 1, last term) Author , w/email Keywords - Theory Keywords - Skills Patient Case History: Medical history: Allergies: Healthy Newborn assessment Emma Berry (Mother – Hally Berry) DOB: NUR 112 Course: Age: Maureen Harter, RN, BSN (assist Marilyn McGuire-Sessions, RN, MSN) Newborn - Respiratory, GI, Thermo regulation, Cardiovascular New born assessment, Emma is a healthy baby girl, weighing 7 lb, 2 oz, born to Halle Berry 30 minutes ago. Apgar scores of 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. Height: NKA 50 cm Weight: 7 lb 2 oz Meds: VS: BP Labs: 70/55 HR 140 RR 34 T 37.2 SpO2 95% Pre Printed Orders – All listed Orders are in Effect Unless Crossed Out. Exceptions: Orders Preceded by a ___ require an (X) to initiate Physician Orders: ( Dr. Michael Hogan ) for Emma Berry Allergies NKA 1. Admit as inpatient and notify provider of maternal or newborn risk factors or abnormal findings. 2. Place infant in warmer crib as needed. To open crib when stable 3. Vitals: Note and record: B/P, T,P,R on initial exam. Check T,P,R every 30 minutes X 4, every 1 hour X 4, then every 4 hours. If Axillary Temp > 99.5, then recheck Rectal Temp. 4. Provide thermoregulation method to maintain temperature 97.8 - 99.5 degree Fahrenheit axillary 5. Nursing: Head Circumference and Weight at Birth Weigh daily Bulb syringe suction prn __Continuous pulse oximetry parameters< 92% __Monitor in Nursery __CR Monitor parameters: P>200 or < 80, RR>70 or<70, apnea > 20 s __Strict I’s + O’s 6. Diet: Feedings on demand, every 2-4 hrs. If formula feeding, use house formula. __NPO __Other Formula instead of house formula 7. ___IVF If patient < 24 hours, start D 10 W at __________________________________ If patient > 24 hours, start D10W ¼ NS at _____________________________ __IV to heplock, flush per routine 8. Medications: A. Treat cord with triple dye after first bath unless mother is Rh neg or O+. Then treat cord after cord blood work up results are reported and coombs is negative, or after 24 hours of age. Treat cord daily B. Admission medications within one hour of birth 1) Phytonadione ( Vitamin K ) 1mg IM 2) Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment 0.5% 1.5-2.0cm ribbon O.U. C. ____If maternal HbsAg status is positive, give concurrently in separate sites by 12 hrs of age: 1) Hepatitis B immune Globulin 0.5 ml IM 2) Hepatitis B virus vaccine 0.5 ml IM D. ____If maternal HbsAg status is unknown, Give Hepatitis B virus vaccine 0.5 ml IM by 12 hrs. E. Newborn Pain: ___24% Sucrose 0.5 ml/ kg PO 2 mins prior to painful procedure ___Circumcision ___Blood draws ( except glucose monitoring) ___injections (Maximum 6 doses in 24 hours without further written order from physician) ___Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Infant drops 10mg/kg P.O prior to circumcision F. ___Ampicillin (<7 days of age and > 2kg) 50mg/kg IV Q8 hours or ___________ G. ___Cefotaxime (<7 days of age and > 2kg) 50mg/kg IV Q8 hours or __________ H. ___Acyclovir (preterm) 10mg/kg IV Q 8 hours or _________________________ I. ___Oxygen by Hood or NC to keep O2 sats > 92% 9. Call MD Orders: Temp> 100.5 rectal, Temp< 97.6 Rectal; HR. 200, HR < 80; RR > 70m RR < 20, Weight > 10% down from Birth Weight pulse ox < 92%, or other concerns. Notify physician if no voiding or stool in 24 hours of if bloody stool passed Initial Computer Set Up EMMA BERRY VS: BP Lungs: Heart: Ectopy: Other: Report to 68/56 Lt: clear HR 142 RR Rt: Clear 36 T 37.2 Bowel sounds SpO2 normal Rhythm: Waiting: “ Emma’s apgar scores were 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. Emma was start scenario: delivered about 30 minutes ago. The nurse that was with them during delivery needs to assist the doctor in the episiotomy so you will be responsible for the care of the infant. The nurse has given the Vitamin K, and has done the cord care, but the ophthalmic ointment needs to be given within an hour of birth. No IV antibiotics needed because membranes were beta strep negative. “ Priorities (in order) Assessment SN Interventions 1-Assess for obvious problems first. -Talks to mother about what is being done and teaches the mother during the assessment Assessment continued EMMA BERRY Assessment con’t Assessment continued -Take Axillary temp (36.537.5C or 97.7-99.5 F); explain the importance of keeping the baby warm with blanket wrapped around snugly, hat on, baby not in drafty area, room kept warm. Teach how to take temperature and what the normal temp is -check heart rate, (120-160) PMI, brachial, femoral, and pedal pulses present -respirations ( 30-60) Yes the babies chest movement symmetric, breath sounds present and clear bilaterally - Head – fontanels, soft Spots show mother can rub head is OK, fontanels are good indicator of infants condition. Anterior fontanel may swell when newborn cries or passes a stool or may pulsate with the heart beat which is normal. A bulging fontanels signifies increased intracranial pressure, and depressed indicates