Gordana Karovic06

Monday, 19th June 2006
Cleaning of the site from grass and other growth.
20th June 2006
Cleaning of the site is finished during the day. Removal of the backfill from Room 38 and Room
31 started.
21st June 2006
Removal of backfill from Room 38 is finished and detailed cleaning of the surface was done.
Pictures of actual situation (before the beginning of excavation) were made.
Removal of backfill from Room 31 is going on and is not finished completely during the
working day.
Removal of backfill in the north-west part of courtyard, between well and eastern face of walls
692 and 693. This is a preparation for the beginning of excavation that will start from the
western part of courtyard. This narrow trench, opened along the eastern face of mentioned walls
(in fact along the wall 692 as the lower one), consisted from two contexts: 701 soft brown layer
by south part of wall 692 and c.n. 702 soft yellowish brown soil by SE part of wall 692.
22nd June 2006
Excavation in Room 38 started in layer of loose brown soil with stones which is covering most
of the SE part of the room. This is context 712, defined during the last year’s excavation.
Fragment of a bronze coin was collected from a sieve. Other finds are two fragments of green
Roman glass beaker(s) with conical body and smaller fragment of profiled bracelet made of dark
blue glass. Also some ceramics, bones and shells. Hard rain stopped the excavation and it was
not possible to continue it afterwards because of very wet soil.
Removal of backfill in the north-west part of courtyard, between well and eastern face of walls
692 and 693 is finished, profiles done, walls cleaned and pictures made.
Removal of the backfill in Room 31 is still not finished. There is still some of it left in the pit in
west corner of west wing of the room.
During the afternoon Dima and his team went back to the site and finished cleaning of backfill
from the named pit.
23rd June 2006
Because of heavy rain during the night it was not possible to start working in the morning.
Just a little thinking: Larissa told me yesterday that she thinks that the area in west wing of
Room 31, for which we were first thinking is a bedrock and afterwards found out that it is just a
layer thick about 25-30 cm, cut by context number 727, and where we found Hellenistic
ceramics, is in fact a platform with and from leftovers from stone production. I still think that
this is not an artificial one, but just naturally hardened remains of deteriorated bedrock in an area
occupied during Hellenistic time and than left. Next phase we have preserved here is a building
phase of the medieval complex we are excavating. So, I still have a feeling that this will be the
only area on our site where we will find non disturbed layer from the time of Hellenistic
Platform dividing Room 38 into two sections (west and east one) could be of the same kind. Its
SW end, by wall 264, is almost at the same level.
This “little thinking” was in Packard lab, but than I went back to the site. So, no, my last thought
was wrong. After the rain eastern profile of the “platform” was completely clean and it was
obvious that it is bedrock.
Room 38
We started working again at 8.45 in Room 38, in layer 0712 which is covering most of the
eastern part of trench. Stones in E corner were removed and now it can be seen that the corner of
walls 257 and 201 are lying on bedrock. Lot of loose stones are visible in the layer. Number of
special finds, mostly metal ones (bronze and iron) were found during the day. Iron nails are
coming mostly from E corner. Situation at the end of the day: in E corner and along the cut in
bedrock (con. no. 0728) earth is dark brown and loose, while in the remaining part earth is gray,
ashy, and with big stones. Row of stones which are at right angle with wall 257 looks like being
put in order (remains of a wall or we are still in a fill layer?).
Room 31
Before the excavation started pictures of the general view of Room 31 were taken, as also the
ones for the purpose of photogrammetry (using program Photo modeler). We started working in
East wing, in con. no. 0713 which has been defined last year. Some diagnostic sherds of Roman
pottery were collected. Below wall 264 row of stones (new wall?) registered last year at the
bottom of a pit, now can clearly be seen.
Georeferenced pictures of the opening of the well in NW part of courtyard were made and also
the ones for the purpose of photogrammetry. Almost at the surface of the courtyard one coin was
found (maybe modern one?).
Massive iron piece, possibly heart bottom, was accidentally found on Main street. It was
mapped and collected as metallurgical sample.
24th June 2006
Room 38
Today’s work started with taking away last sections of con. no. 0712. Lot of iron nails and other
metal (iron and bronze) objects were found. Than two bronze coins, one of them dated to 10th
century. Lots of pottery, among them some bigger fragments of amphorae. Fragments of glass
vessels but also a number of window glass fragments. Two new con. no. were assigned in SE
part of the room:
0753 for brown soil with inclusions, and
0754 for light grey ashy soil with stones. Row of stones mentioned yesterday is forming eastern
edge of this context.
Documentation pictures and pictures for the purpose of photogrammetry of con. no 754 were
made and a plan drown.
Room 31
Work went on in East wing in con. no. 0713. Till the end of working day five new con. no were
assigned in the SE part of East wing:
0747 yellowish compact clay in E corner,
0748 wall under wall 264,
0749 light brown compact soil with inclusions,
0750 cut for pit in S corner and
0751 fill of pit in S corner.
After thorough cleaning documentation pictures and pictures for the purpose of photogrammetry
of east wing were made. Plan will be drown on Sunday.
Cleaning after taking backfill out, defining contexts from the last year and beginning of
excavation. Fragment of a cannon ball was found so it was supposed that the old artificial trench,
that can be followed across the whole site in the NE-SW direction, could be dated to the time of
Crimean war.
Pottery ladies were given numbers of contexts opened last year that we are going to reopen again
this year.
26th June 2006
Room 38
Work went on in a layer of gray ashy soil with stones which at the beginning looked like forming
some semicircular construction. Lot of special finds were registered, among them few well
preserved bronze coins (one dated to 11th century), and number of iron nails. Finds were
concentrated in area near bedrock which is forming NW border of in this moment excavated area
in room 38. Also lot of pottery was collected. Till the end of working day c.n. 754 was closed
and we went working on in a layer of brown soil with inclusions (c.n. 753) which seems to cover
all the excavated area in SE part of the room.
Room 31
East wing: Pit in S corner was emptied and layer of compact yellowish clay taken away.
Palaeobotanical samples were taken from these two contexts (0751 and 0747). At the bottom of
the pit 0750 is a stone which was put to feel a gap in bedrock and together with it form a stable
base for building of the wall 217. Removal of c.n. 0749 revealed new layer of brown soil with
charcoal inclusions and traces of burning that was given c.n. 0756. Bigger fragments of pottery
found in this layer are for now left in situ. Bedrock is protruding almost everywhere under wall
While documentation pictures and pictures for the purpose of photogrammetry were made, work
went on in west wing of the room. Pit in the S corner (c.n. 0727) was emptied from part of fill
(c.n. 618) that was left from last year’s excavations. It could have been done now for a big stone
from the wall above was moved. Cleaning after its removal also revealed big, nicely cut stone
with profilation (spolia) that was used at the bottom of wall (?) dividing room 31 from room 31a.
Soil from rooms 31 and 38 is sifted from the beginning of excavation.
