3. Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusri, MN Siti Azizah and AB Ali, 2003. Fish

IC Number
Date ( place of birth)
Marital status
Address (Resident)
Current Employer
Position held
Yusri bin Yusuf
710705-02-5643 (A 1994106)
5.7.71 (Bujang, Kedah)
No. 1, PT 25927, Taman Impian, Jalan Gong Badak,
21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Institute of Oceanography,
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Mengabang Telipot,
21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
(609) 6683163
Lecturer/Research Fellow
I have been working in the field of marine ecology, and in particular coral reefs, since 1998. I have
worked on various aspects of coral reef biology, including coral reef fish taxonomy, coral reef survey
and monitoring, conservation and training. My main interest is in coral reef monitoring, management
and conservation, especially on coral reef fish.
I completed my post graduate study on coral reef fishes of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Malaysia and had
also done numerous surveys on coral reef ecosystem in the East Coast and West Coast of Peninsular
Malaysia. I am also actively involved in national coral reef research, monitoring and conservation
scene, working with partners mainly government agencies like Marine Park Sections (Ministry of
Natural Resources), Fisheries Research Institute (Fisheries Department), NGO such as Malayan Nature
Society, WWF Malaysia, Coral Cay Conservation and other research institutions (Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Universiti Malaya, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia and KUSTEM).
Name and place of institution
B. App. Sc. Hons
Aquatic Biology
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Minden, Penang
Post Graduate
Title of thesis
M. Sc.
A study of coral reef fishes and its distribution at Pulau
Payar Marine Park, Kedah
Name and place of institution
Marine Biology
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Minden, Penang
Fields of interests
Fish Biology and Systematic, Coral Reef Biology and
Ecology, Aquatic Ecology,
Jan 1996-June 1998
Asst. Engineer, Hualon Corp. Sdn. Bhd., Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
Duties include:
1. Supervising ten quality control operators and clerks
2. In charge of overall quality of fabrics/textile produced by production section
3. Provide solution and remediation on fabric defects
4. Prepare reports on fabric quality/defects and remediation taken for Section Chief and
Plant Manager.
June 1998- Dec 2001
Research Officer - IRPA Project : A study of coral reef fish community
of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Kedah: Diversity and productivity. USM, Penang.
Duties include:
1. Overseeing and coordination of overall research projects
2. Conducting coral reef fish surveys and writing synthesis and summary reports
3. Maintaining project assets – research boat, diving gears, underwater cameras and other
scientific equipments
4. Prepare budget, progress reports and final reports
5. Supervising undergraduate students in the field and lab
June 2002 – Dec 2005
Research Assistant, ReefBase, World Fish Center, Penang.
Jan 2006 – Dec. 2006
Research Analyst, ReefBase, World Fish Center, Penang.
Duties include:
1. Take lead in researching and collecting relevant data on coral bleaching, coral
spawning, photos and coral reef related publication.
2. Provide initiatives and suggestions for new materials and/or improvements for
ReefBase.org website
3. Active communication and collaboration with key individuals and organizations in
national (Malaysia) and international relevant to coral reef.
4. Prepare papers, reports and presentation on coral reef related issue
5. Conducting training for Malaysian NGO and other institutions
Jan 2007 – Present
Malaysia Terengganu,
Lecturer/Research Fellow, Institute of Oceanography, Universiti
Yusuf, Y. 1994. The study of feeding and behavior of grouper, in coral reef at Pulau Singa. (In
Bahasa). B.App. Sc. Thesis. Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Yusuf, Y. 2006. A study on coral reef fishes and its distribution at Pulau Payar Marine Park,
Kedah. (In Bahasa). M. Sc. Thesis. Universiti Sains Malaysia.
1. Adrim, M., I-S. Chen, Z-P. Chen, K. K. P. Lim, H. H. Tan, Y. Yusuf and Z. Jaafar., 2004. Marine
fishes recorded from the Anambas and Natuna Islands, South China Sea. In: Ng, P. K. L., D.
Wowor & D. C. J. Yeo (eds.), Scientific Results of the Anambas Expedition 2002. The Raffles
Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement No. 11: 117-130.
