curriculumvitae - College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

University of Idaho
NAME: Prather, Timothy S.
DATE: May 30, 2010
RANK OR TITLE: Associate Professor
DEPARTMENT: Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences
OFFICE PHONE: 885-9246
FAX: 885-7760
DATE OF TENURE: July 1 2004
Ph.D., University of Idaho, Plant Science (1993)
M.S., University of Idaho, Plant Science (1989)
B.S., University of Idaho, Range Science (1982)
Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments:
Associate Professor – University of Idaho, 2004 to present
Assistant Professor – University of Idaho, 2000-2004
IPM Weed Ecologist – University of California Integrated Pest Management Program, Kearney
Agricultural Center, Parlier, California, 1992-2000.
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 1986-92.
Areas of Specialization:
Weed biology in range and forest systems
Weed management in range and forest systems
Early detection of invasive plants using remote sensing and ground survey
Plant – herbivore interactions
Plant dispersal
Biological control of weeds
Courses Taught:
Topics in Biological Control of Weeds, 502, spring 2001
Weed Biology, PLSC 410/510, fall 2004, fall 2008
Students Advised:
Previous Graduate Students:
Sandra Robins, M.S. Range Ecology, Steve Bunting, December 2001
Brandon Scheiss, M.S. Plant Science, Donn Thill, Spring 2002
Alan Bower,M.S., Range Ecology and Management, Jim Kingery, Spring 2003
Jamie Snyder, M. S. Forest Resources, Ron Mahoney, Spring 2003
Brett Bingham, M.S.Plant Science, Tim Prather, Fall 2003
Cathy Sampselle, M.S.Range Ecology and Management, Jim Kingery, Spring 2004
Corey Gucker, M.S. Range Ecology and Management, Steven Bunting, Spring 2004
Fei Tian, M.S. Division of Statistics, Chris Price and Bahman Shafii, Fall 2004
Tom Ireland, M.S. Plant Science, Donn Thill, Fall 2004
Brad Hanson, Ph.D.Plant Science, Donn Thill, Spring 2005
Lee Eubank, M.S. Plant Science, Tim Prather, Fall 2005
Joseph Milan, M.S. Entomology, Mark Schwarzlaender, Fall 2005
Jennifer Andreas, M.S. Entomology, Mark Schwarzlaender, Fall 2005
Chandalin Bennett, M. S. Forest Resources, George Newcombe, Fall 2005
Matthew West, M.S.Plant Science, Don Morishita
Timothy Hatten, Ph.D. Entomology, N. Bosque-Perez and S. Eigenbrode, Summer 2006
Lovina Roselle, M.S. Range Ecology and Management, Karen Launchbaugh,, 2007
Erik Sjoquist, M.S. Forest Resources, Ron Mahoney 2007
Karen Laitala, M. S., Plant Science Tim Prather, Spring 2007
Lyndsie, Stoltman, M.S. Entomology, Ed Bechinski, Spring 2009
Brianna Goehring, M.S., Range Ecology and Management, Karen Launchbaugh, Spring 2009
Jannis Jocious, Conservation Social Sciences, Steve Hollenhorst, Summer 2009
Priscilla Nyamai, M. S., Environmental Science, Tim Prather, Spring 2009
Randall Elliot, Crop and Soil Science, WSU, Ian Burke, Spring 2010
Karoline Lambert, Environmental Science, Cort Anderson, Spring 2010
Current Graduate Students:
John Wallace, Ph.D. Environmental Science, Tim Prather
Sandya Kesoju, Ph.D. Plant Science, Bahman Shafii and Tim Prather
Ruben Garcia, M.S., Soil Science, Guy Knudsen
Melissa Baynes, Ph.D. Environmental Science, George Newcombe
Non-credit Classes, Workshops, Seminars, Invited Lectures, etc.:
 T. Prather. Plant dispersal in riparian areas. BLM Regional Short Course, Boise ID Feb 23, 2010
1. T. Prather. A spatial decision support system for invasive plant management. BLM Regional Short
Course, Boise ID Feb 23, 2010 (invited)
 T. Prather. Remote Sensing for Detection of Nonindigenous Weed Species.Center for Invasive
Plant Management, Web Seminar Feb 24, 2010.
 T. Prather. Adaptive Sampling Design. Center for Invasive Plant Management, Web Seminar Jan
27, 2010
 T. Prather, Predicting movement of rush skeletonweed in canyon grasslands. Montana Weed
Conference, Missoula Montana, 1/14/2010. (Invited)
 T. Prather, Yellow starthistle biology, management and potential threat to Wyoming
rangelands,01/22/2009 Caspar, Wyoming Weed Conference (Invited)
 Early detection and rapid response techniques for rush skeletonweed, Montana Weed Association
Annual Conference, 1/16/08, Great Falls MT (invited)
 Invasive Plant Dispersal Modeling, Montana Weed Conference, Great Falls, January 2008 (Invited)
 How can you incorporate risk assessment into invasive plant management? Understanding and
assessing plant invasions, an online workshop. Center for Invasive Plant Management.,
01/23/2006, (Invited).
 Herbicide Mode of Action. BLM Shortcourse, Boise ID, 01/25/2006. (invited).
 Identification and management of hawkweeds introduced into the Pacific Northwest. Stevens
County Noxious Weed Control Board., Colville WA, 02/16/2006, (invited)
 Techniques for detecting newly invading species. Stevens County Noxious Weed Control Board.,
Colville WA, 02/16/2006, (invited).
 Methods for establishing native grasses. Idaho Golf Course Association. Twin Falls ID,
10/09/2006, Western region: Idaho. 60 FTF. Time: 01:00.
 Weed Biology PSES 410/510 Weed Dispersal, September 12, 2006
 Weed Biology PSES 410/510 Weed Survey and Mapping, October 26, 2006
 Ecology and Management of Weeds WSU CS305, Topic: Use of remote sensing for detection
and landscape level management of weeds. Nov 17, 2005
 Hawkweed and Knotweed Identification, Biology and Management. Alaska Invasive Weed
Conference, October , 2005 (Invited)
 Plant detection methods and early detection/rapid response. Alaska Invasive Weed Conference,
October , 2005 (Invited)
 Habitat Susceptibility Affects Revegetation Needs Following Yellow Starthistle Control. At the
Arizona Noxious Weed / Invasive Plant Summit, Nov 3, 2004.
 Range and forest invasive plant program. CSREES Review, Moscow, Idaho, June 4, 2003.
 Integrated rangeland weed management, part 2. Rangeland Weed Management, Range 454, April
29, 2003.
 Integrated rangeland weed management, part 1. Rangeland Weed Management, Range 454, April
24, 2003.
 Eurasian watermilfoil risk assessment. Idaho Invasive Species Council, Boise, ID, April 8, 2003.
 Early detection and rapid response to plant invasions. Rangeland Ecology and Management
Seminar Series, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Mar. 31,
 Rangeland weed IPM. National BLM Training Session, .Boise, ID, Jan. 29, 2003.(Invited)
 Wildfire suppression analogy for weed management. National BLM Training Session, .Boise, ID,
Jan. 29, 2003. (Invited)
 Invasibility of plant communities. Biology of Weeds PLSC 410/510, Moscow, ID, Oct. 29, 2002
 Conducting GPS mapping surveys for invasive plant species. Biology of Weeds PLSC 410/510,
Moscow, ID, October 24, 2002
 U.S. Senate Testimony on Senate Bill 198 Sponsored by Senator Larry Craig. July 2002.
 Invasive Plant Species Short Course, Weed Science Society of America 2 day course, Reno
Nevada. Feb. 2002.
 Remote sensing of invasive plant species lecture. Yale University, Forestry and Environmental
Sciences Department. October 15, 2001.
 Outstanding Paper, Weed Technology 2003
 Bronze Award for Idaho Farm Bureau Private Forest Series, Association of Natural Resource
Extension Professionals, 2007.
Publications, Exhibitions, Performances, Recitals:
Book Chapter:
Lass, L. W., T. S. Prather, B. Shafii, and W. J. Price. 2011. Chapter 13, Tracking invasive species in
rangeland using probability functions to identify site specific boundaries. A case study using
yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis). In GIS Applications in Agriculture Volume 2 Invasive
Species. CRC Press LLC. (accepted for publication)
Radosevich, S.R., T. Prather, C. M. Ghersa and L. Lass. 2009. Implementing science-based invasive
plant management. In Management of Invasive Weeds, Inderjit (ed), Springer pp 345-360.