In the N courtyard excavation goes in a direction from last year excavated narrow trench, opened
parallel to the walls 692 and 693, towards the opening of the well. Today it was clear that layer,
which was assigned c.n. 0752, goes across whole excavated section of the courtyard. Below it
new layers appeared:
0755 loose ashy yellowish brown soil,
0757 loose brown soil,
0758 brown clayey layer between well and previously excavated trench.
Plan was drawn with exact direction and dimensions of the trench that is supposed to be from the
time of Crimean war.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0618, 0713, 0747, 0749, 0754
27th June 2006.
Room 38
During the whole day work went on in c.n. 0753. Few big stones are still in situ near the cut in
bedrock in SW part of the room and in N and E corner. We closed c.n. 0754 yesterday but it is
obvious that the gray ashy layer is still going deeper. That means that I was right when few days
ago I said that the gray ashy layer is above the brown one (c.n. 0754 above c.n. 0753). But again
if Adam is right and if this is all part of a big damp layer connected with building of walls, this
will not be important at all. Information that we will have from pottery analysis will be
significant here. What we expect in this moment is that the dating of the pottery will be
(probably) in broad range from 4-5th till 13th century.
Documentation picture of big stones in situ was made and then they were taken away. One with
a clamp hole was given a special find number. Lot of other special finds were registered: number
of bronze coins, other metal objects, marble fragments, stone balls. Also a lot of iron nails were
mapped. There were plenty of ceramic and tile fragments in layer.
Room 31
In East wing work went on in c.n. 0756. Lot of big fragments of pottery, that were yesterday
cleaned and left in situ, were collected. Among them bigger parts of imbrices could be
recognized. Soil sample was taken from this layer. Till the end of working day context number
0756 was closed, and new number (0764) assigned to the layer of brown soil that appeared
below the previous one.
In west wing of the room, on mortar platform by staircase 422, small circular pit was recognized.
Cut was given number 0760 and fill number 0761. After emptying fill from named pit PMP 8
(Photo Modeler Project number 8) was done. Before we started removing the platform spot
hights and documentation pictures were taken also. Removal of the platform revealed new layer
that was assigned new c.n. 0765.
Below layers with c.n. 0755, 0757 and 0758, new layer of orangish brown soil that goes across
the whole excavated area appeared. It was assigned c.n. 0759. After cleaning was done and
documentation pictures were made excavation started in this layer which revealed fragments of
millstone (in SW area by wall 296), whetstone and one ceramic weight. Lot of fish bones were
collected also. Trench for wall 265 was registered and documented:
0762 fill of wall trench
0763 cut for wall trench.
At the bottom of it we came to bedrock which is in this area of courtyard on much lower level
than we had it last year in south courtyard (or this just looks like to me?).
New trench was opened across Stenopos, just to the east from the modern trench (from Crimean
war?) excavated during last year. Excavation started by taking off pebbled surface and revealing
2nd surface of the street with remains of sidewalk. New context numbers were assigned:
0766 for sidewalk in Stenopos
0767 for 2nd surface in Stenopos.
Photo Modeler project 5 treated pre-excavated surface (con.no. 488), and Photo Modeler project
9 treated 2nd surface (con.no. 0766 and 0767). Documentation pictures were taken also.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0717, 0756, 0761
28th June 2006
Room 38
Work went on in c.n. 0753. Near the cut in bedrock in SW part of the room two big stone blocks
were documented in situ (picture n. 1091), and afterwards one of them was taken out of trench.
Lot of pottery sherds were collected, bones, sea shells, 28 iron nails were mapped and 29 small
finds registered. At the end of day some remains of context 0753 were still left, but we were able
to define new layer that was given c.n. 0768.
Room 31
We realized that a mistake was made, for c.n. 0717 was used for compact plaster area in N part
of west wing instead of c.n. 0617 that was given last year to this structure. All necessary changes
were made.
Today’s work was concentrated to the east wing of the room. Layer of eroded bedrock with
inclusions of ceramic was excavated completely. After that excavation went on in a layer of
compact brown soil (c.n. 0764) with lot of big fragments of pottery - amphorae and roof tiles.
New pit in south corner was discovered, just below the previous one. At the end of the day area
with plaster with remains of fresco decoration was found closer to wall 217. It was photographed
and protected with geotextile coverage.
Stone slab which is lying across the middle of excavated area, and probably part of stone
pavement discovered completely during last years excavation (c.n. 666) was given c.n. 0773. In
this moment it looks like it was laid directly on bedrock. North of stone slab circular cut in
bedrock was discovered (c.n. 0771). Between slab and opening of the pit there is a patch of
compact yellowish brown soil (c.n. 0772). South of slab work went on in a layer of grayish
brown soil. During the day emptying of pit started. One soil sample from a fill (c.n. 0770) was
taken, and another will be taken from the bottom layer.
Context number 0766 that was yesterday defined as sidewalk today was recognized to be a
trench for wall 292. Cut for trench was assigned c.n. 0769. Removal of fill revealed just two iron
and one bronze object, some pottery and bone. In this area of Stenopos we did Photo Modeler
project 10, for the first time using strings with markings. Removal of second surface of the street
started during the day.
29th June 2006
Room 38
Excavation started in an area closed by wall 264 and cut in bedrock (c.n. 0729). In small part
towards west fill was loose brown soil (c.n. 0781) which was not possible to follow till its end
because of obstacles made by millstone which is in this moment helping us to enter the
excavation area. So emptying of this fill will go on just after we come to bedrock in the whole
SE part of room. But it was possible to work in S corner of the room where fill of semicircular
cut is consisting of much more compact soil (c.n. 0780). Here we found one bronze coin, part of
a Roman lamp and fragment of rim and body of Roman jar from 3rd-4th century AD.
In the other excavated area of SE part of room 38 last sections of c.n. 0753 were removed and
new situation defined. Three new c.n. were given:
0768 for very compact soil in W corner of SE part of the room
0784 for compact clayish soil above bedrock in E corner of the room, and
0785 for brown compact soil in center of SE part of the room. Just to mention that in this
moment in NW part, closer to the cut in bedrock which is dividing room 38 in two sections, we
still have visible remains of c.n. 0754 that we closed some of previous days. Soil is lighter and
looser than in the rest of the area.
At the end of the day we removed c.n. 0784, came to bedrock in east corner and clearly defined
its edges in this area.
Room 31
Work went on in c.n. 0764 on cleaning and revealing more details of very fragile structure of
plaster with fresco decoration. After that conservators were invited to remove it.
For it was not possible to work in east wing any more during this day because of the presence of
conservators, trench team moved and did detailed cleaning of the surface of room 31a. This room
was excavated during 2004 season but not finished. In 2005 we were not working there.
Another thing that was done during the day was removal of backfill in room 37 for the stone
slabs forming its floor are supposed to be left exposed.
Circular pit (c.n. 0771) cut in bedrock, discovered yesterday north of stone slab, was emptied and
palaeobotanical sample taken from its bottom layer. Bottom of the pit is rounded so it is possible
that it was used for storing of pithoi. In the whole excavated section of courtyard north of stone
slab we came to bedrock. Photo Modeler Project 13 was done. On north side of stone slab there
is a very regular cut in bedrock so it is possible that it was made deliberately for purpose of
positioning stone pavement.
