Ο τομέας της Νανοτεχνολογίας στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

Ο τομέας της Νανοτεχνολογίας στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
Νανοτεχνολογία ονομάζεται το σύνολο των τεχνολογιών που επιτρέπουν το χειρισμό, τη
μελέτη ή την αξιοποίηση πολύ μικρών (συνήθως μικρότερων των 100 νανόμετρων) δομών και
συστημάτων1. Ένα νανόμετρο είναι το ένα δισεκατομμυριοστό ενός μέτρου. Τα νανο-υλικά
ορίζονται με βάση τις διαστάσεις τους (μία τουλάχιστο διάστασή τους πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ 1100 νανόμετρα) ή με βάση τη λειτουργικότητά τους. Νανοτεχνολογίες ονομάζονται όλες οι
τεχνολογίες που είτε ενσωματώνουν ή χρησιμοποιούν νανο-υλικά είτε περιλαμβάνουν
διαδικασίες που διενεργούνται σε νανο-κλίμακα.
Η νανοτεχνολογία επιτρέπει την ποιοτική διαφοροποίηση των ιδιοτήτων και των
λειτουργιών υλικών, συσκευών και προϊόντων. Τα προϊόντα και οι μέθοδοί της μπορούν να
βρουν εφαρμογή σε όλους τους κλάδους οικονομικής δραστηριότητας. Αναφέρουμε ενδεικτικά
ορισμένες από τις εφαρμογές της σε επίπεδο τελικών προϊόντων:
Ιατρικά μηχανήματα χορήγησης φαρμάκων που χρησιμοποιούν νανο-υλικά τα οποία
επιτρέπουν τον προγραμματισμό της χορήγησης φαρμάκων
Πιο συμπιεσμένα συστήματα Η/Υ, κινητών τηλεφώνων και καλωδίων, τα οποία
ενσωματώνουν νανο-ανθρακονήματα (carbon nanotubes)
Επικαλύψεις για εξαρτήματα αυτοκινήτων που επιφέρουν αντίσταση στη διάβρωση και
άλλες φθορές
Φωτοηλεκτρικά κύτταρα αυξημένης αποδοτικότητας λόγω νανο-επικάλυψης που είναι
πολύ πιο ευαίσθητη σε συνθήκες αδύναμης ηλιοφάνειας
Πρόσθετες ουσίες καυσίμων που επιτρέπουν μειωμένη καύση/κατανάλωση σε μηχανές
Συστήματα καθαρισμού νερού με αυξημένη αποδοτικότητα
Βελτιωμένες μεμβράνες καθαρισμού του αέρα με δυνατότητα μετατροπής των αερίων
των αυτοκινήτων ή των βιομηχανικών εγκαταστάσεων σε ακίνδυνα αέρια
OECD: The Working Party on Nanotechnology:
Η παγκόσμια αγορά νανοτεχνολογίας – Γενικές τάσεις
Η παγκόσμια αγορά νανοτεχνολογίας χαρακτηρίζεται από ραγδαία ανάπτυξη, η οποία
εκτιμάται ότι θα επιταχυνθεί τα προσεχή έτη. Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία του ΟΟΣΑ του 2009, τα
προϊόντα νανοτεχνολογίας εκτιμώνται παγκοσμίως σε 800 ενώ το 2006 ήταν μόλις 210 2.
Ενώ οι προβλέψεις για το μελλοντικό μέγεθος της αγοράς παρουσιάζουν μεγάλη
διακύμανση, ακόμα και οι πιο συντηρητικές εκτιμούν ότι το παγκόσμιο εισόδημα από τη
νανοτεχνολογία θα ανέλθει από $2δις το 2007 σε $81δις το 20153.
Πρόβλεψη ανάπτυξης παγκόσμιας αγοράς νανοτενολογίας
Τεχνολογίες πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών
Αεροδιαστημική & Άμυνα
Γεωργία, Τρόφιμα, Ποτά
Καταναλωτικά αγαθά
Επιστήμες Υγείας
Περιβάλλον - Ύδατα
Κατασκευαστικός τομέας
Προστασία προϊόντων
Έσοδα νανοτεχνολογίας
το έτος 2007 ($εκατ)
Πρόβλεψη εσόδων
νανοτεχνολογίας το έτος
2010 ($εκατ)
Σύμφωνα με το UK Technology Strategy Board, η ανάπτυξη της νανοτεχνολογίας στο
Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, θα ακολουθήσει τις διεθνείς τάσεις.
2 Nanotechnology: An Overview Based on Indicators and Statistics (STI Working Paper 2009/7)
3 Nanoscale Technology Strategy 2009-12, Technology Strategy Board, September 2009
Η βρετανική αγορά νανοτεχνολογίας 4
Το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο κατατάσσεται στην τρίτη θέση παγκοσμίως, μετά τις ΗΠΑ και τη
Γερμανία, με κριτήριο τον αριθμό των επιχειρήσεων5.
