Terms and conditions For Category-II in Electrical works: Sealed and separate tenders are invited under Two Bid System (Technical Bid and Commercial/Price Bid) from manufacturers or their authorized distributors/dealers/service providers having ST/CST/VAT number for Purchase/Rate Contract/AMC of following equipment on the prescribed tender documents. Tender must accompany with Earnest Money @ 2% of the bid value in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of Director, SLIET, Longowal, payable at Longowal/Sangrur. Tender documents and specification may be down loaded from web site or obtained from Estate office of the institute through Bank Draft in favour of Director, SLIET, Longowal, payable at Longowal/Sangrur OR cash deposit in Accounts Section of Institute before 01:30 P.M on any working day. . If down loaded, tender document to be submitted alongwith DD of Rs. 500/- in favour of Director, SLIET payable at Longowal/Sangrur, Without DD tender will be rejected out rightly. Detailed specifications and quantity required may be seen below. The tenderers must submit, Technical Bid, Commercial Bid, EMD and Tender fee (if documents downloaded) in four different envelops clearly marking the contents on the outside of each envelope and these all four to be sealed in a single big envelop indicating envelopes contained in it. Commercial bids of only those tenderers will be opened subsequently who will qualify technically. The Technical Bid must include catalogues or technical literature of the instruments provided by the manufacturer, clearly indicating Model No. and Make of each instrument quoted. The Technical Bids will be opened at 3.30 PM on 11-01-2011 in the office of Dean (P&D) /Estate office in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives who may wants to be present. If the tender opening day falls on holiday, the next working day will be treated as tender opening day. Tenders received without earnest money, incomplete, conditional, telephonically or telegraphic shall not be entertained. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. For Specifications Pl. Scroll below. S.No. Equipment with Specifications 1. Portable Load Manager 4 Voltage and 4 Current Channels, with 4 PT’s & 4 CT’s for each Range specified Capable of measuring V, I, PF, KW, Kva, kVAr, Hz Min, Max, and peak V&I kWh, kVArh, kVAh input and output Harmonics up to 50th order in both V & I DC Voltage & Current CF, DF, THD, K-factor, DPF Phase order detection capability Range Current: 5mA to 5A/0.1A to 120A 30 A to 6500 A Voltage: Upto 1000 V Operating power supply: 230VAC 50Hz Data memory: up to 90 to 100 sets of data Internal Battery : std 9V LCD display Operating temp.: 0 to 50oC Electrical Safety: IEC 61010 1,000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV Communication interface: USB Memory: Minimum 3GB Recording facility: Yes Accessories 4 CT’s for each Current Range. 4 Crocodile clamps for voltage Carrying case PC Communication cable Power cord Data viewer software or Power analyzer transfer Software CD Operation Manual Qty 01 2. Digital Lux Meter Range: 0 to 50000 or better lux : 3 Ranges Over - Range : Indication of “ l ” LCD Display Data Hold facility Standard Accessories : Light Sensor , Instruction manual, Carrying Case Battery powered 01 3. Combination Digital Tachometer/Stroboscope Range Tachometer: 5.0 to 99,999 rpm Stroboscope: 60/19999rpm Accuracy: ±0.1% + 2 digits Display: LCD Memory: last reading and min/max Battery powered 01 4. Digital Manometer Range: 0 to 30 psi Measure pressure (both Imperial and Metric scales) in psi, ‘ H2O, bar., mbar, mm Hg, oz in2, kg/cm2, kPa, ft H2O, cm H2O, and ‘ Hg. Accuracy: ±0.3% full scale (Repeatability: ±0.2% full scale; Linearity and Hysteresis: ±0.2 full scale) Process connection: 3/16” barbed fittings Display: 4-digit, ½”H LCD with backlight Power: one 9 V battery Large backlight LCD, maximum, minimum, hold, and auto power off functions. Built-in RS-232 port Connection hose, 9 V battery and hard shell carrying case. 01 Amount in Rs 5. Digital Multimeter PROTEK 608 DC Volts Ranges: 500mV to 1000V Accuracy: ±0.05% DC CURRENT Ranges: 5000µA, 500mA, 10 Amps Accuracy: ±0.2% 01 AC CURRENT Ranges: 5000µA, 500mA, 10A Accuracy: ±0.75% Resistance (50W range is 5,000 count) Ranges: 50W, 5KW, 50KW, 500KW, 5MW, 50MW Conductance (5,000 count) Range: 500nS Zener Diode Test Range: 25.000 V Approx.; Accuracy: ±5% + 10D Test: 15V to 22V Temperature Ranges: -20 to 1200°C, -4 to 2100°F, 253 to 1423°K Display: °C, °F, °K Resolution: 0.1° Accuracy: ±2°C; 0 to 150°C: ±3°C Frequency (50Hz & 500Hz ranges are 5,000 count) Ranges: 50Hz, 500Hz, 50kHz, 500kHz, 5MHz General Specifications Operating System: Windows® 95/98/ME/XP/2000 Update Rates: 2/s RS-232 Output Medium: Infrared Operating Temperature: 0 to 40°C at 80% relative humidity Power: 9 Volt battery @ 36 hours of continuous operation OPERATING Manual 6. Digital Thermometer Dual Channel Sensor: Thermocouple Range: -50 to 1300deg C Display: LCD Battery: 9VDC Carrying Case OPERATING Manual 01 7. Digital Thermo-hygrometer For measuring Temp., Humidity, Dew Point, Wet Bulb Temperature. Dual display Temperature & Humidity Range : 0% to 100% R.H. Accurate NTC sensor Measures temperature in C/ F Dew point and Wet bulb Function Temperature Range : -20 C to 60 C MAX MIN / MAX-MIN / AVG / & HOLD function 01 8. Non Contact IR Thermometer Measuring temperature range from -30°C to 550°C and -22°F to 1022°F Distance to spot ratio is 10:1 Backlight display to enable readings to be taken in poorly illuminated environment. Selectable button for °C /°F Adjustable emissivity from 0.1 to 1.0. Auto Power off in 10 Seconds. Data Hold facility to record stable reading. Minimum & Maximum values can be observed that are recorded during monitoring. 01 9. Thermo Anemometer Range: 0 to 30 m/sec Accuracy: ±3% FS Capable measuring in units ft/min, knots, mph,km/h Temperature Scale: Celsius or Fahrenheit user-selectable Temperature Sensor: NTC Measurement Range: -20°C to 60°C / -4°F to 140°F Measurement rate: 1 times per second. Resolution: 0.1°C/°F 01