HYBRID INTERREGIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT CONSTRUCTION METHODS. PHASE ONE: ESTIMATION OF RPCS Fernando Escobedo-Cardeñoso1 & Jan Oosterhaven2 Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Abstract This paper searches for an optimal combination of non-survey methods when constructing a Spanish interregional input-output table for the region of Madrid and the five provinces of the region of Castilla-La Mancha (CLM), given thirteen Spanish regional input-output tables for around 2000 and 2005. Hence, we develop a regression analysis to obtain the intra-regional trade matrices for the provinces of CLM. This regression analysis is based on statistical data on the road transport of goods, on input-output interpolation and extrapolation techniques to calculate the regional purchase coefficients ,and uses a new method to add cell-specific information to the aggregate regressions. Keywords: Interregional input-output analysis, Non-survey methods, Regression analysis, Commodity trade flows, Spanish regions. 1. Introduction The debate about the pros and cons of different methods to construct regional and interregional input-output tables (IOTs) is predominantly phrased in terms of “either/or”. It evolves around such research questions as whether non-survey methods are acceptable or not and even whether using non-survey sector multipliers without IOTs are acceptable. At a more complex level questions arise about which type of coefficients, such as location quotients (LQs) or cross industry quotients, are best when estimating a non-survey IOT (Schaffer & Chu, 1969; Round, 1978), and whether using national coefficients and adapting them with RAS to the totals of the region at hand is acceptable or not (Hewings, 1969) or whether using IOT of different regions and adapting them with RAS is acceptable (Thuman, 1978). Even more subtle issues are the choice of survey strategies. Is it better to ask firms for their sales/exports behaviour or for their purchase/import behaviour, and how useful is it to oversample wholesale and transport sectors in order to get information on the export or the import coefficients of the products traded or shipped? (Boomsma & Oosterhaven, 1992). Also there is the issue whether the accuracy of non-survey methods should be evaluated at the level of the cells of the IO table (partitive accuracy) or better at the level of IO sector multipliers (holistic accuracy) (Jensen, 1980). Finally, specifically at the interregional level, at the edge between IO table construction and IO model building, there is the choice between the interregional IO versus multiregional IO versus gravity IO methods (Isard, 1951; Chenery, 1953; Moses, 1955; Leontief & Strout, 1963). 1 School of Civil Engineering and Planning, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avenida de Camilo Jose Cela 2, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain. Email: fernando.escobedo@uclm.es. 2 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Postbus 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands. Email: j.oosterhaven@rug.nl. In many practical cases, however, the issue is not so much about which method is better or worse, but which method is more appropriate in which data situations or in which model applications, and in which it less. Thus, it may occur that both Beemiller (1990) and Bourque (1990) are right. Bourque in claiming that the RIMS non-survey IOTs based on LQs produces too large errors to be acceptable, and Beemiller in claiming that combining survey information for the exogenous impulse with a non-survey IOT produces acceptable impact estimates. The same conclusion was drawn from a tourism impact study in the Netherlands. Multipliers for the tourism-related sectors that were survey-based were very close to those of a comparable survey IOT, whereas the non-survey multipliers for the other sectors were quite off the mark, notwithstanding that they did not influence the impact variables much (Spijker, 1985). Consequently, West (1990) and Lahr (1993) conclude that the future is for hybrid IO tables and models. When constructing a series of intercountry IOT for the EU Van der Linden and Oosterhaven (1995) use a – given the available data – optimal combination of the interregional IO model, the multiregional IO model, and RAS to re-price the import matrices from ex customs prices to producers’ prices. In this paper, we present the first construction phase of an interregional IOT for the Spanish regions of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha (CLM), given the available data. This first phase has two main steps. The first step has as its main goal to approximate the Regional Technical Coefficients (RTCs). Finally in the second and last step of this first phase the Regional Purchase Coefficients (RPCs) are estimated, and in this way we are able to calculate the intraregional transactions matrices for the five CLM provinces. For this purpose we use the national survey IOT and thirteen survey type regional,3 domestic imports and foreign imports IOTs with between 60 and 120 sectors, for around the period 2000-2005. Besides, we develop new methods to cope with the richness of survey data about RPCs, based on the IO interpolation and extrapolation techniques from Oosterhaven (2005). 