Park Conservation District 5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047 Telephone (406) 222-2899x111 February 3, 2015 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES USDA Building, Conference Room, 5242 Hwy 89 South Livingston, MT 59047 11:00 a.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gayleen Malone, chair; Martin Davis, vice-chair; Daryl Stutterheim; Ned Zimmerman; Dave Haug NON-BOARD MEMBERS: Jessica Anderson, District Administrator; Dylan Graves, BSWC member GUESTS: Barbara Woodbury, Park County Floodplain Administration; Dave Molebash, NRCS; Ron Hoaglund, NRCS; Scott Opitz, FWP; David Sigler, Spanish Peaks Engineering & Consulting, LLC; Joe Zimbric, One Montana Gayleen Malone called the regular Park CD meeting to order at 11:07 a.m. 310 APPLICATIONS/SITE INSPECTION REPORTS/DECISIONS: A. PK-05-15 Approved w/ modifications – Yellowstone River: Hunter’s Hot Springs c/o Jim Hogemark – Rebuild outer canal bank contiguous with rive side channel to prevent further erosion. Opitz and Haug conducted the site inspection. Opitz recommended that they not receive a maintenance permit and that rock should be sloped as close to 2:1 as possible. Following discussion and site inspection review, Haug made the motion to waive the 15-day waiting period and approve with Opitz’s recommended modifications. Davis seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. B. PK-92-14 Approved w/ modifications – Cottonwood Creek: Steve Leffingwell – Bridge replacement through the installation of concrete abutments and structural steel deck. Opitz and Stutterheim conducted the site inspection. Opitz recommended that they be allowed to bring equipment across the river for the project as necessary and shall be completed prior to May 15 or high water. Following discussion and review of site inspection report, Stutterheim moved to approve with recommended modifications and to waive the 15-day waiting period. Zimmerman seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. C. PK-04-15 Approved w/ modifications – Shields River: Fish-A-Bit Ranch c/o Spanish Peaks Engineering and Consulting, LLC – Stabilization of 5’ high eroding cut banks along two reaches of the Shields River. Opitz and Stutterheim conducted the site inspection. Opitz recommended that the project’s work be completed before May 15 or high water. Stutterheim made the motion to approve with recommended modifications. Zimmerman seconded and the motion passed, 50. D. PK-03-15 Approved w/ modifications – Yellowstone River: Andrew Dana c/o Allied Engineering/Doug Chandler – Maintain and repair bank stabilizations February 3, 2015 Page - 1 - Park Conservation District 5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047 Telephone (406) 222-2899x111 E. PK-02-15E F. PK-39-13 structures including rip rap and barbs. Opitz and Davis conducted the site inspection. Opitz recommended that work be done before May 15 or high water. Davis made the motion to approve with recommended modifications and waive the 15-day waiting period. Haug seconded and the motion passed, 50. Approved - Yellowstone River: Double AA Ranch c/o Brett Johnson: Emergency action taken to build a ~10 foot diversion to restore flow of water to irrigation structure. Opitz and Davis conducted the site inspection. Tabled – Soda Butte Creek: Robert Gilbert - Bank stabilization and jetty installation in order to prevent buildings from falling into river due to continued erosion. Additional information and clarification of proposed project required. NATURAL STREAMBED & LAND PRESERVATION ACT (310) DISCUSSION: A. PK-117-11E Pine Creek: Allen Carter – Modification of diversion structure with a slide gate rather than a check board. After discussions, it was decided that because the proposed activity would not affect the stream bed or banks, the project is nonjurisdictional and does not require a 310 permit. Haug motions that the project is nonjurisdictional. Zimmerman seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. TREASURER’S REPORT & FINANCIAL ITEMS: A. Approval of checks and financial reports: Haug made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report and financials, Malone seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. MINUTES APPROVAL A. Approval of January 6th, 2015 minutes: Correction was made to vote on PK-90-14E, which was approved 3-0 rather than 4-0. Davis made the motion to approve minutes from last month. Zimmerman seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD UPDATE: A. Haug updated the group about the tour of Gardiner’s ongoing project that will improve the area for businesses, parking, and other uses and get people coming into Yellowstone to stop in Gardiner and spent their time and money. The improvements and renovations are in progress now and are supposed to be finished by the end of 2016. The Billman subdivision was postponed/delayed for now but is eventually supposed to be a five lot subdivision in Gardiner. Donut zoning is still on the table. NEW BUSINESS: A. BSWC Update: Our BSWC member, Dylan Graves, has been working on the ongoing stream jurisdiction mapping project, generating a newsletter for distribution in late February, and has been working on educational programs with Matt Wilhelm and meeting to discuss further educational opportunities in the schools and the community. B. One Montana – Transition Agriculture: Joe Zimbric, a Big Sky Watershed Corps member working with One Montana, presented about the new Transition Agriculture website to provide resources and information to farmers and ranchers about new agricultural practices. One Montana would like input from ranchers around Montana about content they would like to