CV Margaret Sällberg Chen (application

CV. Margaret Sällberg Chen, born 1967; Swedish Citizen
1a. Higher education degree
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Karolinska Institutet (KI), 1992
Licensed Dental Surgeon, Sweden, 1993
2. Doctoral degree (PhD)
PhD in Oral Microbiology and Clinical Virology, KI, 1998
Supervisor: Professor Anders Sönnerborg, KI. Thesis title: Transmission and immunogenicity of
3. Docent level (Associate professor) Infection Biology, 2004, KI
4. Postdoctoral positions
I. The Scripps Research Institute, Dept. of Molecular Biology, La Jolla, USA, 1995-96
- Developed T cell receptor transgenic mouse models for studies of T cell immunology.
II. Karolinska Institutet, Dept. of Microbiology, Tumor- and Cell Biology (MTC), KI, 1998-1999
- Studied self-replicating viral RNA vectors for delivery of vaccines and gene therapy
5. Current position
Senior lecturer (tenured since 2009), Research group leader, and Director of research education at
Department of Dental Medicine, KI.
6. Previous positions and periods of appointment
General Dentist, Jönköpings läns landsting 1993-1994
PhD student fellowship, KI, 1994-1998
Postdoc fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA, 1995-1998
Postdoc fellow, MTC KI, 1998-1999
Assistant professor, KI, 1999-2000
Research Scientist, Swedish Institute for Infections Disease Control, 2000-2008
Senior lecturer (non-tenured), Dept of Dental Medicine, KI, 2007-2008
7. Bibliometrics (Web of Science by Sept 30th, 2014)
Total publications: 46. Sum of the Times Cited: 1707. Average citations per publication: 37,1. H-index: 21
8.1. Commission of Trust
Director Postgraduate studies, Dept of Dental Medicine, KI, 2010-present
Director Postgraduate studies, Dept of Microbiology, Tumor biology and Cell biology, KI, 2003
Board member Clinical Scientist Training Programme (MD/OD-PhD), KI, 2010-present
Board member Research Council Dept of Dental Medicine, KI, 2013-present
Examination Board Member: 7 PhD thesis/ 6 Half-time/ 1 Docent
Chairman of Admissions Board PhD education, Dept of Dental Medicine, 2010-present
Conference organizer, Swedish Society for Cariology, 2014
Editorial Board Member, Scientific Report, Nature Publishing Group (NPG), 2014-present
Reviewer for Academy of Finland, Research Grant International Expert Panel, 2009-2011
Scientific consultant, The Vaccine Research Institute in San Diego, USA, 2000-present
Scientific consultant, International health, Health Ministry Taipei Taiwan, 2004-present
Referee for scientific journals: American Journal of Pathology, Plos One, Cancer Detection and
Prevention, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Vaccine, European Journal of Oral Sciences
Appendix B. CV
8.2. Supervision of doctorates and postdoctoral fellows (* present)
Main supervisor of Anna Pasetto, PhD thesis defended on 2012. Dr. Pasetto holds now a postdoctoral
fellowship at National Institute of Cancer, Bethesda, NIH, USA.
Main supervisor of Anila Yasmeen, PhD, postdocfellow. Dr. Yasmeen is today Research fellow at Weill
Cornell Medical College, NY, USA.
Co-supervisor of Tanja Näslund PhD thesis defended 2009. Dr. Näslund holds now a research fellowship at
department of Medicine, KI.
* Main supervisor for Balasiddaiah Anangi, PhD, postdoc fellow. Dr. Anangi holds a PhD degree in cancer
gene therapy from university of Navarra, Spain.
* Co-supervisor of Haleh Davanian, PhD student completed half-time 2011 March 11th,
* Co-supervisor of Michal Sobkowiak, PhD student registered 2013 March 5th, KI.
8.3. Current research grants
Cancerfonden CAN 2013/833 2014-2016 (PI: Research grant 1 500 000 SEK)
KI/SLL Strategiska Odontologisk Forskningsmedel 2014-2016A (PI: Research grant 1 260 000 SEK)
KI/SLL Strategiska Odontologisk Forskningsmedel 2014-2016B (Co-PI Research grant 1 260 000 SEK)
Ruth och Richard Julins stiftelsen and KI stiftelser 2010-2014 (PI: Research grant 200 000SEK)
VR/KI Odontologiska Forskarskola, 2009-2014 (Co-PI: PhD-student salary for H. Davanian 2 000 000 SEK)
8.4. Selected publications (of total 46)
 Ahlen G, Frelin F, Brenndörfer E, Brass A, Weiland O, Chen M, and M Sällberg. Containing “The Great
Houdini” of viruses: Combining directly acting antivirals with the host immune response for the
treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Drug Resistance Updates. 2013 Aug 1. doi:pii: S1368-7646(13)000253. Impact factor 9.114. (Downloaded more than 600 times).
 Pasetto A, Frelin L, Aleman S, Brass A, Ahlen A, Brenndörfer E, Lohmann V, Bartenschlager R, Sällberg
M, Bertoletti A and Chen M. Effective inhibition of hepatitis C virus replication by T Cell Receptor(TCR) redirected human T cells: Hepatotoxic potential is linked to antigen specificity and functional
avidity. J Immunol. 2012 Nov 1;189(9):4510-9.
 Schulz O, Diebold SS, Chen M, Näslund T, Nolte M, Alexopoulou L, Azuma YT Flavell R, Liljeström P,
and C Reis e Sousa. 2005. Toll-like receptor 3 mediates dendritic cell activation by virus-infected cells
and promotes cross-priming in vivo. Nature. 433:887. (Cited 455 times).
 Chen M, Billaud JM, Sällberg M, Guidotti L, Chisari F, Jones J, Hughes J and Milich DR. 2004. A
function of the hepatitis B virus precore protein is to regulate the immune response to the core antigen.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 12;101(41):14913-8. Impact factor 9.681. (Cited 91 times).
 Chen M, Sällberg M, Sönnerborg A, Weiland O, Mattsson L, Jin L, Birkett A, Peterson D, Milich D.R.
1999. Limited immunogenicity of the hepatitis C virus proteins. Gastroenterology 116(1):135-143.
(Cited 103 times).
 Milich DR, Chen M, Schödel F, Peterson D, Jones J, Hughes J. 1997. Role of B cells in antigen
presentation of the hepatitis B core. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94(26): 14648-14653. (Cited 114 times).
8.5. Patent
T cell receptors specific for an immunodominant CTL epitope of HCV. US patent (pending): US61/264,155.
Treatment of hepatitis D virus infections by redirection of T cells. US patent. Provisional
8.6. Language Skills
Swedish: Fluent. English: Highly proficient spoken and written. Chinese: Basic communication skills