2. Construction problem and solution strategy The accounting structure of the ideal interregional input-output table (IOT) for a certain nation (E) is given in Table 1. Each of the larger rectangular submatrices has the size I*(I+Q), where I = number of industries and Q = number of domestic final demand categories. The number of these interregional submatrices equals (R+1)*R, where R = number of regions and 1 = foreign imports. The other submatrices relate to remaining final demand F (foreign exports and changes in stocks) and gross value added at market prices V (product taxes minus subsidies, labour cost and operating surplus). Note that their overall totals equal total imports, exports and value added4. Thus, Table 1 depicts the sectoral disaggregation of both the regional and the national macro economic accounting identities (Y = C + I + G + E – M)5. The construction of any interregional IOT, within general accounting principles, essentially depends on the availability of survey data. Details on the data available for the construction of an interregional IOT for the Region Castilla-La Mancha (CLM) and the Comunidad de Madrid are given in the following pages. The location of the two regions and the constituent five Provinces of CLM are given in Figure 1. Their relative locations underscore the 3 Spain is a country constituted by seventeen regions, i.e. Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla León, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Rioja, Comunidad Valenciana and País Vasco, and two autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla. 4 The zeros indicate that transit trade is assumed to be equal to zero. 5 In Table 1, taking cell totals of the vectors and matrices mentioned, the national macro economic accounting identity equals vE = ∑r yr + fE – mE, while the regional macro identity equals Vr +Vyr = yr + ∑sr (Zrs + Yrs) + Fr – ∑sr (Zsr + Ysr) – Mr – Myr, with yr = Cr + Ir + Gr. 2 economic logic of combining the region of Madrid (M) with that of Castilla-La Mancha (C) into one IOT. The five CLM-provinces are: Albacete (A), Ciudad Real (D), Cuenca (U), Guadalajara (G) and Toledo (T). Spain (E), Madrid (M), and Castilla-La Mancha have detailed industry-by-industry IOTs with 73-59-68 sectors respectively for 2005, although finally as we face the different sector classification of the three tables we have a 50 sector classification for the model, as it can be seen in Table 2. In the case of Spain a full matrix with imports from the Rest of the World (RoW) is available, whereas for exports only columns for the Rest of the EU (RoEU) and the Remainder of the RoW (RRoW) are available. Additional to that information, the comparable IO tables for Madrid and CLM also have a full import matrix for the Rest of Spain (RoS), separate import matrices for the RoEU and the RRoW, and an export column for the RoS. For more details see Table 3, where we may check that we have eleven symmetric regional IO tables (Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla León, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Madrid, Navarra and País Vasco) and other two supply and use tables (Canarias and Cataluña). Besides this, we have detailed information on the size of the sectors in the five Provinces of CLM and in the Region of CLM for 2005 related to the employment6 of 60 sectors7, the two digit sectors NACE Classification8. Besides, at the level of 6 sectors for the provinces and 29 sectors for the regions, aggregate data about sectoral gross values added is available. Furthermore, detailed foreign export data are available for all provinces as well as detailed road transport data.The latter, however, are only considered reliable when aggregated to regions. Thus, hardly more information is available for the Region of CLM than for the Provinces of CLM. Consequently, we have chosen to construct a seven region IOT for Spain, with Madrid, the five CLM provinces and the RoS instead of a three region table with Madrid, CLM