Prather, T. 2007. Risk assessment and decision making for invasive plant management
planning. Invasive Plant Management: CIPM Online Textbook,
Prather, T. S. and L. W. Lass. 2005. Remote Sensing for Weed Detection. Chapter 8 in
Inventory and Survey Methods for Nonindigenous Plant Species. pp 60 – 64.
Prather, T. S. 2005. Adaptive Sampling Design. Chapter 7, in Inventory and Survey
Methods for Nonindigenous Plant Species. pp 56 – 59.
Mitchell,J.P., W.T. Lanini, S.R. Temple, P.N. Brostrom, E.V. Herrero, E. Miyao, T.S.
Prather, K.J. Hembree. 2002. Reduced-disturbance agroecosystems in California.
Chapter 97, pp 993-998, in “Managing for healthy ecosystems,” edited by D.J.
Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O.Qualset, A.B. Damania, Lewis
Publ., CRC Press LLC.
Refereed/Adjudicated (SUBMITTED and IN REVIEW):
Mummey, D. L., J. E. Gannon, T. S. Prather, P. W. Ramsey, M. C. Rillig. 2010. The invasive plant
species, Hieracium caespitosum, alters nutrient availability and arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungal communities. (Submitted)
Nyamai, P., T.S. Prather and J.M. Wallace. 2010. Evaluating restoration methods across a
secondary successional gradient. Invasive Plant Science and Management (provisionally
1.Wallace, J. M., T. S. Prather and L. M. Wilson. 2010. Plant community response to integrated
management of meadow hawkweed (Hieracium caespitosum) in the Pacific Northwest.
Invasive Plant Science and Management DOI: 10.1614/IPSM-09-012.1
2. Laitala, K. L., T. S. Prather, B. Kennedy, C. Caudill, D. C. Thill. 2010. Efficacy of benthic
barriers as a control measure for Eurasian watermilfoil. Invasive Plant Science and
Management (accepted).
3.Stapleton, J.J., C. G. Summers, J.P. Mitchell and T. S. Prather. 2009. Deleterious activity of
cultivated grasses (Poaceae) and residues on soil-borne fungal, nematode and weed pests.
Phytoparasitica DOI 10.1007/s12600-009-007-3
4.Summers,C.G., J. P. Mitchell, T. S. Prather, J.J. Stapleton. 2009. Sudex cover crops can kill and
stunt subsequent tomato, lettuce and broccoli transplants through allelopathy. California
Agriculture Jan edition
5.Mallek, S. B., T. S. Prather, and J. J Stapleton. 2007. Interaction Effects of Allium spp. Residues,
Concentrations and Soil Temperature on Seed Germination of Four Weedy Plant Species.
Applied Soil Ecology: 10.1016/j.apsoil2007.07.003
6. Dahlquist, R. M., T. S. Prather and J. J. Stapleton. 2007. Time and temperature requirements for
weed seed thermal death. Weed Science 55(6):619-625.
7.Shafii, B., T.S. Prather, W.J. Price 2006. Modeling dispersal of yellow starthistle in the canyon
grasslands of north central Idaho. Applied Statistics in Agriculture. G. A. Milliken (Ed.).
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 18:(163-179)
8.Milan, J. D., B. L. Harmon, T. S. Prather, M. Schwarzlaender. 2006. Winter mortality of Aceria
chondrillae, a biological control agent released to control rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla
juncea) in the western United States. J. Applied Entomology 130:473-479.
9.Williams, S and T. Prather. 2006 Goats: a tool for controlling spotted knapweed. Journal of
Extension 44(5):5RIB6.
10. Glenn, N., Mundt, J., Weber, K., Prather, T., Lass, L., Pettingill, J., 2005. Hyperspectral Data
Processing for Repeat Detection of Small Infestations of Leafy Spurge. Remote Sensing of
Environment, 95, 399–412.
11. Mundt, J., Glenn, N., Weber, K., Prather, T., Lass, L., Pettingill, J., 2005. Discrimination of
Hoary cress and Determination of its detection limits via Hyperspectral image processing and
accuracy assessment techniques. Remote Sensing of Environment, 96, 509-517.
12. Lass, L. W., T. S. Prather, N. F. Glenn, K. T. Weber, J. T. Mundt, J. Pettingill. 2005. A review
of remote sensing of invasive weeds and example of the early detection of spotted knapweed
(Centaurea maculosa) and Babysbreath (Gypsophila paniculata) with a hyperspectral sensor.
Weed Science 53:242-251.
13. Lass, L. W. and T. S. Prather. 2004. Detecting the locations of Brazilian pepper trees in the
Everglades with a hyperspectral sensor. Weed Technology 18(2):437-442.
14. Shafii, Bahman William J. Price, Timothy S. Prather, Lawrence W. Lass, Donald C. Thill. 2004.
Using landscape characteristics as prior information for Bayesian classification of yellow
starthistle Weed Science 52(6):948-953.
15. Tian, F B. Shafii C.J. Williams T.S. Prather W.J. L.W. Lass Price. 2004. Prediction of Yellow
Starthistle Survival and Movement over Time and Space. Applied Statistics in Agriculture. G.
A. Milliken (Ed.). Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 16:(74-96).
16. Shafii, B., W. J. Price, T. S. Prather, L. W. Lass, D. C. Thill. 2003. Predicting the likelihood of
yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) occurrence using landscape characteristics. Weed
Science 51:748-751.
17. Price, W. J., B. Shafii, L. W. Lass and T. S. Prather. 2002. Using landscape characteristics as
prior information for Bayesian classification of remotely sensed imagery. Kansas State
University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture pp 126 – 136.
18. Stapleton, J.J., T.S. Prather, S.B. Mallek, T.S. Riuz, and C.L. Elmore. 2002. High temperature
solarization for production of weed-free container soils and potting mixes. Horticultural
Technology 12(4):697-700.
19. Lass, L.W., D.C. Thill, B. Shafii and T.S. Prather. 2002. Detecting spotted knapweed (Centaurea
maculosa) with hyperspectral remote sensing technology. Weed Technology 16:426–432.
20. Mitchell, J.P., P.B. Goodell, R. Krebill-Prather, T.S. Prather, K.J. Hembree, D.S. Munk, and
D.M. May. 2001. Innovative agricultural extension partnerships in California’s Central San
Joaquin Valley. J. Extension. 39:6.
21. Prather, T.S., W.T. Lanini, S. Orloff, R. Vargas, J.L. Schmierer, K. Hembree, W.M. Canevari, S.
Mueller, W. Bendixen, and R.L. Krebill-Prather. 2000. Interplanting grasses into alfalfa
controls weeds in older stands. Cal. Ag. 54:37-41.
22. Liu F., and T.S. Prather. 2000. The fate of simazine in a drip-irrigated grape vineyard. Weed
Science 48:514-517.
23. Hall, J.C., L L. Van Eerd, S.D. Miller, K.D.K. Owen, T.S. Prather, D.L. Shaner, K.C. Vaughn,
and S.C. Weller. 2000. Future research directions for weed science. Weed Technol. 14:647658.
24. Steinmaus, S.J., T.S. Prather, and J.S. Holt. 2000. Estimation of base temperatures for nine weed
species. J. Experimental Botany 51:275-286.
25. Fuerst, E.P., T.M. Sterling, M.A. Norman, T.S. Prather, G.P. Irzyk, Y. Wu, N.K. Lownds, and
R.H. Callihan. 1996. Physiological characterization of picloram resistance in yellow
starthistle. Pestic. Biochem.: Physiology 56:149-161.
26. Prather, T.S., B. Shafii, and R.H. Callihan. 1994. Predicting common crupina habitat with
geographic and remote sensing data. Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics
in Agriculture pp 122-135.
27. Prather, T.S. and R.H. Callihan. 1993. Weed eradication using geographic information systems.
Weed Technology 7:265-269.
28. Callihan, R.H., T.S. Prather, and F.E. Northam. 1993. Longevity of yellow starthistle (Centaurea
solstitialis) achenes in soil. Weed Technology 7:33-35.
