Industrial Engineering - Wayne State University

Industrial Engineering
The goal of being an industrial engineer is to design a system that is practical and
beneficial. Industrial engineers accomplish this by incorporating people, machines, materials,
energy, and information. It branches into four fields, manufacturing, operations research, human
factors, and statistics. Facilities and plant design may also be a part of industrial engineering. In
order to understand industrial engineering one needs to know how it benefits society, the skills
required, and employment opportunities.
Industrial engineering not only includes manufacturing, it involves service and
entertainment industries, shipping businesses, and health care organizations. Industrial
engineering benefits society by making businesses more productive and profitable. In addition,
this makes consumer products less expensive and more convenient. In industries it makes work
safe, swift, and simple. “Making the world safer through better designed products”,
There are various skills one needs to succeed as an industrial engineer. The knowledge of
mathematics and engineering science, and other basic engineering fundamentals, are important
for all engineering disciplines. Some other skills needed are problem solving, analyzing data, and
people skills. One needs to know and use the sense of human boundaries with technical
knowledge in designing systems. Industrial engineers must also be able to construct a vast plan
from many specific details, and be able to present them in verbal and written formats. Finally,
one needs management skills to understand how the business works, which later could lead to a
management position.
Industrial engineers start with a variety of job titles, and then begin in a more specialized
field such as, quality management, linear operations, and integrated products. Industrial
engineering offers a wide range of careers that are more flexible and fit your passion. Here are
some examples of industrial engineering careers.
On the left, this cockpit was designed by industrial
and systems engineers to help the pilot’s
Industrial engineers design air, nautical, and
land routes for safe transportation across the
On the left is a newly designed industrial and
manufacturing engineering workshop located at
Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. WSU
has special programs to help prepare students for jobs
after graduation by gaining experience in the
industrial field.
When choosing an engineering field, it is important to learn about the different types of
engineering careers to help make the best choice. Industrial engineering uses the skills needed
for creating the practical and benificial systems to continue to make everyday life easier. It offers
a skillful experience for other engineering fields. Industrial engineering is just one component in
the great world of engineering professions.
1) Industrial and Systems Engineering. “Introduction to ISE.” Bagley College of Engineering. 14
Sept. 2007<>
2) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. “what is Industrial Engineering?” Penn State. 14
Sept. 2007<>
3) Industrial Engineering. “Students.” IE. 14 Sept 2007
4) Department of Industrial Engineering. “About industrial Engineering.” Atilim University. 14
Sept. 2007
5) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. “Prospective Students.” Wayne State University.14
Sept. 2007
6) Landis, Raymond B. Studying Engineering. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Discovery Press, 1995
7) Chinnam, Ratna. Associate Professor and Graduate chair, Wayne State University.Interview
14 Sept. 2007.