In other part of excavated area in courtyard work went on, and two new c.n. were given:
0782 for soft brown loom and
0783 for soft grayish brown ashy soil by wall 0693. Excavation of this layer was finished during
the day.
From the temporary profile of excavated area towards SE (between opening of well and wall 296
more stone slabs are protruding.
Excavation went on in cut in 2nd surface of the street, possibly made for drain and defined by
Anton yesterday. When fill was removed till big stone which was probably used as a cover for
drain, Photo Modeler Project 12 was done, documentation pictures and drawing made.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0753, 0770, 0778, 0784
30. June 2006
Room 38
In this room excavation went on in contexts number 0785 and 0790. In 0790 we found another
part of the same Roman lamp registered yesterday. This context was closed and new one (0790)
opened for brown soil in semicircular cut in bedrock (c.n. 0729). Fragment of decorated terra
sigillata was found. In the central area of SE part of the room number of special finds of different
use and from different materials were found.
Room 31
Conservators are still working in east wing of the room. At the end of the working day in west
wing context number 0765 was removed. Fragments of pottery and bones were the only finds.
Room 31a
Photo Modeler Project 14 and documentation pictures were made before excavation started in
con.no. 0405. During the day new layer, covering the whole surface between bedrock in room
31a, was defined and given c.n. 0792.
Room 37
Backfill was removed completely and cleaning of the surface finished.
As yesterday c.n. 0783 was removed till bedrock surface, first thing in the morning was to clean
the area and make documentation photographs before excavation of c.n 0782 started. This
context, which is a leveling fill for stone slabs, revealed just few small fragments of Roman
pottery. When excavation was finished Photo Modeler Project 16 was made.
As backfill from room 37 was removed now it is perfectly clear that stone slab (c.n. 0713) is a
continuation of stone pavement from that room. From the end of a slab, towards opening of a
well, layer of compact orange brown soil was excavated. As being the same as soil found below
big slab that was lifted last year in room 37, it is interpreted as a layer under slabs (the slab above
our c.n. 0788 is now missing).
Adam pointed out to the possibility that circular pit for pithoi(?) was partly, on its SW part, cut
not in a bedrock but in another slab that is for some reason on lower level than the slab 0713.
What is right we will see after further excavation of courtyard that will move in SE direction.
Stone cover of a drain was removed. Photo Modeler Project 15, documentation pictures and
drawing were made, and than fill of a drain (c.n. 0791) started to be collected. All of it will be
floated. Construction of a drain box in Stenopos was given number 0789.
1. July 2006.
Room 38
Big stone that was close to a cut in bedrock in SW part of excavated area was documented in situ
and than taken out of trench. Below it and in the west corner (c.n. 0768) there were lot of loose
stones, big pieces of tiles and few fragments of pithoi. Excavation than continued in c.n. 0785,
where situation is not different than it was yesterday. Lot of pottery, iron nails, different special
finds. The most representative one was a piece of glass bracelet with an inscription.
In semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of the room excavation went on in a same layer (c.n.
Room 31
As conservators lifted plaster during yesterday afternoon it was possible to continue excavation
in east wing, in c.n. 0764. Diagnostic fragments of amphorae were found in this layer. Below
wall 217 cut for a pit in bedrock was defined, its fill excavated and material collected.
In west wing c.n. 0765 was closed also.
Room 31a
Photo Modeler Project 17 covered the whole surface of the room.
During the whole working day SE profile of excavated area was drawn.
Soil from the drain channel was collected for flotation. Cut in bedrock for drain construction was
given c.n. 0787, cleaned and documented. Photo Modeler Project 18 was done. Drawing will be
finished during the weekend, so that on Monday morning work can go on by excavating rest of
the trench layers.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0768, 0765, 0793
3. July 2006.
Room 38
Work went on in brown soil (con.no.0785) covering whole excavated area edged by cut in
bedrock (c.n. 0728). There are lots of loose stones in the whole section. Situation is the same as
previous day. Lot of iron nails, number of special finds, few more fragments of object interpreted
by Larissa as grindstone for grinding architectural material (???). Bottom of Hellenistic amphora
of Chersoneses provenance was found during the day.
Work also went on without any change in c.n. 0790 (fill of semicircular cut in bedrock 0729).
Room 31
Today we were working just in East wing of the room. Fill of pit in south corner was emptied till
bottom formed by yellowish clay. In the pit bronze coin, ceramic bead and almost intact Roman
lamp were found. The whole area close to wall 229 is covered with fragments of roof tiles and
ceramic vessels. In corner formed by walls 229 and 264 upper part of amphora is preserved in
Room 31a
Excavation of c.n. 0792 started. Palaeobotanical samples were taken.
Drawing of a profile took part of the morning but did not stop excavation that went on by taking
away the upper surface layer of the new section of courtyard that is going to be excavated. This
new section will cover the area of courtyard till corner made by walls 49 and 50.
Second surface of the street was taken off and excavation went on until layer of 3 rd surface was
defined. In fact, currently cleaned surface is consisting of fragments of ceramic vessels among
which rim and parts of body of pithoi are clearly recognizable, as also fragments of amphorae of
Ganos type (according to Larissa) and fragments of glazed pottery (10th century).
Photo Modeler Project 19 – NE part of trench
Photo Modeler Project 20 – SW part of trench
Drawing of this surface layer was made also.
Interior of the church was cleaned and prepared for excavation that is going to take place first in
central area, bordered by apse on one and graves on the other side. In this area human remains
are expected to be found. In fact, on the surface some remains (one tooth and few more bones)
can be seen in this moment.
Fact that trench supervisors started giving numbers in registers I didn’t find as a problematic
issue till today when some problems occurred. Because of difference in writing we had to skip
some numbers. So numbers for special finds from 3565 to 3569 were not issued at all. Another
problem arose from doubling of sample numbers. Result of this was that palaeobotanical samples
from room 31a and from drain in Stenopos were floated together because they had a same
number. Decision: numbers in registers are going to be given by someone else just when it is
4. July 2006
Room 38
We are still working in the same context in SE part of the room. Situation is not changing at all:
we are finding loose stones, tiles (3 buckets of tiles were collected), lot of ceramics, iron nails
and different types of small finds. And no end of this layer in sight.
In semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of the room we came to bedrock. Above bedrock soil
is more compact and with some inclusions of eroded bedrock but it is still the same layer. We
didn’t close context number 0790, for its remains we will have below millstone which in this
moment we can not move. Profile in this section (below wall 264) is extremely clear and good
for interpretation. Not many profiles like this I have seen on this site.
During the day work also started in N corner of the room.
Room 31
Work is going on in layer 0764. Today is clear that tile fragments are not concentrated just in an
area by wall 229, but in the whole east wing (tile collapse?). In S corner position of tegulae,
bordering an area with yellowish clay, looks to me like a channel going in direction of courtyard
Room 31a
Excavation of con.no. 0792 is going on, slowly coming to a level on which in west wing of room
31 we discovered layer of (so called) eroded bedrock below which we expect material from
Hellenistic time. In this moment it looks like this layer of eroded bedrock is continuing also in
room 31a.