29. Prather, T.S. and R.H. Callihan. 1991. Interference between yellow starthistle and pubescent
wheatgrass during grass establishment. 44:443-447.
Peer Reviewed/Evaluated:
 Prather, T. S., S. Robins, and D. Morishita. 2010. Idaho's Noxious Weeds, 5th Edition CIS Bull
816. 147 pgs.
 Prather, T. Weed Control in pasture and rangeland, 2010 PNW Weed Management Handbook,
 Prather, T. Weed Control in grass hay, 2010 PNW Weed Management Handbook
 Prather, T. Weed Control in forage alfalfa, 2010 PNW Weed Management Handbook
 Prather, T. Weed Control in right-of-way vegetation control, 2010 PNW Weed Management
 Prather, T., T. Miller, S. Robins. 2009. Perennial Knotweeds. PNW Bulletin 610.
 Prather, T. S., J. Wallace and L. Wilson. 2009. Idaho's Noxious Weed 2009 Control Guidelines.
CIS Bull 816 supplement. 29 pgs.
 Prather, T. and B. Parker, Weed Control in pasture and rangeland, 2008 PNW Weed
Management Handbook, pp 361-365,
 Sheinost, P. M. Stannard, T. Prather and J. Yenish. 2008. Ventenata. WSU Extension EB2038E.
 Scheinost, Pamela, Stannard, Mark and Tim Prather. 2008. Ventenata: Plant Guide. USDA
NRCS. . 3 pgs
 Parker, B. and T. Prather. 2008. Noncropland and right-of-way vegetation control. 2008 PNW
Weed Management Handbook, pgs 366-373.
 Prather, T. S., S. Robins, and D. Morishita. 2007. Idaho's Noxious Weeds, 4th Edition CIS Bull
816. 116 pgs.
 Prather, T. S., J. Wallace and L. Wilson. 2007. Idaho's Noxious Weed 2008 Control Guidelines.
CIS Bull 816 supplement. 29 pgs.
 Prather, T. S., S. Robins, S. Daniels and K. Laitala. 2007. Eurasian watermilfoil Identification
and management in Idaho. CIS 1108. 8 pgs.
 Parker, B. and T. Prather. 2007. Noncropland and right-of-way vegetation control. 2007 PNW
Weed Management Handbook, pgs 366-373.
 Prather, T. and B. Parker, 2007. Weed Control in pasture and rangeland, 2007 PNW Weed
Management Handbook, pp 361-365.
 Prather, T. S. and L. M. Wilson. 2006. Idaho’s Noxious Weeds 2007 control guidelines. Bulletin
816 supplement, 42 pgs.
 Prather, T. S. and L. M. Wilson. 2006. Idaho's Noxious Weeds 2006 Control Guidelines:
Noncrop and Rangeland Sites. UI Bul 816 (Supplement).
 Prather, T., L. Lake, B. Hargrove, M. Voile, R. Van Bebber, R. Rosentreter, J. Gould. 2006.
Establishing an early detection and rapid response network in Idaho. White paper of the Idaho
Weed Coordinating Committee.
 Prather, T. S. and L. M. Wilson. 2005. Idaho's Noxious Weeds 2005 Control Guidelines:
Noncrop and Rangeland Sites. UI Bul 816 (Supplement).
 Parker, B. and T. Prather. 2005. Noncropland and right-of-way vegetation control in 2006 Pacific
Northwest Weed Management Handbook. Pp 344-350.
 Prather, T. and B. Parker. 2005. Weed control in pasture and rangeland 2006 Pacific Northwest
Weed Management Handbook. pp 340-343.
 Prather, T. S. and L. M. Wilson. 2004. Idaho’s noxious weeds, 2004 control guidelines, noncrop
and rangeland sites. Bul 816.
 Prather T. S. and B. Parker. 2004. Weed control in pasture and rangeland. PNW Weed
Management Handbook pp. 345-348.
 Parker, B. and T. S. Prather. 2004. Noncropland and Right-of-way vegetation control. PNW
Weed Management Handbook. Pp 349-356.
 Hines,.S., T. Prather, S. Robins. 2004. Oxeye Daisy. PNW Bulletin
 Prather, T. S., S. Robins, S. Daniel. 2003. Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)
Identification and Management in Idaho. University of Idaho, Agricultural Communications
 Schuster, M. and T. S. Prather. 2003. Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium). PNW Weed
 Prather T. S. 2003. Idaho’s Noxious Weeds; 2003 Control Guide. University of Idaho,
Agricultural Communications Bulletin 816 (Supplement).
 Prather, T., T. Harter, M. Bianchi, and J. Fallon. 2002. Developing nonpoint source pollution
evaluation programs. University of California, DANR Pub. 8087.
 Prather, T.S., S.S. Robins, D.W. Morishita, L.W. Lass, R.H. Callihan, and T.W. Miller. 2002.
Idaho’s Noxious Weeds. University of Idaho, Agricultural Communications Bulletin 816.
 Prather, T. and B. Parker. 2001. Weed control in pasture and rangeland. Pacific Northwest Weed
Management Handbook. Ag Publ., College of Agriculture, University of Idaho, pp 339-342
 Prather T. S. 2001. Idaho’s Noxious Weeds; 2002 Control Guide. University of Idaho,
Agricultural Communications Bulletin 816 Supplement.
 Prather, T.S., D.W. Morishita, L.W. Lass, R.H. Callihan, and T.W. Miller 2001. Idaho’s Noxious
Weeds. Ag Publ., College of Agriculture, University of Idaho Bulletin 816.
 Prather, T.S., J.M. DiTomaso, and J.S. Holt. 2000. Herbicide Resistance: The Problem and
Management Strategies. ANR leaflet 8012.
 Prather, T.S. 2000. Almond integrated weed management. UC Pest Management Guidelines, UC
DANR Publication 3339.
 Parker, B. and T. Prather. 2000. Noncropland and right-of-way vegetation control. Pacific
Northwest Weed Management Handbook. Ag Publ., College of Agriculture, University of
1.Prather, T. S. 2010. Knotweed Shrubs Form Formidable Problems Gem State Producer,
2.Prather, T. S. 2009. Weeds and Fungi; Are They Working Together? Gem State Producer,
3.T. Prather and V. Steele. 2009. Ventenata Control Strategies Found for Forage Producers, UI
4.Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Control of sweetbriar rose using triclopyr and imazapyr.
WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 27.
5. Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Rush skeletonweed control with DPX-MAT28 on Idaho
rangeland. WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 29.
6. Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Yellow starthistle control with aminopyralid on Idaho
rangeland. WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 32-33.
7.Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Dalmation toadflax control using low rates of chlorsulfuron and
two surfactants. WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 41.
8.Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Control of Ventenata dubia using various selective herbicides.
WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 46-47.
9.Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Development of restoration tools for Ventenata dubia in
infested pastures. WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 48-50.
10.Wallace, J. and T. Prather. 2009. Tolerance of ponderosa pine to aminopyralid applications.
WSWS Research Progress Report. Pg. 61-63.
11.Prather, T. 2009. Ventenata dubia, an increasing concern to the Inland Northwest. News from the
Center for Invasive Plant Management, June Issue.
12.Prather, T. 2009. Woody knotweeds. News from the Center for Invasive Plant Management.
August Issue.
13.Prather, T.2009. Buffalobur. Bugwood Wiki.
14.Prather, T. 2009. Perennial sowthistle. Bugwood
15.Prather, T. 2009. Silverleaf nightshade. Bugwood
16.Prather, T. 2009. Yellow Starthistle. Bugwood Wiki.
17.S. Robins and T. Prather, 2007. 21 New Noxious Weeds in Idaho, created for Weed-free Hay
and Forage program at ISDA, 23 pp.
18.Prather, T. S. 2008. Maintaining reduced fuel loads. Idaho Farm Bureau Producer, April 2008,
19.T. Prather and S. Robins, 2007 Interim Guide to Idaho's Noxious Weeds, 62 pp., printed for
Idaho State Department of Agriculture. John Wallace, Tim Prather, and Larry Lass. 2007.
