CBS Radio Mystery Theater show listing

CBS Radio Mystery Theater show listing
I work at home and CBS Radio Mystery Theater is a very good companion to have whether
I'm working or just surfing the internet at 2am. It's a show that I listen to, if not daily then
at least weekly. This list first came about simply as "plot list" so I could find shows I
would be interested in hearing, and later I started noting which I had heard already and
rating them so I could know whether I might want to hear them again or not. I know when I
find a web site that actually rates and talks about what a person thinks of the shows
instead of the standard "plot list" and proper numbering; I find it very interesting to read. I
tend to keep the comments short, just enough to hopefully jar my memory about a
particular show. This list is built upon a combination of various plot lists, my review is
beside the title and the plot summary is given below that. Also, of course note that this
list is incomplete, this is still basically something for myself to go by, but I thought others
may find it useful as well.
All titles that are in bold text have been reviewed.
10 - A favorite; atmospheric, creative, interesting and affecting, sustaining for many listens
9 - Very good, not quite perfect
8 - Above average
7 – You’ll see a lot of episodes rated 7. This means it’s average and just a decent, good
story, worth a re-listen at some point -- a “healthy” rating
6 - Below average tale, but some of these are worth a re-listen...someday
5 - Well below average, not worth hearing again but still not as terrible as those rated
below this; could lack atmosphere, lack interesting plots or characters
1-4 Anything below a 6 I consider pretty bad, but I use 1-4 simply to express HOW bad
A few other things you will see on this list:
"remote" - You will note going through these ratings that I occasionally have the word
"remote" after the title...that's because I tend to prefer stories in remote, isolated or
strange locations; a cabin in the woods, a skiing lodge, cottage on the mountain, an
island, castle on the moor, large estate, seaside mansions or simply a small town. It
seems that these mysteries often unfold better with this sort of backdrop, but not always.
Anyway, this is mostly notes for myself, but if you are like me in this regard, it might be
helpful to find episodes you will enjoy. Be aware I sometimes rate these types of stories
higher or give them more “slack” than to stories which take place in urban areas for
example, but not always. Although I do TRY to approach these stories from an "objective"
viewpoint, I usually rate by how much I enjoyed it, and in accordance with my first purpose
for this list, whether I want to hear it again or not.
* - I put a star after titles which I find myself revisiting often, I guess these are personal
favorites, although I admit that they’re not all high-rated.
++, ++r - These are stories I have marked because I want to hear them soon. Titles that are
highlighted in red color are ones I want to hear sooner than the others.
"listen again”/”hear again" - One I usually rated low, and that, for whatever reason I want
to hear again before I make a final decision on the rating
"muffled" - Like it says, these files are muffled or difficult to hear. I use the general term
"muffled" regardless what type of problem there is with the audio so I can search for that
one word in the document whenever I find new copies of shows that could replace the bad
"Audio clean up" - This is when the file has bad sound and I have attempted to clean up
the audio with an audio editing program. I rate how well I do with a grade of A, B, C, D or
F. Often the problem is muffled sound, which can be corrected fairly easily by raising
certain frequencies and lowering others, other times there is a bad tape hiss which can
also be edited out. Usually the problem is a mix of the two so one must find a balance.
A rough guide to the audio ratings:
"A" - I managed to get surprisingly good audio from the editing process.
"B" - Improved the quality to above average level, kept range.
"C" - The file sounds better, slightly less annoying, listenable.
"D" - Just able to improve the audio slightly, possibly so speech alone can be heard
without keeping much range.
"F" - Cannot improve the audio file at all.
NOTE: These ratings aren't in comparison to what the audio sounded like before, these are
more or less objective ones as to the quality by itself alone. Improving the audio is not
something I spend a lot of time on, and primarily I just do it for my own collection and only
in cases where the audio is pretty bad. There are too many new recordings becoming
available for me to spend too much time doing this.
Sun, 1/6/1974 Old Ones Are Hard to Kill, The
Agnes Moorehead An elderly lady rents a room to a sick man with a strange death-bed
confession. Fan submitted : An elderly lady rents a room to a sick man with a strange death-bed
Mon, 1/7/1974 Return of the Morseby's, The ++r
Patrick O' Neal Mona Moresby's husband murders her after she leaves her fortune to a phony
Tue, 1/8/1974 Bullet, The
Larry Haines A man accidently dies and is sent back to Earth to exchange places with the
intended victim.
Wed, 1/9/1974 Lost Dog - 8/10 Gotta love episodes like this; a deliciously evil character
gets his due in a deliciously evil conclusion. I have to admit, some parts were hard to
believe; a man will beat his wife for nothing, but then pay for her to visit a hypnotherapist?
And is that EGM howling like a dog at the end of the show? A wife-beater wants a dog, but
his wife is terribly afraid of them, they hire a hypnotherapist to find out if something
traumatic in her past has caused this fear.
Kim Hunter
A woman's husband doesn't understand her fear of dogs. After he brings one home, she
turns it against him. Clearer copy needed.
Thu, 1/10/1974 No Hiding Place
Larry Haines A successful man is being blackmailed by a man who knows of his past.
Fri, 1/11/1974 Honeymoon with Death
Lois Nettleton Was she married? No one believes her but a rookie cop.
Sat, 1/12/1974 I Warn You Three Times
Joan Loring A woman claims that her husband stepped out of their car at a light and disappeared.
Sun, 1/13/1974 Cold Storage - remote 8/10 A story set in the 1800s or early 1900s on a
rural estate about a man who hides his mother away so he can inherit her fortune. It has a
good storyline but is somewhat predictable toward the end. Has a very grim conclusion.
John Baragrave After a man finds out his mother isn't dead, he locks her in the basement
so that he can inherit her estate.
Mon, 1/14/1974 Death Rides a Stallion - remote - 7/10 - A pretty good story: after a man
becomes engaged to another girl, the one who really loves him dies and begins to haunt
him on her favorite horse, somewhat predictable haunting-tale, as is the ending
Mason Adams A man who used a woman sees her ghost riding the black stallion she died
Tue, 1/15/1974 Resident, The ++r
Carmen Matthews
A move to the country is upset by a unfriendly cat and a young girl.
Wed, 1/16/1974 Accounts Receivable
William Prince
A son tries to deal with his father who was released from prison into his custody after spending 10
years for robbery.
Thu, 1/17/1974 You Can Die Again ++
Richard Mulligan
A man develops a dual personality - and a dual life.
Fri, 1/18/1974 Ring a Ring of Roses - remote 8/10 Genuinely strange ending, OK story and
one I found kinda funny at times: about a newly married couple who go visiting a girlfriend
of the wife, when they arive they witness a strange scene and the family acts even
stranger and insists they take a ring that seems connected the scene they saw played out
Glynnis O'Connor
A couple out to visit a friend in the country run across a ghostly scene and it's connection
to a ring.
Sat, 1/19/1974 Girl Who Found Things, The ++
Norman Rose & Martha Greenhouse
A girl psychic is asked by a family to find their lost relative, but does everyone want to know what
really happened?
Sun, 1/20/1974 Chinaman Button, The ++r
Mason Adams & Paul Hecht
A man doesn't believe than anyone is above compromise when making money, but this game
turns deadly.
Mon, 1/21/1974 Dead for a Dollar
Paul Hecht & Joe Julian
Two men meet at a bar and plan to kill a man who wronged them.
Tue, 1/22/1974 A Very Old Man - remote 7/10 A pretty good little a small farming
town an old man gaines notoriety for having the ability to cure people with his touch
Santos Ortega & William Radfield
An old man seems to have the power to see through people and cure them with a touch.
Wed, 1/23/1974 And Nothing but the Truth
Arnold Moss
A man confesses to a hit-and-run accident to cover-up the fact that it was his son that was driving
the car.
Thu, 1/24/1974 Deadly Honeymoon - 8/10 A good story, not really the type I go for but still
very well done, twist ending is one of the best I've heard so far in the series...about a
woman who discovers on her honeymoon she and her husband are being followed around
the country by a detective who suspects the husband is a murderer
Betsy Von Furstenberg & Mason Adams
On her honeymoon, a woman learns that her husband may have killed two other wives on
their honeymoon.
Fri, 1/25/1974 Speak of the Devil* - remote - 8/10 Freaky, dark, sad...a personal favorite.
This one acquires an atmosphere of doom that hangs over everything. A pair of
newlyweds honeymoon at the girls' aunt's home in Ireland. Following a s’eance the girl is
perpetually plagued by demons, and meanwhile she becomes pregnant and grows weaker
while the baby within her grows stronger…
Jada Rowland
Demons plague a marriage following a s'ance.
Sat, 1/26/1974 Ring of Truth, The
Agnes Moorehead A man tells his daughter to always tell the truth even if it will send her
boyfriend to jail.
Sun, 1/27/1974 Time and Again - 8/10 Not a bad one at all, actually quite creative story of a
man who buys a strange clock for the heck of it, but it doesnt run and he only discoveres
accidentially that it runs on human blood and freezes time around him for a full hour a day,
but the problem is it keeps killing the people whose blood it needs to operate
Joan Beal & Bryna Raeburn A strange clock gives it's owner an extra hour but at a deadly
Mon, 1/28/1974 Three Women - remote 7/10 - A very, atmospheric strange story, mostly
taking place in the cold attic of an old house, snow storms outside, where a writer types
away on his typewriter, felt a little claustrophobic at times, but atmospheric...about a writer
who will be able to publish his book and make some money for his poverty-stricken family
if only he changes the ending so that a character will not die, the problem is he's in love
with the character and is afraid if she lives it will tear apart his family
Ruth Ford & William Radfield
A writer is asked to change the ending of his new book but he is afraid because he
believes his characters are really alive.
Tue, 1/29/1974 Man Who Heard Voices, The
Larry Haines & Suzanne Grossman
A man hears the voices of others thoughts, even his first wife, who he killed 15 years ago.
Wed, 1/30/1974 Mother Love ++
Joan Hackett
A woman wants a child so bad she makes an unexpected and frightening promise to a fortuneteller.
Thu, 1/31/1974 Man Who Asked for Yesterday, The
Mandel Kramer
A man shot in the head and dying is asked to live yesterday over in hopes of changing things.
Fri, 2/1/1974 Dead Ringer
Leon Janney
A woman finds a "Dead Ringer" for her husband that she wants out of her life.
Sat, 2/2/1974 A Ghostly Game of Death 9/10 - A very good little haunted house story,
better than average actually, has an annoying dog who I was happy to hear was killed
off...about an investigation into a haunted house which locals refuse to tear down so a
developer can build condos in its place, he hires some ghost detectives to look into the
matter and after one flees the house in fear the other discovers a ghastly scene involving
the old sea captain who once lived there and his wife
William Prince
A story about a haunted house and the efforts of a ghost-hunter to rid it of it's unearthly
Sun, 2/3/1974 Sign of the Beast, The - remote - 7/10 A FUNNY tale of a woman who ignores
the ancient curses on some archeological trinkets, and begins to turn into an
animal who wants "MEAT!! MEAT!!" lol
Lois Smith
A lady archaeologist defies the local customs at a dig site and suffers the wrath of the
Gods. Complete version needed; outro missing.
Mon, 2/4/1974 Here Goes the Bride - remote 9/10 Has a lot of the feel of the film "Rebecca,"
probably why I enjoy it so much, even if the plot has been done before. After a woman
marries and goes to live on her husbands remote estate she discovers a mystery about a
possible murder of the man's first wife who still seems to haunt the place
Ruby Dee
A newly married woman finds resentment at her husbands’ estate, finding that his first
wife's suicide is suspicious.
Tue, 2/5/1974 Lady Was a Tiger, Lady
William Redfield
A newspaper man is falsely accused of murder in Paris when a gorgeous double agent decides to
help him.
Wed, 2/6/1974 After the Verdict
Tony Roberts
A lawyer discovers that the man he successfully defended for murder is really guilty.
Fri, 2/8/1974 Conspiracy to Defraud
Paul Hecht
A federal agent goes to Paris to find the source of illegal drugs.
Sat, 2/9/1974 Deadly Hour, The 10/10 - Genuinely creepy all takes place at a seaside
cave...creepy as hell about a man who traps a young couple inside a cave for the heck of it
and listens to them die over the next weeks
Norman Rose A man confesses to a psychiatrist that he trapped a couple in a cave to
listen to them die.
Sun, 2/10/1974 Dead Man's Mountain - remote 6/10 OK story, it gets interesting but I just
don’t care for the last third of it and how it is eventually concluded. A developer wants to
build on a mountain in a small town, but after one of his men returns from the mountain,
aged by 40 years he decides to go himself to discover what exactly is going on
Alan Hewitt
Anyone who climbs the mountain on a primitive island loses whatever they value most.
Tue, 2/12/1974 A Dream of Death
Michael Tolin
A man is convince that his life is in danger for an engagment that was broken 200 years ago.
Wed, 2/13/1974 Dig Me Deadly – 9/10 Gotta love the witty dialogue in this one, and just
about any of them with a private eye. A good plot here as well, really enjoyed this one. A
female detective is called out to an archeological dig where a girl has disappeared. Soon
after arriving they find the girl’s hands attached to a skeleton buried in the earth. Was it
something supernatural perhaps or is the intrigue afoot at the dig?
Louise Larabee
A lady detective is asked to work on a case that involves a woman's hands attached to an
ancient skeleton. Written well, good dialogs.
Thu, 2/14/1974 Under Grave Suspicion - remote 8/10 Creative storyline, well done.
Ralph Bell A rocky marriage takes a unexpected and frightening turn when a hurricane hits
their seaside cottage.
Sat, 2/16/1974 A Lady Never Loses Her Head - 8/10 A fairly predictable tale of a man trying
to get a womans inheritance, but the irony at the end is priceless. A woman from America
marries an English man and moves in with him at his large estate, but soon finds herself
haunted by a headless ghost on horseback.
Kim Hunter
A newly married woman is haunted be a headless ghost that bears a remarkable
resemblance to her. Long intro.
Sun, 2/17/1974 Walking Corpse, The - 5/10 A weird little zombie story...about a newly
married couple taking a vacation when they are taken hostage by a tyrant of a small
tropical country who is attempting to control it through zombies.
Tony Roberts
Voodoo and Zombies feature in an attempt by an evil general to take over his country.
Mon, 2/18/1974 Blizzard of Terror - remote 8/10 - Not bad, certainly creepy, grisly and
intense – and it makes you think. But the end is a little stupid, I don’t care what anyone
says, and it did stay in one building the entire time, so I take off a little for that. A couple
become stranded in a blizzard and take refuge in a cabin with a ruthless murderer.
Lois Smith
A couple are stranded in a blizzard in a small cabin with a murderer.
Tue, 2/19/1974 Sea Fever
George Matthews
A jealous sea captain sends men to a watery grave for even talking about his wife. Very long
Thu, 2/21/1974 Walls of Jericho, The
Robert Dryden
A steward of a mens club conjurs up apparitions that get out of control.
Fri, 2/22/1974 Horla, The - 10/10 I really like this one for its slow, brooding atmosphere of
doom. Admittedly there’s not too much action here but I find it to be one of my favorites
and I raise it from a 9 to a 10. Paul Hecht is very believable as a man who seems to be
losing his mind. A great white ship remains docked outside a small French town, a
famous writer there believes there is a strange force connected with the ship is trying to
kill him and take over the world.
Paul Hecht
A man is convinced that his body is being consumed by an invisible presence.
Sun, 2/24/1974 Horse That Wasn't for Sale, The – remote 8/10 – A girl inherits her fathers
estate, along with his debts. She sells off all of his horses except one that she loves but
has trampled a man to death. Although she tries to tell a man how dangerous the horse is
he cant take no for an answer.
Mercedes McCambridge
A woman sells all her horses, except one, to pay off her deceased fathers debts. Odd
outro, with galloping horse sound effects competing with EGM's narration. Clearer copy
Tue, 2/26/1974 Edge of Death, The - remote 6/10 - I have seen where some people enjoyed
this episode very much, personally I think it has weird plot elements to begin with, and
they never feel like they come together and make any sense, I am not even sure how they
could. I admit the ending is pretty good, but it doesn't make up for the rest of the show
like a few twist endings do. The first time I rated this episode I gave it a 5, I think it is at
least worth a 6, and therefore could be worth a re-listen but it still rates low on my list. A
farmer finds a strange case with cures for various diseases inside, on top of this there is a
man in black on the loose who escaped from the local madhouse who has no mouth and
seems to be wanting the case back.
Patrick O' Neal
A farmer finds a mysterious case that he thinks has special cures, and a man without a
mouth who is looking for it.
Thu, 2/28/1974 A Choice of Witnesses - 10/10 An excellent story, incredibly well-written
with plenty of twists and turns to keep you interested. A slimy photographer makes a
living taking pictures of people in compromising positions and then blackmailing them for
a small monthly fee. But soon his victims make contact with one another and decide they
have had enough and decide desperate mesures are called for.
Paul Hecht
Victims of a blackmailer plot to kill him.
Sat, 3/2/1974 Out of Sight
Julia Meade
A female astronaut is sure their flight into space is doomed because of her presence.
Sun, 3/3/1974 Prognosis Negative
William Redfield
A fake medium uses a brainwashed psychopath to run a con.
Mon, 3/4/1974 This Will Kill You - 7/10 OK little story that manages to build some tension
Norman Rose
A demonologist puts a curse on a book critic and the only way he can break it is to give it
to someone else.
Wed, 3/6/1974 Sending, The
Mandel Kramer A college professor uses black magic to gain years to his wife, but at the expense
of the student body.
Thu, 3/7/1974 Creature from the Swamp, The ++
Tony Roberts A man rescues a woman from quicksand in a swamp and she claims to be
chased by a swamp creature.
Sat, 3/9/1974 A Long Time to Die
Jack Grimes
A man exchanges places with an Indian who lived two hundred years ago.
Mon, 3/11/1974 Thing in the Cave, The ++r
Teri Keane Cave explorers are trapped in a cave with it's famous monster.
Tue, 3/12/1974 A Sacrifice in Blood
Ralph Bell Two archaeologists discover a baby inside a Aztec tomb and raise it as thier own.
Wed, 3/13/1974 A Little Night Murder - 7/10 Big city murder mystery, rather suspenseful
however you look at it
Jack Grimes
A man meets different women and tells them he's to keep a promise, a promise to kill
Thu, 3/14/1974 Fall of the House of Usher, The 10/10 - A great version of this classic tale
Kevin McCarthy
A man believes that his house has become a tomb for the living dead.
Mon, 3/18/1974 Sea of Troubles
Earl Hammond
A man decides that his wife's money is worth more than her love and plans her murder.
Tue, 3/19/1974 Frankenstein Revisited* - remote 9/10 One of the highly rated episodes of
the series, and deservedly so. While it plays on the theme of a "monstrous horror," it
really comes off more as a murder mystery with supernatural elements included for good
measure. On the 400th anniversary of Frankenstein's death a radio crew goes to his old
estate but soon learns that the infamous man may yet be alive.
Ralph Bell
A radio crew plans to cover the 400th anniversary of Frankenstein's death when evidence
soon appears that he has come back looking for fresh blood.
Wed, 3/20/1974 Ghost at the Gate, The
Beatrice Straight A man continues wooing his wife and his mistress even in death.
Thu, 3/21/1974 Ordeal by Fire 9/10 - Actually a very good story even though it revolves
around a strange, improbable theme
Mandel Kramer A man and his daughter end up in wheel chairs with 3rd degree burns for
refusing to give $1 million dollars to a man with strange control over fire.
Mon, 3/25/1974 Diary of a Madman, The ++
Larry Haines
A judge who commits murder judges others who are accused of commiting his crimes.
Tue, 3/26/1974 Death by Whose Hands ++r
Stephen Snauble
Set at the turn of the century, a surgeon transplants the hands of a gifted musician to the man
who was his rival.
Wed, 3/27/1974 It's Simply Murder
Jack Gifford
A mouse of a man gets caught up in a plot to kill his wife, rob a bank, and run off with a woman all in one weekend.
Thu, 3/28/1974 Unearthly Gift, The - remote - 7/10 Has a decent atmosphere I guess but it
just doesn't shine like it could have
Betsy Palmer
A girl who cooks for lumber jacks can fortell future events and decides to take action
when a new man frightens her.
Mon, 4/1/1974 Black Cat, The - 7/10 This version is nothing like Poe's original in my
opinion, and this one's not as good either, still a decent version for radio though. Very
annoying cat sounds in this one, the wife is pretty annoying as well, I was pulling for both
of their deaths by the end. One of the best quotes I've heard in CBSRMT "Only poor
people are crazy, rich people are eccentric." A man marries a woman for her and her
father's money but in her cat's eyes he sees visions of the future where he is driven to
Norman Rose
Based on the Edgar Allen Poe story. A man marries a woman for her money then finds life
with her and her cat unbearable.
Tue, 4/2/1974 Pharoah's Curse, The
Kim Hunter
A 4000-year-old curse plagues an archeologist and a singer as they try to recover a fortune in
Wed, 4/3/1974 Die! You're On Magic Camera
Nick Pryor
A man owns a camera that takes pictures of future events.
Thu, 4/4/1974 Thing Inside, The* - remote 8/10 - An above average tale that keeps it’s
secrets well, also has the feel like "The Dominant Personality" at times – a remote location
and mysterious murders happening at night. Although I like this episode it has one of the
best examples of what a “deus ex machina” ending is that I’ve ever heard. Update: For
some reason I come back to this one for a re-listen often, I still give it an 8, but it’s a
durable one. A man buys a glass ball with something inside of it, a voice comes to him in
a dream and tells him to break it, once he does things start to go well for him, but people
in his small town are mysteriously and brutally murdered...
Ralph Bell
A man buys a mysterious glass ball and suddenly strange things start to happen in his
Mon, 4/8/1974 Locked Room, The - remote 8/10 - This one impressed me quite a bit
actually, somehow different for CBSRMT -- After a man marries a ugly and naive rich girl
her mother knows it was only for her money and tries to force them to divorce, but he
conceives a desperate plan to convince the mother otherwise; but does his plan reveal his
true intentions?
Jack Grimes
The locked room plays a very minor role in this tale of a newly married woman and her
mothers fight to end the marriage.
Tue, 4/9/1974 Murder Museum, The ++r
Michael Wager
A story about a wax museum and the effects it has on a relative of one of the subjects.
Wed, 4/10/1974 Out of Focus
William Redfield
A advertising man tries to photograph a model but only gets blank pictures.
Thu, 4/11/1974 Strange Company 7/10 - A slightly above average tale about a man that
learns his old aunt has two suitcases full of cash and she says that strangers are coming
into her apartment when she is alone, he tries to use these strange visitors as scapegoats
for missing money when his greed begins to get the better of him
Bryna Raeburn A man must deal with an elderly aunt with two suitcases full of money, and
imaginary visitors terrorizing her.
Mon, 4/15/1974 Only the Dead Remember
Tony Roberts
A man finds a fellow POW who he thinks 'rated' on them and seeks the help of his buddies to kill
Tue, 4/16/1974 Men Without Mouths
Joe Silver
An ex-hood has visions of people without mouths coming after him.
Wed, 4/17/1974 The Horror Within
Don Scardino
A boy has frightening powers he says are from God.
Thu, 4/18/1974 A Portrait of Death - 8/10 – This one had a pretty good plot idea I thought,
although it was never completely explained because so much emphasis was put on one
man’s struggle to convince everyone he’s not insane. Every person that a famous painter
paints withers away and dies. When he prepares to paint his new wife, her detective
brother is determined to do everything he can to stop it.
Nat Polan
A man suddenly becomes a great painter, except everything and everyone he paints dies.
That worries his stepbrother because the man intends to paint his wife next.
Mon, 4/22/1974 Wishing Stone, The
William Prince
A little girls says an Angel gave her a wishing stone, and finds that her wishes don't turn out as
she thought they would.
Tue, 4/23/1974 Ghost Driver, The* - remote 8/10 Nice little story, not all too interesting and
it is predictable, but still has an atmosphere better than most. LOVE to revisit this tale, not
sure why exactly but I do. A couple put their entire savings into a skiing lodge, but they
soon find themselves terrorized by a “ghost driver” who pushes cars over ledges.
Augusta Daphine A ghost driver that killed the past owners of a country skiing lodge is
after the new owners as well as the people who stay there.
Wed, 4/24/1974 Hand, The* - remote 9/10 – This is a great little tale with a creeping
atmosphere, I love how the plot develops and the setting of course. A hunter and his
invalid wife move into a small village, but after a local magistrate sends a letter to America
for the man’s wife a severed hand arrives in the mail, something he takes as a sign of
impending doom.
Alexander Scourby
A strange hunter recently moved to a village with his seemingly insane wife, when he
receives a severed human hand in the mail he is sure it means his death.
Thu, 4/25/1974 Sunset to Sunrise - remote 7/10 OK story, not the best vampire story I’ve
heard, and this actress is perhaps the most annoying talent ever used in CBSRMT. The
last “stake in the neck” scene, good night nurse and Jesus H Christ of Nazareth, talk
about camp! A woman returns to her small town after her step-mother dies. But once
there she discovers that many people in the town, including some in her family believe
that her strong-willed mother is a vampire that will never rest.
Marian Seldes
A woman becomes convinced by the people in her small town that her recently dead step
mother is now a vampire.
Mon, 4/29/1974 All Living Things Must Die
Mercedes McCambridge
A plant lover's "babies" come to life and kill her husband.
Tue, 4/30/1974 Venus d'Ile, The
Norman Rose A man carelessly puts his ring on a statue of Venus, then the goddess demand his
love or his life.
Wed, 5/1/1974 Death Bell, The - remote 7/10 A pretty good story about a man exploring
rural Ireland, listen again
Michael Tolin A man's search for his ancestors gets him involved with the IRA when they
think he is a police officer.
Thu, 5/2/1974 Dracula
Mercedes McCambridge Classic Dracula tale - A woman is having her blood drained and they
must kill the vampire to save her soul.
Mon, 5/6/1974 Murder with Malice - 7/10 - A decent story, very grim and dark about a bad
person in a bad situation and hated by most everyone around him...A good for nothing
brother tries to get his sister to kill his father who he hates so he can pay off some
gangsters he owes money to
Marcia Rodd A brother attempts to hypnotize his sister into killing their father.
Tue, 5/7/1974 Suicide Club, The
Barry Nelson
A man joins an exclusive club where members are chosen to kill or to die in a card game.
Wed, 5/8/1974 Breaking Point, The ++
Roger DeKoven
A scientist projects his thoughts to his wife - telling her to shoot him.
Thu, 5/9/1974 A Tiny Drop of Poison
Tammy Grimes
A politician's past suddenly catches up with her when her husband is assigned to investigate a
five year old murder.
Mon, 5/13/1974 Lodger, The - 9/10 This one has some genuinely scary moments, one of the
best and most intense CBSRMT I have heard in a while, one of those that keeps you
guessing and the more wild the guess is, the more likely it will be right in this case. It's a
creepy tale of a widow murderer on the loose, and after taking in a new lodger Nell Pierson
is almost certain he is the one.
Kim Hunter
A series of brutal murders of women scare a boarding house lady who thinks her new
lodger may be the killer.
Tue, 5/14/1974 Voices of Death - 9/10 A pretty good one, but it wasnt about a radio, it was
about a man who sees a ghost in his TV who wants him to kills his (the ghosts) cheating
Mandel Kramer
Fan submitted : At a garage sale, a man finds a radio he designed when he was 10 years
old. He becomes obsessed when he hears strange voices communicating on it.
Wed, 5/15/1974 Forever Man, The
Paul Hecht
A young man is offered money, a car and an apartment in exchange for his body through
"psychic surgery" .
Thu, 5/16/1974 Trouble with Ruth, The
Marian Seldes
A kleptomaniac is blackmailed by two men to stealing a diamond pin them.
Mon, 5/20/1974 Crack in the Wall, The ++r
Celeste Holm A crack in a basement wall refuses to be sealed up and then the voice of the
owner's dead daughter is heard through it.
Tue, 5/21/1974 Longest Knife, The
Bryna Raeburn In a central American country a woman vows revenge against a cruel dictator that
killed her son.
Thu, 5/23/1974 Bleeding Statue, The - remote - 4/10 An ok story but just not carried off well
at all, it feels like a bad Whistler show, predictable, uninteresting characters...even if it is
done in a remote spooky mansion it doesnt help it...all about an inheritance that a young
woman is set to inherit from her magician grandfather, that is, if she can survive her
jealous relatives
Patricia Elliot After the death of her magician grandfather, a woman goes to his estate and
finds his magic and his will still live.
Mon, 5/27/1974 Mirror for Murder
Celeste Holm A woman sees herself fading in a mirror until she finds herself important again.
Wed, 5/29/1974 Phantom Lullaby, The - 8/10 – Not bad, it feels slightly claustrophobic
because it takes place almost entirely in one apartment in one night, but still not a bad
episode. After their daughter has an abortion, her mother and father rent her an
apartment, only to find that it is haunted and has a connection with her boyfriends past.
Rosemary Murphy A mother and Father rented an apartment for their daughter who just
had an abortion, only it's haunted.
Thu, 5/30/1974 Dressed to Kill
Robert Morse A man plans a scam where he fakes his death and then impersonates his wife in
order to claim the insurance.
Mon, 6/3/1974 To Kill with Confidence - 8/10 Teeters on the edge between a supernatural
tale and a scheming husband/private eye type of story...its strong point ends up being the
twist ending
Marian Seldes
A newlywed leaves her husband at a garage to go shopping and when she comes back the
place is gone.
Tue, 6/4/1974 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge ++r
William Prince In the Civil war, a man escapes the hangman's noose and makes his way through
enemy lines.
Thu, 6/6/1974 Deadly Darling Delores 4/10 Starts out OK, but goes bad, and just doesnt
make a lot of sense and has a predictable end...also an annoying computer voice
Nat Polan A scientist discovers a plot by metal to exterminate all animal life on Earth.
Mon, 6/10/1974 A Bargain in Blood
Tony Roberts A man finds he has the ability to trade someone his attributes.
Wed, 6/12/1974 Rat, The
Michael Wager A scientist, who seems to be going out of his mind, has developed the world most
intelligent rat.
Thu, 6/13/1974 House of Seven Gables, The - remote 5/10 - although it contains a lot of the
elements I like and it has a decent atmosphere at times it just didnt come off that good to
me, listen again
Norman Rose Adaptation of the classic novel about the owner of the house and the curse
put upon him and all his descendants.
Mon, 6/17/1974 Three Times Dead
William Redfield
After a cop is forced to kill robbers, the grateful shop owner gives his wife a statue that will grant
three wishes.
Tue, 6/18/1974 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Kevin McCarthy
A prominent doctor has a strange relationship with Mr. Hyde, a evil man.
Thu, 6/20/1974 Secret Doctrine, The
Mercedes McCambridge
A fan in love with a movie actor tells a confession of how she killed her idol with black magic.
Mon, 6/24/1974 Escape! Escape! 8/10 Good story about two convicts who escape but get
lost in the rain and break into the remote home of an old woman who casts a spell on them
Teri Keane Two escape convicts and a woman cross an old woman and find themselves
lost in a strange land.
Tue, 6/25/1974 Where Fear Begins 7/10 - Not bad, a real horror story thats for sure. After
getting a frenzied, frightened call from her sister Amanda one night she finds her dead the
following day. The official cause is a heart attack, but she begins to suspect that she was
scared to death by something in her apartment.
Kim Hunter
The effect of a drug the can literally scare a person to death.
Thu, 6/27/1974 Yesterday's Murder
Mercedes McCambridge A woman is given a chance to go back in time and correct a mistake she
made which caused a man's life.
Mon, 7/1/1974 Hurricane - remote 9/10 One of the better ones -- actually kept me guessing
many times, starts with a oft-told tale of two people caught in a storm and finding shelter,
but here it is with two men, one of which could be a homocidal maniac [SCT]
Joseph Jullian Fan submitted : A couple, looking for shelter during a hurricane, stumble
into two suspicious men in a beach cabin.
Wed, 7/3/1974 Secret Life of Bobby Deland, The
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A ten-year old orphan has the strange ability to cure a headache by
giving it to himself.
Thu, 7/4/1974 Young Die Good, The - 8/10 An interesting tale of witchcraft with a typical
theme of the beautiful seductress who is taking away peoples youth, fairly predictable but
still manages to surprise
Patricia Elliot Fan submitted : A young newlywed couple have marital problems after they
meet a next-door neighbor who has an alter-ego.
Mon, 7/8/1974 Too Many Women Can Kill You - 10/10 A very creative, and well-told story
about a man who kills one woman, has to kill another and then has to kill another...
Larry Haines After a man gets away with a perfect murder, his housekeeper blackmails
him. Fan submitted : A man kills his rich wife only to be haunted by her in his dreams.
Tue, 7/9/1974 And Death Makes Even Steven - 6/10 Turns out to be a bleak little tale,
interesting but average
Michael Tolin An evil twin kills his brother to inherit a fortune.
Thu, 7/11/1974 Devil-God, The - remote 7/10 - OK story but it doesn’t contain the typical
elements of the "creepy remote location" with interesting characters and situations. I
gave this one a second listen, its OK but it just lacks something, things seem to go by a
little too fast. A couple inherit a ranch on a remote plot of land, upon arrival they see a
beautiful horse which the Indian ranch hands think is cursed by the lightening god. At
first they disbelieve it as silly superstition, but after a local man is struck by lightening the
husband begins to think there’s something to it.
Ruby Dee Fan submitted : A couple inherit a ranch that has a curse associated with a
horse that was struck by lightning.
Mon, 7/15/1974 Canterville Ghost, The ++r
Arnold Moss A restless spirit tries unsuccessfully to scare the owners of his castle.
Wed, 7/17/1974 Real Printer's Devil, The
Paul Hecht
Fan submitted : A couple rent an inexpensive apartment only to find out that apartment number
13 is devilishly errie.
Thu, 7/18/1974 Dream Woman, The
Kevin McCarthy
A married man leaves his wife for his dream woman, despite believing that she will kill him.
Mon, 7/22/1974 The Deadly Process ++
Norman Rose
Fan submitted: A man steals an industrial process from his friend to save his executive job.
Tue, 7/23/1974 Adam's Astral Self
Michael Wager Fan submitted : A man who has a penchant for projecting his spirit or astral self
out of his body is driving his wife to leave him.
Thu, 7/25/1974 My Sister - Death 2/10 Would be a pretty good tale but marred by a
hysterical, crying, raving, terribly annoying bitch of a woman...holy damn this show can be
campy at goes on and on and I for one do not enjoy listening to a old woman cry
and rave for half of the show, excuse the language but sheesh!!!
Marian Seldes
A story about a woman trying to drive her sister insane.
Mon, 7/29/1974 Ghost at High Noon - remote 7/10 - Weird story, improbable not so much in
the ghost parts but the real peoples reactions to going along with it
Celeste Holm Two woman who are stranded in the desert when their car breaks down are
rescued by an old man in a covered wagon who takes them to a ghost town.
Wed, 7/31/1974 Only Blood, The
Howard Dasilva
Revenge and murder play a part in this tale of the Mafia.
Thu, 8/1/1974 Hit Man, The
Mike Kellin
A hit man is hired to kill a guy, but has a change of heart after meeting his wife.
Mon, 8/5/1974 I Thought You Were Dead - 6/10 Not a bad story in any particular way, but
its still a “mild” and “slight” episode and an uninspiring ending. After a woman murders
her husband she finds herself unable to write without him, and doubts her ability as an
author. Then she starts receiving phone calls from her husband, but is it him or someone
trying to make her pay for her sins?
Arlene Francis
A woman gets phone calls from her dead husband wanting her to join him in death.
Tue, 8/6/1974 Headstrong Corpse, The* – remote 10/10 – A perfect episode, atmospheric,
scary, and a great example of a “remote” story, occurring at a country estate, with thunder
in the background and a maniac on the loose…this is a whodunit, and a more entertaining
example than usual. I was really caring and looking forward to discovering the truth to the
mystery. At an English manor house a lunatic murders people and puts their heads in the
crypt, exchanged with the head of an uncle who died recently.
Susanne Grossman
A man has a problem - someone or something keeps exchanging the head and body of his
dead uncle with freshly murdered people.
Wed, 8/7/1974 Picture of Dorian Gray, The
Nick Pryor
Retelling of the Oscar Wilde classic about a man whose picture reflects the evil life he leads.
Thu, 8/8/1974 You Only Die Once
Joan Loring
Fan submitted: A man fakes his own death to escape with the proceeds of a bank robery.
Mon, 8/12/1974 Beach of Falesa, The - remote 8/10 Not a bad story, funny accents by the
natives, I almost fell out of my chair when a man broke wine bottles with a hammer and his
native wife says, ":Gasp: - That happy juice!" A strange and complicated tale of a British
trader trying to make his way on a small tropical island awash in superstition and voodoo,
after a marriage to a local girl he's seen as taboo...
Alexander Scourby
Fan submitted : A trader is thwarted by his rival competitor which uses voodoo to scare
away his customers.
Tue, 8/13/1974 Frontiers of Fear, The ++
Jerry Stiller
A down on his luck man comes across a typewriter that has a life of it's own.
Wed, 8/14/1974 Journey Into Terror
Roy Pinneseth
A woman is asked by the police to help them capture her new husband in the act of killing her.
Thu, 8/15/1974 The Final Vow
Rosemary Rice
A nun leave the order so that she can track down a priceless art object she had stolen from her.
Mon, 8/19/1974 Hands of Mrs. Mallory, The ++r
Celeste Holm
Fan submitted: A woman, who has paralyzed hands, seeks the medicine of a doctor who has an
expensive drug called "Water of Faith".
Tue, 8/20/1974 A Preview of Death* - remote 9/10 This is a pretty good story, I admit it’s
not perfect but I this is one I revisit. A man who is the inspector of the cable car of a ski
resort and refuses to approve it because of some practical reasons but also a bad,
recurring dream he has about the car crashing...the only problem is that he is the brotherin-law of the owner of the resort
Russell Horton
An mans brother-in-law owns a replication of a Sweedish village in the remote Rocky
Mountains. He becomes the county inspector of a sky tram to the village and has dreams
of it falling and killing a woman he never met.
Wed, 8/21/1974 Having a Horrible Time - remote - 8/10 - A suspenseful little tale where you
never know who to trust...After a woman helps to put a criminal away she gets rewarded
and goes on a vacation with a friend at the Tomahawk Tree Lodge in the mountains. Her
friend meets a detective who's certain that someone at the lodge is trying to kill her, they
want to draw him out in the open, and there’s no shortage of suspects.
Lynn Loring
Two women take a vacation only one is targeted for assassination and the other asked to
help protect her.
Thu, 8/22/1974 Case of M.J.H., The
Augusta Daphine
A man uses a woman's loneliness in order to set up a blackmail scam with a patient of a
Mon, 8/26/1974 Deadliest Favor, The - remote - 8/10 A rather improbable tale, in many
places but still worth hearing...has a good "remote cabin" theme with the local small town
sheriff stopping by often looking for a dangerous fugitive who may be hiding in the hills
Norman Rose A boring novelist takes in a wanted fugitive - much to the ire of his wife.
Wed, 8/28/1974 Fatal Marksman, The - remote 7/10 On a second listen I raise the rating of
this one from a 6 to a 7, I was tempted to even raise it to an 8 but Im not so sure. This is a
very dark, and as EGM says, gothic tale and I liked the atmosphere more than I recall the
first time I heard it. A man had promised his mother not to become a hunter, but he is
forced to do so if he wishes to marry the girl he loves. Mother curses his gun, but another
spirit shows up with magic bullets, but he soon runs out and has to make a pact with the
devil to get more.
Michael Wager
A man breaks a promise to his dead mother to become a hunter and she curses his gun,
but another spirit gives him charmed bullets.
Thu, 8/29/1974 Medium Rare
Joan Lovejoy
A ghost uses a fake medium to get revenge on a couple who he knew in life.
Mon, 9/2/1974 Return of Anatole Chevenic, The ++
Alexander Scourby
Fan submitted: A man kills his uncle to inherit his wealth. He blames the deed on an imaginary
cousin who suddenly shows up.
Tue, 9/3/1974 Imp in the Bottle, The ++r
William Redfield & Joan Loring
A Genie makes his owners rich but promises to take thier soul when they die.
Thu, 9/5/1974 Deadline for Death
Michael Tolin & Joseph Julian
A man locks himself away after a threat from a dead man that he will kill him within 30m days.
Mon, 9/9/1974 Double Exposure ++
Kim Hunter
A woman is mistaken for someone else who left her family years ago.
Wed, 9/11/1974 Hand That Refused to Die, The ++
Mandel Kramer A concert pianist loses the use of one of his hands.
Thu, 9/12/1974 The Trouble with Murder ++
Robert Morse A man likes to paint women then dismember them to keep them immortal.
Mon, 9/16/1974 What Happened to Mrs. Forbush? remote 9/10 - Good story, entertaining
Patricia Wheel A family moves into a house by the sea and find out it's haunted by an old
sea captain's wife.
Tue, 9/17/1974 Thicker Than Water
Jay Gregory
A lawyer reluctantly takes on a case of murder in New York city, and he isn't entirely convinced of
his clients innocence.
Thu, 9/19/1974 The Garden
Jennifer Harmon
A man and woman find themselves in a jungle, slaves to a cruel giant. They try to escape to a
beautiful garden with a kindly.
Mon, 9/23/1974 Island of the Lost - remote 7/10 OK story about a man going to see his wife
who is on vacation and begins to suspect her of an affair, it really does have some twists
and turns
Norman Rose & Marian Seldes
Fan submitted: A man becomes very jealous when he discovers that another man has a
key to his wife's bungelow while they are vacationing in the Caribbean. Clean copy
Wed, 9/25/1974 Deadly Blind Man's Bluff, The
Mason Adams A steelworker blinded by an accident encounters a deadly crook.
Thu, 9/26/1974 Spectral Bride, The 9/10 A really good, dark little tale
Joan Loring & Michael Wager Fan submitted : A man is haunted by his dead wife, whom
he promised to love only her in life as well as death.
Mon, 9/30/1974 Murder to Perfection
Mercedes McCambridge & Joseph Campanella
A woman tries to prove her sister was killed by her husband in a 'perfect' murder.
Tue, 10/1/1974 Bride That Wasn't, The
Janet Waldo & Anne Seymour
A woman goes to visits her fiancee who claims he doesn't know her.
Thu, 10/3/1974 Golden Blood of the Sun, The ++r
John Forsythe
Fan submitted: A man makes a business trip to Mexico City, only to find out why he is jinxing his
bosses business.
Mon, 10/7/1974 Sister of Death
Kay T. Stevens
A woman buys a portrait painting at an auction. The painting is of her husband’s former wife who
was killed during a robbery.
Wed, 10/9/1974 Trapped - 9/10 Gotta love a twisting and paranoid plot like this – we feel
the paranoia and are never sure who to trust or what people are really up to. An invalid
opens some fan mail addressed to her husband and discovers what she believes to be a
plot to “put her out of the way” – but nothing is as plain as it first appears.
Nina Foch & Charles Aidman
An invalid thinks her husband and her new nurse are trying to kill her.
Thu, 10/10/1974 The Doll (Voodoo) - 6/10 An average tale of voodoo dolls, a professor
uses a doll to keep control over a young girl he loves who is planning to marry another
man...not bad but just average.
Joanne Linville A professor has a voodoo doll made to win the affection of a young
Mon, 10/14/1974 A Scaffold for Two
Bret Morrison & John Beal After a lawyer crash lands on an island he discovers his host is set to
hang someone.
Tue, 10/15/1974 Picture on the Wall – 6/10 Not a bad story but still not overly interesting
either necessarily. I could see listening to this one again, but I don’t think it rises above a
6 rating. Hokey ending. A woman moves into an apartment adjacent to a garden that’s
haunted by a ghost, the two meet and he seems to be a gentle and charming spirit, but her
fiancé worries when they both learn that the ghost may have strangled two women in the
Dianne Baker
Fan submitted : A man worries about his wifes safety after they move into an apartment
previously occupied by two young women who were murdered in the garden outside.
Thu, 10/17/1974 The Last Escape
Joan Lovejoy An aging escape artist tries to do one last trick, only his wife might try to kill him
with it.
Mon, 10/21/1974 Mind Over Matthew - 7/10 An often funny tale revolving around a little
rather predictable mystery, probably the most sex Ive ever heard in a CBSRMT show
William Redfield Fan submitted : A man marries a woman whom, after she cures him of
warts, suspects she is a witch.
Wed, 10/23/1974 See Naples and Die
Michael Wager Fan submitted : A Senator is blackmailed by his daughter who wants to marry a
Napolean who is accused of tax evasion.
Thu, 10/24/1974 A Cage for Augie Karo
Leon Janney Fan submitted : An old and crazy inmate gives a vial of powder to a fellow inmate
that will supposedly put a man to sleep for several centuries to thrwart the police if he breaks out.
Mon, 10/28/1974 Possessed by the Devil
Donald Bucher
Fan submitted : The son of a minister, mortally wounded, is possessed by a ghost that has
somehow healed him.
Tue, 10/29/1974 Black Room, The - 9/10 - intense
Larry Haines A man is sent into a black room as a punishment for something unknown.
Thu, 10/31/1974 Demon Spirit, The - remote ++r
Norman Rose In a small Jewish town a man dealing in the dark side dies and take over the soul
of the woman he loved.
Mon, 11/4/1974 Bury Me Again
Michael Tolin A con man is mistaken for dead in a train wreck and tries to get the insurance
Wed, 11/6/1974 Terror on the Heath - 6/10 OK story with a twist ending
Sheppard Strudwick A man believes he is a reincarnation of a murderer who was hanged a
hundred years ago.
Thu, 11/7/1974 How Eberhard Won His Wings
Hans Conried A meek man is given wings as a reward for being good, but his wife wants him to
get rid of them.