Removal of c.n. 0752 started in the whole 2nd section of courtyard. Trench for wall 265 was
defined like in previously excavated section.
Excavation started in central part of church, between apse and tombs, in layer of gray brown soil
(c.n. 0798) revealing human skull and some other disarticulated human bones. In this moment
there are no visible signs of grave construction or a cut for a grave. Possibly just a (circular?) cut
for a pit (maybe used for some bones removed during secondary burials in tombs 1 and 2?), but
this will be more clear tomorrow. During cleaning pieces of plaster, probable parts of decoration
of the church were found, cleaned and documented in situ. Georeferenced pictures of plaster and
visible human remains were made. Human skull was removed from the site during the afternoon.
After removal of all the fragments of pithoi and other ceramic vessels that were forming collapse
layer (c.n.0796) above the street, pebbled surface no. 3 (c.n. 0797) was cleaned completely.
5. July 2006
Room 38
Photo Modeler Project 21 - profile below wall 264 and semicircular cut in bedrock (c.n. 0729).
Excavation in SE section of the room is continuing in a same layer and without any important
In NW part of the room excavation is going on in a layer of compact clayish soil (c.n. 0606).
Room 31
During the day last portions of c.n. 0764 were excavated and tile fragments which were kept in
situ during cleaning were removed. Below it bitten brown earth, possible floor, was discovered
and given new c.n. 0800. In S corner situation is a bit different and clearer today. What we used
to call layer of clay (c.n. 0795) is now showing visible signs of burning (ashy patches). It is
probably part of some construction bordered by tiles and imbrices. In west corner of east wing
broken, but almost completely preserved ceramic jar was found. Emptying of its content started
bit was not finished during the day. Jar was documented and left in situ.
Photo Modeler Project 28 covered the whole surface of east wing of the room.
In west wing removal of a layer of eroded bedrock (c.n. 0717) started. Fragments of pottery were
collected, among them base of a Hellenistic amphora from 3rd century BC, the same as one found
at the same place at the last day of last years excavation and one that we found yesterday in room
Room 31a
Photo Modeler Project 29 covered the whole room excavated till bedrock. Distinction between
bedrock and a layer of eroded bedrock that is continuing from room 31 is not clearly visible in
all parts.
Removal of remaining sections of c.n. 0752 was finished, new contexts defined and PMP made.
Photo Modeler Projects 24, 25, 26 and 27 covered the whole 2nd section of excavation of
courtyard. This took us much more time than we expected. Because of dimensions area had to be
divided in four sections and still some pictures must have been taken using leather.
Excavation continued first in an area by walls 265 and 50. Both wall trenches, of different
dimensions and with different fillings, were defined.
Plaster decoration discovered yesterday was prepared to be removed by conservators. During
cleaning and preparation for removal some new fragments of plaster were noted and one long
human bone. Documentation pictures were made.
After detailed cleaning documentation of 3rd surface of the street was done.
Photo Modeler Project 22 – NE section of 3rd surface of the street
Photo Modeler Project 23 – SW section of 3rd surface of the street
Third surface was than taken off and a new one defined and cleaned. For 4th surface two contexts
were given: for brown compact soil with inclusions of ceramic, shell and bone fragments (c.n.
0802) and for light yellow compact mix of clay and lime (c.n. 0803).
My opinion is that this difference that can be noted on the surface of the street is due or to higher
range of deterioration in the middle of the street or (very possible) to the excavators tools.
Surface is the same across the whole section of the street while yellow compact soil is a leveling
layer below it.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0764, 0794, 0796, 0797, 0799
6. July 2006.
Room 38
In west corner of SE part of the room ashy layer was defined. This is a first change that we have
in this area for days. Immediately below this thin layer, which we collected as soil sample, new
situation is starting to appear. In other parts we still follow layer 0785.
Today work went on also in NW part of the room where new layer was defined and its surface
cleaned and photographed. Brown loose soil is having high concentration of metallurgical
byproduct (c.n. 0810). I don’t know exactly what kind of mineral is this yellow substance, but
we noted it last year during the excavation and it can clearly be seen as a few centimeters thick
layer in a profile of a pit 601.
Drawing of a profile below wall 264 started today.
Room 31
Ceramic jar found in west corner of east wing was emptied completely and it content kept as soil
sample. Lot of animal bones found in it was collected separately. Construction in S corner is
formed of clay bordered with tiles. Upper surface of clay layer has traces of burning. Cleaning
around this construction revealed new surface layer (floor?) on which this construction was
In west wing of the room context 0717 was closed. New one below it is actually very similar:
compact soil mixed with mortar and lime. Before excavation of this layer (c.n. 0809) started we
did Photo Modeler Project 34 of its upper surface. First thing that we found when excavation of
this layer started was upper part of Hellenistic amphorae with a stamp. Stamp of rectangular
form on upper part of handle is with Greek inscription in two rows. Lot of fragments of plaster
with remains of red paint was collected.
Room 31a
Adam was working in this room during the whole day trying to define area with eroded bedrock
that we were expecting to continue from west wing of room 31 and to divide it from real
bedrock. Unfortunately situation is completely different than in west wing of room 31, there are
lots of holes and irregular cavities in the surface and in this moment situation is not clear at all.
Excavation in trenches for walls 265 and 50 went on. Layer consisting of soil mixed with plaster
and charcoal adjacent to wall 265 (c.n. 0805) was removed and closed. In remaining part of
courtyard excavation went on in context number 0757.
We were not working in this area today for conservators did not move pieces of plaster nor
yesterday, nor today during working hours.
Photo Modeler Project 30 – for NE section of the 4th surface of the street
Photo Modeler Project 31 – for SW section of the 4th surface of the street
After documentation was finished surface layer was removed and preparation layer used for
leveling the 4th surface of the street, consisting mostly of yellow clay, lime and rubble, was
cleaned. Next two Photo Modeler Projects covering this surface were made: PMP 32 for NE
section and PMP 33 for SW section of the street.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0717, 0800, 0801, 0802, 0805, 0808
7. July 2006.
Room 38
Context number 0785 was finally closed during the day. New c.n. 0819 was given to a thin layer
of brown soil which was just above bedrock. After its removal it was obvious that almost in a
whole area of SE part of the room we came to bedrock. Situation is different just near bedrock
ridge which is dividing this room in two parts. Below thin layer of ash in west corner stone slab
appeared, and towards north another one. Between these two stone slabs (c.n. 0820) there is a
squared shape hole. Its filling is consisting of muddy layer (c.n. 0821) with stones and ceramics
showing signs characteristic for waterlogged material. Layer of yellow clay is covering an area
between stone slabs and bedrock, but is also visible below stone slab in west corner, in SE
profile of squared shaped hole and above bedrock at some spots. This is probably an artificial
layer used for leveling, and it is possible that we removed some of it during excavation, so it is
now after cleaning visible just at some areas above bedrock.
