Demonstrating IT Application Proficiency Today, many people use many operating system and data management applications but do not know what it means to be “proficient” in using these applications. How do you evaluate whether or not someone is proficient in using a specific IT application such as WinZip? There are different levels of skill you can demonstrate using IT applications. The rubric1 for Operating System and Data Management applications [aka Computer Operations Applications] (see Figure 1 Rubric Table, next page) outlines four levels of skill or proficiency: Novice Approaching Proficiency Proficiency Above Proficiency The object of the lesson is to help you attain a proficient level of skill (Proficiency Level 3) in using operating system and data management applications. The lesson is structured around the Measurement Criteria for Proficiency Level 3 of the Operating System and Data Management Applications Rubric Table. It does not focus exclusively on one particular computer operations application, however, but rather interconnects the use of information technology with a real situation commonly found in a career field. Please note: ▪ Level 3 Proficiency assumes mastery of levels 1 and 2 in addition to Level 3. ▪ Level 4 Proficiency is included to show skill levels above proficiency and does not have assigned point values. Your success with the lesson will be measured by the points you achieve against the three Performance Elements of the Operating System and Data Management Applications Rubric Table. The maximum points for the three Performance Elements are: ▪ ▪ ▪ Performance Element 1 (PE1): 10 points Performance Element 2 (PE2): 8 points Performance Element 3 (PE3): 2 points The maximum overall points for Level 3 Proficiency are 20. The minimum is 13 points. 1 A rubric is a framework for evaluating or assessing performance based on a range of criteria. Figure 1: Operating System and Data Management Applications Rubric Table2 Performance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Element Novice Approaching Proficiency Above (PE) Proficiency Measurement Criteria Measurement Criteria Proficiency Measurement Criteria Measurement Criteria PE1: Power on the computer and Connect ports of the Configure desktop Perform simple testing and Manage peripherals. computer to environment and applications diagnos-tics of devices (e.g. computer Start an application (such peripherals. for efficient operation (e.g., sound card, serial port, disk operations. as word processor, Internet Install/uninstall an create short cuts, customize surface test). browser, email) from application. monitor size, and menu bars). Modify configuration of desktop icons or the menu Interrupt and restart Apply basic commands of devices (e.g. modem, bar. applications or the operating system software monitor) Use features of an computer when they (e.g., create, rename, and Partition hard disk for data application simply by using freeze. delete directories). and application sharing. the mouse, keyboard, and Employ desktop operating Perform disk clean up and the application’s menu bar. skills (e.g. use mouse buttons disk defrag-menter tasks. Max Points = 10 and keyboard shortcuts). PE2: Maintain all files on local Maintain all files on Backup data periodically to a Perform scheduled Manage file hard drive. local hard drive. backup media such as a CD, systematic backup storage. Put all data files in a single Put data files in disk, etc. or server. procedure. level directory or one folder. different level Use appropriate system tools Recover, as much as Distinguish file versions by directories or folders. to optimize memory and disk possible, erased or space usage (e.g., backup, corrupted data. disk cleanup, disk defrag). Demonstrate knowledge of Determine file organization the system utilities used for (e.g. use of appropriate file management (e.g., directory structures and change protection modes, names). rename, delete). Max Points = 8 different names. PE3: Uncompress files Uncompress files Compress and uncompress Select and use compression Compress or unknowingly using add-ons using compression files/folders using software to improve alter files. to applications (e.g. software. compression software. compression ratio. viewing JPeg files in the Convert files by using Convert file formats (e.g., browser). “save as” feature of convert Excel or Word format Save file as the applications an application (e.g. file to PDF format). Max Points = 2 2 From IT Across Careers Rubrics, an NSF-ATE project. Performance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Element Novice Approaching Proficiency Above (PE) Proficiency Measurement Criteria Measurement Criteria Proficiency Measurement Criteria default type. text file to word Convert existing files using Open file only with processor file, save utilities provided by the application that created the MS word doc file to software. file. RTF file). Measurement Criteria