Mon, 11/11/1974 Wave of Terror
Paul Hecht A Hawaiian Romeo and Juliet story with a tidal wave added.
Tue, 11/12/1974 I Must Kill Edna 8/10 - remote - A good, suspenseful story with lots of
nasty characters about a man who marries for money, falls in love with a younger one for
the first time in his life and then has to deal with the ensuing dilemma
Elliot Reid Fan submitted : A man falls in love with a younger woman who plots to kill
current wife.
Thu, 11/14/1974 36th Man, The
Ross Martin There must be 36 saintly men in the world or it will be destroyed. Satan tries to
change the newest one.
Mon, 11/18/1974 The Strange Voyage of Lady Dee ++r
Paul Hecht Fan submitted : A couple and their daughter sail home from vacation and become
fog-bound in waters once infested by pirates.
Wed, 11/20/1974 Tattooed for Murder - 6/10 Alright story that is pretty intense and dark at
Teri Keane Fan submitted : A crazy man keeps his two daughters locked up in the family
Thu, 11/21/1974 Death Watch, The - 8/10 A pretty good little story about gambling and
Jay Gregory Fan submitted : A man wins a gold pocket watch that must be wound before
6:00 pm or it's owner will die.
Mon, 11/25/1974 Sighting, The
Kim Hunter A woman sees a UFO and her husband wants her to forget it, even when the alien
comes to visit her.
Tue, 11/26/1974 Courtyard of Death
Norman Rose Story of Rasputin and how he control the Russian government, and how he was
finally killed.
Thu, 11/28/1974 Aaron Burr Murder Case, The
Jack Grimes Fan submitted : While making a motion picture on the famous duel between Aaron
Burr and Alexander Hamilton, a real pistol is used on the set.
Mon, 12/2/1974 Dice of Doom, The
Michael Wager
With the aide of two special dice, a 19th Century gambler attempts to change the fate he is
doomed to by a pact an ancestor made with the Devil.
Wed, 12/4/1974 A Bride for Death - remote 7/10 - Another one of those familiar stories
where the past interacts with the present. This one is about average for the series. A
young man stumbles upon a house where a girl seems to be living in the 1920s and is still
waiting for her husband to return from WW1, they fall in love of course, but when he tells
people about her they say he is speaking of a house that is in ruins.
Tony Roberts
Fan submitted: Mystery surrounds a woman who is waiting for her fiance to return from
World War I.
Thu, 12/5/1974 The Body Snatchers - 9/10 Many consider this one of the best in the series,
and it is impressive, one of the true horror tales. A young idealistic man meets a
colleague who can help him become a doctor, but soon he finds himself taking part in
body snatching, a time of his life so terrible he spends the rest of it trying to drink it away.
Howard Dasilva
A town drunk runs across a rich doctor who was an old colleague, both were
Mon, 12/9/1974 The Fatal Connection ++
Jennifer Harmon
A telephone in an old house in New York transports a couple back through time.
Tue, 12/10/1974 The Damned Thing - remote 8/10 This is an alright version of a classic,
“Lovecraft-esque” tale but could have been done better, perhaps if more time was spent
out in the woods hunting “the damned thing” or sitting by the fireside speaking about it in
hushed tones, instead much of it feels like a court proceeding. After a man dies from
mysterious circumstances, his wife, mistress and other friends are gathered at his remote
cabin for an inquest into the matter, but is the explanation supernatural?
Robert Dryden
In a remote cabin in the northern mountains of California the death of man is told
differently by different people, but the real culprit is an invisible creature only described as
the "damned thing."
Thu, 12/12/1974 Is the Lady Dead?
Larry Haines A millionaire tries to bring back his deceased wife.
Mon, 12/16/1974 Stephanie's Room - 3/10 - I dont know why but I not only disliked this
episode, I pretty much hated it. I give it a 3 instead of 0 because the writing at the end is
OK, but I didnt like the acting or the story or dialogue. A woman who visits the house she
grew up in gradually develops a strange attachment to her old room and her mind seems
to disintegrate into a childs' again, soon she wants to live in the room forever.
Mercedes McCambridge
A woman visits her childhood home and then strange things happen to her old room.
Wed, 12/18/1974 Charity Is Never Dead
Virginia Payne
Fan submitted: A woman is fatally injured after a boiler accident shortly after finding her long-lost
Thu, 12/19/1974 The House of the Voodoo Queen - remote 8/10 - I liked this one quite a bit;
there’s a lot going on, a haunted house, voodoo, adultery and betrayal. A couple inherits a
haunted house in New Orleans and are unable to sell it to anyone because of the goings
on there. One of the prospective buyers wants the house and their souls too!
Jordan Charney A couple inherit a house in New Orleans that's haunted by a Voo Doo
queen and a beautiful woman seduces the husband to get it.
Mon, 12/23/1974 Give the Devil His Due
Mercedes McCambridge
A woman dancer makes a pact with the devil to be young again.
Tue, 12/24/1974 A Very Private Miracle
Howard Dasilva
A touching Christmas tale about a grumpy old man and a little girl who wants him to play Santa.
Thu, 12/26/1974 Turnabout Is Foul Play – 6/10 – More twists and turns in this plot than a
bag o-pretzels. It keeps you interested but somehow I never got totally invested in the
story, there’s no atmosphere, just plot details and names to keep up with. A man plans to
murder his wife before she changes her will and leave him a mere pittance.
Mason Adams
A man's mistress wants him to murder his wife before she changes her will.
Mon, 12/30/1974 The Golem
Robert Lansing
During WWII a man tries to hide an old man and a girl from the Nazi's.
Wed, 1/1/1975 The Deadly Pearls - remote 9/10 Kinda has a noir-ish feel with a PI and a
femme fatale, it ends suddenly but is well above-average for the series. A detective is sent
to an island with only three (strange) inhabitants to find some radioactive pearls.
Paul Hecht Fan submitted : A private investigator is charged with finding a string of pearls
that kills its wearer.
A private investigator travels to a remote Hawaiian island to locate a set of radioactive
pearls that were used to kill two women. posing as a writer, he infiltrates the island's
population and averts attempts on his life.
Thu, 1/2/1975 The Reluctant Killer
Tony Roberts
Fan submitted: A trucker seeks revenge on his ex-wife and her mother who objected to his giving
up his lucrative pro football career.
Sun, 1/5/1975 The Many Names of Death 5/10 OK story, nothing spectacular are seemingly
mild story of CBSRMT
Alexander Scourby
Fan submitted: A successful businessman is brought down by his new secretary who
claims that she can make him look younger.
Mon, 1/6/1975 The Premature Burial
Keir Dullea
Based on the Poe classic about using mesmerism to cheat death.
Tue, 1/7/1975 The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Stats Cotsworth
Poe classic about a double murder in a locked room.
Wed, 1/8/1975 The Oblong Box
Richard Mulligan
A story about a strange man on board ship and his even stranger coffin-shaped bow.
Thu, 1/9/1975 Berenice – remote 10/10 Love this dark, atmospheric version of this story,
but I admit I am a fan of the original story too. Reading these reviews, you’d also know I’m
a fan of horror stories in remote locations, but this is so great it would be good just about
anywhere it happened. There’s just nothing to complain about here. Based on the E. A.
Poe story about a man who falls in love with the younger sister of his wife. His wife takes
ill and dies, and he is forever haunted by the dead woman’s smile.
Michael Tolin
Fan submitted: A man falls in love with the younger sister of his wife. On his wife s deathbed, she tells him something that will haunt him and eventually drive him insane.
Fri, 1/10/1975 The Masque of the Red Death - 8/10 A very bitter, dark tale...a spin on the
Poe story about a rich family locking themselves away during a plague, their struggles
while in hiding and the inevitable invasion of their abode by the plague
Paul Hecht
A rich tyrant locks himself and his party away from the plague that is spreading around
the world of 1996.
Sat, 1/11/1975 The Tell-Tale Heart – remote 10/10 Very dark and intense show; cruel, worth
a re-listen -- actually gave me a nightmare...Incredibly dark, nasty and excellent story
about a young couple and their daughter who go to live with a cruel uncle who practically
works them to death on his farm.
A down on their luck couple and their daughter are forced to move in with the man's
sadistic uncle on his remote farm. The uncle works them nearly to death and does not feed
them, all the while making sexual overtures to the wife.
Remake of the classic Poe story about murder, guilt, and anxiety.
Sun, 1/12/1975 The Cask of Amontillado
Richard Kiley Loosely based on the Poe classic about murder in the catacombs over a cask of
Mon, 1/13/1975 The Witness Is Death
Joan Shea Fan submitted : A man with a bullet wound comes into a hospital. A detective finds out
that he was a witness to a murder commited by a notorious gangster.
Tue, 1/14/1975 Faith and the Faker
Howard Dasilva A man on an Island has the ability to heal everyone but his crippled wife.
Thu, 1/16/1975 A Death of Kings - 6/10 A kooky little tale, pretty funny at times, but not all
that great. I guess the ending is brilliant, but it doesn’t make up for the rest. A scientist
takes a student into his home that manipulates his bored wife, claiming that she is the
reincarnation of Emma of Normandy, all the while he is conspiring use a machine that will
steal all of the scientists’ knowledge. Yeah, I know, it’s weird.
Mercedes McCambridge Fan submitted : A brilliant, but meek scientist takes in a student
who builds a machine that will steal his knowledge.
Fri, 1/17/1975 Ghost Talk
Lanka Peterson Fan submitted : The new man in heaven is being driven crazy by his wifes
Mon, 1/20/1975 The Precious Killer
Arnold Moss & Beatrice Straight
A scientist and political leader in a European dictatorship is accused of treason. He learns that
the revolution he fought so hard to bring about is oppressive. He plots to defect. But betrayal
comes from all directions.
Wed, 1/22/1975 Concerto in Death
Marian Seldes Fan submitted : A symphony conductor is convinced that the spirit of his dead son
is inside of a new violinist.
Thu, 1/23/1975 Sleepy Village* - remote 9/10 – A very good and creepy tale, in the mold of
many other episodes of CBSRMT such as “The Summer People” and “The Three Elders of
Lifeboat Landing,” about a spooky small town. A couple come across a idyllic village and
consider buying a house there, but they must be “approved” first, and the longer they stay
the more the town feels like a weird cult.
Norman Rose A couple looking for a little village to settle down in find one in New
England, only all is not what it seems.
Fri, 1/24/1975 The Flowers of Death
Mercedes McCambridge Fan submitted : A woman is visited by the Greek god of wine. He builds
her a beautiful garden and then she mentally reverts into an ancient greek.
Sun, 1/26/1975 The Follower
Jerry Orlock Fan submitted : A hardboiled agent believes that he is being constantly followed by
someone, or something he can t see.
Mon, 1/27/1975 A Coffin for the Devil - 8/10 A pretty good story, you have to pay attention
to the ending to get it
Keir Dullea A heirloom coffin and the strange tale of its origin.
Tue, 1/28/1975 Windandingo - remote 7/10 - A rather funny tale of a naive young man
during the American Revolutionary war who keeps getting into trouble and summoning an
indian spirit to save him. Not a bad episode but light on the “mystery.”
Jack Grimes Fan submitted : In the year 1777, a young man is suspected of treason, and
he calls upon the indian god Windandingo to help him.
Thu, 1/30/1975 The Night of the Wolf - 8/10 - A fascinating story on the subject of
conscience, well-written and somewhat above average for the series. A young man kills
his wife inside a museum; he claims that a spirit in an old Indian robe took possession of
him at the time. People call him crazy, but there have been similar incidents at the
museum in the past, and each time it seems that the spirit brings out peoples' conscience,
and it’s not always pretty. The cop investigating begins an affair with the girl working at
the museum, what will his conscience have to say?
Michael Tolin
Fan submitted : A man commites a murder inside of a museum but claims that something
inside made him do it.
Fri, 1/31/1975 The Disembodied Voice - 7/10 This is a pretty good and suspenseful tale,
not great but not bad either. The end is a little kooky and "convenient" as they say. A
psychiatrist starts receiving calls from a man she believes could be the notorious "Grim
Raper" who has been raping and murdering women.
Celeste Holm
A woman Psychiatrist gets strange calls from a man that may be a rapist and murderer.
Mon, 2/3/1975 Death on Skiis* - remote 9/10 - Very good atmosphere, but the ending was a
slight let-down, perhaps a little too convenient or cliché. At a skiing resort blond women
have been murdered at a small, isolated hut; one each year. And the blond Kay has come
up with her writer husband and can’t help but visit the hut and tempt fate…
Rosemary Murphy
Fan submitted : Every year at the same time, blond haired women are murdered at a ski
resort in a small cabin on a dangerous slope when the moon is full.
Tue, 2/4/1975 Death in the Stars 5/10 – This story really goes in a lot of directions, toward
the middle it really started to lose me and I almost wondered if I was listening to the same
story. Thing is, after going in so many directions the conclusion it finally reaches isn’t
anything special either. A greedy woman’s husband dies as predicted in the horoscope in
the newspaper they own – years later her death is predicted as well. She’s convinced that
it could be a cruel joke by one of her many enemies, but she’s not totally convinced that it
doesn’t predict her death.
Kim Hunter
A tyranical woman read a horoscope in her paper that says she is to die.
Thu, 2/6/1975 The Sire de Maletroit's Door
Michael Wager
Based on the Robert Louis Stevenson classic this tale takes place in sixteenth century France,
and finds two friends running for their lives only to have one of them mortally wounded and the
other to find refuge behind a great door.
In sixteenth century England, while avoiding muggers, a man stumbles into the home of an
insane nobleman. The Sire de Maltroit tries to force him to marry his wayward niece.
Fri, 2/7/1975 Death Is So Trivial
Tony Roberts
Fan submitted: A man is killed in an auto accident. So he dedicates his afterlife to saving other
people from stupid accidents.
Mon, 2/10/1975 Journey Into Nowhere ++r
Court Benson
An American archeologist in a distant country finds an artifact that tells of the goddess of revenge
whom he searches for.
Thu, 2/13/1975 A Small Question of Terror
Teri Keane
In a police state, three people are interrogated about something said which could get them killed.
Fri, 2/14/1975 The Shadow of the Past
Howard Dasilva
A doctor in a poor neighborhood recognizes a Nazi criminal and kills him.
Mon, 2/17/1975 The Death Wisher – remote 9/10 - I really liked this one, very cool ending
that I admit I didn’t see coming. A man brings home the son of a man who saved his life,
but the family quickly finds out that he has the ability to wish things dead, and he is out for
Ann Patoniac
Fan submitted: A woman is afraid of a man whom she believes can wish things dead.
Tue, 2/18/1975 Love Me and Die - 8/10 A woman re-marries only to be haunted by her
abusive, dead former husband, but who was really the bad one in that relationship and
who in the new couple is he really trying to reach?
Anne Sheppard
A newly married woman suddenly is haunted by her long dead husband.
Thu, 2/20/1975 Must Hope Perish
Hugh Marlowe
A politician finds a connection with a poet in a corrupt country, a poet he has never met.
Fri, 2/21/1975 Weavers of Death, The
Mandel Kramer
Fan submitted: A police detective investigates a robbery that left three people dead. He is filled
with guilt because one of the victims was an old girlfriend that called him for help the night before.
Mon, 2/24/1975 Hell Hath No Fury - 8/10 - A good episode in my opinion, took a few turns I
didn't see coming and it had a particularly dark and suitable ending. A sleazy man plans
to murder his rich wife at their vacation home after her sister takes control of their
finances, but the sister is a witch and soon suspects whats going on.
William Redfield
Modern day Witch fears her brother-in-law plans to kill her step-sister.
Wed, 2/26/1975 The Strange Case of Lucas Lauder ++
Robert Lansing
A man about to be executed for murder claims he's the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper and will
possess the Warden upon his death.
Thu, 2/27/1975 Them!
Jordan Charney & Alan Hewitt
A man takes justice into his own hands by kidnapping people who where acquitted of murder and
locking them up.
Fri, 2/28/1975 An Identical Murder - remote - 10/10 An oft-told tale (was done in "And
Death Makes Even Steven" among others) of a twin killing his or her other and taking their
place for some advantage, I really like this one, interesting characters, plenty of locations
William Redfield Twin brothers vie for the same girl, which doesn't end even when one of
them die.
Twin brothers are in love with the same woman, but she loves only one. When one dies in
a mountain climbing accident, she wonders which one it was.
Mon, 3/3/1975 The Wakeful Ghost - remote - 9/10 A thoroughly entertaining tale of a man
looking for his roots in the farmland of Ireland and tangling with the supernatural elements
of the Irish
Paul Hecht Set in Ireland, an American doctor searches for some long lost relatives and
finds one - a banshee!
Tue, 3/4/1975 The Pit and the Pendulum ++r
Tony Roberts & Marian Seldes Fan submitted : husband and wife threatened with torture unless
he reveals secret information. Loose Poe adaption.
Thu, 3/6/1975 When the Death Bell Tolls
Mary Jane Higby & Rosemary Rice Fan submitted : A man in the hospital needs an operation to
live. But his mother in law refuses to sign the concent forms.
Fri, 3/7/1975 The Eye of Death - 6/10 – A somewhat below average episode I think, a lot of
build up to an ending that frankly didn’t pay off and feels kinda “yeah…right…suuuure” A
photographer is sure that her step-father has killed her mother for her money and is
planning to do the same to another woman, but she cant prove it, yet.
Joan Hackett A Woman photographer tries to prove her step-father is a murderer.
Mon, 3/10/1975 The Stuff of Dreams
Bryna Raeburn An old woman pays a young girl to tell her about her life so that she can have
material for her dreams.
Wed, 3/12/1975 The Dark Closet ++r
Fred Gwynne & Jada Rowland A girl who is having nightmares is arrested and her father refuses
to help her.
Thu, 3/13/1975 Death Pays No Dividend – 7/10 A similar story to this one was done in the
radio show Crisis in an episode titled “The Appointment.” Although its only half as long, I
think I liked their version a little better, this is a very “happy” episode for the series. Three
businessmen facing financial ruin and scandal hire a hitman to kill them, but after fate
throws some good news their way one of them tries to stop the hired gun.
Anne Sheppard Fan submitted: A man in financial difficulty wants to commit suicide but
can t and hires a hitman to kill him. But then things turn around for him and he wants to
stop it. But is it too late?
Fri, 3/14/1975 The Cezar Curse - remote 6/10 A werewolf tale...about a young man who,
while lodging with a spanish family falls in love with their daughter, but he is told the love
is forbidden because of a family curse
Richard Kiley Fan submitted : A man is a guest in a strange mansion and falls in love with
a woman who tells him it is forbidden.
Mon, 3/17/1975 Every Blossom Dies
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A police detective is investigating a murder and all the evidence
points to him.
Tue, 3/18/1975 It's Murder, Mr. Lincoln
Kier Dullea Lincoln must defend a man of murder and the facts seem to be against him. EGM
version needed.
Thu, 3/20/1975 The Doppelganger - 6/10 This is one of those shows where a stereotype is
so overdone that it's funny, this often happens to characters with "exotic" accents, here
it's a ne're-do-well bum, constantly speaking in "hip street jive" -- "I am today baby, you
gotta take me as you find me", "Sorry we gotta ride the subway, but who's got the bread
for the hacks these days?," "stick with me baby, you'll ride first class all the way"...did I
fall into a bad film noir? About a girl who falls for a bad guy and has an abortion -- he
doesn’t care and she still loves him, so her college professor, parapsychology dabbling
father invokes an evil spirit in the form of his double to punish him.
Howard Dasilva
Fan submitted: A girl falls for the wrong type of man and her father summons evil to
rectify the situation. EGM version needed.
Fri, 3/21/1975 The Man Must Die
Kristoffer Tabori & William Prince
A distrubed young man insists that his father, a judge, execute a man for murder.
Mon, 3/24/1975 The Deadly Double ++r
Marian Seldes & Robert Dryden
A woman escapes from a mental institution and changes places with her twin.
Wed, 3/26/1975 Death Is a Dream
Mercedes McCambridge & Robert Dryden
A woman dreams of her brother being killed and when it happens she seeks out the killer.
Thu, 3/27/1975 The Velvet Claws - remote 6/10 A decent and strange little tale, has a
creepy ending but not interesting overall, a rather typical witchcraft story of a man upon
whom a spell is cast by a group of witches
Gordon Gould & Evie Juster A man relates a story about a strange encounter in a French
town, a town with cats and strange acting people.
Fri, 3/28/1975 The Key to Murder
Mercedes McCambridge Fan submitted : Murders are being commited at a boarding house and
the keys to the rooms are still in the locks. On the inside.
Mon, 3/31/1975 Killer of the Year
Norman Rose & Teri Keane A man recognizes a woman who was sent to prison for murder.
Tue, 4/1/1975 The Killer Inside
Anne Meara & Bryna Raeburn Fan submitted : A plain woman wins a trip to London. A co-worker
has her deliver a package to a college professor.
Thu, 4/3/1975 The Garrison of the Dead
Mandel Kramer Fan submitted : A man kills his friend who is going to testify against him in court.
Fri, 4/4/1975 Roses Are for Funerals
Carole Shelley People will even kill in order to steal a woman's imitation fur coat.
Mon, 4/7/1975 The Benjamin Franklin Murder Case – remote 8/10 – I’d call this an above
average story, but if you’re looking for a classic haunted house tale you’ll be disappointed,
this is more of a whodunit. This can be quite a funny episode, rarely have I laughed out
loud this often during CBSRMT. A man comes to Ben Franklin for advice about
investigating whether a house is haunted or not, but later the man is found murdered in
the house, Franklin investigates.
Paul Hecht
Ben Franklin investigates a case of murder and a ghost in an old house.
Wed, 4/9/1975 The Altar of Blood ++r
Fred Gwynne A retired archaeological professor and his daughter stumble across a buried Aztec
pyramid and are transported back in time where he is forced to see his daughter sacrificed.
Thu, 4/10/1975 The Death of Halpin Fraser - remote 7/10 This is an average story, feels
rather slow and uneventful at times, but it also picks up without warning. The story,
darker than most, has incestuous overtones and a creepy, very atmospheric ending. After
a man finally escapes the clutches of his domineering mother he kills his wife and is
haunted by their ghosts late one night while out hunting.
Michael Wager Fan submitted : A man is haunted by the voices of his mother, father-in-law
and the wife that he killed.
Fri, 4/11/1975 The Phantom Stop
Norman Rose A man whose life and job are bad wants off a no-stop on the subway and into a
better life.
Mon, 4/14/1975 The Intermediary - 9/10 Genuinely creepy and wild, a man does not want to
move into his step-mother's old house after she has died, but urged on by his wife they do
and it soon seems that his mother is trying to control him through his wife
Frances Sternhagen Soon after his step-mother dies, a man is convinced her house
retains her soul and is taking over his wife.
Tue, 4/15/1975 My Own Murderer
Mandel Kramer & Robert Dryden
Joe Vinacelli is trying to kill Joe Vincent. Problem is, they are the same person. Joe Vincent turns
to a psychiatrist and a detective to stop him from pursuing himself. Problems start when he gives
them -- and himself -- the slip.
Thu, 4/17/1975 Through the Looking Glass - 8/10 A decent story of a man who tries to give
away a machine which will change the world, and the business worlds reaction to it
Anne Sheppard Fan submitted : An inventor wants to give his neighbor a solar energy
device worth billions.
Fri, 4/18/1975 A Challenge for the Dead
Howard DaSilva & Teri Keane A cop tries to find evidence against a hood and his wife thinks of
having an affair with him.
Mon, 4/21/1975 Sting of Death - remote 6/10 - corny, predictable...murder mystery about a
clock that seems to be killing off people in a family
William Prince & Tony Roberts
A clock made of human skin and shrunken heads has the ability to kill.
Wed, 4/23/1975 Afraid to Live, Afraid to Die – remote 10/10 Weird and wild – This one
reminds me of "Stairway to Oblivion" about a girl who goes to live with a strange uncle,
but it reminds me even more of “The Deathly White Man” about a young nurse who goes
to live with a family and uncovers a dark family secret. Listen again
Jada Rowland
A young woman go to work in a strange house with an even more strange old woman.
Thu, 4/24/1975 Bullet Proof
Mason Adams
Fan submitted : When a man gets out of jail for taking the rap for someone else, the man who
commited the crime gets killed with his gun.
Fri, 4/25/1975 Till Death Do Us Join - 9/10 - Campy, annoying "victorian gothic" dialogue
but the story is so good that it overcomes all of that, a particularly grim tale for CBSRMT
about a young couple in love with plans for marriage are broken up when a strange old
man convinces her father make her marry him, a very strange and old man
Don Scardino
Fan submitted: A painter is in love with a girl. But her guardian sells her to a strange man.
Mon, 4/28/1975 The Phantom of the Opera
Court Benson
The opera ghost is in love with a beautiful singer.
Tue, 4/29/1975 Black Widow
Evie Juster & Robert Dryden
Fan submitted: A man running for president of the union is murdered. His wife goes to a witch to
get revenge.
Thu, 5/1/1975 Mad Monkton - remote 8/10 A very good and mysterious tale about a man
with a family history of madness, wandering about rural Europe looking for his dead uncle,
annoying narrator in this one.
Kristoffer Tabori Fan submitted : A woman is in love with a man. But he goes mad and
locks himself inside of his home.
Fri, 5/2/1975 Final Witness, The
Lou Jacobi A man who identifies a murder suspect finds life difficult whether he tells the truth or
Mon, 5/5/1975 The Paradise of the Devil
Larry Haines Fan submitted : A woman hires a private investigator to find out who murdered her
Wed, 5/7/1975 The Transformation ++r
Kevin McCarthy & Ian Martin A tale about a man who finds a creature on a beach and exchanges
places with him.
Thu, 5/8/1975 Taken for Granite* - remote 10/10 I’ve always liked this one, it has a pretty
good atmosphere and a remote location with a lunatic. A caretaker of a famous statue
garden has his own twisted way of making statues…
Howard Dasilva
Fan submitted : The caretaker of a statue garden makes his own by covering people with
Fri, 5/9/1975 Voices of Death - 7/10 Strange little tale, doesnt make a whole lot of sense
but still good
Norman Rose
A radio manufacturing executive discovers an old crystal set of his own design at a
garage sale. through the set, he hears a man and a woman discussing the ultimate fate of
mankind, with the woman begging for just one more day for the human race. He sets out
to convince humanity to change its wicked ways. duplicate title
Mon, 5/12/1975 For Tomorrow We Die
Beatrice Straight A woman is contacted by an old bo who claims to be a rich man but in reality he
just got out of prison.
Tue, 5/13/1975 Where Angels Fear to Tread - 7/10 A really strange little story, pretty good
but one of the dumbest final endings Ive heard...a professor learns how to make his spirit
leave his body, but the problem is the spirit represents his worst, most base instincts and
goes on a killing spree
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A man learns to separate his spirit from his body, but loses
Thu, 5/15/1975 Deadly Dilemma
William Prince Fan submitted : The president of a third world country that is in revolution is on a
plane and the captain and crew must find out which passenger has a bomb.
Fri, 5/16/1975 The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich
Robert Dryden Fan submitted : Doctors find an old Adolf Hitler and get him ready for his return to
Mon, 5/19/1975 The Diamond Necklace – 10/10 One of the darkest, most depressing
episodes ever in CBSRMT, perhaps rivaled only by the even darker #202 “The Tell-Tale
Heart.” Admittedly you do need to suspend disbelief for this one to work. A poor young
couple lose a diamond necklace they borrowed, leading them deeply into debt, poverty
and ultimately doom.
Mandel Kramer A borrow and lost diamond necklace change tragically the life of a young
Wed, 5/21/1975 Don't Let it Choke You ++
Robert L. Green A rich man and his servant have their life disrupted by the arrival of his 'hippie'
Thu, 5/22/1975 Return to Shadow Lake* - remote 9/10 I admit I love this one for the setting
more than for what it really merits I suppose, but it was also the first or second RMT show
I ever listened to, so I am partial for many reasons. After being told that their isolated
cabin might have been broken into, a husband and wife go up in a blizzard to check things
out only to hear strange voices that reveal a violent act that occurred there.
Nat Polan Fan submitted : Hearing that their summer cabin was broken into. The couple
who owns it go up there in a winter storm and are haunted by visions and voices.
Fri, 5/23/1975 Markheim: Man Or Monster? - remote 7/10 Interesting and different little
story that seems to be set over a hundred years ago. An evil young man, after denied an
inheritance tries to ruin everyone around him through his evil actions, all the while
increasingly concerned about a strange figure that watches him in the mirror
Kevin McCarthy
Fan submitted : Kevin McCarthy plays a wicked young man who devotes his life to
commiting all 7 of the deadly sins. The end result is not what he expected.
Mon, 5/26/1975 The Witches' Almanac 7/10 An above average tale of two old, friendly
witches who take in a young girl so they can use her blood to make a potion that will keep
them alive
Virginia Payne Fan submitted : An old couple take in an 18 year old virgin so that they can
make a youth potion.
Tue, 5/27/1975 The Executioner - 9/10 I love the castle’s hilarious hosts and how they deny
the "ghostly screams." Overall very entertaining story about a strange castle in the middle
of a remote moor where a stranded couple takes refuge only to find that the place is
haunted by an awful past.
Tony Roberts A couple are stranded in a castle with strange occupants and ghostly
Thu, 5/29/1975 Just One More Day
Evie Juster A cop walks his last beat after 27 years and feels he will get shot before the day is
Fri, 5/30/1975 Someday I'll Find You 6/10 - A "wild goose chase," alright but not too
''mysterious," except for the ending...A womans husband goes missing after a cave-in and
she decides to go looking for him, a search that will take her all over the country.
Betsy Palmer Fan submitted : A man is missing after a cave-in and his wife goes on a
search for him.
Mon, 6/2/1975 River of Hades
Marian Seldes Fan submitted : A forein ballerina leaves her homeland and seeks asylum in the
Wed, 6/4/1975 The Devil's Leap - remote - 5/10 - I had hopes for this one but it just didn't
catch me, it started to at first but then all of the "mystery" of the story dissolved into a
girls unlikely romance contest between father and son. A beautiful actress attends a
weekend party in the mountains of Spain, while there the father and son of the house fall
in love with her. Ever since their mother died mysteriously by falling from a ledge the two
had a bitter relationship, but she discovers that she can bring them together again if she
can bring out the truth about the mother's death
Mercedes McCambridge Fan submitted : An actress between movies is singing in a
nightclub in Spain relates a story about a father and son and their wife/mother that died
Thu, 6/5/1975 The Plastic Man
Don Scardino
A modern Don Juan meets the wrong woman and pays the price.
Fri, 6/6/1975 The Transformer - 9/10 – This is a pretty good one, there’s not so much
“mystery” as there’s suspense, because its pretty obvious what’s going on. The ending is
sure to give you a devilish grin. After a man’s friend from the Korean war shows up in
town people that are in his way start to get murdered.
Howard Dasilva
Fan submitted: When a mans old Korean war buddy shows up, people who stand in his
way begin to die.
Mon, 6/9/1975 Fallen Angel - 4/10 This is a strange story, it reminded me of #1219 “Man of
Honor” – another story about a man who suddenly “loses it” and falls into a depression
and no one understands exactly why. Interestingly there’s a self-admitted homosexual in
this episode, but that’s about all that’s interesting here. Maybe I just didn’t get it, but this
one ends suddenly without a lot of payoff. A brilliant writer has a fight in a bar and ends
up in an institution claiming that his guardian angel who gives him his “genius” has left
Ralph Bell
Fan submitted: A successful writer drinks when his "guardian angel" leaves him and ends
up in a mental institution.
Tue, 6/10/1975 The Queen of Darkness
Julie Harris
Fan submitted: An aging actress is invited to a country that is a total monarchy to play the part of
a queen in their millenium celebration.
Thu, 6/12/1975 A Case of Negligence - 6/10 – Not a bad or terribly good episode, but a
different one I guess. As EGM says at the conclusion, “Not a gothic tale of horror
certainly…” A greedy couple tries to sue a hospital for malpractice after the man’s father
dies and he had not included them in his will. It’s true that a new surgeon performed the
operation, and that it was his first, but could there be another explanation for his death?
Mason Adams
A lawyer tries to sue a hospital for the death of his father who cut him out of his will.
Fri, 6/13/1975 Stairway to Oblivion* - remote 10/10 - I admit my preference for the "remote
tale" is influencing my rating here but I found this to be a very engrossing story with weird
details that make for a thick atmosphere and uncertain conclusion. I gave this one a relisten often when I first discovered it; it’s so darn strange. After her father dies, Julia goes
to live with her uncle at his isolated cabin on a mountain. While there she and her only
neighbors for miles around discover many strange and frightful things that lead her to
believe that her kind uncle may have murdered two people.
Anne Sheppard
A girl goes to visit her uncle who lives at the top of a mountain in a strange house and an
even stranger uncle who seems to have killed and buried people in his garden.
Mon, 6/16/1975 The Smile of Deceit ++r
Jennifer Harmon
Set in England, a man is tormented by his contemptable father, a baron who abandoned the
man's mother to marry a rich woman.
Wed, 6/18/1975 Frame-Up
Mercedes McCambridge
A man sets up his own wife to a murder so he can get hold of her money.
Thu, 6/19/1975 The Climbing Boy ++r
Marian Seldes
A woman's unusual psychic powers are evident during a victorian weekend.
Fri, 6/20/1975 Can You Trust Your Husband?
Joan Lovejoy
Fan submitted : A man is arrested for drugs and his loving wife isn t sure if their perfect marrige is
a lie when a detective tells her he is living a double life.
Mon, 6/23/1975 The Mills of the Gods ++r
Joan Copeland
Fan submitted : In France, a mans fiancee falls in love with a guy who is responsible for the death
of three other woman.
Tue, 6/24/1975 The Mask of Tupac Amaru - 7/10 Actually an OK story that has a lot of
characters and atmosphere but seems just a little too slow and
archeologist after finding an ancient mask is begged by her fiancee to put it back
Ruby Dee A man tries to get his fiancee to return an Incan Death mask to it's proper place
before a curse kills her.
Thu, 6/26/1975 That Hamlet was a Good Boy
Will MacKenzie Fan submitted : The ghost of a young mans father appears to him and tells him
that his uncle and maybe his mother murdered him. EGM version needed.
Fri, 6/27/1975 The Rape of the Maia
Arnold Stang Fan submitted : An innocent man is convicted of a murder he didn t commit.
Mon, 6/30/1975 The Golden Cauldron - remote 10/10 VERY funny at times and is the
perfect "detective story" in a castle with constant rumbling of thunder in the
background...amazing, just plain high quality entertainment all around
Paul Hecht Classic story of stranger trapped in a manor house during a storm with
mystery and murder.
Wed, 7/2/1975 Come Back with Me ++
Howard Dasilva
A man yearns for the good old days - enough so that he thinks he can go back to a nightclub of
his youth.
Thu, 7/3/1975 Murder Will Out
Mason Adams
A cop tries to find the man who killed his father on a beat 25 years ago.
Fri, 7/4/1975 The Slave - 5/10 OK story with a cool ending, but it was frustrating to listen to
at times...a man takes a fraternity-ish bet with a friend that he can be a slave for a year
Mandel Kramer and Fred Gwynne. Fan submitted : A man makes a bet that he can be
someones slave for a year, and the trouble it causes for his fiance.
Mon, 7/7/1975 Guilty (1975)
Jack Grimes
Fan submitted: An innocent man is identified in a line-up for an assault. He takes a lie detector
test and it says he s guilty.
Tue, 7/8/1975 Triangle, The
Mercedes McCambridge
Fan submitted: The sole survivor of a missing plane in the Bermuda Triangle tells her incredible
Thu, 7/10/1975 The Ghostly Rival – 8/10 I liked this one, perhaps not a favorite but it keeps
you guessingA surfer wants to marry a girl, the father is against it and wants her to marry
a rich man, so the man storms from the house to surf where he discovers a spirit in a
bottle just as he is drowning who will grant him a wish. His wish is to be put into the body
of the rich man, which he is given, but he later learns that his wish has strings attached.
Will MacKenzie A man claims a Genie put him into a rich man's body just as he drowned.
Fri, 7/11/1975 The Widow's Auxiliary
Lenka Peterson & Gordon Gould Clean copy needed.
A wife learns that her husband's invitation to join the Executive Club may be part of an alien plan
to take over the earth.
"The Stepford Husbands" A young engineer is asked by his boss to join the local men's club. they
need his mechanical skills to advance their cause. When his wife learns their true purpose from
another "spouse", she sets out to save him.
It's entertaining enough, but if I were Ira Levin (The author of The Stepford Wives), I'd have sued.
Mon, 7/14/1975 Snake in the Grass
Sandy Dennis
Magic purple grass and an Asian prince add up to murder.
Wed, 7/16/1975 Goodbye, Carl Erich ++
Kevin McCarthy
A German doctor takes under his care a young boy who is shocked into silence by the death of
his father in World War I. The Doctor teaches him to speak again, and then instills in him the
confidence to confront the world. Little does he realize that he has created a Nazi monster.
A psychiatrist helps a traumatized youth get over his psychosomatic inability to speak. The young
man then becomes a leading spokesman for the Nazi party.
Thu, 7/17/1975 Nightmare's Nest - remote 8/10 A pretty decent remote-haunted-place story
with atmosphere, after a writer buys a home in the country he begins to feel a presence he
cannot explain, the answer appears to connected with an old tale of a gypsy who was in
love with a girl and was killed by her father, and curses the family
Gordon Gould
A stoic writer buys a remote country home only to find that it's previous residents were
the subjects of a Gypsy Curse.
Fri, 7/18/1975 The Spots of the Leopard
Ann Shepherd & Russell Horton
After a car bomb, a couple go into the witness protection program, only the wife can't keep it a
Mon, 7/21/1975 Fateful Reunion
Robert Dryden
A fortune-telling computer predicts that one of two men will die within a year.
Tue, 7/22/1975 The Poisoned Pen
Roberta Maxwell
Three apparenly unrelated show-business individuals are murdered in New York City, proving the
pen is mightier than the sword. Characters: Selena Jenkins, Barny Hogarth, Sebastian Proudfoot,
Joseph Carroway, Frank Clancey, Sargeant Garvey
Thu, 7/24/1975 Appointment in Uganda
William Redfield A man lying in a hospital prepares for his death and in death reincarnates into a
lion in Africa.
Fri, 7/25/1975 Woman from Hell - 7/10 OK story about witchcraft, with a dark sinister
Joan Lovejoy A husband finds a private investigator who is looking into his wife's
apparent suicide.
Mon, 7/28/1975 The Lady Is a Jinx ++
Marian Seldes & Larry Haines Fan submitted : Every time a woman gets engaged to someone
they die. The sister of one of the victims tries to convince the police that she killed them.
Wed, 7/30/1975 He Moves in Mysterious Ways
Teri Keane & Leon Janney A young dancer injured in an accident learns the meaning of love and
sacrifice from the hospitals dedicated chaplain.
Thu, 7/31/1975 Carmilla – remote 9/10 – I listened to this one in the car, at about 2am on a
long, dark drive…could have something to do with why I liked it so much. In any case, I
enjoyed it quite a bit and it interestingly it actually delves into homosexual overtones more
than I have heard anywhere else in the series. A lonely girl and her father take another
girl, Carmilla into their large castle home. The two grow close but it begins to look like
Carmilla is draining the other girls life away…
Mercedes McCambridge
A young girls home is visited by a nobles daughter who has a taste for her blood.
Fri, 8/1/1975 The Onyx Eye
Frances Sternhagen
A couple purchases a goodluck charm that shows that you don't get something for nothing.
Mon, 8/4/1975 The Devil's Boutique - 10/10 An exceptional story about a slow punishment
of a vain woman, takes place mostly on a cruise ship and the small island they are docked
at, after stealing designs from a talented clothing designer she gets the punishment
perfect for her type
Joan Loring A vain fashion designer finds a quaint and haunting boutique in a remote
resort city in the Caribbean. She steals some of the shopkeeper's designs. Her justice is
slow, excrutiating, and ironic. You don't steal from the Devil. Fan submitted : A vain
fashion designer finds new ideas at an out of the way shop on the Libyan coast.
Tue, 8/5/1975 Hung Jury
Howard Dasilva After killing a man he is summoned for jury duty in a case against a man accused
of his crime.
Thu, 8/7/1975 To Die Is Forever - 8/10 A really strange tale with a lot going on and an
attempt at a "message" that seems to overpower the entire story.
Mandel Kramer A millionaire on a remote island plans on having his terminally ill wife
frozen and then join her.
Fri, 8/8/1975 The Grey Ghost
Betsy Palmer A recently divorced woman who lost her father in a car race tries to find peace in
Mon, 8/11/1975 Age Cannot Wither Her - 5/10 An interesting idea but the story seems to be
stretching too little story and action over too much time...all about a man who marries a
woman who cannot die and how he tries to help her to do so
Joe Silver & Jennifer Harmon
Police investigate the disappearance of a young woman, but her older husband claims she
is an immortal.
An old man goes out sailing with his very young wife. He returns alone. When the sheriff
inquires about her whereabouts, the man tells him an incredible tale of eternal life.
Wed, 8/13/1975 The Master Computer ++
Robert Dryden & Augusta Dabney Returning from vacation, a husband and wife find themselves
strangely invisible to everyone except for a certain Mr. Handy..
Thu, 8/14/1975 The Root of All Evil - remote 7/10 - A pretty simple and average story, but
enjoyable and Norman Rose is great. After a man finds the loot from a bank robbery
hidden on his property the robbers show up wanting it, but the mental strain of having the
money proves to be an even worse burden than the crooks themselves.
Norman Rose
A man finds a bag of money in his garbage and tries to hide it from the crooks that stole it.
Fri, 8/15/1975 The Unbearable Reflection
Patricia Elliot & Robert Dryden
The first lady of a major state is having an affair and is generally a despicable person. The devil
(her husband's campaign manager) tricks her into killing her husband so he can possess her
soul. Instead, she sells him her reflection, thinking she got the better end of the deal.
Mon, 8/18/1975 Help Somebody
William Redfield
Fan submitted: A man becomes miserable when he gets everything he wants.
Tue, 8/19/1975 Welcome for a Dead Man
Howard Dasilva
A man is released from prison and claims he doesn't have the money form the robbery he was
imprisoned for.
Thu, 8/21/1975 Circle of Evil ++r
Marian Seldes
Fan submitted : A woman takes the job of looking after a mans niece and nephew with strange
Fri, 8/22/1975 Terror in the Air
Robert Dryden
A doctor must take the controls of an airliner that lost it's pilot and co-pilot.
Mon, 8/25/1975 Persons to Be Notified - remote 7/10 A decent little story, no supernatural
elements, more a mystery and whodunit type story, listen again
Mercedes McCambridge
A woman takes a job on a remote island with a strange author and his house staff. She is
sure the author's butler is up to no good and tries to prove it. Meanwhile, the guy who
placed her in the job gets concerned and comes looking for her.
A job service manager becomes concerned about one of his clients who disappears when
he fixes her up with an unusual employer.
Wed, 8/27/1975 The Eavesdropper (1975) 8/10 A pretty good story -- some consider this
one excellent, all about a couple who is hired to go be hired hands for a physicist
vacationing in his country home only so they can spy on him for information
Arnold Moss A physist finds the vaction home of his dreams is infiltrated by spies.
Thu, 8/28/1975 Night of the Howling Dog - remote - 9/10 Contains a really annoying woman
but still manages to come off well as a tale about people terrorized by a werewolf while
camping on an island
Mason Adams Love, rejection and Werewolves meet up on a deserted island.
Fri, 8/29/1975 Murder by Proxy
Mandel Kramer A man is threatened by a man who he put behind bars, and uses him to kill his
Mon, 9/1/1975 The Smile of Death* - remote 8/10 A good story with a good atmosphere; a
deliciously evil father and a small town with a haunted lake…and a witch thrown in for
good measure! This one I find myself returning to. A son returns home to his cruel father
(who he suspects could have murdered his real mother) and finds help from his mother
who is a witch and haunts the lake. They both take advantage of his greed and need for
quick money.
Russell Horton
Fan submitted: A witch and her son strike a plan to get back at his cruel father.
Tue, 9/2/1975 Portrait of Death
Tony Roberts Fan submitted : A couple in Venice find danger and excitement while checking the
authenticity of a painting.
Thu, 9/4/1975 The Special Undertaking - remote 6/10 Has a good "remote" rural feel, with a
haunted mansion to top it all off, but it never really works like the best of em do. A young
couple move into a house in the country, but the wife is haunted by a ghost connected
with a music box.
Jada Rowland A young doctor and his new wife move into a mansion in a small town.
Then the wife sees a spectral figure and the sound of a music box.
Fri, 9/5/1975 Sleepwalker - 6/10 A conniving woman gives a good if campy performance
here, but overall average or below, listen again
Tammy Grimes
A woman decides to kill her husband by tampering with his car and get away with it by
pretending it happen in her sleep.
Mon, 9/8/1975 The Other Life - 7/10 – A well-told story, not unpredictable but good for what
it is. A woman neglected by her busy husband begins to bet on horses but soon finds
herself in deep trouble.
Mercedes McCambridge
A bored housewife get caught up in gambling then finds it a hard habit to break.
Wed, 9/10/1975 The Ideas of March
Nina Foch A woman sees the future and tries to change it.
Thu, 9/11/1975 Voice of Death, The
Victor Jory
A ventriloquist with a magic dummy has to fight to save his soul.
Fri, 9/12/1975 The Ghost Plane
Casey Kasem & Richard Crenna
Passengers on a airplane have no memory of how there got there or where they're going.
Mon, 9/15/1975 The Little Old Lady Killer - 6/10 - I believe I read somewhere that this one
was regarded as great, but to me its just about average
Dianne Baker
An elderly woman exacts vigilante justice from those who are cruel to animals.
Tue, 9/16/1975 The Prison of Glass ++
Lois Nettleton
A woman finds solice in a Glass paperweight given to her by her father.