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusuf, M. N. Siti Azizah and A. B. Ali, 2002. The fish fauna of Pantai Acheh
Forest Reserve, Penang, Malaysia. Journal Biosains Vol. 13 (2): 35- 41.
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusri, M.N. Siti Azizah and A.B. Ali, 2004. The fish fauna of Pantai Acheh
Forest Reserve in Penang, Malaysia: species composition, local distribution and inter-site
relationship. Journal of Bioscience. 15(1): 49-61.
Lee, Y.L. , Y.A. Affendi, B.H. Tajuddin, Y. Yusuf, A.A. Kee Alfan and E. A. Anuar, 2005. A
Post-Tsunami Assessment of Coastal Living Resources of Langkawi Archipelago, Peninsular
Malaysia. NAGA, WorldFish Center Newsletter Vol. 28 No. 1 & 2:17-22.
Palaniappan, S.S., M.N. Siti Azizah and Y. Yusuf, 2003. Notes in the occurrence of Amphiprion
(Perciformes: Pomacentridae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Asian Fisheries Science Volume 16: 235240.
Yusuf, Y., M. Noordeloos and J. Oliver, 2003. Coral spawning information. NAGA, WorldFish
Center Quarterly Vol. 26 No. 4: 28-29.
Proceedings/Books chapters
Amirrudin, A., M.N. Siti Azizah, Y. Yusri, M.H. Norainy, A. Mohd Asnizam and Ali, A.B., 2002.
Note on freshwater fishes of Kenyir Lake, Terengganu, Malaysia. pp.364-366. In Proceedings of
the Fourth Regional IMT-GT Uninet Conference 2002. 15-17 Oct. 2002, Penang, Malaysia.
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusuf and M.N. Siti Azizah, 2006. Fishes and Other Invertebrates Fauna In
Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve. p. 104-126. In Mansor, M. and M. Y. Zakaria (eds.). Ecological
Survey Of Mangrove Forests: A Case Study Of Balik Pulau And Pantai Acheh. Penerbit Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Penang.
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusri, M. N. Siti Azizah and A. B. Ali, 2003. Fish diversity of Pantai Acheh
Forest Reserve, Penang, Malaysia. p. 183-193. In Chan, L.K. (eds.). Pantai Acheh Forest
Reserve: The Case for a State Park. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang.
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusri and M.N. Siti Azizah, (in press). Fish fauna of Matang Mangrove, Perak,
Peninsular Malaysia. Preceedings of National Conference on Sustainable Management of Matang
Mangroves, October 5-8, 2004. Ipoh, Perak.
Amir Shah Ruddin, M. S., Y. Yusuf and M.N. Siti Azizah, 2006. Fish And Benthos Diversity
Study Of Balik Pulau Forest Reserve. p. 84-103. In Mansor, M. and M. Y. Zakaria (eds.).
Ecological Survey Of Mangrove Forests: A Case Study Of Balik Pulau And Pantai Acheh.
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
Affendi, Y.A., B. H. Tajuddin, Y. L. Lee , A. A. Kee Alfian and Y. Yusuf, 2005. Scleractinian
Coral Diversity Of Kg Tekek, Pulau Tioman Marine Park. p. 20-31. In Abd. Rahim, S., S, Surif, M.
P. Abdullah, A. R. Samsudin, A. G. Mohd. Rafek, W. Ratnam, I. Abd. Ghani, B. M. Md. Zain, M.
N. Mohd. Said, A. A. Kee Alfian, Y. F. Ng (Editors). Proceedings of Second Regional Symposium
on Environment and Natural Resources, Vol:2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.
Palaniappan, S.S., Y. Yusuf and M. N. Siti Azizah, 2000. Anemone fish (Amphiprion spp.) of
Pulau Payar group of islands. p. 110-118. In Ali, A. B., M.A. Arshad, I. Zaidnuddin and S.A.
Mohd Sah (eds.). Proceedings of National Symposium On Pulau Payar Marine Park. Fisheries
Research Institute, Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang.
