TMI/VIRS Derived Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes over the Tropical Pacific Ocean Balla Maggero Marine & Oceanography, Meteorological Services, 30259, Ngong’ Road, GPO 00100 Nairobi, Kenya. e-mail: ABSTRACT This investigation is presented for the TMI/VIRS application to the problem of estimating monthly averages of air temperature (ta), specific humidity (qs) and turbulent heat fluxes at the air-surface interface over the planet ocean. The objective is directed at adaptation of retrieval mechanisms that have been used elsewhere with SSM/IAVHRR combination. In order to determine the impact, TMI/VIRS derived products are verified against TRITON/TAO buoy array observations in the warm pool region. The results reveal extremely small biases in the TMI-VIRS’s ta and qs. The root-mean-square errors are 0.61K and 0.92 gKg-1 respectively. This shows that the sampling is sufficient for calculation of latent and sensible heat fluxes. 1. Introduction The turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent can only be measured directly by exacting in-situ instrumentation such as on ship or buoys, but various parameterizations allow them to be derived from quantities observed globally from space-borne passive microwave and passive infra-red radiometers. They are commonly estimated with bulk aerodynamic formulation or more sophisticated boundary layer models; both approaches require surface winds and air-sea differences of temperature and humidity. As a rule, satellites measure surface properties and atmospheric properties aloft, but cannot provide air temperature and humidity at the desired height above the sea surface (eg. Chou et al., 1995, Curry et al., 1999). So the required air-sea differences and the resulting surface fluxes must be inferred from available data and models. Remote sensed sea surface temperature (SST), surface wind speed (Vs) and total precipitable water (TPW) are primarily needed as diagnostic variables for determining surface air temperature, surface specific humidity and subsequently turbulent heat fluxes. The air-sea temperature difference is a controlling factor because it determines the atmospheric boundary layer stability, which in turn controls the efficiency of the turbulent fluxes. The accuracy of air-sea flux estimates therefore depend jointly on the accuracies of the basic state variables; and the validity of the parameterizations used to calculate the fluxes from the measured quantities (Donelan, 1990). In the ensuing study, this paper aims to demonstrate how the packages flown on TRMM mission can contribute to the Global Ocean Observation Systems. The underlying motivation being estimation of turbulent heat fluxes from sensors flying on the same platform. Monthly averages of surface air temperature (ta), surface specific humidity (qs) and turbulent heat fluxes are derived from TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) and Visible infrared Scanner (VIRS) measured brightness temperatures and radiances over the warm pool region of the Pacific Ocean (the loci and source of major meteorological events of global concern). Comparisons are made with the corresponding measurements from the Triangle Trans-Ocean buoy Network / Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere moored buoy array reanalysis for the period 1999-2002 within a 120E180E, 25N30S domain. 2. Retrieval Techniques Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the Surface saturation Humidity (qsst) One of the best-known methods to estimate SST from AVHRR measurement is the radiative transfer model. The retrieval scheme employed for SST employs a classical quadratic split-window approach during daytime and a linear tripple-channel approach during nighttime, both with a theoretical accuracy of 0.4K on the instantaneous pixel level. The advantage here is that the effect of cool skin of ocean is inco-orperated. The missing values from VIRS due to clouds or convective systems is corrected by the TMI’s coarse resolution. From the SST values, qsst can easily be determined using the Magnus formula. The saturation humidity is then reduced by 2% to account for the salinity of the ocean. Wind Speed (Vs) The algorithm by Schlussel et al., (1995) is used to estimate near-surface wind-speed from TMI measurements. Vs is derived from the brightness temperature difference between horizontally and vertically polarized components at the same frequency. The accuracy for the globally valid passive wind speed retrieval is 1.4ms-1 under conditions where no heavy rain hampers the surface-leaving radiation in reaching the satellite. In light rain cases, the accuracy decreases to 1.6ms-1 . Air Specific Humidity (qs) The water vapor content of the planetary boundary layer is a direct function of the near surface humidity over the ocean, (Schulz et al., 1993). Hence, qs can inferred from TMI level 1B-11 data. The retrieval algorithm is a linear scheme employing 10, 19, 21, and 37 GHz brightness temperature. This model was proved to provide better agree-ment between SSM/I and in-situ qs estimates (Schulz et al., 1997). Surface Air Temperature (ta) The ta is derived by the artificial neural network (ANN) - approach described in Jones at al. (2001). The ANN algorithm is a computer model of individual elements commonly referred to as neurons. The method and software on ANN is available online at The ANN algorithm used is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with back propagation made up of neurons arranged as input, output and intermediate (hidden) layers connected by weighted links and estimates a mapping function from one vector space X (inputs) to another Y (outputs). The number of neurons in the input and output layers is determined by the dimensionality of X and Y. In this case, a four-layer MLP architecture for ta as output is 3-10-3-1-X (Fig. 1). The inputs are total precipitable water (TPW), sea surface temperature (SST) and wind speed, the output is the target surface air temperature ta. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the ANNmulti-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture used to estimate ta. 3. Turbulent Heat Fluxes High Qs and Ql mean bias, RMS and correlation coefficient values are observed. The reason may be attributed to wind or sampling error. The buoy anemometers are not sensitive to very low winds. The spatio-temporal evolution of surface specific humidity, surface air temperature and the latent heat are displayed in figure 2 obtained from model results. Strong values are depicted north of Australia. Because of a strong relation between SST and ta, remarkable features are noticeable; representation of the warm pool region north of Australia. The latent (Ql) and Sensible (Qs) heat fluxes are then estimated by the following bulk formulation; Ql = Cd Vs qs - qsst ---------------- (2) Qs = Cd Vs ta - SST -------------- (3) where and Cd are air density and drag coefficient respectively. Cd is estimated according to the Louis et al. (1982). Note that the model SST is used in estimating the sensible heat flux, implying that the air-sea feedback process are considered to some extent. 4. Preliminary Findings Several measures of the closeness of the TMI/VIRS estimates to the ground truth, i.e. TRITON/TAO values are the bias, root-mean-square (RMS.), and correlation coefficient. The results are presented in table 1. The biases for the qs and ta of -0.077gKg-1 and 0.06K respectively. The RMS were 0.921gKg-1 and 0.611K, and correlation coefficients of 0.844gKg-1 and 0.860K respectively for qs and ta. Element ta (K) qs (gKg-1) Qs (Wm2) Ql (Wm-2) Mean Bias 0.06 -0.077 17.15 14.81 RMS 0.611 0.921 55.6 52.23 Corr. Coeff. 0.860 0.844 0.582 0.616 Table 1. Intercomparison results between TMI-VIRS derived ta, qs Ql Qs with TRITON data. 5. Summery This paper has described the SSM/I-AVHRR retrieval techniques for estimation of surface air humidity (qs), surface air temperature (ta) and applied them to TMI-VIRS. The results for the flux fields have shown a reasonable agreement and more or less converging to the same patterns with the TRITON buoy array datasets. Precipitation Measurement (GPM) should be successiful. finer spatial/temporal time scale desired for most application could be achieved. The relatively dense sampling would be tremendiously useful in the study of these fluxes: more uniform error characteristics on the Acknowledgement: The Author is thankful to Dr. Bentamy and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions for this manuscript. Data used in this study include data provided by the NASA-funded EOS data and information system archive at Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, MD, and the Marshall Space Flight Centre, Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Sea-truth data is by the TRITON/TAO Project Office at the (JAMSTEC), and the PMEL, NOAA for the buoy data used. Don Tveter developed the ANN program. References: Figure 2. mean evolution of top: ta – contour interval 1K, centre: qs – contour interval 2gkg –1 and bottom: Ql contour interval 20 Wm-2. Large values show heat transfer from atmosphere to the ocean. The loss of latent heat is not very significant. The statistics reveal extremely small biases in the TMI-VIRS derived qs and ta. 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