Thu, 9/18/1975 The Coffin with the Golden Nails
Howard Dasilva
A dictator is given a new life with a new body and mind, but can he really escape his past?
Fri, 9/19/1975 The Third Person 6/10 An OK little story, has a great degree of [campy]
humor, never too scary or creepy, but is entertaining
Marian Seldes & Evie Juster
A couple of old spinsters inherit a house only to find out its haunted by an ancestor with a
secret desire.
Mon, 9/22/1975 Solid Gold Soldiers
Michael Wager Set in the Civil War, a business man from England promises weapons to the
south in exchange for gold, but a woman spots him as a fake.
Tue, 9/23/1975 The Headless Hessian – remote – 7/10 A fairly average tale, the “historical
drama” that CBSRMT is fond of. Troops in the Revolutionary war are spooked by a
headless man on horseback.
Lloyd Bochner & Jack Grimes Continental troops are aided in the battle of Trenton by a
headless ghost.
Wed, 9/24/1975 The Angels of Devil's Mountain - 3/10 This just never gets interesting for
me, it delves into some revolutionary war hooplah and more of the very common "past
events reflecting in the future"
Warren Stevens & Anne Seymour
A man visits a small town where people recognizes him from an old painting.
Thu, 9/25/1975 The Black Whale ++r
Brock Peters
A 19th century slave learns to read with dire consequences.
Fri, 9/26/1975 Assassination in Time
William Redfield
A time traveling couple try to stop the Lincoln Assassination.
Sat, 9/27/1975 The Thomas Jefferson Defense
Paul Hecht
Thomas Jefferson tries to defend an Indian who is wrongfully accused of murder.
Sun, 9/28/1975 The Other Self
Howard DaSilva & Joan Lovejoy
Howard Dasilva and Joan Lovejoy are great together, and the script is one of the strongest you'll
hear... A psychologist examines a factory worker who has not missed a day of work in eight years
to find out what makes him such a good employee. She finds out that it is his obsession with the
Civil War -- specifically with the battle of Shiloh -- that keeps him focused on his mundane
assembly tasks.
Mon, 9/29/1975 You're Only Young Twice
Mason Adams A man invents a formula for eternal youth and will stop at nothing to keep it a
Wed, 10/1/1975 Primrose Path
Mercedes McCambridge
A "retelling" of the Patty Hearst abduction. The person's last name is Mellon (see the MellonScaifes, Pittsburgh news tycoons), and the Symbionese Liberation army has a new name, but the
circumstances are similar.
Thu, 10/2/1975 The Man Who Ran Away - remote 6/10 I guess this is a decent tale but it
never caught my interest very much, the story of a man going into hiding after he learns
his wife had an affair, and what he finds while hiding
Robert Dryden
A man finds out his wife is having an affair, so he flees the house in his car. He drives to a
nearby town and finds a house that he believes is abandoned. However, there is a
resident, and she is lonely.
Mon, 10/6/1975 Five Ghostly Indians* - remote 10/10 A perfect story and example of what I
mean by a "remote" story. This may not be deep, but its fun and one that I have found
myself revisiting. all about a professor who finds an arrowhead on the beach near the
isolated seaside lodge, but he soon discovers that the longer he keeps it in his
possession, the more he is plagued by vengeful Indian spirits.
Bob Dryden, Ann Pitoniak, James regory, Susanne Grossmann & Court Benson
A professor vacationing at a remote lodge finds an arrowhead that brings an ancient curse
to everyone.
Tue, 10/7/1975 Who Made Me?
Larry Haines Fan submitted: In a future caste society, a high-ranking space fleet commander is
vexed by his son s compulsion to desert his birthright in favor of the lower classes
Thu, 10/9/1975 They Shall Stone Them with Stones
Teri Keane
A professional mindreader faces danger after reading the mind of a killer.
Mon, 10/13/1975 The Last Lesson ++r
Fred Gwynne A gambler tries to solve his cashflow problems by marrying an eccentric heiress.
A gambler, deep in debt, marries an unattractive woman to get access to her money. Problem is,
she's not very generous with her money and she is a daredevil, taking them mountain climbing
and skydiving. He's a couch potato except for at the track.
Wed, 10/15/1975 The Kiss of Death ++r
Kirk Peterson
A young, aspiring doctor falls in love with the daughter of the local "quack" who raises strange
plants for his herbal treatments. Despite the warnings of his mentors, he pursues this dangerous
Thu, 10/16/1975 Stay Out of Dutchman's Woods - remote 8/10 - I've always kinda liked this
one, the set up is great, decent characters but its just never caught me up in its tale as
much as it could have. A couple vacationing in Maine stay at a remote inn operated by a
kindly old couple. They are warned against going on a picnic in the nearby woods, when
they go anyway the become separated during a storm, the girl goes back to the inn for
help while the man encounters a seductress.
Paul Hecht
A wooded area in Maine is haunted by a woman who causes every man to enter to lose
their way, never to return.
Mon, 10/20/1975 Never in This World - remote 7/10 - OK, kinda boring and predictable, not
overly interesting developments, might deserve a listen again
Alexander Scourby
A man walks through and old cemetary and his body is captured by a malovent spirit.
Tue, 10/21/1975 Million Dollar Murder - 6/10 A suspenseful tale about a mans business
going downhill and a shady person from his past offering him a million dollars to kill his
friend -- actually well-told for what it is, but it just never held my interest
Mandel Kramer A trouble businessman faces the ultimate question, would you murder
someone for a million dollars.
Thu, 10/23/1975 The Sealed Room Murder - remote 9/10 - Great story, great dialogue and
characters. A pretty good little mystery. In a small western town a roughneck stranger
moves in, Everyone hates the man and suspects him of murder, but after this man is
found dead in a locked room, its up to the locals to find out what really happened.
Howard Dasilva and Fred Gwynne. Set in the old west, a sheriff and a judge examine the
case of a man killed in a locked room.
Fri, 10/24/1975 The Summer People* - remote 10/10 Strange, isolated and cult-like small
towns…a CBSRMT favorite theme, and here served up to perfection with a good
atmosphere and characters, creative storyline. A young couple goes on a vacation to a
remote village, but begin to think it strange when they feel like the villagers are fattening
them up and sapping their energy…
Tony Roberts
A couple seeking a remote summer getaway find the ideal little town on the outskirts of
nowhere, where the locals apparently never age and their fellow vacationers seem to be
A young, artistic couple search for a small, remote town in which to pursue their crafts
during the summer. They find Granville - a place that is VERY hard to find and even harder
to leave.
Mon, 10/27/1975 A Living Corpse - (mic recorded) ++r
Robert Dryden
A hypnotist cons a young man into hypnotizing him on his death bed to try to forestall death. His
real plan is to possess the young man's wife.
"Professor Amadeus Valdemar, an unscrupulous hypnotist whos is dying of consumption, learns
that his wife is having an affair and makes a deal with her lover, Dr. Craig Nugent. He promises to
give the young doctor his secret theory on mind control if Nugent, in return, puts him in a trance
just before he dies. What Nugent doesn't realize is that Valdemar's real purpose is the ultimate
destruction of his wife." (EGaH)
Tue, 10/28/1975 The Storm Breeder - remote 7/10 - An about average episode, I liked the
story and there's plenty of atmosphere and mystery about it, not too much in the way of
excitement though. A strange tale of Peter Rugg and his daughter who must travel in their
horse-drawn carriage forever, a storm on their heels.
Audio clean up – B – Found new, better version
Michael Tolin and Fred Gwynne. Early American folklore tale of a ghostly apparition that
can never return home.
Wed, 10/29/1975 Ghost Powder ++r
Marian Seldes
John and Abigail Adams encounter a ghost in their Paris home. Meanwhile, Adams and Thomas
Jefferson lobby the French for help.
Thu, 10/30/1975 Triptych for a Witch – remote 8/10 I’m sorry, but when the cat and parrot
start to talk I couldn’t help but laugh, just takes away from the suspense, still an above
average tale for the series I think. A couple on vacation at the beach take in their
supposed great aunt, but the husband suspects that she’s a witch there to do them harm.
Audio clean up – B – Found new version about as good quality
Margaret Hamilton
Fan submitted: Posing as their kindly great-aunt, a witch lures a newly married couple into
a trap.
Fri, 10/31/1975 It's Hell to Pay the Piper - 7/10 Not bad, a tale out on the Scottish moor at
Halloween, the accents get a little annoying, ...A man pays his rent to a ruthless lord but
the lord dies before a receipt is given and soon the equally ruthless son arrives and
demands payment
Ian Martin In Scotland, a man tries to pay his rent and runs afoul madmen, witches, and a
Mon, 11/3/1975 The Mortgage – 6/10 A kinda strange episode for CBSRMT, it has some
suspense and mystery but not enough to maintain a lot of interest for me. A man who was
a member of “The Party” in the “old country” and was inserted into American society has
since acquired a new identity, but when the party tries to “activate” him again he has a
crisis of identity between choosing his old and new self.
Larry Haines A man's true country calls to him.
Wed, 11/5/1975 The Edge of the Scalpel
Teri Keane
A hospital soap opera where an injured man is forced to undergo surgery at the hands of a
surgeon who is in love with his wife and might like to see him out of the way.
Fri, 11/7/1975 Killing Valley - remote 6/10 – I gave this one a re-listen, and raise it from a 6
to a 7, even though I still say it lacks suspense. A writer returns to her small town to write
a book exposing the corrupt influential man in town who she says destroyed her father
because he loved her mother. What she finds is a more ambiguous situation in the dark
Kim Hunter
A young woman returns to the hometown that mistreated her family with a desire for
Mon, 11/10/1975 The Public Avenger
Arnold Stang
A comedy about a timid man and a vigilante killing underworld figures.
Tue, 11/11/1975 Party Girl
Mason Adams
A politician and his campaign must deal with the mysterious death of a prostitute and the dogged
policeman trying to find out why she died.
Thu, 11/13/1975 Home Is Where the Ghost Is - 7/10 A pretty good attempt at mixing a
ghost story with a sort of Cold War double agent espionage
Gordon Gould The ghost of a college professor's wife hampers plans to help with a
defection of a fellow scientist.
Fri, 11/14/1975 The Money Makers ++r
William Redfield A ghost tries to help the wife of one of two counterfeiters who invade his home.
Mon, 11/17/1975 The Moonlighter ++r
Howard Dasilva
A man with a wife with expensive tastes must find a second means of income. His buddy offers
him a way to more than double his income with just a small investment of his soul.
Wed, 11/19/1975 Fear
Jack Grimes A five foot tall bankteller with an inferiority complex is accused when his bank is
robbed by a crook that looks just like him, only taller.
Thu, 11/20/1975 Lamps of the Devil ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
Whalers return from the civil war to find out that their world has changed for the worse during their
Fri, 11/21/1975 The Hanging Judgment
Mandel Kramer
One murder, two guns, and one suspect equal a courtroom drama. A man and his maid go on
trial for the murder of the man's wife. The husband and wife exchanged shots, but she died of a
wound in the back.
Mon, 11/24/1975 The Serpent's Tooth ++
Norman Rose A Jewish art dealer tries to help a struggling artist who later turns out to be some
historically important.
Tue, 11/25/1975 The Lap of the Gods
Larry Haines The soul of a dying skidrow bum in a coma transmigrates to another time and gets
another chance at life.
Thu, 11/27/1975 The Dead, Dead Ringer
Don Scardino A young police officer finds a murder mystery when he visits the home of a man he
looks like.
Fri, 11/28/1975 The Frammis
Howard Dasilva
A worthless piece of glass that resembles a diamond makes its way through a fictional kingdom.
It's magical powers affect people in a different way and eventually brings it full circle through the
The Frammis is a glass jewel that no one can tell is not a diamond, except the honest jeweler
who discovers it. It transforms each new owner, but is it all for the best?
Mon, 12/1/1975 With Malice Aforethought
Carlos Karasco
A Black cop faces a grand jury for killing a seemingly unarmed white person in a drug bust. His
friends, superiors, and fellow cops work to get him off the hook.
Wed, 12/3/1975 Promise to Kill
Gordon Gould A man seeks revenge after the murder of his wife an daughter.
Thu, 12/4/1975 Portrait of a Killer
Michael Wager A man travels back in time by stepping through a picture he painted.
Fri, 12/5/1975 Pharaoh's Daughter
Jack Grimes
A rich and evil woman and her paramour frame a harmless drunk for the murder of a cabbie.
Mon, 12/8/1975 How Quiet the Night 7/10 An average story for CBSRMT, not an overly
original story but a typical murder mystery with supernatural tones that comes off as well
played for what it is. A man is engaged to a beautiful, rich woman in the big city and is
finally able to get out of his small town, but when a woman from his past wants to keep
him there he decides the only way out is murder. But he is tormented by the voice of the
dead woman, and a poem which connects him with the girl that his wife discovers and
becomes increasingly curious about.
William Redfield
A man murders an old lover that threatened to destroy his current romance with a rich
woman and is haunted by her recital of a poem.
Tue, 12/9/1975 Stitch in Time
Leon Janney
A billionaire's niece comes home from South America, but his secretary thinks she's in imposter.
Thu, 12/11/1975 You Can Change Your Life
Ralph Bell
An imprisoned game show contestant returns for revenge.
Fri, 12/12/1975 Marry for Murder
Mandel Kramer
Two sisters hire the same private investigator to investigate the same man. They each have their
own purpose.
Mon, 12/15/1975 Burn, Witch, Burn ++
Howard Dasilva
A young woman is accused of witchcraft during the salem witch trials.
Wed, 12/17/1975 The Eleventh Hour
Larry Haines
A successful business man suddenly becomes possessed with a woman he met through a
personal ad and claims to be from another world.
Thu, 12/18/1975 Fireball - 6/10 A below average episode I probably wouldn’t listen to
again, not overly interesting because it doesn't seem to go anywhere...the wife in the story
is rather annoying. A woman becomes convinced that the new blacksmith working for her
husband is the god Vulcan, her husband thinks she is crazy, but there are too many
parallels with the original myth to be just coincidence
Kim Hunter
The wife of a rich weapons manufacture thinks her new blacksmith is the Greek God
Fri, 12/19/1975 The Corpse Wrote Shorthand 7/10 - An average mystery/whodunit story for
this series, nothing overtly suspenseful or scary here, just trying to uncover a past crime.
A man is out of prison after sitting in jail for 5 years for supposedly "juggling the books" at
the bank he once worked at. He knows he didn't do it and now he wants to find out who
Mandel Kramer
A man who went to prison for a crime he didn't comit, tries to find out just who did it.
Mon, 12/22/1975 The Image
Norman Rose
A man tells a story of a writer who is so preoccupied with himself and his image that he is cruel to
those around him.
Tue, 12/23/1975 The Murder Market - 5/10 A lacking and below average episode, not a
mystery but more a "conflicted romance" tale...A woman leads a meager, "sensible"
existence with her widowed mother, but tired of watching life pass her by she quits her job
and takes a job from a ruthless older businessman who tells her to branch out and live a
little. But after he is murdered she is the prime suspect.
Rosemary Murphy
A secretary is accused of murder when her new boss is killed during a visit to Maine.
Wed, 12/24/1975 A Christmas Carol
E.G. Marshall E. G. Marshall stars as Scrooge is this classic dramatization of Charles Dickens'
immortal tale.
Fri, 12/26/1975 License to Kill
Joan Loring
A woman successfully frees her husband who is in a hospital for the criminally insane for murder.
She says her motives are altruistic, but her boyfriend and she have a scheme to swindle him out
of his money.
The greedy wife of a violent mental patient attempts to get her hands on his money, but things go
wrong and she is arrested for murder.
Mon, 12/29/1975 The Memory Killers
Ralph Bell
A business man goes to Germany and falls in love only to find her brother was a German officer
that tortured him.
Wed, 12/31/1975 Sagamore Cottage* - remote 10/10 Great story with atmosphere, typical
about two young people who move into a cottage with a "bad reputation" for being
haunted, but also a great ending which is creepier than most. When a man gets a new job
him and his wife move into a cottage of a strange old woman. It has a bad reputation
because previous tenants have disappeared, there's also strange noises in the walls at
Robert Calaban
Fan submitted : A young couple rents a cottage from an eccentric, elderly woman and get
more - and less - than they bargained for.
A couple comes across this old woman who has all these little china dolls and it turns out
some of them are actually people she has shrunk. The couple is shrunk down and has to
hide in the walls of the house.
Thu, 1/1/1976 One of the Missing - 5/10 OK, but not too interesting, feels overlong without
enough material for the time alotted
Kristoffer Tabori Set in the Civil War, a man and his friend are trapped after an explosion,
but are they still alive?
Fri, 1/2/1976 Insight Into Murder
Gordon Gould
A lawyer has flashbacks to the 16th century when he is sure he lived before and witnessed a
murder. He finds the killer living in the twentieth century and must prove his client innocent and
the real killer guilty of both murders.
Mon, 1/5/1976 Tom Sawyer, Detective
Kristoffer Tabori
Tom Sawyer has to save his Uncle Silas when he is accused of murder.
Tue, 1/6/1976 Is He Living, or Is He Dead?
Alexander Scourby, Bryna Raeburn, Paul Hecht & Court Benson
Mark Twain's story about a starving artist who didn't starve.
Wed, 1/7/1976 Russian Passport, The
Robert Morse
A mild mannered young man falls in with an eccentric traveler while visiting Europe and finds
himself on his way to Siberia.
Thu, 1/8/1976 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Kevin McCarthy Fan submitted : Adaptation of the classic Mark Twain story. A 19th century New
Englander finds himself transported back to the time of King Arthur and Camelot.
Fri, 1/9/1976 Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The - remote ++r
Fred Gwynne
Fan submitted: Based on the Mark Twain story. The incorruptible citizens of the town of
Hadleyburg face temptation when a sack of gold is discovered that belongs to an unnamed
resident who made a charitable gesture years ago to a stranger.
Sat, 1/10/1976 The Stolen White Elephant
Robert Dryden
A British major's future hinges on finding a stolen white elephant that was to be delivered to the
queen. He enlists the help of a New York City police detective who searches far and wide for the
"easily concealed" elephant.
Sun, 1/11/1976 The Mysterious Stranger
Tony Roberts
Based on the Twain classic, a man is contacted by an angel named Satan who shows him that
you must be careful what you wish for.
Mon, 1/12/1976 What the Shepherd Saw ++r
Russell Horton
A young shepherd boy witnesses his employer kill the man he thinks is having an affair with his
Wed, 1/14/1976 Elixir of Death, The - remote 10/10 Really great story with a rural
atmosphere through and through, not a creepy story however. This one reminds me of
#136 “A Preview of Death” about a man who is charged with the responsibility of
inspecting a cable car and deems it unsafe, much to the ire of the owners. A doctor
moves to the country, sick of the city life, but after he’s made health inspector he finds
that he will have to shut down the biggest business in town: the water bottling plant. This
puts him much at odds with the locals.
Paul Hecht A doctor flees the big city for a quieter life in a small village. His peaceful life is
soon complicated when he finds that the village's economic mainstay is a mysterious
drink whose ingredients might not be safe.
Fri, 1/16/1976 The Red Frisbee - 6/10 Another decent little story, takes place at a beach
with only three characters
Robert Dryden
A man meets a young woman who tries to fix her up with her mother. Her brother died
while swimming years before and the girl wants a new one.
"While playing on an Antilles beach with his dog and a red Frisbee, Ben meets Nikki, a
young girl with unusual intuition who lives in the stately Great House. As their friendship
develops and the tragic story of her brother unfolds, Ben, who has just completed a threeyear study of aborigines in Australia, becomes fascinated with Nikki's wild talent.
However, even he is surprised by the lesson she learns from the red Frisbee." (EGaH)
This may be the only RMT title with a trademarked name in it. EGaH shows mkramer as
the star, although it's really rdryden
Mon, 1/19/1976 There's No Business Like
Howard Dasilva Timetravelers discover that show business is dangerous in the future.
Wed, 1/21/1976 The Lady of the Mist - remote 9/10 - If you enjoy "remote, haunted manor
house stories" this one's nearly perfect...well except for some annoying over-acting and
constant crying from a woman who thinks she's going crazy, "Waah, waah, I saw the
woman in the lake!” Charles brings his new wife home to his isolated manor house out on
the moors, but it seems that the grounds are haunted (oh garsh, imagine that! bet ya didn't
see that coming from a mile away!) by a "Lady in the Mist" who lives behind a waterfall,
and on top of that Charles' sister Meg who lives there with them feels she's being pushed
Rosemary Murphy
Audio clean up - C, Did the best I could, need better file because it has that overcompressed underwater sound, muffled – New version found, sounds good
Legend has it that the pool in which the Lady of the Mist waterfall drops resents anyone
who tries to take the place of Meg Drayton, lady of the Manor. Ten years ago her brother
Charles' first wife fell into the pool and was sucked out of sight. Now Charles has returned
with his second wife, much younger than he, with plans to take over the manor. Infuriated
at the thought of being replaced, Meg makes plans to insure that the Lady of the Mist
legend will not be broken.
A newlywed man brings his new bride back to the family estate where his sister is
currently residing -- and where his first bride died. His new wife tries to avoid becoming
the next victim of the mysterious ghost that lurks in the garden.
Fri, 1/23/1976 The Slick and the Dead ++r
Russell Horton
A who-dun-it about a murdered woman in a motel room. You get to guess who did it before it's
Mon, 1/26/1976 Ferret, The
Elliot Reid
Spies and counter spies in the world of military secrets.
Wed, 1/28/1976 Mirror, Mirror
Marian Seldes
A pregnant woman recounts her friendship with a poor, but self-absorbed girl while they were in
boarding school and how she became obsessed with a mirror.
Fri, 1/30/1976 Castle Kerfol - remote - 3/10 OK "historic story" that doesn’t really manage
to catch my interest, was a task to sit through and in general I hate courtroom dramas.
An American woman visits an old castle and reads an account of a trial many years ago
that took place because of an awful crime that occurred at the castle.
Mercedes McCambridge
An American woman visits a European Castle only to find it haunted by a pack of
murdered dogs.
Mon, 2/2/1976 First Prize - Death
Norman Rose
A sociologist is denied a prestigious award and forced to throw a party celebrating a former
student who won it. When he offers to sell his soul to win the award, someone takes him up on
the offer -- a much more secular source.
Tue, 2/3/1976 Dead Deserve to Rest, The
Jennifer Harmon
A young widow is conned by a false spiritualist who promises to contact her dead husband.
Thu, 2/5/1976 Children of Death, The
Tony Roberts
A post-apocalyptic future world where women and men hunt each other for mates.
Fri, 2/6/1976 Straight from the Horse's Mouth ++r
Robert Morse
A mousy young man buys a pony at a horse auction, believing it to be a race horse. It is in fact, a
work horse, but is much more valuable than a race horse because it can talk and handicaps
horse races. The man's nagging wife wants him to get rid of it, not knowing its secret.
Mon, 2/9/1976 The Horror of Dead Lake - remote - 8/10 It’s absolutely true that there’s not
much depth here, and its more "adventure" than creepy or horror, but still an all around
good tale which I’ve listened to more than once. A man inherits a castle where a strange
professor has been living for years, conducting strange experiments on animals and now
the locals have been seeing various terrifying freaks of nature near the place.
Gordon Gould
There is strange goings on at a remote house with lake containing a monster.
Wed, 2/11/1976 You Owe Me a Death - 8/10 A pretty good episode for the most part, has
some geniunely creepy moments, more so than many others
Patricia Elliot Fan submitted : A young woman is haunted by the ghost of her twin sister,
and a seance is conducted to contact her spirit- with terrifying results. One of the best!
Thu, 2/12/1976 The Golden Chalices
Norman Rose
"Psychoanalyst Hans von Fodor is reminded of the flight he and his wife made from Hungary 30
years ago by the stories and gifts of Mary Roth, Hans' patient. Shortly after their wedding, Hans
and Lili von Fodor were forced to flee from their native Kispest and leave behind a precious
wedding gift; 12 golden chalices buried beneath a cherry tree. Mary now seems to be leading
them on another fruitless search for the lost cups." (EGaH)
Fri, 2/13/1976 The Blue Roan Stallion ++r
Tony Roberts
A man who is half-Indian falls in love with a rancher's daughter. He is too proud to hide his
heritage and it causes him trouble.
Mon, 2/16/1976 Angel of Death
Marian Seldes
A woman distrught over her child's death contemplates suicide, but a kind ghost talks her out of it.
Tue, 2/17/1976 The Angry God - 7/10 – An average “adventure”-type episode, worth a
listen for something a little more on the “light” side. A jewel thief steals a diamond
necklace in Greece, while being pursued by the police and other thieves he discovers that
mortal beings may not be the only ones with an interest in the piece, the gods may be after
it too.
Larry Haines
A thief steals a diamond neclace that belongs to an ancient god.
Thu, 2/19/1976 Good-Bye, Benjamin Flack - 6/10 A rather complex episode for CBSRMT,
and a noir-ish one, but not much atmosphere and I can’t see myself listening to it again
soon. A man is deeply in debt and murders his cousin who looks exactly like him to
collect life insurance on himself, but he finds it complicated to prove to everyone that he’s
the cousin.
Howard Dasilva
A man kills his look alike cousin and tries to collect the insurance.
Fri, 2/20/1976 The Bloody Legend - 8/10 - Has a strange feel to it, above average tale about
a professor working hard on a book about Beowulf who fears he may be transforming into
a beast and killing animals and then people, he goes on a vacation to relax, but things only
turn worse
Teri Keane
A professor's study of the novel Beowulf leads to an unhealthy obsession that causes him
to have bizarre dreams. When animals and people start to turn up mutilated, he begins to
suspect himself and takes a rest in a house by the sea with his daughter.
Mon, 2/23/1976 The Patient Visitor
Ian Martin
An elderly widow must turn to an old love to help her get into a home for the elderly funded by her
late father. The lawyer, terminally ill, wants to win his last case.
Wed, 2/25/1976 General Laughter ++
Mercedes McCambridge
A suicidal actress decides to go out with a dramatic flair by taping her own demise while she
slowly slips away with an overdose of sleeping pills. But being a comedic actress, she tries to find
humor for just one more laugh.
Thu, 2/26/1976 The Providential Ghost remote 8/10 – This is at least an above average
episode, has some creepy atmosphere and suspense…and a delicious ending. A young
girls grandfather is the only person in the family who loves her, and after he dies and
leaves her everything her evil aunts plan to kill her. But she talks with grandpa and he
tells her how to defend herself, and people around her end up dead.
Beatrice Straight
Fan submitted: A loving grandfather returns from beyond to save his granddaughter.
Fri, 2/27/1976 Half a Life
Tammy Grimes Fan submitted : An old maid meets a man at the bar. It time they make plans to
marry. What must she do so that he will take her away from the world of the spinsters? Will she
do it?
Mon, 3/1/1976 The Death Trail ++r
Bob Calaban A young man tries to escape his family and finds love and ghosts on a 19th century
cattle drive.
Tue, 3/2/1976 Afterward - remote 7/10 - WOW This one would be told with only the slightest
variation in 1979 under the title "The Man in the Black Cap," also about a couple who buy a
house...that is haunted...and the husband swindles a man in a business deal about a
mine...and the other man comes for revenge. Not quite as good as the later rendition, but
this one's about average for the series. After the husband sells his “Blue Star Mine” a
couple move to England and buy an old haunted house. The wife does some investigating
and learns that you only realize that you’ve seen the ghost AFTERWARD. The husband
becomes more and more troubled by a lawsuit concerning the mine back in America, until
one day when a visitor comes calling and the husband disappears without a trace.
Celeste Holm
A woman tells the story of how her husband disappeared never to be seen again.
Thu, 3/4/1976 The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter ++r
Evie Juster
A monk harbors a secret love for the hangman's daughter with devestating consequences.
"Friar Ambrosius and another young monk, Friar Romanus, of the order of St. Francis, are sent
by their superior to the monastery in Berchtesgaden, high in the Bavarian Alps. There, Ambrosius
meets and feels great pity for the beautiful Benedicta, despiesed by all because she is the
hangman's daughter. Soon Ambrosius is also scorned by the populace, most of all by the son of
the village's most powerful man, who wants Benedicta for himself -- not as a wife, but as a
mistress." (EGaH)
Fri, 3/5/1976 The Infernal Triangle 10/10 This is a dark, and dare I say powerful tale of a
real psycho who we can partly sympathize with. The “ugly duckling” of the family is use
to her older, beautiful sister stealing everything from her, but when the sister seems to be
stealing her fiancé, she decides she must murder her.
Morgan Fairchild
A woman suspects her sister of trying to steal her fiance and begins to plot their deaths.
"Ann Fairchild has lways been the ugly duckling of the family. Her older and much more
attractive sister, Eve, always managed to take possession of her toys and favorite clothes,
and later, her boyfriends. Now Eve has come home, divorced from one of these men, and
Ann, soon to be married, declares she will kill Eve if she tries to steal away her husbandto-be, Hugh Denning. She also vows to kill Hugh if he falls for Eve's blandishments,which
he soon does. " (EGaH)
Mon, 3/8/1976 The Queen of Spades
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A Russian soldier seeks a winning gambling secret from a wealthy
countess. When he accidently causes her death, she returns from the grave.
Wed, 3/10/1976 I Thought I Saw a Shadow - 8/10 A well above-average science-fiction
story about an experiment which causes a mans shadow to go on a murderous rampage
Nat Polan
A scientist discovers that the potion to produce invisibility instead causes him to separate
from his shadow.
Thu, 3/11/1976 Pandora
Patricia Elliot
A woman's unhappiness threatens to destroy a perfect world.
"Hundreds of thousands of years in the future, in a society where there is only love and
happiness, a woman, like Pandora, threatens to inflict her sorrow on others. In Paradise, Mara is
not happy just to gratify her desires, to be beautiful, and talented, and to live forever. Her
unhappiness and her desire to love Willis and their baby exlusively threaten to destroy the entire
society, so she is condemned to death. At the last moment she is sent instead to the past, where
she suprisingly finds that hard work, possessive live and a short life are no more satisfying."
Fri, 3/12/1976 The Man Who Preyed on Widows
Mason Adams
A police inspector and the son of a jilted woman work together to try to ensnare the cad who
swindled his mother. His mother defends the man who swindled her and will not take part in the
capture of the bigamist.
Mon, 3/15/1976 The Aliens
Paul Hecht
Two spies encounter each other and have a conversation where they find that they suffer from
the same on-the-job problems. They find they have a psychic bond and soon, the American spy
finds out that aliens have invaded the Earth. They try to convince their superiors who will not
Tue, 3/16/1976 Crime Casts a Shadow
Evie Juster
A woman inherits what she thinks is an expensive strand of pearls. When she finds out they are
fake, she suspects her step-father may have stolen and sold the real strand. A newspaper
reporter helps her investigate.
Thu, 3/18/1976 The Other Side of the Coin
Ralph Bell
A cop and a gangster switch bodies in an underworld "Freaky Friday". The gangster realizes he's
off the hook with the boss. The cop realizes he's in a lot of trouble and tries to find a way back.
Fri, 3/19/1976 A Matter of Love and Death
Lois Nettleton
A woman walks into a police station and confesses to killing her husband -- a famous football
player. She had tired of sharing him with obsessive fans.
Mon, 3/22/1976 Stampede ++r
Kristoffer Tabori and Fred Gwynne
Ellie Tate Gottenschalk, her husband murdered by Commanches and their beet crop and
buildings destroyed by a stampede, joins a cattle drive on its way to Cheyenne..." (EGaH)
A Confederate Civil War veteran joins a cattle drive out of bitternes after his mother remarries. He
is presented with a moral dilemma when he falls in love with a widow.
Tue, 3/23/1976 The Covered Bridge ++
Jada Rowland
A couple pass through a covered bridge in New Hampshire and the woman is transported back to
the Colonial times.
Wed, 3/24/1976 Brain Drain
Paul Hecht
A beautiful woman and the deaths of noted scientists raise the suspisions of a police detective.
Thu, 3/25/1976 The Transformation of Joebee - 8/10 One of the funniest episodes I've
heard in quite a while, above average story. Joebee is the town prankster, always coming
up with elaborate jokes for a laugh. After pulling one of his most elaborate stunts he says
he's going to stop. But it soon seems that he's pulling his biggest stunt ever on a young
couple; causing family quarrels where the husband is sure it's all a conspiracy while the
wife thinks her husband is losing it! Great stuff.
Hans Conried
After confessing to a final stunt, a chronic practical joker swears he has changed his
ways. Is he sincere, or is this just his most amazing joke ever?
Fri, 3/26/1976 Extortion
Mandel Kramer
The wife of an important politician is blackmailed for a fatal hit and run accident she committed
when she was in college.
Mon, 3/29/1976 The Saxon Curse ++r
Paul Hecht
A man becomes convinced that not only can he commit the perfect murder, but that he must do
so in order to protect his bride.
After learning from a fortune teller that he can and will commit the perfect murder, an arrogant
aristocrat selects his victim.
Tue, 3/30/1976 The Intruders – remote 6/10 Not a bad episode but its very slow. But the
real problem is that it’s trying to play up a theme whose “secret” is entirely obvious if you
give it a moment’s reflection. Still, it has a decent atmosphere to it I suppose. A woman
returns to her large house to find a father, mother and son who refuse to acknowledge her
existence and appear to be in mourning over their daughter. Believing them to be ghosts,
she tries to make contact with them.
Lois Nettleton
A woman is haunted by ghosts who refuse to acknowledge her presence. As she watches
them play out their ghostly lives in her home, she becomes attached to them.
A woman is disturbed by unseen (at least by others) and unwanted guests inhabiting her
Wed, 3/31/1976 The Spit and Image - 7/10 OK adventure story, and that’s mostly what it is
Michael Tolin
An out of work football player is hired to serve as a body double for a reclusive billionaire.
Thu, 4/1/1976 The White Ghost - 8/10 This is a pretty good episode, slightly above average
“ghost-out-for-revenge” story, although the ghost in this one is a little more of a nuisance
than a scary threat. Reminded me a little of 716 “The Wintering Place,” another dark tale.
A man kills his mistress and is perpetually haunted by her ghost, on the phone and in
person, but is it really a ghost or are there people trying to drive him over the edge?
Ralph Bell
A powerful businessman's life begins to unravel after the accidental death of his mistress.
Her ghost won't leave him alone.
Fri, 4/2/1976 Vanity Dies Hard
Marian Seldes
An arrogant mystery detective pulls off the perfect crime against his wife's lover. Now his cheating
wife must answer for the crime while he helps the police "solve" it.
Mon, 4/5/1976 Time Killer ++r
Mandel Kramer
A college professor tests his new theory regarding the fluidity of time and is able to transports
himself back in time prior to the Great Depression. He gets himself into trouble that will have
ramifications for his future.
Tue, 4/6/1976 The Boy Wonder
William Redfield
Scam artists search out a boy who has the unique talent of identifying prodigal contemporaries.
[This show] involves a man's search for a child named Buchanan... He and his child friends are
capable of extraordinary things, One has invented a disintegrator, one can teleport and a third
has invented a transmutation device. As the search progresses, the team begins to decrease one
by one.
Wed, 4/7/1976 The Paradise Caf
Court Benson
A crooked businessman is possessed by the poet he framed for the murder of a young girl.
A mob boss recounts for his psychiatrist the attempted rape and murder of a cocktail waitress. He
needs to exorcise the demons that possess him.
Thu, 4/8/1976 Sleeping Dogs
Marian Seldes There are two different Sleeping Dogs shows.
The widow of a French Resistance fighter searches for the identity of the man who betrayed her
husband to the Nazis. Her new husband and hear dead husband's comarades warn her to leave
history alone.
A woman tries to find out about her first husband, who was a member of a famous French
underground unit. Her current husband and the group's survivors urge her to leave the past
Fri, 4/9/1976 Fool's Gold - 7/10 OK story, would be better if I had a clearer copy – listen
again [muffled]
Mason Adams
A college professor indulges his obsession diving for treasure on wrecked ships. His
latest adventure promises a great payoff. However, the gold is cursed.
Mon, 4/12/1976 Safe Judge
Robert Dryden An honest judge's reputation is on the line as he is being blackmailed.
Tue, 4/13/1976 Wishes Can Be Fatal - 8/10 I liked this one, it might lack the action that
some want, but to me it was quite suspenseful and kept me guessing, and it had
atmosphere. Also it reminded me of another tale of a picture that changed in real-time and
told a story, #826 “The Figure in the Moonlight.” A greedy, selfish woman is driven crazy
by her mother-in-law’s needle-point of her old house which the daughter-in-law now
inhabits – she changes the picture from a previous version she made; taking out certain
things like a tree, then a dog, and soon the tree blows over and the dog dies…we gotta
wonder, what will she do to her daughter-in-law?
Carmen Matthews
An old woman uses embroidery to torment her wicked daugter in law.
Thu, 4/15/1976 Strange Passenger
Nat Polan
An out-of-work lawyer volunteers to be trained by aliens to rule Earth.
Mon, 4/19/1976 Murder Most Foul
Kevin McCarthy
Script adaptation of Shakespeare's "Macbeth".
Tue, 4/20/1976 The Assassination
Norman Rose
adaptation of Shakespeare's "Julius Ceasar"
Based on the well-known assassination of Julius Ceasar in 44 BC - using Shakespeare's play as
a source.
Wed, 4/21/1976 The Love Song of Death
Kristoffer Tabori
Original story by William Shakespeare.
Adapted by: Ian Martin
Adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet".
Thu, 4/22/1976 The Green-Eyed Monster
Arnold Moss
Adaptation of "Othello".
Fri, 4/23/1976 Long Live the King Is Dead
Tony Roberts
Adaptation of "Hamlet".
Sat, 4/24/1976 The Prince of Evil
Howard Dasilva
Adaptation of "Richard III".
Sun, 4/25/1976 The Serpent of the Nile
Lois Nettleton
An adaptation fo Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra, recounting the last days of their
tumultous love affair.
Adaption of "Anthony and Cleopatra"
Mon, 4/26/1976 The Three Elders of Lifeboat Landing* - remote - 10/10 VERY much like
"Sleepy Village" and “The Summer People” in the sense that it takes place in a strange
small town, but here nothing supernatural is going on. A genuinely creepy reflection on
society and human nature, and an episode I have revisited more than once. The town of
Lifeboat Landing is very efficient and clean, but after a couple moves there, the husbands’
reporter brother discovers that one of the “elders” of the community is an ex-Nazi, and
that dissent just isn’t allowed, unless you want to disappear.
Mason Adams
A reporter and his brother become involved with a small town, ruled by three elders, one
of whom is an ex-Nazi.
Lifeboat Landing - a community unto itself. Why is there no crime there? Why is there no
dissention? Why does no one leave? And where did these "elders" come from? An
inquiring reporter wants to know.
Thu, 4/29/1976 Two Plus Two Equals Death ++r
William Redfield An aspiring architect is drawn into the topsy turvy world of the circus business
when he falls in love with one of the beautiful ballerinas in the show. Unfortunately his beloved
has a cruel, heartless identical twin sister. Can he marry one without marrying them both?
Mon, 5/3/1976 The Cornstarch Killer – 8/10 This can be a downright hilarious tale at times,
the meek landlord, the overbearing and self-righteous killer and the other skirt-chasing
men in the story. After a landlord takes in a strange woman people around him that
pursue her are stabbed to death, the killer leaving a smudge of cornstarch on their face as
a calling card.
Robert Dryden
A "virtuous" woman brings the wrath of God down upon anyone who approaches her with
"impure" thoughts. Her landlord is going increasingly wary of her --- and attracted to her.
Thu, 5/6/1976 What a Change in Hilda ++
Lois Nettleton Fan submitted : Two women pay a small fee to a doctor who promises them their
hearts desire. Later they learn there is a much higher price to pay.
Mon, 5/10/1976 The Ghost of San Juan Hill
Jack Grimes
A couple's wedding plans are disrupted when the bride's supposedly dead husband returns from
the Spanish-American War. muffled
Thu, 5/13/1976 The Secret Sharer
Norman Rose
Fan submitted: Joseph Conrad s classic tale of a ship captain who harbors a fugitive and
discovers his alter ego.
Mon, 5/17/1976 Blind Witness
Patricia Elliot
A blind woman witnesses the murder of a pharmacist and manages to escape. Now the police
are looking for their witness while the shooter wonders how she escaped with her life.
Thu, 5/20/1976 The Walking Dead
Paul Hecht
In a future society, androids are mindless servants. However, Rex -- the most modern and
complex of the androids -- develops a passion for killing women.
Mon, 5/24/1976 A Mexican Standoff ++r
Joe Silver
A couple wins a free Mexican vacation, but there's a catch.
A "pillar of the community" receives an offer of a lifetime - an all-expense paid trip to Mexico, from
an anonymous benefactor.
Thu, 5/27/1976 Demon Lover
Mandel Kramer
A college professor finds himself the unwilling object of a foreign professor's love. He is unaware
that is because of a charm from the goddess Isis.
A professor is accused of groping a fellow professor when, in fact, she fell insanely in love with
him and attacked him. The professor must find what drives her passion in order to save his life.
Mon, 5/31/1976 Ghost Town - remote 6/10 This one started to lose me about half through,
then managed to interest me again toward the end. These “transported into the past”
types of shows just aren’t my cup of tea. A girl is carjacked as she drives through Death
Valley by a man who wants to go to an old ghost town to look for a relative, now long
dead. On arrival she is transported back through time, and the town of “Bone Dry” is alive
again, and the man she rode in with is a notorious gunslinger bent on taking control the
local mine.
Lois Nettleton
A woman is carjacked in Death Valley. Her abductor makes her drive to a ghost town
where he hopes to find an old relative.
Thu, 6/3/1976 Blue Justice
Leon Janney
An assistant minister of justice is faced with the ghost of a man he condemned who asks for
justice beginning with the discovery of two blue ribbons.
An assistant prosecutor in a corrupt government knowingly convicts and innocent man and has
him executed. His ghost haunts the prosecutor.
Mon, 6/7/1976 Corpse That Would Not Die, The
Patricia Elliot
A man murders his best friend so he can marry his friend's wife. But his guilt over the murder and
her guilt for remarrying so soon slowly erodes their relationship.
Thu, 6/10/1976 Free the Beast ++r
Paul Hecht
An inmate of an insane asylum has conversations with an unseen visitor. When a fellow inmate
dies in an "accidental" fall, a psychiatrist and a cop discover her horrible family secret.
Mon, 6/14/1976 The Unthinkable
Larry Haines
Two at home fathers plan to rob a bank where one of the men's wife works.
Thu, 6/17/1976 Pension Plan
Norman Rose
As a man reaches retirement age he finds his pension plan he was promised was based on how
much he could steal while working.
Mon, 6/21/1976 Checkmate
Robert Dryden
A New York detective gets involved with solving a murder in which the victim died from a
puncture wound to the eye and into the brain.
Thu, 6/24/1976 Child of Fate - remote 7/10 An OK story, a little creepy, could have been
more so
Guy Sorel
A family living in a remote locale hires a woman to teach their daughter who has an
"imaginary" friend who may be more real than not.
Mon, 6/28/1976 Forty-Five Minutes to Murder 6/10 This is a decent “detective” story, but
there’s nothing superb here. I found the ending to be a little “duh,” not on the listener for
not catching it, but the “solution” is something that the detective or police should have
noticed from the start if they had all the facts…at least I thought so. A man’s wife is killed
from drinking a poisoned wine sent from an embittered man as a “peace offering” between
him and the woman’s husband (the husband got a job the other man hoped to get). The
case appears quite simple, but as these things go, they never are…
Larry Haines
A detective works on an apparent open-and-shut murder case involving a bottle of wine.
Thu, 7/1/1976 Loser Takes All
Patricia Elliot
An actress' manager attempts to replace the actress' husband with himself.
"When Jake Alexander, who considers himself the world's top theatrical agent, meets Delphi
Carr, in his eyes the world's most beautiful woman, he tries his best to become her agent. He
would also like her to become his wife. But before he can achieve his first wish, she gets married
and suggests that Jake take her actor husband, Deke Roberts, as a client. Jake agrees, only
because it will provide him with more opportunities to murder Deke, or have someone else do it."
Mon, 7/12/1976 Blood Red Roses
Robert Dryden
A pacifist's beliefs are challenged when his son is murdered by mobsters. When he meets the
man behind the murder, he ends up liking him.
A mob Boss is repaid for his past evil actions because of his love of Red Roses.
Thu, 7/15/1976 Last Trip of Charter Boat Sally, The - remote ++r
Teri Keane
A rich woman and her beach-bum boyfriend frame an old charterboat captain for the murder of
her husband -- or so it would seem.
Mon, 7/19/1976 Future Eye
Tony Roberts
An investigator from the future is sent back in time to retrieve a microchip that has the history of
time up until 2976. If somebody from 1976 finds it first, it could make the future cease to exist.
Thu, 7/22/1976 The Men with the Magic Fingers
Mason Adams
A married couple, performers in a carnival, come into conflict when the husband creates a new
act that doesn't involve his wife. Rather, he invests considerable time, effort, and emotion in
creating a fortune telling doll. His wife becomes upset because without her husband, her act is
suffering, and he appears to be increasingly obsessed with his creation.
Mon, 7/26/1976 The Brain Without Mercy
Norman Rose A doctor takes the brain of a hijacker and tries to find out where he hid his loot.
Thu, 7/29/1976 Shotgun Wedding – remote 8/10 Kinda improbable, but I think that’s part of
the point. A slightly above average tale I would say. A young man is taken, only half
willingly, to meet an older man’s beautiful daughter who lives in an isolated house,
claiming that they are made for each other. They hit it off, but when the young man tries to
find the house again he is unable to…instead he uncovers a dark family secret.
Audio clean up - B
Jack Grimes
Charlie a man of about 30 is "invited" by his co-worker Gus to meet his daughter one
weekend, about three hours out of the city where she lives. Gus feels that Charlie will fall
instantly in love with his daughter Elaine. When Charlie meets her, he does. Things don't
begin to get strange until Charlie leaves work sick on Monday, and goes back to the
country to visit her.
