Unit 2

Unit 2
1. Cosmology - the study of the universe, its current nature, and its origin and
2. Big Bang Theory – the theory that the universe began as a point and has been
expanding ever since
3. Steady State Theory - proposes that the universe is the same as it has always
been and new matter is being created as the universe expands maintaining its
4. Inflationary Universe Theory- proposes that the universe began as a fluctuation
in a vacuum and expanded very rapidly for a fraction of a second before settling
into a more orderly expansion.
5. Rotation-Earth spinning on its axis
6. Revolution-The movement of an object around another in space
7. Newton’s First Law- Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain
in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it
8. Kepler’s First Law- Each planet orbits the Sun in a shape called an ellipse
9. Kepler’s Second Law- The line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal
areas in equal intervals of time
10. Precession – change in direction of the axis, no change in title
11. Nutation – wobbling around the precessional axis
12. Barycenter – point between two objects where they balance each other
13. Fission – splitting of nucleus in a nuclear reaction
14. Fusion – combining of nucleus in a nuclear reaction
15. Electromagnetic Radiation – form on energy (or heat transfer) that has wave
like behaviors
Unit 2
1. Cosmology - the study of the universe, its current nature, and its origin and
2. Big Bang Theory – the theory that the universe began as a point and has been
expanding ever since
3. Steady State Theory - proposes that the universe is the same as it has always
been and new matter is being created as the universe expands maintaining its
4. Inflationary Universe Theory- proposes that the universe began as a fluctuation
in a vacuum and expanded very rapidly for a fraction of a second before settling
into a more orderly expansion.
5. Rotation-Earth spinning on its axis
6. Revolution-The movement of an object around another in space
7. Newton’s First Law- Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain
in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it
8. Kepler’s First Law- Each planet orbits the Sun in a shape called an ellipse
9. Kepler’s Second Law- The line joining the planet to the Sun sweeps out equal
areas in equal intervals of time
10. Precession – change in direction of the axis, no change in title
11. Nutation – wobbling around the precessional axis
12. Barycenter – point between two objects where they balance each other
13. Fission – splitting of nucleus in a nuclear reaction
14. Fusion – combining of nucleus in a nuclear reaction
15. Electromagnetic Radiation – form on energy (or heat transfer) that has wave
like behaviors