Tun, K., Y. Yusuf and Y.A. Affendi, 2006. Post-tsunami status of coral reefs in Malaysia. p. 5762. in Wilkinson, C., D. Souter and J. Goldberg (eds.). Status of Coral Reefs in Tsunami Affected
Countries: 2005. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Queensland. 154 p.
Yusuf, Y. and A. B. Ali, 2000. Butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) of Pulau Payar Marine Park. p.
168-173. In Ali, A. B., M.A. Arshad, I. Zaidnuddin and S.A. Mohd Sah (eds.). Proceedings of
National Symposium On Pulau Payar Marine Park. Fisheries Research Institute, Batu Maung,
Pulau Pinang.
10. Yusuf, Y. and A. B. Ali, 2002. The coral reef fish community: a comparative study between
marine parks and non-protected areas. p: 311-316. In Ali, A., C.S.M. Rawi, M. Mansor, R.
Nakamura, S. Ramakrishnan and T. Mundkur (Eds.), 2002. Proceedings of the Asian Wetland
Symposium 2001. The Asian Wetlands: Bringing Partnerships into Good Wetland Practices.
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
11. Yusuf, Y. and A. B. Ali, 2004. The use of butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) as bioindicator in coral
reef ecosystems. p. 175- 183 in Phang, S., -M. and M. T. Brown (eds.). Biomonitoring of tropical
coastal ecosystems. University of Malaya Maritime Research Center (UMMReC), Kuala Lumpur.
12. Yusuf, Y. B., M. Mohd-Norizam, A. B. Ali and I. Zaidnuddin, 2001. Coral reef fish of some
selected sites at Pulau Redang Marine Park, Terengganu: A brief study. P. 34-45. In Husain, M.L.,
F. Shahrom, A.T. Law, K. Yunus and A.R.G.Yaman. Proceedings of National Symposium on
Marine Park and Terengganu Islands. 12-13 Feb. 2001. Dept of Fisheries, Kuala Lumpur and
KUSTEM, Kuala Terengganu. Malaysia.
13. Yusuf, Y., A. B. Ali and H.M. Mohd. Ibrahim, 2002. Coral reef fish of Pulau Payar and Pulau
Perhentian. p.427-431. In Proceedings of the Fourth Regional IMT-GT Uninet Conference 2002.
15-17 Oct. 2002, Penang, Malaysia.
14. Yusuf, Y., A. B. Ali and I. Zainuddin, 2003 (accepted). Comparison of coral reef fish of Pulau
Payar and Pulau Perhentian. In. H.M. Ibrahim, F.M. Yusoff, M. Herriman and A.K.A. Khalil (eds.),
Coral Reef Management in Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.
15. Yusuf, Y., Y.A. Affendi, A. A. Kee Alfian, B. H. Tajuddin and Y. L. Lee, 2005. Coral Reef Fish
Diversity Of Kg Tekek, Pulau Tioman Marine Park. p. 189-197 in Abd. Rahim, S., S, Surif, M. P.
Abdullah, A. R. Samsudin, A. G. Mohd. Rafek, W. Ratnam, I. Abd. Ghani, B. M. Md. Zain, M. N.
Mohd. Said, A. A. Kee Alfian, Y. F. Ng (Editors). Proceedings of Second Regional Symposium on
Environment and Natural Resources, Vol:2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.
16. Yusuf, Y., Y.A. Affendi, B. H. Tajuddin and A. A. Kee Alfian, 2007. Coral Reef Fishes of Pulau
Perak, Westernmost Island of Peninsular Malaysia. p. 277-284 in A.J. Mydin, A.R. Gor Yaman, R.
Omar, N. Ahmad, G. Usop, K.R. Mohamed and F.K. Sahrani. (Editors). Proceedings of the
Conference on Marine Ecosystem of Malaysia. Department of Marine Park, Putrajaya.
17. Affendi, Y.A., C.W. Lee, A. N. Jai, B. H. Tajuddin, Y. Yusuf, E. A. Anuar (In Press). Draft
Guideline for Marine Resource Assessment Reports for Development Projects in Marine Park
Areas. The Marine Parks Department, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, Putrajaya,
18. Affendi, Y.A., , R. Y. M. Raja Haroon Arashid, B. H. Tajuddin, H. R. Singh, A. A. Kee Alfian, N.
L. A.Wong and Y. Yusuf, (In Press). Handbook on the Marine Life Resources of Malaysian
Marine Parks. Marine Parks Department, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment,
Putrajaya, Malaysia.