Mon, 8/2/1976 Every Dog Has His Day - remote 7/10 An OK story with an interesting
concept that could have been done a little better but still OK
Court Benson After a man dies, the ungrateful sons fight over his estate, and run up
against the man's dog.
Thu, 8/5/1976 Lovers and Killers
Robert Dryden On jury duty for a murder trial, a mna goes over conflicting stories told by the
accused and the victim's wife.
Mon, 8/9/1976 Overnight to Freedom
William Redfield
During WWII an American POW escapes from the Germans and with the help of some friendly
advice, makes his attempt at escaping across Germany into France, then to England.
Thu, 8/12/1976 The Haliday Prediction
Tony Roberts
It seems that every prediction Cash Haliday makes in his Friday newspaper column comes true.
Does he have uncanny insight, some sort of ESP, or, as his secretary/gf thinks, do things come
true "because" he predicts them.
Mon, 8/16/1976 Your Grade Is A
Robert Calaban
Molly Butler is found dead of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. The police think that it was either
suicide, or accidental, but Molly's best friend Judith Kent has other thoughts after she reads in
Molly's diary that Silas Butler wrote a mystery story for his Creative Writing class about a murder
using CO that was undetectable.
Thu, 8/19/1976 The Golden People
William Redfield
A lady's man mets up with a woman who promises to never leave him, even in death.
A conman prone to swindling rich widows actually falls in love. Can he put his past behind him to
treat this woman right?
Richard Paradon has it all, looks, brains, charm, talent, and the ability to make money...or should
I say the ability to bilk women out of theirs...until he meets a woman he falls in love with at first
sight..but can you really teach an old dog new tricks?
Mon, 8/23/1976 The Train Stops - remote - 7/10 The portrayal of women in OTR as
irrational, emotional, unstable and "breaking down and crying to confess their love for a
man" is really shown here. I know they aren't that way in reality, but if I wasn’t gay
already, the way women are portrayed in OTR would make me that way, sheesh.
Anyway...this ones about a small-town girl who falls in love with a man she says rides the
train in from the city, but no one ever sees him, and only the regulars are seen getting off
the train. And before long a woman shows up and warns the father that his daughter is in
grave danger. This one's OK, I didn't really get it at the end, may be a little slow for some
people, average to below average.
Norman Rose
A young woman tells her father that she is is love with a man who gets off the train, but no
one has seen him. muffled
Thu, 8/26/1976 The Man Who Could Work Miracles
William Redfield
A man suddenly has the power to make anything happen just by wishing for it.
Mon, 8/30/1976 The Night Shift
Howard Dasilva
Eddie O'Brian hates going to work driving a bus 9 hours a day, until he gets a new bus, #2792.
Now he loves 2792 more than his wife Margie.
Thu, 9/2/1976 The Magic Key - remote - 7/10 - An OK story but not too much mystery, its
mostly obvious and the rest is about two people falling helplessly in love...ZZZZZzzzzzz
maybe i just wasnt in the mood...
Paul Hecht
During a vacation, alone on a remote island, a man mets a beautiful woman. Or does he?
Tom Reynolds is bored of his life and the rat race, so he takes a vacation, sans wife and
children, on a remote Caribbean island, an island of powerful magic. After a few days of
introspection, a beautiful woman washes ashore, seemingly dead, but it's soon apparent
that she's alive, and that's about all that's apparent.
Mon, 9/6/1976 Graven Image ++r
Jack Grimes
Jody Barnes is a talented rock-n-roll/country singer playing the county fair circuit, until he meets
Craig Herbert, a talent agent. Craig gives Jody a gimmick, and plenty of publicity. Jody's
monologue from about the 3 minute 30 second mark reminds me of Pink Floyd's "Comfortably
Numb", after which Jody recounts his rise and fall to numbness.
Tue, 9/7/1976 Killer's Helper - 7/10 - This one has a handful of funny moments. One
hilarious moment, as sexist and inappropriate as it may be; an experienced executive
explains: "That’s the kind of secretary to have, an iceberg, it keeps a man's mind on his
work, could you imagine trying to make love to that?" In this rather frank and risk-ay
episode a young broker is promoted by his boss who has faith in him to succeed, but
soon he learns that the conniving wife of the boss is getting rather tired of her can guess where this is going.
Michael Wager
Martin Edward (Marty) Caraway, a young up and coming Jr. Executive at a brokerage
house, is given an offer he can't refuse by Margaret the wife of his boss John Masters.
Thu, 9/9/1976 A Two-Bit Fortune ++r
Paul Hecht
Mike Wilson, auto mechanic, picks us an apparent bum who philosophizes about wealth, and
claims to be Millionaire Stanford Spruce. Mike doesn't believe him, neither about who the bum is,
nor about wealth not being all it's made out to be, until he finds out that he's Spruce's only heir to
a Billion Dollar empire.
Fri, 9/10/1976 A Magical Place ++r
William Redfield
An old couple go back to the cottage they spent their honeymoon in to rekindle their love.
Mon, 9/13/1976 The Tell-Tale Corpse 8/10 - Turns into a creepy little story of possession
Earl Hammond
Ernie and Sid, just out of prison, visit the Aunt of ex prison-mate Ted, because she has a
key, that opens the second lock of a chest that contains $100,000 located in the Aunt's
remote cottage. They have the other key. Complications occur after they kill Aunt Grace to
get her half of the loot.
Tue, 9/14/1976 Journey to Jerusalem
Vincent Guardinia
A man longs to be young again so he can live his life differently. A strange woman says she can
make it happen.
Thu, 9/16/1976 Dr. Peterson's Pills - remote 6/10 takes a strange, absurd turn about midway through, very enjoyable story
Rosemary Murphy
A Maine country doctor seems to have a miracle cure for every ailment in his mysterious
pink pills. But his curative abilities came at a steep price that has just come due.
Fri, 9/17/1976 To Whom It May Concern ++r
Marian Seldes
Audio clean up - C - Listenable, but so far theres only one bad version of this. muffled
The angel of death hunts a woman, but keeps missing.
A woman who mysteriously avoids death from a gunshot through the heart finds that she brings
death to everyone she loves.
Mon, 9/20/1976 A Very Dear Ghost Indeed - remote 7/10 OK story, a little disappointing at
times, listen again
Russell Horton
A man and his daughter, traveling through Ireland late in the 19th century, are waylaid by a
washed out bridge to an old castle. There, they hear a tale from the resident about an
unfortunate man who first sold his daughter, then his soul, for money.
Tue, 9/21/1976 The Rainbow Man – remote 6/10 – This is a western, with a bit of romance
thrown in, not so much a mystery. Could they really not afford to have two different actors
for the sheriff and Hank? – It’s a little too obvious. A sly but gentlemanly traveling
medicine man in the Old West meets up with Hank, a young man who wants to marry his
girlfriend, but is unable because her dying father wishes her to marry the richest man in
town, Mr. Rutledge – the same man who recently swindled Hank in a game of cards. The
medicine man sets out to put the two together, even if it means a battle of wits with Mr.
Ralph Bell
A snake oil peddler and part time con-artist uses his skills to help a young couple who
want to marry and to expose a corrupt sheriff.
Thu, 9/23/1976 Don't Play with Matches - 8/10 I like this one, we know who the villain is,
but it doesn’t matter because its great stuff. An above average plot and episode I would
say. A small town Fire Chief has Friday nights off to do what he wants, he tries sex with
random women, but what he really gets off on is watching a big fire…and there’s not
enough of them in his quiet town.
Mandel Kramer
An admired Fire Chief hides a dark secret about how he spends Friday nights.
Delbert Casserole is a man with strange hobbies. Lying, murder, arson, and on Friday
nights, he goes to town.
Fri, 9/24/1976 Queen of the Deadly Night
Marian Seldes
A young Jewish woman seeks a rumored kingdom with the intention of becoming its queen.
A serf woman of the Dark Ages learns that she must travel to a foreign land and become their
queen. Before she can be queen, she must pass a test.
Mon, 9/27/1976 The Ghostly Private Eye - remote 8/10 I would call this an above average
"haunted house" tale, it has a slight flair of traditional literature, as if it was written by
Conan Doyle. A "ghost detective" is called out to an estate to expel a spirit.
Audio clean up - B
Larry Haines
A 19th century "ghost buster" meets his match in a violent and aggressive poltergeist in
an American mansion.
Tue, 9/28/1976 One Girl in a Million
Russell Horton
An obsessive genius makes his living helping corporations make huge decisions... and
inexplicably murders every man he encounters named Kruger.
Thu, 9/30/1976 Not for Sale - 7/10 – This might be a ghost story in the strict sense, but it
doesn’t have the right environment to really succeed as that alone, this episode is more of
a whodunit, or “whydunit.” After her uncle is murdered by a robber in his rundown
antique shop, his niece inherits the shop. Everyone around her urges her to sell the shop,
including her uncles ghost who tells her to sell it to anyone except the strange Mr. Miller
who lives above it, but she decides to keep it and discovers that her uncles murder wasn’t
the result of a random holdup.
A woman inherits an antique store when her uncle is murdered. When she refuses to sell
the shop to the man who inhabits the upstairs apartment above the shop, she runs into
major trouble.
Faye Colfax inherits her uncle Milo's antique shop when he is murdered during and
apparent robbery attempt. Against the advice of her husband Brian, her uncle's "friend"
Mr. Miller, and her uncle's ghost, she decides to keep and run the shop.
Fan submitted : A couple inherits a run-down building and gets more than they bargained
Fri, 10/1/1976 The Clairvoyant
Tammy Grimes
A clairvoyant forsees an unexpected love in the life of a young, British aristocrat on the eve of
World War II.
Mon, 10/4/1976 The Midas Touch
Robert Morse
A con man swindles a bank president repeatedly in this farce set on the eve of the Great
Tue, 10/5/1976 Private Stock
Ian Martin A detective works on a homicide in which he discovers his own daughter is chief
Thu, 10/7/1976 Pool of Fear 5/10 Never gets interesting, not a bad tale per se, a decent
idea but it just somehow feels bland, sterile
Morgan Fairchild
A woman hires an ex-con to kill her step-mother who lives in the shadow of the woman's
Beth befriends ex-con Matt and has him pose as her fiancee, so that he will kill her stepmother Millie for $10,000.
Fri, 10/8/1976 The Tortured Twins
Marian Seldes
A man meets his wife's identical twin and finds that she has much more to offer.
"Adam Duncan knows he loves Joyce Adams from the first moment he set eyes on her at the offoff-broadway theater where they both work, so he proposes to her right away. When the
newlyweds move to Hollywood for Joyce's first movie role, Adam meets her twin sister, Janice.
Suddenly he realizes he really should have married Janice, the more serious of the twins, and
vows to make her his wife if it means that he has to kill Joyce first." (EGaH)
Mon, 10/11/1976 My Wife Doesn't Understand Me
Robert Dryden
A wealthy young man meets a beautiful young girl who asks him to murder his own mother.
A research scientist, unhappy with his marriage, finds solace in the arms of his new secretary.
But she has more than love on her mind.
Tue, 10/12/1976 The God Killer ++r
Tammy Grimes
A typist is accused of murdering the author for whom she works. She insists that the murderer
was a character from a novel fighting for his survival.
Thu, 10/14/1976 The Living Corpse
Hurd Hatfield
"Henry Girard Flower Peabody VI, a member of Philadelphia society by birth and breeding, has
always felt there was an element inside him that did not fit his sober side. As a young man, he
kept his crazy, fun-loving girlfriend, Megan, a secret from his other friends and his strict but ailing
mother. But, when Megan suggests that Henry end his mother's lingering life or else, Henry
realizes he can no longer lead a double life and must kill one of them." (EGaH)
An elderly man confesses to murdering what he claims to have been a Welsh witch, years after
the fact.
duplicate title
Fri, 10/15/1976 A Point in Time (1976) remote - 8/10 – Interesting and odd example of the
“weird small town” type of story CBSRMT is notorious for, albeit this isn’t the most
believable or best example of it. Two men hiking meet a beautiful woman who takes them
to a small town where the people appear to be living in the 1920s, but soon they’re both
put in jail. They soon discover that what’s really going on is more than they could have
Paul Hecht Fan submitted : Two hiking buddies encounter a small town whose inhabitants
believe the year is 1923.
Mon, 10/18/1976 Killer's Appointment
Marian Seldes
A young woman takes the rap and goes to prison for her boyfriend who rips off his employer.
When he abandons her while she is in prison, she plots her revenge.
Tue, 10/19/1976 The Mission of Atropos
Mason Adams
A detective follows the clues left by a corrupt industrialist using an illegal and deadly chemical.
Thu, 10/21/1976 To Hang by the Neck - remote - 7/10 A fairly complex tale that has some
really good elements but never manages to be as entertaining as it could be
Marian Seldes
At the ranch, a young girl's suicide is investigated by her girlfriend who discovers there is
more to the story.
"Becky Pryor decides, after the end of the Civil War, to return to the C-Circle-C ranch in
Texas, just a year after she went there for what she thought was going to be Carrie
Conway's wedding, but turned out to be her friend's funeral. Carrie's invalid mother now
complaines to Becky that the truth is not known about her daughter's death. A
suspiciously quiet ranch hand, a Northerner, offers to help Becky find out why Carrie
might have hanged herself -- if indeed she did." (EGaH)
Fri, 10/22/1976 Somebody Stop Me! - 8/10 This one has it all, funny, creepy, truthful about
marriage...good episode. An ugly cop is unable to get any attention from the ladies, so he
starts to murder them.
Howard Dasilva
A cop who is so ugly he can't get a date, kills women who turn him down.
Wed, 10/27/1976 The Deathly White Man - remote - 9/10 A truly strange tale, with a decent
atmosphere similar to other tales where a person goes to live with a strange family like
"Afraid to Live, Afraid to Die" and "Stairway to Oblivion" -- somewhat complicated for
casual listening. A nurse moves into a house on an island to take care of an old woman
there, but she uncovers a dark family secret has been hidden away in a locked room for
many years.
Betsy Palmer Fan submitted : A newly-appointed nurse hears ghostly moans in a large
house located on a lonely island
Thu, 10/28/1976 Absolute Zero - remote 9/10 - Mostly a wonderful tale; a young woman
going to the remote estate of her step-father following her mothers death, seeing a man
attempt to break into the tomb at dusk and an ensuing mystery
Jada Rowland
Late for her mother's funeral, a young woman travels back to the estate of her step-father.
Fri, 10/29/1976 The Unborn ++r
Mercedes McCambridge
An American encounters a woman several times through his life as he moves between
occupations. She grows younger each time. He falls in love not knowing he tarries with the
mistress of the Devil.
Sat, 10/30/1976 Witches' Sabbath - 7/10 – I cant tell if the humor in this one is intentional
or not, but it can be rather funny at times. The end was predictable. A man who wants to
kill three different people who have wronged him is picked up on the street by two
beautiful women who turn out to be witches. They, along with the “Prince of Darkness”
himself, encourage him to murder…but is it real or is it all an illusion?
Larry Haines
A man with murder in his heart, falls in with a coven of witches celebrating their holy day.
They inspire him to murder.
Sun, 10/31/1976 The Queen of Cats - remote 6/10 Weird story, disappointing ending
Tammy Grimes
See "Willard" only with cats. An evil witch uses cats to prey on children in a small town. A
lawyer and a local sheriff try to corner her.
Thu, 11/4/1976 City of the Dead
Kristoffer Tabori Fan submitted : Two marine biologists, in an experimental globe, encounter a
strange city five miles under the sea.
Fri, 11/5/1976 The Secret Chamber - remote 8/10 Really nice little story about an atypical
haunted house and a man trying to sell it off. A young woman grows up, scared to leave
the house she grew up in, after he mother dies the executor of the estate piddles away the
money until the house must be sold, this breaks the woman’s heart and she disappears,
only to come back and haunt the old house.
Ian Martin
After losing her lover in war, a young woman disappears only to reappear as a ghost
haunting her house.
Thomas Tatum Tattersaul, a realtor, tells the story of Felicity Hargrave, and how the
Hargrave's House, a Colonial that dates back to the Revolution, is no longer "haunted".
Mon, 11/8/1976 The Graveyard - remote ++r
Norman Rose
A man mourns hard for his lost love who died after riding out into a rain storm to buy a new dress.
He learns the truth about her in a hard way. muffled-beginning incredibly hard to hear
Tue, 11/9/1976 The Colony - remote 7/10 A decent story, kinda predictable at times but a
decent UFO story
Tony Roberts
Michael and Mary just want to spend some quiet time away with nature. After spotting a
UFO, they stop in the sleepy town of Colony, New Hampshire, to report it.
Thu, 11/11/1976 Strike Force
Michael Wager
Dr. Orville Sanderson Jr. was brought up by his step-father Bob Watson. His mother, Andrea,
was married to Bob after Orville's father, Orville Sr., went missing during the war. When a man
possibly having know Orville Sr. turns up in the morgue, Orville Jr. begins to question everything
he believes about his real father.
Fri, 11/12/1976 A Question of Identity
Joan Lovejoy
A woman is recruited by the U.S. government to identify a spy for them. The spy is her exhusband. She is confident she can do it until she finds out he has had plastic surgery. She has to
question each one -- bringing back bad memories.
Mon, 11/22/1976 Meeting by Chance - remote 7/10 Slightly above average tale, doesnt turn
out as strange in the end as I had hoped, but still above average
Mandel Kramer
A man and a woman spend an afternoon together in a strange house to wait out a storm.
They mysteriously find themselves falling in love.
Tue, 11/23/1976 The Awakening
Kim Hunter
A police detective investigates the murder of a psychiatrist. His only clue is a tape of the murderer
consulting with the psychiatrist.
Thu, 11/25/1976 M-U-R-D-E-R - 8/10 I gotta give it to this one, not the type I normally go for
but well done
Larry Haines
A paranoid man becomes unhinged after an Ouija board spells out M-U-R-D-E-R.
Fri, 11/26/1976 Blood Will Tell
Mason Adams
A forty year old mama's boy must find out how his father died for the personnel department at
work. His mother harbors the terrible secret.
Mon, 11/29/1976 The Man Who Couldn't Get Arrested
Fred Gwynne A man hears a voice that pleads for him to save her, and he has dreams of killing
his wife.
Tue, 11/30/1976 Now You See Them, Now You Don't
Robert Dryden
During World War V, victims of combat fatigue are able to transport themselves back in time. The
President wants to know how and why.
Thu, 12/2/1976 How to Kill Rudy
Paul Hecht A man discovers that his favorite detective novels predict true crimes, then he find a
book about his future, future of death.
Fri, 12/3/1976 Child of Misfortune - 7/10 God…straight people, just don’t get em
sometimes…this annoying character is supposed to be a “16-year-old sex goddess”? Are
men really this stupid, and do women compete with each other over who’s the more
beautiful like we see here? The English language is lacking to really explain how happy I
was when this “goddess” was shot and killed. Still this is a decent episode, on the theme
of a witch seducing a man, a rather common theme on CBSRMT. Finally, this one happens
in a remote location, but it’s not really central to or adds to the story. When a man’s
brother and his brothers’ wife die mysteriously, he takes in their 16-year old daughter, a
beautiful girl who seems to be trying to replace his wife, is she mentally ill or is there
something darker at work?
Norman Rose
A pathologist's life is thrown into chaos when his younger brother dies and his sixteen
year old niece moves in with him.
Mon, 12/6/1976 Child of the Sea ++r
Tony Roberts
While swimming in the ocean, a man encounters a woman who lives in an undersea kingdom and
falls in love with her. She tries hard to live on land and he tries to live in the sea.
Tue, 12/7/1976 Enough Rope
Russell Horton
A victim of a lynch mob is saved by a German ghost.
Thu, 12/9/1976 Nobody Dies
Teri Keane
A young woman with a small child takes a job as a maid to a pregnant widow. Their children grow
up together and the boy falls in love with the girl. But she moves away and finds someone new;
he is devastated.
Fri, 12/10/1976 Identity Crisis
Gordon Gould
If a brain transplant isn't enough, add two wifes and two men out to kill the patient.
Mon, 12/13/1976 Hit Me Again
Paul Hecht
A gambler pursues his system, only to discover that winning isn't everything.
A businessman with actuarial skills quits his job to try his hand at card-counting blackjack.
Tue, 12/14/1976 The Smoking Pistol
Howard Dasilva
A young cop is murdered and his killer arrested. It's an air tight case or is it?
When a cop's son is murdered and a suspect is found holding a smoking gun, he figures it's an
open and shut case. But when the suspect's mother appeals to him to investigate further, doubts
arise in his mind.
Thu, 12/16/1976 The Doctor's Evidence
Frances Sternhagen
A shallow man who is having an affair with his secretary catches a lucky break when his wife dies
in an accidental fall. But her son suspects that his wife sent him a message by telepathy saying
she was going to be murdered.
Fri, 12/17/1976 A Quiet Evening at Home
Tammy Grimes
A woman who was running away with another man, witness a murder, but doesn't want ot get
involved lest her husband finds out.
Mon, 12/20/1976 Date of Death
Norman Rose
A man thinks he is going to die despite what his wife and doctor tell him.
Tue, 12/21/1976 The Lone Survivor - 3/10 Frustrating, boring when it ought to be
interesting but just isnt
Russell Horton
The lone survivor of a plane crash at sea cannot remember who he is. A police detective,
an airline executive, and a doctor work to find out.
Thu, 12/23/1976 Double Zero
Robert Dryden
A man marks his money, leading the police to the trail of a murderer.
A private investigator working an adultery case stumbles on a murder. Five $20 bills with two
zeroes written on them provide the clues.
Sat, 12/25/1976 The Magus
Fred Gwynne
A young servant girl falls under the charms of a magus. She becomes entranced in his presence,
forsaking her mother and would-be suitor.
Mon, 12/27/1976 Mark of Cain, The ++r
Ralph Bell
A gunslinger finds love, but is hindered by the mark of Cain.
A gunslinger hires on to a ranch to enforce a rancher's will. The rancher's daughter falls in love
with him, making her betrothed angry enough to challenge him to a gun battle.
Tue, 12/28/1976 The Artist
Michael Wager
A wealthy industrialist falls for a married knife-throwing performer. He worries that her husband
will find out and deliberately hit her with a knife.
Thu, 12/30/1976 Your Move, Mr. Ellers
Jack Grimes
Chess seems the perfect foil for a sophisticated jewel thief.
A stolen emerald and a game of chess leads an insurance investigator to look into three
supsects: an employee, a longtime member at the jewelry store, and a fence.
Fri, 12/31/1976 Tomorrow's Murder – 8/10 I liked this one quite a bit, it’s a fun and smart
episode, although I have to admit, I predicted the end a little easier than usual. Love the
“better give each of you a little shot” scene – funny. In the big city a man goes to a
cemetery where he sees a tombstone with his name on it, is his job overstressing him or is
there another, more sinister explanation?
Robert Dryden
A stressed sales manager gets more stressed when he finds his tombstone in the
cemetary with a date of death a year in the future.
Mon, 1/3/1977 Who's Little Girl Are You? 6/10 This is an interesting story, and ought to be
heard by parents today who push their children toward a million different extracurricular
activities. Ending was a little too convenient. A girl has been pushed by her ambitious
father into tennis and becomes quite a star player. As she gets older she starts to lose her
game and considers suicide – while in a coma induced by sleeping pills she tells the story
of her life and how she got to such a desperate state.
Marian Seldes
In a pill-induced suicidal stupor, a star tennis player recounts the events of her life that led
her into a deep depression.
Tue, 1/4/1977 This Breed Is Doomed - remote 8/10 – This is a funny little tale, I’d say
slightly above average for its plot, characters and twist ending. Another episode with a
similar medicine man as the central character is #522 – “The Rainbow Man.” During the
tough times of the depression a medicine man/con man/perpetual optimist/”missionary” is
almost caught making booze by the police, but he escapes to a small town where he
eventually meets a little old lady on a bus with $1,000 cash…
Howard Dasilva
A con man grifts the residents of a small town and ends up stealing a small piece of irony.
Thu, 1/6/1977 The Man from Ultra
Court Benson Fan submitted : Solo Nakeela, an interstellar traveller who cannot know love,
accidentally ruins the mind of the great Jeffrey Hale, a talented but fragile young artist. Can he
help the young genius regain his sanity in time?
Fri, 1/7/1977 Conquest of Fear
Tammy Grimes
A bandito abducts a famous actress while she is traveling through Spain. She convinces him to
desert his life of crime and resume his career as Spain's premiere bull fighter
Mon, 1/10/1977 Two Renegades
Robert Dryden
A case of mistaken identity puts a con man at the head of the Panamanian army at the turn of the
century. His failure as a General lands him in hot water with Panama's enemies.
Tue, 1/11/1977 The Passing of Black Eagle ++r
Robert Dryden
When he's drunk, he's a mild mannered panhandler. When he's sober, he's a desperado named
Black Eagle. The two meet when Black Eagle robs a train.
Wed, 1/12/1977 Tobin's Palm
Robert Dryden and Fred Gwynne
A man has a streak of bad luck as told by a palm reader, much to the delight of his friend.
Thu, 1/13/1977 Don't Die Without Me ++
Robert Dryden
A reporter in New York looks into a suicide in a run down apartment building, then another occurs
in the same way in the same room.
Fri, 1/14/1977 A Departmental Case
Robert Dryden
A gunfighter turned insurance clerk, comes out of retirement to gun down an alleged wife beating
bank robber. However, a New York reporter finds out the deceased was not all that different than
his killer.
Set in the latter-day old-west Texas, an aged shootist coming out of retirement for one last gunfight causes a reporter to investigate and report on the circumstances around the event.
Sat, 1/15/1977 Cherchez la Femme
Robert Dryden
An owner of a French Quarter restaurant hires a private "I" to track down the $10,000 she gave
to an "old and long time customer" to "invest" for her just before he died. As the title suggests, his
attitude is "Follow the money" *and* there is always a woman involved". With these axioms in
mind, the detectives search takes him through "shadier" side of New Orleans, to New York City
and back again, only to find his query "The Woman" right in front of him.
A swindler takes the money of a dumb woman just before he dies. Her boyfriend searches high
and low to get it back.
Sun, 1/16/1977 Jimmy Valentine's Gamble
Robert Dryden
A safe cracker on the lam goes straight and becomes a leading citizen. He risks it all when a
crisis makes him exercise his old skills for one last operation.
Mon, 1/17/1977 Son of Satan - 7/10 Creepier than most, pretty good story
Gordon Gould
A man and wife find an old friend who has changed his name and started worshipping
Satan. Naturally, they pick up their old friendship and let him babysit their infant.
Wed, 1/19/1977 A Woman in Red
Robert L. Green
A famous painting is stolen by an unlikely thief. However, the person who ends up with it has very
long term plans for it.
Fri, 1/21/1977 Happy Death Day - 5/10 OK story and concept was somewhat original but
could have been done a lot better
Marian Seldes
An overweight woman has nightmares of a faceless man who tries to kill her by pushing
her over a ledge. She goes to a psychologist to try to explain the dream and put a face on
her assailant.
Mon, 1/24/1977 License to Kill
A football player is cut from his team because he lacks the killer instinct. But when his wife is
injured and he needs money, he submits to his coach's will and becomes a devistating hitter.
Wed, 1/26/1977 The White Wolf - remote 9/10 Not a typical ''remote cabin'' story, but
instead a classic horror tale. This is also one of the grimmest, darkest episodes in the
entire series. A family takes in a man and his daughter, but soon after the father of the
house takes the daughter as his wife, the his son begins to suspect her to be a werewolf.
Norman Rose A horror story about a white wolf the haunts a man and son, but is the wolf
really a woman?
Fri, 1/28/1977 My Fair Lady-Killer
Michael Tolin
A detective searches for the killer of three "loose" women. The final suspect does not fit the
profile supplied by the experts.
Mon, 1/31/1977 Casual Affair
Mason Adams
A traveling salesman has a casual affair. His ladyfriend is not what she seems and he ends up in
mortal danger.
Wed, 2/2/1977 The Cat Is Dead
Marian Seldes
A husband and wife return to France where they met when she was a member of the French
Resistance and he an American soldier. The death of an acquaintance makes them remanisce
about the past.
Fri, 2/4/1977 The Ripple Effect
Les Tremayne
When a politician attempts to recover some love letters from a mistress, he sets off a chain of
events that will ruin a few lives.
Mon, 2/7/1977 I Pronounce You Dead
Morgan Fairchild A man find a quarter in his new suit that is dated nearly ten years in the future,
then his troubles begin.
Tue, 2/8/1977 The Aurora Group ++
Larry Haines
A man find a quarter in his new suit that is dated nearly ten years in the future, then his troubles
A man begins having visions of the future where he kills his wife. More disconcerting to him, he
begins acquiring objects from the future.
Thu, 2/10/1977 The Recluse* - remote 10/10 Very high on my list of personal favorites, has
a wonderful atmosphere and a complex, interesting plot to match. I find myself revisiting
this one. A man who inherits a remote inn, he goes back there and tries to discover what
happened to his father who stole money from a bank and then disappeared on a cold,
snowy night.
Tony Roberts
A man inherits an inn and its family secrets when his grandmother dies. He learns of the
fate of his missing father and what happened to him and his "fortune".
Fri, 2/11/1977 Masquerade
Paul Hecht Fan submitted : A famous singer renowned for her beauty becomes involved in
criminal intrigue while attending a masquerade ball.
Mon, 2/14/1977 Stamped for Death - 8/10 A decent little story, simple in plot with
entertaining characters and situations
Lloyd Battista
Two greedy brothers inherit their father's stamp collection. When it's lost, they try to
swindle their elderly aunt and uncle out of theirs.
Tue, 2/15/1977 The Star Killers
Mercedes McCambridge
A nuclear scientist recounts for her therapist how she fell in love with a space alien and was
ultimately convicted of his murder.
Thu, 2/17/1977 If Mischief Follow
Ann Williams
A widow is about to be wed when her long dead husband suddenly turns up, alive.
Just as she is ready to announce her engagement to another doctor, Dr. Marion's first husband
whom she thought was dead, returns and wants to resume the marriage.
Fri, 2/18/1977 A Heart of Gold
Frances Sternhagen
A murderously greedy woman wants all her wealth converted to special gold coins with her
portrait on them. She hopes the portrait artist can't see her true self.
A gold-loving fool and her life are soon parted when she can see what she has become.
Mon, 2/21/1977 Orient Express
Mandel Kramer
A reporter ventures behind the iron curtain in this tale of spies and international intrigue.
A reporter and lounge singer, once a couple, are reunited on the legendary Orient Express bound
for Czechoslovakia. On the way, they meet with spies and counter spies in this Cold War story of
international intrigue.
Tue, 2/22/1977 Jane Eyre
Patricia Elliot
Charlotte Bronte's classic tale of love between a lonely old man and a young governess.
A governess falls in love with the lord of the manner in 19th century England. When she finds that
he is married, she flees the mansion and makes a new life for herself.
Thu, 2/24/1977 Last Judgment - 5/10 - A below average, not all that entertaining tale about
a man in a college town, haunted by his past and the ordeal it puts his family through
Norman Rose
A rich old man is haunted by murky dreams about his past. Could he be guilty of war
A young nurse learns some terrible secrets about her father-in-law when he becomes ill
and she moves in with him to take care of him.
Fri, 2/25/1977 Legend of Phoenix Hill - 7/10 A decent little tale, never interested me too
deeply, but its a good story nevertheless about an adopted son, drawn to China to
discover the mystery behind a dream he keeps having
Howard Dasilva The son of an archaeologist wants to go with his father to China to fullfil a
strange dream.
Mon, 2/28/1977 The Light That Failed
Mason Adams
A great artist believes that his true love will come back to him if he becomes rich and famous
The story of a painter and war correspondent and his overwhelming desire to earn a fortune to
attract the woman he loves. Fate throws him a wicked curve when he scorns a woman he
considers beneath his station.
Tue, 3/1/1977 The Hound of the Baskervilles ++r
Kevin McCarthy Sherlock Holmes investigates a story about an unearthly hound haunting the
Baskerville estate.
Thu, 3/3/1977 The Overcoat
Hans Conried In Russia a poor man is told to replace his old overcoat, which causes all kinds of
Fri, 3/4/1977 Answer Me ++r
Larry Haines
A deeply depressed man sets out on a journey of self-discovery.
A failed author, distraught over the death of his wife, chucks it all and heads for Mexico. On the
way, he hooks up with a mother and daugther who live in a commune. They share a strange bond
that he finds fascinating.
Mon, 3/7/1977 Beyond the Barrier ++r
Russell Horton A logical thinking doctor is confronted with life after death after an accident.
A doctor dies, experiencing all the things that go with death (life passing before him, reunions,
lights and corridors, disembodied voices, you know, the usual!), then returns to his body for an
A young scientist is gravely injured in a car crash and has an out of body experience while in the
hospital. He sees and meets people from his past who impacted his life.
Tue, 3/8/1977 The Sign of Four
Kevin McCarthy Fan submitted : Classic Sherlock Holmes tale of theft, betrayal and a secret pact
that haunts its members long after it was broken.
Thu, 3/10/1977 The Pleading Voice - remote 7/10 - kinda corny, anti-skeptic preaching, but
still a decent story about a girl who keeps hearing a voice coming from an old nearby
Corrine Orr
A young girl is stricken with a persistent fever, which she believes is caused by a voice
that keeps calling to her.
A teenage girl recovering from an illness hears a disembodied voice beg to be let in a
ruined outbuilding on the property. Her father and their minister explore the ruins to learn
the source of the voice.
Fri, 3/11/1977 Till Death Do Us Part
Tammy Grimes
Fan submitted : Less than average looking woman has a life changing experience when both she
and her boss have a bad day.
Mon, 3/14/1977 Look Backward Sometimes
Roberta Maxwell
A couple on the verge of divorce is saved when a plane crash changes their lives.
A tennis pro plans to flee to Europe after fighting with her husband. Enroute, the plane crashes
and she finds that her judge of character serves her well as she and the survivors struggle to
Tue, 3/15/1977 The Shining Man* - remote 10/10 - A great, and above average "remote
haunted house"-type story, one of my favorites I find myself revisiting. A young man buys
an old haunted house at a bargain, but before he can move in him and his uncle (a
parapsychologist) must unravel the mystery of the "shining man" seen in the house at
Robert Calaban
An eager young man purchases a "haunted" house at a bargain price. He figures it will be
all right, as his uncle is in the exorcism business.
A young couple purchase a haunted house in Scotland where he is to take a new job. The
man's uncle is a parapsychologist and tries to help them solve the mystery of the
mysterious glowing in the windows at night.
Thu, 3/17/1977 Jobo ++r
Earl Hammond
A young woman believes that a funny-looking man in Tennessee is connected somehow with the
mysterious stone heads on Easter Island.
A mildly retarded hick from Texas seems to be the heir of the gods of Easter Island. An
archeologist and his daughter take separate paths to discover the truth.
Fri, 3/18/1977 Little Green Death - remote 3/10 Was painful to sit through, just
Kim Hunter
Fan submitted : A small town murder occurs and the man that is charged doesn t recall
doing it.
Another submission: When a small town man is accused of a murder he doesn't remember
committing, his best friend hires a big city lady lawyer to defend him. The problem is, the
accused man himself believes he must be guilty, as the evidence against him is so
Mon, 3/21/1977 The Eighth Deadly Sin
Patricia Elliot
Jealousy puts a tremendous strain on an already tempestuous relationship.
A famous writer falls in love with a seductive actress with a taste for adventure. When she places
a high stakes gamble, he loses faith in their relationship and loses her.
Tue, 3/22/1977 The Imposter - 6/10 This episode is different and interesting in some ways –
overall a “mild” ghost story. On opening night of a new play the author says she wants her
name removed from the programs – because she didn’t write it, the spirit of a dead actor
led her hand while she visited the home of a friend.
Don Scardino
Fan submitted : Woman writes a hit play, as told to her by a 50 years dead actor.
Thu, 3/24/1977 The Gift of Doom – remote 8/10 – A very dark story for this series, very
dark. A man sets out for a remote spot in Alaska in search for gold, and when he nearly
dies in a snowstorm he’s saved by a witch. He is indebted to her, but while she loves him
he does not love her, and when he tries to move on with his life things get ugly.
Kim Hunter
Fan submitted : Set during the California gold rush, a young man leaves to go prove
himself a man, and finds a witch.
Fri, 3/25/1977 A Study in Scarlett
Kevin McCarthy
The story that Launched the career of Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes' and Watson's first case together involves a murder who leaves behind an engagement
ring and the word "RACHE" scrawled in blood.
Mon, 3/28/1977 The Warriors From Loanda ++r
Robert Dryden
Based on a Joseph Conrad story, men in the Congo slowly go mad and die.
Two ivory hunters are stranded in the Congo, one of them ill with fever in the heat and humidity.
The isolation takes a toll on them.
Tue, 3/29/1977 The Coldest Killer
Joan Lovejoy
There's bad guys and then there's really bad guys! This story is about a man who is willing to kill
his best-friend-and-business-partner's wife *and* the friend's mother in order to collect on
business insurance and marry the friend's wife.
A man is having an affair with his business partner's wife. They scheme to get rid of his partner's
mother who finds out about the affair and the partner himself.
Thu, 3/31/1977 Death Is Blue
Frances Sternhagen
A private detective is brought in by an unattractive woman's brother to investigate her fiance'. Her
brother suspects that he really wants her money.
Fri, 4/1/1977 You Bet Your Life
Paul Hecht
An expectant father and gambling addict swears off gambling after a big loss. But when he loses
his job, he returns to the track to try to earn a living playing the ponies.
Mon, 4/4/1977 So Shall Ye Reap - (Oedipus the King) – remote 3/10 Goddamn there is just
too much drama, raging, moaning, crying blah blah blah in this episode for my taste. A
mayor of a small town tries to find out why the town seems to be cursed and finds the
entire affair intimately connected with a murder he committed as a young man.
Russell Horton
A curse befalls a New Mexico town in the 1850s where children die and women no longer
bear children. The town's mayor seeks a solution to the problem and discovers a horror
from his past.
Tue, 4/5/1977 Sensitive, The
Gordon Gould, Teri Keane, Nat Polen, Ralph Bell & Marian Hailey
A skeptic attends a seance with his wife and his boss. Turns out he is the "sensitive" who is able
to bring the spirits to the material world. But the gift has a price.
Thu, 4/7/1977 The High Priest
Robert Dryden
A swindler tries to convince an art appraiser to declare his counterfeit painting to be real and
worth millions.
Fri, 4/8/1977 Blood, Thunder and a Woman in Green
Mandel Kramer
A 1940s private investigator stumbles into a murder when his friend -- a tabloid photographer -- is
murdered over a photo he took.
Mon, 4/11/1977 The Meteorite - remote ++r
Paul Hecht A meteorite crashes in a farm field and it turns out to be an alien spacecraft, complete
with a alien pilot.
Tue, 4/12/1977 Man-Sized in Marble - remote 8/10 Ive heard this one told on other
programs, its always good regardless how it is told, here its not as good as the "Hall of
Fantasy" version but it has more time to create atmosphere
Paul Hecht, Roberta Maxwell, Frances Sternhagen & Fred Gwynne
Husband and wife need a vacation and rent a remote cottage in Scotland where there's an
ancient church with lifesize marble statues which the locals believe come to life.
Thu, 4/14/1977 The Phantom House - remote 8/10 - Slow and picks up but ends rather
badly - Still the kind of story I love to hear, might be worth hearing again to make a
Marian Seldes
A woman sees a house that was burned to the ground years ago and falls victim to a
Two young sisters spend the summer with their aunt and uncle in the Virginia countryside
at the turn of the century. One sister sees the image of a house destroyed more than 50
years before and struggles against becoming part of its terrible heritage.
Fri, 4/15/1977 Borderline Case - remote ++r
Merry Flershem
A clairvoyant adolescent girl learns the terrible history of a valuable pearl worn by an old woman.
She also learns of another gruesome chapter to be played out in the pearl's history.
A young girl whose father is the town sheriff, becomes clairvoyant when gazing into a smoky,
gray pearl. She foresees the murder of the famous jewels owner and helps her father solve the
Mon, 4/18/1977 A House Divided
Joan Lovejoy
A D.A. is murdered by his wife's lover with her help. The son plots his revenge while the daughter
is left to suffer with a cold, selfish mother and the man who murdered her father.
Tue, 4/19/1977 The Book of Abaca - 7/10 - A good little mystery, but just about average in
most ways
Alan Swift
After a large oiltanker goes down with great environmental costs, the sole survivor
threatens to blackmail the company owner with what he knows.
Thu, 4/21/1977 Come Away Death
Norman Rose
An old lawyer makes a deal with Death to forestall his passing. He takes the job of death, and
death takes his place. Who got the short end of the deal.
Fri, 4/22/1977 The Prisoner of Zenda
Howard Ross
The coronation of a new king is disrupted when the king's brother drugs him. A distant relative
who closely resembles the king steps in to take his place at the coronation.
Mon, 4/25/1977 Bound East for Haiti ++r
Mason Adams and Fred Gwynne
A First Mate aboard a tramp steamer tries to steal his captain's girlfriend by employing voodoo
on him.
Tue, 4/26/1977 The Adventure of the Red-Headed League
Kevin McCarthy
Sherlock Holmes helps a friend who has been swindled by a group of red-headed men. He
uncovers a much larger scheme.
Thu, 4/28/1977 The Second Chance Lady
Marian Seldes
A door-to-door makeup saleslady unwittingly stumbles into the lair of a hold-up guy. She outwits
them to stay alive.
Fri, 4/29/1977 Wuthering Heights - remote ?/10 – Really need to hear this one again, I was
completely lost. Listen again.
Paul Hecht
The prodigal son returns to the family homestead bent on siezing control from the
relatives that treated him poorly as a youth.
Mon, 5/2/1977 Much Too Much
Robert Dryden
In this farce, the King of a tiny kingdom doesn't want to spend the money to purchase a guillotine
to execute a prisoner. He explores several other means of execution and punishment, but can't
find one that he deems cost effective.
Tue, 5/3/1977 The Luck Sisters - remote 8/10 The type of location I enjoy for a story like
this, isolated. But this is a good story regardless, pretty dark one too. In a small mining
town tucked away from civilization gold is discovered that will enrich everyone. But some
of the citizens are concerned because a certain woman that lives there seems always to
cause bad luck whenever things start going good...and they can't let her destroy an
opportunity like this.
Fred Gwynne
This is the story of twin sister residents of a mining town. One always brings good fortune,
the other nothing but bad luck. When the residents have a chance to all get rich, the
bringer of bad luck should start feeling very nervous.
Thu, 5/5/1977 Reunion Fever
Phyllis Newman
Most of the attendees of a class reunion end up sick with many of them dying. One member of
the class gets a letter offering to sell him the remedy for the mysterious virus for $10,000.
Fri, 5/6/1977 Bottom of the World – 8/10 A pretty good sci-fi episode, perhaps more
adventure than mystery. Three scientists must flee the planet after “They” prepare to
destroy it, after this they are left to find a new home to start civilization over again.
Tony Roberts Scientist working at the South pole must flee the planet when a catastrophe
Mon, 5/16/1977 Mayerling Revisited - remote - 0/10 Ugh, I am so sick of these tales of a
tragedy in history paralleling with a future event, I barely made it through this one
Marian Seldes
A young, engaged couple must confront the guy's domineering and wealthy father. As
they dealing with his father's opposition to their marriage, the woman has dreams of a
similar couple over 100 years ago who confronted the same problem in the same house.
Tue, 5/17/1977 The Child's Cat Paw ++r
Sarah Parker
A child and a strange cat weave a spell on an old man and a gold digger to put them together.
The girl's motives are pure; the cat's are not.
Thu, 5/19/1977 A Matter of Customs
Mary Jane Higby
Two couples repeatedly encounter each other on a cruise ship. Only one of the couples keeps
changing husbands, causing suspicion in the other.
Fri, 5/20/1977 Wine, Women and Murder
Robert Dryden
An eccentric bookshop owner on a trip to Germany is accused of murder.
Mon, 5/23/1977 The Briefcase Blunder
Paul Hecht
Cab driver finds $50,000 in his cab and the owner refuses to claim it.
Cab driver finds briefcase containing $50,000.00 cash in his cab, tracks down passenger who left
it, who denies it was his..
Tue, 5/24/1977 Transmutation, Inc.
Norman Rose A mild mannered gambler makes a Faustian deal with the devil and wants out.
Thu, 5/26/1977 The Countess
Marian Seldes
Married to a controlling older man, the countess has a liason with a man who is bricked up in a
Fri, 5/27/1977 Guilty Secret
Ralph Bell
A Senator finds himself in the middle of a presidential race with a terrible secret he must conceal.
He is sure that people know of an indiscretion from his past and will use it against him.
Mon, 5/30/1977 The Silent Witness - 6/10 For some reason the first half of this one just
didn’t hold my interest, perhaps it was my mood, in truth I thought the last half was worse
than the first. When a Hawaiian banker goes to a cemetery and sees a grave being dug,
only to learn later that it was an illusion he takes it as a bad omen. Then when he meets
his new assistants fiancée something from his past he wishes to forget comes out into the
Kevin McCarthy
A Hawaiian banker is haunted by a vision of an open grave in an American cemetary. His
new assistant's wife brings back painful memories for him.
Tue, 5/31/1977 The Boscombe Pool Mystery – remote 8/10 This is a pretty good mystery,
and a complex tale. I think they did a good job with it. Sherlock Holmes sets out to prove
that a young man didn’t murder his father.
Kevin McCarthy
Sherlock Holmes solves the murder mystery of a young man who is accused of murdering
his father. The evidence seems irrefutable, but Holmes dissects it.
