Amazing Race - Wright State University

The Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Using Google:
List the SEVEN NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD in Alphabetical order, and
what website you found them on:
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________
Web Address where Seven Natural Wonders were found:
Find another web site that lists them (to double-check your list). What is that Web
Address: _______________________________________________________________
QUICK! Take this paper to your teacher for the next destination…
Quest 1 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
The Grand Canyon
What state is the Grand Canyon in? ______________________________________
How large is the Grand Canyon? _________________________________________
Find a Mule Trip to visit the Floor of the Canyon
Webpage address of Grand Canyon Mule Tour:
How much advance notice do you need to give in order to take a mule ride down
to the bottom of the Grand Canyon? ____________________________________
Find your way to the Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Address: _____________________________________________________
What side of the Grand Canyon is Phantom Ranch located?
Quick take this to the Information Desk (2nd floor of the Dunbar Library) for
your next Quest.
Quest 2 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Great Barrier Reef
Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? __________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Plan a day diving or snorkeling and answer the following questions:
Diving or Snorkeling Company used:
Price: ____________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What kinds of things can you see snorkeling or diving in the Great Barrier Reef
(main underwater attractions)?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What is the big deal about conservation/preservation in the Great Barrier Reef?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Find a web site from Australia on the Great Barrier Reef? _____________________
Quick take your paper to Beth Anderson, who will be seated in the Popular Fiction
collection (hint: its in the Group Study Room, close to Café Wright) to get your
next challenge.
Quest 3 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Harbor at Rio de Janeiro
What country is the Harbor at Rio de Janeiro in? ________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Why in the world is the Harbor at Rio de Janeiro considered one of the seven
natural wonders of the world?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What are some of the attractions of the Harbor at Rio de Janeiro?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What shots or immunizations do I need when visiting this country?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Are there any special safety precautions you should take before visiting this area
of the world?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Quick take this to your teacher for your next quest.
Quest 4 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Mt. Everest
Where is Mt. Everest located? ___________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How high is Mt. Everest? _______________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How many people have made it to the top of Mt. Everest? __________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Who was the first woman to make it to the top of Mt. Everest?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
List some of the hazards climbing Mt. Everest? ________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What is the best month of the year to climb Mt. Everest? __________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What is a Sherpa? _____________________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Quick take this to Room 328 Dunbar Library and give it to Sue Polanka to get your
next quest. If she is not at her desk, leave this paper and pick up the next.
Quest 5 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Northern Lights
What are the Northern Lights? __________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What is another name used for the Northern Lights?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How are the Northern Lights formed? ____________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Where is the best place in the world to possibly view the Northern Lights?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Is it possible to “hear” the Northern Lights? ____________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Quick take this to the Current Periodical Desk (2nd floor) to get your next quest
Quest 6 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Paricutin Volcano
Where is Paricutin Volcano located? _____________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How did the Paricutin Volcano develop? __________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How tall is the Paricutin Volcano? _______________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
What town is buried under the lava flow from the Paricutin Volcano?
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
How many tons of lava poured out of the Paricutin in its 9 year span:
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Find a hotel as close as you can to the Paricutin Volcano and answer the
Hotel Name: _________________________________________________________
City of Hotel: ________________________________________________________
Web site used: _______________________________________________________
Take this paper to the Special Collections and Archives (hint: 4th floor) in Dunbar
Library and receive your last quest!
Quest 7 of the Amazing Race
Names in Team: _________________________________________________________
Victoria Falls
Where are the Victoria Falls located? _________________________________________
Web site used: ________________________________________________________
What do the local people call the Victoria Falls? ________________________________
Web site used: _________________________________________________________
Who first reported the existence of the Victoria Falls to the world?
Web site used: ________________________________________________________
Who commissioned the Victoria Falls Bridge? And when?_______________________
Web site used:___________________________________________________________
How many cubic metres of water plummet over the edge each minute?____________
Web site used:___________________________________________________________
Victoria Falls is a World Heritage Site. Name 2 other World Heritage sites:
Web site used:___________________________________________________________
Hooray! You have just finished the Amazing Race!!!
Give this to your instructor!!!