19. Omer, F.A., K. B. Samo, B. Satyanarayana and Y. Yusuf, 2007. Fish diversity and abundance in
artificial reefs of Kuala Terengganu Waters. p357-361. In Proceedings of Malaysian Science and
Technology Congress 2007 (MSTC 2007). Holiday Villa Subang. 4-6 September 2007.
20. Omer, F.A., K. B. Samo, B. Satyanarayana and Y. Yusuf, 2007. Fishing trials close to the artificial
reefs in Kuala Terengganu Coastal Waters, Eastern Peninsular Malaysia. Pp.362-368. In
Proceedings of Malaysian Science and Technology Congress 2007 (MSTC 2007). Holiday Villa
Subang. 4-6 September 2007.
Symposium Presentations
Amirudin, A., Y. Yusuf, A. Ali and M.N. Siti Azizah, 2000. The fish fauna of Pantai Acheh Forest
Reserve: The Proposed Penang State Park. Paper Presented at Seminar on Pantai Acheh Forest
Reserve: The case of a State Park. 28-29 Oct. 2000. USM Penang.
Cabanban, A.S., Y.A. Affendi and Y. Yusuf, 2005. Status of coral reefs of Peninsular and Eastern
Malaysia. Paper presented at International Conference on Innovations and Technologies in
Oceanography for Sustainable Development (ITOS 2005). 26-29 September 2005, Kuala Lumpur,
Cabanban, A.S., Y.A. Affendi, R. A. Rahman and Y. Yusuf, 2004 . Malaysia: Coral Reef in the
Coral Reef Triangle. Poster Presented at the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) in
Okinawa, Japan. 28 June to 2nd July 2004.
Hussin, A.H., R. Abdullah, Y.A. Affendi and Y. Yusuf, 2003. A preliminary study on the coral
reef ecosystem of Pulau Pangkor, Perak. Poster presented at Seminar on Islands and Reefs:
Towards Conservation And Sustainable Management. In conjunction with Celebrate the Sea
Festival, Malaysia 2003. Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. 15-16 August, 2003.
Lee Y. L., Y. Yusuf, K. R. Kassem and K. W. P. Hiew, 2005. Community-Based Fisheries
Management in Kubang Badak, Northeast Langkawi. Paper presented at International Conference
on Innovations and Technologies in Oceanography for Sustainable Development (ITOS 2005). 2629 September 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Noordeloos, M., J. K. Oliver, N. Nayan and Y. Yusuf, M. K. Tan, C. Foo and D. Mohd. Shukri,
2004. ReefBase: A Global Information System on Coral Reefs. Paper presented at International
Coral Reef Symposium 2004, Okinawa. Japan. 28 June to 2nd July 2004.
Palaniappan, S. S., M.N. Siti Azizah, and Y. Yusuf, 2003. Notes on the occurrence of Amphiprion
(Perciformes: Pomancentridae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Paper presented at Bienneial Conference
on Natural Resources, Environment and Development (NARED) 2003: Strengthening the
Knowledge Base in Science, Technology and Management of Natural Resources and the
Environment. Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kucing.
25- 27 September 2003.
Yusuf, Y. and A. Ali, 2000. Diversity of coral reef fish at artificial reef at Pulau Payar Marine
Park. Paper presented at “The Third IMT-GT UNINET Biennial Conference- Land Development
and Sustainable Bio-Resources”. 10-12 Oct, 2000, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
Yusuf, Y. and A. Ali, 2000. The role of marine protected area on conserving marine fish. Paper
presented at “International Conference On In-situ and Ex-situ Biodiversity Conservation In The
Next Millennium”. 20-22 June 2000, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
10. Yusuf, Y., F. Shahriyah-Shukri, N. Nayan, C. Foo, Tan, M. K., J. K. Oliver and M. Noordeloos,
2003. Reefbase: a global information system on coral reefs. Poster presented at Seminar on
Islands and Reefs: Towards Conservation And Sustainable Management. In conjunction with
Celebrate the Sea Festival, Malaysia 2003. Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur. 15-16 August, 2003.
