Multidisciplinary Simulation and Skills Centre


Multi-Disciplinary Simulation and Skills Centre

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Office Hours: 09:00-18:00 (Mon-Fri, except public holidays) Saturday: Special arrangement upon request

Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday

Venue Booking Form

Part I

A. Contact Information

Main Organizer/



Prof. Dr. Ms. Mr. Name

Program Director Position Email

Tel Fax

Corresponding Person

(if different from the

Course Director)



Prof. Dr. Ms. Mr. Name



B. General Booking Information

Event Nature: a. Simulation based (please submit together with the Curriculum Proposing Form -FM006 & Scenario Flow)

b. Skill Based b. Lecture c. Meeting d. Others

Proposed Date(s)

Event Time

No. of Events

No. of participants per class

Event Title ii) Doctors Nurses Allied Health Others:______________

C. Additional Information (For skill based training and lecture use only)



(with professional qualification/expertise)

Course Content

Set up date and time

Version: Nov 2014

Set down date and time p.1 of 4

Course Nature

Confirmation of Venue Booking

Simulation # /

Skill Based

Lecture Others



Society, Association,

College, Other clusters,


Once the application has passed the MDSSC

Screening Process

(around 2 weeks)


*Booking will open 1 year before the event.

1 month before

Lecture Rm

Simulation OR + Control Rm

Simulators (for simulators >150k)

Endovascular Lab

Wet Lab

On-site AV technical support

Course administration (incl: poster design, email notifications, registration, hand-out and equipment preparation, house-keeping)

KCC / MDSSC organized internal training

KCC Departments or College/ Academy co-organized training activities (endorsed by COS/DM)

Society / academic bodies organized

Commercial-based activities

Version: Nov 2014 lecture date

1 week before event

# If apply for simulation-based event, the program director needs to submit curriculum proposing form to

MDSSC 2 months before the event


HK $ 500 /hr

HK $ 500/ hr

HK $ 500/ hr

HK $ 500/ hr

HK $ 500/ hr


X 1.5 of total rental charges

No charges

50% (If co-organized with KCC



200% p.2 of 4

Booking Policy

 Simulation program application should be submitted at least two months before the course date. Skill based, lecture and other applications should be submitted at least one month before the course date.

 Training course that involves a new/existing curriculum has to be submitted at least two months before the course date.

 Availability of technician/ administrative/ housekeeping assistance in non-office hour will not be guaranteed and will be subjected to manpower availability.

 When applying a Simulation Program, this booking form MUST be submitted together with the Curriculum

Proposing Form & Scenario Proposing Form. Please return the completed form and related documents to

MDSSC by fax or email.

 Previously finalized and approved curriculum can be reused for subsequent training. Applicant, however, has to notify MDSSC for any amendment on your submitted/existing curriculum.

 If the program is scenario-based, please submit the scenario flow no later than one week after submitting your application. All scenarios should undergo trial run before actual training.

 Successful applicant will be notified by email from MDSSC office that includes confirmation of training date and schedule.

 Please list all the required equipment, medical consumables and setting in the curriculum proposing form.

Please communicate with our staff early for preparation of equipment/consumables.

 MDSSC will not bear the cost of courses held.

 For outside applicant, cancellation fee applies if booking is only cancelled in less than a week before the course date. MDSSC reserves the right to deny your future application.

 MDSSC reserves the right to deny your future application if severe discrepancy is found between the course and the original description on the booking form and submitted documents.

 Simultaneous activities may go on in different areas in MDSSC.

 Course outside work hours needs Centre Director’s approval.

 MDSSC reserves the right to accept or reject any application.

 MDSSC reserves the right to assign any staff/room to facilitate the course.

 Outside applicant assumes the responsibility to replace, repair, and all associated expenses for any defacement and / or damage to the facility caused by the applicant, and his associate(s), or his representative(s).

I have read and understood the information provided to me regarding the booking/charging policy of MDSSC.

I hereby agree to the terms above.

Name of Program Director Endorsement by COS / DOM (if applicable)

Signature Date:

Please complete and return this form to Multi-Disciplinary Simulation and Skills Centre

4/F, Block F, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon

Tel: (852) 3506 8771 Fax: (852) 3506 7045 E-mail:

Version: Nov 2014 p.3 of 4

Part II (For MDSSC use only)

Nature of function

Availability of requested date

If not, proposed date(s) for requester’s consideration

Yes No


50 % discount

Full payment Total charges:_HKD____________

Approval by Director of MDSSC

Condition of booking

Approved by

Date confirmed

Booking request forward to Director for approval on

Confirmation / Notification sent to requester through written / email / fax on

Received booking confirmation from requester on

Reminder sent to requester on waiting list rejected

Payment received on (if applicable)

Version: Nov 2014 p.4 of 4