dehydration. Weight baby, SN explains the importance of not letting baby lose more than 10% of its Patient Responses The patient voice is the mother asking questions about her newborn What are you doing? Is my baby ok. Is she breathing OK Is the babies head OK, don’t you have to be careful of the soft spots. Why are you doing all these measurements? body weight. Will talk about breast feeding and have infant breast feed after babies assessment Measure length Measure head circumference ( approx ¼ of infants length 13-14 in) Measure chest circumference (12-13 in, approx 2-3 cm less than head circumference) Assessment continued SN replies that breast feeding is learned and she and the other nurses will work with her Assessment continued -Skin, pink with good skin turgor, vernix caseosa in creases. Tells mother what she is looking for. Assessment continued For EMMA BERRY -Posture flexed extremities that resist extension, and return quickly to flexed state. Hands are usually clenched. Movements symmetric -Face (symmetry, facial features) Assess ears to be well formed. Eyes clear, tears, pupils, following of objects. Mouth gums and tongue pink, sucking rooting, swallowing and gag reflexes present. SN talks to mom about routing and sucking in preparation for breast feeding. Assessment continued SN shows mom how to properly use bulb syringe (turn infants head to side, compress bulb before insertion, insert into the side of the mouth, suction the nose only if necessary) educate mother on cleaning the bulb This is my first baby, I have never breast fed before, and I hope the baby will be able to get enough to eat. Do you think Emma is hungry? Looks like Emma has something in her mouth she sounds a little stuffed up syringe with water. Assessment continued -Neck and Clavicles (ability to turn head from side to side) -Cord ( 3 vessels) -All extremities examined for signs of fractures, redness, lumps etc. Assessment continued Discussion of labia, that the labia may be a little swollen, may have some white discharge or may have a little vaginal bleeding. That this is all normal. Teaches in girls to always wipe from front to back. Bowel movements will start out dark and tarry Assess and clean umbilical cord. Cleans umbilical cord with triple dye per MD order. -Hands and feet -Hips (Bend knees and hips at 90 degree angle, a hip click may be felt or heard but is usually normal) (Barlow test adduct hips, apply gentle pressure down and back in hip dysplasia examiner can feel femoral head move out of acetabulum) -Legs – (extend legs to determine if equal in length) Preparation to give ordered medication Applies Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment per MD order Faculty Notes (theory, medications, etc.) FOR EMMA BERRY 1. Vitamin K – Promotes the formation of factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X by the liver for clotting. Indicated for the prevention or treatment of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. .5 to 1mg (0.25 to .5ml) given once intramuscularly within 1 hour of birth for prophylaxis. ( The lower dose may be used for small infants weighing less than 2500 g) ( Potential adverse reaction – pain and edema at the site of administration) 2. Erythromycin Ophthalmic ointment – Prophylaxis against gonorrhea and Chlamydia. (Prophylaxis against gonorrhea is required by law for all infants, regardless of whether the mother is known to be infected. 3. Hepatitis B vaccine given IM, Induration, erythema, and swelling at injection site most common reaction 4. Heel stick for PKU – Phenylketonuria – disorder caused by a missing or decreased enzyme call phenylalanine hydroxylase. Phenylalanine is not properly processed by the body. When there is too much phenylalanine in the diet the substances that build up in the blood can gradually cause brain damage. Babies with PKU are normal at birth; if phenylalanine is not restricted the damage is gradual with the IQ dropping 4 points per month. If untreated for a year the baby has lost almost 50 IQ points, resulting in severe mental retardation. Debrief Priorities (facts, feelings, behaviors, priorities, noticing, interpreting, responding, evaluating and reflecting-what went well, what would you do differently) FOR EMMA BERRY 1. Teaching of parent Temperature – importance of maintaining, whats normal dehydration as shown in sunken fontanel, use of cry for communication, skin conditions, reflexes nutritional needs ( every 2-3 hours) expectations of stool characteristics, and changes. 2. Breast feeding, how does mom know baby is getting enough milk 3. Injections, giving all at the same time ( including Hep B even though it is not due) 4. Heel stick for PKU 5. Hearing test 6. injections in infant – size of needle and max volume (needle size 25g, 5/8” needle, max volume in vastus lateralus .5cc in preme or neonate, 1 ml in infant. Possible Increased Complexities for this scenario: 1. References: 1. Suggestions for Future Advanced Scenarios: 1.