Σύμφωνα με έκθεση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, το 2006, το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
- Τέταρτο σε όρους αιτήσεων διπλωμάτων ευρεσιτεχνίας, μετά τις ΗΠΑ, την Ιαπωνία και
τη Γερμανία
- Τρίτο στα νανο-οπτικά, μετά τις ΗΠΑ και την Ιαπωνία
- Τέταρτο σε υλικά νανοκλίμακας, μετά από τις ΗΠΑ, την Ιαπωνία και τη Γερμανία
Η νανοτεχνολογία έχει ενσωματωθεί σε πολλά προϊόντα και παραγωγικές διαδικασίες
κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο. Ωστόσο, ακριβώς λόγω της φύσης της και
των χαρακτηριστικών της, δεν είναι εύκολη η αποτύπωση συνολικής εικόνας για την βρετανική
παραγωγική αλυσίδα νανοτεχνολογίας (από τους κατασκευαστές νανο-υλικών ή τους
εισαγωγείς, μέχρι τους τελικούς καταναλωτές). Υπό αυτό τον περιορισμό, το Δίκτυο Μεταφοράς
Γνώσης για τη Νανοτεχνολογία (Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network) εκτιμά ότι στο
Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο υπάρχουν τουλάχιστο 800 περίπου εταιρείες περίπου εταιρείες που
χρησιμοποιούν εφαρμογές νανοτεχνολογίας ενώ για 220 εξ αυτών η νανοτεχνολογία αποτελεί
σημαντικό ποσοστό (τμήμα) της δραστηριότητάς τους.
Ένας πυρήνας 100 περίπου βρετανικών επιχειρήσεων νανο-υλικών αποτελείται κυρίως
από χρήστες και μικρό αριθμό κατασκευαστών. Το ακόλουθο διάγραμμα παρουσιάζει την
κατανομή τους ανά δραστηριότητα.
UK Nanotechnologies Strategy, Small Technologies, Great opportunities, HM Treasury, March 2010
Nanotechnology: a UK Industry View, Mini Innovation and Growth Team, Knowledge Transfer Networks, Materials
UK, 2010
Κατανομή κύριων βρετανικών εταιρειών νανο-υλικών ανά τομέα δραστηριότητας
Νανο-υλικά με βάση τον άνθρακα (carbonbased nanomaterials)
Νανο-ανόργανη ύλη (nano-inorganics)
Μεταλλικά μέρη και κράματα (particulate
metals and alloys)
Νανο-δομημένοι οβελίσκοι (nano-structured
Νανο-υαλικά (nano-glasses)
Νανο-κεραμικά (nano-ceramics)
Λεπτά φιλμ και νανο-επικαλύψεις (thin films
and nano-coatings)
Ημιαγωγοί (quantum dots-semiconductors)
Βιολογικά νανο-υλικά (biological
Νανο-ηλεκτρονικά (nano-electronics)
MEMS (Μικρο-ηλεκτρο-μηχανολογικά
Επιπλέον, περίπου 340 βρετανικές εταιρείες δραστηριοποιούνται στην υποστήριξη των
υποδομών του κλάδου νανοτεχνολογίας. Πολλές εξ αυτών είναι προμηθευτές προϊόντων και
υπηρεσιών σε κατασκευαστές ή χρήστες προϊόντων νανοτεχνολογίας. Η ταξινόμησή τους ανά
τομέα δραστηριότητας απεικονίζεται ακολούθως:
Κατανομή κύριων βρετανικών εταιρειών υποστήριξης υποδομής ανά τομέα
Προμήθεια εξοπλισμού
Τεχνολογίες μεταποίησης-επεξεργασίας
(process technologies)
Παραγωγή-τοποθέτηση εργαλείων
Μετρολογία και υπηρεσίες ελέγχου
(Metrology, testing service )
Design, modelling, R&D
Ολοκλήρωση συστημάτων (system integrator)
Contract manufacturing
Συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες
Οι βρετανικές εταιρείες νανοτεχνολογίας δραστηριοποιούνται ιδιαίτερα στα
εξειδικευμένα χημικά, τις επικαλύψεις υλικών, τα μελάνια και τους αισθητήρες. Ειδικά στον
τομέα των εξειδικευμένων χημικών, το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο έχει ισχυρή βιομηχανία, ιδιαίτερα
στη Βόρεια Αγγλία και πολλές από τις εταιρείες αναπτύσσουν εξειδικευμένες επιχειρηματικές
μονάδες για να ενσωματώσουν τη νανοτεχνολογία στα προϊόντα τους.
Επίσης μελάνια και επικαλύψεις υλικών χρησιμοποιούνται στην αγορά των
ηλεκτρονικών μεγάλων επιφανειών, η οποία παρουσιάζει αυξημένη δυναμική στο ΗΒ. Τέλος, η
νανοτεχνολογία ενσωματώνεται στους τομείς της κατασκευής εργαλείων, των ιατρικών
συσκευών και της μηχανικής (αυτοματοποιημένης) χορήγησης φαρμακευτικών προϊόντων.
Η κατανομή των βρετανικών εφαρμογών νανοτεχνολογίας ανά βιομηχανικό κλάδο
παρουσιάζεται στο παρακάτω διάγραμμα.
Κατανομή βρετανικών εφαρμογών νανοτεχνολογίας ανά αριθμό εταιρειών και ανά τομέα
Η δημόσια δαπάνη για τη νανοτεχνολογία στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο για τα τελευταία 12
έτη έχει υπερβεί τα £640 εκατ.