11. Yusuf, Y., Y.A. Affendi and B.H. Tajuddin, 2005. A preliminary study on coral reef fish diversity
of Pulau Perak, Malaysia. Paper presented at International Conference on Innovations and
Technologies in Oceanography for Sustainable Development (ITOS 2005). 26-29 September 2005,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
12. Yusuf, Y., A. R. Gor Yaman, R. Y. M. Raja Haroon Arashid and K. Tun, 2006. Management of
marine parks in Peninsular Malaysia. Paper presented at Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium June
18 – 24, 2006, 2006, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region, China.
13. Yusuf, Y., Y.A. Affendi and R. Abdullah, 2006. Coral reef fishes of Pulau Tioman Marine Park.
Poster Presented at Workshop On Marine Natural History Of Tioman Marine Park Group Of
Islands. 17– 20 September 2006. Berjaya Tioman Beach, Golf & Spa Resort. Pulau Tioman,
Malaysia. (extended abstract)
14. Zaidnuddin, I. and Y. Yusuf, 2002. Involvement of volunteer divers in coral reef and butterflyfish
survey in Malaysia. Paper presented at Middle East Regional Science Symposium and Workshop:
Butterflyfish (Family Chaetodontidae) Research and Monitoring from June 19-21, 2002, Aqaba,
15. Yusuf, Y., Y.A. Affendi, B. H. Tajuddin and A.A. Kee Alfian, 2007. A preliminary study on the
coral reef fishes of a Malaysian remote atoll: Pulau Layang-Layang. Poster Presented at UMT 6th
Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management. Awana Kijai, Terengganu. 2-4 May,
16. Yusuf, Y.and M.N. Siti Azizah, 2007. Coral Reef Fishes of Pulau Payar Marine Park, West Coast
of Peninsular Malaysia. Oral Presentation at 21st. Pacific Science Congress. 12-18 June, 2007.
Okinawa, Japan. (Accepted).
Amirrudin, A., Y. Yusuf and M. N. Siti Azizah, 2002. Fishes and other invertebrates fauna in
Pantai Acheh Forest Reserve, Penang. Report Submitted to Penang State Government
Amir Shah Ruddin, M. S., Y. Yusuf and M.N. Siti Azizah, 2002. Fish and benthos diversity study
of Balik Pulau Forest Reserve. Report Submitted to Penang State Government (Unpublished).
Ali, A. and Y. Yusuf, 2001. Coral reef fish of Pulau Singa. Report Submitted to Unisain Holdings
and Wildlife Department, Malaysia. (Unpublished).
Yusuf, Y., 2003. Coral reef fishes and coral cover of Pulau Payar Marine Park. EIA report
submitted to Seri Temin Development Corporation (Unpublished).
Yusuf, Y., 2004. Coral reef fish of marina area, Kg. Tekek, Pulau Tioman Marine Park. Survey
report submitted to Marine Department, Malaysia (Unpublished).
Affendi, Y.A., B. H. Tajuddin, Y. Yusuf, A.A. Kee Alfian, N. L. A.Wong, , J. L. S. Ooi and M. N.
Nayan, 2007. The Marine Biological Resources of the Proposed Area for Pulau Tioman Airport
Pahang Darul Makmur. Universiti Malaya Maritime Research Centre (UMMaritime), Universiti
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Technical report submitted to the Marine Parks Department, Ministry of
Natural Resources & Environment, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Written :
Spoken :
English, Bahasa Melayu
English, Bahasa Melayu
PADI Rescue Diver
Member of Malaysian Society of Marine Science (MSMS)
Reef Check Trainer, Reef Check International
Associate Prof. Dr. Siti Azizah Md Nor
School of Biological Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Pulau Pinang
Phone: 04-6533888 ext 4004
Email: sazizah@usm.my
Prof. Dr. Noor Azhar Mohamed Shazili
Institute of Oceanography (INOS),
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Mengabang Telipot,
21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
Tel: 609-6683101
Fax: 609-6692166
Email: nazhar@umt.edu.my