and the RoS. In this way, we are able to reach the NUTS 3 level in the regional statistical classification of the European Union9. This seven-region IOT will be estimated such that it is consistent with the national IOT for Spain, which will thus function as the double-entry control total for the interregional IOT (see Boomsma & Oosterhaven, 1992, for the optimal use of double-entry bi-regional book-keeping). The location of the two regions and the constituent five Provinces of CLM are given in Figure 1. Their relative locations underscore the economic logic of combining the region of Madrid (M) with that of Castilla-La Mancha (C) into one IOT. The region Rest of Spain (R) is Spain less Madrid less CLM, that is, the total of Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla León, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco, Rioja and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Finally the region Rest of the World (RoW) is the World less Spain. Another source of information is the Spanish census of houses and people, “Censo de población y viviendas”, of 2001. There, we can find basic demographic data, place of residence, academic profile, employment data (inter alia. hours worked and economic sector) and commuting data. 7 These data come from the “Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social”, an agency of the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Inmigration, which controls the employees affiliated to the national social security system. It does not include the public servants affiliated to the specific security system “Muface”, the soldiers affiliated to another specific security system “Isfas” and other professionals affiliated to private security systems. 8 The “Nomenclature generale des Activites economiques dans les Communautes Europeennes” refers to the industrial classification as defined in Revision 1 used by Eurostat. It has 17 Sections (letters A to Q), 31 Subsections (2-character alphabetical codes), 60 Divisions (2-digit codes), 222 Groups (3-digit codes) and 503 Classes (4-digit codes). 9 The five provinces of CLM are NUTS 3 regions according to Regulation No 1059/2003 on the “Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics” (NUTS). 6 3 Given the geographical characteristics and the data availability, the core of the construction problem and the core of its solution are two-fold. First, regional technical coefficients and regional final expenditure coefficients have to be estimated. Second, regional purchase coefficients have to be estimated. With the these two sets of estimates, the intra-regional intermediate and final purchases ZRR and FRR can be estimated. 2.1 Technical and expenditure coefficients per sector and category To get a precise description of the procedure we define the following parameters: n , number of sectors of the economic structure of Spain and its different regions. wiP , employment of sector i of region P . xiP , total output of sector i of region P . viP , total value added of sector i of region P . mclm, number of provinces of the global region Madrid + CLM. Besides, we have to define net taxes in CLM provinces: (1) niP wiP niCLM , P A, D,U , G, T ; i 1...n, wiCLM In this step next to the given matrices with total intermediate requirements and total final requirements for Madrid (i.e. the sum of the domestic and foreign origin matrices), comparable technical requirement matrices have to be estimated for the five CLM provinces. After that, it has to be checked that the total requirements by purchasing sector and region plus value added 1st step, are equal for total output. We may define RTCijP , the Regional Technical Coefficient of sector j of region P with respect to sector i , as the total purchases of sector j of region P to the sector i of Spain and the rest of the world. In the case of Castilla-La Mancha, with mijCLM indicating the imports of sector j of region CLM from sector i in RoW, the Regional Technical Coefficient is: (2) RTC ijCLM zijCLM zijrS ,CLM mijCLM x CLMj vCLM j If we define rijP as total requirements of sector j of region P from sector i , regardless its location, we estimate it as follows: (3) rijP zijP zijrS ,P mijP RTCijCLM x Pj v Pj , P A, C,U , G, T ; i, j 1,..., n Obviously (3) secures, as requires, that the total of all requirements equals total use, that is n (4) r i 1 P ij x Pj v Pj . 2.2 Estimation of regional purchase coefficients In relation to the given intra-regional transactions matrix for Madrid, comparable matrices with intra-regional intermediate and final transactions have to be estimated for the five CLM provinces. 