Annual grass control with sulfmeturon methyl and chlorsulfuron. Idaho Weed Control
Report, Pg 121
20.John Wallace and Tim Prather. 2007. Tolerance of perennial grass following various
selective herbicide applications. Idaho Weed control Report, Pg 122-123
21.John Wallace and Tim Prather. 2007. Bur chervil control with selective herbicides on Idaho
rangeland. Idaho Weed Control Report, Pg 124
22.John Wallace and Tim Prather. 2007. Ventenata control with triasulfuron and imazapic on the
Palouse Prairie. Idaho Weed Control Report, Pg 125
23.Linda Wilson, John Wallace, Tim Prather and Larry Lass. 2007. Control of meadow hawkweed
with aminopyralid and surfactant in abandoned pasture
near Santa, ID, Idaho Weed Control Report, Pg 126-127
24.Linda Wilson, John Wallace, Tim Prather and Larry Lass. 2007. Meadow hawkweed control
using aminopyralid and other selective herbicides in abandoned pasture near Santa, ID, Idaho
Weed Control Report Pg 128.
25.Prather, T. S. 2006. Managing weeds with a new approach. Idaho Farm Bureau News October,
pg 30,31.
26.Prather, Tim, Sandra Robins, Howard Lyman. 2006. Invasive weeds of the Frank Church River
of No Return Wilderness Area. Brochure of the Frank Church Wilderness CWMA, published
by the Idaho Weed Awareness Campaign.
27.Prather, T. S. 2006. Idaho's Private Forest: Scotch Broom. Gem State Producer Vol 10(4):30-31.
28.Prather, T Larry Lass, and John Wallace. 2005. Annual Grass control with sulfometuron methyl
and chlorosulfuron. 2005 Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 121.
29.Wilson, Linda, Tim Prather, and John Wallace. 2005 Control of meadow hawkweed using
herbicide and fertilizer near Santa, ID. Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 122-123.
30.Wilson, Linda, Tim Prather, John Wallace and Larry Lass. 2005 Control of meadow hawkweed
with aminopyralid and surfactant in abandoned pasture near Santa, ID. Idaho Weed Control
Report. p. 124-125.
31.Wilson, Linda, Tim Prather, John Wallace, and Larry Lass. 2005. Meadow hawkweed control
using aminopyralid and other selective herbicides in an abandoned pasture near Santa, ID.
2005 Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 126.
32.Prather, Tim Larry Lass, and John Wallace.2005. Control of rush skeletonweed with
aminopyralid near Horseshoe Bend, Idaho. Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 127.
33.Prather, Tim, Larry Lass, and John Wallace. 2005. Russian knapweed control with metsulfuron
methyl and chlorsulfuron on the Snake River floodplain. Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 128.
34.Prather, Tim, Larry Lass, and John Wallace. 2005 Yellow starthistle control with aminopyralid
on Idaho rangeland. Idaho Weed Control Report. p. 131.
35.Sandra Robins and Timothy Prather. 2005 Newly reported exotic species in Idaho. Idaho Weed
Control Report, pp.133-134
36.Stapleton, J.J., T.S. Prather, S.B. Mallek, T.S. Ruiz, and C.L. Elmore. 2000. High temperature
solarization for weed control in container soil and potting mixes. Proceedings Annual
California Weed Science Society, 52:204-207.
37.Prather, T.S., J.M. DiTomaso, and J.S. Holt. 2000. History mechanisms and strategies for
prevention and management of herbicide resistant weeds. Proceedings Annual California
Weed Science Society, 52:155-163.
38.Prather, T.S. 2000. Hairy fleabane biology and control. KAC Plant Prot. Quart. 10(3): 7-8.
39.Stapleton, J.J., T.S. Prather, and R.M. Dahlquist. 2000. Implementation and validation of a
thermal death database to predict efficacy of soil solarization for weed management in
California. KAC Plant. Prot. Quart. 10(3): 9-10.
Professional Meeting Papers, Workshops, Showings, Recitals:
Lass, L., B. Shafii, T. Prather, W. Price, S. Cook, S. Radosevich, W. Chung and T. Venn. A
neural network approach to predicting the occurrence of rush skeletonweed and yellow starthistle
in the Intermountain Northwest. Western Society of Weed Science, Kona HI 3/10/2010
Prather, T, and J. Wallace. Management of meadow hawkweed in perennial grasslands.
Northwest. Western Society of Weed Science, Kona HI 3/10/2010
Prather, T. P. Nyamai, J. Wallace, B. McCloskey.. Evaluating response to restoration efforts in
Palouse Prairie and Canyon Grasslands. Weed Science Society of America, Denver, February 9,
Goehring, B., T. Prather and K. Launchbaugh. Survival of weed seeds through the digestive
tracts of ruminants: A case study of yellow starthistle seeds ingested by goats. Society for Range
Management, Denver, February 9, 2010.
Prather, Lass, L., B. Shafii, W. Price, S. Cook, S. Radosevich, W. Chung and T. Venn.
Recognition of the need for landscape to region-wide management of invasive plant species has
grown among landowners and land managers. Weed Science Society of America, Denver,
February 9, 2010.
Prather, T. and J. Wallace Evaluation of aminopyralid for meadow hawkweed control. Dow
Agroscience Workshop, San Diego. December 2009
T. Prather. Utilizing geographic information systems and remotely-sensed data to set integrated
pest management strategies for plant survey and landscape-scale weed management. GIS for
Invasive Weed Management and Research Symposium, Weed Science Society of America,
Chicago, Feb 2008
Wallace, J and T. Prather. March, 2007, Biology and Management of Bur Chervil, Western
Society for Weed Science, Portland.
Prather, T., S. Robins, L. Lake. March 2007. Developing criteria for plant survey for an invasive
plant early detection network in Northern Idaho., Western Society for Weed Science, Portland.
Lass, L. and T. Prather. March 2007. Using spatial networks to model yellow starthistle
movement in canyon grasslands in Idaho. Western Society for Weed Science, Portland.
L. Lass, T. Prather, B. Shafii, W. Price and D. Howard. A new approach to predicting the future
distribution of yellow starthistle. WSWS, Reno Nevada, March 14, 2006.
Dispersal of yellow starthistle can be predicted from plant community susceptibility. F. Tian, B.
Shafii, T. Prather, W. Price L. Lass, C. Williams. Weed Science Society of America, February
2005, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Predicting whitetop and rush skeletonweed locations using remote sensing data classified with a
transformed soil-adjusted vegetation (TSAV) index. L. Lass, T. Prather, N Glen, J. Mundt, K.
Weber, J. Pettingill. Weed Science Society of America, February 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii.
A Fresh Look at an Old Weed Mapping Tool. L. Lass and T. Prather. Western Society for Weed
Science. Vancouver B.C. March 2005.
Which plant communities are susceptible to invasion by Centaurea solstitialis? T. Prather, B.
Bingham, B. Shafii, L. Lass, W. Price, Invasive Plants in Natural and Managed Systems Ft.
Lauderdale Florida Nov 3-7., 2004
The stress related vegetation index applied to Idaho’s canyon grasslands. L. Eubank, T. Prather,
M. Tuller. Proceedings of Western Society Weed Science 57:9-10, 2004.
Detecting the locations of whitetop with remote sensing imagery. L. Lass, T. Prather, N. Glenn,
J. Mundt, K. Weber, J. Pettingill, B. Wilbur. Proceedings of Western Society Weed Science
57:10, 2004
Dispersal of yellow starthistle can be predicted from plant community susceptibility. F. Tian, B.
Shafii, T. Prather, W. Price, C. Williams, L. Lass. Proceedings of Western Society Weed Science
Prediction of yellow starthistle survival and movement over time and space. F. Tian, B. Shafii,
C.J. Williams, T. S. Prather,WJ Price, L.W. Lass. April 26, 2004. Kansas State University
Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
Rush Skeletonweed Biology and Management. Reno, Nevada, February 14, 2002.
Yellow starthistle abundance in annual and perennial plant communities, International Knapweed
Symposium, Coeur d’Alene, March 15, 2001.
Facilitative techniques in extension, Greensboro, North Carolina, February 2001.
Cultivation tools for organic production, Greensboro, North Carolina, February 2001.
IPM decision strategy for weed management in citrus, Greensboro, North Carolina, February
Water and Weed Management, Monterey, California, California Weed Science Society, January
9, 2001.
