SNO. TITLE 1. TB & RD EGAN’s fundamentals of respiratory care 2. Tuberculosis 3. 4. 5. Tuberculosis Diseases of the chest Diseases of the chest – Synopsis 2005 6. Fishman’s Pulmonary diseases and Disorders Baum’ Textbook of pulmonary diseases Asthma Chest roentogenology Crofton’s Textbook of pulmonary diseases Pleural diseases Chest Medicine – Essentials of pulmonary and Critical care medicine Comprehensive respiratory care 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. AUTHOR EDITION Wilkins, Stoller, Scanlan – Mosby M. Monir Madkour Rom & Garay Fraser Parre Farser Parre Fishman Baum Barnes Felson Crofton Light RW George, light, Matthay, and Matthay Dantzher, MacIntyre, Bakow 1 PUBLISHER PRICE DISCO UNT NET PRICE 14. Manual of Asthma Management 15. Middleton’s Allergy Principles and Practice (Mosby) 16. Allergy 17. Cancer – Principles & Practice of Oncology – Lung cancer 18. Lung Cancer 19. Lung cancer Principles and practice 20. Malignant Mesothelioma – Advances in pathogenesis, diagnosis and translational therapies – 2005 21. Thoracic Oncology 22. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History taking 23. Conn’s current therapy 2008 24. Davidson’s Principles and practice of medicine 25. Diseases of the lung – Radiologic & Pathologic considerations O’Byrne, Thomson Kaplan Devita VT (Jr.), Hellman, Rosenberg Saunders M. D. Anderson cancer care series Pass, Mitchell, Johnson, Turrisi, Minna Pass, Vogelzang, Carbone Roth Muller 2 26. Stedman’s Medical dictionary – 27th ed 27. Epidemiology, biostatistics & preventive medicine 28. Clinical Epidemiology The Essentials – Fletcher & fletcher – 2005 29. Schaum’s outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics – Spiegel, Stephens – 3rd ed 30. Marino The ICU Book 31. Patterson's Allergic Diseases 32. Wagner: Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography 33. The Washington Manual Pulmonary Medicine Subspecialty consult 34. Current diagnosis and treatment in pulmonary medicine 35. Manual of clinical problems in pulmonary medicine – 2005 Jekel, Katz Fletcher & fletcher Spiegel, Stephens Hanley, Walsh Bordow, Ries, Morris 36. Clinical Respiratory Medicine – Expert Consult – 2008 3 37. Lung function – Physiology, Measurement, and Application in Medicine – 2006 Cotes, Chinn, Miller 38. Evidence based Respiratory medicine – 2006 Gibson 39. Toman’s Tuberculosis – Case Detection, Treatment and Monitoring - 2004 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 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