Classification and Compensation

Department/Unit: Human Resources—Classification and Compensation
College/Division: Finance and Administration
Date: July, 2004
Mission Statement: (purpose and functional responsibilities of the department)
The mission of Human Resource Services is to provide proactive service and specialized
expertise for Georgia State University through
highly efficient, effective, timely, and economic administrative services
substantive content expertise and consultation on complex human resource issues
high-quality, meaningful analysis and reporting of information for management decisionmaking
effective coordination of human resource policies and procedures that support
institutional compliance
Intended Outcome # 1:
Managers are confident that the job evaluation process results in the appropriate
classification and compensation for their employees based on the level of duties that
they perform. An appropriate job evaluation process is defined as one that:
1) Utilizes comparative analyses;
2) Addresses internal/external equity;
3) Follows consistent or established precedents;
4) Is fair in the application of procedures and practices; and
5) maintains integrity in the review process.
Effectiveness Indicators: (What factors/variables/elements will you be measuring to gauge your
success at reaching your intended outcome?)
A) Number of appeals by departments due to classification and compensation
B) Percent of position actions turned around within established deadlines
C) Feedback from departments (point of service survey) regarding their experience with the
job evaluation process and how their needs were serviced.
Success Criteria: (For each indicator described above, what minimum score, value or result will signal
success? What score, value or result will signal a need for improvement? What score, value or result will
signal a need for immediate intervention?)
A) 70% of actions are not appealed. No more than 10% of appeals need to be addressed by
the Assistant Vice President, Human Resources within a given month.
B) 85% of position actions meet established deadlines for rendering classification and
compensation recommendations to departments. If 33% of recommendations were
delayed without justification, this would signal a need for improvement.
C) 70% of responses to the point-of-service survey are positive regarding their job
evaluation experience.
Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: (How, when, and by whom will data be collected? How
will it be analyzed? What will be the product of the analysis?)
A) Classification and Compensation Office would collect, review and analyze monthly data on
the number of class/comp appeals to the Assistant Vice President, Human Resources. Review
and analysis of data would determine if appeal could have been resolved at the lowest level.
B) Classification and Compensation would collect and analyze data on the number of delays
that occurred within a given month.
C) After each position action review, the Classification and Compensation Office will send the
department a customer questionnaire requesting information about the service they received.
Utilization of Results: (How will results of the analysis be used in planning, decision making, and
continuous improvement? What type of actions will be taken based on the analysis results?)
Use the effectiveness indicator, success criteria and information from data collection/analysis
 Determine if the Unit remain consistent with its current job evaluation practices and
 Assess the need for improving the job evaluation process. The outcome would be that
all appeals (except highly sensitive ones), would be resolved satisfactorily at the
lowest level of management (at the manager’s level via the Classification and
Compensation Office).
 Determine the reason(s) not meeting the standard and make recommendations
regarding improvements if necessary. The outcome would be for all recommendations
to be rendered to departments by or before deadlines
 Assess current staffing level in Classification and Compensation; address the need to
implement an automated job evaluation system for staff employees.
 Target and/or revamp service areas to ensure that customer and institutional needs
are being meet.