see on the website. C. Park CD 2015 Banquet: 157 people attended the banquet held on January 30th at Music February 3, 2015 Page - 2 - Park Conservation District 5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047 Telephone (406) 222-2899x111 D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Ranch Montana. Banquet details were discussed along with potential changes for the 2016 Park CD Banquet. YRCDC: Meeting summary reviewed. Enhancing Montana’s Wildlife & Habitat vs. Montana FWP: Anderson reported the Bozeman-based Enhancing Montana’s Wildlife and Habitat group has filed a law suit against Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and its board of commissioners. The suit asks the court to block FWP’s 2015 elk brucellosis management work plan, which could take effect this spring. BSWC/Rolling Rivers Grant Update: Although the board made a motion to fund a $500 mini-grant for the Rolling Rivers BSWC training last month, it turns out that the program may have found another source of funding and can thus proceed without a contribution from Park CD. NFWF Grant: Brad Shepard presented a proposal to transfer a two year grant under Park CD’s administration to address Yellowstone cutthroat trout conservation in the Shields River, including the removal of nonnative brook and rainbow trout and the installation of a fish barrier. After discussion, Haug moved to approve the proposal and transfer the grant’s contract to the CD. Stutterheim seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. Jones vs. Knadler & Park CD: Anderson provided an update of the current status on the Jones vs. Knadler & Park CD case. GPS Unit discussion: The board discussed the purchase of a GPS unit to be used by the conservation district for the stream jurisdiction project, site visits, and other CD uses. Graves presented several options of various prices and discussed several software options that display county landowner data. Opitz mentioned that FWP receives a discount from the software company due to being a government agency. Cost will likely be between $325350. After discussion, Stutterheim made a motion to purchase the least expensive unit that will meet all needs. Haug seconded and the motion passed, 5-0. Irrigation Diversion Blocks discussion: Concrete irrigation blocks that can be seasonally placed in rivers and streams for irrigation are available from Fisher Sand and Gravel for $45 and are currently in stock. Stutterheim purchased irrigation blocks from Helena some time ago and they are presently being used in Park County. After discussion, the board decided that we will help fund the purchase of blocks on a case-by-case basis as landowners come to the CD with interest. Rancher’s Roundtable Series: Two more rancher’s roundtable series events remain this season, on February 10 and February 17, both at the Wilsall Fire Hall. The first will cover invasive grasses and the second will cover time management. The events begin at 7:00 PM. Park County Landownership Maps: Park County landownership map booklets are now available at the Park CD office for $28. A booklet was provided for each member of the board. Supervisor Training: A video conference is being offered from 1:30-4 on February 10th by MACD that addresses leadership, citizen engagement, and vision in governance. All supervisors statewide were invited to attend. MACD 2015 Scholarships: Two $500 scholarships are being offered to state high school students who have an interest in pursuing a career in a natural resource related field. Applications for the scholarships are due on February 18. MACD – News From the Front: Legislative updates were reviewed. Warren Kellogg/YRCDC: Kellogg has asked to come to the next Park CD meeting and give a 45 minute presentation on 310 permitting tools and Yellowstone River BMPs. The board suggested he schedule a presentation prior to an upcoming Park CD meeting, beginning February 3, 2015 Page - 3 - Park Conservation District 5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047 Telephone (406) 222-2899x111 before the meeting is called to order. NRCS UPDATE: NRCS is making $100 million available through the CSP program for farm, ranch, and forest operators to take additional conservation steps to improve their natural resources. Applications must be submitted by February 27th for consideration. CSP also has a new pilot effort to address habitat for at-risk species and conserving and cleaning water, including the Sage-Grouse Initiative. Four initiatives are being offered through EQIP: the National On-Farm Energy Initiative, the National Organic Initiative, the Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative, and the Prairie Pothole Wetland and Grassland Retention program. Energy audits will be available as a costshare with NRCS to landowners. Hoagland notified the board that NRCS is looking for a landowner in the community willing to provide access to his or her ranch for an annual weeklong training for new NRCS employees to learn about various aspects of range management and conservation programs. Snowpack update: Upper Yellowstone: snowpack @ 114% of 30 yr. normal (30”) South Fork – Shields: snowpack @ 88% of 30 yr. normal (10”) Brackett Creek: snowpack @ 149% of 30 yr. normal (30”) Monument/Boulder: snowpack @ 117% of 30 yr. normal (30”) WATERSHED BUSINESS: A. Upper Yellowstone Watershed Basin Updates: Next meeting: tentatively scheduled for March 5th , Emigrant B. Shields Valley Watershed Group Updates: Next meeting: tentatively scheduled for March 16th, Wilsall PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. MEETING ADJOURNED @ 2:13 PM NEXT MEETING: February 3, 2015 March 3rd @ 11:00am Page - 4 -