In NW part of the room excavation goes further on removing remaining parts of layers between
walls of the room and cut for a pit (c.n. 0601) that was excavated last year. Further cleaning of a
surface of c.n. 0810.
Drawing of a profile below wall 264 was finished today.
Photo Modeler Project 37– NWpart of the room, context number 0810
Photo Modeler Project 38– SE part of the room
Room 31
East wing: further cleaning of construction in south corner of the room - oven made from clay,
tiles and imbrices, and removal of thin ashy layer which revealed another layer of compact clay
in a centre of construction. This layer was exposed to fire. During the day construction was
removed completely. On the East side of it layer of ash, obviously connected with use of oven,
was found below thin layer of compact yellow clay. In other parts of east wing work is still going
on in c.n. 0811, which represents a second floor surface.
Photo Modeler Project 35 – east wing of the room
Photo Modeler Project 36 – construction (oven) in south corner of the room
West wing: we are still working in layer of light very compact soil with fragments of pottery.
Many pieces of red painted plaster were found in an area near wall which is dividing room 31
from room 31a. Another fragment of rim and neck of amphora with a stamp with inscription
(name) in Greek letters was found. Stamp is this time on the neck of amphora.
During the day work went on in c.n. 0757. Two pits next to each other, by wall 296, were
discovered and excavated. It looks like one of them was cut in bedrock, but yellowish one with
lot of clay inclusions (if it could be at all called bedrock). I am maybe making lot of mistakes, for
I really don’t know anything about geological structure of this region, but definitively some
difference is existing between real bedrock and this structure having lot of clay in it and due to
that being much softer.
Today just conservators were working in the central part of the church, cleaning more plaster
pieces they were finding and slowly removing them. During work they found one bronze coin
which was not mapped, but it will be for we know its exact position. I can not help mentioning
that conservators were working using tent as sun protection. Because of plaster, of course!
We are excavating context number 0818 – layer of brown burnt clay which is very clearly
distinguished in SE section of Stenopos, and light yellow compact mix of clay, lime and stones
(rubble), forming preparation layer used for leveling the 4th surface of the street.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0785, 0795, 0812, 0816
8. July 2006.
Room 38
After last nights rain it was not possible to work in deepest part of the trench so we focused our
efforts to NW area of the room. Cleaning of c.n. 0810 revealed surface that we defined as layer
of loose yellow metallurgical byproduct (c.n. 0831) because there were many patches of
disintegrated iron visible everywhere around. But in fact I think that such a thick and wide layer
can not be something that we should call a byproduct, it can be just a main source for some kind
of production. But now when we cleaned it completely I think that it is just clay. Palaeobotanical
and metallurgical samples were taken. Documentation pictures, PMP and drawing of this section
were made.
Photo Modeler Project 45 – context number 0831
Room 31
West wing: After detailed cleaning was done it was obvious that there is a change in layers.
Hard, compact light soil with inclusions is still existing just in SW part, by wall which is
dividing rooms 31 and 31a. Layer in remaining part of west wing is given new context number
0828. Soil is brown with inclusions and lot of fragments of pottery. We are still finding pieces of
Hellenistic vessels, but also we registered one very small fragment of green glazed medieval
pottery. This can be a result of animal activity. I hope! Base of Hellenistic vessel with graphitti incised name of owner given in ligaturae, was treated as a special find.
East wing: during the day we finished removing remaining parts of previous layer – 2nd floor
surface. New layer of brown soil with traces of metallurgical activity was given c.n. 0829. In
south corner new pit was found and given context number. Later during the day it was not that
obvious any more is it really a pit or in this area soil is more loose because it was not used as
floor surface for there was an oven above it. For sure it will be more clear on Monday.
Photo Modeler Project 39 – east wing of the room
Photo Modeler Project 40 – west wing of the room
Last remains of c.n. 0757 were removed, and new layer (c.n. 0759) defined. After detailed
cleaning documentation pictures and Photo Modeler Projects 41, 42, 43 and 44, covering the
whole excavation area, were done. After that we started removing context number 0759. Cut for
pit which is, due to lot of root remains defined as a result of bioturbation, was defined in NW
courtyard area.
As still it was not possible to go back to work in central part of church because conservators
didn’t finish their work, we started taking off a thin layer of soil (c.n. 0798) in church apse.
Disintegrated human bones were collected and given to Renata. Metallurgical sample was taken
from the surface area.
Even today we are removing yellow clay fill. In SW section of a street we are still following
layer of burnt clay that has ceramic fragments in it (Larissa said Hellenistic one). From here we
also have one fragment of a bronze object. Cut for drain construction on the southern side was
defined, cleaned and documented.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0803, 0807, 0811, 0823
10. July 2006.
Around 11 AM we had to stop working because of rain. We came back to the site around noon,
but were forced to retrieve again for the same reason quite soon. Still we used a brake between
two rainy clouds to finish two PM projects: courtyard and Stenopos.
Room 38
Because of yesterdays rain it was not possible to go back to SE part of the room, so during the
day work went on just in NW part, in layer of compact brown soil with charcoal and lime
inclusions. Pottery is early Byzantine (?). Before excavation started georeferenced pictures were
made and spot hights taken.
Fragment of worked bone with incised figural decoration (an angel) came from palaeobotanical
sample 577 which was taken one of previous days from c.n. 0819. I think that this is a sign that
c.n. 0819 is in fact the same as 0785 - layer of fill.
Room 31
In east wing of the room work went on very slowly today for soil was muddy and difficult to
work in. In south corner small, but completely preserved ceramic lamp was found and
documented in situ. In wall 0784 massive spike of Roman amphora was found.
In west wing work is going on in c.n. 0828. For bronze coin that was found Dima think that there
is a possibility that it does not belong to this context for it came from area very close to an
opening of a pit excavated last year. We will see after conservation. But if we find out that a date
is not convenient for a layer we are digging in, this fact can be used as an excuse. Lot of
fragments of Hellenistic pottery were collected, also another handle of amphora with a stamp.
Rain was very good just for this excavation area. This morning it was possible to see very clearly
a distinctive line between wall trench and the other part of courtyard. And it was clear that till
now wall trench extension was not caught correctly. Adam was working in courtyard till rain
started and the results were so obvious. Opening of the well is cleaned completely; some more
stone slabs in area between wall 296 and opening of the well are visible now; corner made by
walls 296 and 692 is distinguished; section of rubble fill going between walls 296 and 50 (at
right angle to these walls) is defined and given c.n. 0837; this fill starts from straight cut in
yellowish clayey bedrock on SE end of section that is excavated and is 80 cm wide.
Photo Modeler Project 46 covered both sections 1 and 2 and was done without strings.
Work is going on in apse of the church, still in the same layer and still with lot of disarticulated
and mixed bones, also children ones, according to Renata.
Chris Cleere took out a plaster from central area of the church so we can start working there
tomorrow. Chris said that he has never seen such a piece, with decoration in a form of acanthus
leaves and that it is surprising how it survived for it is very fragile.