Η στρατηγική της βρετανικής κυβέρνησης7 για τον κλάδο της νανοτεχνολογίας βασίζεται
στους ακόλουθους τομείς:
Επιχειρήσεις και καινοτομία
Ανάπτυξη της έρευνας στους τομείς του περιβάλλοντος, της υγείας και της ασφάλειας
Δημιουργία θεσμικού πλαισίου και
Διεθνής Συνεργασία
Nanotechnology: a UK Industry View, Mini Innovation and Growth Team, Knowledge Transfer Networks,
Materials UK, 2010
UK Nanotechnologies Strategy, Small Technologies, Great opportunities, HM Treasury, March 2010
Ειδικότερα, οι δράσεις της βρετανικής κυβέρνησης σε συνεργασία με το Technology
Strategy Board και το British Standards Institution αφορούν σε:
Περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της έρευνας μέσω ενίσχυσης των κονδυλίων που διατίθενται στα
βρετανικά ερευνητικά κέντρα
Μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας και δικτύωση ανάμεσα στα ερευνητικά κέντρα και τις
επιχειρήσεις με στόχο τη διευκόλυνση της εμπορευματοποίησης των εφαρμογών της
Κρατική υποστήριξη στην τυποποίηση και δημιουργία προτύπων στις καινοτόμες και τις
αναδυόμενες τεχνολογίες
Εξάλειψη των εμποδίων προς ανάπτυξη που χαρακτηρίζουν την κατακερματισμένη
βρετανική αγορά νανοτεχνολογίας: ένταση συνεργασίας και μεταφοράς τεχνογνωσίας
ανάμεσα στις πολλές ΜΜΕ του κλάδου, χάραξη κοινής στρατηγικής. Ενημέρωση του
κοινού για τις εφαρμογές της νανοτεχνολογίας, εντοπισμό και απάλειψη ενδεχομένων
θεσμικών εμποδίων
Περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη συνεργασιών με διεθνείς φορείς πχ στα πλαίσια του ΟΟΣΑ και του
Working Party on Nanotechnology
Σημαντικοί οργανισμοί στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο στον τομέα της νανοτεχνολογίας ή σε
συνδεδεμένους τομείς
 Nanotechnologies: Influence and Inform the UK Strategy
 Research Councils UK – Nanoscience from Engineering to Application
 Nanotechnologies Research Strategy Group
 Nanotechnologies Issues Dialogue Group
 Nano & me
 Technology Strategy Board
 Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network
 British Standards Institution
 Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
 Health and Safety Executive
 Health Protection Agency
 Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
 Food Standards Agency
 Welsh Assembly
 Scottish Parliament
 Northern Ireland Executive
Εταιρείες Νανοτεχνολογίας στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και σύντομη περιγραφή των
δραστηριοτήτων τους
1. 3M Espe
Manufactures a Light Curing Nano-Ionomer Restorative for dental fillings that is a
paste/paste, resin-modified glass ionomer material based on bonded nanofiller technology
(Ketac™ N100).
2. Advanced Hall Sensors
The activity of the company involves specifically tailoring adaptable magnetic sensors to
meet a range of bespoke and industrial requirements, offering a choice of previously
unmatched characterestic combinations that are essential to many industries and
applications. The company's sensors rely, for their operation, on the concept of "Band
Gap Engineering" as opposed to traditional semiconductor Hall effect sensors which rely
on the "bulk" properties of the semiconductors.
3. AFE Technology Coatings (AFETC)
AFE Technology Coatings (AFETC) is a developer and manufacturer of thin film based
optical filters and coatings for use in a variety of precision optical applications.
Specialising in high performance products AFETC supplies prototypes and OEM
quantities of filters and coatings to industry leaders in the following market sectors:
Defence and Aerospace, Telecommunications, Instrumentation, Laser, Medical, Displays.
4. Agar Scientific
The company supplies accessories and consumables in support of all forms of
microscopy, including nanoparticles.
5. Analytical NanoTechnologies
ANT has strategic focus in the research, development and manufacture of real time and
near real time diagnostics to detect biochemical discharges in manufacturing and
environmental situations. The company currently concentrates on the following
biochemical detection systems: Enzymes, Dioxins, Estrogen Steroids.
6. Andor Technology
Andor Technology develops and manufactures instruments for the global spectroscopy
and scientific imaging markets.
7. ANTnano
ANTnano is a research, development and manufacturing company involved in the
monitoring, sampling and analysis of biochemical discharges including: enzymes estrogen - dioxins and furans.
8. Applied Microengineering (AML)
AML is a supplier to the international micro- and nanotechnology community with its
unique in-situ aligned bonding machines and services.
9. Applied Nanodetectors Technology
Develops IP and technologies for nanosensors.
10. Aquila Instruments
A manufacturer of precision optical instrumentation, specialising in Spectrophotometry
systems for the non-contact measurement of thin film coatings.
11. Ardent
Ardent is a collaboration between Semefab, iSLI and the SMC and has been specifically
created to provide the bridge between a biotechnology idea, and a marketable product,
helping biotechnology businesses to grow through innovative work in
microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology.
