LINCOLN COLLEGE Minutes of a meeting of the Corporation held at Lincoln College on 13 July 2010 at 1715 hrs. Present In Attendance Apologies Ian Shaw John Allen Jim Barrie (Chairman) (Principal) John Cawdell Pat Doody Neil Main Frances Mannsaker Alex Meech (Items 66-79/09 only) Perdita Mousley Elaine Rossall Margaret Serna Sandra Simmonds Andrew Argyle(Item (Items66- David Coates Paul Deane 74/09 only) (Clerk Designate)(Not 83/09) (VP (P&F))(Not 83/09) Ralph Devereux Ian Sackree (Clerk) (VP (CR))(Not 83/09) Jim Dixon Hannah Dytam George Lee Gordon Gillespie Claire O’Hara (VP Q&C) a. The meeting was preceded by a presentation by Simon Plummer (Director of OLASS). (Attached to the filed copy of these minutes) b. Andrew Argyle Jim Dixon, Neil Main, Sandra Simmonds had all drawn to the end of their terms of office, thanks were recorded for their contribution and all were presented with an engraved decanter. c. The Clerk was also leaving and he was presented with an engraved decanter, the incoming Clerk David Coates was introduced to the Board. 66/09 ELIGIBILITY, QUORUM, DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND APOLOGIES The apologies were accepted. No notice had been received of any Member becoming ineligible to hold office. The meeting was quorate and there were no interests declared. 67/09 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN a. John Cawdell proposed and Neil Main seconded Ian Shaw as Chairman, there were no other nominations; carried unanimously. b. Frances Mannsaker nominated and Jim Barrie seconded Margaret Serna as Vice-Chairman, there were no other nominations; carried unanimously. Ian Shaw and Margaret Serna were elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively for 20010/11. 68/09 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2010 were confirmed and signed. 69/09 MATTERS ARISING AND NOTIFICATION OF URGENT BUSINESS a. There were no matters arising from the minutes. b. There was no urgent business requested. 70/09 MINUTES OF AND MATTERS ARISING FROM COMMITTEE AND OTHER MEETINGS Minutes of Committee and other meetings were considered as listed: a. Finance Committee. (i) 18 May 2010 (Confirmed). The minutes of the 23 February Finance Committee meeting were explained by the Committee Chairman and were noted. (ii) 13 July 2010. (Verbal). The Committee Chairman outlined the meeting held earlier that day. b. Standards Committee. 22 June 2010. (Unconfirmed) The minutes of the 2 March Standards Committee meeting were explained by the Committee Chairman and were noted. The minutes were received and noted. 71/09 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT The recent flurry of announcements and policy changes since the general election were considered with emphasis on the affect they would have on FE; the new FE Minister is a Lincolnshire MP, John Hayes. Of particular note was the announcement of a “Renewal Grant” from a reallocation by the SFA of TTG funding; £50m was available to be split between those colleges who had not recently received capital funding, £30m would be split equally between the colleges (£225k each) provided that each recipient would match the funding with £450k. This element of the scheme was available for longer term projects, which would benefit students by improving the estate and which must be completed by September 2011. The second element of the DFE Grant (Enhanced Renewal Grant) was an option to bid for up to £1m for specific projects, again matched by the recipient with £2m, which would have to be borrowed, providing a total maximum of £3m. Plans for “Newark Sixth” proceeded well and since recent poor OfSTED showings meant that both secondary schools in Newark were in special measures there was considerable optimism regarding enrolment although a 2-3 year recruitment pattern will need to be noted to measure success. Changes to the eligibility of the qualification and unwaged students, which funds the musical instrument technology provision would result in an inevitable fee rise and the future of the provision would have to be discussed. The report was received and the detail was noted. 72/09 FINANCE REPORT (Presentation) The finance report, delivered as an electronic presentation, was considered and discussed. (Attached to the filed copy of these minutes) The Information was received. 73/09 FUNDING UPDATE Recent announcements from the DfE and SFA had been positive and allowed far more flexibility in application of funds; these were clearly detailed within the supporting paperwork and were full discussed, noted and welcomed. The information was received. 74/09 FINANCIAL PLANS a. Budget 2010/11. The 2009/10 budget had been updated from the version presented at the strategic planning session on 19 May and a comprehensive briefing report including detailed explanations of income and expenditure had been scrutinised at length by the FC when planning assumptions had been fully discussed. All income streams had been confirmed and a total forecast income of >£42m. Expenditure remained challenging however provision for an unconsolidated 1% pay award and a £250k contingency element had been included in the budget; OLASS was expected to continue to require close monitoring although performing better than originally expected. Robust cost efficiencies had been applied to all non pay lines, which were now at the minimum level without detriment to delivery, this also applied to capital expenditure. The surplus