VIRGINIA: AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD ON JANUARY 4, 2007 at 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: BERNARD L. JONES, CHAIRMAN; WELTON TYLER, VICECHAIRMAN; ROBERT H. CONNER, BARBARA JARRETT DRUMMOND, MARC L. FINNEY, MEMBERS; CHARLETTE T. WOOLRIDGE, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR; TAMMY W. NEWCOMB, CMC ***** The Chairman called the meeting to order. ***** Re: Approval of Agenda Upon motion of Mr. Finney, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the agenda as presented. Ayes: Conner, Drummond, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None. ***** Re: Presentation: Conditional Use Permit Case #06-034 submitted by Industrial Power Generating Company L.L.C. (dba INGENCO) The Chairman stated that Industrial Power Generating Company L.L.C. (INGENCO) has submitted a conditional use permit application to construct, operate and maintain a Landfill Gas to Electric (LFGTE) generating project on property owned by Allied Waste Industries. Allied Waste Industries operates Brunswick Waste Management Facility. Mr. Alan Peterson, Vice President, INGENCO, provided the following background information about the company: Based in Richmond, Virginia Began business in 1989 Design, build, own and operate distributed power generating facilities Currently have eleven (11) distributed generation facilities nationwide Manufacture most the components used in their facilities in Richmond 120 Megawatts in operation 76 Megawatts of landfill gas-to-energy capacity 30 Megawatts in development Over 300 generators installed at each facility to burn the gas Mr. Peterson stated that landfill gas is a natural product of decomposing waste consisting of about 50% methane. Brunswick Waste Management Facility now produces about 75 million BTU’s per hour (MMBtuh) of methane gas. By 2011, this will double to 140 MMBtuh and by 2019 it will be about 250 MMBtuh. This is equivalent to nearly 5 million gallons of heating fuel oil per year. Mr. Peterson stated that INGENCO’s mission is to reduce the emissions from landfills by encouraging development of environmentally and economically beneficial landfill gas-to-energy projects. Mr. Peterson explained that the gas emission is currently being “flared” or burned at the landfill. Instead of destroying this as waste, INGENCO is developing a landfill gas-to-energy source. Mr. Jeff Burrier, Manager, Brunswick Waste Management Facility, stated that local, state, and federal laws require that the landfill gas is extracted and flared (incineration treatment) from the active and closed portions of the landfill for compliance with odor and emission requirements. Allied has contracted with INGENCO to purchase and develop a beneficial use of the energy contained within the landfill gas. Mr. Burrier stated that Allied will pay Brunswick County a host fee on the revenues generated from the sale of landfill gas to INGENCO, in accordance with Landfill and Facility Agreement. Mr. Burrier provided the following ranges in host fee payments: Year 1(2007): $36,000 (low end) to $58,000 (high year) per year Year 5 (2011): $58,000 to $93,000 Mr. Peterson stated that the new facility would create up to nine new technical positions. He further indicated that INGENCO hires local individuals to work at the facilities. Mr. Peterson thanked the Board for the opportunity to provide an overview of the project and stated that he would answer any questions. ***** Re: Question/Answer Session The Chairman opened the Question/Answer Session. The following citizens spoke: Mr. George Winn, Bluegrass Foundation, asked how close this facility would be in proximity to his property. He also inquired about the noise levels. Mr. Peterson stated that the facility is approximately .8 of a mile from the Bluegrass Foundation property. He advised Mr. Winn that the noise generated from this facility would not interfere with the activities on his property. Mr. Jerry Marston stated that he would like the County to review the conditions set forth in Conditional Use Permit Case #21-93 for construction of the landfill and ensure compliance. Mr. Curman Tucker inquired about run-off from the property since he owns property that adjoins the site. Mr. Peterson responded that stringent restrictions are adhered to in regard to adequate stabilization of the site to prevent erosion onto adjacent properties. Supervisor Tyler inquired as to what type of skill level is required and what is the salary range for the positions. Mr. Peterson responded that INGENCO plans to hire individuals from the local community and will be searching for diesel mechanics or individuals with electrician experience. He added that the positions will pay $14.00 - $19.00 per hour. Supervisor Conner left the meeting. Mr. Winn inquired as to where the electricity generated from the facility will be utilized. Mr. Peterson stated that the power will be absorbed locally. There being no further questions, Chairman Jones thanked Mr. Peterson, INGENCO, and Mr. Jeff Burrier, Brunswick Waste Management Facility, for their presentation. ***** Re: Adjourn Upon motion of Ms. Drummond, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned. Ayes: Drummond, Finney, Tyler, Jones; ______________________________ Bernard L. Jones, Chairman Nays: None. __________________________ Charlette T. Woolridge, Clerk