4 The most common way to estimate these matrices is by multiplying the total requirement matrices from step 1 with provincial self-sufficiency ratios, also labelled as regional purchase coefficients (RPCs, Stevens & Trainer, 1980). The Spanish IO data are unique in the sense that 50x54=2700 cell-specific RPCs can be calculated for at least eleven Spanish regions. To keep the construction methodology tractable, we have chosen to explain the (row) aggregate RPCs for the 50 supplying sectors by means of regression analysis with sectoral and regional fixed effects, and to use the average row pattern of the cell-specific RPCs to differentiate the aggregate RPCs by purchasing industry and purchasing category of final demand (see Ralston, Hastings & Brucker, 1986, for the necessity to do this). To explain the aggregate sectoral RPCs from the thirteen regional IOTs, we will use the aggregate sectoral RPCs from the regional trucking survey, regional sectoral employment shares and geographical indicators, such as land surface share and the regional sectoral employment densities (cf. Oosterhaven, 2005). This will give a maximum estimate for the aggregate RPCs for the five CLM provinces. We define ARPC iP , the Aggregate Regional Purchase Coefficient of sector i of region P , as the ratio between the total purchases of region P from the sector i in region P to the total purchases of region P from the sector i in the whole world: n (5) ARPCiP z j 1 n n z j 1 PP ij PP ij n zijE P , P mijP j 1 j 1 Next, we undertake a regression analysis (RA) and use the trucking survey and other socioeconomic variables to check the past results (Wilson, 2000). The regression analysis has the general form indicated in Equation 6: (6) Being: ARPCiP i P 1 tsiPP wiP LP wiP iP , i 2 3 E 4 tsiPP tsiE P ,P tsiFP wP L LP i , fixed effects constants related to the economic sectors. P , fixed effects constants related to the regions. 1 , 2 , 3 . 4 , coefficients of the variables. tsiRS , trucking survey economic value of weight of good i transported from region R to region S in the same year of the regional IO table of region S LR , land surface of the region R . i , type of commodity transported, i 1...s Before reasonable results are reached in the regression analysis in terms of t-Statistic and Rsquared values, we have to go through some stages improving each time the results of the previous stage. Next, we define RPCijP , the Regional Purchase Coefficient of sector j in region P with respect to commodity i , as the ratio of the total purchases of sector j of region P to the commodities i from region P to the total purchases of sector j of region P to the sector i of the whole world: 5 zijPP RPCijP (7) rijP zijPP zijPP zijrS ,P mijP Then, we assume that the ratio between the individual regional purchase coefficient and the aggregate regional purchase coefficient for the five CLM provinces, aS z RPCijP (8) ARPC P i PP ij z PP ij mclmr z a 1 aP ij mijP , aS n z j 1 n z PP ij j 1 PP ij mclmr n z a 1 j 1 n aP ij mijP j 1 is the same than the Castilla-La Mancha: RPCijP (9) ARPCiP RA RPCijCLM ARPCiCLM If we take into account the former results we will have: (10) RPC ARPC P ij P RA i RPC ijCLM ARPCiCLM ; P M , A, C ,U , G, T , R ; i 1...n Finally we will be able to approximate the intra-regional IO table for the five provinces of CLM, as follows: (11) zijPP ARPCiP RA RPCijCLM ARPC CLM i z PP ij zijrS ,P mijP ; P A, C ,U , G, T ; i, j And then, for the provinces, a maximum estimate is: n (12) z j 1 CC ij n zijAA zijDD zijUU zijGG zijTT j 1 3. Results and discussion For the regression which is the core of this paper we need the following data: Intermediate demand and final demand of the IO tables, the statistics with respect to the carriage of goods by road, employment data and land areas data. The two last data are easily obtained from the Spanish Statistics National Institute. As it has been said above, the intermediate and final demand is taken from the thirteen Spanish regional IO tables, whose economic sector classification are related to the NACE 93 rev. 1 Classification10 or to the CPA 96 Classification 11. The trucking survey is undertaken 10 Nomenclature generale des Activites economiques dans les Communautes europeennes (NACE) refers to the industrial classification as defined in Revision 1 which is used by Eurostat. It has 17 Sections (letters A to Q), 31 Subsections (2-character alphabetical codes), 60 Divisions (2-digit codes), 222 Groups (3-digit codes) and 503 Classes (4-digit codes). It is regulated in the “Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 of 9 October 1990 on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community”, whose purpose is to establish a common statistical classification of economic activities within the European Community in order to ensure comparability between national and Community classifications and hence national and Community statistics. 