
January 2013
<Contact Name>
<Company Name>
<Address 1>
<Address 2>
<City>, <State> <Zip code>
RE: 2012 Plan Year End Package Instructions
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that your annual questionnaire and census have been posted to your
BCG plan website. Please follow the instructions below to complete the questionnaire, review your census and
submit as soon as possible. Please be aware that any delay in following the instructions below may impact our
ability to complete your compliance work on time, which could potentially result in costly regulatory penalties. We
have enclosed answers to the frequently asked questions we’ve received over the past year. This document will
also be posted to your BCG plan website.
In order to process your compliance work in a timely manner, please provide the following two items, in good
order (complete), by Friday, February 15th, 2013:
Annual Questionnaire – Please complete the Annual Questionnaire, which can be found on your
plan sponsor website at You have the option to download, complete, scan &
upload via your plan sponsor website or return to BCG via mail, fax or email at and;
Census Data File – Your census data, which has been compiled throughout the year based on
payrolls you have submitted, can also be found on your plan sponsor website at Please be advised that all employees are to be included in the census.
Please also be aware when reporting compensation that you should do so in accordance with the
definition of compensation included in your plan document. Please review and make any necessary
corrections (all employees are to be included or added if needed). If corrections are required;
download the census, make the corrections, scan & upload via your plan sponsor website or return
to BCG via mail, fax or email at
Please follow the steps below for retrieving and submitting your Census Data File and/or Annual Questionnaire:
Step 1 - Access and go to Plan Sponsor Login, click START
Step 2 - Enter username and password, click SPONSOR
Step 3 - Go to Links, Reports, View Reports tab, Census Data File – 12/31/12 (or Annual Questionnaire).
Step 4 - Complete and return signed copy of the Annual Questionnaire
Step 5 - Click to open the file and review census data to determine if valid or invalid
If valid and in good order, send an email to stating “All census
data is valid” and reference your plan number.
If invalid and not in good order, make the necessary corrections to the census data file,
save the document to your computer and then upload via your plan sponsor website (click
upload file, Change File Type to Data file, browse, select the saved file & click upload) or
simply email to and reference your plan number.
NOTE: Missing or incomplete information will delay the processing of all compliance testing and calculations.
Compliance work is processed in the order in which it is received, so please make it a priority to return your
Year End Package as soon as possible, so we can meet your expectations.
If you have any questions/concerns surrounding the questionnaire and/or census, please don’t
hesitate to reach out to me at (800) 524-4015 extension (PAM extension> or via email at <PAM email
<PAM First Name>
<Pam Full Name>
Plan Account Manager
Rev. 01/04/13 KJW