12. AssuredNano
AssuredNano is the premier Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) accreditation scheme
for organisations producing nanomaterials, nano-enabled products and users of
nanotechnology in general.
13. ATDBio
Provides labelled and chemically modified oligonucleotide scaffolds for nanotechnology
14. Avid Nano
To produce the most exciting and innovative new dynamic light scattering products, Avid
Nano pursue the highest levels of performance, know-how, technology, convenience and
reliability for all our products, used in laboratory applications requiring fast, accurate
DLS measurements in the nano-metre size range.
15. Aystorm Scientific
The company provides consultancy services to a variety of high technology companies
across the globe in the areas of thin films, semiconductors, photovoltaics, coatings,
deposition processes, and matters relating to protection and verification of intellectual
property and technology. They also provide a surface analysis and advanced materials
characterisation service specialising in metrology of thin films, semiconductors and nano
16. BBI International Ltd.
Manufactures gold colloid particles for use in immuno conjugates.
17. Bede
Bede is the global leader in non-destructive X-ray metrology systems for 90nm
technology nodes and below.
18. BegbrokeNano
Offers facilities for materials characterisation of micro and nano structures.
19. Bio Life Technical
Bio Life Technical provides independent, technical due diligence services for potential
investors in medical device technologies, globally.
20. Bio Nano Consulting
A 'One-Stop Shop' specialty product-development consultancy, the Bio Nano Centre acts
to facilitate access to world-class academic experts in the bio-nano field.
21. BOC Edwards
BOC Edwards is a leading supplier to the world's most advanced industries including
semiconductor, compound semiconductor, chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgy,
scientific instrumentation and research & development.
22. Cambridge Display Technology
Develops technologies based on polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs).
23. Carbolite
The company designsand manufactures electric laboratory & industrial furnaces,
laboratory & industrial ovens & incubators. In addition to the range of electric laboratory
furnaces and ovens, Carbolite also offers an extensive range of pilot plant and industrial
furnaces and industrial ovens for various heat treatment applications.
24. Cascade Technologies
Cascade offers the latest mid-infrared spectroscopy techniques for trace vapour detection,
providing a cost effective way of measuring emissions in real time. It provides detection
systems for individual or multiple gases from multiple points within one instrument.
25. Ceimig
Ceimig Limited supplies proprietary enabling technologies for the deposition of
nanoscale platinum and other pgm metal features in a diversity of applications across the
semiconductor, electronic, fuel cell and sensor manufacturing industries.
26. Cella Energy
Cella Energy Ltd makes safe, low-cost hydrogen storage materials. Their materials use
nanostructuring to safely encapsulate hydrogen at ambient temperatures and pressures.
This sidesteps the requirement for an expensive hydrogen infrastructure.
27. Centre for Excellence in Metrology for Micro and Nano Technologies (CEMMNT)
CEMMNT provides unique measurement, characterisation, and systems engineering
services coupled with unrivalled inter-disciplinary problem solving expertise. CEMMNT
enables and accelerates product development of micro and nanotechnology based
materials, products, and processes.
28. Ceram
The company is involved in many aspects of materials, product and manufacturing
technology with core strengths spanning testing, research, process engineering, product
design and consultancy. It's expertise in handling and control of powder suspensions
allows the company to meet the challenge of using nanoscale powders in real ceramic
processes and products, such as single electron transistors; coulomb blockade devices;
quantum dots and micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).
29. Cientifica
Provides consulting services and research reports.
30. Cressington Scientific Instruments
Vacuum coating techniques for research, electron microscopy and product development.
31. CSMA Centre for Surface and Materials Analysis
CSMA's surface analysis expertise utilizes a wide range of techniques to interrogate
surfaces, layer systems and interfaces of most materials.
32. CVD Technologies
Specialist consultancy, research and product development in the field of chemical vapor
deposition (CVD).
33. D3 Technologies
D3 Technologies Ltd is a pioneer in the field of molecular detection systems. The
company uses the highly selective and sensitive techniques of surface enhanced Raman
scattering (SERS) and surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) to produce
products with superior detection capability.
34. Dispersia
Creates and produces advanced thermal transfer fluids based on our proprietary
nanoparticle technologies. The company uses their synthesis and formulation expertise to
develop complete fluid systems tailored to specific application demands.
35. Dolomite
Dolomite is a leader in microfluidic applications. The company works with instrument
manufacturers around the world providing the design and manufacture of microfluidic
devices and microfluidic based instruments and systems.
36. Durham Magneto Opics
Manufactures magneto-optical magnetometers for magnetic nanotechnology.
37. Edinburgh Instruments
Since its establishment in 1971, Edinburgh Instruments Ltd has become recognised as a
leading light in the photonics and electro-optics industries. The company has established
a world-wide reputation for innovation, technical expertise and quality in areas of lasers,
opto-electronics, spectroscopy and gas sensing.
38. Efficiency Technologies
The company's mission is to bring research and early-stage technology to market or
application where it can be used to save energy, improve operational efficiency in
industrial processes, provide environmental benefits through alternative energy or
cleanup technology, aid in the provision of healthcare services, or simply where it is
genuinely innovative.
39. Element Six
A supplier of advanced diamond products, the company develops the potential of
diamond as an enabling technology for better performance, more precision or
miniaturization in a micro/nano-environment.
