Bibliography of works by A.S. Hornby (to 1980): draft (15/10/04) [note: articles from vol. 21 onwards of English Language Teaching not yet comprehensively included] –––––– 1928. The Geography of Japan Through Questions and Answers. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Notes: Source? ––––– 1928? General Knowledge through Questions and Answers. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Notes: Source? –––––– 1929. English through Questions and Answers. Book III (Part I). Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Notes: Source? –––––– 1931. ‘The Bullet-Proof Jacket’ and Other Stories. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 2. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1931. Curious Origins of Common Words and Expressions. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 5. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1931. ‘Crossword puzzle’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching, No. 76 (July-August, 1931): 7. –––––– 1931. ‘Some grammatical implications of doubt and negation’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching (December 1931): 79: 3–4. Notes: also printed in the Osaka Mainichi newspaper according to a note in IRET Bulletin 81: 2. –––––– 1932. Paragraphs from ‘Punch’ . ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 6. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1932. ‘Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’: The Story of the Play’ by Mary Lamb. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 7. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1932. ‘The Truth about Pyecraft’ by H. G. Wells. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 9. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching –––––– 1932. Fundamental Exercises in English Composition [Series One]. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. [= Series Two] Notes: Source? –––––– 1932. ‘Further notes on “some” and “any”’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 81 (February 1932): 2–3. Notes: Follow-up article to 1931 article on doubt and negation, responding to a letter raising questions in the Osaka Mainichi newspaper. –––––– 1932, December. Letter with byline ‘Oita, December, 12, 1932’ (in ‘From our Readers: A comparative experiment in text simplification’ section) re. Basic English. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 89 (December 1932): 4-5. –––––– 1933. ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant.‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 11. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1933.‘The Face on the Wall’ by E. V. Lucas. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 12. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1933. ‘Gulliver’s Voyage to Lilliput’ (Being Part I of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’) by Jonathan Swift. ‘Simplified English’ Series, vol. 3. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and ––––––. 1933a (23 Jan.). Direct Method Composition Exercises Book 2. ‘For use with The Standard English Readers for Girls Book 2’. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 97 pp. Location: [In IRLT Library.] Notes: Book 1 (1934i) was not published until 25 May, 1934. –––––– 1933. ‘What is a word?’ The Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 95 (June 1933): 4–5. Notes: Letter with byline ‘Oita Shi, Japan’ and dateline ‘June 12th, 1933’ –––––– 1933. ‘Mr. Hornby comments’. The Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 97 (August-September 1933): 5–6. Notes: Letter with byline ‘Oita Higher Commercial School’ and dateline ‘2nd August, 1933’ Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and –––––– . 1933 (25 Oct.). The Standard English Readers for Girls. Book Two. . Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 146 pp. Location: [21 Feb. 1934 Dept. of Education approved version in IRLT Library.] Notes: The bibliographical details in the edition consulted may be false. It seems more likely that this was published between April 1932 (the month following a Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 82: 8 list of Institute publications which fails to mention this work) and December 1932 (the month before an indication in Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 90: 5 that Books Two and Three had already been published, with Books Four and Five 'in press'). The same considerations apply to 1933u. Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and –––––– . 1933 (25 Oct.). The Standard English Readers for Girls. Book Three. . Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 123 pp. Location: [21 Feb. 1934 Dept. of Education approved version in IRLT Library.] Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and –––––– . 1933 (25 Oct). The Standard English Readers for Girls. Book Four. . Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 126 pp. Location: [21 Feb. 1934 Dept. of Education approved version in IRLT Library.] Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and –––––– . 1933 (25 Oct.). The Standard English Readers for Girls. Book Five. . Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 122 pp. Location: [In IRLT Library.] –––––– 1934. Composition Exercises in Elementary English. London: Macmillan. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland. Notes: reprinted 1960. –––––– 1934. ‘Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’: The Story of the Play’ by Mary Lamb. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 13. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Palmer, Harold E., E.K. Venables, and –––––– . 1934 (Jan.). [A. S. Hornby and H.E.P.] ‘The Institute for Research in English Teaching standard English vocabulary: The 1000-word radius’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 100: 8–9. Notes: also in Selected Writings, vol. 9. Palmer, Harold E., E.K. Venables, and –––––– . 