of £446k, at 1% of turnover was in line with the strategic financial target. It was agreed that the forthcoming year would be continue to be challenging; the budget had been recommended to the Corporation and that was accepted and the budget approved. Andrew Argyle left the meeting b. 3-Year Financial Plan and Financial Forecast. The 3-Year financial forecast to the direction published by the AoC in May was considered; the first year forecast was the budget for 20010/11, which it had been agreed would require regular and rigorous review. Several assumptions were detailed in the supporting papers, including staff costs increases at 1% for the first year only. The uncertainty over the national financial situation meant that the figures should be treated with caution but represented the best forecast using the currently available information. Notwithstanding the immediate funding challenges, the financial health as defined by the FFE criteria remained “Good” for the life of the forecast. The 3-Year financial forecast had been recommended to the Corporation, that was accepted and the budget was approved. c. ISIS Budget 2009/10. The financial plans and statements of ISIS training were now consolidated with the college accounts and the same procedure for planning had been followed with the 3 year financial forecast now included in the main plan. Based on the strong performance this year income was confidently expected to reach £1.4m during 2010/11 whilst expenditure of £1.2m should result in a surplus of £200k. It was agreed as a strong outlook; the budget had been recommended to the Corporation and that was accepted and the budget was approved. a. The College Budget and 3-Year financial forecast was approved. b. The ISIS Budget was approved. 75/09 MEMBERS’ VISIT FEEDBACK The focus lunch meeting continued to be successful as a valuable and fruitful means of hearing learner voice. The format of an informal buffet lunch followed by a visit to the Schools concerned was agreed, by the members involved, as an appropriate and effective medium to facilitate informal exchanges. The last visit to the Care and Salon area had provided ample opportunity to meet staff and students informally. The visit had lasted for around 2 hours including lunch and balanced the benefits against the effect on the school and student organisation. The overall impression had been one of willingness to communicate by the staff and students, a continuing sense of pride by the students in their work and achievements mirrored by confidence in the school and college. Several valuable communications had been received highlighting points made during the exchanges and these were being actioned. (Attached to the filed copy of these minutes) The information was received and noted. 76/09 RM ANNUAL REPORT The annual RM report, including the current risk register, was considered and discussed to amplify the 3-Year financial plan; there were now 17 “Significant” risks, which were examined individually and approved. a. b. 77/09 The RM annual report was noted. The Risk Register was approved. CLERKING ISSUES a. Awayday. A consolidated report on members’ individual critiques of the awayday elements was discussed and it was agreed this should inform next year’s planning. b. Schedule of meetings. The 15 March Standards Meeting was changed to 15 February. There was discussion on whether to move the mid-year corporation training half-day from December to October and it was agreed to raise the issue at the members individual exchanges with the Chairman and arrange accordingly. c. The recent staff member election had returned Hazel Delahan to the post, replacing Hannah Dytam; thanks were recorded to Hannah for her contribution and the Chairman would write and thank her personally. a. The information was received, b. The date for the Autumn/winter training day would be notified. 78/09 STRATEGIC PLAN – UPDATE The Strategic Plan for 2009/11, detailed to a similar concise format as the previous year, was considered and discussed. The plan although no longer a formal requirement contained all key strategies and targets and was an extremely useful management tool. A mid year report will be presented to the Board. The Board approved the release of a positive PR statement announcing its intention to fully redevelop Deans Building. The Strategic Plan 20010/13 was approved. 79/09 PROPERTY STRATEGY – UPDATE An update on the property strategy agreed at the awayday was discussed and the various schemes detailed in a clear table for ease of reference. Progress with the Dean’s Building project was particularly noted. Notice had been received of a “Renewal Grant” and this had been discussed at 71/09; both elements of this funding would be sought. The information was noted. Alex Meech left the meeting 80/09 SUSTAINABILITY – ANNUAL REPORT There were no changes proposed to the Sustainability Policy, continuing commitment to the aims had been reiterated at the staff conference and progress through the year to meet the requirements were considered. 81/09 URGENT BUSINESS There had been no urgent business agreed. 82/09 FEEDBACK ON THE GIP There were no general comments regarding the GIP. 83/09 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be on 19 October 2010. All members of the public, those in attendance, staff and students left the meeting. 83/09 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Signed: …………………………………………… Dated: ……………………………………………