40. Elliot Scientific
Elliot Scientific is a major supplier of Opto-Mechanic, Laser, Cryogenic, Magnetic,
Telecom and Datacom components and systems to the Scientific, Research and Industrial
41. Emente
Emente has developed an approach to facilitate the transfer of technology out of the
laboratory into manufacturing companies to enable the creation of new products and
processes, with particular expertise in Microsystems Technology and Nanotechnology
42. Eminate
Open access for industry to a suite of state-of-the-art fabrication and characterisation
equipment at BioCity Nottingham, UK. Focussed around the needs of industry for shortterm, applications oriented development and assessment of nanotechnology approaches to
improving products and processes.
43. Emitech
Emitech develops sample preparation equipment for use in the Electron Microscopy
44. Eurochem Auto Chemicals
Manufactures the Nano8 range of nanoparticle surface coatings.
45. Exilica
The company develops unique molecular delivery systems. Its spherical micrometer sizes
polymer particles act like micro sponges and absorb molecules while the sub-micrometer
sized Hollow silica shells have an internal void space and act much like a standard
46. Farfield Scientific
An innovator and global supplier of new analytical instruments that address the emerging
and evolving measurement demands of the Surface Science and Biophysics communities.
47. Fischer Instrumentation
The company's Picoindenter will measure the thinnest nanometer coatings and provide
conclusions about various material characteristics.
48. G24i
G24i utilizes the latest breakthrough in material science and nanotechnology creating a
new class of advanced solar cells.
49. Gearing Scientific
The company specializes in certain areas of polymer and other materials analysis. Testing
areas are: 1) DMA testing for comparing very similar poymers; 2) Nano-indentation
using CSM instruments; 3) Thermal Conductivity Testing.
50. Genetix
Genetix is an independent business unit within Leica Microsystems. The company
provides scientists and clinicians with unrivalled solutions for imaging and intelligent
image analysis in the life science and clinical markets.
51. Goodfellow
Supplier of nanopowders.
52. Graphene Industries
Graphene Industries is the world's first supplier of atomically thin, crystallographically
perfect films of graphitic carbon, known as graphenes.
53. Heason Technologies Group
Suppliers of (nano) Precision Motion Control Equipment specialising in 'Motion System
54. Henniker Scientific
Henniker Scientific provides complete technical solutions in the complimentary areas of
thin film deposition, UHV surface science, plasma surface modification and mass
spectrometry for both vacuum and atmospheric processes.
55. Hiden Analytical
Hiden's quadrupole mass spectrometers provide vacuum, plasma and surface analysis in
nanotechnology applications, including SIMS depth profiling of nanometre scale thin
film structures, plasma characterisation for enhancement of device etch processes, and
vacuum diagnostics / temperature programmed desorption analysers in UHV scanning
tunnelling microscopes.
56. Hiden Isochema
Hiden Isochema is a world leader in the design and manufacture of sorption instruments
for research, development and production applications in surface chemistry and materials
57. Hubron
Hubron is an independent distributor of technically relevant speciality and functional raw
materials to industries that formulate. The industries that they currently serve include
rubber & plastics; adhesives & sealants; coatings & inks; structural composites;
polyurethane; lubricants and certain parts of the healthcare and cosmetic markets.
58. Hydrogen Solar
The company uses nano-crystalline metal oxide thin films for its fuel and solar cells.
59. I-CanNano
Commercialized nanotechnology applications.
60. Inanovate
Inanovate creates nano-scale surface structures through a unique and proprietary process
capable of nano-meter precision in a time and cost effective way. Leveraging this unique
platform and expertise, Inanovate is developing nano-structured biochip substrates to
facilitate the next generation in biochip technology.
61. Inex
A microsystems and nanotechnology R&D, commercialisation and manufacturing
62. Infinitesima
Infinitesima specialises in developing innovative accessories and advanced products
based on scanning probe microscopy methods and techniques. These tools enable the
visualisation and characterisation surfaces at a nanometre level.
63. Innos
A UK research and development company for innovations in nanoscale technology.
64. Intelligent Fingerprinting
Intelligent Fingerprinting has developed a prototype hand-held device that will allow
rapid accurate screening of individuals operationally in the field where testing results are
needed most. The device utilizes gold nanoparticles, novel micro-fluidics and optics that
enable samples to be analyzed in only a few minutes on disposable cartridges.
65. Intertek Micro- and Nanotechnology Laboratory
Micro- and nanoscale analytical research facility supporting a diverse range of
nanotechnology activities requiring advanced analytical services.
66. Intrinsiq
Intrinsiq Materials Ltd is a start-up focused on Engineering Materials Solutions at the
Nanoscale. Focused primarily on Cleantech and Wellness, the company uses either their
patent protected nanomaterials plasma production or nanoporous materials platform
technology to develop IP that enhances the performance and improves the competitive
position of their clients' products.
67. Ionscope
Ionscope develops, manufactures and sells systems for scanning ion conductance
microscopy (SICM) - a new SPM technique, able to produce images of living cell
membranes at a resolution fifty times better than achievable using a conventional optical
68. Iota Nanosolutions
Developer of organic nanodispersion technologies for industrial applications.