During the day layer of clayish yellow soil with crumbled lime was removed completely so we
came to bedrock in the whole excavated section. Pottery that we are collecting is coming just
from SE section. On other side of drain construction there is no pottery at all, nor any other
Photo Modeler Project 47 covering the whole section that was excavated in Stenopos.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0786, 0818, 0836
11. July 2006.
Room 38
Work is still going on in NW part of the room. In south corner, just by cut in bedrock, layer of
yellow compact soil was defined and cleaned; in section between bedrock and cut for pit 601 soil
is gray and ashy. Here a hole in bedrock is noticed, possibly in connection with a use of a pit. In
northern part work went on in compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions (context
number 0827).
Room 31
East wing: Context number 0835 was removed completely. Another small ceramic lamp of the
same type as the one from previous day was found in this layer. Excavation went further on
revealing probably new surface layer in which stone and tile collapse, or eventually part of some
construction, were cleaned. In this section lot of amphorae fragments were found these days,
some of them even with depicted signs, also two completely preserved amphorae lids (one today,
one yesterday). I will have to check levels but I think that in this section we are now in the same
layer that Emily excavated in semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of room 38.
Photo Modeler Project 49 – context number 0835
Photo Modeler Project 51 – new surface layer with stone and tile collapse (or construction?)
West wing: Context number 0828 was closed today. Lot of ceramic fragments was collected as it
was also a case in previous days. The most significant find was almost completely preserved
Hellenistic ceramic lamp. Below 0828 we have a new layer formed from light brown compact
soil with stones (c.n. 0844). In south corner we are still removing remains of 0807 (layer of
eroded bedrock) almost without any material, expect pieces of red painted plaster.
Photo Modeler Project 52 – context 0844
I could not help noticing very straight cuts in bedrock which are existing in this area of the site,
and which are I feel very indicative. We just have to find out to what they are leading us. And I
am talking about two cuts in west wing of room 31 between which we are finding material from
Hellenistic period, and two cuts in room 38. From this room we also have sporadic pieces that
could be dated to the same period (few bottoms of Hellenistic amphorae, for example). So, as the
part with massive stone slabs can be connected with Roman period and probably use of cistern
and complex in its vicinity, this part of the site can be connected with some activity that took
place in Hellenistic time.
Room 31a
Photo Modeler Project 48 – very strange bedrock surface in the room
Spothights were taken as a first thing in the morning and than trench with rubble (Adam is
calling it “robbers trench”), positioned between straight cut in bedrock on SE end of section 2
and opening of the well, was excavated. Now it is very clearly visible that the well was cut after
the time when stone slabs were used, that pit probably used as a storage for pithoi (c.n. 0771)
was cut partly in bedrock, partly in stone slab, that stone slabs are covering a whole area of room
37 and courtyard till cut 0841. So c.n. 0773 that was given to large slab running under wall 692
and c.n. 0820 given to stone slabs in courtyard both equals c.n. 0666 given last year to stone slab
pavement in room 37. Trench with a rubble, or “robbers trench” is a distinctive line between two
very different situations that we have in this area: one initially covered with stone pavement and
in later time reused for different purposes, and another that starts with cut in bedrock on SE part
of section 2 which, with lot of irregular cuts in bedrock, reminds very much to the situation we
had last year in an excavated section of a courtyard – I would say courtyard in a proper meaning
of this word (real courtyard).
Photo Modeler Project 50 – section 2
Anton’s team moved to the church area. They were excavating in apse (c.n. 0798) and during the
day came to a same level as it is in this moment in the central part of the church. Lot of human
bones, still disarticulated, were collected. One bronze coin was found, glass bead and some metal
objects: iron nail, metal pin, lead strip.
Profiles of the trench excavated in Stenopos were drawn today.
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0828, 0829, 0835, 0837
12. July 2006.
Room 38
NW part of the room was also today a working place of Lea’s team. Yellow compact soil in S
corner of this area (c.n. 0838) was removed, as also a layer of gray ashy soil between bedrock
ridge and cut 601. This layer was very rich in material, especially shall and fish bone. Piece of
plaster with remains of blue color was found also. In NE part of excavated section new context
number 0840 was given to a layer that I think equals c.n. 0827. But we still have a material and a
profile to check our guesses. In west corner, below stairs 536 and reinforcement of wall 394,
there is a small area with a new layer, used surface that was given number 0847. In this moment
it looks like we will be able to follow it also below c.n. 0840.
Drawing of a situation with stone slabs in western part of SE section of the room started during
the day.
Room 31
Today we were working just in west wing of the room, removing context number 0852, layer of
crumbled/eroded bedrock from which a lot of pieces of red painted plaster, but also one with red
and ochre paint, were collected. One bronze ring with upper part of ellipsoidal form was found
I checked and in east wing we are practically at the same level in which we were finding Roman
material and fragments of lamps while excavating in semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of
room 38.
Photo Modeler Project 53 – west wing, c.n. 0852
Stone slabs in the whole section 2 were cleaned completely; some new pits defined and
excavated, near foundation trench at junction of walls 265 and 50 layer of compact red clayish
soil revealed and given c.n. 0848.
Last non excavated section of courtyard was opened today, and in our working documents we
are going to call it section 3. First thin layer was removed, area of almost black ashy soil with
remains of metallurgical activity clearly defined from the other part of a section where soil is of
completely different color and structure. From ashy soil 33 metallurgical samples were taken (on
every 50 cm).
Photo Modeler Project 54 – section 3. For this project we were not using strings and yellow
mappers. Sample grid is going to be used for mapping.
Excavation was going on in a central area of the church. After collecting again numerous
disarticulated bones, remains of three skeletons were recognized and cleaned during the day.
Pieces of plaster are still appearing. Interesting small finds came from this area: bronze coins,
bronze tack, few iron objects, piece of lead strip same as one found yesterday.
Photo Modeler Project 55 – central area of the church with skeletons number 1 and 2. This Photo
Modeler was done without strings, just with 4 spots. All together 10 pictures were taken, half of
them on the sun, half of them using shade, so we will have an opportunity to check which ones
are better.
13. July 2006.
Room 38
Work went on in NW part of the room, in context number 0840, revealing more and more of
Hellenistic material: lamp, fragments of amphorae and other different vessels from this period.
Underneath wall 257 there is a hole in bedrock filled with soil of different color and composition
so it was given context number 0863.
During more detailed cleaning of surface4 above bedrock in SE part of the room smaller area in
N corner with a layer formed of compact dark brown soil was noticed and given context number
Room 31
Work went on in west wing of the room and during the day context number 0852 was closed.
Material that we collected today consisted again of lot of fragments of red painted plaster but
ceramic fragments were much more abundant than yesterday. Lots of them are parts of one
Hellenistic amphora.
Situation in 2nd area of courtyard reached its culmination. Olga was back in the field so pits were
just appearing in each corner where she was working. I am not able to follow context numbers
that we are giving to all these fills and cuts any more. But general impression that this situation is
giving is that most of these circular pits of similar dimensions found around the well are
connected to this construction, and probably were used as bases for pithoi in which water was
stored. Towards SE of “robbers trench”, in yellow clayish “bedrock” 3 pits of circular shape
were defined and excavated also. One of them, closest to wall 265, is much deeper than the
I didn’t see a material, and its analysis will for sure give directions for further and more detailed
interpretations, but three main phases of occupation of this section of the site are obvious: 1.