1934 (25 May). Direct Method Composition Exercises Book 1. ‘For use with The Standard English Readers for Girls Book 1’. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 95 pp. Location: [In IRLT Library.] Palmer, Harold E., E.K. Venables, and ––––––. 1934 (10 Oct.). Direct Method Composition Exercises (Junior Course) Book 1. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 95 pp. Location: [In IRLT Library.] Palmer, Harold E., E.K. Venables, and ––––––. 1934 (10 Oct.). Direct Method Composition Exercises (Junior Course) Book 2. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 97 pp. Location: [In IRLT Library.] –––––– 1934. ‘The rationalization of grammar’. In Naganuma, Naoe (ed.) 1934. A Commemorative Volume Issued by the Institute for Research in English Teaching on the Occasion of the Tenth Annual Conference of English Teachers Held under its Auspices. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 64–70. –––––– 1934. ‘Rationalism versus conservatism in language teaching’. Extract from: Five lectures on Teaching and Learning Languages given on the occasion of the Eleventh Convention of the I.R.E.T. [Tokyo]: [IRET.] Location : Oxford. Hornby, A.S. 1934. [‘The teaching of grammar (Part 2)’. In The Study and Teaching of English, Dec. 1934 (Issued by English Dept. of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku) Notes: Noted on p. 20 of Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching No. 109, December, 1934 : ‘(this continuing his lessons on the subjunctive)’. –––––– 1935.‘The King of the Golden River’, or, ‘The Black Brothers’ by John Ruskin. ‘Simplified English’ Series, vol. 4. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and A.S. Hornby. 1935 (22 March). Direct Method Composition Exercises (Senior Course) Book 1. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 97 pp. Location: IRLT Library. Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and A.S. Hornby. 1935 (22 March). Direct Method Composition Exercises (Senior Course) Book 2. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 70 pp. Location: IRLT Library. Palmer, Harold E., E. K. Venables, and A.S. Hornby. 1935 (22 March). Direct Method Composition Exercises (Senior Course) Book 3. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching, 77 pp. Location: IRLT Library. –––––– 1935. ‘The teaching of grammar (part 4)’. The Study and Teaching of English, Feb. 1935 (Issued by English Dept. of theTokyo Bunrika Daigaku). (noted in Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching, no. 111, February 1935) –––––– 1935. ‘The teaching of grammar (will, shall, would, should)’. The Study and Teaching of English, April, 1935 (Issued by English Dept. of theTokyo Bunrika Daigaku). (noted in Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching, no. 112, March 1935). –––––– 1935. ‘Some notes on Wyld's ‘Universal Dictionary’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 114 (May, 1935): 10-14. –––––– 1935 (February). Review of Experiments and Studies in Modern Language Teaching, compiled by Algernon Coleman (University of Chicago Press, 1934). Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 111 (Feb. 1935): 13–15. –––––– 1936. ‘Nickels and Dimes’ and Other Stories. ‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 14. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1936. ‘The Cauldron of Oil’ by Wilkie Collins.‘English as Speech’ series, vol. 16. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1936. ‘Kidnapped’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. ‘Simplified English’ Series, vol. 6. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: looking two ways’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 123, April, 1936, 1-6. Notes: A tribute to Palmer’s work for Institute for Research in English Teaching; Hornby identifies Palmer's contributions under headings of Speech Psychology, New-Type Grammar, Lexicological Research, Syntax, and A Synthesis (i.e. new type of dictionary). Also, Hornby gives his idea of ‘The Future’. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: The examiners examined’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 124 (May, 1936), 1-4. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: Reform--radical or ‘capital’’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 125 (June-July, 1936), 1-6. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: Crystal-gazing--twenty years onward’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 126 (August-September, 1936), 1-6. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: The thirteenth annual convention’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 127 (October, 1936), 1-4. –––––– 1936. ‘Editorial: Aims in language-teaching’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 128 (November, 1936), 1-5. Hornby, A.S. 1936. ‘Editorial: Balance and proportion’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 129 (December, 1936), 3-6. Palmer, Harold E. and A.S. Hornby. 1937. Thousand-Word English: What it is and what can be done with it. London: Harrap, 110 pp. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Leeds, UCL Notes: Associated series of supplementary readers co-edited by Palmer and Hornby. –––––– 1937. The Adventures of Deerslayer. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. Thousand-Word English. Senior series. London: Harrap. Location: British Library. –––––– 1937. Old Greek Stories. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. Thousand-Word English. Junior series. London: Harrap. Location: Oxford. –––––– 1937. The Adventures of Odysseus. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. Thousand-Word English. Junior series. London: Harrap. Location: Oxford. –––––– 1937. Methods for the Untrained Teacher. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Notes: Apocryphal? Cited only in Bongers 1947: 347. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: Broadcast language lessons’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 130 (January, 1937), 1-6. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: Intensive and extensive reading’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 131 (February, 1937), 1-5. –––––– 1937. ‘Outside the classroom’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 131 (February, 1937), 12–15. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: The learner’s rights’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 132 (March, 1937), 1-5. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: The present state of English teaching’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 133 (April, 1937), 1-6. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: A complex task’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 135 (June, 1937), 1-6. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: Independent and constructive work’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 136 (July, 1937), 1-5. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: Adaptation and compromise’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 137 (August-September, 1937), 1-5. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: The spoken word’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 138 (October-November, 1937), 1-6. –––––– 1937. ‘Editorial: Reading material for higher-grade schools’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 139 (December, 1937), 1-6. –––––– 1937. ‘Report on research activities, 1936-37’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 139 (December, 1937), 5-14. –––––– 1938. Stories from Don Quixote. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. Thousand-Word English. Senior series. London: Harrap. Location: British Library, Oxford. –––––– 1938. Stories of Robin Hood. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. London: Harrap. Location: British Library. Notes: Reviewed by Harold Wakefield in Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 147 (Sept.–Oct., 1938): 20. –––––– 1938. More Stories of Robin Hood. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary . Thousand-Word English. Senior series. London: Harrap. Location: British Library, Oxford. –––––– 1938. Stories of the Great Discoverers. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary . Thousand-Word English. Senior series. London: Harrap. Location: British Library, Oxford. –––––– 1938. Telling the Time. ‘English as Speech’ Series, vol. 17. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching Hori, E. and A.S. Hornby. (Eds.). 1938? Five Essays by Harold Nicolson . (Volume VIII in the ‘Selections from Standard Authors’ series). Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. Notes: [as reviewed in Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching , No. 150, January, 1939: 19-21, by H.V. Redman]. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Teacher supply and teacher training’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 140 (January, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Overcoming resistances’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 141 (February, 1938), 1-4. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Putting English to use’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 142 (March, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: The technique of framing questions’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 143 (April, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Dictionary problems’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 144 (May, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Problems of terminology’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 145 (June, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: Choosing your text’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 146 (July-August, 1938), 1-5. –––––– 1938. ‘Editorial: On keeping to the point’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 147 (September-October, 1938), 1-6. –––––– 1938. ‘Dictionary problems’ [Report on the year’s work]. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 148 (September-October, 1938), 20–8, 36. –––––– 1939. Stories from Grimm. Adapted and rewritten within the thousand-word vocabulary. Thousand-Word English. Junior Series. London: Harrap. Location: British Library. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Some problems of text simplification and reading matter’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 150 (January, 1939), 1-5. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Horses and hounds’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 151 (February, 1939), 33, 35-37. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Textbook selection or puff! puff!’ Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 152 (March, 1939), 64-69. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Ladies and gentlemen!’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 153 (April, 1939), 95-99. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Problems of plurality’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 154 (May, 1939), 123-128. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Objects--and objections’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 155 (June, 1939), 147-155. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: On the use of illustrations and diagrams in language-learning and teaching’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 156 (July-August, 1939), 171-175. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Reply to criticism’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 157 (September, 1939), 199, 202-206. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: ‘“We must cultivate our garden”’ Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 158 (October, 1939), 227-230. –––––– 1939. ‘Editorial: Problems of terminology and classification’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 159 (November-December, 1939), 259-64. –––––– 1939. Stories from Grimm. (1939) (Junior Series). [In Bodleian Library.] Thousand-word English, Harrap. –––––– and Ishikawa, Rintarô. 1940. A Beginner's English-Japanese Dictionary. Tokyo: Institute for Research in English Teaching. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: A new venture’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 160 (January, 1940), 1-6. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: ‘Background’ again’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 161 (February, 1940), 31-34. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: Making a good beginning’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 162 (March, 1940), 57-61. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: Classroom procedures’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 165 (June, 1940), 161-165. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: The tyranny of the pedant’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 166 (July-August, 1940), 185-195. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: The ‘reader’ problem--1’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 167 (September-October, 1940), 213-218. –––––– 1940. ‘Editorial: The ‘reader’ problem--2’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 168 (November, 1940), 241-247. –––––– 1940. ‘Reading: An address delivered at the 17th Annual Conference of English Teachers’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 169 (December, 1940), 273-282. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: Verb patterns’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 170 (January, 1941), 1-15. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: Word position in the English sentence’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 171 (February, 1941), 29-33. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: The problems of dialect and regional speech’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 172 (March, 1941), 57-63. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: White sheep or black ones; Some notes on the use of ‘one’.’ Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 173 (April, 1941), 89-95. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: Training courses for teachers of English’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 174 (May, 1941), 121-125. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: The hypothetical language’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 175 (June, 1941), 153-158. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: General knowledge through English’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 176 (July-August, 1941), 185-188. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: Some suggestions for teaching advanced composition exercises’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 177 (September, 1941), 217-222. –––––– 1941. ‘Editorial: The right attitude’. Bulletin of the Institute for Research in English Teaching 178 (October-November, 1941), 249-253. ––––––, Gatenby, E.V. and Wakefield, H. 1942. Shin Ei–Ei Daijiten (New English-Englsh Dictionary): Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Notes: Photographically reprinted and published as A Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by Oxford University Press in 1948; subsequently, in 1952, retitled The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. –––––– 1944. Stories of Robin Hood. ‘Plain English’ Library. London: Evans. Location: British Library. –––––– 1944. Adventures of Don Quixote. ‘Plain English’ Library. London: Evans. Location: British Library. –––––– 1946. ‘Foreign language studies: their place in the national life’ (Editorial). English Language Teaching 1/1: **–**. ––––––1946. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: I. The doctrines of de Saussure’. English Language Teaching , 1/1: 7-11 –––––– 1946. ‘Sentence patterns and substitution tables (I)’. English Language Teaching 1/1 –––––– 1946. ‘Balance and proportion’ (Editorial). English Language Teaching 1/2: **–**. Notes: only slightly revised version of Editorial for IRET. ––––––1946. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: II. The beginning stage’. English Language Teaching , 1/2: 36-39. –––––– 1946. ‘Sentence patterns and substitution tables (II)’. English Language Teaching 1/2: **–**. –––––– 1946. ‘Text simplification and reading matter’ (Editorial). English Language Teaching 1/3: **–**. Notes: [cf BIRET editorial, 1939] ––––––1946. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: III. The beginning stage (continued)’. English Language Teaching 1/3: 66–71. –––––– 1947. ‘Vocabulary control and vocabulary layout’ (Editorial). English Language Teaching 1/4: **–**. ––––––1947. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: IV. The contextual procedure: Word families’. English Language Teaching 1/4: 91–95. –––––– 1947. ‘Sentence patterns and substitution tables – III’. English Language Teaching 1/4: **–**. –––––– 1947. ‘G.K. Chesterton on words and word-order’ (Editorial). English Language Teaching 1/5: **–**. –––––– 1947. ‘Sentence patterns and substitution tables (4)’. English Language Teaching 1/5: **–**. –––––– 1947. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: V. The reading text’ English Language Teaching 1/6: 149-156. –––––– 1947. ‘Linguistic pedagogy: VI. The reading text (continued)’ English Language Teaching 2/1: 21-27. ––––––, Gatenby, E.V., Wakefield, H. 1948. A Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Oxford Notes: ‘This dictionary has been reprinted photographically from the original edition, which was compiled in Tokyo for the Institute for Research in English Teaching and published there in 1942." (p. iii) –––––– 1949. Oxford Progressive English for Students in the Middle East. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1949. Oxford Progressive English for Students in the Middle East. Teacher’s Notes on Book One. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1949. ‘Some notes on H.C. Wyld’s Universal English Dictionary (Routledge)’. English Language Teaching 3/4: **–**. Notes: reprinted from Bulletin. –––––– 1949. ‘Non-conclusive verbs: some notes on the progressive tenses’. English Language Teaching 3/7: **–**. –––––– 1949. An approach towards real conversation. English Language Teaching 3/8: **–**. –––––– 1949. Direct method composition exercises (I) English Language Teaching 4/1: **–**. –––––– 1949. Direct method composition exercises (II) English Language Teaching 4/2: **–**. –––––– 1949. Direct method composition exercises (III) English Language Teaching 4/3: **–**. Notes: Check. Add to ELT contributors file if this third article exists. –––––– 1950. Oxford Progressive English for Students in the Middle East. Guide to the Arabic Matter in Pupil's Book Two. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland. Notes: Reproduced from typewriting. –––––– 1950. ‘H.E. Palmer’ (Obituary). English Language Teaching 4/4: **–**. –––––– 1950. ‘The situational approach in langage teaching (I)’. English Language Teaching 4/4: 98103. –––––– 1950. ‘The situational approach in langage teaching (II)’. English Language Teaching 4/5: 121-128. –––––– 1950. ‘The situational approach in langage teaching (III)’. English Language Teaching 4/6: 150-156. –––––– 1951. The Golden Goose, and Other Stories from Grimms' Tales. Tales Retold for Easy Reading Series. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1951. ‘”For” + (Pro)noun + Infinitive’. English Language Teaching 5/5: **–**. ––––––, E.V. Gatenby, and H. Wakefield. 1952. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press. Note: change of title only; not a new edition. –––––– 1952. English by Radio, 2 volumes. Wembley: British Broadcasting Corporation. Location: British Library. –––––– 1952. English by Radio, 2 volumes. London: Macmillan. Location: British Library, Oxford. –––––– and E[ric] C[ecil] Parnwell. 1952. The Progressive English Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Oxford Notes: In ‘Oxford Progressive English’ series. –––––– and E[ric] C[ecil] Parnwell. 1952. An English-Reader’s Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Oxford, National Library of Scotland, Sheffield –––––– 1952. ‘Situations: Artificial or natural?’. English Language Teaching 6/4: 118-124. Notes: A response to West, M.P. 1951. ‘Catenizing’. English Language Teaching V/6: 147-151. –––––– 1953. Robinson Crusoe. Stories Retold: Oversea Edition. Madras: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland. Miller, D[onald] C[lifford].1953. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Book 1. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Notes: 2nd edition Hakim, S., A.S. Hornby and D[onald] C[lifford] Miller. 1953. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Book 2. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1953?. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Book 3. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1953?. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Book 4. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1953. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Teacher’s Notes to Book 3. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Trinity College Dublin –––––– 1953. ‘Vocabulary control: History and principles’. English Language Teaching 8/1: 15-21. –––––– 1954. A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Edinburgh, Oxford, Notes: ‘Aids to English’ series. –––––– 1954–6. Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners, 3 volumes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library., Birmingham, Oxford –––––– 1954. Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners. Teacher’s Handbook, 3 volumes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: 1954–6? –––––– 1954 ‘The structure of English’. English Language Teaching 9/1: **–**. Notes: Extended review of Fries’s book of the same name. –––––– 1955. The Adventures of Don Quixote. Tales Retold for Easy Reading Series. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. 1955. ‘In the Classroom: 1: Using the Group in Oral Work’. English Language Teaching 10/1: ** –**. –––––– and Seliim Hakim. 1956. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Teacher’s Notes to Book 4. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Trinity College Dublin –––––– 1956. ‘The teaching and learning of English’. In Yambe, Tamotsu (ed.). 1970. Applied Linguistics and the Teaching of English. Tokyo: English Language Education Council, 264–83. Notes: Address at the Specialists’ Conference. –––––– 1956. ‘Learning English as a foreign language: a matter of association’. Eigokyoiku (The English Teachers’ Magazine), November 1956, 286–90. –––––– and Seliim Hakim. 1957. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Teacher’s Notes to Book 5. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Trinity College Dublin –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1957?. The Oxford English Course for Western Asia. Book 5. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Miller, D[onald] C[lifford].1958. The Oxford English Course for Iraq, 2nd ed. Book 1. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library Notes: 2nd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia, with revised title. Hakim, S., A.S. Hornby and D[onald] C[lifford] Miller. 1958. The Oxford English Course for Iraq, 2nd ed. Book 2. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library Notes: 2nd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1958. The Oxford English Course for Iraq, 2nd ed. Book 3. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: 2nd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1958. The Oxford English Course for Iraq, 2nd ed. Book 4. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: 2nd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1958. The Oxford English Course for Iraq, 2nd ed. Book 5. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: 2nd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia, with revised title. Spencer, D[uncan] H[ugh] and A.S. Hornby. 1959. An Intermediate English Course for Adult Learners. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland Notes: Genesis described in Strevens 1978: 28. –––––– 1959. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. Stage 1. London: Oxford University Press, lii + 170 pp. Location: British Library, Oxford Note: Part of the ‘English-Teaching Library’. –––––– 1961. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. Stage 2. London: Oxford University Press, liv + 162 pp. Location: British Library, Miller, D[onald] C[lifford].1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Book 1. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland Notes: Date uncertain. 3rd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia / The Oxford English Course for Iraq, with revised title. Hakim, S., A.S. Hornby and D[onald] C[lifford] Miller. 1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Book 2. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library Notes: Date uncertain. 3rd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia / The Oxford English Course for Iraq, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Book 3. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: Date uncertain. 3rd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia / The Oxford English Course for Iraq, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Book 4. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: Date uncertain. 3rd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia / The Oxford English Course for Iraq, with revised title. –––––– and S[elim] Hakim. 1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Book 5. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: Date uncertain. 3rd ed. of The Oxford English Course for Western Asia / The Oxford English Course for Iraq, with revised title. Miller, D[onald] C[lifford], Hakim, S., A.S. Hornby and D[onald] C[lifford] Miller. 1961. The Oxford English Course for the Republic of Iraq, 3rd ed. Teacher’s Notes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. Notes: Date uncertain –––––– 1962. A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. [A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1954.] London: Oxford University Press / English Language Book Society. Location: British Library, Leeds ; Liverpool ; Manchester ; National Library of Scotland; Sheffield ; Southampton ; Notes: English Language Book Society ‘Aids to English’ series. –––––– 1962. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. Stage 3. London: Oxford University Press, xlii + 166 pp. Location: British Library, Edinburgh, Note: Part of the ‘English-Teaching Library’. –––––– 1962. ‘Incidental classroom English’. 16/2: English Language Teaching **–**. ––––––, E.V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1963. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Leeds, Sheffield, ULL, Warwick, National Library of Scotland, Oxford ––––––, E.V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1963. Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary, 2nd ed (?). Tokyo: Institute for Research in Language Teaching. Location: Birmingham. –––––– and Ronald Mackin. 1964–7. Oxford Progressive English: Alternative Course, 4 volumes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland. Note: Cowie (1999) has Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners: check. –––––– and Ronald Mackin. 1964–7. Oxford Progressive English: Alternative Course. Teacher’s Handbook, 4 volumes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland. Notes: Book 1 by A.S. Hornby alone? 1965. ‘Some problems of lexicography’ English Language Teaching 19/3: **–**. Spencer, D[uncan] H[ugh] and A.S. Hornby. 1966. An Intermediate English Course for Adult Learners. Key. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, –––––– 1966. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. Stage 4. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Leeds, Nottingham –––––– 1966. Robinson Crusoe. Oxford English Readers Series. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1966. The Golden Goose and other stories. Oxford English Readers Series. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. ––––––, H.E. Palmer and Henry Jacob. 1966. Mil vorti Ido, segun la listo 1000-word English da S. Hornby & Harold E. Palmer adaptita ad Ido da Henry Jacob, 2nd ed. Loughton: International Language (Ido) Society of Great Britain Location : British Library –––––– 1966. ‘Blackboard work for presenting tense-usages: Oral and written work’. English Language Teaching 20/2: **–**. –––––– 1966. ‘Looking back’. English Language Teaching 21/1: 3-6. –––––– and Ronald Mackin. 1967. Oxford Progressive English: Alternative Course. Book D. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– 1967. ‘Stress patterns in noun collocations’. ELEC Publications 8. Reprinted in Yambe, Tamotsu (ed.). 