69. Isogenica
The company specializes in providing protein engineering to pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies for the discovery, identification and design of new peptide,
polypeptide, protein and antibody compounds using their proprietary technology.
70. JR Nanotech
Producer of various metal nanoparticles.
71. Keeling & Walker
Manufacturer of a range of nanoparticulate powders and dispersions.
72. Kelvin Nanotechnology
The company provides a wide range of R&D and prototyping services. Core facilities
include molecular beam epitaxy wafer growth, electron beam lithography, nano-imprint
lithography, reactive ion etching and thin film deposition.
73. KP Technology
KP Technology is an award-winning company that designs and manufactures Kelvin
Probe systems for work function and surface potential measurements. The company
supplies state-of-the-art equipment and consultancy services to innovative companies and
research institutes throughout the world.
74. LEL Group
Founded by several European chemical manufacturers LEL Group is a distributor for
speciality chemicals and minerals, including a range of nanopowders, in Europe.
75. Linkam Scientific Instruments
Linkam develops and manufactures a broad range of heating and freezing stages for both
OEM and end users to visualize and explore materials properties. Used in conjunction
with light microscopes and other forms of spectroscopy, Linkam stages are found in
thousands of laboratories worldwide with the most successful heating/freezing stage, the
THMS600, selling over 3000 units alone.
76. Lipoxen
Lipoxen is a leading biopharmaceutical company operating from the UK that develops
high-value, differentiated pharmaceutical products in the fields of protein drugs, vaccines
and anti-cancer drugs.
77. Liquids Research
Offers a wide range of ferrofluids in which the magnetic nanoparticles are one of a
variety of ferrites or transition metals, such as iron and cobalt.
78. Magnecell
Develops tissue engineering products by using magnetic nanoparticles to overcome major
problems associated with the ex vivo growth of human tissues and cells.
79. Malvern Instruments
Develops, manufactures and markets advanced analytical systems for the characterization
of a wide variety of materials, from bulk powders to nanomaterials and delicate
80. Mantis Deposition
Mantis Deposition provides high quality deposition components and systems for the thinfilm coating community. Our products are designed for all cutting-edge materials
research (MBE, Surface Science, PVD, nanocoatings...) and pre-production coating
81. Materials Technologies Research MTR Limited
Producer of fullerenes.
82. Mel Chemicals
Producer of zirconium nanoparticles and nano stabilized zirconia materials.
83. Membrane Extraction Technology
The compay's technologies include Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) techniques
such as heavy metal removal, catalyst recovery, product purification, and solvent
84. MERL
The company is a leading international provider of complete innovative polymer
engineering solutions. MERL provides complete testing solutions from
concept/feasibility and materials selection to disposal and re-use
85. Mesophotonics
The company designs and develops photonic crystal nanodevices and takes them to
86. Metal Nanopowders
A spin-off from the University of Birmingham, the company is dedicated to the
production of metal powders at the sub-100nm scale.
87. Metryx
Metryx is a provider of nanotechnology metrology equipment.
88. Micro Materials
The company is an innovator in the highly specialized world of nanomechanical testing.
89. MicroEmissive Displays
Manufactures polymer organic light emitting diode (P-OLED) microdisplay technology
with nanoscale engineering techniques.
90. Micromaterials
Development, manufacture and marketing of nanomechanical testing instruments for
research and quality assurance.
91. Midatech Group
Design, synthesis and manufacture of biocompatible nanoparticles called nanocells.
92. Millbrook Scientific Instruments
Develops nanometrology instruments and is particularly concerned with the measurement
of nanoscale films on surfaces.
93. Molecular Profiles
Molecular Profiles provides advanced, including nanoscale, analytical research for the
pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.
94. Naneum
The Naneum 'SAC' range of instruments includes portable size-selective devices which
measure aerosol particle concentrations in the nano-particulate size range - that is down
to one nanometre of diameter.
95. Nano ePrint
Nano ePrint's technology enables planar nanoelectronic circuits that can uniquely be
fabricated in a single layer of semiconductor via single-step patterning. Nano ePrint's
devices achieve very high speeds while dramatically reducing circuit size and simplifying
96. nano-porous solutions
nano-porous solutions limited (n-psl) is a high technology filtration company that
commercializes novel, patented, energy efficient, adsorbent hollow fibre technology.
97. Nano-Tek
Scientific consulting.
98. NanoBeam
NanoBeam has developed breakthrough technology to produce high performance and
cost effective electron beam lithography tools.
99. NanoBioDesign
NanoBioDesign is developing a range of innovative tools based upon its P450
technology. P450 enzymes are present in the human liver and are important for the
metabolism of drugs. The company's "Liver Chip" will directly measure the kinetic
parameters associated with drug metabolism in a fast, accurate, reproducible and cost
effective way.
NanoCentral is an alliance of organizations capable of providing access to a broad range
of leading edge technologies, equipment and services.It provides existing and potential
manufacturers or users of nanomaterials single point access to an integrated and
comprehensive set of nano-related capabilities that encompass: synthesis; dispersion,
functionalization & formulation; application development; characterization; safety, health
and environmental capabilities.
Nanoco Technologies Limited
Develops and manufactures fluorescent quantum dots from semi-conductor and metallic
Nanoforce Technology
The company's service offering is concentrated on polymer processing, coating,
piezoelectric ceramics sensors and material characterisation.
