Will You Help Me? Jesus said: `Do whatever is within your power to

Will You Help Me?
Reason for Devotion to
the Divine Mercy
Jesus said: 'Do whatever is within your
power to spread devotion to My Mercy.
I will make up for what you lack. Tell aching
mank ind to come close to My m erciful
Heart, and I wil l f ill the m with peac e'
As unpleasant or out-of-place some
people may consider the thought of the
"end times" to be, there is no way of
avoiding the fact that, today Jesus is
calling on mankind to turn with devotion to
His Divine Mercy as a preparation for
His return in glory.
(From Spiritual Diary of Saint Faustina)
Saint Faustina was Canonised by Pope
John Paul II on 30th April, 2000
Recognise My Mercy Now
While there is still time
Jesus said: "Write down these words, my
daughter. Speak to the world about My
Mercy, let all mankind recognise My
unfathomable Mercy. It is a sign for the
"end times". After it will come the day of
justice. While there is still time, let them
have recourse to the fount of My Mercy,
let them profit from the blood and water
which gushed forth for them".
Diary of Saint Faustina (Parg. 848)
Jesus said: "Tell Souls who spread the
honour of My Mercy I shield through
their entire life, and at the hour of death
I will not be a judge for them, but the
Merciful Saviour" (Diary 1075)
Saint Faustina said:
"That beautiful soul who is spreading
this work of Divine Mercy throughout the
world is, by their deep humility, very
pleasing to God".
(Diary 1083)
Jesus said: "Tell my priests that
hardened sinners will crumble beneath
their w o r d s w h e n t h e y s p e a k
a b o u t M y unfathomable mercy,
about the compassion I have for them
in My heart. To priests who will proclaim
and extol My mercy I will give wonderful
power, and I will anoint their words
and I will touch the hearts to which
they will speak". (Diary 1521)
The Image
The Feast
Jesus appeared to this humble nun
bringing with Him a wonderful message
of Mercy for all mankind. Saint Faustina
tells us in her diary under this date,
As a further sign of His forgiving love.
J es us c alled for a Feas t of his Divine
Merc y to be celebrated in the whole
`In the evening, when I was in my cell, I
became aware of Jesus clothed in a white
garment. One hand was raised in blessing,
the other was touching his breast. From
the opening in the garment at the breast
there cam e forth red and pale rays. In
silence I gazed intently at the Lord. my
soul was overwhelmed with fear, but also
with great joy. After a while Jesus said to
me: '
"Paint my image according to what you
see, with the signature, Jesus, I trust in
`I want this image to be solemnly
blessed on the first Sunday after
Easter: that Sunday is to be the Feast of
Mercy. On that day, the depths of My
Mercy will be open to all. Whoever will
go to confession and Holy Communion
on that day, will receive complete forgiveness of sin and all punishment.
Mankind will not enjoy peace until it
turns with confidence to My Mercy".
Later Our Lord explained to her:
"The pale rays stand for the water which
makes souls righteous: the red stands
for the blood which is the life of the
souls. These rays issued forth from the
depths of My most tender Mercy at that
time when My agonising Heart was
opened by a lance on the cross...
Fortunate is the one who will dwell in
their s helter, for the j us t hand of G od
shall not lay hold of them".
Jesus said to Saint Faustina:
The Chaplet
Jesus said later to Saint Faustina: "Say
unc e as ing l y t h is c h a p l et th a t I h a ve
t a u g h t yo u . A n yo n e w h o s a ys i t w i l l
receive great Mercy at the hour of
death. Priests will recommend it to
sinners as the last hope. Even the most
hardened sinner, if he recites this
Chaplet even once, will receive grace
from m y infinite Mercy. I want the
whole world to know My infinite Mercy.
I want to give unim aginable graces to
those who trust in My Mercy".
The Feast
Rosary beads:
As a further sign of His forgiving love.
Jesus called for a Feast of his Divine
Mercy to be celebrated in the whole
First say, one Our Father, one Hail Mary
and the I believe in God.
Jesus said to Saint Faustina:
'I want this image to be solemnly
blessed on the first Sunday after
Easter: that Sunday is to be the Feast of
Mercy. On that day, the depths of My
Mercy will be open to all. Whoever will
go to confession and Holy Communion
on that day, will receive complete forgiveness of sin and all punishment.
Mankind will not enjoy peace until it
turns with confidence to My Mercy".
The Chaplet
Jesus said later to Saint Faustina: "Say
unceasingly this chaplet that I have
taught you. Anyone who says it w ill
receive great Mercy at the hour of
death. Priest s w ill recommend it to
sinners as the last hope. Even the most
h a r d e n e d s i nn e r , i f he r e c i t e s t h i s
Chaplet even once, will receive grace
from my infinite Mercy. I w ant the
whole world to know My infinite Mercy.
I want to give unimaginable graces to
those who trust in My Mercy".
This Chaplet can be said on ordinary
Then on the large beads say the
following words:
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body
and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your
dearly beloved Son Our Lord Jesus
Christ, in atonement for our sins and
those of the whole world.
On the smaller beads you are to say
the following words:
For the sake of His sorrowful
Passion have mercy on us and
on the whole world.
After the five decades you are to say
these words three times.
Holy God, Holy M ighty O ne,
Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us
and on the whole world.
Clive this leaflet to someone and help
spread His message of Divine Mercy.