Thu, 6/2/1977 A God Named Smith
Russell Horton Fan submitted : Reminiscent of pulp science fiction, this is the story of a child
prodigy who creates an entire planet of his own, intending it to be a better world than earth.
Fri, 6/3/1977 The Two-Dollar Murders
Larry Haines
A man tries to cover up an affair and murder by killing a cop who writes him a parking ticket. The
unlikeliest of clues and the unlikeliest of witnesses gives him away.
Mon, 6/6/1977 The Blood Red Wine 6/10 OK story, not enough happens to make it
Joan Lovejoy
A man wanders out of a storm into a couple's house and dies of a heart attack. He is
carrying with him $200,000. Do they keep it or give it back despite the fact that nobody
knows they have it?
Tue, 6/7/1977 The Curse of Conscience
Tony Roberts
A hustler and loser falls in with an elderly woman who tries to put him on the straight and narrow
path. When he finds himself in a bind, he aims to take advantage of her -- with dire
A young con man down on his luck meets an old lonely woman.
Thu, 6/9/1977 Dialogue with Death ++r
Paul Hecht and Fred Gwynne
A man is reunited with a childhood love and wants to marry her. He has difficulty dealing with her
one peculiarity: She regularly talks to her dead parents and her dead horse.
A young woman doesn't believe in death and talks to her dead parents.
Fri, 6/10/1977 The Night We Died
It's con man versus con man in this sci-fi story of double crossing and murder as a veteran of the
Lunar Revolt tries to scam a war widow.
Con man in the future is enlisted in a revolutionary con of an old widow.
Bob Readick Set in the future, an con man escapee changes his face and goes back to the con
Mon, 6/13/1977 First Woman in Space
Phyllis Newman
Fan submitted : The first woman astronaut returns to earth, but not alone.
The first woman in space returns to the planet with an alien living within her --- an alien that will
fight her for control of her body and survival in her new environment.
An entity returns to Earth with the first woman astronaut.
Tue, 6/14/1977 Murder One
Tammy Grimes
A wealthy widow is being blackmailed by her maid for killing her husband. So she tries to frame
her for her own crime.
Thu, 6/16/1977 Little Lucy's Lethal Libation
Larry Haines Fan submitted : An advertising salesman suspects a conspiracy after being given a
new client who shuns publicity.
Fri, 6/17/1977 Two Motive's for Murder 7/10 - Decent little take with some twists and turns
Don Scardino
A young broker thinks he's in trouble when $100,000 in bonds entrusted to him come up
missing. But his troubles really begin when his boss invites him out on his yacht to
discuss the matter.
Broker loses negotiable bonds; did somebody take them?
Mon, 6/20/1977 The Birthmark
Tony Roberts
A scientist believes that a hand-shaped birthmark on her cheek is the only thing standing
between his wife and perfect beauty. He develops a means of removing it and his wife is willing.
What price will they pay for their vanity?
Perfect except for the little birth mark on her cheek.
Tue, 6/21/1977 Tomorrow, Cloudy and Cold - remote - 9/10 A fascinating story about a
psychologist who hypnotises a young mans so his emotions affect the weather...but after
being freaked out by this he waders out into a storm and ends up in a small town where
people try to figure out just what is going on with this stranger
Norman Rose
A scientist conducts experiments on a young drifter to allow him to be able to control the
weather with his emotions. When his young subject escapes, the scientist must find his
subject before he creates havoc.
An experiment in weather control keeps his mood changing.
Thu, 6/23/1977 The Red Circle - 7/10 - A good story with some nasty characters, a sort of
American version of a whodunit. An old friend visits a woman and begins to tell her what
to do with her things when she dies, but days later its discovered that her visitor had died
weeks before the visit -- and might have been murdered.
Ann Patoniac
A middle-class housewife has an unexpected visitor who is an old friend from whom she
has not heard in many years. The old friend has an incredible tale to tell that pits her friend
against her old friend's husband.
A visitor talking about hiding her will has already died.
Fri, 6/24/1977 Fan Mail
Mandel Kramer
An overly obsessed fan is angry when her favorite soap opera character is killed off, believing it
to be real. Meanwhile, the actors live out a real-life soap opera.
Woman is killed in a soap opera; viewer wants the killer to pay.
Mon, 6/27/1977 Come, Fill My Cup
Larry Haines
A train conductor recounts how a regular poker game on a commuter train turned into murder by
Man dies on train 4321 while playing poker.
Tue, 6/28/1977 Adventure of the Speckled Band, The ++
Kevin McCarthy
Sherlock Holmes; A twin woman dies after hearing a whistle in the night.
Thu, 6/30/1977 Dead Men Do Tell Tales
Mason Adams
A dead man recounts how his life came to an end as he served as the conscience of a group of
men who committed a horrible act twenty years prior. Meanwhile, a pair of detectives pursue his
Fri, 7/1/1977 Revenge - 7/10 A decent little story, improbable as it is
Gordon Heath
He comes to town to have revenge on three people.
Mon, 7/4/1977 Boomerang - 5/10 Hokey as hell and rather annoying story that doesnt fit
together about a love-struck girl who turns to Satanism for some reason
Anne Sheppard
A young witch tries to enlist the aid of Satan to deploy spells to use on the man who
continues to spurn her. They always backfire and end up hurting her.
Tue, 7/5/1977 Hexed - remote 10/10 Often HILARIOUS tale about a woman who we can’t
wait to see killed off -- she gets a much worse punishment however
Roberta Maxwell
Woman thinks she is hexed and wants to leave the plantation.
Thu, 7/7/1977 A Stranger Among Us
Marian Seldes
A tale of UFO encounter and abduction, and subsequent hypnosis to recover the memories.
Fri, 7/8/1977 The Gift
Ralph Bell
Can the dead come back, These do it.
"Rita Holland and Walter Powers accomplish a murder they have been planning for some time.
They go to Rita's apartment, and after she turns up the hi-fi to its loudest pitch, Walter shoots her
husband, Dennis. Their explanation to the police is that Dennis was killed by a burglar trying to
steal his valuable coin collection. The police begin a routine investigation, so routine, and
thorough that Walter, subject to hallucinations, starts believing they know he's guilty." (EGaH)
Mon, 7/11/1977 A Scandal in Bohemia
Kevin McCarthy
The king of a Bohemian nation employs Sherlock Holmes to retrieve a scandalous photo from an
old fling. Holmes finally meets his match in cunning and deduction.
Tue, 7/12/1977 The Colonel Chabert
Alexander Scourby
He died in battle a hero, but returns and wants to recover his fortune.
Thu, 7/14/1977 A Matter of Conscience
Kristoffer Tabori
A young Kentuckian joins the Union Army, defying his parents who are loyal to the Confederacy.
He is immediately sent to spy on a nearby Confederate regiment and meets an unlikely enemy.
Fri, 7/15/1977 The Kingdom Below
Phyllis Newman and Fred Gwynne
Rich American tries to find a prince to marry his daughter.
Mon, 7/18/1977 The Bisara of Pooree
Paul Hecht
Fan submitted: Rudyard Kipling tale of an unusual charm and the effect it has on officers of the
British Raj.
Tue, 7/19/1977 The Mysterious Island – remote 7/10 – A pretty good adaptation. During the
Civil War five American POWs escape to South America but are shipwrecked on an island.
Earl Hammond
Fan submitted: Adaptation of the Jules Verne classic about a group of castaways, a
strange island and a mysterious benefactor.
Thu, 7/21/1977 Rendezvous with Death - remote 5/10 - An ok story, below average in my
opinion, about a young man who seems condemned to die at an early age from cancer,
going on a mountain retreat he meets a strange girl up in the mountains
Kristoffer Tabori
A football player with incurable cancer, goes mountain climbing and meets a mysterious
woman. She provides him love and comfort, but no one else knows she exists.
Fri, 7/22/1977 The Secret of the Aztecs – remote 7/10 An interesting and average to maybe
above average episode, there’s a ghost and a mystery and plenty of action as well. A
professor is driving through the desert when his car breaks down, he hitches a ride with a
man who turns out to be a ghost and tells him he must guard Aztec priceless treasure
from something he calls “the savage.”
Mason Adams
Fan submitted: A man encounters a ghost named Quetzal in the southwestern desert who
instructs him to guard the Aztec s treasure from a being known as "The Savage".
Mon, 7/25/1977 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle ++r
Kevin McCarthy
The gift of a Christmas goose and an old hat send Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on the hunt
for the goose's owner.
Tue, 7/26/1977 The Rocket's Red Glare
Mason Adams Fan submitted : A scientist working on a secret military project commits suicide in
front of coworkers, but a police detective still suspects foul play.
Thu, 7/28/1977 The Secret of Laurels - remote 8/10 - An interesting whodunit with a decent
atmosphere of corrupt family history and old forbidden secrets. Fairly complex
conclusion. A man is released after years in prison, having been convicted of the murder
of a man who had an affair with his wife. He sets out to discover the real murderer, which
leads him to the house where it happened, now “cursed” by the events that happened
Norman Rose
A son sets out to prove innocent his father who was convicted of murder in a sealed room
in this gothic murder mystery. His favorite suspect is the widow.
Fri, 7/29/1977 The Thousand and First Door
Russell Horton
A man is brought into the hospital apparently suffering from a stroke. But as he retells the final
days of his life for us, we find his demise was much more complicated with an uncaring, selfish
wife and her paramour.
Mon, 8/8/1977 Hope Springs Eternal - remote 6/10 OK story not something Id listen to
again soon, strange -- typical "past events connected with the present" that happens on
this show
Court Benson
A woman's fiancee disappears without a trace after walking out the back door of her cabin.
For the next 40 years, she waits for his return.
Wed, 8/10/1977 Case Closed
Mandel Kramer
An unlikely bank robber holds up a bank and ends up taking a teller hostage. His demands are
unusual. As the standoff continues, he learns a lot about himself from his hostage.
Fri, 8/12/1977 For Want of a Nail – 7/10 This is an average episode with a decent
atmosphere of mystery. A woman tries to visit the Audley company, a company that her
husband sells to, but she discovers that it doesn’t actually exist. A taxi driver who helps
her investigate gets a little too close to the truth and winds up dead.
Betsy Palmer
The Audley Company doesn't exist, but they are our biggest customers.
Mon, 8/15/1977 The Together Place - remote 6/10 - A fairly creative theme, but dont look
for anything too mysterious or scary; a country doctor hires a nurse to stay with a mother
and daughter who live alone on an island, first the daughter seems to be in
communication with her twin sister who lives in a strange parallel world, then the mother
as well
Norman Rose
A country doctor treats a woman who lives with her daughter on a remote island. The
daughter has been communicating with a twin sister who lives in another dimension.
Wed, 8/17/1977 In the Fog - 9/10 An atmospheric tale of a young man, shell shocked from
WW1 and wandering the foggy, rainy streets of Boston.
Gordon Gould A WW-II vet gets lost in a Boston fog and discovers a murder, or does he?
Fri, 8/19/1977 The Instrument
Ralph Bell
A writer keeps an incompetent agent because the agent had saved him from drowning years
before. Just when he's getting ready to fire him, he finds himself in need of his agent's services
again. . .and again.
Mon, 8/22/1977 Return to Pompeii ++r
Marian Seldes
An American widow tours Italy with her colleague. When their tour bus breaks down, they are
forced to walk to Pompeii. There, the widow has a strange dream.
Wed, 8/24/1977 The Adventures of Don Quixote
Arnold Moss
They are not giants, they are windmills.
Fri, 8/26/1977 Area Thirteen
Mandel Kramer
A family in the future have a child that isn't registered with the government - a forbidden act.
Mon, 8/29/1977 To Be a Rose
Paul Hecht
An insane killer who was once a gentle poet tells the story of the woman who broke his heart.
Wed, 8/31/1977 The Reunion
Fred Gwynne Two American GI buddies who were at Utah Beach during D-Day in WWII reunite
in Paris, France ten years to the day after its liberation. Characters include Hank Murphy, Louie
Simons (both of the 13th infantry).
Fri, 9/2/1977 Olive Darling and Morton Dear - Remote 8/10 - Corny and very funny at times
-- tale of a meek man who goes to a cabin in the woods to relax and may have a roommate
who is a murderer
Fred Gwynne
A timid accountant ventures into the wilderness to seek refuge from the stresses of his
life. Instead, he finds himself holed up with a possible robber brandishing a gun. Need
clear copy; muffled and fast.
Mon, 9/5/1977 Waiting Room, The - 8/10 - The kind of story I tend to like, well-done and
above average with a kooky unbelievable theme
Mercedes McCambridge
A young couple is invited to spend a weekend at the mansion home of an older couple.
They soon find fun is not what the older couple has in mind when the forces of darkness
come to bear.
Wed, 9/7/1977 Silent Shock
Michael Tolin
A woman sits in an insane asylum and talks to people who are not there and awaits the return of
a beau who does not exist.
Fri, 9/9/1977 Woman in the Green Dress, The - remote 4/10 Too slow and boring even for
me, I listened to it twice to see if I missed something...i didnt
Eileen Heckart
A man's curiosity about a portrait of a beautiful girl draws him into a tale of love, intrigue
and scandal.
A visitor is haunted by a portrait of a woman in a green dress hanging in his friends home.
He finds a reference to her in an escutcheon below a stained glass window in a nearby
abandoned church. A visit to the former church sexton reveals an entry in the church's
death records that pointed to a mysterious murder. The visitor is determined to solve the
80-year-old mystery!
Mon, 9/12/1977 First Childhood ++
Arnold Moss
A woman must prove herself sane to save her home. She is much more clever than her
detractors think.
Tue, 9/13/1977 The Way to Dusty Death - remote - 7/10 Very much a Romeo and Juliet
style plot
Paul Hecht In the back woods, two sisters try to reclaim the body of their brother, killed on
a rival's land.
Thu, 9/15/1977 Passport to Freedom
Paul Hecht, Martha Greenhouse, Ian Martin & Bryna Raeburn
A married couple (both American spies) venture behind the iron curtain to help a scientist and his
wife to defect, thus securing his important discoveries for the United States. Things go awry when
the scientist tries to take his mistress instead of his wife.
Fri, 9/16/1977 Death on Project X
Larry Haines
The Ultimate Weapon is being developed for the government by a group of mad scientists.
Mon, 9/19/1977 The Wind and the Flame
Celeste Holm
A mysterious caller troubles a wealthy industrialist. As his maid answers the calls, she becomes
suspicious of his past. But does she have a mysterious past of her own?
Tue, 9/20/1977 The Tunnel Man
Ralph Bell
Fan submitted: Set in the near future, a mad scientist creates an ingenious device that allows him
to blackmail the government for $100
Thu, 9/22/1977 The Plan ++r
Kim Hunter
A rich mistress is distressed when she finds out that her whimsical desires led to the death of her
faithful maid.
Fri, 9/23/1977 The Burning Whirlwind ++
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A wealthy widow withdraws $8 million in cash from her bank and
becomes the target of con artists.
Mon, 9/26/1977 The Guy De Maupassant Murders
Marian Seldes and Fred Gwynne
A judge obsessed with "Diary of a Madman" leads a secret life as a killer. Need clear copy; fair
Tue, 9/27/1977 The Wintering Place - remote 8/10 Nice, dark little tale
Robert Dryden
An old man, recently widowed, rapes and kills a young scientist. He is haunted by her
spirit who invokes his dead wife in urging him to confess his crime.
Thu, 9/29/1977 The Solitary
Larry Haines and Fred Gwynne (DavidN)
A prison guard befriends an inmate locked in solitary confinement. The inmate is tormented by a
less compassionate guard. The warden tries to find a solution to the problem.
Fri, 9/30/1977 Trilby
Marian Seldes
A young woman is transformed into the world's greatest singing star by a hypnotist. But is it worth
the price she pays for her fame?
Mon, 10/3/1977 Mother Knows Best
Bryna Raeburn
A former college football star who is down on his luck is accused of murdering his uncle for
money. At first, his mother does not believe he is innocent. But guilt over his childhood compels
her to try to find the real killer.
Wed, 10/5/1977 The Sea Nymph - remote 7/10 - A tale of deep sea diving for treasure which
turns out to be more about betrayal than about mythical creatures below
Norman Rose
A diver is hired by a antique collector to retrieve an artifact from a shipwreck. While on the
mission, he falls in love with the collector's ward -- and the object of his affection. He also
finds a mysterious inhabitant of the shipwreck.
Fri, 10/7/1977 The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
Kevin McCarthy Fan submitted : Sherlock Holmes investigates the theft of crown jewels and
encounters a suspect whose silence is more telling than a confession.
Mon, 10/10/1977 The Actress
Tammy Grimes Fan submitted : An actress portraying Medea on stage becomes obssessed with
the character in real life.
Wed, 10/12/1977 The Case of Chateau-Margaux - remote 8/10 - An above average small
town murder mystery...After a rich old man disappears from the small New England town a
search is put out across the hills and all evidence points to his nephew, a ne're-do-well
who just arrived in town, but more gruesome evidence is on the way by special delivery
Jackson Beck
Fan submitted : Adaptation of Edgar A. Poe story about murder and intrigue in a small
New England town.
Fri, 10/14/1977 The People of Sissora
Ralph Bell
A man believes he must kill a stranger in order to save the world.
Mon, 10/17/1977 Return Engagement
Fred Gwynne
An old actor wanders about the city, committing petty crimes and getting into mischief. But does
his heart harbor a more sinister passion?
Wed, 10/19/1977 The Island on Silver Tree Lake - 8/10 - Decent death/life limbo story and
good atmosphere, kinda sappy and improbable ending...A woman who has a bad car
accident on a lonely backwoods road seeks refuge at an inn on a small island but soon
finds she cannot leave.
Patricia Elliot
After a near - fatal accident a woman seeks help on an island only to become a prisoner on
Fri, 10/21/1977 Sorry to Let You Go
Mandel Kramer
Fan submitted : A middle-aged businessman frustration when he is unable to find a job after
being laid off when a computer can do his duties
Mon, 10/24/1977 Trial for Murder
Paul Hecht
A ghost sabotages his murderer's legal defense.
Tue, 10/25/1977 Just to Keep Busy
Robert Dryden A man about to be married courts another woman and then is accused of
murdering her.
Thu, 10/27/1977 The House by the Seine ++r
Marian Seldes
An actress, who used to be a member of the French Underground, receives a recently fired pistol
in the mail. It is later used to frame her for the murder of her lover.
Fri, 10/28/1977 A Question of Identity (1977)
Russell Horton
A jewel trader dupes a guileless employee into unwitting participation in an insurance scam. The
trader assumes the employee and the local police will be too dumb to figure out what really
happened, but he could hardly be more wrong. duplicate title
Mon, 10/31/1977 Trial by Fire
Norman Rose
A con artist uses technology to convince a primitive people that he is the one chosen by their fire
god to rule their land. Everything is going along fine until the fire god shows up!
Tue, 11/1/1977 Last Train Out
Anne Williams
A couple filming a documentary in Turkey stumble into a famous communist fugitive. The
filmmakers are forced to cooperate with some pretty unseemly characters in order to save their
Two reporters are kidnapped by terrorist who want to get out of the country aboard the Orient
Thu, 11/3/1977 Land of the Living Dead - remote ++r
Don Scardino
Two scientist fly to the remote jungle and find a modern airport without people.
Fri, 11/4/1977 The Final Judgment
Gordon Heath
Three merchants seek the wisdom of Solomon in resolving a dispute and a mystery about which
of them is a thief. Using his legendary wisdom, Solomon employs a unique device to get to the
Mon, 11/7/1977 Therapeutic Cat, The - 6/10 An average to below-average mystery tale, not
a whole lot going on here overall...A retired rich man becomes bored with life (gee, don't
we all wish that was the worst of OUR problems!) and so his son recommends he gets a
cat, he does and develops a creepy relationship with the animal and soon discovers the
cat is a witch in disguise
Fred Gwynne
Fan submitted : A bored stressed out man adopts a cat that he dearly loves...then he
learns the cat is a witch.
Tue, 11/8/1977 Haunted Mill, The* - remote 10/10 Another personal favorite; after a young
man returns to his small village by the sea after being away for three years he learns the
girl he loves is engaged to another, when he convinces her to change her mind he
disappears and the trouble begins...and it all seems to revolve around an old haunted mill
Ralph Bell
A man returns after 3 years at sea to his village only to disappear and the strange things
that happen at a reportedly haunted mill.
Thu, 11/10/1977 A Tale of Two Worlds
Bob Kaliban
When a character on a soap opera is killed off, the actor is so devastated he feels his life is over
too. His fellow actors try to help him reason with an unreasonable producer.
Fri, 11/11/1977 We Meet Again
Teri Keane
A police detective's wife finds out the latest man her husband arrested for murder is one of her
old loves. She sets out to prove him innocent -- and her husband helps him.
Mon, 11/14/1977 Gloria Scott, The ++r
Kevin McCarthy
Fan submitted: A mutiny aboard ship continues to haunt the survivors. Sherlock Holmes
Tue, 11/15/1977 A Point of Time
Norman Rose, Jackson Beck
A Scientist and his sister try to change time by sending an official to the past.
Thu, 11/17/1977 Hunted Down ++r
Gordon Heath
An insurance man doesn't trust a man he met and another is after a killer.
Fri, 11/18/1977 A Grain of Salt – 7/10 An odd tale, with a good deal of comedy and a decent
plot…nothing exceptional, but it keeps you interested throughout. Back in old Ireland a
woman’s salt shaker is stolen, she tells the police the tale of how the shaker became
endowed with magic by the “Old Man of the Rock.”
Teri Keane and Fred Gwynne (DavidN)
A woman tries to find a missing, magical salt shaker.
Mon, 11/21/1977 She – remote 6/10 This is a decent adventure type episode. This feels
very much like an episode of the OTR show “Escape” – explorers captured by savages in
a remote land and all. There’s some mystery and supernatural elements here but overall it
doesn’t drive the story. Not sure why, but this isn’t one I would look to hear again soon. A
man entrusts his son to a dear friend, along with a locked box to be opened when the boy
turns 25, the contents of the box lead them to a remote island where they encounter a
beautiful woman, head of a tribe there who claims to be an ancient goddess.
Gordon Gould
An explorer and the son of his late colleague travel to a remote island to find the ancient
goddess who killed the young man's ancestors.
Wed, 11/23/1977 Pinkerton Method, The
Ian Martin
The Pinkerton Detective Agency pursues train robbers in Missouri who killed an innocent
Fri, 11/25/1977 Indian Giver – 9/10 – Lets just put it this way: This is a ghost story with a
butler in it named “Jitters,” enough said – yes it’s hilarious, perhaps not overly
suspenseful but it manages to be a splendid comedy/mystery. A socialite hires a PI after a
“ghost” in her house scares away all of her guests and hired help.
Fred Gwynne
A high society New Yorker's home is haunted by a spirit that drives away guests and the
hired help. She turns to a private detective to help her solve the mystery.
Mon, 11/28/1977 Man Is Missing, The
Anne Williams
The wife of a cop reads a missing man's handwriting and uses deduction in order to find him.
Wed, 11/30/1977 Teddy Bear, The
Michael Wager, Court Benson, Martha Greenhouse & Ian Martin
The Russians are developing a secret weapon that will allow them to read our thoughts using a
satellite. An investigative reporter investigates.
Fri, 12/2/1977 Neatness Counts - 7/10 This is an average episode and its sorta split in half,
the first half is to me the better half, a deliciously evil man ticking off everyone in sight
where the last half is more or less a whodunit where we already know the answer, and just
wonder if the cops will be smart enough to convict the right person. A modern-day
Scrooge toys with the lives of others without a second thought; telling off a protestor
outside his home, trying to destroy a business associates marriage, firing a secretary who
was in love with him, and after many years of service…After this man is found murdered,
there’s all too many people with motives for wanting him dead.
Ralph Bell, Joan Shay, Robert Maxwell, Evelyn Juster, Earl Hammond
A wicked man destroys lives and aggravates people on a whim. When he ends up dead, a
detective finds himself with a wealth of suspects with motive.
Mon, 12/5/1977 The Lost Tomorrows - remote - 8/10 another one I kept getting interrupted
listening to...but it has some annoying "natives" who speak in broken English, an
annoying wife who complains a lot...typical "warnings about a cursed relic" type story
need to listen again to get the ending
Mandel Kramer Fan submitted : Two American cave explorers plan an expedition into a
sacred Yucatan cavern in spite of warnings from the locals.
Wed, 12/7/1977 Fire and Ice
Fred Gwynne and Marian Hailey (DavidN) A woman and her father have different ideas about
whom she should marry. The father arranges a grueling trip so as to reveal the true character of
two suitors. The results are beyond anyone's expectations.
Fri, 12/9/1977 This Time Around
Gordon Heath A businessman is facing the biggest battles of his life, both in his career and in his
marriage. As he prepares to fight, he begins to imagine himself as a medieval knight preparing for
war. Gradually "Sir Kenneth" seems to take over the man's life.
Mon, 12/12/1977 Ten Million Dollar Heist, The
Joe Silver The year is 1876. Two old pros and one well-meaning youngster are about to attempt
the heist of the century.
Wed, 12/14/1977 Death Shot, The
Michael Tolin In Greece a man photographs a murder and a government official uses the pictures
for blackmail.
A couple on their honeymoon in Greece accidentally photograph a murder. When the murderer
turns out to be a prominent political figure, they are faced with a terrifying decision.
Fri, 12/16/1977 Ghost with a Knife, The - 6/10 - A story of two men exorcising a house on
Long Island...unfortunately it feels claustrophobic because it never leaves one place, and
takes place over the course of just a few hours
Arnold Moss Based on a true story. A family is troubled by a ghost who walks through
their house, causing their plants to die and adjusting their thermostat. Paranormal
investigators attempt to communicate with the ghost and make sense of its bizarre
Mon, 12/19/1977 Brothers of the Angle
Ralph Bell Fan submitted : Grifters set upon an unsuspecting widow by claiming to receive
messages from her dead husband.
Wed, 12/21/1977 Big Ten-Cent Hustle, The
Earl Hammond The adventures of a Indian-head penny and the people who has possession of it.
Fri, 12/23/1977 Witching Well, The - remote 7/10 An OK story, some parts predictable
others not as much so, but perhaps the main problem is that although there's an
atmosphere of family secrets and a thunderstorm outside, there's not as much mystery as
one might hope for. A young man travels to Ireland to discover why his late father sent
money to a woman there, and uncovers a complex web of family secrets, and a ghost!
Paul Hecht
Supernatural tale set in Ireland. A young man travels to investigate his late fathers past
and discovers more about himself than he wishes to know.
Mon, 12/26/1977 The Ghosts of Yesterday
Teri Keane A woman who is trying to hide her past is asked to identify a Nazi war criminal.
Wed, 12/28/1977 The Missouri Kid
Lloyd Battista
Based on a true story: When a pair of bank robbers murder a Pinkerton detective, his brother and
fellow Pinkertons pursue them and bring them to justice.
Fri, 12/30/1977 The Ninth Volume - 10/10 A very good one and most people agree with me,
a science-fiction episode primarily. While drilling for oil a modern house deep in the earth
is uncovered which seems to have come from a parallel time many billions of years ago,
and the history books in the house could tell us something about what is destined to be in
our own time…
Michael Wager An oil company stumbles onto an amazing archaeological find: a modern
house has been buried in rock for twelve billion years. Inside are history books that
accurately reflect our past... and our future.
Mon, 1/2/1978 Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
Fred Gwynne
A daydreamer loses touch between what is reality and what is a daydream.
Peter Perkins is such a loser that even in his daydreams, things won't go his way. What happens
to Peter in real life is what makes this story so interesting.
Wed, 1/4/1978 Family Album ++
Paul Hecht
A reporter travels to Europe to discover facts in the life of a gangster and gets more than he
bargained for.
Fri, 1/13/1978 The Laughing Maiden ++r
Larry Haines
Three fishermen hunt buried treasure in the Carribean. They have to contend with the curse of
the pirate who buried it and "the syndicate" who mirror their every step.
Three sailors try to locate Captain Kidd's treasure while avoiding the gaze of "The Syndicate", a
nebulous organization bent on taking the treasure from anyone who might find it.
Mon, 1/16/1978 In Another Place - 8/10 Decent story, small town atmosphere adds to its
intrigue, listen again
Fred Gwynne
A couple think they commited the perfect crime but a local sheriff knows better, only he
can't prove it.
Tue, 1/17/1978 A Model Murderer
Larry Haines A man who preys on models eludes the police. Can he get away with murder too?
Thu, 1/19/1978 Sophia and the Pilgrim
Gordon Heath
A mystic induces young women to leave their homes and families to follow him. A man decides
he will intervene and stop his friend's daughter from doing the same.
Fri, 1/20/1978 The Enchanted Child
Teri Keane
A young boy seemingly has the power to kill at will with his mind. This is evidenced by a series of
deaths that benefit his family. His parents suspect they might be next...
Mon, 1/23/1978 The Forgetful Ghost ++r
Mandel Kramer
A man meets a ghost who has forgotten his mission, which may be to take away the soul of the
man's wife.
This is the whimsical tale of an affable ghost who has returned to the world of the living but
cannot remember why. The ghost helps a friend cheat at cards and the friend sends the money to
the ghost's daughter.
Tue, 1/24/1978 The Ranee of Rajputana - 6/10 Not a bad episode, a weird one and slightly
below average I think. The one problem with this episode is that Marian Seldes often
annoys me slightly, but here it’s worse: they give her voice a terrible, screeching echo for
much of the episode. An investor steals a statuette of “the Ranee of Rajputana” at a party
and the following day he is paid a visit by the owner who withdraws her money from his
firm and says it is a sign that he is an irredeemable thief. But he is unable to pay her, and
to keep his entire “house of cards” from collapsing he considers murder instead.
Kevin McCarthy
Fan submitted: The spirit of the Ranee of Rajputana leads a crooked investment advisor to
commit more serious crimes. Perhaps even murder.
Thu, 1/26/1978 The Safety Match
Robert Dryden
Two detectives try to solve a murder. Their only clue is a spent safety match found on the floor of
the apartment. MUFFLED
Fri, 1/27/1978 The Defectors
Fred Gwynne
A spy catches a senator in a compromising position with a woman who is not his wife. He tries to
blackmail the senator into proposing legislation that will hurt the U.S. The senator has a trick or
two up his sleeve.
Mon, 1/30/1978 Yesterday's Giant - remote 9/10 - A good sci-fi tale of two scientists who
go into the desert in search of a Neanderthal family, one with good intentions, the other
with bad. Very much an "action" episode although it manages to have a "moral" at the
Norman Rose
Two scientists pursue a giant, living neanderthal in the Nevada desert in the wake of a
nuclear test. Each pursues the living fossil with his own agenda.
Scientists discover an entire family of Neanderthal, alive and prospering in a remote
Tue, 1/31/1978 The Ice Palace ++r
Tony Roberts
Sailors on an ice-breaking mission find that the polar ice caps are melting. When the pilot sent to
investigate disappears, a team is dispatched to find out why.
Thu, 2/2/1978 Don't Look Back - remote ++r
Don Scardino
A world famous country singer falls for a small town girl he encounters at an out-of-the-way
service station. She is reluctant to fall for him because she fears that his business manager will
kill her.
Fri, 2/3/1978 The Postmistress of Laurel Run - remote
Marian Seldes
Fan submitted: Bret Harte story in which the postmistress of a small western town exhibits
remarkable independence for a woman of that era.
Mon, 2/6/1978 The Talking Women
Ed Ames
A businessman is blackmailed when his mistress ends up dead in New York City.
Tue, 2/7/1978 Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Gordon Heath An old doctor summons a handful of his old school chums and invites them to
drink water from the honest-to-goodness fountain of youth. He wants to find out whether his
friends will make the same foolish choices, given a second chance to be young.
Thu, 2/9/1978 All Unregistered Aliens
Anne Williams A lady doctor tries to treat an illegal immigrant who has been shot. After the patient
dies, his body disappears. At first, the doctor suspects that this is a stunt to avoid immigration
officials. However, the body really did vanish. Her curiosity leads her on an amazing journey of
intrigue and self-discovery.
Fri, 2/10/1978 Reflected Terror - 7/10 A decent mystery and actually pretty scary ending
with an isolated mansion with creepy characters
Marian Seldes
A young woman takes a job in a country manor where the lord of the manor will not permit
mirrors. That is because he is haunted by what he sees when he looks in the mirror. He
sees guilt.
Mon, 2/13/1978 Night Eyes ++
Ralph Bell & Earl Hammond
A mystery about a murder of a stable hand and a race horse that may have been switched.
Tue, 2/14/1978 Revenge Is Sweet
Mandel Kramer
A story of a man who gets revenge on someone who wronged him only to have it backfire.
Thu, 2/16/1978 Something in the Air
Gordon Heath
A man tries to stop his young daughter from marrying a middle-aged, poor, starving artist. Despite
his efforts, the father is unable to defeat the strong psychic link between the two.
Fri, 2/17/1978 The Church of Hell - remote 9/10 A pretty good little story overall, the
witchcraft/occult aspect here is carried off better than usual
Roberta Maxwell & Paul Hecht Strange goings on happens in a cabin rented by a couple their tenent mysteriously dies.
Mon, 2/20/1978 Angel from England
Marian Seldes
A nurse hides allied soldiers in the hospital at great personal cost.
True story of a nurse who risked her life to help more than 200 British soldiers escape occupied
Belgium during the first world war.
Tue, 2/21/1978 A Phantom Yesterday ++r
Kim Hunter
A German actress finds herself in international intrigue when she returns to post-World War II
Germany to perform and meet an old friend. The old friend is much more than he appears.
Thu, 2/23/1978 Vanishing Lady
Tony Roberts
A man's fiance disappears and it seems everybody he knows is in on hiding her. Turns out she
disappeared willingly and is on a secret mission.
Fri, 2/24/1978 Loser Take All ++r
Paul Hecht
A man is obsessed with a lifetime friend who was always a little better than him at everything.
Need complete and clear copy. Missing intro, muffled.. Duplicate title.
Mon, 2/27/1978 Second Sight ++
Court Benson Fan submitted : A drifter, named Larry Millard, is found guilty of a murder he didnt
do. Glen Paxton, the real killer, needs an eye transplant and will receive Millards eyes after his
execution. Strange things then happen to Paxton after he gets the eyes. There are three different
Second Sight shows.
Tue, 2/28/1978 A Message from Space - remote 8/10 An above average tale about a man
going to a remote village in Britain looking for UFOs
Tony Roberts
A reporter trying to disprove the existence of UFO's has a first-hand encounter, forcing
him to change his views on the subject.
Thu, 3/2/1978 You Tell Me Your Dream
Teri Keane A female psychiatrist tries to help her wealthy patient who is having repetitive dreams
of his accidental death.
Fri, 3/3/1978 The Assassin
Larry Haines
A professional hitman loses his memory in a car accident. He keeps his wits about him as he tries
to reconstruct his life and his memory so he can carry out the job.
Mon, 3/6/1978 The House and the Brain - 9/10 A strange but somehow very good tale and
different for CBSRMT, deeply philosophical ending...a man tries to uncover the sinister
"evil force" within a house and finds out that its really influenced from afar by a strange
man who could be centuries old.
Gordon Heath
Two men learn the power of pure intellect as they pursue the entitity that is haunting a
local house.
Tue, 3/7/1978 The Red Scarf - 5/10 Fairly average story about betrayal between lovers,
wifes lover kills husband then she lets him take the rap for it and he wants revenge, a
typical "evil woman" story
Ralph Bell
The classic love triangle except the woman ditches her lover after he offs her husband. He
seeks revenge.
Thu, 3/9/1978 The Instant Millionaires
Rob Kaliban & Ray Owens
Three warehouse workers find $3 million in the warehouse that is seemingly easy pickings, so
they take it, despite moral reservations. They find the money doesn't buy them happiness, but it
buys them a lot of danger.
Fri, 3/10/1978 Who Is George Williams? - remote 7/10 Interesting story, not interesting in a
creepy way, but entertaining
Larry Haines
A man who has lost his memory staggers into an Alaskan cabin occupied by two men
during a blizzard. They befriend him and he soon earns a job as a police officer in the
county. He soon finds that his past catches up with him whether he remembers it or not.
Mon, 3/13/1978 The Wheel of Life
Russell Horton
A dying soldier is given a choice between escaping reincarnation and become President of the
United States.
A soldier on the brink of death is invited to leave behind his worldly cares. Instead, he asks to live
and eventually become President of the United States. He is told his wish will be granted.
Tue, 3/14/1978 The Impossible Is True - remote 7/10 A decent story about a family dealing
with insanity, ghosts and violent deaths in a mansion and greed after the family
Anne Williams Death and Ghosts haunt a young woman in a mansion with what is left of
her family.
Thu, 3/16/1978 The Time Fold
Paul Hecht
The flight crew and their mobster boss fly through a "time fold" and end up orbiting a lunar space
station 1000 years in the future.
Fri, 3/17/1978 Identified Flying Objects
Bryna Raeburn
A cop stops a man from space in his flying saucer, puts him in jail, and impounds his saucer.
When he talks nobody understands him, but when he reveals his plan to a woman, she tries to
warn everybody that he wants to take over the planet.
Mon, 3/20/1978 All Things Are Beautiful ++r
Paul Hecht
An innocent man is framed and convicted of murdering a colleague at a sales convention. His
faith in God begins to waver as the years in prison take a toll on him. Takes place in beautiful
Toledo, Ohio.
Tue, 3/21/1978 The Golden Amulet
Tony Roberts
An ancient Japanese ghost story involving a son of a samuri who reaps bad karma by falling in
love with a ghost.
Thu, 3/23/1978 The Judas Kiss
Fred Gwynne
A woman-hating clairvoyant observes a woman killing her boyfriend and then her husband.
Fri, 3/24/1978 Wise Child ++r
Ralph Bell
A couple finds an abondoned baby at a hotel following a tremendous thunder storm and decide to
adopt it. When the child does not grow or mature, his parents start to worry.
Mon, 3/27/1978 The Pretend Person
Teri Keane
A woman who has open heart surgery has imaginary friends that help her deal with the various
crises in her life as she recovers.
Tue, 3/28/1978 The Ghost in the Well - 7/10 An OK story for taking place in a New York
apartment and only between three characters...rather typical in a story of past events
haunting the future
Tony Roberts & Patricia Elliot
The ghost of a woman who died after "falling" down a well tells her tale to an artist who
feels strangely compelled to paint her picture over and over again.
Thu, 3/30/1978 Big City Blues
Russell Horton & Marian Hailey
A newlywed couple is robbed "in the big city," and find themselves on a human interest program
on television. The public and government responds with gifts and recognition. But when they are
arrested for passing bad checks, The whole thing goes south.
Fri, 3/31/1978 Shark Bait
Tony Roberts
A itenerate gambler schemes to pay off his debt by enlisting his bookie's help to murder his
brother and aunt to inherit a fortune.'
Mon, 4/3/1978 Fortune's Favorite - remote 8/10 - A fun episode from beginning to end, with
an ending sure to make you smile. An old woman who lives alone in the country keeps
receiving visitors, strangers who tell her that she has been randomly selected by a
millionaire to for a free vacation, but what is really going on here?
Audio clean up - B
Mary Jane Higby
An elderly Maine spinster suspects she's being conned when she is seemingly "randomly
selected" to receive free vacations paid for by a rich benefactor.
Tue, 4/4/1978 Delusion of Reprieve
Paul Hecht
A Jewish detective struggles to solve the murders of former German SS members living in the
United States.
Thu, 4/6/1978 A Tragedy of Error ++r
Tammy Grimes
A woman abhors her abusive husband and loves her gentle -- and weak-- boyfriend. She enlists
the help of a strange boatman and a spirit that haunts a graveyard to put her life into order.
Fri, 4/7/1978 The Parasite
Norman Rose
A sceptical professor soon develops a strong belief in the power of hypnotism. He thinks the
hypnotist is trying to seduce him.
Mon, 4/10/1978 Childish Laughter - remote 7/10 - Corny story, not overly interesting and
very slow. Story of a chemist whos formula may have killed a child by accident and his
personal guilt
Alexander Scourby & Lori March
After wrecking his car to avoid hitting a little girl, a chemist is stranded at a remote home.
He is tormented by his own memories and the ghost-like laughter of a little girl.
Tue, 4/11/1978 Blackmail
Larry Haines & Teri Keane
A Hollywood starlet is blackmailed with a photo of her in the arms of a known gangster. She looks
for a way out of the blackmail
Thu, 4/13/1978 The Shriek of the Mandrake - remote 8/10 Pretty good show, very nice
haunted house in a remote village feel to it, worth revisiting
Ann Williams
A movie filming in an old manorhouse is disrupted when a ghost preys on the leading
Fri, 4/14/1978 Chapter of Errors
Court Benson & Bryna Raeburn
Two Picasso's are stolen from a window front and a young man tries to profit by it.
Mon, 4/17/1978 Murder at Troyte's Hill - remote ++r
Marian Hailey
A lady detective in Victorian England joins a Scotland Yard detective in investigating the
murder of a groundskeeper and his dog on an old English estate. muffled
Tue, 4/18/1978 Uncle Louis
Tony Roberts
A police detective tries to bring down a mobster. In the process, he falls in love with a witness.
Meanwhile, the gangster learns a secret from his own past.
Thu, 4/20/1978 The Avocado Jungle
Larry Haines
A writer assists an aging actess in writing her autobiography. In the process, the actress divulges
a deep secret that ends up on tape.
Fri, 4/21/1978 Bet with Angels ++
Mason Adams
A mild-mannered advertising executives starts getting gambling tips from his dead friend who was
an addicted gambler. He soon catches gambling fever and gets himself into trouble.
Mon, 4/24/1978 The Grandee of Terra Loco - remote 8/10 A slightly above average episode
that can be rough, a mystery and even sweet and nice. A reporter goes to a small Texas
town to write a story on a man who was mayor for 40 years until his death. But on
entering the town he finds strong resistance to really discovering how the man died.
Paul Hecht
A city reporter heads to a small Texas town to posthumously profile an honest politician
("the last of a dying breed"), but winds up ensnared in a web of deception.
A reporter travels to a small, south Texas town to do a story on the life and death of a
legendary small town mayor. When he gets there, he finds a strange conspiracy that he is
determined to unravel.
Tue, 4/25/1978 International Dateline
Michael Tolin
A self-serving, womanizing World War II combat survivor uses up his nine lives by committing
several deceptive acts - most notably deceiving good-natured lieutenant/nurse Lisa Wright who
cared for him while he was in a coma. Sweet-voiced Evie Juster makes for one ingratiating nurse.
A World War II pilot keeps his wife on one side of the international dateline and his paramour on
the other. Trouble arises when one crosses into the other hemisphere. Meanwhile a malovent
spirit pursues his soul.
Thu, 4/27/1978 The Queen of Palmyra
Fred Gwynne Fan submitted : A private eye investigates a mystical woman. Is she a reincarnated queen, or a con artist?
Fri, 4/28/1978 The House on Chimney Pot Lane - remote 10/10 Cool show, the ending did
not suit me exactly but still a very good show. After a couple buy a haunted house and
paint a mural of a jungle on the wall it comes to life.
Marian Seldes
A couple buy a reported haunted house and soon a newly installed wall-painting comes to
Mon, 5/1/1978 A Drink with Dionysus
Fred Gwynne
A petty thief and con artists accidently acquires an nuclear weapon. He looks to sell it.
U.S. pickpocket acquires a nuclear warhead named for the ancient God of wine, and patriotically
attempts to sell it to a foreign agent.
Tue, 5/2/1978 The Figure in the Moonlight* - 9/10 Might be a little slow for some people but
this one I liked very much, a spooky mystery in the atmosphere of a snowbound New
Hampshire college town. An engraving of a house appears to be changing and acting out
some scene from the past, a dark family secret.
Patricia Elliot & Paul Hecht
A strange engraving of a house reveals a figure acting out a long forgotten crime. When
the couple who inherit the photo search for its meaning, they learn a friend's family secret.
The story is clearly an updated version of the classic horror short story "The Mezzotint".
Thu, 5/4/1978 Journey to Somewhere - remote 7/10 Nothing special here but still well-told
and at least an average episode. Train passengers, traveling through a thick snow by
night are destined for a small town, all seem to be running from something. They slowly
develop relationships.
Norman Rose & Carol Teitel
A train carries passengers through snow to a small town that each one of them are
running to for some reason or other.
Fri, 5/5/1978 Cool Killer Karl
Mason Adams
A cold-hearted killer takes a family hostage while hiding from the cops. He is befriended by the
Mon, 5/8/1978 Death and Desire
Mercedes McCambridge
Two ex-circus performers goes into business as mediums, but problems arise when the "Ghost"
Tue, 5/9/1978 Room 418 - 6/10 A womanizer goes to a ski lodge, saying he is "looking for
someone"...a rather confusing tale but a very simple one overall, only three characters...
Michael Tolin A handsome man charms his way into a full hotel. The girl behind the desk
lets him stay in a room which is reserved but not occupied. The man's sleeping
arrangements are complicated when the legitimate owner of the room shows up.
Thu, 5/11/1978 The Guilt of the Innocent
Fred Gwynne & Bob Kaliban
A young and poor Russian falls under the influence of a master thief who works a seaport.
Fri, 5/12/1978 The Secret of Shen-Si
Carol Teitel
A college professor becomes worried when his wife unaccountably can recite a first hand account
of the sinking of the Titanic. Turns out that she can recount a lot more.
Mon, 5/15/1978 Edmund Orme ++r
Lamont Johnson
A young man is thwarted by a ghost every time he starts to propose to the woman he loves. The
woman's mother explains the manifestation.
Tue, 5/16/1978 Girl Talk
Teri Keane & Anne Williams
Two women who were old friends meet after not seeing each other for several years. One is a
housewife and one is a Senator. They "discuss" who has the better life.
Two women who were friends in school get together after many years and after they have taken
different paths. One of them contemplates murder.
Thu, 5/18/1978 Time Out of Mind ++r
Russell Horton
After a car crash a man is sent back in time to take the place of his uncle killed in WWII.