11 Established in the Council Regulation (EEC) No 3696/93 of 29 October 1993 on the statistical classification of products by activity (CPA) in the European Economic Community. The statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE) and the statistical Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) in the European Community 6 every year in all the countries of the European Union12. In the case of Spain, for example, the survey carried out in 2000 had 227,931 data where the most important variables are the type of goods, according to the groups in the NSTR/67 classification, the weight of the goods (gross weight in 100 kg), and the region or province of loading and unloading of the goods (country in the case of imports or exports). The first and main difficulty we have to overcome is the different product classifications between the input-output tables and the trucking survey. The two digits CPA 96 classification has 60 economic sectors and the NSRT/67 classification has 52 two digits sectors. When we face both classifications, CPA and NSTR, we realize that all the NSRT sectors only correspond to the first half of the CPA sectors, as the second half of the CPA sectors are related to services, not to products, so for the services sectors we do a regression between the total trades between two territories. After this step we undertake the regression analysis but in a first stage we mix the fixed effects i and P into one only constant. As we may see in Table 4, the results are quite good in terms of t-statistics, as all the variables are significant, that is, are above 1.96, 95% of reliability. Nevertheless the area share is not as good as it has 87.6% of reliability. With respect to the R-squared this is not good as it is 0.21 when the acceptable values are clearly above 0.6 or 0.7, so it is necessary to carry out more regressions but in this occasion with fixed sectoral and regional effects. Another analysis we have to do is the multicolinearity or correlation between the variables. This analysis can be seen in Table 5, where we can check that there is a strong correlation between the variables associated to the employment, that is, employment share and employment density. As this last one has a worse t-statistic value it would be adequate not to use it in the following regression when we are to use fixed effects. 4. Conclusions In this paper Phase 1 of the construction of an interregional input-output table for Spain is presented and it is mainly based on the statistical data with respect to the carriage of goods by road that is undertaken every year in the different countries of the European Union. These statistical data provide us with abundant data (more than 200,000 surveys in Spain in 2000) for the economic sectors that produce goods like agriculture, fish, mining, and manufacturing but do not contribute with data in the services sector, so we have to assume that the economic transactions in this sector are proportional to the totals in the sectors that interchange goods. The key point of the model with respect to obtaining the intra-regional input-output matrices is a regression analysis between input-output tables of Spanish regions which have detailed regional, domestic imports and foreign imports and the statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road, besides other parameters like employment and land areas. This regression analysis can be solved with a statistical software package and it has to focused the attention in three main points: t-statistics, R-squared and correlation between the variables. Then we have to select the number of variables and create and optimal mixture of fixed sectoral and regional effects to obtain the best results in terms of the statistical parameters mentioned above. are part of the integrated system of statistical classifications. They have the same structure, their difference is that NACE is for industries and CPA is for products. 12 This is the subject of the “Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/98 of 25 May 1998 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road”. This regulation states that Member States shall compile statistical data relating to the following areas: a) vehicle-related data; b) journey-related data and c) goods-related data. 7 Acknowledgements Yves Mahieu and other colleagues from Eurostat provided us with useful correspondence tables between different economic classifications used in this paper. References Beemiller, R. M. (1990) Improving accuracy by combining primary data with RIMS: Comment on Bourque, International Regional Science Review, 13, 1-2, pp. 99-101. Boomsma, P. & Oosterhaven J. (1992) A double-entry method for the construction of biregional input-output tables, Journal of Regional Science, 32, 3, pp. 269-84. Bourque, P.J. 