Roman, with stone pavement whose remains are preserved; 2. early Byzantine (?) when building
of the well put stone pavement out of its original function and use. Cutting of pits in bedrock and
stone slabs also fall in this period. Ceramic and other material analysis will show more precise
dating. 6-7th century is possible for we had material in courtyard dated to this period and
connected with construction of Tomb 5 or at least connected with the time of its robbery; 3.
Third main phase is when the walls/constructions whose remains are forming main outline
features of our site, were built.
Third area/section of courtyard: work went on in c.n. 0509 which was last year defined as the
first surface layer of courtyard. Soil is not a soil at all – it’s pure ash with lot of ceramic material
and remains of metallurgical activity.
In west part of apse we came to bedrock. In east part disarticulated human bones and wooden
remains were cleaned and documented. In central area of the church further cleaning of skeletal
remains went on. Remains of skeleton number one were removed from the field. Also remains of
another one, from eastern bordering area of this part of the church, whose bones were very badly
preserved (almost falling apart during cleaning).
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0826, 0845, 0852, 0855, 0859, 0861
14. July 2006.
We switched Friday for Sunday, so today it was not a working day.
15. July 2006.
Room 38
In N corner of SE part of the room layer of compact dark brown soil was removed and this new
situation was documented.
In NW part work went on by further removal of c.n. 0840. Also it become obvious, even I must
say that it was obvious even last year, that we didn’t come to a bottom of pit 0601, so its edges
were defined and further excavation will go on tomorrow.
Room 31
On Dima’s request we gave a new context number to a layer below 0852, even I did not see any
particular reason for that. The composition was the same and also a material, for today we
collected some remaining pieces of amphorae that we had yesterday. But at the end of the day
we finally came to bedrock.
In east wing drawing of a situation with contexts 0843 and 0849 was made.
Photo Modeler Project 56 – context number 0864
Photo Modeler Project 58 – situation when we came to bedrock in the whole area of west wing
Cleaning of remaining parts of 2nd section and excavation of some old and some new pits. In this
area we almost came to an end of excavation, if we consider yellow clayey surface as bedrock,
which we will.
In third area of courtyard excavation is going on in ashy layer which is covering most of the
surface. Near the wall 296 feature made of stones filled with light gray ash was defined during
the day.
In east part of church apse we also came to bedrock. Cleaning of skeletons number 2 and 3 in
eastern part of central area of the church went further on, but also in western part new skeletons
appeared. We are still working in a same layer (context number 0798).
Photo Modeler Project 57 – skeletons 2 and 3
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0857, 0865, 0867
16. July 2006.
Room 38
In NW part further excavation of pit 0601 went on and during the day we came to its bottom.
In SE part of the room stone slabs (c.n. 0820) were removed. Below them was a layer of yellow
clay above another row of thin stone slabs covering area around the square hole. After removing
these slabs whole extension of ellipsoidal cut in bedrock (c.n. 0874) became visible. Further
cleaning of this section, removing dark muddy soil mixed with clay, revealed very little material
– just some small fragments of pottery, but also a feature of circular shape, made of stones and
tiles. This feature and a cut were documented and all soil taken out during cleaning sent to be
Photo Modeler Project 61 – SE part of the room with construction of stones and tiles in 0874
Room 31
Work is going extremely slowly in this part of our world, today just in east wing. Features
number 0843 and 0849 were removed and layer below 0852 defined. I don’t know about other
material but passing by I saw fragments of 6th century amphorae.
Room 31 – Probe
Probe trench was opened in NW direction, in line with wall 264, with a goal to try to define
extension of Complex 2.
Detailed finishing of a cleaning of surfaces and walls in till now excavated areas of courtyard
(areas 1 and 2) were done during the day. In area 3 some new contexts were defined but still
main section is occupied with dark grey ashy layer.
Photo Modeler Project 60 – Area 3
In east part of central area of church all together four skeletons were defined. Today remaining
(two) ones were removed from the site. In this section we came to bedrock as in the whole apse.
In west part two new skeletons were cleaned and documented. Their remains are going under
wall of Tomb 2. Renata told us that with disarticulated human bones animal ones were mixed
too, that there are remains of much more than 6 individuals but their long bones and skulls are
missing. These remains will maybe match ones we found last year while excavating Tomb 5.
Photo Modeler Project 59 – west corner of central part of the church, skeletons 5 and 6
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0868, 0869, 0871
17. July 2006.
Room 38
Tiles and stones forming construction in 0874 and remains of muddy soil were removed, few
fragments of pottery collected and excavation in this section of the room is now considered as
finished. Just to mention that water was not coming back after yesterdays cleaning which means
that we are not at the water level as we were thinking. We measured a spot where layer of clay
begins below bedrock. During the afternoon Adam was comparing it with the same situation that
we had last year in the well and found out that clay layer begins in well on for one meter lower
level than the clay layer in room 38.
Because we finished our work in SE section of the room it was possible to remove few stones
and millstone which were used as steps for going into the trench. That gave us possibility to
finish excavation of section below them (c.n. 0890) which is a fill of another semicircular cut in
bedrock in area below wall 264. In fact, for this cut we will be using c.n. 0729 also, but it will be
called N part of cut 0729.
In NW part of the room new layer below pit 0601 was defined and its excavation started.
Room 31
Layer above bedrock in east wing was given a new context number 0887. Below it two circular
pits were defined and their excavation started.
Room 31 – Probe
Probe trench was extended towards NW and first layer excavated. We still don’t have an end of
wall 264.
Next 44 metallurgical samples were taken from the area covered by black ash in area 3. Today’s
further work gave possibility to distinguish new sections with slightly different color and
composition of soil. Feature, in fact patch of black ash mixed with stones, today showed to be a
pit. During its cleaning semicircular part of an edge of another pit was found. Dark brown soil
parallel and adjacent to wall 296 indicates existing of wall trench which probably cut feature
characterized by ash and row of stones on SE side and interpreted as (possible) heart.
Photo Modeler Project 62 – areas 1 and 2
Skeletons 5 and 6 discovered in west part of central area of the church were removed from the
site yesterday so the excavation in this section in which we still did not come to bedrock went
further on in layer of compact light brown soil (c.n. 0878). In the center of this area feature,
defined as hearth, was discovered and given c.n. 0881.
From excavations conducted in 2002 it was known that just outside the church, next to SE wall,
human remains are existing. So now excavation of this small area of Main street started in order
to define connection and relationship between these structures (street, church wall) and skeletal
Photo Modeler Project 63 – apse and central part after removal of most of skeletal remains
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0821, 0840, 0847, 0872, 0875, 0876, 0887
18. July 2006.
Room 38
Semicircular cut below wall 264 (northwestern one of two) finally got context number 0901, so
now we have to make certain changes, but OK. Context number (0900) was also assigned to cut
in bedrock on NW side of the ridge which is dividing this room into two parts. Work went on in
c.n. 0890. In one moment soil was more compact so new c.n. 0895 was given to this layer even I
think this was not necessary for material and soil composition are the same.