Nanograph Systems
Provides high quality innovative tools for nanotechnology research - SPM, software and
NanoMagnetics Instruments
Develops Scanning Hall Probe Microscopes for quantitative and non-invasive
imaging of magnetic materials with nanometer scale resolution.
A service lab offering FIB (focused ion beam) and other microscopy services to
NanoResearchers who do not have their own equipment - for the purposes of direct nanofabrication of devices for test and analysis.
NanoSight manufacture unique instruments for visualisation and sizing of nanoparticles
in liquid suspensions. Using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), particle size
distributions are measured by sizing particles on an individual basis by observing
Brownian motion.
Enhances the properties of commercially important materials for energy applications
(batteries, capacitors) through the creation of nanoscale architectures.
nanoTherics Ltd was formed in August 2007 to exploit a novel gene transfection
technology arising from biomedical research at Keele University and the University of
Florida. The patented technology uses nanoparticles and magnetic fields to facilitate the
delivery of foreign DNA into living cells.
A nanotechnology consulting and investment company.
Nexeon has patented a unique way of structuring silicon so that it delivers extended cycle
life and significantly increases battery capacity. In contrast to carbon, Nexeon's silicon
anode materials have a much higher capacity for lithium and as a result are capable of
almost ten times the gravimetre capacity per gram (mAh/g).
Nima Technology
Nima Technology manufacture scientific instruments for the fabrication and
characterisation of thin films. The company's instruments can fabricate films with a
thickness as small as a couple of nanometres, just one molecule thick.
Oerlikon Components
Industrial micro and nano fabrication systems.
Provides instrumentation and consulting for measurement of surface roughness, waviness
and shape; layer thickness and optical properties ranging from the sub-nanometer to the
cm scales along with surface modification and laser lithography.
Optical Reference Systems
Originally created to provide in situ monitoring solutions for the MOCVD R&D
academic institutions and companies, ORS has now grown into a global in situ solutions
provider for many different types of thin-film deposition systems.
Orla Protein Technologies
Orla has patented, developed and commercialized a technology which radically simplifies
the way in which proteins are immobilised on surfaces.
Ossila was founded by organic electronics research scientists with the aim of providing
the components, equipment and materials (including nanomaterials such as fullerenes) to
enable faster and smarter research and discovery.
Owlstone Nanotech
Develops and manufactures solid state sensor technology.
Oxford Advanced Surfaces Group
The company develops and commercialises advanced materials and technology solutions
across a range of markets including: Electronics (PCB's, plastic electronics,
electromechanical devices and flat displays); Industrial specialties (specialty fibres,
textiles, laminates and composites); Life sciences/health care markets (including sterile
surfaces, separation media and microarrays, biomedical materials); and Low Carbon
Technologies (photovoltaics, advanced lighting, fuel cells).
Oxford Applied Research
Oxford Applied Research is a supplier of UHV and HV components and systems for the
deposition and characterisation of thin films. Their speciality lies in providing unique
solutions to common deposition challenges.
Oxford Instruments
Oxford Instruments specialises in the design, manufacture and support of hightechnology tools and systems for industry, research, education, space, energy, defence
and healthcare. The company's Our aim is to be the leading provider of tools and systems
for the emerging nanotechnology and bioscience markets.
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd is developing nanopore technology, a revolutionary
method of molecular detection and analysis with potential applications in DNA
sequencing, diagnostics, drug development and defence.
Develops innovative commercial solutions for international markets using their expertise
in the design and application of nanomaterials.
The company designs high temperature optical and opto-mechanical structures in
materials such as sapphire and silicon, including membranes, waveguides and
fluorescence structures.
P2i has exclusive access to commercialising the ion-mask™ plasma enhancement
technology and is now commercialising it for the medical, biosciences, electronics, textile
and automotive and aerospace markets.
Manufacturers of the ActiPix™ range of capillary-based UV absorbance detectors and
spectrophotometers for applications including monitoring nanoscale biocatalytic
reactions and measuring molecular size of both small molecules and biomolecules.
Pilkington Glass
Manufactures the Pilkington Activ glass range which has a special nanoscale coating of
titanium oxide particles which react with sunlight.
Plastic Logic
Plastic Logic is a leader in plastic electronics manufacturing, a revolutionary new
technology for printing electronic devices. The company will be the first to apply the new
technology to a fully commercial application: flexible active-matrix displays.
Polymertronics' UV curable nanotechnology draws from three established technologies;
organic semiconductors, UV curable resin chemistry and UV curing technology.
Promethean Particles
This spin-out company from the University of Nottingham has developed a unique
reactor technology to allow unprecedented product control and flexibility in inorganic
nanoparticle dispersion manufacture.
Spun out of Cambridge University in mid 2004 to commercialize research findings in the
areas of advanced nano-enabled materials, specifically in the area of carbon nanotube
materials and their applications.
QinetiQ Nanomaterials Ltd.
Produces a wide range of nanopowders and provides application development support.
QuantaSol is a spin-out from Imperial College London and will use its advanced
technology to enable it to become a world leading supplier of high efficiency III-V based
solar cells.