Fri, 5/19/1978 The Hundred Dollar Difference - 8/10 I liked this one, it has the feel of an
above average Whistler episode, the ironic twist ending is hilarious, in a black comedy
sort of way...A man who relies on his rich aunt racks up debts but soon learns that he
won't inherit all of the money he assumed he would and realizes he must kill her in order
to pay them off, but when he arrives to do the deed she has already been murdered
Mason Adams
A no-good gambler conspires with his girlfriend to murder his rich aunt to inherit her
money. When he shows up to do the job, somebody beat him to the punch. Is it good luck
or bad?
Mon, 5/22/1978 The Girl He Left Behind - 7/10 Not a bad story, about average, sure kept me
guessing...after a girl turns down a young man's marriage proposal she keeps his ring in
memory of him, but soon his seemingly malevolent spirit begins to visit her in her dreams,
or is it her occult-obsessed mother who is to blame?
Anne Williams
Under pressure from her mother, a young girl turns down a proposal from her boyfriend
who is on leave from the Army. When he dies in a car crash, his ghost haunts her.
Tue, 5/23/1978 Window to Oblivion ++r
Russell Horton & Teri Keane
A World War II pilot disappears while on routine patrol over the Bermuda Triangle. Thirty years
later, psychics put him in touch with his widow.
Thu, 5/25/1978 The Spy and the Traitor
Gordon Heath
A fictionalized account of Benedict Arnold's betrayal of West Point to the British.
Fri, 5/26/1978 Arctic Encounter ++r
Mason Adams Fan submitted : American and Russian cold war planes crash after encountering a
energy draining "dead spot" near the north pole.
Mon, 5/29/1978 The Rich Ostrich
Don Scardino & Patricia Elliott
An amusing and intriguing farce about a circus ostrich that snatches and swallows a valuable
diamond from an Arab diplomat.
Tue, 5/30/1978 The Bittersweet Honeymoon
Jada Rowland & Russell Horton
A newly-wed couple thinks themselves lucky when a cruise line screw-up puts them a luxury suite
aboard a ship. But when their cabin is broken into by a nine-fingered man, they change their
Thu, 6/1/1978 The Silent Woman ++r
John Beal & Robert Dryden
After a woman is forced to marry a man befitting her social position, a woman falls into a 27 year
long silence.
Fri, 6/2/1978 Diamond Cut Diamond
Fred Gwynne & Norman Rose
While on holiday in Monte Carlo, a wealthy man is swindled by a man who claims to be a psychic.
Mon, 6/5/1978 The Undying Heart
Mandel Kramer & Bryna Raeburn
A gambler gambles away a bookie's payoff and has to find a way to get it back. He decides to ice
a rich aunt.
Tue, 6/6/1978 Miracle in Sharon City - remote 7/10 An average story, reminded me very
much of "The Elixir of Death" but I enjoyed that one better. The mayor of a small town has
gotten the populance overjoyed when he is about to bring a big chemical plant into town,
but he begins to reconsider it when a stranger tells him that the plant produces a chemical
that is sure to make the town go will he deal with it when the towns' love for him
turns into hate?
Audio clean up - C still muffled
John Beal
A small town mayor brings a much needed industry to town then has seconds thoughts.
Thu, 6/8/1978 Death Spell - remote 9/10 - Enjoyed this one quite a bit, kept me interested
and guessing, not among the best CBSRMT on the theme of witchcraft, still great...a
couple dealing with money problems agrees to go and stay with one of the husbands' old
friends, a rich man with a large estate outside of the city, he's paranoid and certain that his
wife is trying to kill him through witchcraft.
Ralph Bell
A down on his luck man and his girlfriend are asked by a rich man to stay with him
because he is afraid his wife wants to kill him.
Fri, 6/9/1978 A Long Way from Home ++r
Russell Horton
Two buddies from Ohio enlist in the Union Army during the Civil War. they agree to stay together
and look after each other in battle. But when the fighting gets hot and heavy, one cuts and runs
while the other lie mortally wounded. The consequence of that cowardice is dire.
Mon, 6/12/1978 Alias Mr. Aladdin – remote 7/10 An average tale, nothing too good or bad,
but enough mystery and suspense to maintain interest. An unhappy young woman
married to an old, rich man carries on with a ne’er-do-well to amuse herself in their dusty,
southwestern town. She’s never sure where he gets his money, but after the husband dies
she and the boyfriend attempt to find where it, while the mans friend knows but has to get
around the wife.
John Beal
An evil woman and her loser boyfriend try to figure out where the woman's dead husband
kept his money. The deceased's best friend aims to stop them.
Wed, 6/14/1978 Charlie, the Actor
Leon Janney A police officer is assigned to guard the king of a tiny, little-known country during the
king's visit to the United States. The cop immediately recognizes the king as an escaped convict
from his old neighborhood.
Fri, 6/16/1978 The Unholy Miracle
Mandel Kramer
A couple finds out the daughter they adopted from Russia 20 years ago might actually be the
product of a Soviet experiment.
Mon, 6/19/1978 Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde - 8/10 A pretty interesting story of the
disappearance of a young couple in a small town and one sheriff's search for them that
turns up dark secrets, list again
William Prince
A sheriff is asked by a defense attorney to recount how he solved a case involving
blackmail and disappearance. He tells a tale of a twisted marriage between twisted souls.
Wed, 6/21/1978 A Matter of Faith
Michael Wager
A man in the import business encounters a long lost love in a restaurant. He is sure he saw her
executed many years before when they were revolutionaries in a Third World country. She has no
memory of him, or her past.
Fri, 6/23/1978 The Black Door - remote ++r
Kevin McCarthy
A young man is forced to live in an old mansion to await his inheritance when he turns 21. The
key to his inheritance lies behind a mysterious black door on the top floor.
Mon, 6/26/1978 Lady Bluebeard - 9/10 An excellent comedy with a little mystery thrown in
about a skiddish, matter-of-factly insurance investigator looking into a suspected
Fred Gwynne
An insurance adjustor is asked to investigate how a woman has had the unfortunate luck
to bury six husbands. He fears becoming her seventh victim.
An insurance investigator is sent to check on an attractive beneficiary of 6 elderly men. All
of whom were married to her for less than 2 years. He believes she poisoned them all, but
can he prove it?
Wed, 6/28/1978 The Quadruple
Michael Tolin
A trapeze performer sells his soul in exchange for being able to perform the ultimate stunt.
Fri, 6/30/1978 The Good Times Express
Ralph Bell A train ride gives the passenger a choice of where and when to get off.
Mon, 7/3/1978 King Bankrobber
Mason Adams
A law-biding architect turns into a masterful bankrobber to get revenge on the justice system for
going lenient on the kid who killed his parents.
Wed, 7/5/1978 My Kingdom for a Horse
Joe Silver
The story of a gambler, his horse, and the conversations they have.
Fri, 7/7/1978 The Four-Fifteen Express
William Prince A man meets a fellow train passenger that has disappeared months earlier and
no-one believes him.
Mon, 7/10/1978 Sound Advice
Carol Teitel An advice columnist tells a woman to leave her husband and then finds out the
woman dies the next day.
Tue, 7/11/1978 Guardian Angel ++
John Beal
A young, successful businessman falls for a young girl who claims to be reincarnated and that
she can talk to the animals. When she is committed to a sanitarium, he tries to chuck it all to join
Thu, 7/13/1978 The Village of Fools - remote
Fred Gwynne
In irreverent tale of a town of fools. E.G. had a lot of fun with this ones as well as the cast.
Fri, 7/14/1978 The Hanging Judge
Court Benson A storekeeper in England has his helper arrested for thief, then is let go by the
Mon, 7/17/1978 The Tell-Tale Scar
Tony Roberts
A reporter and a DA pursue a mobster who was supposed to be dead and buried.
Tue, 7/18/1978 The Absent-Minded League
Norman Rose A french detective is asked by Scotland yard to help in a counterfeiting case. The
Character is very Holmes like.
Thu, 7/20/1978 The Further You Go, the Less You Know ++
Mandel Kramer A Guru convinces a man he is the reincarnation of Leonardo Da Vinchi and
proceeds to paint the Mona Lisa.
Fri, 7/21/1978 The Locked Trunk – remote 9/10 Are men really this stupid and women this
superficial and evil? I still really liked the story here, but its rather improbable. The end
comes on rather fast, still good stuff in my opinion. After courting two sisters, one strongwilled, the other quiet and obedient, a young and rich man chooses the latter for marriage.
The stronger sister prepares for revenge, even if it takes years of planning and
Patricia Elliot
A woman plots revenge on a man who chooses her sister over her.
Mon, 7/24/1978 Close Shave
Larry Haines A confidence man works a scheme to sell a millionaire a kingdom.
Tue, 7/25/1978 The Stranger Inside ++
Ralph Bell
An aristocratic woman goes through a voyage of self discovery after the murder of her stepdaughter. A police detective joins her on that voyage.
Thu, 7/27/1978 The Cabinet of the Unsolved
Robert Dryden
An amateur actor uses his skill to hustle wealthy poker players. He ends up dead on a train
without a ticket. Scotland Yard receives a letter from the man involved in his death that recounts
the murder.
Fri, 7/28/1978 Double-Take
Marian Seldes
Two women who seem to have written the same novel find themselves living the plot.
Mon, 7/31/1978 The Vanishing Point - 8/10 A very good and often funny little tale about a
man who goes to Germany to find a scientist who he believes to still be around from the
Nazi era.
Fred Gwynne
While visiting Germany a professor tries to find a scientist who was working on an antimatter device.
Wed, 8/2/1978 The Devil's Brew
Russell Horton
When a baseball player leaves his mother and father to go to the big leagues, the Devil lays claim
to his soul claiming God made him a free agent when he dishonored his parents.
Fri, 8/4/1978 The Avenging Ghost of Kitty Morgan* – remote – 9/10 A very good ghost
story, creative storyline. About a man who goes up to some property that’s left in his
family, but everyone says it’s haunted by a vengeful ghost.
Mandel Kramer A jilted woman hangs herself in her lovers house, then proceeds to haunt
all his decendants.
Mon, 8/7/1978 The Sixth Commandment - remote 8/10 A good story told from three
different perspectives on a simple but interesting theme
Teri Keane
An older brother covets his younger brother's wife as they all try to co-exist on a failing
family farm. The older brother also carries a darker secret.
Wed, 8/9/1978 The Versegy Case ++r
Arnold Moss
A detective suspects that a mentally unstable college professor may have robbed his own safe.
Set in Hungary -- late 19th century.
Fri, 8/11/1978 Doctor Eduardo - remote ++r
Norman Rose
A Mexican doctor moves to a tiny fishing village and is welcomed by the community. The mayor's
son hates him for falling in love with his sister. Does he hate him enough to kill him?
Mon, 8/14/1978 The Black Sheep and the Captain - remote ++r
Jack Grimes
A young man's long-lost uncle summons him to his house in the moors to help protect him from
an old enemy that is stalking him. muffled
Wed, 8/16/1978 Raptures of the Deep
Michael Tolin Fan submitted : A Greek diver searching for a sunken Spanish galleon, encounters
the survivors of Atlantis.
Fri, 8/18/1978 Our Own Jailer – remote ++r
John Beal A man in jail for murder claims to have visited "Xanado" an idyllic town.
Mon, 8/21/1978 Cross Fire
Russell Horton
A cabbie gets caught up in with jewel thieves.
A cab driver gets caught up in murder and intrigue when he takes a wealthy man to a burned out
building in South Bronx.
Wed, 8/23/1978 The Eavesdropper
Teri Keane
A woman trapped in a loveless marriage finds the answers to the questions in her life in a statue
in a bar.
Fri, 8/25/1978 The Other Soul
Russell Horton man is given a piece of paper that when other people read it they have violent
reaction against him.
Mon, 8/28/1978 Will the Real Amy Stand Up? Remote - 7/10 - An average episode for
CBSRMT, entertaining enough but nothing special, these “inheritance stories” have been
done too many times. After young Amy’s father dies, leaving her both rich and unprepared
to face the real world a pair if sinister cousins show up to kill her for the inheritance. Her
childhood imaginary friend shows up to help her, or are the cousins really driving her
Jennifer Harmon
A young, mentally unstable heiress must confront the fact that her live in relatives are
trying to kill her. A imaginary friend from childhood returns to help her.
Wed, 8/30/1978 The Biggest Fish in the World
Joan Shea
While visiting a Sea World show a man falls in the tank and is swallowed by a whale.
Fri, 9/1/1978 Flash Point
Felicia Farr
A man planing on running off with a steel workers wife. Does the husband know and plans to kill
Mon, 9/4/1978 Devil's Gold - 7/10 – A young sailor is given a gold coin in a strange jewelry
shop and no matter what he does, he always comes back to him. This sounds good at
first, but before long the coin gets the man wrapped up in a case of murder.
Russell Horton
A sailor receives a gold coin as a reward from a shopkeeper at the Devil's Boutique for
turning in a shoplifter. No matter what he does, he can't get rid of it and it "Comes back to
haunt him."
Wed, 9/6/1978 Dead Wrong
Ralph Bell
When a new collector of souls for Heaven gets the wrong guy, he tries to put things to rights. But
the "right" guy isn't sure he's ready to go yet.
Fri, 9/8/1978 Ignorant Armies
Mandel Kramer
An unassuming mommy's boy finds himself in a world of trouble for lies he told a young girl while
he was in the military. He has to tell a whole new set of more dangerous lies to get out of it.
Mon, 9/11/1978 End of a Memory
Tony Roberts
A blind man stumbles into a murder scene and barely escapes with his life. Years later, he falls in
love with a woman who was there, but has no memory of it.
Wed, 9/13/1978 High Caqueta - remote 7/10 Creepy in places, a decent hike through the
forest and camping...a twist ending that totally took me by surprise
Marian Seldes
A couple travel to the Andes Mountains to search for their daughter who has disappeared
while mountain climbing. They hire an escort who seems to know something about the
mountain that he is not sharing with them. muffled
Fri, 9/15/1978 The Secret of Crow's Nest - remote 5/10 OK but spends too much time in
one place, feels claustrophobic
Mandel Kramer
A man returns to a mountain cabin that holds a terrible secret for him. Story tracks like
"Pulp Fiction".
Mon, 9/18/1978 It's Hard to Be Rich - muffled ++r
Lloyd Battista
A wealthy writer moves into a cheap flat to write. But the piano music coming from next door
drives him mad. Problem is, there is no next door apartment.
Wed, 9/20/1978 The Beheading
Teri Keane
A woman by the name of Joyce is speaking to another woman about her experiences. She
provides the listener with family portraits (mother and father in unflattering lights) and explains
details about her past. Without trepidation, she explains that she has agreed to be decapitated by
her doctor.
Fri, 9/22/1978 The Conversation Factor ++
Norman Rose A scientist on the brink of a discovery finds a girl in a cafe with the answer he is
looking for.
Mon, 9/25/1978 A Table for Two - muffled
Larry Haines
A professional thief blackmails the maitre'd at a upscale restaurant so he can burglarize their
homes whilst they dine.
Wed, 9/27/1978 The Headhunters ++r
Newlyweds Tim and Mary Lang return to their native Phillipine island to find that Tim's
grandmother, Lola, is determined to have him avenge the murder of her husband, Tali, by
beheading Mary's grandfather, Dondoc. Claiming that Tali's spirit will be condemned to wander
until Dondoc's skull is buried in Tali's grave, Lola summons her voodoo powers to force Tim into
beheading Dondoc. When Tim refuses, Tali's ghost threatens to harm the baby Mary is
Fri, 9/29/1978 A Thousand-Year-Old Story – remote 7/10 – Maybe I was a little slow-witted
or doing too much at once, but I had to rewind this one quite often to keep up. Nothing
wrong with this one, I liked the ending, but up to there it’s just too darn familiar to be
anything special. It’s a typical story – a rich older man, a beautiful and proud wife, old
man is murdered on his yacht, all evidence points to his young male secretary who has
the motive of wanting the beautiful wife…but it’s never as simple as that.
Ralph Bell
A millionaire is murdered aboard his ship and the chief suspect is his secretary, but did he
do it?
Mon, 10/2/1978 The Forever Alley
Larry Haines A man disappears in a bowling alley and a cop knows he is still there, but in a
different plane of existence.
Wed, 10/4/1978 Shadow of Love ++
Robert Dryden
A professor seeks the help from his friend, a priest, about an invisible "thing" that his parrot can
see and hear. Need clearer copy; somewhat muffled.
Fri, 10/6/1978 The Captain of the PoleStar 9/10 - An excellent sense of atmosphere, may be
slow for some but is just right to my taste
Paul Hecht
The captain of a ship traveling through northern ice acts strange which unhinges the crew.
Mon, 10/9/1978 The Triple Crown - remote ++r
Jack Grimes
A poor stable hand purchases a horse that he is sure is the next Seabiscuit. However, he can not
raise the funds to enter him in the high stakes races. He sets out to find backers and encounters
philanthropists and thieves along the way.
Wed, 10/11/1978 The Man in Black
Kim Hunter In Washington DC a woman witnesses a murder but no-one will believe spies are
after her.
Fri, 10/13/1978 How Much Land Does a Man Need? - remote 8/10 An above average
episode I really enjoyed, the ending is superb, one of the best "final lines" in the whole
series. In 1760 a tyrannical land owner, so greedy and shrewd that his tenants speculate
that he sold his soul to the Devil, is given a chance to purchase as much land as he can
walk around in a single day.
Audio clean up - B
Paul Hecht
Set in the early 1700's America, a greedy man is given the chance to own as much land as
he can walk around in one day.
Mon, 10/16/1978 Winds of Time, The
Carol Teitel
A woman is plagued by terrible headaches and visits paranormal expert Bryce Bond. He guides
her on a journey through past lives that harbor guilt for deeds not done.
Wed, 10/18/1978 Never Answer an Advertisement ++r
Russell Horton
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote this story about a doctor who answers a strange job ad then finds
himself a prisoner.MUFFLED
Fri, 10/20/1978 The Outside Girl
Paul Hecht
An alcoholic who lives with his wealthy mother is obsessed with a portrait he painted of his father
years before. When their usual cleaning lady calls off, a replacement is sent. He goes on a
bender and when he awakens, the girl and the portrait are gone. muffled
Mon, 10/23/1978 The Lazarus Syndrome - 9/10 I liked this one, it has a lot to say about
aging, ageism and corporate culture. We really look forward to what’s coming in this
episode, but the end was a little bit of a non-resolution. After “United Marketing” buys
“Digital Systems,” a smaller company, they start to fire the older employees regardless of
experience in order to gain a more “youthful image.” The manager of the smaller
corporation, who is well into his 50s has a minor heart attack and starts to wonder if he
can keep up with the new corporate image and the vigorous tennis matches the new
owner puts him through.
Mandel Kramer
An older man is a manager in a company undergoing a youth movement where older
people are fired without mercy. With a bad heart, can he afford to push himself to appear
and act young? His doctor and wife say no.
Wed, 10/25/1978 Family Ties
Teri Keane
A woman's husband disappears after receiving a mysterious phone call. An address left on a
notepad is the only clue to the man's mysterious and bizarre family ties.
Fri, 10/27/1978 The Sound of Terror
Patricia Elliot A policeman's girlfriend answers a pay phone and finds herself in the middle of a
diplomat's kidnapping.
A woman picks up a ringing pay phone and becomes involved with a terrorist kidnapping.
Wed, 11/1/1978 The Midas of Castle Hill - remote 8/10 OK story but only a mystery, no
supernatural elements
Norman Rose
A man asks a famous French detective to help find a fortune hidden in his father's
Fri, 11/3/1978 The Man with the Claret Mark – remote 7/10 Dark family secrets, curses, past
sins colliding with the present…all familiar themes in CBSRMT, although this one is darker
than most. An average, but slow episode, felt like the story was stretched out to make up
for lack of content perhaps. In 18th century Ireland a man with a strange birthmark and
connection with the de Lacey family is determined, even from the grave, to wipe out the
entire de Lacey line.
Teri Keane
An Irish matron tells her younger family members of a curse that haunts their family. Each
of them will be pursued by a man with an odd birthmark on his face.
Mon, 11/6/1978 Hit and Run
Anne Williams
A professional accident victim is killed when he jumps out in front of a senator's car. His hired
witness soon finds a more lucrative avenue: blackmailing the senator who fled from the accident.
Wed, 11/8/1978 Second Sight
Michael Tolin
Fan submitted: A grounded pilot, is told to take up painting by a psychiatrist. He draws three
pictures, all of death and murder. The next day all come true. draws three pictures, all of death
and murder. The next day all come true.
Fri, 11/10/1978 A Better Mousetrap
John Beal
A man kills his wealthy wife so he can have her money and run off with his secretary. He stages a
fake kidnapping to hide his crime.
Mon, 11/13/1978 The Pilgrim Soul
Carol Teitel
An American nurse travels to England to help in a hospital during WWII. But is help her real
An American Nurse in Britain during the Blitz has problems of love, friendship or commitment.
She does fall in love with a mortally wounded solder who becomes her savior.
Wed, 11/15/1978 The Conspiracy
Teri Keane
A model returns to her first photographer, first love, who abandoned her. She sits for several
photo sessions with remarkable results. duplicate title
Fri, 11/17/1978 The Favor of Women
Lloyd Battista
A man is sent to woo a queen in order to gain the planet's much needed energy supply.
Mon, 11/20/1978 The Thing at Nolan - remote 9/10 A good tale, emotional and dark in its
morality. In the country a father and son constantly fight amongst themselves, when the
father disappears for days on end everyone suspects the son killed him.
Russell Horton
A quarrel between a boy and his father leads to murder in the backwoods.
Wed, 11/22/1978 The Grey Slapper
Carol Teitel complete!
A former student of a teacher turned politician tries to save him from himself. Morality play for
The media fuels a search for a woman dressed in gray who slapped a public figure.
Fri, 11/24/1978 Night Visitor – remote 8/10 A weird one, slightly above average for the
series overall I would say. Am I a bad person for laughing that one of the characters
names’ sounds like “Cherry Toe?” After their daughter dies, a couple is surprised to find
her one night sleeping in the bed of a visitor.
Teri Keane A daughter that died suddenly appears in the bed of a visitor to a country
Mon, 11/27/1978 Alien Presences - remote ++r
John Beal
A flying saucer crashes on Earth way out in the country. An elderly couple sees the crash and
find its only survivor -- a little baby. That baby grows up on our planet, but longs for his home and
his people.
Wed, 11/29/1978 The Romany Revenge - remote 7/10 A long, rambling and confusing tale,
still above average I think
Earl Hammond
When the heirs to a $2 million fortune start disappearing, the local detective suspects
gypsies in the area. But are the gypsies the cause, or the solution to the problem?
Fri, 12/1/1978 Squaring the Triangle - remote
Felicia Farr
When a CEO's plane is diverted to a remote airport by a snowstorm, he is stranded with an
employee's wife and falls in love with her. He sends her husband on a dangerous assignment in
the jungle hoping he will be killed.
Mon, 12/4/1978 The Serpent of Saris
Fred Gwynne
A retired beat cop tries to help a boxer targeted by a vengeful god.
Wed, 12/6/1978 The Devil's Bargain
Robert Dryden A con artist steals and then proceeds to "find" things for a fee, then finally meets
his match - or does he?
Fri, 12/8/1978 The Exploding Heart
Robert Kaliban A doctor finds out that his sister's fiancee has an inoperable heart problem.
Complete copy needed. Missing beginning.
Mon, 12/11/1978 A Horror Story - 9/10 - WOW an incredibly dark and grisly tale for
CBSRMT, and not just grisly but genuinely creepy, rates right up there with The White
Wolf. The story of a cook who begins to kill his younger chefs and serve them up, he also
works as a shoemaker...
Robert Dryden
A gruesome tale of a cook who kills people and then cooks them for his customers.
Wed, 12/13/1978 Ward Six - remote - 10/10 - A strange story of a doctor taking over an
asylum in Russia, and how he is eventually suspected of being insane himself...i really
liked this one
Norman Rose
A Russian doctor goes to a backward town and a dilapidated hospital to start his practice.
An investigation of insanity.
A young doctor comes to an established, shoddy hospital.
Fri, 12/15/1978 The Search for Myra
Mandel Kramer
A wealthy industrialist inexplicably starts calling his secretary and wife "Myra". He goes to a
psychologist to understand why the name Myra has emerged from his subconscious to haunt
Mon, 12/18/1978 The Familiar Ghost – 10/10 A simple but atmospheric tale set in
history…EGM calls it “brooding,” very true. I really enjoyed this one, it keeps you
guessing, it’s scary and has a thick atmosphere of doom. A retired captain is followed by
footsteps from someone he cannot see at first, and he receives letters from someone
calling themself “The Watcher,” who threatens him. Eventually he sees “The Watcher,” a
small ugly man with rotting teeth and a wicked, “stretched” smile...
Charles Irving
A man is haunted by footsteps from an unseen source, and threatening letters. muffled
Wed, 12/20/1978 It Has to Be True
John Beal A man is accused of murdering a woman he never met and no one believes he's
innocent. EGM version needed.
Fri, 12/22/1978 The Power of Evil
Lloyd Battista Set in Hong Kong, a gambler is haunted by the ghost of a woman who supported
him and loved him in life.
Mon, 12/25/1978 If I Can't Have You
Robert Kaliban
In a country with a totalitarian government, rivals for the affection of a woman use the threat of
the secret police to keep each other in check.
Wed, 12/27/1978 No Way Out - 7/10 - An average episode for the series overall, kept me
guessing. The number 2172 keeps popping up in the life of a man's old uncle. He
reassures his uncle that its coincidence, but as it keeps happening he begins to think
there is some meaning behind it. Does it have something to do with his wifes untimely
Earl Hammond
An elderly man keeps having the same number -- 2172 -- occur in random events in his life.
His nephew blows it off as coincidence despite the protests of his girlfriend who is into
numerology. But his uncle is much more concerned about their significance.
Fri, 12/29/1978 The Dead House ++r
While traveling in Germany, Mark Twain visits with the night caretaker of a morgue who tells him
a tale of how he got revenge on the men who killed his family.
Mon, 1/1/1979 Complete Recovery ++r
Mary Jane Higby
A hit and run victim slowly recovers from her serious injuries, but develops a series of phobias.
She uses these bizarre phobias as clues to solve the mystery of how and why she was injured.
Thu, 1/4/1979 The Look
Michael Tolin
A Senator uses an organized crime subcommittee to promote himself as a potential presidential
candidate. However, he might get caught up in his own investigation when its avenues take him
close to home.
Mon, 1/8/1979 Nefertiti Part I: The Vulture Screams
Tammy Grimes
Nefertiti, daughter of the Prime Minister, is to be wed to Prince Ahkenaten, a timid, scared soul
whom she despises for his weakness. Upon their marriage, Ahkenaten becomes Pharaoh. Those
who doubt his leadership hatch a plot to get rid of him.
Tue, 1/9/1979 Nefertiti Part II: To Kill a Pharoah
Tammy Grimes
The conspiracy to kill Ahkenaten fails and Nefertiti finds that she is developing love and respect
for the man she had underestimated. Ahknaten finds enlightenment in the Sun God and with
Nefertiti, set out on a crusade to build a new religion around the Sun God.
Wed, 1/10/1979 Nefertiti Part III: The Cobra Strikes
Tammy Grimes
Ahkenaten and Nefertiti build the City of Truth, known as Amarna, to advance their new religion.
Nefertiti informs Ahkenaten she is pregnant. She finds herself attracted to the general of the
Thu, 1/11/1979 Nefertiti Part IV: The Head with One Eye
Tammy Grimes
While his neighbors threaten war, Ahkenaten acts the pacifist while he builds his city. When his
daughter dies doing penance to the sun god, Nefertiti turns on him and the Sun God and plots his
Fri, 1/12/1979 Nefertiti Part V: The Curse of the Scarab
Tammy Grimes
Nefertiti tries to bury her daughter in a traditional ceremony involving all the gods rather than just
the Sun God. Ahkenaten has her arrested and put into chains as this five part series climaxes.
Mon, 1/15/1979 The Long, Long Sleep
Larry Haines & Anne Williams
A man is informed he will need open heart surgery. Afterward, he encounters situations that seem
to indicate that he has already died. He is certain that his death is imminent. His doctor is
confident despite the risky nature of the surgery.
Wed, 1/17/1979 Wandering Wind, The - remote 5/10 An ok story, but not suspenseful or
creepy, more sad, touchy-feely about a shy man who marries a seemingly hermit of a
woman, and then they have a visitor who opens the man up
John Beal
A shy man marries a equally shy woman who doesn't want her house fixed up or visitors.
Fri, 1/19/1979 Side Effects
Robert Dryden & Mandel Kramer
A man finds out his formula for a new medicine is bad and is killed by his boss to keep it a secret.
Mon, 1/22/1979 Let the Buyer Beware – remote 7/10 There’s nothing real special here I
suppose, but it does lead you on an interesting little adventure. A woman buys an old
table at a flea market and later discovers a gun inside of it. The gun leads her to a small
town full of intrigue around a murder that occurred there years before, she believes the
gun was the murder weapon. The entire affair resulted because of a quarrel between two
men, one who wanted to industrialize the town, and another who didn’t…
Joan Lovejoy
A Woman buys a small table at a junk sale and finds a secret drawer with a gun in it that
may have been used in a murder.
Wed, 1/24/1979 The Burning Bough - 9/10 Interesting and different little story with a hell of
an irony at the end...A mother believes that she saves her sons life early on by taking a log
out of the fireplace and keeping it safe, but the longer he lives the more it seems that he
was supposed to die
Norman Rose & Grace Matthews An ancient myth comes alive for a woman who believes a
log she saved from a fireplace keeps her son alive.
Fri, 1/26/1979 The Dominant Personality* - remote 10/10 - This is probably THE perfect
"remote" story: several cabins scattered throughout the mountains, few people, many
suspicions, strange noises in the night and one heck of a twist ending that actually
surprised me for a change...A woman from the city marries a man and moves in with him
in the mountains, a remote spot with only a few neighbors. Soon people start getting
killed at night and the suspicions all point to her husband.
Roberta Maxwell
A woman marries a man and goes to live in his remote cabin, when murders start to take
place her new husband is the prime suspect. EGM version needed.
Mon, 2/5/1979 Love After Death
Ralph Bell & Norman Rose
A aging musician has spent over twenty years searching for her husband who was though dead.
Has she finally found him?
Wed, 2/7/1979 Everybody Does it
Robert Dryden
A down on his luck drama critic resorts to smuggling to supplement his income. When is
murdered, his ex-wife (an actress) is the chief suspect and must prove her innocence.
Mon, 2/12/1979 The Sinister Shadow – 8/10 This is a VERY interesting episode…I might be
taking this somewhere the writers had not intended, but I pick up on homosexual
undertones here, getting older and showing no interest in the opposite sex, and the
constant questioning from the mother after being out late is something every young gay
person can sympathize with. And the nasty ensuing fight will bring back memories for
some. I know the writers were going for something different, but the parallels...A shy,
quiet woman one day breaks out of her normal routine and goes to a bar where she meets
her double and they become friends.
Teri Keane
A meek woman meets a woman that looks just like her and they become friends, but does
she really exist?
Wed, 2/14/1979 The Missing Day
Russell Horton
A man leaves work to go home and arrives 24 hrs. later with no knowledge of the missing time.
Mon, 2/19/1979 The Shock of His Life
Larry Haines
A petty gambler and bartender is badly shocked when he tries to fix his television. The electricity
gives him the powers to foresee the winners of sporting events. He uses his new powers for profit
and gets himself into trouble.
Wed, 2/21/1979 The Great Brain
Gordon Heath
A man claims anything can be done with logic and to prove it proceeds to "think" himself out of an
escape-proof prison.
Mon, 2/26/1979 Hickory, Dickory, Doom - 10/10 As good as everyone says it is, one of the
best in the series, a great plot that’s actually pretty creepy. A young couple buys an old
grandfather clock, but when it arrives at their home they begin to notice strange things
about the clock, later psychic investigators discover that it is a gate to Hell.
Tony Roberts & Patricia Elliott
A young couple buys an antique grandfather clock at auction only to find that it is actually
a gateway to Hell.
Wed, 2/28/1979 Shadows from the Grave - remote 9/10 A very good story, albeit just a
twist on the typical "I inherited a strange old remote mansion" tale. After a man inherits
his uncles estate he sees a strange figure stalking the grounds at night.
Kristoffer Tabori and Fred Gwynne (DavidN) EGM version needed.
A photographer and his wife move into his uncle's house upon his death. When the priest
refuses to bless the grave, evil ghosts begin to haunt the grounds of the estate. EGM
version needed.
Mon, 3/5/1979 The Fall of Gentryville - remote 7/10 Decent story in the beginning about a
small town that disappeared, but the conclusion isnt too satisfying and falls a little flat in
my opinion. While investigating the disappearance of the small town of Gentryville, a
reporter meets a young woman, she tells the story of a rich stranger came to the town and
began to court her, he promises he will develop the small village, and he still wants her for
his own, and he's getting the rest of the towns people on his side...
Michael Tolin
A reporter is sent to find out what happened to a town that disappeared without a trace
where he meets young woman who tells her a story of a strange man who came to town
one day.
Wed, 3/7/1979 Watcher of the Living – 7/10 OK, this is hands-down one of the weirdest
ones I’ve heard. It’s a take on a H G Welles story, I liked it OK, but it’s not the type I would
want to hear often. A teacher at a small school after a visit to a doctor reflects on a lab
experiment that occurred some days before which transported him and the school
principal into a strange 4th dimension where the corruption in his small town was revealed
to him.
Tony Roberts
After a lab explosion an teacher and a principal are sent into a strange world with floating
Mon, 3/12/1979 All the Time in the World
Ralph Bell
A down-on-his-luck con-man thinks he's found the secret to eternal life. But he eventually finds
the prospect of living forever has its drawbacks.
Wed, 3/14/1979 The Love God
Marian Seldes Set in India during the British rule a strongly opinionated woman alienates
everyone including the man she wants to marry.
Mon, 3/19/1979 The Unseen Watcher
Earl Hammond
A gambler, desperate to pay off before his bookie kills him, conspires to kill his wife and torch his
house for the insurance money. An observer in a traffic copter sees him.
Wed, 3/21/1979 Masks
John Beal
A retired Hollywood producer is robbed of a silver cigarette case on a train. Trying to solve that
mystery leads him into something much more treachorous.
Mon, 3/26/1979 Enemy from Space
Mandel Kramer EGM version needed.
Aliens kidnap the President in a plan to take over the world.
Aliens kidnap the President and send a double back to start a nuclear war. The President's
daughter and aide de camp try to thwart the aliens' plans.
Wed, 3/28/1979 Waste Paper
Kim Hunter
A cleaning woman is murdered and a woman detective looking into the case finds some
interesting details.
Mon, 4/2/1979 Voyage of Intrastar
Norman Rose
Through his dreams a man visits his dead wife who is on a planet that holds all souls awaiting
new lives.
Wed, 4/4/1979 The Believers 7/10 - More of a sci-fi tale, didnt turn out to be what I
expected, about "hollow earth." I think I will listen again, everyone seems to love this one,
maybe I ought to listen again.
Kristoffer Tabori
People go into a house but don't come out and a nosy neighbor sends her son over to
Mon, 4/9/1979 The Permanent Man
Robert Dryden On the planet Neptune, a scientist experiments on a human subject with terrifying
Wed, 4/11/1979 The Charnel House - remote - 8/10 An OK mystery tale about a strange,
isolated hospital that ends up being a nasty little place
Roberta Maxwell Fan submitted : A young women arrives to visit her ailing father at an
isolated clinic only find mystery and intrigue.
Mon, 4/16/1979 Ring of Evil
Kathleen Quinlan
A young woman witnesses a murder. All she sees is the distinctive ring on the murderer's hand.
Shortly thereafter, that ring shows up on the finger of the man who would be her lover.
Wed, 4/18/1979 Golden Girl, The
Gordon Heath A tale of assassination and love across time/space Recommended. Great acting in
this one.
Mon, 4/23/1979 The Glass Bubble
Teri Keane A woman shuts herself in her sterile room and believes it creates a 'Morbid Intensity'
to enhance her PSI powers.
Wed, 4/25/1979 Letter of Love, Letter of Death
Michael Tolin
A detective investigates the murder of a theatrical producer. While all the evidence points to a
profesional rival, the detective risks his career to prove otherwise.
Mon, 4/30/1979 War of Angels
Anne Williams
Arch-Angel Michael and Lucifer debate over where the soul of a rutheless business woman
should go. Events from her life are replayed and examined.
Wed, 5/2/1979 The Fabulous Pillow
Tony Roberts
A couple are in a car crash and the husband loses consciousness. He dreams of going for help
and ends up in the home of a former ban coworker whom he defended against a robbery charge
at the expense of his own career. The coworker gives him the loot as compensation.
A man loses his job after testifying on behalf of a bank robber. Years later, he dreams of
encountering the man who gives him some of the stolen loot.
Mon, 5/7/1979 Search for Eden - remote 7/10 An OK story that starts out better than I think
it ends up...I am giving it a high rating because I may need to listen again, I kept having to
stop listening to do other things
Lloyd Battista
A mountain climbing guide is caught in an avalanche and lands in a mystical village where
nobody has sight.
Wed, 5/9/1979 The Hole in the Sky
Mandel Kramer A space pilot fears going into a hole in space that is used for a short-cut.
Sometimes people go in and don't come out.
Mon, 5/14/1979 Virtue Is Its Own Reward
Fred Gwynne
A good angel and a succubus take earthly form to win the soul of a real estate investor and
businessman. The angel is his lawyer and the sucubus is his secretary.
Wed, 5/16/1979 Messenger from Yesterday
Norman Rose
A college professor purchases a life size statue of a pharaoh for his wife's birthday and places it
in the living room. It comes to life and does housework. It soon becomes the professor's
Mon, 5/21/1979 Help Wanted - 8/10 - One of those strange whodunit's that really manages
to surprise you, but with more suspense than a "standard" whodunit. A twisted tale that
has a few things to say about aging too. After a serial killer kills old women in a
neighborhood, the detective on the case starts to suspect a local shopowner whom each
of the woman had an argument with before their death.
Tony Roberts
A detective works a case involving a serial killer who stalks lonely, old women. His elderly
aunt puts him on to a suspect who is a local grocer.
Wed, 5/23/1979 Dreams
Kristoffer Tabori
A small time gambler uses his wife's dreams to help him gamble and win. when she is
hospitalized in shock because of a horrible dream she had her husband is disappointed that she
is willing to communicate with others, but not him.
Mon, 5/28/1979 The Outsider - 983 - remote 7/10 A good story where a man tries to solve a
mystery in a small town that none else can seem to
John Beal After a man misses his train stop he ends up in town where nothing changes and no-one can ever leave.
Wed, 5/30/1979 A Curious Experience
Kristoffer Tabori
During the civil war a boy discovered to be doing suspicious things is thought to be a spy.
Mon, 6/4/1979 Willy and Dilly
Fred Gwynne
A con involving a respectable investor is started by an affair. Good plot twists.
Wed, 6/6/1979 The Pardon
Larry Haines
A man accidently kills his mother in law and is sent to prison. When his wife has a horrible dream
about his return, she dreads his inevitable pardon.
Mon, 6/11/1979 Look Who's Coming
Teri Keane
A middle-aged couple having marital problems hit a real crisis when the wife watches space
aliens warn of an imminent invasion instead of watching her soaps. Her husband won't believe
Wed, 6/13/1979 The Copenhagen Connection
Ralph Bell
A detective confronts betrayal while tracing a bogus life insurance claim through Mexico and
Mon, 6/18/1979 The Unquiet Tomb - remote 9/10 Creepy in a subtle way, difficult to know
what is going on at first -- one of the more strange tales for sure and you have to pay close
attention to understand it. An old ship captain reflects on a family that came to live with
him on his island, and how they mysteriously died, one after another, but their caskets
refused to stay put in the tomb.
Fred Gwynne
An old ship's captain lives on an island with a personal assistant. Another couple joins
them and their children mysteriously die and are entombed under the house where they
are not allowed to rest.
Wed, 6/20/1979 The Spaces on the Wall
Kevin McCarthy
A private investigator is hired by an art broker to investigate the swindling of a business
Mon, 6/25/1979 Mission from Zython - remote ++r
John Beal
A farmer and his son, living near a military base, take a few pictures of a flying saucer landing. A
few minutes later, an alien comes to their door and demands those pictures.
Wed, 6/27/1979 The Giuseppe Verdi Autobus
Tammy Grimes
A widow vacationing in Italy falls in love with a widower on vacation from Los Angeles. When they
travel back to the states together, he asks her to pack a few of his belongings in her suitcase.
That's when the trouble begins.
Mon, 7/2/1979 The Rivalry
John Beal
A Washington, D.C. detective works the murder of a lounge singer with international connections.
A former felon turned amateur detective always seems one step ahead of him.
Wed, 7/4/1979 The Great White Shark
Michael Tolin
A charter boat captain takes an arrogant millionaire and his wife on a charter and promptly falls in
love with his wife. But his need for revenge on the shark that took his leg is pervasive.
Mon, 7/9/1979 Smile at a Homely Girl ++
Larry Haines
A businessman is married to an insanely jealous woman who is sure he is having an affair. When
she dies, he is arrested for his murder. He finds help from an unlikely source.
Wed, 7/11/1979 The Fools
Fred Gwynne
A young man is forced to fend for himself in post-revolutionary Russia after his father dies. He
falls in with a thug and is forced to a life of hustling and crime to survive.
Mon, 7/16/1979 The House of the Dead Heart ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
A man goes to Siena Italy to visit the House of the Dead Heart to see a Da Vinci. muffled
Wed, 7/18/1979 The Case of the Forced Divorce
Robert Dryden
A gentleman crook and his cop friend try to help a woman who is held prisoner by her husband in
Mon, 7/23/1979 No Man's Land
Tony Roberts
During World War II, two American soldiers are taken prisoner by the people of a French village.
They are put on trial and sentenced to death for their part in the war.
Wed, 7/25/1979 Catch a Falling Star - remote 6/10 A simple story, almost too simple for
what I prefer, but still an OK episode
Carol Teitel
People of a small town take their sewing work to a substandard and crazy seamstress to
be nice. But when the seamstress volunteers to make a wedding dress for a young
woman, trouble starts.
Mon, 7/30/1979 Relax and Enjoy It
Norman Rose A successful businessman is kidnapped by an anti-capitalist Latvian
revolutionaries. The victim is held at gunpoint but tries to turn the kidnappers against each other.
Wed, 8/1/1979 Love Goddess Caper, The
Court Benson An artist, currently a mental patient, claims to have sculpted a famous and ancient
Mon, 8/13/1979 Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright
Robert Dryden A woman experiences unpleasant physical symptoms. Under hypnosis, these
symptoms are linked memories of a vicious and fatal tiger attack that occurred a century ago.
Wed, 8/15/1979 Body and Soul ++
Teri Keane
A bed-ridden woman has an out of body experience, and can see her house, husband, and
estranged daughter.
Mon, 8/20/1979 Taboo Means Death
Russell Horton
An American fellow smuggles his college flame, a Samoan princess, out of her homeland in a
Cessna 172. Her mother and the island gods are not amused.
Wed, 8/22/1979 Stranger from Nowhere
Paul Hecht
A woman meets a man she believes is her missing husband, but he claims to be an alien from
the planet Tycho Brahe.
Mon, 8/27/1979 A Cup of Bitter Chocolate ++r
Joan Shea
A man tries to poison his mother, but her butler foils the crime without telling her of the attempt on
her life. The butler and the son then each quietly contemplate getting rid of the other.
Wed, 8/29/1979 Ninety Lives
Teri Keane and Fred Gwynne (DavidN) A woman falls in love with an amnesia victim who
stumbles into her diner.
Mon, 9/3/1979 Tomorrow Will Never Come
Robert Dryden An old elevator attendant believes his elevator is alive and refuses to give it up for
a new one.
Wed, 9/5/1979 Man in the Black Cap, The - remote 10/10 Excellent story, starts out as the
typical "couple buys an old haunted house" but ends up being more about a mine the
husband sold to a man and how he may have swindled him, and the coming revenge.
Reminded me of "The Beast" a little, but primarily it is a near carbon copy of #441
“Afterward” – a couple buy a house...its haunted...and the husband swindles a man in a
business deal about a mine...and the other man comes for revenge. I have to admit, I like
this one a little better, its atmosphere is a little stronger I think.
Paul Hecht
A couple moves into an old haunted house, but it is legal issues concerning a mine that
haunt them.
Mon, 9/10/1979 Odyssey of Laura Collins, The
Betsy Beard After a woman is hypnotized, she goes in a coma, but while she's in the hospital she
is seen in New York City.
Wed, 9/12/1979 Two Sams, The
Fred Gwynne Two investigators start a new company. Their first job is to investigate a wealthy
man's kidnapped baby.
Mon, 9/17/1979 Guillotine, The
Paul Hecht Fan submitted : An American studying abroad in Paris is appalled by the blood
thirstiness of the French Revolution. Adapted from a Washington Irving story.
Wed, 9/19/1979 You're Better Off Guilty
Kristoffer Tabori A man finds sudden fame when he discovers a body and becomes a chief
suspect. Better copy needed (squeal). HB has a bit part.
Mon, 9/24/1979 Gettysburg Address, The ++r
Robert Dryden
A mystery involving two paintings supposed to locate a treasure hidden in the Civil war.
Wed, 9/26/1979 Eighth Day, the
Mandel Kramer
A gold-digger takes over his father-in-laws business after he dies and tries to make a go of it.
Better copy needed (splatter)
Mon, 10/1/1979 Beast, The* - remote 8/10 This one has some really good moments, and I
find myself coming back to it, although I will admit it’s only a slightly above average
episode…but still above average. A man seemingly without a conscience runs a
pedestrian over on the way to his seaside home. His wife is sure that they hit the man, but
the husband acts (or pretends) that he never saw a man. The police investigate, the wife
worries and the son of the killed man prepares to take the law into his own hands.