In NW part of the room excavation is going on in c.n. 0879. As this is considered to be a fill
layer and as end of excavation is so close we started working quite quickly, by excavation layers
of approximately 15 cm. We still have really huge quantities of material, especially ceramic
fragments and sea shells. Today base of black slip Hellenistic kantharos, dated to beginning of
3rd century B.C. was found.
Photo Modeler Project 64 – SE part
Room 31
Excavation of two circular pits was finished, so in the whole east wing we now came to bedrock.
Photo Modeler Project 67 – east wing
Room 31 – Probe
Extension of extension – we are still following wall 264.
Work is going on in pits c.n. 0896 and 0899 while c.n. 0877 was excavated completely during
the day. Still in the most part of section filing is consisting of very dark ash with lot of material
and remains of metallurgical activities.
Photo Modeler Project 66 – area 3, context number 0896
Photo Modeler Project 68 – eastern edge of area 3
In east part of central area of the church circular pit cut in bedrock (c.n. 0902) was excavated,
while in western part work went on in c.n. 0894 in which some more disarticulated human bones
were collected. In this section new layer (c.n. 0903) was defined during the day.
Excavation also started in area between tombs 1 and 2 (c.n. 0798) where four skulls, together
with some other disarticulated human bones were cleaned and documented.
In (probe) section on the Main street detailed cleaning and further excavation went on in order to
define extension of an area with disarticulated human bones.
Anton was working during the afternoon.
Photo Modeler Project 65 – area between tombs 1 and 2 before excavation
Photo Modeler Project 69 – area between tombs 1 and 2
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0840, 0877, 0888, 0891, 0894
19. July 2006.
Room 38
Excavation went further on without change in same layers (contexts) as yesterday.
Room 31 – Probe
Extension was extended for 1 meter more. We are going deeper in area SW of wall 264 through
layer of stone collapse. It looks like there is something going on in a middle area of newly
excavated section of wall 264.
Remains of stone wall were discovered in north part of area 3. Pit 0896 was excavated. Near wall
296, on both sides of wall course 0922, layer of tile collapse was defined and cleaned. Work
goes on also in c.n. 0759 and in most of the area we are slowly coming to bedrock layer. Control
profile between areas 2 and 3 of courtyard was removed.
In central part of the church new layer was given context number 0903 and excavated. This layer
was quite thin, so soon new c.n. 0907 was given to lighter and more compact soil in western part,
with tile fragments on surface. Among other finds interesting are parts of ceramic lid of bigger
dimensions and with horizontally attached handle of semicircular shape.
Adam and Anton were working during the afternoon in c.n. 0907 but still didn’t come to
bedrock. Anyhow the afternoon result was in several special finds, among which four bronze
Photo Modeler Project 70 – central part, context number 0903
Photo Modeler Project 71 – central part, context number 0907
20. July 2006.
Today’s work was mainly devoted, especially after 10 AM, for cleaning the site and preparation
of the opening of the Packard laboratory. Also for that purpose skeletal remains were removed
from the area in Main street by SE wall of church (c.n. 132).
Room 31 – Probe
Today we stopped working in this section. Blockage of the wall is clearly visible on side facing
21. July 2006.
Room 38
Work was finished in semicircular cut 0901 and nice profile section below wall 264 made. In
NW part work is going on in c.n. 0910. Still we have lot of ceramics but not that abundant as
previous days. Among it lot of Hellenistic pottery was registered. We touched bedrock so for
tomorrow there are just remains of contexts 0906 and 0908 to be removed. By NW profile we
have a layer of yellowish clayey compact soil which we didn’t define as a new context number,
but it will clearly be seen in a profile section.
Photo Modeler Project 75 – NW part of the room
Tile collapse was cleaned, documented and taken away. Only tile with initials (?) in relief was
preserved. On the other side of wall course c.n. 0922 lot of tiles were found also. Larissa said
that same situation was noticed during excavations done previous years on the other side of wall
296 and suggested that this collapse is part of roof of a stove.
Excavation of number of pits existing in this section of courtyard is going on, but as a layer is
not thick at all we are slowly coming to bedrock.
Photo Modeler Project 74 – context number 0914
We came to bedrock in whole excavated section. Towards SE wall of Tomb 1 irregular cut, filled
with c.n. 0798, was emptied. This cut is maybe connected with building of this tomb (or with
Tomb number 5?). Because we are keeping tomb structures and not excavating below them, I
can not say for sure, but it is possible that this cut goes till the church apse. If this is the case it is
maybe connected with some other building activities in this section of the site. In central part of
the church bedrock is on different levels. In SE part level is same as in apse, than in the middle
we have a semicircular pit cut in bedrock, than another small cut of ellipsoidal form by east
corner of Tomb 1. In artificial square section that we got in NW part of central area of the church
(artificial for we are not excavating below tomb structures) NW foundation wall of the church
can be seen. It is lying on layer of soil above bedrock, thick from 25-30 cm. This foundation is
much deeper than the one of apse wall. Lot of window glass was found during excavation of the
CLOSED CONTEXTS 0790, 0798, 0907, 0910
22. July 2006.
Room 38
We came to bedrock in whole NW part of the room.
Photo Modeler Projects 77 and 80 – NW part of the room
We were working in courtyard till 6 PM, but were still not able to finish everything. Between
cistern and wall course (c.n. 0922) new pit was defined and its excavation started. Pit defined by
cut 0913 changed its appearance completely. Started like small semicircular pit and turned to be
a rectangular cut in which we found remains of construction with stone and mortar. During
excavation in this pit completely preserved Roman ceramic lamp and one bronze coin were
found. Work went on also in a section by wall 0296 where small remains of another wall were
Photo Modeler Project 81 – context number 0851
Today we finished documentation and excavated section with human remains on Main street by
SE wall of the church. Lot of disarticulated human bones were collected and new context
numbers given to layers defined in this area.
Photo Modeler Project 78 – area between tombs 1 and 2
Photo Modeler Project 79 – central area of the church
24. July 2006.
Even it was not planned we spent whole working day out on the site, finishing excavation in
courtyard and in Main street, by SE wall of the church.
Crane came today so documentation pictures were made in quantities. We even tried to get good
pictures that could be used for Photo modeling of courtyard, so strings were laid down in Area 3.
Unfortunately, after downloading and detailed checking it became obvious that this will not
work, so we will have to make PMP’s of courtyard and church using regular and slow way.
25. July 2006.
I managed to put all the pictures in data base and to finish my field diary.
26. July 2006.
Well, yesterday was for yesterday. Today from 5.30 AM I made bunch of new pictures (31) of
walls and sections. Also Photo Modeler Project 83 for courtyard - area 3, and PMP 84 for central
area of the church together with section in Main street.
All together, during this season I put in data base 671 pictures and took much more of this
number if we count pictures for Photo Modeler Projects.