Director of Arts Programming and Resource Development

Lower School Assistant Director
Job Description
The Lower School Assistant Director is responsible for ensuring high levels of achievement for all
learners (K-5) in their academic, artistic, social, and emotional development, in line with the Creative
Arts Charter School (CACS) mission, vision, philosophy, and values. The Lower School Assistant Director
will work collaboratively to oversee professional development for faculty, ongoing curriculum
development and documentation, and the advancement of a comprehensive system for assessing the
school’s institutional framework for teaching and learning.
Scope of Work and Expected Outcomes
Working under the supervision of the Director and in collaboration with the Director of Arts and
Resource Development and the Middle School Assistant Director, the Lower School Assistant
Director will serve as the lead for the Lower School. The primary work for this position will
include, but is not limited to:
• Collaborating with school’s leadership and faculty to continue implementation of school’s vision, plan,
and institutional framework for teaching and learning
• Facilitating continued pursuit of curriculum development, documentation, and alignment that leads
to articulated grade-level benchmarks as well as a comprehensive school scope and sequence
for all academic subjects, including Social Emotional Learning
• Realizing the rich, daily experience of the school culture in which interdisciplinary, project-based
learning honors arts integration and constructivist pedagogies throughout
• Co-creating systems and structures to facilitate effective demonstrations of student learning by
implementing school-wide formative assessments and overseeing student portfolios
• Reviewing and activating consistent evaluation procedures and refining a consistent student
management system for Lower School
• Leading review of current report card system and implementing any changes, if necessary
• Working with CACS Leadership to compile, analyze, communicate, and respond to academic data such
as assessment findings, grades, report cards, etc., through the student management system to
ensure equitable outcomes for all learners
• Providing direct discipline support to K-5 students through a developmentally appropriate
approach and grounded in the Responsive Classroom philosophy of logical consequences
• Developing strategic program improvements for at-risk students, in conjunction with CACS Leadership
• Serving on the Student Support Team ( SST), Student Assistance Program ( SAP) and Individualized
Education Plan (IEP) team in support of K-5 students
• Serving on the Equity Support Team to structure collaborative planning and site-based professional
development for faculty
• Promoting high standards and expectations for faculty
• Supervising and coaching K-5 classroom teachers in their efforts to ensure that all learners achieve at
high levels academically, socially, and emotionally
• Planning, promoting, and facilitating weekly staff meetings and professional development in
collaboration with CACS Leadership
• Providing leadership, direction, and supervision of the Lower School core curriculum development,
practice, and documentation
• Reviewing all teacher planning tools prior to implementation, observing delivery of instruction, and
providing support to guide teacher professional growth
• Organizing and offering instructional coaching based on individual teacher and classroom needs, to
include hands-on support (such as teacher observation, classroom demonstration teaching, coplanning, and co-teaching), as needed
• Supporting successful induction of Lower School teachers (K-5) by providing them with sustained
support to successfully integrate into the CACS community
• Establish, coordinate, and maintain communcation with parents/guardians of K-5 students
Minimum Requirements
• Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
• Resilient interpersonal skills and the ability to work as a collaborative team player
• MA Degree in Education (or related study)
• California Administrative Credential, required or in process
• Elementary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (California prefered)
• Minimum of five years demonstrated teaching experience in a constructivist learning environment
• Background in interdisciplinary curriculum development
• Commitment to educational equity with proven track record for academic rigor and student skill
• Success in leading professional development/adult learning in a relevant capacity such as department
chair, lead teacher, or administrator
Preferred Qualifications
 Previous experience in charter school setting
 Demonstrated experience in arts integration and project-based instruction
 Demonstrated success in a coaching role in the support of teachers k-5
 Expertise in Lucy Calkins’ Language Arts workshop models
 Sound familiarity and practice of Project Zero and Responsive Classroom pedagogies
 Ability to articulate philosophy that defines CACS’s approach for ensuring interdisciplinary, projectbased, arts integrated, constructivist learning
 Personal alignment with school orientation towards achieving positive social justice
Application Process
Interested applicants should provide a resume and cover letter by Friday, April 10, 2015.
The cover letter should describe the applicant’s experience, skills, and interests pertinent to this
The position will remain open until filled.