Local and Regional Presentations:
1. T. Prather. Biology and Management of Poison Hemlock, Ventenata and Bur Chervil. Nez Perce
Tribe Range and Pasture Training, Kamiah ID 5/11/2010
2. T. Prather. Great Basin Environmental Program Introduction. Idaho Weed Coordinating Committee,
Boise ID 5/6/2010
3. T. Prather. Biology and Management of Poison Hemlock, Ventenata and Bur Chervil. Nez Perce
Tribe Range and Pasture Training, Lapwai ID 4/29/2010
4. T. Prather and J. Wallace. Identifying plants using plant family characteristics. Ada County Weed
and Pest Workshop. 3/3/2010.
5. J. Wallace and T. Prather. Herbicide Mode of Action: Amino Synthesis Inhibitors. Ada County
Weed and Pest Workshop.3/3/2010
6. T. Prather and J. Wallace. Herbicide Mode of Action: Auxin mimics. Ada County Weed and Pest
7. J. Wallace and T. Prather. Herbicide Mode of Action:Photosystem II inhibitors. Ada County Weed
and Pest Workshop. 3/4/2010.
8. T. Prather and J. Wallace. T. Prather. Thinking IPM in the weed world. Idaho Weed Conference, Feb
3, 2010, Burley ID
9. T. Prather. Weed Quiz. Idaho Weed Conference, Feb 4, 2010, Burley ID.
10. T. Prather. Establishing grasses for pasture and range. Horticultural Expo, Boise ID 1/26/2010
11. T. Prather. Plant dispersal in riparian plant communities. Current Topics in Forestry, 12/10/2009,
Orofino ID
12. T. Prather. Plant dispersal in riparian plant communities. Current Topics in Forestry, 12/11/2009,
Coeur D'Alene
13. T. Prather, Ventenata Management,06/13/2009 Asotin WA
14. T. Prather, Control of Ventenata, 06/05/2009 Usk WA
15. T. Prather, Management of Ventenata,06/18/2009 Weed Tour Moscow ID
16. T. Prather Weed Management in Palouse Prairie Native plantings,,06/16/2009 Moscow ID
17. T. Prather Weed Identification and Management,06/11/2009 Kootenai Co ID
18. T. Prather Detection of Slickspot peppergrass,05/21/2009 Office of Species Conservation, Boise
19. T. Prather, Rush Skeletonweed Biology and Management,05/20/2009 Cambridge ID
20. Detection Rapid Response Workshop Day 2,04/23/2009 McCall ID
21. T. Prather EarlyT. Prather Early Detection Rapid Response Workshop Day 1,04/22/2009 McCall
22. T. Prather Palouse Prairie Restoration Efforts, 04/14/2009 Palouse Prairie Foundation, Moscow ID
23. T. Prather Idaho Weed Conference Weed Quiz, 01/29/2009
24. T. Prather Making Decisions for Grassland Restoration,01/29/2009 Idaho Weed Conference,
Nampa ID
25. T. Prather Weed Movement, 12/11/2008 Coeur D'Alene ID
26. T. Prather Weed Movement, 12/05/2008 Orofino ID
27. Managing ventenata in pasture and range, Grazing Conference, 1/17/2008, Lewiston
28. Testing weed identification skills, Idaho Weed Conference,1/30/2008, Nampa
29. Survey and control programs for Idaho's new 21 noxious weeds and which plant might be next.,
Idaho Weed Conference, 1/31/2008, Nampa (invited)
30. Management of rush skeletonweed with herbicides, Rush skeletonweed taskforce, 3/25/2008,
31. Eurasian watermilfoil decision support tool update, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force,
4/16/2008, Boise
32. Basic weed management strategy on rangelands, 06/17/2008,Fort Hall
33. Computer assisted plant ID program to identify weeds,06/18/2008, Fort Hall
34. Panel discussion of statewide weed issues, Idaho Weed Summit Panel Discussion, 10/08/2008,
35. Prairie restoration techniques across secondary successional stages, Invasive species field tour,
4/30/2008 ,Moscow
36. Weed management techniques for Palouse Prairie, Latah County Soil and Water Conservation
District, 5/01/2008,Moscow
37. Palouse Prairie restoration techniques, Latah County Soil and Water Conservation District,
05/13/2008, Moscow
38. Selective methods for weed removal in Palouse Prairie, Forest Service Experiment Station,
Moscow, 05/23/2008
39. Control of ventenata and invasive roses, Weed Tour, Moscow06/12/2008
40. Management of ventenata in pasture and forage, Forage producers in Northern Idaho and Eastern
Washington, 09/22/2008, Usk, WA
41. Management of ventenata, Tristate CWMA, 10/15/2008, Lewiston
42. Biology and management of the 21 new weeds added to the noxious weedl list, Southwest Weed
Mgt. Association, 11/29/07, Caldwell
43. Introducing the 21 new plants on the noxious weed list, Current Topics in Forestry, 12/07/2007,
Coeur D'Alene
44. T. Prather, Herbicide Uses-Mapping and Control of Range Weeds, Weed Short Course, Lewiston ,
01/24/2007, District 1, North Idaho: Nez Perce. 60 FTF. Time: 03:00.
45. T. Prather. Management of ventenata dubia in pasture and rangeland. Grazing Conference,
Lewiston, 01/25/2007, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 210 FTF. Time: 00:50.
46. T. Prather, R. Rosentreter, B. McLain, Idaho's new weed list, part 1 and part 2. Idaho Weed
Conference, Nampa, 01/31/2007, Western region: Idaho. 310 FTF. Time: 01:30.
47. J. Wallace and T. Prather. Biology and management of bur chervil. Idaho Weed Conference,
02/01/2007, Western region: Idaho. 96 FTF. Time: 00:55.
48. T. Prather, Basic Biology of Selected Noxious Weed Species, Idaho Weed Conference, Nampa,
02/01/2007, Western region: Idaho. 79 FTF. Time: 00:55.
49. S. Robins and T. Prather. New Weeds to Idaho. Idaho Weed Conference, Nampa, 02/01/2007,
Western region: Idaho. 141 FTF. Time: 00:55.
50. T. Prather. Managing herbicide resistance and controlling problem species such as horseweed.
Ornamental horticulture, Bonner's Ferry, 02/21/2007, District 1, North Idaho: Bonner. 62 FTF.
Time: 01:00.
51. T. Prather, Weed identification using a computer aided decision tool. Master Gardeners, St. Maries
, 05/01/2007, District 1, North Idaho: Benewah. 16 FTF. Time: 03:00.
52. T. Prather. Strategic planning for weed management. Boundary CWMA, Wallace, 05/03/2007,
District 1, North Idaho: Shoshone. 46 FTF.
53. J. Wallace and T. Prather. Control of ventenata dubia. Field tour, Moscow, 06/14/2007, Idaho:
District 1, North Idaho. 82 FTF.
54. T. Prather. Early Detection and Rapid Response Workshop, 10/09/2007, District 3, South-Central
Idaho: Lemhi. 30 FTF. Time: 04:00.
55. T. Prather Early Detection Rapid Response Workshop, 10/18/2007, Idaho: District 2, Southwest
Idaho. 34 FTF. Time: 04:00.
56. T. Prather Early detection and rapid response workshop, Twin Falls, 10/23/2007, Idaho: District 3,
South-Central Idaho. 18 FTF. Time: 04:00.
57. T. Prather Early detection and rapid response workshop, 10/24/2007, Idaho: District 4, SouthEastern Idaho. 47 FTF. Time: 04:00
58. Anderson and T. Prather, New genetic tool for identification of milfoils. Presented to Eurasian
watermilfoil taskforce, 11/03/2006, Western region: Idaho. 16 FTF. Time: 00:30.
59. T. Prather and S. Robins.Vegetative reproduction in weeds. Clearwater Cooperative Weed Mgt
Area, Lewiston, 11/06/2006, District 1, North Idaho: Nez Perce. 18 FTF. Time: 02:00
60. T. Prather, Management of Hawkweeds in Idaho, Noxious weed advisory board, Lewiston,
12/14/2006, District 1, North Idaho: Nez Perce. 14 FTF. Time: 00:30.
61. T. Prather. Weed Prevention Techniques - equipment washing, Current Topics in Forestry,
12/14/2006, District 1, North Idaho: Lewis. 110 FTF. Time: 00:50.
62. T. Prather. Weed Prevention Techniques - equipment washing, Current Topics in Forestry,
12/15/2006, District 1, North Idaho: Kootenai. 80 FTF. Time: 00:50.
