Modulnummer Modultitel Leistungspunkte – LP PFE1 Physiology of Plant Nutrition 6 (180h workload) Modulverantwortlicher Sekretariat E-Mail Heiner Goldbach (and H W Scherer) 73-2850 Das Modul ist folgendem Studiengang/folgenden Studiengängen zugeordnet MSc Plant Sciences MSc Crop Sciences (Arbeitstitel) Inhalte des Moduls Mechanisms of nutrient uptake and translocation within the plant (root and foliar uptake); effects of nutritional stresses (deficiencies and toxicities) alone and in combination with environmental stresses (chilling, drought, salt; interactions leading to forest decline); environmental factors controlling nutrient uptake; rhizosphere located processes controlling nutrient availability and uptake; incorporation of nutrients into plant metabolism (N, S, P); controlling plant growth and development by nutrient supply; effects of fertilizer application on crop quality; experimental approaches in physiological plant nutrition: experimental designs: pro’s and con’s, possible biases Lernziele des Moduls Participants should gain a fundamental understanding of physiological processes governing nutrient uptake and nutrient functions in plants. They should furthermore know about adaptive mechanisms to compensate for low or excessive levels of nutrients and toxic elements. They should be able to address the consequences of nutrient stresses, as well as know effects of multiple nutritional and combined nutritional/environmental stresses. Participants should be able to set up standard experiments to solve questions related to nutrient uptake, translocation and adaptation to limited nutrient supply and/or toxicities, being aware of possible experimental biases. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen, erforderliche und nützliche Vorkenntnisse BSc in Botany, Agriculture/Agronomy, Ecology Modulbestandteile Lehrveranstaltungstitel LP LV-Art SWS P/WP/W Semester (WS/SS) Nutrient uptake and nutrient dynamics Lecture 3 WP SS Methods in plant nutrition Lab 3 WP SS 2 WP SS Course Nutrient supply and stress adaptation in crops Seminar Prüfungsmodalitäten Written test of the contents of the lecture; written report of a lab course as well as oral and poster presentation of the experiments in the context of a seminar Dauer des Moduls The module can be completed in 1 Semester. max. Teilnehmerzahl 24 Anmeldeformalitäten Registration at the Institute of Plant Nutrition (INRES) Literaturempfehlungen Marschner, H. (1995) Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2nd Edition, Academic Press, NewYork, London, ISBN 0-12473542-8 (hardcover) / 0-12-473543-6 (paperback) Broadley, Martin (Ed.) (2005) Plant Nutritional Genomics. 1405121149, Blackwell Rengel, Z. (1999) Mineral Nutrition of Crops, The Haworth Press, Inc., 141-168. Mengel, K., Kirkby, E. (2001): Principles of Plant Nutrition; Kluwer Acad. Publishers, 5th Edition Rengel, Z. (1998) Nutrient Use in Crop Production. Harworth Press, Binghamton)