課程資訊 課程名稱 微分幾何及其在物理的應用 Introduction to differential geometry for physicists 開課學期 100-2 授課對象 理學院 物理學研究所 授課教師 蘇武沛 學分 2 全/半年 半年 必/選修 選修 上課時間 星期五 67 上課地點 新物 833 備註 「開放式課程」。總人數上限:20 人 課程大綱 課程概述 Introduction to tensor analysis in curvilinear coordinate systems, differential forms, differential geometry, Berry's phase and other applications of geometrical ideas in physics 課程目標 To prepare the students for modern differential and integral calculus and their applications in modern physics. 課程要求 修過應用數學一、應用數學二、應用數學三或高等微積分 elementary quantum mechanics 參考書目 “Mathematical Methods for Physicists”, by Arfken and Weber, 6th Edition, Sections 2.10, 2.11, 4.8 “Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences”, by Harley Flanders, “Mathematical Methods of Physics”, by Mathews and Walker, 2nd Edition, Chapter 15 “Modern Quantum Mechanics”, by J. J. Sakurai, Revised Edition, Supplement I: Adiabatic Change and Geometric Phase “Solid State Physics”, by Grosso and Parracivini, Chapter VIII “A Mathematical Gift, I”, by K. Ueno, K. Shiga and S. Morita, Chapter 1: Invitation to Topology “Studies in Global Geometry and Analysis”, by S. S. Chern “Geometry, Topology and Physics”, by M Nakahara “Topology and Geometry for Physicists”, C. Nash and S. Sen No. 項目 百分比 評量方式 1. Homework 50% (僅供參考) 2. Presentation 20% 3. Exam 30% 說明 課程進度 週次 日期 單元主題 第1週 2/24 Organizational meeting, course overview 第2週 3/02 Euler characteristic, curvature of surface 第3週 3/09 Intuitive discussion of Gauss-Bonnet , Poincare-Hop theorems 第4週 3/16 Adiabatic principle and Berry phase 第5週 3/23 Berry’s curvature-analysis and topology 第6週 3/30 Classical tensor analysis, connection and curvature 第7週 4/06 Model of gauge interaction in electronic-nuclear systems 第8週 4/13 Differential forms 第9週 4/20 Homology and cohomology groups 第 10 週 4/27 Spin Hamiltonians and fiber bundles 第 11 週 5/04 Differential geometry of surface 第 12 週 5/11 Global geometry of surface 第 13 週 5/18 Geometry of fiber bundles 第 14 週 5/25 Characteristic classes 第 15 週 6/01 Harmonic forms 第 16 週 6/08 Index theorem-application to polyacetylene and graphene 第 17 週 6/15 Review