CV - College of Arts and Sciences

Sarah Haughenbury
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
September 2014-present
Master of Arts, Anthropology
Subfield: Cultural
M.A. Thesis Title:
Constructing Oddities in the Media and Odditoriums of Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
M.A. Thesis Chair:
Dr. Terrance Weik, University of South Carolina
Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA
Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, in Archaeology (Distinction); Sociology & Anthropology
Minor: Art History
GPA: 3.91/4.00
May 2013
Research Interests: Visual culture and representation; anthropology of art; anthropology of religion and magic
particularly of the African diaspora; ritual art; tourism; cultural commodification; museum exhibition and ethics;
artifact repatriation; the display and modification of bodies
Specific Coursework and Fieldwork
University of South Carolina, Professionalism and Ethics, Dr. Gail Wagner
 Practiced grant proposal writing and applying professional codes of ethics to ethical case studies
 Honed thesis writing skills
CITI Certification for Human Subjects Research, 2015-2018, University of South Carolina Online Courses
 Completed the courses: Social and Behavioral Researchers and Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of
Cornell College, Qualitative Research Methods, Dr. Kimberly Dukes
 Practiced observation, thick description, interviewing, research design, and grant proposal writing
Cornell College, Study Abroad: Applied Anthropology, San Salvador, Bahamas, Dr. Alfrieta Monagan
 Investigated cultural tourism and its effects on the people and environment; studied island culture and the
interaction of small-scale and large-scale societies
 Practiced participant observation through attendance at churches and schools
 Research and public presentation on island healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth
o Archival research and interviews with islanders
Cornell College, Archaeology Field Methods, Dr. John Doershuk, Iowa State Archaeologist
 Practiced augur tests, excavation units, mapping, and recording data at sites in Iowa
Last updated: 3/24/15
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HONORS AND AWARDS________________________________________________________________________
Cornell College Dean’s List, High and Highest Honors
September 2009-May 2013
 Maintenance of GPA between 3.8-4.0
Excellence in Anthropology Award, Cornell College
April 2013
 Excellence in anthropology courses
Interdepartmental Honors in Archaeology, Cornell College
April 2013
 Senior thesis paper and public presentation titled: “Art, Documentation, and Ritual: Gullah Yards and Graves.”
American Bible Society Prize, Cornell College
May 2011
 Excellence in the course: “Issues in the Hebrew Bible”
Honor Societies:
Phi Beta Kappa
Lambda Alpha, National Collegiate Honor Society for Anthropology
Mortar Board, National College Senior Honor Society
April 2013
May 2012
April 2012
The South Carolina Anthropology Student Conference, Claflin University
April 11, 2015
Presentation titled: “Constructing Oddities in the Media and Odditoriums of Ripley’s Believe It or Not!”
Senior Thesis Presentations, Cornell College, McWethy Hall
Presentation titled: “Art, Documentation, and Ritual: Gullah Yards and Graves”
March 2013
WORK AND ASSISTANTSHIPS__________________________________________________________________
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
September 2014-present
Teaching Assistant
 ANTH 102: Understanding Other Cultures, Dr. Jennifer Reynolds, Fall 2015
o Grading and leading discussion sections
 ANTH 102: Understanding Other Cultures, Dr. Courtney Lewis, Spring 2015
o Grading and leading discussion sections
 ANTH 161: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, Dr. Kenneth Kelly, Fall 2014
o Grading and conducting lab sections
Dollar General Corporation, Higden, AR
Sales Associate
 Customer service; stocked; maintained store cleanliness
June 2013-June 2014
Narrows Inn, Greers Ferry, AR
Supervisor of Housekeeping
May 2013-June 2014
 Assigned tasks to housekeepers and ensured their performance met expectations
 Performed room inspection and managed maintenance
 Maintained orderliness of motel’s bar and office and housekeeping storage and laundry room
Cornell College Sociology & Anthropology Department, Mt. Vernon, IA
Professor Assistant
September 2011-May 2013
 Researched anthropology and archaeology internships and graduate programs in order to provide resources for
current and future students
 Coordinated educational materials for department’s courses
 Maintained organization of professor’s office
Last updated: April 6, 2015
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LEADERSHIP __________________________________________________________________________________
Anthropology Graduate Organization for Research, Action, and Ethics
September 2015-present
 Record and e-mail meeting minutes
Lambda Alpha, National Collegiate Honor Society for Anthropology
September 2012-May 2013
 Co-organized a college-wide meet-and-greet for students to learn about opportunities in archaeology and
 Organized monthly meetings and the initiation for new members
Rho Zeta Omicron Sorority, Cornell College
Vice-President/Pledging Coordinator/Service Chair
October 2012-May 2013
 Vice-President: facilitated meetings in absence of President
 Pledging Coordinator: organized pre-pledge and pledging events; corresponded with interested students;
ensured that pledging was safe and solved problems that arose
 Service Chair: informed members of local service opportunities; maintained record of group service hours
Cornell Archaeological Society, Cornell College
 Recorded meeting minutes
September 2011-May 2012
SERVICE ______________________________________________________________________________________
La Puente Home, Alternative Spring Break, Alamosa, CO
April 2012
 Volunteered at the La Puente Home to cook for homeless shelter, work in community garden and food bank,
and care for local at-risk children
 Interacted with residents of homeless shelter and learned about immigration policies
Pine Ridge Reservation, Alternative Spring Break, Pine Ridge, SD
April 2011
 Worked with the organization Re-Member to build bunk beds, insulate homes, and distribute donations around
the reservation
 Immersion into Lakota culture through lectures and activities with reservation members
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS_________________________________________________________________
American Anthropological Association
March 2015
Society for Cultural Anthropology
Last updated: April 6, 2015