63. T. Prather, Activities at the Center for Research on Invasive Species and Small Populations.,
12/15/2006, District 1, North Idaho: Kootenai. 80 FTF. Time: 00:50.
64. Biology and management of meadow hawkweed. Benewah County Extension. Santa ID,
05/23/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 12 FTF. Time: 02:00.
65. Laitala, K. and T. Prather Eurasian watermilfoil, use of panels for control. Weed Field Tour, Parker
Farm, Moscow ID, 06/15/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 48 FTF. Time: 00:15.
66. Wallace, J. and T. Prather. Bur chervil biology and control. Weed Field Tour, Parker Farm,
Moscow ID, 06/15/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 48 FTF. Time: 00:15.
67. Techniques to maintain reduced fuels. Inland Northwest Wildland Urban Interface Conference.
Worley, Idaho., 11/03/2005, Western region: Idaho. 100 FTF. Time: 03:00.
68. Rush skeletonweed identification, biology and management. Weed Principles and Practice, Idaho
Weed Conference, Nampa ID, 02/01/2006, Western region: Idaho. 220 FTF. Time: 01:00.
69. Morishita, D., S. Robins, T. Prather. Vegetative Reproductive Structures. Weed Science Principles
and Practice. Idaho Weed Conference, Nampa ID , 02/01/2006, Western region: Idaho. 220 FTF.
Time: 01:00.
70. Weed management for small acreage farmers. Ada County Extension, Boise., 02/02/2006, District
2, Southwest Idaho: Ada. 16 FTF. Time: 01:00.
71. What flies but has no wings, bounds but has no legs, swims but has no fins?. Weed Ecology
Section, Idaho Weed Conference. Nampa ID., 02/02/2006, Western region: Idaho. 140 FTF. Time:
72. Lake, L. and T. Prather. Developing an early detection network for Idaho. Early Detection Rapid
Response Session, Idaho Weed Conference. Nampa ID, 02/02/2006, Western region: Idaho. 90 FTF.
Time: 01:00.
73. Robins, S. and T. Prather. New invaders into Idaho, how to identify these new plants. Early
Detection and Rapid Response Session. Idaho Weed Conference, Nampa ID, 02/02/2006, Western
region: Idaho. 130 FTF. Time: 01:00.
74. Management and Identification of Weeds in the Sunflower Family. Nez Perce County Extension,
Lewiston ID, 02/23/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 24 FTF. Time: 00:50.
75. Recent invaders to northern Idaho. Shoshone County Weed Control, Wallace ID, 04/11/2006,
Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 9 FTF. Time: 01:00.
76. Identification and Management of Eurasian Watermilfoil. Bonner County Native Plant Society,
Sandpoint ID., 04/22/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 125 FTF. Time: 01:00.
77. Early detection and rapid response workshop. Idaho County, Grangeville ID, 04/24/2006, Idaho:
District 1, North Idaho. 14 FTF. Time: 03:00.
78. Weed management for limited acreage growers. Master Gardener Training, Kamiah ID,
04/24/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 23 FTF. Time: 03:00.
79. Weed identification and management for pasture and small acreage farming. Couer D'Alene Tribe,
Plummer ID, 09/27/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 8 FTF. Time: 02:30.
80. Weed identification and management for pasture and small acreage farming. Benewah County
Extension, St Maries ID, 09/27/2006, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 8 FTF. Time: 02:30.
81. Implementing an early detection network in Idaho. TriState Weed Mgt, Lewiston ID., 10/18/2006,
Western region: Idaho. 24 FTF. Time: 00:30.
82. Role of mycorrhizal fungi in managment of hawkweeds. Hawkweed Consortium. Couer D'Alene
ID, 10/18/2006, Western region: Idaho. 18 FTF. Time: 01:00.
83. Sandra Robins and Tim Prather. ISDA Weed Free Forage: Basic Botany and Family Identification.
Lewiston Idaho., 03/14/2006, Western region: Idaho. 14 FTF.
84. Sandra Robins and Tim Prather. ISDA Weed Free Forage: Basic Botany and Family Identification.
Couer D'Alene Idaho., 03/15/2006, Western region: Idaho. 13 FTF.
85. Scotch Broom Identification and Control. Forestry Current Topics. Orofino ID, 12/08/2005, Idaho:
District 1, North Idaho. 70 FTF. Time: 00:45.
86. Scotch Broom Identification and Control. Forestry Current Topics. Couer D'Alene ID, 12/09/2005,
Idaho: District 1, North Idaho. 120 FTF. Time: 00:45.
87. Early Detection and Rapid Response Program for Idaho., 02/3!/2005, Western region: Idaho.
88. Early Detection and Rapid Response development for Idaho., 10/12/2005, Western region: Idaho.
89. Sweeping away confusion among the brooms., 02/2!/2005, Western region: Idaho.
90. They’re here! Invasive Aquatic Plants, 5/23/2005, State Conf of Idaho Fish and Game,
91. They’re here! Invasive Terrestrial Plants, 5/23/2005, State Conf of Idaho Fish and Game,
92. Eurasian watermilfoil taskforce update, 12/15/2004, Idaho: District 2, Southwest Idaho. .
93. Use of plant dispersal modeling for strategic planning of weed management., 12/17/2004, District
1, North Idaho: Idaho.
94. Annual Grass Control in Pastures, 01/19/2005, District 1, North Idaho: Idaho.
95. Early detection and rapid response system development for Idaho., 02/22/2005, District 1, North
Idaho: Nez Perce.
96. Weed identification using XID software., 02/22/2005, District 1, North Idaho: Benewah. .
97. Idaho's Eurasian Watermilfoil Task Force: Technical Update, 02/24/2005, Idaho: District 1, North
98. Hawkweed Identification and Management, 03/24/2005, District 1, North Idaho: Kootenai.
99. Weed identification training, family recognition and XID training., 04/26/2005, District 1, North
Idaho: Lewis.
100. Weed identification training, family recognition and XID training., 05/17/2005, District 4, SouthEastern Idaho: Franklin.
101. Weed identification training, family recognition and XID training., 05/18/2005, District 4, SouthEastern Idaho: Bannock.
102. New Invader Threats to the Region and How to Identify Them, 10/04/2005, Idaho: District 1,
North Idaho.
103. Management of Russian knapweed with herbicides., 7!/14/2005, District 2, Southwest Idaho:
104. Management of rush skeletonweed with herbicides., 7!/14/2005, District 2, Southwest Idaho:
105. Identification of weeds not allowed in certified hay and straw., 3!/18/2005, District 1, North
Idaho: Nez Perce.
106. Identification of noxious weeds., 3/7/2005, District 1, North Idaho: Kootenai.
107. University of Idaho Efforts on Research and Education for Weed Management, 01/29/2004,
Western region: Idaho.
108. Noxious Weed Law Review and Eurasian Watermilfoil Survey Update, 02/03/2004, Western
region: Idaho.
109. Recognizing what may be an invasive species, 08/12/2004, Idaho: District 4, South-Eastern Idaho.
110. Invasive Plant Management Programming in Idaho within the CRISSP framework, 08/18/2004,
Western region: Idaho.
111. Strategic Management of Weeds on the Ranch, 1!/20/2004, District 3, South-Central Idaho:
112. Strategic Management of Weeds on the Ranch, 1!/21/2004, District 3, South-Central Idaho:
113. Strategic Management of Weeds on the Ranch, 1!/22/2004, District 3, South-Central Idaho: Twin
Falls. .