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Devon, England, Northcote House Pub Ltd. 9 TABLE 1. Layout of an ideal interregional input-output table. Region 1 … Region R 1 Z11 Y11 ... Z1R Y1R F1 x1 : : : : : : R ZR1 YR1 ... ZRR YRR FR xR M1 My1 ... MR MyR 0 mE V1 Vy1 ... VR VyR 0 vE (x1 y1)’ ... (xR yR)’ (fE)’ ∑ 10 ∑ TABLE 2. The classification of the Spanish interregional input-output model. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name Agriculture, hunting, forestry, logging, fishing, fish farming and related service activities Mining of coal and lignite; extraction of peat; extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction, excluding surveying; mining of uranium and thorium ores; manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel Mining of metal ores and other mining and quarrying Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat products Manufacture of dairy products Processing and preserving of fish, fish products, fruit and vegetables. Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats, grain mill products, starches and starch products, prepared animal feeds and other food products Manufacture of beverages and tobacco products Manufacture of textiles Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture of glass and glass products Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products, except glass Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipments n.e.c. Manufacture of office machinery, computers, medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c. Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture of other transport equipment Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c. and recycling Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply and collection, purification and distribution of water Construction Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail of automotive fuel Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport via railways Other land transport; transport via pipelines Water and air transport Supporting and auxiliary transport activities of travel agencies Post and telecommunications Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security and activities auxiliary to financial intermediation Real estate activities and renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods Computer and related activities Research and development Other business activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Health and social work Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities Activities of membership organisations n.e.c. and recreational, cultural and sporting activities Other service activities Activities of households 11 NACE groups 01, 02, 05 10, 11, 12, 23 13, 14 15.1 15.5 15.2-15.4, 15.6-15.8 15.9, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26.1 26.2-26.8 27 28 29 30, 33 31 32 34 35 36, 37 40, 41 45 50 51 52 55 60.1 60.2-60.3 61, 62 63 64 65 66, 67 70, 71 72 73 74 75 80 85 90 91, 92 93 95 Symmetric Input-Output table Use table Supply table TABLE 3. Details of the survey regional input tables in Spain. Region or Country and Andalucía Aragón year 2000 (IOT 1999 (IOT 2005 2005 in available) process) Prices Number of products Adjustment items Total output categories Number of industries Imports columns Transformation to purchasers’ prices categories Prices Number of products Imports matrices Adjustment items Value added Number of industries Final consumption expenditure Gross capital formation Exports columns Prices Number of industries or products Imports matrices Adjustment items Value added Final consumption expenditure Gross capital formation Exports columns Asturias 2000 (IOT 2005 available) Baleares 2004 Canarias 2002 (IOT 2005 in mid 2010) Castilla-La Mancha 2005 Castilla y León 2000 (IOT 2005 in the end of 2009) Basic 99 d, f Cataluña 2001 (IOT 2005 in mid 2009) Comunidad Valenciana 2000 (IOT 2005 in process) Basic 98 f s, t, u 84 a, b, c w, v, z, x, y, r Galicia 1998 (IOT 2005 in the end of 2009) Basic 109 Madrid 2000 (IOT 2005 in mid 2009) Navarra 2005 País Vasco 2000 (IOT 2005 available) España 2000 (IOT 2005 available) Basic 90 f s, t, u 76 a, b, c w, v, x-y Basic 100 d, f 48 a, b, c w, v, x-y Basic 101 d, f s, t, u 87 a, b, c w-v, x-y