1970. Applied Linguistics and the Teaching of English. Tokyo: English Language Education Council, 47–51. –––––– 1968. ‘Developments in the principles of English language teaching during the last fifty years’. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 3: 168–78. –––––– 1968. ‘Teaching practice’, in Perren, G.E. (ed.) Teachers of English as a Second Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. –––––– 1969. Oxford Progressive English, 2nd ed, 3 volumes. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Birmingham, National Library of Scotland, Oxford Notes: Also available 4 reels tape (5 3/4 in.) 3 3/4 ips, one track only at 13/18/8 (Birmingham catalogue). Revised edition of Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners, with shortened title. –––––– 1969. Oxford Progressive English. Teacher’s Handbook, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library. –––––– and E[ric] C[ecil] Parnwell. 1969. An English-Reader’s Dictionary, 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. London: Oxford University Press & English Language Book Society. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland ––––––, E.V. Gatenby and H. Wakefield. 1970. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: English-EnglishChinese. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. Location: Nottingham, Imperial College. –––––– 1970. ‘Reflections after a visit to Japan’. English Language Teaching 25/1: 89–93. –––––– and James Noel McHugh. 1972. Kamus pembaca : Inggeris-Melayu. [Kuala Lumpur] : Penerbit Fajar Bakti Kuala Lumpur. Location: Trinity College Dublin. Note: title on cover: Reader’s dictionary English-Malay –––––– and E.C. Parnwell. 1972. The Progressive English Dictionary, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Oxford, British Library –––––– 1973. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. London: Oxford University Press. Stages 3 and 4. Location: British Library, Aberdeen, Oxford, National Library of Scotland, Notes: Published as one volume (stage 3 orig. publ. 1962, stage 4 orig. publ. 1966). Includes index to stages 1 to 4. Part of the ‘English-Teaching Library’. –––––– and E.C. Parnwell. 1973?. Oxford Progressive Colour Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Oxford, British Library, National Library of Scotland, etc. Note: "The text ... is taken from the second edition of The progressive English dictionary ... 1972." Mackin, Ronald and A.S. Hornby. 1973. A Subject Analysis of the ‘Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Art, language, history, religion. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh Mackin, Ronald and A.S. Hornby. 1973. A Subject Analysis of the ‘Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Civil law and order, war and warfare, sport and entertainment, photography, the printed word. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh Mackin, Ronald and A.S. Hornby. 1973. A Subject Analysis of the ‘Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Biology, chemistry and physics, mathematics, medicine, hygiene, home management. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh Mackin, Ronald and A.S. Hornby. 1973. A Subject Analysis of the ‘Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Industry, technology, commerce, transport, power, building. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Birmingham, Leeds, Edinburgh Mackin, Ronald and A.S. Hornby. 1973. A Subject Analysis of the ‘Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English: Education, geography, agriculture, food, the sea, minerals and mining. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Birmingham, Edinburgh ––––––, with Cowie, A[nthony] P[aul], and Windsor Lewis, J[ack]. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 3rd ed. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Oxford, etc. Notes: revised and reset in 1980. –––––– 1974. Robinson Crusoe. Oxford Progressive English Readers, Grade 2. London: Oxford University Press. Location: National Library of Scotland. –––––– 1974. Hornby on Hornby [Audiotape and transcript of an interview with Christina Ruse]. Tokyo: Oxford University Press. –––––– 1975. A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, 2nd edition. London: Oxford University Press. Location: British Library, Aberdeen ; Edinburgh ; Leeds ; Manchester ; Oxford ; Sheffield ; Warwick Stavropoulos, D.N. and A.S. Hornby. 1977. Oxford English-Greek Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Location: Birmingham, Edinburgh, Imperial College, Oxford, Sheffield. Notes: Based on Hornby’s Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 1978. The Teaching of Structural Words and Sentence Patterns. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stages 1 and 2. Location: British Library, National Library of Scotland, Oxford Notes: Published as one volume (stage 1 orig. publ. 1959, stage 2 orig. publ. 1961). Includes index. Part of the ‘English-Teaching Library’. –––––– and Christina Ruse. 1978. Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Location: Birmingham ; Liverpool ; Oxford ; Trinity Notes: An adaptation of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 2nd ed. 1988. –––––– and Cowie, A[nthony] P[aul]. 1980. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 3rd ed, revised and reset. London: Oxford University Press. Location: Oxford El-Ezabi, Y.A., A.S. Hornby and E.C. Parnwell. 1980. Qamus al-qari a Inkilizi-`Arabi [English-Arabic Reader’s Dictionary]. Beirut, Lebanon : English Language Teaching for the Arab World, Oxford University Press. Location: Nottingham, Glasgow. –––––– 1980. ‘Hornby on Hornby’ (extracts from an interview with A.S. Hornby in March, 1974). JALT Newsletter 4/3: 17-19. Richard Smith, October 2004.