114. Managing Noxious Weeds in Nursery Production, 1!/23/2004, Western region: Idaho.
115. Revising Idaho's Noxious Weed Law, 1!/6!/2004, District 2, Southwest Idaho: Ada.
116. Management of Leafy Spurge, 06/29/2004, District 2, Southwest Idaho: Adams.
117. Impacts of Invasive Plants in Idaho, 06/29/2004, Idaho: District 2, Southwest Idaho.
118. Invasive Plant Species Impacts, 07/16/2004, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho.
119. Hawkweed Identification and Management, 02/04/2004, Western region: Idaho.
120. Hawkweed Identification and Management, 02/04/2004, Western region: Idaho..
121. Hawkweed Identification and Management, 02/04/2004, Western region: Idaho..
122. Weed Quiz, 02/04/2004, Western region: Idaho.
123. Invasion Ecology, 02/05/2004, Western region: Idaho.
124. Limits to a Species' Distribution, 02/05/2004, Western region: Idaho..
125. Eurasian watermilfoil risk assessment and initial waterway survey, 02/05/2004, Western region:
126. Managing weeds in conifer and deciduous tree production, 02/25/2004, District 1, North Idaho:
127. Basic Weed ID and Management, 04/06/2004, District 1, North Idaho: Clearwater.
128. Weed identification and management, 04/28/2004, District 1, North Idaho: Benewah.
129. Hoary Cress Worshop, 05/10/2004, District 2, Southwest Idaho: Ada.
130. Hoary Cress Worshop, 05/11/2004, District 2, Southwest Idaho: Adams.
131. Modeling plant community susceptibility and plant dispersal in canyon grasslands., 05/18/2004,
US & Territories: Western region.
132. Strategic management of knapweeds, 05/26/2004, District 3, South-Central Idaho: Blaine..
133. Invasive Plant Species Impacts in Idaho, 06/09/2004, Idaho: District 2, Southwest Idaho.
134. Invasive Plant Species Impacts in Idaho, 06/16/2004, Idaho: District 4, South-Eastern Idaho.
135. Progress on Eurasian watermilfoil risk assessment. Eurasian watermilfoil taskforce, Moscow,
Idaho, May 22, 2003.
136. Computer aided weed identification. Master Gardener Training, St. Maries Idaho, April 8, 2003.
137. Managing vegetation in a fuel reduction corridor., 12/11/2003, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho.
138. Revising Idaho's Noxious Weed Law, 12/12/2003, District 1, North Idaho: Nez Perce
139. Managing vegetation in a fuel reduction corridor., 12/12/2003, Idaho: District 1, North Idaho.
140. Revising Idaho's Noxious Weed Law, 12/17/2003, District 2, Southwest Idaho: Ada.
141. Revising Idaho's Noxious Weed Law, 12/17/2003, District 3, South-Central Idaho: Twin Falls.
142. Revising Idaho's Noxious Weed Law, 12/18/2003, District 4, South-Eastern Idaho: Bingham.
143. Small herbicide application equipment available to small landowners. Panhandle CWMA,
Sandpoint, Idaho, May 3, 2003.
144. Management and identification of hawkweeds, knapweeds, common tansy and Canada thistle.
Panhandle CWMA, Sandpoint, Idaho, May 3, 2003.
145. Identification of mustard and borage weeds. Master Gardener Training, Moscow, Idaho, April
146. Obnoxious weeds: when forest landowners should be concerned. NRCS Forestry Short Course,
Moscow, Idaho, March 25, 2003.
147. Utilizing GPS for detection and delineation of invasive plants. Lake Roosevelt Forum working
group, Spokane, Washington, March 5, 2003.
148. Implementing a weed eradication program. Treasure Valley Community College, Ontario,
Oregon, March 4, 2003.
149. Implementing a weed eradication program. Idaho Weed Conference, Nampa, Idaho, Feb. 6, 2003.
150. Eurasian watermilfoil risk assessment. Idaho Association of Weed Control Superintendents,
Caldwell, Idaho, Feb. 4, 2003.
151. Restoration of rangelands with grasses adapted to Adams County, Adams County CWMA,
Council, Idaho, Jan. 30, 2003.
152. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ Invasive Plant Research and Extension Program, Idaho
Weed Coordinating Committee Meeting with Idaho state legislators with agricultural and natural
resource responsibilities., Boise, Idaho Jan. 30, 2003.
153. Management of hawkweeds. Weed Management Workshop #1, Boise Idaho Jan. 16, 2003.
154. The process for eradication. Weed Management Workshop #1, Boise Idaho Jan. 16, 2003.
155. How amino acid inhibiting herbicides work. Weed Management Workshop #1, Boise Idaho Jan.
16, 2003.
156. Reducing impacts of invasive plants during and after fire. Weed Management Workshop #1,
Boise Idaho Jan. 16, 2003.
157. Management of hawkweeds. Weed Management Workshop #1, Idaho Falls Idaho Jan. 15, 2003.
158. The process for eradication. Weed Management Workshop #1, Idaho Falls Idaho Jan. 15, 2003.
159. Reducing impacts of invasive plants during and after fire. Weed Management Workshop #1, Idaho
Falls Idaho Jan. 15, 2003.
160. Management of hawkweeds. Weed Management Workshop #1, Moscow Idaho Jan. 13, 2003.
161. The process for eradication. Weed Management Workshop #1, Moscow Idaho Jan. 13, 2003.
162. How amino acid inhibiting herbicides work. Weed Management Workshop #1, Moscow Idaho
Jan. 13, 2003.
163. Reducing impacts of invasive plants during and after fire. Weed Management Workshop #1,
Moscow Idaho Jan. 13, 2003.
164. GPS survey procedure to map invasive plant species. Lake Roosevelt Forum, Spokane, WA, Dec
9, 2002.
165. College of Agricultural and Life Science Invasive plant program update. Idaho Weed
Coordinating Committee, Boise ID Dec. 3, 2002.
166. Yellow starthistle competition with perennial grasses. Weed Board Nezperce County, Lewiston,
ID. Nov. 21, 2002.
167. Identification and management of Eurasian watermilfoil. Regional Weed Control Association,
Caldwell, ID Nov. 20, 2002.
168. Eurasian watermilfoil publication and genetics update. ISDA Eurasian Watermilfoil Taskforce,
Lewiston, Id. Nov. 19, 2002.
169. Revising Idaho’s noxious weed law. ISDA Forum on Noxious Weed Law Revision. Boise, Id.
170. Invasive species detection using land survey and remote sensing. Portland, Oregon, 10/22/2002
171. Strategy for Japanese knotweed eradication. Lowell, August 13, 2002
172. Rush skeletonweed management and biology, New Meadows, June 25, 2002
173. Spotted knapweed biology, New Meadows, June 25, 2002
174. Weed identification workshop. St. Maries, May 7, 2002
175. Nature and extent of alien species effects on natives. Moscow, Idaho, April 18, 2002
176. Weed identification workshop. Moscow, April 2, 2002
177. Woody invasive species of horticultural origin. Moscow, March 5, 2002
178. Invasive plants from horticulture and ornamental hortweed control. Craigmont, Idaho, 2/20/02
179. Rush Skeletonweed Biology and Management. Reno Nevada, February 14, 2002
180. Initiation of a biological control program for Cardaria species. Logan, Utah, January 17, 2002
181. Strategies for control of leafy spurge. Jordan Valley
182. What makes a species invasive? Dalles, Oregon, January 4, 2002
183. Weed control under adverse environmental conditions. Orofino, December 13, 2001
184. Biological control of forest weeds. Coeur d'Alene, December 7, 2001
185. Rangeland weed program at UI. Lewiston, November 6, 2001
186. Invasive species of horticultural origin. St. Maries, November 6, 2001
187. Range and forest weed management, Twin Falls, Idaho, October 25, 2001
188. Range and forest weed management, Twin Falls, Idaho, October 25, 2001
189. Control and eradication of weeds, New Meadows, September 20, 2001
190. Assessment of weed mgt. program in USFS Regions 1 and 4, Boise, Idaho, August 27, 2001
191. Effect of dry conditions on herbicide effectiveness, Malad, June 19, 2001
192. Starting a biocontrol program for whitetops, what it means for Dyer’s Woad, Preston, June 2001
193. Biology and control of spotted knapweed and Japanese knotweed, Dubois, April 2001
194. Yellow starthistle habitat prediction, Moscow, April 2001
195. Potential invaders to southeast Idaho, Idaho Falls, March 2001
196. Invasive species planning for Region 1 USFS, Missoula, March 2001
197. Managing Rush Skeletonweed, Nampa, February 2001
198. Water quality protection and herbicide use, Nampa, February 2001
199. Invasive plant species impacts in Idaho, Pocatello, January 2001
200. Yellow starthistle management, Pocatello, January 2001
201. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Lewiston, December 2000
202. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Boise, December 2000
203. Perennial pepperweed Biology and Management, Idaho Falls, December 2000
204. Rangeland weed control, Orofino, December 2000
205. Herbicide safety in and around water, rangeland weed control, Soda Springs, December 2000
206. Herbicide safety in and around water, rangeland weed control, Montepelier, December 2000
207. Herbicide safety in and around water, rangeland weed control, Preston, December 2000
208. Herbicide safety in and around water, rangeland weed control, Malad, December 2000
209. Weed management in specialty crops, Lewiston, November 2000
210. Hyperspectral imaging use for weed detection, Grangeville, November 2000
211. Detection and Dispersal of Invasive Species, Moscow, November 2000
212. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Twin Falls, November 2000
213. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Pocatello, November 2000
214. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Idaho Falls, November 2000
215. Strategic Planning for Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Coeur d’Alene, November 2000
Grants and Contracts Awarded:
 T. Prather, J. Wallace, P. Scheinost, Philip Watson, Kate Painter. 'Developing a Decision Support
Tool for Ventenata IPM in the Inland Northwest', Western Sustainable Agriculture Research &
Education Competitive Grants Program 2010-2013. $169,298
 T. Prather, L. Lass, J. Boll, A. Fremier,Modeling Dispersal of Leafy Spurge in Riparian Areas.
USDA-FS-STDP, 2010-2013, $101,542 (Spending Authority 94,000).