Norman Rose
An uncaring man hits a man with his car while on the way to his house on Cape Cod, and
then pretends that nothing happened.
Wed, 10/3/1979 Finger of God, The ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
A young woman is promised to an older, wealthier man in the old Colorado territory. Her existing
lover conspires to raise some money fast and get her away from the arranged marriage.
Mon, 10/8/1979 Wilhelmina Wilson
Paul Hecht
A quiet young Olympic swimmer, fascinated with Edgar Allen Poe, disappears from the library
without a trace. Her distraught and overprotective family believes she was kidnapped.
Wed, 10/10/1979 At the End of the Passage
John Beal Set in colonial India: a Brit becomes abusive due to lack of sleep. He is going mad and
turns to drugs for release.
Mon, 10/15/1979 Out of the Mist - remote 6/10 I recently downgraded this one from a 7 to a
6. A decent story, but not a typical dark one, instead this one is bathed in sunlight and
flowers. May be a little uneventful for most listeners. A young man studying botany
moves to the country with an old, experienced gardener. While there he meets a strange
young woman who wants to be taken to her home, once there she wants the young man to
go ask the inhabitants if she can come in…but then she disappears.
Russell Horton A man from the city goes out to live in the country where he goes to school
to become a botamist and meets a young woman who wants him to take her to a house,
but when he gets there she disappears. Better copy needed (dropouts).
Wed, 10/17/1979 Jerry, the Convincer
Paul Hecht A meek, law-abiding man is lured into a life of crime by an old friend. He finds it
exhilarating until he witnesses a murder and he is unable to quell his troubled conscience.
Mon, 10/22/1979 Sheer Terror
Teri Keane A stalker kidnaps a soap opera star and her cop husband tries to track him down.
Wed, 10/24/1979 Dangerous Memory
Larry Haines A Vietnam vet teetering on the edge of sanity appears to have murdered his old
Sergeant. Or did he imagine it? Or is it an elaborate plot by his fiance to undermine his sanity and
get his money?
Mon, 10/29/1979 Alien Guest, The - 7/10 – I liked what I heard from this one but the last
quarter or so has such bad sound quality that all I can give it is average until I listen again
with a better file. A man kills his cousin in a duel and inherits all of his money and his
beautiful chateau, but he finds himself haunted by the cousin.
Audio Cleanup – D, Starts out ok but sounds like shit toward the end. muffled
Paul Hecht
After killing his cousin in a duel and inheriting his fortune, he finds his life haunted by his
cousin's dying curse.
Wed, 10/31/1979 Who Has Seen the Wind?
Michael Tolin A claustrophobic woman is locked in her bedroom and asks her friend to get her
Mon, 11/5/1979 Terrorist, The ++r
Jada Rowland An elderly lady author, her niece and her publisher's nephew are held captive in
the author's secluded home. Their captors are a pair of muslim extremists. Armed with only their
wits, the brave trio plots to escape.
Wed, 11/7/1979 Davey Jerrold's Jacket
Russell Horton A small-time con man meets a Native American woman who claims to own the
western half of the United States. She has the treaty (signed on the back of a jacket) to prove it.
HB has a cameo in this one.
Mon, 11/12/1979 House Without Mirrors - 8/10 A pretty good story about a strange old
hermit up in his mansion, good sense of atmosphere
Paul Hecht
A strange old man is deathly afraid of mirrors, and allows none in his house.
Wed, 11/14/1979 $999,000 Error, The
Jackson Beck
Based loosely on a true story: An opportunist takes advantage of a bank's computer error to the
tune of almost $1 million. With little chance to recover the money legally, an executive from the
bilked bank resorts to... other means.
Mon, 11/19/1979 God That Failed, The
Fred Gwynne
An American senator, visiting an undeveloped Asian country, survives a plane crash. He is
mistaken for a god by the local peoples and is expected to marry a local woman.
Wed, 11/21/1979 By Word of Mouth
Court Benson
Story told by Rudyard Kipling about a doctor who treats, then falls in love with an Indian princess.
Mon, 11/26/1979 Strange New Tomorrow
John Beal
Fan submitted: While a radioactive Earth preys on other races for their uncontaminated DNA, one
scientist seeks out a robotic salvation for mankind.
Wed, 11/28/1979 Philosopher's Stone, The
Russell Horton
A man walks into a bank and asked for a $100 loan and puts down a special marble for collateral.
The soft-touch banker accepts it and end up learning a life lesson and something about himself.
Mon, 12/3/1979 Specter Bridegroom, The
Paul Hecht
Fan submitted : Washington Irvings tale of a widowed bride to be and the ethereal bridegroom
who refuses to abandon her.
Wed, 12/5/1979 Appointment at Sarajevo
Roberta Maxwell
The story of Archduke Franz Ferddinand of Austria-Hungary and the events leading up to his
assassination and the onset of World War I.
Mon, 12/10/1979 If a Body - remote - 7/10 A small town sheriff investigates the
disappearance of a man with enemies, but is unable to find the corpse -- a pretty good
telling of this story
Fred Gwynne Set in the 1800's, a woman claims her husband walked into a field and
vanished. Is it murder?
Wed, 12/12/1979 Movie Makers, The ++
Marian Seldes A mysterious company claims to have films of a man's entire life. Curiosity gives
way to obsession as the man becomes addicted to the films.
Mon, 12/17/1979 Beyond Belief
Jada Rowland A young woman wandering NY city with no memory is taken in by a couple.
Wed, 12/19/1979 Shadow of a Lover
Michael Tolin
A woman, entranced by hokey romance films, confuses fantasy and reality. She asks an actor on
a cop show to solve the disappearance of her husband. The actor starts to buy into the fantasy
and finds it often conflicts with reality.
Tue, 12/25/1979 Death Is a Woman - remote 8/10 A weird story that doesnt seem to make
sense at first but develops into something great...decent remote atmosphere, homosexual
undertones -- hilarious ending...about a man with a picture in his bedroom that he claims
talks to him and what happens when he lets some friends come over for the weekend who
happen to be in love with the same woman
Gordon Heath
A man invites his friends to his sea-side home and lets them sleep in a room with a
painting that talks at night.
Thu, 12/27/1979 Between These Worlds
Tony Roberts A prisoner from another planet is released so he can visit Earth and bring back
invasion plans.
Mon, 12/31/1979 One-Thousand Pound Gorilla, The
Mandel Kramer
Does anyone have a version of this show that is not interrupted at ~25mins by the ship sinking
While attending a golf outing, a man learns that his wife was married before from her ex-husband.
What's worse, her ex-husband tells the man that she will kill him if he doesn't escape her.
Wed, 1/2/1980 Revenge Is Not Sweet
Robert Dryden An apparent natural death turns out to be murder and a detective must find out
Mon, 1/7/1980 Last Days of Pompeii, Part One: The City of the Dead
Russell Horton
Marcus moves to Pompeii, meets a ship owner, saves a slave girl named Lydia, and falls in love
with an aristocrat named Orianna. Lydia worships Isis and tries to organize the slave women to
demand proper treatment. Orianna discovers Christianity, much to the chagrin of the priest of Isis.
Outro suggests this episode may also be called "the First Day".
Tue, 1/8/1980 Last Days of Pompeii, Part Two: Thrown to the Lions
Russell Horton
Pompeii is hit by an earthquake. Julia conspires with a priest of Isis to put a love spell on Marcus.
Marcus instead goes mad with delusion and is later falsely accused of killing the priest's
apprentice. Judgement is passed and he is sentenced to be thrown to the lions.
Wed, 1/9/1980 Last Days of Pompeii, Part Three: Half Prophet, Half Fiend
Russell Horton
Lydia and Orianna scheme to get MArcus released from prison. The Priest of Isis schemes to
keep him there so he can have Orianna. Marcus confronts the lion.
Thu, 1/10/1980 Last Days of Pompeii, Part Four: Danger, Love and Death
Russell Horton
The lion refuses to attack Marcus, The Egyptian priest kidnaps Orianna after eluding justice.
Mount Vesuvius erupts.
Fri, 1/11/1980 Last Days of Pompeii, Part Five: The Buried City
Russell Horton
Marcus and Orianna flee burning Pompeii with the assistance of the blind slave, Lydia who is
able to guide them through the darkness. They are diverted and waylaid at every turn.
Mon, 1/14/1980 Better Half, The
Tony Roberts
An ad agency executive marries a woman who is more talented than he is. He soon grows
jealous and murders her, and she continues to offer him advice from beyond the grave. An
adaptation of the Pygmalion story.
Wed, 1/16/1980 Prisoner of the Machines ++
John Lithgow
During a war between humans and machines, a group of men are taken prisoner by the robots.
Mon, 1/21/1980 Once Upon an Island - remote 8/10 A decent little story although the ending
is a little of a let down, very similar to "The Shining Man," listen again
Norman Rose Anyone who spends a night in a house haunted by a "shining ghost" goes
insane. muffled
Wed, 1/23/1980 Forty-Four, The - remote - 6/10 An average murder mystery with a touch of
the supernatural
John Beal
A wealthy, lonely landowner confesses she killed her cousin with an antique Colt .44 when
he confronted her over ownership of some land. Balllistics reports that the weapon has
not been fired in decades. The sheriff, who carries a torch for her, attempts to find out who
actually murdered the land-snatching cousin.
Mon, 1/28/1980 God Machine, The
Lloyd Battista
In an unfeeling "perfect" futuristic society where men and women are matched up via computer,
an "archaic" (past loving) couple get paired, resulting in unintended consequences.
In the far future all matters (including marriage, reproduction, and divorce) are dictated by a
Wed, 1/30/1980 Crystal Gazer, The
Robert Dryden A man sees his death in a crystal ball and 'The Thinking Machine' discovers the
Mon, 2/4/1980 That's What Friends Are For ++r
Tony Roberts
A British officer stationed in India is haunted by a ghost that plays bagpipes. His flirtatious fiance
finds the situation intolerable and demands that he get rid of it. Meanwhile, she enjoys the
company of other men.
Wed, 2/6/1980 Deserter, The - remote 8/10 - Decent story about a couple who are caught in
a rockslide and rescued by a mountain hermit who refuses to take them to any towns, cant
tell what the creepy character is up to until the end
John Lithgow
A couple and their infant son are stranded in the mountains by a rockslide. They are
rescued by a reclusive mountain man who helps them survive, but will not guide them
back to civilization.
Mon, 2/11/1980 Talk to Me
John Beal
A lonely old man pretends he's witnessed a crime, just so he can have someone to talk to.
A lonely old man calls a police tip line because he wants someone to talk to.
Wed, 2/13/1980 Crime of Passion
Mandel Kramer A lawyer is asked to defend a man accused of murdering his wife after catching
her with another man.
Mon, 2/18/1980 Time Box, The – 7/10 This is an average, to slightly below average episode
about time travel. Really though there’s not much reason for the time travel, a man goes
back and just solves a murder mystery which could happen today. The end is a little too
warm-n-fuzzy for belief. A reporter doing research on a local inventor discovers a “time
box” that sends him back in time a century where he and it’s inventor seek out a murderer.
Russell Horton A reporter finds a box that sends him back 100 years to it's inventor and a
Wed, 2/20/1980 Vampire Plant, The
Robert Dryden A momma's boy marries a woman with a deadly side-kick. She uses her
predatory plant to advance her goals.
A woman nurtures her favorite plant, hemo anderantus, which seems to have a life of its own. Her
husband is exceedingly unnerved...muffled
Mon, 2/25/1980 The Unseen and the Seen - remote - 8/10 Actually a pretty good little story,
something I would consider worth hearing again
Paul Hecht
A man is driven crazy by an apparent ghost that keeps moving a picture around the house
while everyone is asleep.
Wed, 2/27/1980 Intruder, The
Norman Rose
An imposter from another dimensions comes home from college for a break--trying to pretend he
is their son.
A scientist's assistant gets transported to an alien dimension, and his body is taken over by an
entity that needs the scientist's wife to return with him to repopulate the alient world...
Mon, 3/3/1980 Laundry Money
Larry Haines
An accountant accidently finds out his best friend is laundering money. What he doesn't know is
his best friend is working with his wife and they both want him dead.
Wed, 3/5/1980 A Matter of Identity
Russell Horton
A young girl disappears while visiting Haiti. Her cousin and her boyfriend engage a Hatian police
detective to search for her. They encounter the most bizarre and suspicious of circumstances.
Mon, 3/10/1980 You're Going to Like Rodney ++
Tony Roberts Fan submitted : A husband and wife agree to take care of a "special" child for a
week. Big mistake.
Wed, 3/12/1980 Secret of the Fifth Bell, The - 8/10 – Half whodunit, half mystery and a little
dash of the supernatural thrown in create an above average story about a man who gets
some ancient Chinese bells for a gift and the strangeness that surrounds them.
Earl Hammond
A woman buys her husband a Chinese bell that has a strange legend about it.
Mon, 3/17/1980 Evil Eye, The - 7/10 Nothing great here but this is an interesting story about
evil. Once the point of the story is known, plot details become rather predictable. A writer
needs a quiet, controlled environment in which to work on her new book, and whenever
she’s disturbed by people they end up dead.
Mandel Kramer
A mean spirited writer can wish a person dead if they get in the way of her career.
Wed, 3/19/1980 Death Wish, The
Ralph Bell
This was a contemporary nod to Transcendental Meditation, I guess.
Mon, 3/24/1980 Blue Tiger, The
Larry Haines
A cold-blooded assassin is pursued by a district attorney determined to bring him to justice for the
murder of a witness. When the attorney ends up dead, he flees to his next assignment: to pose
as the long lost son of a kindly, elderly woman.
Wed, 3/26/1980 Conspiracy
Kevin McCarthy The plot by John Wilkes Booth to kidnap, then eventually kill Lincoln, is told.
Mon, 3/31/1980 End of the Rainbow, The
Teri Keane A bored housewife goes to a singles bar and meets a man, then her troubles really
Wed, 4/2/1980 Fateful Bell, The
Kristoffer Tabori
Set in Imperial China, a lowborn artisan is ordered to make a bell of impossible size and quality.
Some spectacularly bad Chinese accents in this one!
Mon, 4/7/1980 Madame Sirocco
Earl Hammond
A psychic helps a police detective solve the disappearance of a young woman whose father is too
Wed, 4/9/1980 Kitty
Teri Keane
A New York dancer's enemies start to die by being scratched to death by cats. She and her room
mate have a strange affinity for cats. A police detective and a college professor search for the
Easily one of the most annoying RMTs I've ever heard. There are cat yowling sound effects
through about a quarter of the show.
Mon, 4/14/1980 Star Sapphire 4/10 - Never feels really interesting or has much
atmosphere, although it does delve into some sexual deviancy...all about a couple who
take in a younger woman and the evil husband begins to hypnotize the girl to do
increasingly evil things
Fred Gwynne An older rural couple takes in a young girl and the husband finds that he can
use a sapphire ring to hypnotize her.
Wed, 4/16/1980 Face in the Coffin, The
Kristoffer Tabori A government worker comes across the body of a judge and discovers a switch
has been made.
Mon, 4/21/1980 Fourth Reason, The
John Lithgow
An American businessman does not return from a business trip to Paris. His wife requests
assistance from her congressman who is determined to use the issue to catapult his candidacy to
higher office.
Wed, 4/23/1980 Dead You Can't Bury, The - remote - 7/10 Introduced as a "gothic" tale and
it is indeed that, after a girl is told by a fortune teller that if she marries a particular man
she will be doomed, she does so anyway and moves to his large family estate and is
tormented by spiritual voices that warn her that she is going to die
Jada Rowland
A woman has nightmares of a spirit warning her of danger. muffled end and tape errors in
Mon, 4/28/1980 Portrait of a Memory ++r
Norman Rose
A wealthy woman commissions a starving American artist living in Paris to paint a portrait of a
man she once loved. However, she does not provide a picture, asking the artist to paint her own
vision of who that man was.
Wed, 4/30/1980 How Can I Ever Thank You?
Mandel Kramer
A writer recounts how he did NOT kill his professional rival and former protégé who was also
having an affair with his wife.
Mon, 5/5/1980 Inner Eye, The
Roberta Maxwell
When a young woman decides to break it off with her itinerant boyfriend, he threatens to kill
herself. She uses post-cognition to track his movements and try to save him.
Wed, 5/7/1980 Wanted, a Husband
Fred Gwynne
Two grifters set up a mail order scam auctioning off a fictional wealthy widow. A postal inspector
becomes suspicious and investigates.
Mon, 5/12/1980 Tomorrow Is Never
Marian Seldes
A world traveler meets a spinster teacher who dreams of traveling to Europe. When he meets her
there a few years later, he finds out she's been taken advantage of by her ne'er do well cousin
and his wife. He spends the next several years trying to help her take control of her life.
Wed, 5/14/1980 On the Side of the Angels - remote
Earl Hammond
A traveling salesman saves an oppressed, young woman from her evil father and her evil
brothers who want to kill him.
Mon, 5/19/1980 Two of a Kind
Kristoffer Tabori
A lazy young man concocts a scheme to drive his aunt insane so he can go on spending her
money while she is in an asylum. He rents two identical apartments and furnishes them identically
to set the stage.
A man and his friend plot to make his aunt look mentally ill in order to kill her and inherit her
Wed, 5/21/1980 Private Demon
Norman Rose Bad encoder, rough editing.
When a Ph.D candidate presents evidence to a college professor that his theories are false, the
college professor murders him to protect his reputation. His housekeeper and a detective match
wits with the absent minded professor.
Mon, 5/26/1980 Phantom World ++r
Marian Seldes, Lloyd Battista
A British aristocrat and a former British military officer condemned to die for treason find love and
romance -- and a crazy Frenchman -- and a deserted island after a shipwreck.
Wed, 5/28/1980 Bluff, The
Larry Haines
A blind ex-cop plays a game of blind-man's-bluff to catch the man that made him lose his sight.
Mon, 6/2/1980 Let George Do It – remote 7/10 This one has some good humor in it, and it’s
not a bad episode. It’s one of those “man meets beautiful woman unhappily married to
rich old man, a plan for murder ensues.” Nothing great or terrible here, it’s just a storyline
that’s been told before, although the ending was a little bit of a surprise on the happier
side. Listen for a guy in the radio studio mocking the CBSRMT theme at the open of act 2,
at least that’s what I think it is. A businessman in a hurry has a breakdown in a sleepy
small town, while waiting for the local philosopher/mechanic to fix ‘er up he meets a
beautiful woman who owns a gift shop, they start an affair and she wants him to murder
her husband so they can inherit his life insurance.
Weird noises in this copy around 16:05, 26:15…one is a strange hum, the other sounds
like a dog whimpering, overall a decent copy though.
Russell Horton
An unhappy woman married to an old stockbroker seduces a traveling salesman and tries
to get him to murder her husband. His wife suspects he's cheating on her.
Wed, 6/4/1980 Obsession
Robert Dryden
A man wants to be arrested before he commits a terrible crime.
Mon, 6/9/1980 That Magic Touch - remote 7/10 An about average story about a tormented
family, the big-shot producer abusive husband causes the wife to become disfigured,
some years later they attempt a reconciliation at a remote lodge with strange results.
Marian Seldes
A beautiful actress takes her son and divorces her emotionally distant and abusive
producer-husband. They decide to reunite at their remote lodge for Christmas and a
reconcilliation ensues until trouble starts.
Wed, 6/11/1980 Legacy of Guilt - remote 7/10 An OK story, really doesnt go as many
places as it could have, seems like the whole thing happens in one room
Roberta Maxwell
When a pregnant woman moves a piece of furniture out of the attic, she is haunted by the
spirit of a woman who begs her to help her find her baby. The former owner of the old
house reveals the terrible secret about the family who lived there before.
Mon, 6/16/1980 Voice from the Grave
Earl Hammond
When a female lab technician is murdered, a police detective relies on a doctor's wife who
speaks in the woman's voice in her sleep. Supposedly based on a true story.
Wed, 6/18/1980 In the Name of Love
Teri Keane
A powerful ad agency president lives a fantasy where she is the mother of a famous actress.
When the actress disappears, she asks a wealthy industrialist client to help her find the actress.
Mon, 6/23/1980 Life Blood
Marian Seldes
A geneticist builds a life-like robot of a woman and orders it to seduce another scientist who has
done him wrong.
A scientist builds a femme fatale robot to seek revenge on an old colleague who mistreated him
in the past.
Wed, 6/25/1980 Sweet Smell of Murder, The
Bryna Raeburn An old woman learns that her husband is a bank robber.
Mon, 6/30/1980 Old Maid Murders, The
Tammy Grimes
A middle-aged secretary finds out her boss, whom she secretly is in love with, might be a foreign
agent betraying his country. She tries to save him from his worst impulses.
Wed, 7/2/1980 Maud-Evelyn
Paul Hecht
A wealthy, but unmotivated twenty-something falls for a 14 year old girl he has never met. He's
never met her because she is dead.
Mon, 7/7/1980 Silent Partners
Marian Seldes
A millionaire businessman and his secretary are kidnapped in a third world, Latin American
country. They escape into the jungle and that's when the fun begins.
Wed, 7/9/1980 Sierra Alpha 638
Robert Dryden
A cult leader hijacks an airliner so he can pick up his pot supply in a California desert.
El Paso to Mexico City Commuter airline hijacked by cult leader to transport drugs.
Mon, 7/14/1980 Nightmare in Gilette Castle - remote ++
Kevin McCarthy
A couple visit the castle home of the greatest actor to play Sherlock Holmes on the silver screen.
They find themselves trapped in the castle overnight as a real life murder mystery plays itself out
with them and the real Sherlock Holmes at its center. muffled
Wed, 7/16/1980 Murder Preferred
Tony Roberts A mystery about a man's death. Was it murder or suicide?
A recently widowed woman hires a lawyer for the man who is accused of murdering her husband.
She confesses to him that her husband's murder was actually a suicide that she made to look like
murder to save him embarrassment. The lawyer deciphers it all.
Mon, 7/28/1980 A Ton of Gold - remote 8/10 - A well above-average story of four people
heading into the New Mexico desert in search of cursed gold, and the ways that their guide
sows betrayal and hostility between them
Earl Hammond
An archeologist, his wife, and his assistant, set off into the New Mexico desert in search of
lost Indian gold guided by the last of the tribe that hid the gold. When they arrive, they
learn of the curse laid on the gold centuries ago.
Wed, 7/30/1980 Death Disk, The - 8/10 - A strange tale for CBSRMT, not a typical mystery at
all, but interesting story regardless about a woman who applies for a job at an
archaeologists seaside home and he accuses her of stealing an artifact from him
Tammy Grimes A man accuses a woman of stealing a golden "Death Disk" from him.
Mon, 8/4/1980 Deadly Fraternity, The - 7/10 - A good tale that kept me guessing right up to
the end...Some past crime from his college fraternity days haunts a man, when he returns
to the college for an anniversary he learns that the other members of his fraternity have
been dying mysteriously, perhaps murdered by a person from their past
Jack Grimes Members of a frat house mysteriously die on the anniversary of their "Hell
week." muffled
Wed, 8/6/1980 Mysterious Hanging of Squire Huggins, The
Paul Hecht
A young artist embellishes a tale of the murder of a local man of importance. He soon finds
himself accused of the squire's murder.
Mon, 8/11/1980 Master Minds, The
Russell Horton
A master criminal is pursued across the ocean from England to America by two detectives.
Wed, 8/13/1980 Return of Edward Blair, The - remote 10/10 - OK I love this one because it’s
a dark mystery that happens in a small farming town, but it’s a good episode that will keep
anyone guessing. A man stumbles through a storm and comes to a small farm house,
inside he is greeted as Edward Blair a man who departed from the home 5 years before
and committed a terrible crime, the man decides to stay on for a while but cannot find out
what it is people think he did.
John Lithgow
A man is mistaken for someone else who left a town five years ago after committing an
unspeakable crime. muffled
Mon, 8/18/1980 Human Error
Larry Haines
A man in the midst of a midlife crisis accidently hits a young woman and puts her in the hospital.
He finds himself attracted to her and makes up reasons to visit her. Meanwhile, his close friend
tries subtle persuasion to dissuade him.
Wed, 8/20/1980 Kill Now - Pay Later - remote 8/10 - Could have been a "Whistler" episode,
and probably was in some variant form; not a bad tale about a man whose aunt owns the
town and tries to prevent him from marrying the girl he loves, until he kills her that is...
Tony Roberts and Fred Gwynne (DavidN) A domineering mother twarts the marriage plans
of her son.
Mon, 8/25/1980 Poor Lester ++r
Teri Keane
A scientist and his wife are involved in an accident that claims the life of the scientist. His wife
pleads with God to allow her to die and him to live. She "lives" to regret that decision.
Wed, 8/27/1980 A Feast of Death ++r
Jada Rowland
A wealthy man entices a young, poor woman to fall in love with him and marry him. But when she
finds out what he does to earn his money, she is appalled.
Mon, 9/1/1980 Power of Zeus, The
Russell Horton Two scientists are sent to the planet Zeus to try and save Earth from starvation.
Wed, 9/3/1980 Leave Well Enough Alone
John Beal
Guy de Maupassant serves as marriage counselor to a couple he knows. We find out where the
famous writer got the inspiration for his most famous story.
Mon, 9/8/1980 Hand in Glove ++
Russell Horton
A man loses his hand and has a murderer's hand put in it's place. I remember this one from my
childhood. Scared me to death! jc
Wed, 9/10/1980 Ocean of Emptiness
Paul Hecht The adventures of a couple in a spaceship traveling through the solar system and
encountering strange events. Alternate: The first couple to reach Jupiter encounter a strange
object hounding them and a message from home announcing their deaths.
Mon, 9/15/1980 Number One - remote 4/10 A rather dull story overall, has a good theme
but just doesnt come off well...about a vain movie director and his somewhat homely wife
who manages to get the upper hand in the relationship when they are shooting a film in
Central America and are taken hostage by some raiders, the leader of which will only let
them go if he can sleep with the directors wife
Larry Haines
A movie company is filming on location in Central America when they are taken hostage
by a local war lord. His price for their freedom: A night with the director's wife.
Wed, 9/17/1980 Threshold, The - remote 9/10 One of the best I've heard in a while...a good
tale, the kind I like, although the ending isnt exactly my taste...when a man learns that
people are rebuilding a nearby town that was deserted because of nuclear testing he tries
to warn them but everytime they visit the place there is evidence of rebuilding, but no
Fred Gwynne A town deserted forty years ago because of nuclear testing is starting to
come back to life with invisible inhabitants.
Mon, 9/22/1980 The Mysterious Rochdale Special
Ralph Bell
When an entire train disappears on route to London, along with its lone wealthy passenger,
Scotland Yard is baffled. They call on a former con man to find the train.
Wed, 9/24/1980 The Murder of Caesar
Paul Hecht
As Ceasar consolidates his power, his friends plot to destroy him lest he become to powerful. The
loving and devoted Portia implores Ceasar to beware the Ides of March.
Mon, 9/29/1980 The Ruby Lamp - 8/10 This one has some strange elements that I wasn’t
real sure would come together, but they did and this is a pretty good episode. A man
conducts an experiment in “thought photography,” while he is thinking about his wife
during the experiment it comes out as a young girl who he later sees about town…but then
he learns that the wife looked exactly like the girl when she was younger…
Mandel Kramer
A terrifying experiment in thought photography and how it helped each person.
Wed, 10/1/1980 Hero's Welcome
Tony Roberts A shipwreck victum regains his memory years later and returns home. He finds that
he has become a local hero and that he is more valuable dead than alive...
Mon, 10/6/1980 Second Sight
Fred Gwynne A thief asks for help from an ex-cop who he blinded to prove he's innocent of
murder. Alternate: A safe cracker, Arthur Dickson (Fingers) is caught burglarizing a millionaire's
safe, but he gets away. The millionaire is later murdered and Dickson is changed with the murder
but he claims he was set up.
Wed, 10/8/1980 Portrait of an Assassin
John Lithgow
Story about the life of the man who assassinated John Garfield.
Mon, 10/13/1980 Napoleon and the Queen of Sheba
Kristoffer Tabori
Two good witches try to help a small-time con man find the straight and narrow.
Wed, 10/15/1980 The Bright Golden Murders
Tammy Grimes Fan submitted : An Atomic Scientist is murdered, not because of a suspected
affair with a night club singer, but because he knew too much... about metal.
Mon, 10/20/1980 Honest Mistake
Earl Hammond
An aging, henpecked hitman is given the assignment to off an aging, henpecked accountant. The
hitman's wife wants him to retire. The accountant's wife wants to know why somebody is trying to
kill him.
Wed, 10/22/1980 Confession
Paul Hecht
A wealthy man is cheated by his broker and extracts a written confession that he will use to
blackmail his broker if he does not behave properly. Meanwhile, the wealthy man's brother falls
for the broker's daughter.
Mon, 10/27/1980 Gilbert Stuart, The
Gordon Gould
The curator of an art museum is pressured into estimating the value of old painting causing him
many problems.
Wed, 10/29/1980 Bloodline
John Lithgow A man who just found out he had been adopted is swindled out of two million in
bonds that he stole from his employer.
Mon, 11/3/1980 Guilty
Paul Hecht
A washed-up playwright tries to convince a detective and relatives that he killed his uncle to get
money to help his sick sister. Nobody will believe him.
Wed, 11/5/1980 Question, The ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
An actress is befriended by a ghost in her childhood home.
Mon, 11/10/1980 Dagger of Almohades, The
John Lithgow
A woman enjoys pitting men against each other for her amusement. She finally marries, but can't
change her cheating ways.
A beautiful woman pits men against each other with the result that one dies. She finally meets her
match in cunning.
Wed, 11/12/1980 Natural Sugar
Fred Gwynne
An actor is murdered on stage with poison. A police detective must sort out three suspects, three
motives and three possible scenarios.
Mon, 11/17/1980 The Eleventh Plague
Russell Horton Fan submitted : A spaceship is sent to a distant planet to rescue a marooned
man, only to discover that he seems to posses the powers of Moses.
Wed, 11/19/1980 The Iron Horse ++r funny
Norman Rose
A chance meeting between a down-on-his-luck dreamer and a bandit and con man leads to
riches for them both. Did the riches come from their ingenuity or being born under a lucky star?
Mon, 11/24/1980 The Killer Instinct
Teri Keane
Salesman wants to use his wife's money to invest in another job. She refuses to give him the
money and then she dies suddenly.
Wed, 11/26/1980 Breakout ++r
Paul Hecht
During World War I, Two French soldiers escape a German POW camp and flee across the
German countryside, trying to escape to Holland.
Thu, 12/25/1980 A Holiday Visit - remote 8/10 strange story, good ending and unique for
CBSRMT...about a couple who are lost in the snow and take refuge in a small, seemingly
deserted town, the only inhabitant being an old woman with a talent for disappearing and
reappearing listen again
Lloyd Battista
A couple are stranded in the snow in a deserted town - deserted except for an old woman
who keeps disappearing.
A couple on their way to beautiful Runyonville, Ohio to visit her parents for Christmas
have an accident on the highway. They walk through the snow to the village of Taylortown
whose sole resident is a little old woman who can be several places at once.
Thu, 1/1/1981 Catch the Smallest Devil
Fred Gwynne
A self-centered man has a heart attack in a hospital and is met by a devil.
Fri, 1/2/1981 Sins of the Fathers
Patricia Elliot
While investigating a racketeering case, a young reporter finds out that she was adopted. She
searches for her birth parents.
Tue, 1/6/1981 The Tenth Life
Paul Hecht A reporter falls in love with a mystery woman who might be tied to a murder.
Thu, 1/8/1981 In the Dark ++
Teri Keane In a totalitarian world, a woman tries to find her husband who was taken by the
Mon, 1/12/1981 The Legend of Alexander, Part One: Courage
Russell Horton
Alexander is repulsed by his mystic mother and embraces the warrior life of his father. While
Alexander is eager to run off to war, his father wants him to learn rulership.
Alexander as a 19 year old. He saves his father, King Philip, and starts his warrior career. He is
pulled between his mystic mother and his warrior father.
Tue, 1/13/1981 The Legend of Alexander, Part Two: Assassination
Russell Horton
Alexander's father embarrasses him and his mother by marrying a much younger woman
(against her will). The Queen seeks revenge while Alexander is torn between the father he
admires for his warrior prowess and the mother he loves. When his father is assassinated, he
becomes King.
King Philip, Alexander's father, takes a second wife, a 17 year old girl, Cleopatra, and delays the
war with Athens, and causing problems between Philip and Alexander. The marriage provides an
opportunity for conspiracy.
Wed, 1/14/1981 The Legend of Alexander, Part Three: Divide and Conquer
Russell Horton
Alexander learns the secret of his father's death and prepares for his conquest of Greece.
After his father's death, Alexander consolidates his power over his holdings, and discovers the
truth of his father's death
Thu, 1/15/1981 The Legend of Alexander, Part Four: The Oracle
Russell Horton
Alexander attempts to consult Apollo's oracle, lays waste to Thebes, and heads for Persia as he
tries to unite Greece under his banner.
Alexander consults the Oracle of Delphi and then brutally destroys Thebes, burning it to the
ground, and then defeats Persia.
Fri, 1/16/1981 The Legend of Alexander, Part Five: The Legend Begins
Russell Horton
Alexander continues to wage war across Persia before a long soujorn where he defines himself
as one of the great rulers in European history
Tue, 1/20/1981 The Fountain of Truth ++
Fred Gwynne
Two soldiers try to convince Pons De Leon to search for the fountain of youth.
Thu, 1/22/1981 The Final Mind
Norman Rose In the 30th century, the President of the US is taken hostage by the Ray Universe.
His wife attempts to find him.
Tue, 1/27/1981 Small Money
Tony Roberts A pro golfer finds out his wife is better than he is and plots to kill her.
Thu, 1/29/1981 The Vanishing Herd
John Beal Fan submitted : A wealthy lord s son is missing from his boarding school and Sherlock
Holmes is engaged to solve the mystery.
Mon, 2/2/1981 The Man Who Saw Martians ++r
Jack Grimes After a reporter makes up a UFO story to impress a woman, he encounters the real
Wed, 2/4/1981 Who is Jessica Worth?
Marian Seldes
The "true" story of a woman who suffers to concussions and cycles between amnesia, three
different personalities, and paracognition.
Fri, 2/6/1981 Is Venice Drowning?
Kim Hunter
A female engineer wants to prove she is as capable as any man, so her boss sends her to Venice
to develop a plan to keep it from sinking into the sea. But when she proposes a temple to a
goddess as the solution, she loses credibility.
Mon, 2/9/1981 Transplant
Marian Seldes
Five women notice a difference in their husbands soon after they had heart surgery.
Wed, 2/11/1981 Shadow of a Killer, The
Fred Gwynne
A woman whose husband disappears appeals to an actor who plays a detective in a television
series. He starts acting like a cop and investigates.
Fri, 2/13/1981 Behind the Blue Door
Jada Rowland A woman travels abroad and finds a blue door with an idyllic life beyond.
Mon, 2/16/1981 Troubled Waters - remote 6/10 contains two very annoying characters, an
annoying bickering b**** and a sly skirt-chasing pig who is after her all the time, manages
to be very annoying but still entertains because its about a man who goes to construct a
bridge, all the time worried about being cursed by a spirit
Ralph Bell
An Engineer believes he is cursed by a "river God" after a bridge collapse years ago.
Wed, 2/18/1981 Stand-In for Murder
Paul Hecht
A scientist clones himself and then wants to use the clone to murder his wife so he can marry his
assistant. The clone has different ideas.
A medical scientist creates an exact clone of himself to be arrested for his wife's murder.
However, the clone achieves his own identity.
Fri, 2/20/1981 Gift House, The* - remote 9/10 Another GREAT "inherited haunted house"
story, I admit I am a sucker for these, but this is a good one with some unexpected twists
and turns...After a woman inherits a house on the foggy northern tip of Long Island from
her long lost uncle she moves in. But after the burglar alarms keep going off at night they
discover the house has long been haunted by uncles wife, with a knife!
Joyce Gordon A couple receive a house with an alarm system that keeps going off. Is it
Mon, 2/23/1981 Frog Prince, The
Robert Kaliban
A man and woman racing team relies on voodoo to keep them safe in the driver's seat. When the
voodoo goes bad, bad things happen.
Wed, 2/25/1981 A God Named Henry
Ralph Bell
A henpecked, under-employed, miserable factory foreman goes sailing and runs into a storm. He
is beached on an island where the natives regard him as a god.
When marooned meek Henry becomes a village's God-in-training, he learns to be self-confident
as evidenced upon his return to civilization, and his life.
Fri, 2/27/1981 Love Me, Don't Leave Me
John Beal
An old couple still deaply in love vow to never leave each other, even if one is about to die.
Mon, 3/2/1981 The Raft - 6/10 - OK story, but not one I would look forward to hearing again,
nothing special...Soon after a rich man begins receiving notes demanding "One Million
Dollars" a stranger confronts and kills him, and a dig into his past reveals a desperate
plan for murder while he was lost on a raft in the ocean with several others following an
airplane crash
Norman Rose
A Millionaire receives notes demanding 1 million dollars.
Wed, 3/4/1981 Her Long Blonde Hair - 8/10 Everything is obvious from pretty early on, but
I still loved this one for some reason. A college professor is passing a pawn shop when
he sees a violin bow strung with what he believes to be the blonde hair of his murdered
wife. The following day he murders the woman who owns the violin and takes it, he says
that when played, the violin tells the tale of her murder, much like an ancient folk ballad of
a harp which told the tale of a murder.
Lloyd Battista
A college professor is obsessed with a violin bow that he is sure is strung with the hair of
his late wife who was murdered. He is willing to kill to get it back.
Fri, 3/6/1981 Heads You Love, Tails You Die ++r
Marian Seldes
The young daughter of a murdered shopkeeper is adopted by a rich uncle and grows up wealthy.
She falls in love with a real estate investor who has a suspicious past.
Mon, 3/9/1981 Murder on the Space Shuttle
Paul Hecht
Sherlock Holmes meets Buck Rogers (not literally) in this tale of murder aboard a space shuttle.
Wed, 3/11/1981 Last Act
Court Benson
Two men discuss an old murder mystery in which one of them has doubts about the man that
hanged for the crime.
Fri, 3/13/1981 The Heel of Achilles* - remote 9/10 One I listened to on the way home from
Pauls, March 11, 2008 well after midnight, it has a decent feel to it, a story about an older
man married to a younger woman who begins to feel somewhat threatened by the age
difference, this leads into a more typical story of a man who will spend the night in a
haunted house and the various people who are warning him against it
Arnold Moss
A rich industrialist agrees to spend the night in a haunted house to prove to his wife and
to himself it is not haunted. There, he must confront his own ghosts.
Mon, 3/16/1981 Maiden Ladies - muffled
Teri Keane
A young man is murdered while helping a wealthy man change a tire on his imported automobile.
When the police won't pursue the clues the killer left, his aunt works to nab the killer.
Wed, 3/18/1981 Pretty Polly
Tony Roberts
To placate meddling coworkers, a man concocts elaborate stories of a fictitious relationship with a
woman. The deception backfires when the woman suddenly turns up dead.
Fri, 3/20/1981 The Million Dollar Scam
Norman Rose
A man and woman scam team work a millionaire heiress for one million dollars.
Mon, 3/23/1981 The First Day of Eternity
Norman Rose
A rich man tries to buy immortality.
Wed, 3/25/1981 The Ghost-Grey Bat - remote 8/10 Pretty good story, a little predictable but
regardless it has some great moments, even if the first half is better than the last half...too
many characters drop out for the last half
Don Scardino and Jennifer Harmon (DavidN
A young New York couple "swap" homes with an Austrian couple for a year so a college
professor can finish his book in peace. The remote Austrian home holds a terrible secret
and is haunted by a fearsome creature.
A newlywed couple unwittingly agree to exchange their New York apartment for a home in
Austria for the summer.
Fri, 3/27/1981 Did I Say Murder?
Tammy Grimes The story about Beckett and the king of England as told by the queen.
Mon, 3/30/1981 The Dead Come Alive - remote ++r
Marian Seldes
A man comes to a small town claiming to be able to raise the dead, but not everyone wants that
to happen.
Wed, 4/1/1981 Down the Garden Path 9/10 – A deliciously evil tale of political
manipulation. Oh and yes there is a terrible Italian accent here, I expected the guy any
second to say, “I vant to suck your bload!” The end is a little convenient, a little deus ex
machina, but the story is still great. Gotta pay attention to this one early on or you’ll get
lost. Machiavelli is sent to stall a Duke for time who wants payment for his troops, but
while there news comes of a murder in Florence which outrages the Duke who demands
death for a young man he believes to be the murderer. But the man has an alibi; this puts
the Florence government in a dilemma, which Machiavelli solves by making the young
man “immortal.”
Gordon Gould
RH gives the single worst Italian accent I've ever heard. Sounds like a bad Chinese
accent from a 1950s film. (mouse).
Fri, 4/3/1981 Somewhere Else ++r
Marian Seldes
A woman tells her analyst how she dreams she is a Viking woman who is betrothed to a fat
farmer but is pursued by a courageous warrior. The dream has some parallels to her real life.
Mon, 4/6/1981 The Gratitude of the Serpent
Paul Hecht
A young girl is sold to a Spaniard who is set on conquering the Mayans. She is torn between
loyalty to her master and the people she was forced to leave behind.
Wed, 4/8/1981 The Doll ++r
Kristoffer Tabori A twin with a psychic connection finds the bond lost during a visit to their sister's
Fri, 4/10/1981 The Empty Coffin – remote - 10/10 I liked this one, strange visions, a remote
and haunted estate, forbidden family secrets, this is the type of stuff CBSRMT is good at.
A woman has troubling visions and headaches which bring back her past in England.
Although she was born there, she was sent to America during the blitz and her mother
supposedly died in the bombing while her father never attempted to find her. After an
attorney sends her a letter, she goes to her deceased fathers’ large estate to uncover the
Tony Roberts A woman has strange dreams about her forgotten past and travels to
England to explain them.
Mon, 4/13/1981 Death Trail ++r
Court Benson The story about a cattle drive in the old west aka "Stampede"
Wed, 4/15/1981 The Fatal $50,000 ++r
Mandel Kramer and Marian Seldes
An employee of a real estate developer misappropriates $50,000 to appear profitable to his boss.
When he's caught he commits suicide, bringing bad karma to his boss who drove him to it.
Fri, 4/17/1981 But with Blood
Fred Gwynne The story of John Brown and his attack at Harper's Ferry before the Civil war.
Mon, 4/20/1981 The Power of Ode ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
Two old friends compete for the love of a woman who is afraid of light. She has come under the
influence of a guru that convinces her that she is a "high sensitive" who is attuned to the life force
of all living things.
Wed, 4/22/1981 The Terrifying Gift ++r
Roberta Maxwell A woman visits a fortune teller who claims that she is her long lost daughter,
then passes the gift of seeing the future to her.
Fri, 4/24/1981 The Long Blue Line
Mandel Kramer
A fourth generation Irish cop detective is selected to reopen and investigate a 10 year old
homicide. His now-retired father harbors a terrible secret about this case.
Mon, 4/27/1981 Big Momma - 8/10 I liked this one, it’s a creepy, almost existential
reflection on how a man can lose his “independence” when he goes against his own
conscience and takes a bribe. A town planner who wants his dry book published allows
himself to be bribed by a large corporation who will publish his book, but they also wish to
build a headquarters in his town. At first he thinks he’s getting something for nothing
because the book is published, but he gradually learns how much he comes to rely on the
company, and how much power they have gained over him without his knowing it.
Paul Hecht
Fan submitted: A man accepts a gift from a large corporation, but finds there are strings
Wed, 4/29/1981 The Man of Two Centuries ++r
Len Cariou
Fan submitted: A College Professor is assisted in writing a book by a Huron Indian... who claims
to be 1000 years old. The professor is allowed to visit the past....his past.
Fri, 5/1/1981 The Voices
Norman Rose & Mary Jane Higby
A prisoner of the Nazis in Vichy France seems to be reliving the life of Joan of Arc. A Nazi
General is sure she is helping the Americans and French Underground and tries to break her.
A young girl is held by the Nazis in France during WWII. The woman is a 20th century Joan of Arc
and the events that unfold parallel those of 500 years ago practically to the letter.
Mon, 5/4/1981 Garden of the Moon
Norman Rose
A health store specializes in food and cosmetic products. Its clients develop a desire to stand in
the moonlight. Then they have a free convention where those they have trapped find they are
headed for another planet.
A cosmetics firm executive purchases some make-up from a new company. She soon develops a
strong desire for moon bathing.
Wed, 5/6/1981 The Apparition
Kristoffer Tabori
A kid in prison is obsessed with his father's health, despite what others tell him.
Fri, 5/8/1981 Is the Doctor In? ++
Tony Roberts
A dermatologist is forced to do surgery at gun point when gangsters burst into his office with a
wounded mob boss. But the gangsters are not the only enemy he has to fend off.
Mon, 5/11/1981 End of a Queen
Tammy Grimes
Fan submitted : The final days of Marie Antoinette as she "heads" to the guillotine.
Wed, 5/13/1981 Diogenes, Inc.
Jack Grimes
When their circus burns to the ground, two circus performers open a private detective agency.
Their first case is to investigate the former circus owner whom they suspect of insurance fraud.
Fri, 5/15/1981 Cold Comfort
Robert Dryden
An optometrist is blackmailed into spying for the enemies of his country because of an act he
committed during the Korean War. A single pair of eyeglasses becomes the focus of international
Mon, 5/18/1981 A Shocking Affair
Joe Silver A hired killer take a couple hostage so that he can use their apartment to set up a hit.