Quantum Filament Technologies
QFT has developed a new form of field emission backplane which gives highly uniform
electron emission with low threshold voltage and no need for conditioning. The
backplane is manufactured from amorphous silicon and its unique field emission
characteristics are created by a simple proprietary engineering process which is free of
any lithographic steps.
Qudos Technology
A research and development company for micro and nanoscale technologies.
Queensgate Instruments
Nanopositioning and nanosensor solutions for OEM development and automation
Randox Food Diagnostics
Randox Food Diagnostics is a division of Randox Laboratories who have 30 years
experience in the diagnostic market and a devoted research and development team.
Randox Food Diagnostics is a dedicated company responsible for the distribution of
Randox drug residue kits, wine testing kits and analysers worldwide. Randox Food
Diagnostics incorporate several market related products dedicated to the food, wine and
beverage industries. Randox uses in house developed antibodies and conjugates for a
wide range of their screening products including the patented Biochip Array Technology
(multiplex screening platform).
Roar Particles
ROAR is involved in the research, development and manufacturing of nanotechnology
derived particles for commercial applications. In the short to medium term, the company
will concentrate in supplying nanoparticles used for forensic, immigration and sports
testing applications.
Sea Solutions
Swansea Engineering Aplication Solutions-Nanotechnology is an innovative technology
solutions provider, working in conjuntion with organizations and offering technical
support to their product line which includes proposal of process improvement and to
promote their product at the most competitive price through the market.
Semefab Ltd. operates two Silicon wafer fabrication foundries in Glenrothes Scotland
supporting a wide range of process technologies. Under the SemeMEMS Initiative,
Semefab has been selected as the UK wafer fab node for Micro and Nanotechnology
(MNT) and as such is an enabler for commercialization of industrial and academia
research outcomes.
Smalltech Solutions
Smalltech Solutions Ltd utilises class 10/100 cleanroom facilities to provide specialist
nanotechnology engineering services in micro and nanoscale fabrication.
Sorby Nano Investigation Centre
Offers companies a full range of micro and nanoscale investigation capabilities.
Sphere Fluidics
Sphere is commercializing picodroplet technology from Cambridge University that can
perform thousands of simultaneous reactions on single cells and molecules contained
within aqueous droplets, fractions of a millimeter in size. This platform enables diverse
applications including: miniaturized profiling of drug candidates, generation of new
biocatalysts and identification of novel algal strains.
SPTS Technologies
SPTS Technologies is a leading manufacturer of plasma etch and deposition and thermal
processing equipment for the semiconductor industry.
STS Surface Technology Systems
Offers key technologies for semiconductor device fabrication and nanolithography
Surface Technology Systems
Surface Technology Systems is a leading provider of specialist plasma etch and
deposition systems to customers in the MEMS, Optoelectronic, Compound
Semiconductor, Wafer Level Packaging and Thin Film Head industries.
Surrey Nanosystems
Surrey NanoSystems produces advanced Carbon Nanotube processing tools and recipes.
Syrris creates automated products for research and development chemists and is a world
leader in flow chemistry, microreactor and automation technology. Syrris products are
used in a wide variety of applications and laboratories including process, discovery,
crystallization, process safety, scale-up and many more.
Taylor Hobson is an ultra-precision technology company operating at the highest levels
of accuracy within the field of surface and form metrology. They provide contact and
non-contact measurement solutions to the most demanding applications.
Teer Coatings
Teer Coatings Ltd. is a specialist PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) coating company,
consisting of three main parts: the design and manufacture of a wide range of coating
deposition equipment, test equipment and magnetrons; commercial coating services; and
R&D - both contract and in house.
Tetronics Tetronics is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of High
Temperature DC Plasma arc technology. The company has been active in the field of
nanopowder production for the last 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge in this
exciting growth area. The high temperatures and steep thermal gradients present in the
plasma hot zone, combined with the inherently clean, controllable nature of plasma
makes it ideal for the production of a vast range of metallic, composite and ceramic
The Automation Partnership
The company provides specialist automation (robot) systems and services to the global
life science research industry.
Thomas Swan
Produces carbon nanotubes.
Trackdale is a nanotechnology materials company specializing in applications in the
infrared. These include thermal imaging, gas analysis, and fibre-optic applications in the
1-10 micron bands.
Upperton Limited is a privately owned company that specialises in the development of
novel micro and nanoparticles for the pharmaceutical and other industries.
Visual Technology Services
Develops the PoSAP 3D Atom Probe Analysis Software, part of the three dimensional
atom probe microscope, a commercial nanotechnology analytical technique for
characterising materials at atomic scale.
WRAS Technology
Develops measuring equipment for air monitoring systems and services that uses a
unique combination of technologies to monitor down to the nanoscale.
XGEN Consortium is led by three Centres of Excellence which pursue the industrial
applications of micronanotechnology in engineering: UK LMC, MicroBridge, metaFAB,
MNT Academy. XGEN provides consulting services to brainstorm a company's problems
and offer solutions based on micronanotechnology convergence, develop prototypes with
world-class technical consultancy in line with the organisation’s needs and deliver
quality micromachined solutions.
Yorkshire Bioscience
The company provides services and reagents for molecular biology research. Among its
products are nanodiamonds.