Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Dr Ye. Belik 600901 Yur’evets, Vladimir, Russia Tel./Fax: (0922) 26-38-77, (0922) 26-06-14 mail@arriah.ru Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres 1. Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE In 2007 the epidemic monitoring was conducted for detection of: Prion infections: BSE – 1,102 samples; scrapie in sheep – 23 samples; transmissible mink encephalopathy – 35 samples. No prion disease signs were detected. Rabies: six brain samples of 67 suspected brain samples were tested positive for rabies. 7,530 samples from cattle and pigs from 158 farms of the RF and Belarus were examined. 75 out of 1332 samples from cattle tested positive for respiratory and enteric infections, 67 samples tested negative for bluetongue. The results of porcine infectious disease epidemic and serologic monitoring showed the presence of PRRS in 50% of tested samples, circovirus type II – in 64%, Mycoplasma – in 34–74%, Pasteurella – in 38%, Streptococcus – in 22%, Salmonella – in 18% of tested samples. Much attention was given to the sero-epidemic monitoring of avian infectious diseases. Samples from 65 poultry farms of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were examined for the presence of virus genomes of Newcastle disease, Marek’s disease, avian leucosis, reovirus, pneumovirus and adenovirus infections, infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, avian infectious encephalomyelitis, mycoplasmosis. 2,500 tests using PCR and nucleotide sequence were made. 798 samples of pathological material from wild birds and poultry from 18 regions of Russia and the Ukraine were tested. The virus genome was detected in 54 samples (47 samples form poultry and 7 from wild birds). Positive samples belonged to H5N1 subtype. Serum samples were tested for: Newcastle disease – 33,652 samples; infectious bronchitis – 42,352 samples; adenovirus infection – 2,942 samples; pneumovirus infection – 6,692 samples; infectious bursal disease – 3,290 samples; infectious laryngotracheitis – 18,689 samples; mycoplasmosis – 39,461 samples; avian reovirus infections – 11,211. A total of 248,000 blood sera samples were tested for antibodies to avian disease viruses. 2. Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety and animal welfare Development and harmonization of methods for the diagnosis of avian infectious diseases (14 regulatory documents were approved), cattle and small ruminant diseases (7 regulatory documents), porcine diseases (7 regulatory documents) and vaccines against infectious animal diseases (11 regulatory documents). Products of the FGI “ARRIAH” were on display at 10 exhibitions held in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Uzbekistan (with the award of 3 gold and 4 silver medals). Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2007 1 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia 3. Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the Office International des Epizooties Missions of the FGI “ARRIAH” leading experts to Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia and Uzbekistan for consultancy and assistance in the implementation of anti-epidemic measures. Other activities related to the mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres 4. Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to personnel from Member Countries of the Office Scientific and technical training of the personnel from the OIE member-countries: Ukraine – 2 persons – training in genome sequencing and avian disease diagnosis; Kazakhstan – 7 persons – training in methods for epidemic monitoring, prediction and modelling of the epidemic process on the basis of mathematical models and GIS-technologies, diagnosis of viral animal diseases with PCR and ELISA, cultivation of cell cultures and viruses; Tadjikistan – 1 person – training in production of prophylactic preparations. 5. Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the Office 18 – 19.04.2007 city of Kishinev (Moldova) – participation in the 31st Meeting of the CIS Intergovernmental Veterinary Council. Report of S.S. Rybakov, head of the laboratory of the FGI “ARRIAH”: “About epidemic situation on rabies, rabies control and prevention measures in CIS-countries”, and the report of V.N. Irza, head of the laboratory of the FGI “ARRIAH”: “About review of complex of joint measures of the Member States of the Commonwealth aimed at prevention of avian influenza introduction and spread on the territory of the CIScountries during the Meeting of the CIS Economic Council on March 30, 2007. About the measures of the Russian Veterinary service aimed at prevention of avian influenza introduction and spread. 6. Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories or organisations FGI “ARRIAH” was visited by 31 foreign delegations from the European and Asian countries. 