Basic 118 d, f s, t, u 75 b, c w, v, x-y Basic 90 a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j 76 k, l, m-n Basic 100 a, b-c d, e, f, g h, i, j 48 k, l, m-n Basic 101 a, b-c e, f, g h, i, j 87 k, m-n Basic 118 b-c d, e, f, g h, i, j 75 k, l, m-n Basic 86 f s, t, u 86 a, b, c v, w, x-y Basic 90 d, f s, t, u 68 a, b, c w, v, x-y, r Basic 77 f s, t, u 65 a-b-c w, v, x-y Basic 62 f s, t, u 57 a, b, c w, v, x-y No Supply table Basic 73 d, f s, t, u 69 a, b, c w, v, y, g, r Basic 86 a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j 86 k, l-m, n Basic 90 a-b-c* g, r Basic 77 a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j 65 k, l-m, n Basic 62 a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j 57 k, l, m-n Basic 61 a, b-c e, f, g h, i, j 61 k, l-m-n Basic 73 a, b, c d, e, f, g h, i, j 69 k, l, m-n Basic 99 a, b, c d, e, f, g h, i, j 60 k, l, m-n Basic 122 a, b-c e, f, g h, i, j 122 k, l-m-n Basic 98 a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j 84 k, l, m-n Purchasers’ 109 a, b, c p, q a, b, c Basic 68 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 58 Products by 58 industries a, b, c d, e, f, g h, i, j p, q a, b-c p, q a, b, c Basic 84 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 65 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 74 products by 74 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 48 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 87 industries p, q b, c Basic 73 industries a-b-c* IO a-b-c* e, f, g h, i, j a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j a, b-c d, e, f, g h, i, j a, b-c e, f, g h, i, j b-c d, e, f, g, r h, i, j k, l, m-n table k, l, m-n k, l, m-n k, l, m-n k, m-n k, l, m-n p, q a, b, c p, q a, b, c p, q a, b, c p, q b, c 68 k, l, m, n p, q a, b, c Basic 86 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 68 products by 68 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 65 industries p, q a, b, c Basic 62 products p, q a, b-c a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j a-b-c* d, e-f, g, r h, i, j a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j a, b, c e, f, g h, i, j symmetric IO a, b, c d, e, f, g h, i, j k, l-m, n k, l, m, n k, l-m, n k, l, m-n table k, l, m-n p, q a, b, c p, q a, b, c p, q a, b, c p, q a, b, c No p, q a, b, c 60 a, b, c w, v, x-y p, q a, b, c No Supply table No symmetric p, q a, b, c 66 a, b, c v-w, r, x, y h, i, j 67 k, l-m, n d-e-f-g-h-ij k-l-m-n-pq-a-b-c a: Rest of Spain. b: Rest of the European Union. c: Rest of the world. d: Cif/ fob adjustments on exports. e: Purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents. f: Direct purchases abroad by residents. g: Net taxes on products. r: Value added tax. h: Compensation of employees. i: Other net taxes on production. j: Gross operating surplus and mixed income. k: By households. l: By Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH). m: By government, individual services. n: By government, collective services. p: Gross fixed capital formation and valuables. q: Changes in inventories. s: Market output. t: For own final use. u: Other non-market output. v: Transport margins. w: Trade margins. x: Taxes on products. y: Subsidies on products. z: taxes on imports. -: Means categories combined in one row, in one column or in one matrix. *: The row totals are disaggregated in three values: domestic imports, EU imports and rest of the world imports. TABLE 4. Results of the different regression. Variable Constant Trucking Survey Employment Share Area Share Employment Density R-squared Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. 0.195259 0.037668 5.183736 0.000000 0.378000 0.052061 7.260639 0.000000 4.699469 0.827184 5.681285 0.000000 0.315400 0.204679 1.540953 0.123899 18.793769 7.915307 2.374358 0.017919 Mean Dependent Variable 0.514682 0.210302 Standard Deviation Adjusted R-squared 0.204600 Dependent Variable 0.319870 0.285277 Akaike Information Criterion 0.338192 Standard Error Regression Sum Squared Residuals 45.086157 Schwarz Criterion 0.376887 Log likelihood -89.524648 Hannan-Quinn Criterion 0.353303 Statistic 1.110429 F-Statistic 36.883407 Prob (F-statistic) 0.000000 Durbin-Watson TABLE 5. Correlation between the variables. Trucking Employment Employment Survey Share Area Share Density Trucking Survey 1.00000 0.06568 -0.11687 -0.03135 Employment Share 0.06568 1.00000 -0.01215 0.60135 Area Share -0.11687 -0.01215 1.00000 -0.24065 Employment Density -0.03135 0.60135 -0.24065 1.00000 FIGURE 1. Seven regions of the Spanish interregional input-output table. R M T G U D A M: Madrid. A: Albacete. D: Ciudad Real. U: Cuenca. G: Guadalajara. T: Toledo. R: Rest of Spain. 14