 T. Prather, Leafy spurge susceptibility mapping. USDA-FS Cooperative Forestry Assistance. 20092010, $10,000
 T. Prather, L. Lass, Defining rush skeletonweed dispersal by wind along the Montana and Idaho
Continental Divide. 2010-2011, $10,000, subcontract from Montana State University
 Tim Prather and Larry Lass. A biological approach to finding slickspot peppergrass with high
resolution remote sensing imagery. 2007-2008 (full spending authority, 29,000). Office of
Species Conservation, Idaho
 Prather,T., M Schwarzlaender. Yellow starthistle ecology and biocontrol. Cooperative Agreement
58-5325-4- 522.,$74,748, 2007-2008, USDA-ARS. (spending authority $53,000)
 T. Prather, B. Shafii, L. Lass, S. Cook, T. Venn (University of Montana), W. Chung (University of
Montana), S. Radosevich (Oregon State University).Decision-support Tool Utilizing Improved
Dispersal Modeling to Develop Socio-economically Efficient Invasive Species Management
Programs. $499,990 (300,000 spending authority). 2008-2011.
 Anderson, C and T. Prather. Developing a real-time PCR-based assay for reliable detection of
Eurasian Milfoil and Hybrids. (28,000, no spending authority) UI EPSCOR 2008
 Tim Prather. Invasive Plant Species Detection and CWMA Support. $ 53,000 Idaho State
Department of Agriculture. 2007-2008. (full spending authority)
 Woodam Chung, Peter Rice, Greg Jones, Tim Prather. $260,905 Landscape-level decision
support for invasive species management. (2006-2007),(spending authority $15,252), USDA
 Mahoney, R, T. Prather and J. O’Laughlin. $225,943. Hazardous Fuel Reduction Treatment
Maintenance: Establishment and Analysis of Alternative Vegetation Management Approaches to
Forest Stand Retreatment in Northern Idaho (2006 to 2009). (spending authority $23,980). Coeur
D’Alene Tribe
 T. Prather, M Schwarzlaender. Yellow starthistle ecology and biocontrol. Cooperative
Agreement 58-5325-4-522.,$74,748, 2006, USDA-ARS. (spending authority $51,000)
 Tim Prather. Invasive Plant Species CWMA Support. $ 45,483.11 Idaho State Department of
Agriculture. 2005-2006 (full spending authority)
 Tim Prather. Support of remote sensing of weeds in Idaho. $9000, Aquilavision, Inc. 2006 (full
spending authority)
 Tim Prather. New Invader Adaptive Sampling and Operational Surveys. $20,000. U.S. Forest
Service Participatory Agreement. 2006-2008 (full spending authority)
 Prather, T. $18,500 Effects of Control Measures for Eurasian Watermilfoil on Plant Abundance
and Water Quality. Panhandle RCD. 2006 (full spending authority)
 Steven Radosevich, Tim Prather and Larry Lass. 2005, $4,983. Conversion of Plant Movement
Model to Spatial Network Model (full spending authority)
 Tim Prather. State-wide Effort for Survey and Development of Guidelines for Control. $25,000,
2005, Eurasian Watermilfoil Task Force. (full spending authority)
 T. Prather, M Schwarzlaender. Yellow starthistle ecology and biocontrol. Cooperative
Agreement 58-5325-4-522.,$74,748, 2005, USDA-ARS.(spending authority $53,000)
 Tim Prather. Invasive Plant Species CWMA Support. $26,324, 2005 Idaho State Department of
Agriculture. (full spending authority)
 Tim Prather. Support of remote sensing of weeds in Idaho. $12,000, 2005, Aquilavision, Inc.
(full spending authority)
 Tim Prather. New Invader Adaptive Sampling and Operational Surveys. $18,000. 2005-2008
U.S. Forest Service Participatory Agreement. (full spending authority)
 T. Prather, M Schwarzlaender, Yellow starthistle ecology and biocontrol. Cooperative
Agreement 58-5325-4-522. $149,496, 2004,2005, USDA-ARS. (109,496 spending authority)
 T. Prather. Invasive Plant Detection Survey in the Frank Church and Selway Bitterroot
Wilderness and Clearwater National Forest. $37,345 (full spending authority). 2003. Clearwater
Resource Conservation District Council.
 Timothy S. Prather. Early detection of invasive species and educational support to cooperative
weed management area participants. Idaho State Department of Agriculture, 2003, $63,315.
 Nancy Glenn, Timothy S. Prather, Walter Snyder, Keith Weber, Lawrence Lass, and Jeffrey
Pettingill, Development and implementation of remote sensing techniques to monitor invasive
plant species in the State of Idaho. NASA BAA, 2002-2004, $801,695. (196,000 sole and 300,
000 joint spending authority).
Timothy S. Prather. Invasive species detection. Idaho State Department of Agriculture, 2002,
$68,850 (sole spending authority).
Timothy S. Prather. Invasive species detection. Idaho State Department of Agriculture. 2001,
$42,375 (sole spending authority).
Timothy S. Prather, Mark Schwarzlaender, Linda Wilson, Steven Bunting, and James Kingery.
Yellow starthistle biocontrol research and technology development in Idaho. 2001-03. $233,288
(159,000 spending authority).
Mark Schwarzlaender, and Timothy S. Prather. Evaluating biocontrol of the toxic invasive weed,
houndstoungue to improve rangeland quality. David Little livestock Range Management
Endowment. 2001. $20,000 (no spending authority).
Major Committee Assignments:
Search Committee Member, District 1 Extension Director, College of Agriculture, University
of Idaho
College Promotion and Tenure Committee 2007-2009
Chair, University Information Technology Committee, 2009, member 2007, 2008.
Member, Provost Task Force on Faculty Evaluations and Alignment of Faculty and Staff
Handbook to the Strategic Plan
Co-Chair Range Topic Team 2006 to 2009
Statewide Extension Strategic Planning Committee 2007
Departmental Promotion and Tenure Guideline Task Force, 2007
Professional and Scholarly Organizations:
Associate Editor, Weed Technology, Weed Science Society of America, 2003-09
Associate Editor, Invasive Plant Science and Management, Weed Science Society of
America, 2007-present
Federal Noxious and Invasive Weed Committee, member, Weed Science Society of America,
Invasive Plant Committee, chair, Weed Science Society of America, 2001-03
Sustainable Agriculture Committee, member, Weed Science Society of America, 2000-02
Research Committee, member, Weed Science Society of America, 1989-2000
Reviewer for: Ecological Applications, Nature Communications, Remote Sensing of the
EPA-USDA Ecosystems Services from Agricultural Lands Peer Review Panel
Member August 24 to 28, 2009
NRI Panel, Biology and Management of Weedy and Invasive Species Peer Review Panel Member
August 2007
Outreach Service:
Weed police root out pest. Spokesman Review interview article August 19, 2002, Coeur
University team works to curb weed invasion. Associated Press, August 2002.
Public comment on FICMNEW Invasive Species Detection Plan, August 2002.
Community Service:
Campus Christian Center, board member, 2002-2005
Habitat for Humanity, building committee, 2003
Citizens for Quality Education, member, 2001-2002