212 members of the staff of the FGI “ARRIAH” went to the European, Asian, American and African countries. Participation in the carrying out of the Programme of cooperation between the European Union and the Russian Federation “Approximation of EU and RF legislative and methodological basis in sanitary and phytosanitary area” (Project Europe Aid/ 121070/C/CV/RU). International scientific-technical cooperation with the laboratories for avian influenza (USA), Veterinary Research Institute and Food Research Institute of Finland, Veterinary Research Institute of Poland, Vietnam, Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre of Belgium, Research Institute for experimental virology of Belarus, Veterinary Research Institute of Uzbekistan, etc. 27.02.–06.04.07, 06.–15.09.07, 06.-10.11.07 (Helsinki, Finland) – Russian-Finnish Program. 26.-31.05.07 (Paris, France) – 2nd International Conference on Rabies. 17.-29.06.07 (the UK) – training in applied microbiology. 13.-20.05.07 (Ames, the USA) – studying methods for avian influenza laboratory diagnosis. 21.-27.08.07 (Ulan Bator, Mongolia) – seminar in infectious diseases. 27.08.-01.09.07 (Saki, the Ukraine) – seminar in methods for avian viral diseases diagnosis. 21.10.-03.11.07 (Budapest, Hungary) – training in mycoplasmoses. 06.-14.12.07. (Brazil) – seminar “Validation of Diagnostic Methods According to the OIE and WHO Standards”. 18.-21.11.07 (Rims, Germany) – coordination of joint research together with the Loeffler Institute. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2007 2 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia 7. Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE that may be useful to Member Countries of the Office Papers in English Evaluation of pathogenicity of some isolates of PRRS virus in the field and laboratory conditions / T. Baibikov, S. A. Kukushkin, V. Chermashentsev // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on emerging and re-emerging pig diseases: PMWS, PRRS, swine influenza and associated diseases. - Krakow, 2007. - P.188. BSE epizootic situation in the Russian Federation / S. Rybakov, A. Alekhina, A. Ryabokon [et al.] // Prion 2007: Book of Abstracts. - Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2007. - P. 95. Control of poultry vaccine efficacy through development of new oil adjuvant formulations: experiments on influenza vaccines and multivalent vaccines in chickens / L. Dupuis , V. Borisov, S. Deville [et al.] // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - Beijing China, 2007. - P. 287. Effectiveness study of PRRS booster vaccination in sows / S. A. Kukushkin, T.Z. Baibikov, E.P. Baborenko, E.K. Dolganova] // Int. PRRS Symp.: Proc. - Chicago, Illinois, 2007. - P. 45. Evaluation of the pathogenicity of Mycoplasma gallisepticum isolates collected from a territory of the Russian Federation / I. A. Runina, M. I. Sorokina , O. A. Chupina [et al.] // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - Beijing China, 2007. - P. 534. Genetic analysis of Newcastle disease virus isolates recovered from domestic, synanthropic and wild birds in the territory of Russia and the Ukraine in 2005-2006 / I. P. Pchelkina , T. B. Manin , S. N. Kolosov [et al.] // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - Beijing China, 2007. - P. 393. Gruzdev K.N. Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, CentraL Asia and Transcaucasia // OIE. Annual Rep. OIE Ref. Labor. Collaborating Centres 2006.. - Paris, France, 2007. - P. 604-607. Clinical manifestations of PRRS and PCV-2 associated disease on pig farms / S. A. Kukushkin, T.Z. Baibikov // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on emerging and re-emerging pig diseases: PMWS, PRRS, swine influenza and associated diseases. - Krakow, 2007. - P. 187. Molecular and genetic analysis and study of biological properties of some isolates of avian influenza virus H5N1, recovered in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2005-2007 / T.B. Manin , I. P. Pchelkina , I. A. Chvala [et al.] // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - 2007. - P. 358-359. Molecular epidemiology of EU-genotype PRRSV in Europe: clues to PRRSV emergence, and implications for disease control+ / T. Stadejek, A. Scherbakov [et al.] // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Emerging and Re-Emerging Pig Diseases: PMWS, PRRS, Swine Influenza and Associated Diseases. - Krakow, 2007. - Р.135-136. Multiplex PCR with internal control for detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae genomes / D. B. Andreychuk, A. V. Sprygin, I. A. Runina [et al.] // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - Beijing China, 2007. - P. 531. Spread of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae on poultry farms in the territory of the Russian Federation / D. B. Andreychuk, A. V. Sprygin, T. V. Okovytaya et al. // 15th World Veterinary Poultry Congress: Abstract Book. - Beijing China, 2007. - P. 529. Papers in Russian Atlas of porcine diseases / compiled by N.S.Dudnikova, O.N. Petrova; FGI “ARRIAH”. – Vladimir, 2007. – p. 96. Rybakov S.S. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: [monograph] / S.S. Rybakov; FGI “ARRIAH”. – Vladimir, 2007. – p. 586. Proceedings of the Federal Centre for Animal Health / FGI “ARRIAH”. – Vol. 5. – M., 2007. – p.456. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2007 3 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Genetic characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolates, recovered in the territory of the Ukraine / I.P. Pchelkina, S.N. Kolosov, L.O. Scherbakova [et al.] // Veterinarnaya Meditsina (Veterinary Medicine) – 2007: Mezhvid. tem. nauk. zb.. – Kharkiv, 2007. – Issue 88. – pp. 182 – 189. Molecular and biological characteristics of Newcastle disease viruses circulating in the population of wild waterfowl in the Ukraine. / D.V. Muzika, V.V. Drygin, V.V. Starov, N.S. Mudrak [et al.] // Veterinarnaya Meditsina (Veterinary Medicine) – 2007: mezhvid. tem. nauk. zb.. – Kharkiv, 2007. – Issue 88. – pp. 145 – 149. Indirect liquid-phase blocking ELISA for the detection and quantification of Newcastle disease virus antigen / M.A. Volkova, A.V. Irza, M.E. Kachalova [et al.] // Veterinarnaya Meditsina (Veterinary medicine) – 2007: mezhvid. tem. nauk. zb.. – Kharkiv, 2007. – Issue 88. – pp. 42 – 48. Impact of the physiological and immunobiological status of cattle on the level of postvaccinal immunity / V.A. Mischenko, A.V. Kononov, A.V. Mischenko [et al.] // Probl. zooinzh. ta vet.med.: zb. nauk. prats’ Kharkovskoy derzhavnoy zoovet akademii. – Kharkiv, 2007. – Issue 15 (40), Part 2, Vol. 2. – pp. 215 – 219. Orlova Ye.S. Species and strain differentiation of capripoxviruses using polymerase chain reaction / Ye.S. Orlova, A.V.Scherbakov, V.I. Diyev, V.M. Zakharov // Mol. biol. (Molecular Biology) – 2006. – Vol. 40, No.1. – pp. 158 – 164. Prevention of the main porcine viral diseases in commercial swine industry / T.Z. Baibikov, S.A. Kukushkin // All-Russia Veterinary Congress. 15th Moscow World Veterinary Congress on small domestic animal diseases. Probl. of swine inf. pathology: proceedings. – M., 2007. – pp. 32 – 38. Avian metapneumoviral infection: review / O.A. Borisova, I.A. Borisova. – Vladimir: FGI ARRIAH, 2007. – p.77. Animal rabies diagnosis using immunofluorescence assay / A.Ye. Metlin, N.A. Nazarov, S.S. Rybakov et al. // Veterinariya selskokhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh (Veterinary Medicine of Farm Animals). – 2007. – No. 3 – pp. 29 – 33. Study of biological properties of the isolate of chicken infectious bronchitis virus IBV663-07 / Ye.V. Ovchinnikova, O.A. Chupina, L.O. Scherbakova [et al.] // Genediagnosis of infectious diseases – 2007 (Molecular diagnosis – 2007): Proceedings of the 6th All-Russia scientific and practical conference with the attendance of foreign participants. – M., 2007 – Vol. 2. – pp. 40 – 42. Construction of recombinant avian adenoviruses CELO, expressing gB, gE, gI glycoprotein genes of Marek’s disease virus/ A.P. Karpov, M.I. Shulpin, V.V. Drygin [et al.] // Biotekhnologiya (Biotechnology). – 2007. – No. 5. – pp. 38 – 44. Diseases of feet of high-producing cows / V.A. Mischenko, A.V. Mischenko //Vet. patol. (Veterinary Pathology). – 2007. – No. 2. – pp. 138 – 143. Molecular and genetic analysis of avian influenza virus H5N1 isolates recovered in the territory of the Republic of Tuva in 2006 / A.V. Andriyasov, T.B. Manin, I.P. Pchelkina [et al.] // 3rd International veterinary poultry congress. – M., 2007. – pp. 60 – 65. Monitoring of infectious diseases in wild pigs / A.V. Scherbakov, S.A. Kukushkin, A.M. Timina [et al.] // Voprosy virusologii (Aspects of virology). – 2007. – No.3. – pp. 29 – 33. Justification of technological criteria for the production and control of inactivated emulsion vaccine against avian infectious laryngotracheitis / V.Yu. Kulakov, K.Yu. Fedoseyev, A.V. Borisov, Yu.V. Zuyev // 3 rd International veterinary poultry congress. – M., 2007. – pp. 106 – 110. Peculiarities of bluetongue occurrence and spread in the European countries in 2006-2007 and risk of its introduction into the territory of the Russian Federation: information and analytical review/ V.M. Zakharov, V.M. Gulenkin, A.K. Karaulov, et al. – Vladimir, FGI “ARRIAH”, 2007, 44 p. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2007 4 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Characteristics of ulcero-erosive oral lesions in cattle/ V.M. Zakharov, A.V. Mischenko, V.A. Mischenko, N.A. Yaremenko// Veterinariya (Veterinary Medicine), 2007 No.7, pp. 9-10. Efficacy of antiviral vaccines for cattle in the field/ V.A. Mischenko, D.K. Pavlov, A.V. Kononov, et al. // Veterinarnaya patologiya (Veterinary Pathology), 2007 No.2, pp. 235-238. Development of the method for cattle herpesvirus-4 genome indication with PCR/ S.A. Kochetkov, A.Ye. Vecherov, A.M. Timina, et al// Genediagnosis of infectious diseases, 2007 (Molecular diagnosis, 2007): proceedings of the 6th All-Russia Scientific and Practical Conference with the attendance of foreign participants, M., 2007, Vol.2, pp. 29-31. Bluetongue spread in Europe ant its real threat for the Russian animal industry/ V.M. Zakharov, V.M. Gulenkin, A.K. Karaulov, et al.// Russian Veterinary Journal SKhZh (Farm Animals), 2007, No.4, pp. 4-6. _______________ Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2007 5