Coral Reefs

Math Literature Project Planning Sheet
Project Title:
Microsoft PowerPoint: Coral Reefs Presentation (3–4 days)
Description of technology Integration:
Students will use the Internet to gather information about the coral reefs.
They will create a slide presentation of facts and picture, displaying their
knowledge of the types of coral reefs, locations, animals in their ecosystem
and predators of the reefs.
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will use the Internet to locate information on the coral reefs.
2. Students will create a slide presentation with information obtained
from the Internet.
3. Students will import pictures and diagrams from the Internet.
Grade Level: 5
Computer Applications Strand(s):
#1 Basic Operations and Concepts
#2 Social, Ethical and Human Issues
#4 Word Processing
#5 Internet
#8 Multimedia
Materials Needed:
Teacher created recording sheets for each student
Sample of finished project
Clipboards / pencils
Favorite to MLT Resource Page or Shortcut dragged into MLT or
shared file for your school (
Introduction and Basic Information
 Discussion of the coral reefs sharing what students know and what
they would like to learn about them.
 Share completed project with students.
1. Teacher will walk students through the MLT Student Resource
2. Teacher will play sample Coral Reef Project.
3. Students will go to Student Web Resources (in Favorites) and
navigate to Coral Reefs Project
4. Teacher will open web resource page and show students sites
5. Teacher will pass out Coral Reefs Recording Sheet and review
project expectations
6. Students will use Web Resource Page to search web sites and
complete notes
7. Students will open Microsoft PowerPoint
8. Students will click on Blank Presentation and click OK
9. Students will click on blank slide (bottom right selection) – OK
10. Insert – Picture – Clipart
11.Type in fish borders and select ocean border by clicking on
border and selecting insert clip art and close ClipArt
12.Resize boarder to make it fit the slide
13.Using Word Art students will type title: Coral Reefs
14.Select font and then resize title to fit in white area
15.Select text box from the drawing tool bar to and student should
center and type their name.
16.Slide 2: Insert new slide - Select 1st in 3rd row (Bulleted list
with title and picture). Add title – What is a Coral Reef? Add
Clip Art- Double-click to add clip art and type: Fish. Students
will select appropriate clip art (may need to click on Keep
Looking to find clip art) In bulleted list box, turn bullets off
and type definition of coral reef.
17.Slide 3: Insert new slide- Select 2nd slide in 1st row. Title:
Where are the Coral Reefs? Delete bullet and type short
paragraph. Copy and paste map from Enchanted Learning
website (website # 3)
18.Slide 4: Insert new slide- Select 3nd slide in 3rd row. Title:
Types of Coral Reefs. Copy/paste pictures of the 3 different
types of coral reefs (Fringing Reef, Barrier Reef, Atoll) Use text
box icon to create text boxes near each picture and type
description of each.
19.Slide 5: Insert New slide- Select 3nd slide in 3rd row. Title:
Animals of the Coral Reefs. Copy/paste pictures of animals
from Enchanted Learning website. These can be labeled by
creating text boxes under each animal.
20.Slide 6: Insert new slide- Select 2nd slide in 1st row. Title:
Who are the Coral Reef Predators? Delete bullet and type
short paragraph. Insert Fish clip art.
21.Slide 7: Insert new slide- Select 2nd slide in 1st row. Title:
Interesting Facts. Type at least 2 facts, resize text box,
copy/paste image from any Coral Reef website
22.Slide 8: Insert New slide- Select 3nd slide in 3rd row. Title:
Sources. Go to MLT Coral Reef Resource Page, copy/paste
names and urls of websites onto this slide.
23.Slide 9: Insert New slide- Select 3nd slide in 3rd row. Create a
snappy The End slide with clip art or picture copied/pasted
from website.
24.Insert Blank Slide (this helps when you set project on
automatic timer)
Notes from Karen:
I usually spend the first day creating all of the slides and typing the
titles on the slides and another day locating the appropriate pictures.
Handout questions go in the same order of the slides. We did not break
this project into specific days, but it is estimated that this will take 3-4
days to complete.
Since this project will take place in the middle of fifth grade, it is
assumed that students will already know how to change color of
background and text, and already have basic experience with
PowerPoint. Instruct on use of Transitions/Animations as you see fit.
(Refer to previous lessons for directions)
Note: Project created by Sandy Good year