Wed, 5/20/1981 Insomnia ++r
Teri Keane
A woman who cannot sleep starts listening to radio stations that do not exist,etc. When she does
finally fall asleep, the reason for her sleeplessness is revealed.
A lonely woman whose husband is divorcing can't sleep, no matter what she tries to do to get to
Fri, 5/22/1981 The Headhunters
Len Cariou
Fan submitted : In a future society in which people can be reprogrammed, a new profession
Mon, 5/25/1981 The Innocent Face
Roberta Maxwell
Fan submitted : Her innocent face allows a lady to get away with murder.
Wed, 5/27/1981 Little Richard
Kristoffer Tabori
Determined to reform after his prison sentence for check forging, a young man discovers that the
wheels of justice grind strangely in his small country.
Fri, 5/29/1981 Out of the Past
Paul Hecht
An artist draws the face of a man who he thought long dead, now he runs across him during a
robbery trial.
Mon, 6/1/1981 The Runaway General
Norman Rose
Fan submitted : Story of General Henri Giraud s attempts to escape from a German prison
Wed, 6/3/1981 The Cat's Paw
Larry Haines
Spy story in which a operative takes the place of a professor whom they think is a target for a
Fri, 6/5/1981 Matched Pair for Murder
Arnold Moss
A thief is acquitted of murder and a judge tries to find a way to convict him in spite of the double
jeopardy law.
Mon, 6/8/1981 Stranded - {WBBM}
Marian Seldes
Two astronauts exploring a neighboring solar system are struck by a asteroid and forced to land
on an inhabited planet. They are greeted by an intelligent race who tells them their arrival has
brought the planet to near war.
Wed, 6/10/1981 Second Look at Murder
Roberta Maxwell
A Boston journalist reconstructs the events surrounding Lizzie Borden and the murder of her
parents. He has unusual motives.
Fri, 6/12/1981 When in Rome - 6/10 This is a pretty straight-forward episode dealing with
betrayal and exposing of corruption, no big surprises but it does provide some comic
relief at times. After some nagging from the wife, a rich man gets an ambassadorship to a
small European country, still steeped in superstition that neither of them has ever heard of
before, and all because she wants to feel more cultured. But while there he instead finds
corruption that could overthrow the government.
Fred Gwynne
A wealthy man accepts an ambassadorship to a small, European country because his wife
wants it. While there, he finds that not all in its government is on the level and he sets out
to find out why.
Mon, 6/15/1981 Two's a Crowd
Earl Hammond
A man meets his scheming identical twin.
Wed, 6/17/1981 The Final Step
Marian Seldes
A WWII concentration camp survivor hunts the Nazi doctor that killed her family.
Fri, 6/19/1981 Henrietta's Revenge
Patricia Elliot
A swindler seduces a powerful, female auto executive while on vacation and convinces her to
marry him. He then convinces her to give him $25,000 so he can pay gambling debts. When she
learns of his deceit, she gets her revenge in an unusual manner.
Mon, 6/29/1981 Waking and Sleeping - remote 3/10 - A depressed man moves to the
country to try and find what is missing in his life and discovers a psychic connection with
a young girl, but it gets him in trouble with the locals. A kinda sweet story of age and
youth, but ultimately boring...all of the scarce plot elements of this episode could have
been packed into half the time, and it still wouldn't have been a good story
Michael Tolin
A man seeking solitude finds a meeting of the minds.
Character finds himself with everything he ever wanted. But there is still something
missing from his life. Only the mysterious Black Feral Dog in the park can help him find
the answer.
A man retreats to the country to "find himself" in an unfriendly small town. He meets a
young girl in a field of daisies, tells her she'll be happy at 4:00 in the afternoon and finds
Need intro and outro.
Wed, 7/1/1981 The Fourth Bullet
Russell Horton
A composer seeks revenge on a woman by impersonating a Countess in order to kill the one who
wronged him and himself. This is a pretty funny one, apparently based on a true story.
Fri, 7/3/1981 A Second Chance
Paul Hecht
A man has a near death experience and seems to come back as someone else.
Mon, 7/6/1981 My Good Name
Tammy Grimes
A fashion designer is embezzled by his accountant.
Wed, 7/8/1981 Death and the Dreamer
Mandel Kramer
An Italian revolutionary searches for his lost youth while living in America. An Italian candle maker
tries to help him find the courage to return to Italy to lead its revolution.
Fri, 7/10/1981 A Man of Honor - 4/10 A very odd, existential tale for CBSRMT, seemed to be
building up to something interesting but it never never pays off. An author is suddenly
taken hold of by a deep depression and no one seems to be able to get him out of it, is it a
supernatural force or something a little more down to earth?
John Beal
An old man is paralyzed with doubt and guilt.
Mon, 7/13/1981 The Good Shepherds
Robert Dryden
Priests, pastors and doctors collude to hide Jewish Children in France.
Wed, 7/15/1981 Alice
Marian Seldes An artificial intelligence computer develops a mind of its own.
Fri, 7/17/1981 Pie in the Sky
Robert Kaliban A pipe tobacco mix-up results in strange time shifts and glimpses of the future.
Mon, 7/20/1981 The Eye of the Idol
Tony Roberts A compulsive gambler is given a jewel that allows him to see which horses and
card hands will win.
Wed, 7/22/1981 Toy Death ++
Kristoffer Tabori
A young woman becomes attached to a strange doll, that others see move on it's own.
Fri, 7/24/1981 Once a Thief
Fred Gwynne
A detective arrests a young punk ripping off an electronics store. The punk's father is wealthy and
powerful and gets him off. Years later, the punk gets revenge by getting the detective fired, but
the detective, now a security specialist, is determined not to let him have the last laugh.
Mon, 7/27/1981 The Silver Medal - remote - 8/10 very suspenseful at times, the kind of story
I tend to enjoy, about a young couple, the young man dies only days after the marriage by
falling into a glacier, years later she returns looking for him
Roberta Maxwell
A woman revisits the site where here husband was lost on a glacier mountain.
Wed, 7/29/1981 Postage Due
Ralph Bell
A postman tries to deliver a letter that was lost for 40 years.
Fri, 7/31/1981 A Penny for Your Thoughts
Michael Tolin
Ancient mythology meets modern romance and deceit when a reporter meets a woman who
claims her husband is trying to kill her. The reporter is shocked to learn that she is a mythical
seductress who is working her powers on him.
Mon, 8/3/1981 Honor Among Thieves
Fred Gwynne
Crime; Senior citizens who can't make ends meet rob a bank.
Wed, 8/5/1981 The Orphaned Heart
Roberta Maxwell
A woman is left a paraplegic after a car accident caused by her drunken fiance. They are married,
but she feels guilty for having him married to an invalid. She develops a scheme to allow him to
marry the one he really loves.
Fri, 8/7/1981 Let No Man Put Asunder
Michael Wager
Two men spend the night together in jail on New Years Eve discussing how one of them ended
up charged with the arson death of his wife. They recount events from their life.
Mon, 8/10/1981 Hostage to Terror
Roberta Maxwell
Audio clean up - B
A woman and her husband are kidnapped by terrorists. He is held to assure her cooperation in
smuggling a bomb into Israel.
Fri, 8/14/1981 Lovely People
Kim Hunter A unhappy man visits a psychic, after which he meets the woman of his dreams.
Mon, 8/17/1981 The Thracian Lovers
Marian Seldes A man kills his wife and her lover, believing he did the same in ancient Greece.
Fri, 8/21/1981 The Left Hand of God
Norman Rose Mark Twain s characters come alive and argue their fate with the author.
Mon, 8/24/1981 The Leopard Man ++r
Norman Rose A Briton in Indian defiles a temple after New Year's revelry and seems to transform
into a beast.
Fri, 8/28/1981 Hidden Memory – remote 5/10 A particularly boring episode I thought, not a
lot going on here, I stopped paying attention about half through. After a man’s legs are
paralyzed from fright during a war he suddenly has memories of things that happened
before he was born, he tells his mother about this and it helps them unravel an old family
Kristoffer Tabori
A man suddenly has the ablility to remember things, even the things that happen before he
was born.
Mon, 8/31/1981 The Musgrave Ritual
Gordon Gould The Sherlock Holmes tale about the disappearance of two people and an old
family ritual.
Fri, 9/4/1981 Double-Cross Death
Fred Gwynne A coroner investigates his niece's murder.
Mon, 9/7/1981 Episode of the Terror
Marian Seldes Balzak's story of life during the Reign of Terror.
Fri, 9/11/1981 Senior Prom, The ++
Larry Haines
Fan submitted: The only connection in a string of murders is an almost-forgotten senior prom.
Mon, 9/14/1981 Flower of Evil – remote 8/10 – I liked this one, a lil predictable and rather
dark. A miner and his son live in a remote village in the mountains, in relative peace, but
when the father orders a young mail order bride who is attracted to the son, he soon finds
out that she’s a witch.
Arnold Moss
A lonely miner meets his spooky mail order wife.
Fri, 9/18/1981 The Land of Dreams ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
In a future society a couple try to escape to a farm- a place forbidden in the 'perfect' world and
punishable by being factored out of the human equation.
Mon, 9/21/1981 Diablo - 7/10 An exploration of political corruption and manipulation, of the
hypocritical call to always care for “the people.” The end is lovely and creepy at the same
time. An ambitious/manipulative reporter gets control of the Diablo Mine, she says,
selflessly that it is all for the benefit of the people, but can anyone be so good as this?
Marian Seldes
A crusading news reporter gains control of a turquoise mine by threatening to tell lies
about its owner. She promises to give the workers good pay and benefits. But what are her
real aims? muffled
Fri, 9/25/1981 The Judge's House* - remote 10/10 - I may be biased because I've always
liked this particular tale but I always thought it was better to hear it read than in radio
drama, but I think I like this version better than Stokers original because there are two
people at the house and more characters in general. Another episode I have revisited
more than a few times. Two men rent an old cottage in a small village despite warnings
that it is haunted by a cruel judge who enjoyed hanging men. Muffled-sounds OK but very
bad mp3 compression sound.
Gordon Gould
Fan submitted: The Bram Stoker tale of a hanging judge whose spirit seems to live on.
Mon, 9/28/1981 The Liar – remote 7/10 – This episode is very low on action and on payoff,
but for some reason I was never bored by it. It’s one of those mild, slow episodes but still
managed to entertain. A famous portrait artist gets revenge on a boastful liar who married
a girl he was in love with years before by painting his portrait of him exactly as he is.
Norman Rose A man seeks revenge on a compulsive liar who married his sweetheart.
Fri, 10/2/1981 Mata Hari
Tammy Grimes
The story of the flighty seductress that was a spy for the Germans in World War I.
Mon, 10/5/1981 The Solid Gold Zarf ++
Larry Haines
A man gets laid off after years of faithful service to the company.
Fri, 10/9/1981 Sleeping Dogs
Russell Horton
I will make him into a solder if it kills me. An French officer swears he will make his men the best
in the army and his worst shoulder is chosen to be the benchmark. there are two shows called
Sleeping Dogs
Mon, 10/12/1981 The 500 Carats ++r
Gordon Gould
A detective must discover who stole a large diamond and what he did with it.
Fri, 10/16/1981 J'Accuse ++
Roberta Maxwell
The story about a governess who lives in a strange house with a crazy woman living on the third
Mon, 10/19/1981 The Equalizer
Larry Haines
A mercenary is hired to train revolutionaries for an attempted coup.
Fri, 10/23/1981 The Most Necessary Evil - 5/10 - This one sorta had me at first, but about
half through it turned into a rather average story, theres no mystery here, we knew
everything and were just waiting on everyone else to find out what we already knew at that
point...when a husband makes a large payment for their new beach house the wife
wonders where the money is coming from but he refuses to tell and soon learns he cannot
get out his new ventures
Michael Tolin
A man mysteriously seems to be making a lot of money which scares his wife.
Mon, 10/26/1981 Daddy's Girls++r
Teri Keane
Fan submitted: Daddy taught his girls how to use a pistol--and how to tell right from wrong.
Thu, 10/29/1981 In Touch
Amanda Plummer
A young doctor cures a young woman's headaches just by listening to her, something her father
soon learns to do.
Mon, 11/2/1981 Between Two Mirrors ++r
Marian Seldes
A dead man seems to return home, but his wife has moved away. muffled
Fri, 11/6/1981 The Rescue
Louis Turenne
A one-legged flight instructor and a Jewish fugitive flee Vichy France in a dilapidated airplane.
Mon, 11/9/1981 Golden Time
Larry Haines A gregarious plumber makes a house call and gets taken hostage.
Fri, 11/13/1981 The Presence ++r
Norman Rose
A pampered college student returns home from a sea voyage to find an unseen presence
watching over him.
Mon, 11/16/1981 The Death Will Not Silence Me
Marian Seldes
The tragic story of Mary Todd Lincoln. Two young sons dying, a husband assassinated,
delusions, and the betrayal of her final son push the bounds of sanity of the former First Lady.
Fri, 11/20/1981 A Handful of Dust - remote 7/10 – One of those “past reflecting the future”
tales which CBSRMT is so fond of doing, not a bad one but perhaps not a great one
because it can be a little predictable. After a young man’s archaeologist father is killed in
a freak accident inside a tomb, he learns that it may have been murder, and connected
with the curse laid by a woman who was buried alive there, centuries ago.
Paul Hecht
A solar eclipse unleashes a curse placed on the tomb of a woman buried alive. The spirit
wants to unleash revenge on the descendants of the woman who entombed her.
Mon, 11/23/1981 The Code ++r
Russell Horton
A small town sheriff calls on a carnival psychic to solve the murder of a man who was shot,
stabbed, and poisoned.
A mind-reading circus performer is asked to help solve a murder where the victum was shot,
stabbed, and poisoned.
Fri, 11/27/1981 Diana, the Huntress ++r
Teri Keane
A wife takes revenge on her cheating husband. muffled
Mon, 11/30/1981 Vanity and Jane
Marian Seldes
A man falls in love with a woman who suffers from MPD.
Fri, 12/4/1981 The Dog-Walker Murders
Lloyd Battista
A man, filled with hatred for his mother, is prophesied to meet his downfall at the hands of a
Mon, 12/7/1981 The White Rabbit
Norman Rose
A spy works with the French Underground in WW2.
Fri, 12/11/1981 The Song of the Siren - remote 7/10 A pretty strange episode, even for this
series, but not a bad one. A man is found in the desert and appears to have lost an
incredible amount of weight, back in civilization he is hospitalized. A reporter tries to find
out what he encountered out there in the desert that has seemed to drive him insane.
Audio clean up - B
Mandel Kramer
After a man is found in a mysterious valley and losing 125 lbs., a reporter investigates.
Missing the introduction, otherwise complete.
Mon, 12/14/1981 Harry's Taxi and the 'T' Machine
Larry Haines
A down on his luck scientist invents a transporter and loses his wife in it.
Tue, 12/22/1981 Invited Guests - remote 7/10 An average episode, with an interesting, very
strange conclusion. In a close-knit small town whenever Oliver is asked over for dinner he
refuses, saying that he has guests for dinner at his place. Finally a newcomer to the
community discovers the guests are his parents, but his parents have been dead for
Audio clean up - C
Russell Horton & Teri Keane
A lonely man always refuses social engagements...
Missing part in middle before second commercial break.
Wed, 12/23/1981 The Head of a Pin
Don Scardino & Bob Kaliban
A silicon chip engineer realizes a design flaw has caused a plane crash and looks to report the
error to the government, causing tension between he and his brother-and-law business partner.
Himan Brown does a cameo as a radio news announcer.
When a plane explodes killing 300 people, an art book publisher becomes horribly upset, claiming
responsibility. When he later ends up dead, his wife suspects that her brother, and his partner,
had something to do with it.
Mon, 12/28/1981 Silver Mirror, The ++r
Gordon Gould
After killing off Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is haunted by images only he sees in an
old mirror.
Thu, 12/31/1981 Too Early Too Late - remote 8/10 Actually not a bad story for all it tries to
accomplish, for one it transitions from one place to another, telling many stories in many
locales, also it takes on a fairly serious topic and does a decent job with it. Some young
people who spend the night in a cabin and are told effectively how to save the world, but
returning to civilization they learn that making change proves difficult
Russell Horton
Four friends spending a night in a remote cabin visit an old cemetary after being
commanded to do so in a dream. there, they are granted secrets to end world hunger and
eliminate nuclear power. But the mean, old capitalists won't let them help the world.
Mon, 1/4/1982 Acquisition, The ++
Tony Roberts Fan submitted : Rich man becomes stranded on primitive island whose inhabitants
have little use for his money-making abilities.
Fri, 1/8/1982 Last Orbit, The
Larry Haines An astronaut going on his last mission is plagued by visions of a strange woman.
Mon, 1/11/1982 Les Miserables, Part One: The Thief and the Bishop
Alexander Scourby Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Jean Valjean spends 19 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread for his starving family. When
he gets out, he finds that no one will help him because he is a convict. Then he meets a Bishop
who tries to help put him on the straight and narrow path.
Tue, 1/12/1982 Les Miserables, Part Two: The Lawless and the Law
Alexander Scourby & Bernard Grant Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Jean Valjean improves his lot in life by becoming a factory owner. Meanwhile, he is pursued by
an inspector who is certain he has profited by illegal means. Valjean is confronted with a moral
crisis and, at the end of the episode, makes a promise to a dying woman to find her abducted
Wed, 1/13/1982 Les Miserables, Part Three: No Escape
Alexander Scourby & Bernard Grant Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Valjean escapes the inspector and flees to the Latin section of France. There, he finds Collete
hidden in a monestary and tells her of her past. Meanwhile, the inspector tracks him, and lays a
Thu, 1/14/1982 Les Miserables, Part Four: Fear, Love and Death
Alexander Scourby & Bernard Grant Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Valjean is caught in the French Revolution. Collette's secret love finds her. The situation takes an
ugly turn for the Inspector.
Fri, 1/15/1982 Les Miserables, Part Five: The Final Chapter
Alexander Scourby & Bernard Grant Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Valjean and his friends flee the revolution above to the sewers of Paris where they find an
unexpected ally. Valjean and the inspector have their apocolyptic meeting.
Les Mis, by Victor Hugo.
Tue, 1/19/1982 The Real World
Joyce Gordon
A police detective is told that the murder of a untalented exotic dancer is unsolvable because her
killers are too wealthy and powerful to be caught. She sets out to prove them wrong.
Thu, 1/21/1982 Gate 27
Fred Gwynne
A drunken bum who is a former police detective notices that one of his favorite people he bums
money from has quit showing up at the subway station. He begins to dream that she is begging
him to come help her. So he decides to employ some of his old skills to finding out where she is
and what happened to her.
Tue, 1/26/1982 To Be an Empress
Amanda Plummer
The story of the rise of Catherine the Great, from French minor royalty to the throne of Russia.
Complete show, but some extraneous chunks of audio.
Thu, 1/28/1982 Dickens of Scotland Yard
Paul Hecht
Charles Dickens is invited to join Scotland Yard as an investigative consultant.
Mon, 2/1/1982 Good Ship Aud, The
Earl Hammond
The biographical drama of Sir Roger Casement, beginning as he waits to be hanged for treason
against the British Crown.
This is the point at which Tammy Grimes took over for E.G. Marshall.
Wed, 2/3/1982 Mysterious Slumber, The
Elspeth Eric
A dramatization about the strange case of Mary Reynolds, a young woman who, after a lengthy
slumber, awakens with no memory whatsoever.
Fri, 2/5/1982 Cantankerous Ghost, The - remote 7/10 – This one reminds me of #347 ”The
Third Person” a little bit, also about two old spinsters and a haunted house. Not a bad
episode, not a typical ghost story though, the ghost could have easily been a cranky old
relative who lived in the house. A couple of spinsters are about to lose their large, old
house to pay off the taxes when a movie crew offers to come in and pays the two woman
$2,500 a day to use the house to film a horror movie…but things start to go wrong when
an old ghost is disturbed by the new ruckus.
Marian Seldes
A pair of elderly women living in an old mansion are about to have their house foreclosed,
but money comes their way when a Hollywood director rents the place to use as a set for
his new haunted house film, "Dreamhouse." That's when the real haunting starts.
A pair of spinster sisters think they've hit the jackpot when a film crew wants to rent their
old mansion to film a horror movie. But when the ghost of an old relative starts scaring off
the crew, they try to save the deal by finding out why.
Mon, 2/8/1982 Change of Heart
Louis Turenne
When his girlfriend breaks up with him, she calls him a Pig. When he is forced to have heart
surgery where a porcine heart valve is installed, he begins to take on the characteristics of a pig.
Wed, 2/10/1982 Sand Castle
Norman Rose
After her little brother drowns, a young girl becomes obsessed with building sand castles. She
builds sand castles daily into adulthood. Her mother and a friend decide to finally break the cycle.
Fri, 2/12/1982 Bargain, The
Mandel Kramer
The mechanic of a racing team is in debt to gamblers for more than $50,000 and starts
sabotaging the car to fix races. When the driver crashes, he decides he wants to retire, the
mechanic decides he has to kill the driver's girlfriend. Can he go through with it?
Mon, 2/15/1982 .44 Connection, The
Marian Seldes
When an elderly secretary is fired because she is too old, she returns to the company and
challenges her boss to a duel with antique 44 revolvers -- and wins. When the police investigate,
her actions are guided by the spirit of her dead grandfather.
Wed, 2/17/1982 Washington Kidnap, The
Paul Hecht
Two convicts in jail use their criminal skills to thwart an effort by the Tories to kidnap General
George Washington.
Fri, 2/19/1982 Victim, The
John Lithgow
A man is headed for death row for a murder he did not commit. All the evidence points to him
and his lawyer wants to look for mitigating circumstances rather than an alibi. A new lawyer might
help things.
"Joe Thompson's conviction for murder is based on such flimsy evidence that the great lawyer
Ferras, defender of the downtrodden, is able to free Joe and get $2 million in damages in the
bargain. Joe is so happy he's going to take off for Acapulco with the prosecution's main witness."
Mon, 2/22/1982 Nickels and Dimes
Michael Tolin
A detective goes undercover to infiltrate an organized crime family. He moves up quickly and
begins to enjoy the temptation of the money, women, etc. Will the temptation be too much for
"Ray Vance is so successful in infiltrating Big Joe's East Side organization, he becomes heir
apparent to Joe's operation. The new apartment, salary, and girlfriends reward Joe's talent in his
new role, and suddently the dowdy lifestyle of a cop seems pretty dull in comparison." (EGaH)
Wed, 2/24/1982 Invaders from Atlantis ++r
Arnold Moss
In the year 2300, citizens of the small town of Parson's Corner are ruled by three-eyed Mr.
Gorgon of the lost city of Atlantis, whose inhabitants now control Earth. All hope looks lost until
feisty school teacher Katherine comes along.
"Strange three-eyed aliens, in control of major cities, finally get around to sending an agent to
Parson's Corner to impose their rule. Mr. Gordon soon has the town under the alien's control, and
along the way falls in love with the local school teacher who exercises a certain control of her
Fri, 2/26/1982 Blood Red Ink, The
Fred Gwynne
A veteran cop is denied a promotion to detective while his partner is promoted. He becomes bitter
and becomes a dirty cop on the take. Can his former partner and his wife save him from a life of
Mon, 3/1/1982 Blue Sedan, The
Kim Hunter
When a sleazy private eye is murdered, an intrepid female police lieutenant tries to piece
together what little evidence there is. She finds a break in the case when an onlooker spots a
blue sedan at the crime scene where the private eye's wife was murdered.
The murder of a small time private investigator working an adultery case takes a police detective
on a strange journey through the city's underworld to find the killer.
Wed, 3/3/1982 Death Star
Russell Horton
A successful businesswoman finds herself lapsing into the memory of a 16th century woman
whose husband was executed for stealing meat. Her husband's executioner has also been
reincarnated as a magazine stand operator.
A woman executed for witchcraft reunites with an acquaintance - in the next life.
Fri, 3/5/1982 Death at a Distance
Norman Rose
A missionary doctor working in an African jungle tries to help a patient who is sure he is going to
be killed by voodoo. He finds that even the most serious medical practitioner in the area is afraid
of the magic.
Mon, 3/8/1982 First Impressions
Teri Keane
A detective travels on an airliner with a woman extradited from another state after jumping bail on
the murder of her husband. The woman convinces the detective that she did not do it. The
detective enters the case and finds several odd inconsistencies in everyone's story.
Wed, 3/10/1982 Heart of Boadicea, The
Marian Seldes
A queen, robbed of her rightful throne after the death of her husband, must decide on which
course of action to take: Give in to the passions of her people and attack and face sure defeat; or
wait until circumstances will dictate possible victory for her people.
Fri, 3/12/1982 New Man at the Yard, The ++r
Paul Hecht
In 1860, the newly-formed Scotland Yard enlists novelist and human nature expert Charles
Dickens as a detective to solve a mysterious case of murder or suicide. Based on the true history
of Scotland Yard.
Charles Dickens is asked by Scottland Yard to investigate the suicide or murder of a young man
in his hometown. He finds clues are few and suspects are many --- or maybe it was suicide.
Mon, 3/15/1982 Face of the Waters, The ++r
Paul Hecht
A lurid tale that takes place in turn of the century Louisiana. An uncle is strongly attracted to his
niece, left in his care after his sister died. His rival is the family chauffer -- a medical student
whom she loves.
Wed, 3/17/1982 Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too
Carol Teitel
An 60+ furniture maker decides to marry his 30 year old secretary --much to the consternation of
his friend and next door neighbor. His friend is able to prove to herself that the young secretary
has evil motives. Can she prove it to him before it's too late?
Fri, 3/19/1982 Magic Stick of Manitu, The
Fred Gwynne Keir Dullea (DavidN)
An interstellar diplomat travels to a remote planet with her boss to establish relations with a
people whose primary resource is music. The diplomat is immediately enchanted by the music;
her boss looks for ways to exploit the people and their planet.
Mon, 3/22/1982 Tool Shed, The - remote ++r
John Vickery
A reporter for the London Times travels to a writer's farm to do a story on him and his works
regarding the occult. He encounters the writer's mute son, his overbearing nanny, the writer's
neurotic wife, and the mysterious drawings in the tool shed. Black magic is afoot.
Wed, 3/24/1982 Old Country, The ++r
Paul Hecht
A strategic planner travels to Russia to work for his firm's Russian office. He lapses into the past
where he travels to the village of his parents' birth and learns of their past and struggles to put
history right.
Fri, 3/26/1982 In the Cards
Tammy Grimes Napoleon's wife, Josephine, has a preoccupation with her tarot cards.
Mon, 3/29/1982 On the Night of the Dead
John Vickery
Women of a village stricken with disease and famine think they have found a savior in a man who
claims he is a god. The leader of the village doubts him and challenges the man to prove himself
a god.
Wed, 3/31/1982 I Am the Killer
Keir Dullea
In a 19th century hospital, the head of obstetrics tries to find out why, in the ward where doctors
deliver babies, a high number of women die in child birth. Meanwhile, midwives seldom have
Fri, 4/2/1982 Navel Treaty, The
Gordon Gould
Twenty years after his retirement, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are reunited to solve the
mystery of a purloined document from a professional copier.
Mon, 4/5/1982 Widow Wonderland - 7/10 If you listen to OTR you’ve heard this story many
times over on shows like “The Whistler” and CBSRMT, but ah, always worth hearing a
slight variation on this theme. A man makes a point to find out the first anniversary of rich
men’s deaths so he can “meet up” with their widows at the local cemetery where he courts
them and then swindles them out of their cash. Copy I have has much static at the end of
the file.
Elspeth Eric and Fred Gwynne (DavidN)
A cad makes a living off of meeting women in the cemetary when they are visiting the
graves of their dead husbands. He proposes to them and then swindles them.
Wed, 4/7/1982 Change of Heart
Marian Seldes
A woman who claims to be the daughter of a goddess recounts for her biographer how she
brought down several men who underestimated her.
A woman believes that she is the daughter of the goddess, Dagon.
Listed as Change of Heart in EGAH. See duplicate title list.
Fri, 4/9/1982 You Tell Me Your Dream
Michael Tolin
A lawyer has a recurring dream where a faceless killer assaults him in his favorite bar. He soon
finds one of the people from his dream -- who is having the same dream. They explore the
mystery together.
Mon, 4/12/1982 His Fourth Wife
Russell Horton
A painter is commissioned to paint a portrait of the prospective bride of the notorious King Henry
VIII who has not yet laid eyes on her. He must decide if he will paint her as a stunning goddess,
or paint her as his eyes behold her.
Wed, 4/14/1982 Visions of Sir Philip Sidney, The
Lee Richardson
In 19th century London, a Zulu War veteran is plagued by visions of people on a train who no one
else notices. Are they real people tormenting him, or is he suffering from shell shock?
Fri, 4/16/1982 Something to Live For
Fred Gwynne
A retired cop stops an immigrant shop owner from killing himself, then helps him nail the
gangsters that are ruining his business.
A suicidal immigrant and a retired detective team up to crack a television theft ring that's running
the immigrant's life.
Mon, 4/19/1982 Shelter
Ralph Bell
A man, his wife, her lover, and the couple next door are forced into a bomb shelter when world
events cause a nuclear war. The owner of the shelter plays the residents of this refuge against
each other for his amusement -- and revenge.
Wed, 4/21/1982 Jataka, The - remote 7/10 – This is an OK story, a little slow though – don’t
expect this one to grab and maintain your interest if you’re listening casually. Has, one of
the funniest “make out” scenes in all of CBSRMT, albeit unintentionally – and the end has
a rather 50’s view of women. A female professor is invited to the remote estate of another,
older professor, but when she arrives, he’s no where to be found, and the servants can
only give her excuses as she slowly untangles a web of lies and deception that may be
covering up for a murder.
Marian Seldes
A young college professor is invited to her mentor's mansion to study with him. When she
gets there, she finds that he has disappeared. The servants give different excuses and
varying reasons for his absence. She is suspicious.
Fri, 4/23/1982 Whimpering Pond, The - remote 10/10 A really nice tale about a foggy pond
where a visiting guest keeps seeing a ghost and investigates
Norman Rose
A novelist visits some friends at a country estate when he encounters what appears to be
a spectre haunting a misty, old farm pond. It puts him on to an old mystery involving the
disappearance of a woman who disappeared nearby.
Mon, 4/26/1982 Hanging Sheriff, The
Fred Gwynne
A sheriff has problems imposing the death penalty when he is asked to carry out a hanging.
When his overbearing wife pushes him to do it, he decides to help the prisoner escape.
Wed, 4/28/1982 Ghost of Andersonville, The
Tony Roberts
A prisoner, recently released from the Confederacy's most infamous prison camp, is asked to
meet a Union General who is a potential presidential candidate. He refuses because the
General's error led to his incarceration.
Fri, 4/30/1982 Last Duel, The
Lee Richardson
A Lieutenant challenges a subordinate to a duel when he catches him playing cards. Many years
pass and many events transpire between the two shots.
Mon, 5/3/1982 Guilty as Charged
Michael Tolin
A hardware salesman is charged with a series of robberies and kidnappings he did not commit.
The suspect matches his description exactly. He relies on a polygraph to get him off the hook.
Wed, 5/5/1982 Dreamers and Killers
Marian Seldes
A woman scorned has nightmares of killing her former beau in various ways. She is troubled
when her former fiance continues to have close calls with his life that closely resemble her
Fri, 5/7/1982 Wedding Present, The
Ralph Bell
A professional swindler employs the talents of an American artist to swindle the king of a small,
Balkan country in pre-World War I Europe. The king is a professional swindler in his own right
and tries to outswindle them in this farce.
Mon, 5/10/1982 Tourist Trap - remote 8/10 Actually a good little tale about a couple whose
car breaks down in a small town and their car never seems to get fixed and the towns
people seem determined to keep them there
Paul Hecht
A couple wreck their car getting off the interstate. Thinking it's just a fender bender, they
journey to a small town to get some gas. There, a mechanic tells them their car needs
major work and they will be stuck a few days.
Wed, 5/12/1982 Wound That Would Not Heal, The
Ralph Bell
A man is accused of murdering his mistress. At first, he is confident that he did not, but when she
starts to call him in the night and haunt his dreams, doubts begin to arise in his own mind. His
wife is steadfast in her defense of him.
Fri, 5/14/1982 Hills of Arias, The
Mandel Kramer
A former revolutionary of a Central American country escapes the rising dictatorship and settles
in America where be becomes a college professor. But his revolutionary roots call out to him. . .
Mon, 5/17/1982 Imperfect Crime, The
Russell Horton
A detective attempting to solve the murder of a wealthy ex-girlfriend is helped by his intuitive
A police detective assumes the routine when he is asked to complete the report on the hit and run
death of a wealthy socialite. Instead he finds murder. More troubling -- that murder is close to
Wed, 5/19/1982 Brooch, The ++
Paul Hecht
A governess signs on with a wealthy, but eccentric couple to school their children. He is paranoid
and carries a gun at all times. She is domineering and often accuses the help of stealing jewelry.
Fri, 5/21/1982 The 'Different' People ++r
Kristoffer Tabori
A 20th century anthropologist discovers documents that indicates a group of Civil War veterans
may have found immortality. He decides to hunt them down and see if they made it.
A professor of anthropology comes across a letter written during the Civil war that hints of a group
of immortals.
Mon, 5/24/1982 Your Desires, My Guilt
Norman Rose
A woman married to an unambitious college professor wishes for riches but gets more than she
bargains for when her wish comes true.
A couple of modest income find that they can have whatever they want just by wishing for it
together. They don't find a downside to their until they start using their newfound power to right
some perceived wrongs.
Wed, 5/26/1982 Why Is This Lady Smiling?
John Vickery
Leonardo DaVinci recalls the controversy over Mona Lisa's smile and his ongoing battle with her
An imaginary tale about the origin of the painting "Mona Lisa." In 1498 Italy, Leonardo daVinci
gets a request from a wealthy silk merchant to paint the merchant's wife. When daVinci alters the
woman's persistent smile in his rendering, it results in a celebrated painting - much to the envy of
the husband.
Fri, 5/28/1982 Chess Master, The
Paul Hecht and Fred Gwynne (DavidN)
An unemployed advertising agent plays a pickup game of chess in the park with a stranger. That
game of chess leads him into an adventure he never anticipated.
Mon, 5/31/1982 Lady Macbeth at the Zoo
Larry Haines Waldo is determined to prevent a murder he has heard about. There's only one
problem: Waldo is a caged monkey at the zoo.
Wed, 6/2/1982 Two Times Dead
Lloyd Battista
A reporter interviews a man who manages to frame himself for murder --- of himself! Based on a
true story.
Fri, 6/4/1982 My First Rogue
Lee Richardson
A sophisticated art thief plays cat and mouse with a French detective.
Mon, 6/14/1982 Woman Who Wanted to Live, The
Larry Haines
A woman is taken hostage by a desparate fugitive who has escaped from prison. She helps him
elude police in order to stay alive.
A killer who breaks out of a maximum security prison murders a man and attempts to murder a
pretty young blonde witness until she convinces him to take her along as a traveling compatriot.
Wed, 6/16/1982 A Most Dangerous Animal
Fred Gwynne
The wife of a vicious and corrupt boxer tries to get a divorce to marry the man she loves. He
won't divorce her and assaults her lover. The boxer's trainer --- and father in law, is trapped in the
Fred Gwynner stars as a boxer, "Killer" Vincent in a keeps-you-guessing drama who gets his
come-uppance as he faces the Champ.
Fri, 6/18/1982 Fifth Man, The
Norman Rose
The writer for a British aviation magazine works part time to ferret out commuist spies in the
aviation industry.
Mon, 6/21/1982 Universe Hollow - remote 6/10 Eh, I dunno about this one, it has a
schizophrenic nature, trying to be two things at once: a woman haunted by her past and a
story of UFO’s…sure it all comes together in the end but for much of the story nothing
seems to fit together. A cynical reporter who has lost credit with her audience takes on a
story to regain it: UFOs. She goes to a small colony in the woods called Universe Hollow;
the people there welcome UFOs from other planets. Meanwhile she’s haunted by a ghost
from her past; the man who caused her to lose credit with her audience, he tries to urge
her to change her attitude about the colony.
Patricia Elliot
A discredited reporter looks to re-establish her career by reporting on a small town that
routinely welcomes UFOs. Are they crazy, or do they see something the rest of us don't.
Patricia Ellicott stars a contemptuous, fallen-from-grace newspaper reporter assigned to
cover a story on U.F.O.s in the small town of Universe Hollow. But she's haunted by her
own ghost, which influences her writing.
Wed, 6/23/1982 Matching Chairs - 8/10 This episode can be a little campy and funny at
times, I liked it. It kept my interest throughout. A man’s younger brother becomes
convinced that a wing chair in their home has the power to bring bad luck to those after it
brings one man to financial ruin, causes another man’s wife to leave him and after a girl
who sat there is run over by a car. The two brothers seek to get rid of them, but the
mother wont hear of it.
Kristoffer Elliott
Our hero's younger brother is an immature, despicable lout who takes advantage of those
around him. One evening, while the two of them relax in wing chairs, he tells his brother
that the chair he is sitting in has the power to kill --- and he's used it.
The tale of sibling rivalry between two brothers who are haunted by cursed chairs.
Fri, 6/25/1982 Don't Kill Me
Tony Roberts
A woman with a sick, elderly husband, allows him to die so she can marry his rich friend. It's
man's oldest lesson. All that glitters is not gold and her dead husband keeps reminding her of
what a mistake she made.
Mon, 6/28/1982 Escape to Prison
Marian Seldes
An executive thinks there is a large conspiracy against her by her friends and coworkers to
convince her that her husband has been dead for five years when she knows he is alive. She
turns to a sympathetic police detective for help.
Wed, 6/30/1982 Killer Crab
Russell Horton
In the future, on a far-away planet, a man plans to exact revenge on his former wife and her new
boyfriend, who is a colleague, for trying to kill him. His instrument of revenge is a killer robot.
Fri, 7/2/1982 Bring Back My Body
Kim Hunter
A woman has split personalities. One is a mild-mannered spinster. The other is a embittered
woman bent on killing the man who jilted her. Her psychologist tries to reconcile them.
Mon, 7/5/1982 Romance of Mary Oates, The
Roberta Maxwell
A 40 year old spinster finally finds love. But, as we find out at the beginning of the story, she finds
much more, and much less, than love in her new beau.
Wed, 7/7/1982 Code Word: Caprice
Bernard Grant
An honest truck driver works with the police to crack a hijacking ring.
Fri, 7/9/1982 Come Back Next Week
Teri Keane and Fred Gwynne (DavidN)
A woman whose husband was murdered questions his hitman in prison and winds up learning
more about her husband than she expected.
Mon, 7/12/1982 Hand of Amnesia, The - remote 9/10 - One of the best I have heard in a
while, not a ten but entertaining and kept me guessing...A young man marries a rich older
woman and moves to her country estate, while maintaining relations with a younger girl in
the city, all is well until she finds out decides to throw him out of her life. But after his wife
comes up missing people begin to get curious, especially about their last night together
near an old quarry on her property...
Ralph Bell
A young, short order cook marries a wealthy widow, but keeps his girlfriend on the side.
When his wife finds out, she throws him out. When she comes up missing, he is a suspect
in her disappearance.
Wed, 7/14/1982 Innocent Murderer, The
Tony Roberts
The story of Lincoln assassination conspirator John Surratt as he flees from Canada to Liverpool,
England to avoid capture and prosecution.
Fri, 7/16/1982 The Great Catherine
Tammy Grimes The unfortunate stories of court (and pre-court) life of Catherine the Great of
Russia. Complete version courtesy of Pasta
Tue, 7/20/1982 Formula Z - The Protector
Patricia Elliot
The murder of a security guard at a paint plant leads a detective through a trail of international
"In order to fingerprintt suspects and criminals in murder investigations, an ink pad is required.
But when new wonder paint Formula Z is the main ingredient of such an investigation, the police
stir up a batch of murder suspects that can't be covered over by international intrigue." (EGaH)
Thu, 7/22/1982 Yearbook
Evie Juster
A lonely woman is sure that she has seen someone covering up for a murder. She recognizes
him as someone she went to high school with.
A reclusive widow who thinks she sees a man stash a body inside a car trunk and looks to her
high school yearbook to solve the crime.
Tue, 7/27/1982 Adolph and Eva
Roberta Maxwell
The story of Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun in their final days, as told by Braun.
Thu, 7/29/1982 Mind Over Mind
Jada Rowland
A young bank teller is questioned about her role in a bank robbery. She has no memory of
participating or even being involved.
A bank teller insists she did not hand over $500 to a thief, even though a nearby teller saw her do
Tue, 8/3/1982 Redhead
Fred Gwynne
A bus driver feels guilty about the murder of a young woman whom he let out at the wrong stop.
So he uses his connections in the world of boxing to solve the crime.
Thu, 8/5/1982 Murder by Decree
Marian Seldes Clear copy needed.
The story of Henry VIII's unfortunate second wife is told from the time she gives birth to her
unfortunate end at the hand of her adulterous husband.
Tue, 8/10/1982 A Pair of Green Eyes - remote ++r
Teri Keane
When an archeologist dies in a remote country, a mystery involving murder and jewel smuggling
Thu, 8/12/1982 Man with the X-Ray Eyes, The ++r
Fred Gwynne
A prosecutor with big political aspirations brings in a psychic to assist with the investigation --much to the chagrin of the county sheriff.
Tue, 8/17/1982 Famous Last Words
Kim Hunter
A young, professional woman reports that she has found a dead body outside of a warehouse.
When the police arrive, the body is gone. She loses credibility with her employer as she continues
to press the issue.
Thu, 8/19/1982 Eleanora
Marian Seldes
An actress recalls her experience with a radical communist group in Berlin and her love affair with
its leader.
Tue, 8/24/1982 Funeral Without a Corpse
Norman Rose
A district attorney aspiring to be a U.S. Senator is blackmailed by a man who threatens to reveal
a terrible family secret that will derail his political career.
Thu, 8/26/1982 Barn Burner - remote 7/10 An average story, not so "suspenseful" more in
the vein of crime. The shows lack of budget definitely shows on this one, both main
characters obviously playing two other minor characters...after a man's race horse seems
to be incapable of winning after an injury, his shady friend convinces him to switch the
horse for one that looks the same, but after the winnings come in their real trouble starts.
Russell Horton
A pair of race horse owners try pull off a swindle where they substitute their horses with
Tue, 8/31/1982 How Do You Like Those Apples?
Mandel Kramer
A cheating husband encounters a fortune teller who shows him his death. Meanwhile, his wife
has nightmares of his murder, and sets out to find the guy who is going to do it to convince him
not to.
Thu, 9/2/1982 Rim of Eternity, The - remote ++r
Larry Haines
A formerly great reporter, now a drunken has-been, sets out to cover the murder of an average
Joe and finds the next great story.
A down-on-his luck journalist working at a disreputable community paper tries to work his way
back to the top by getting to the bottom of a murder of one of the small town's unsavory denizens.
Tue, 9/7/1982 Scenes from a Murder
Russell Horton
A down on his luck music teacher turns to murder to solve his financial woes.
Thu, 9/9/1982 Riddle, The - remote ++r
Patricia Elliot
A young couple purchases an old camera and a bundle of letters from an estate sale. The
pictures they find in the camera and the clues provided in the old letters set them on a treasure
Tue, 9/14/1982 Forbidden House, The - remote - 6/10 First off, this isn’t a haunted house
story. This one’s OK and keeps you guessing but without a lot of payoff. One of those
“warm-n-fuzzy” endings. A young couple let a strange man stay with them who claims to
work for the travelling circus that has recently come to town, even though he makes the
husband uneasy.
Tony Roberts An expecting couple in a small town take in a strange gentle man.
An old circus performer shows up on the doorstep of a young couple who have just
purchased an old house. They allow him to stay with them off and on while the circus is in
town. He carries with him a secret about their house and himself.
Thu, 9/16/1982 Two Sisters
Patricia Elliot
Two twin sisters resort to deception and more to win the affections of a doctor.
Mon, 9/20/1982 Way Station, The - remote 7/10 An interesting tale that never made
complete sense to me at least, ends rather abruptly, also in a remote locale but doesnt
always have that feel
Norman Rose
A pair of twins overhear their father, a gravedigger, talking to men they know to be dead.
They find out their father is much more than a gravedigger.
Wed, 9/22/1982 Pursuit of a Dream
Carol Teitel
The story of Madam Marie Currie and the discovery of radiation in Radium.
Fri, 9/24/1982 The Force of Evil
Paul Hecht A young woman, spurred by a childhood boyfriend turns to witchcraft.
Mon, 9/27/1982 Roll Call of the Dead ++r
Russell Horton
In the 19th century, two college students decide to head west to explore the American Frontier.
They hire an old Apache guide who tries to disuade them from taking the route they want. When
they do, they encounter members of an old exploring party who are supposed to be dead.
Wed, 9/29/1982 Million Dollar Leg, The
Tony Roberts
A college football coach is recruited to travel behind the Iron Curtain to recruit a kicker to play pro
football for an old college team mate. He is motivated less by the desire to get a good football
player than the desire to impress a young woman.
Fri, 10/1/1982 Escape from Anzio
Gordon Gould
An Army pilot is shot down over occupied Italy during World War II. He and his comarades must
hide and eventually flee the German officers searching for them.
Mon, 10/4/1982 Ninth Commandment, The
Teri Keane
A wealthy, middle-aged woman falls for the man who attempts to burgle her home. Later, when
he is arrested for murder, he refuses to use her as an alibi for fear of dishonoring her. Meanwhile,
she struggles with doing the right thing and ruining her marriage.
Wed, 10/6/1982 Abraham Lincoln Murder Trial, The
Patricia Elliot A story based on some facts in Lincoln's early years as a lawyer. Here he is
defending a man accused of murder.
Another version: Abramham Lincoln is called upon to defend and innocent man accused of
Fri, 10/8/1982 Pale Horse, The
Earl Hammond
A dying man crosses over into the after-life briefly where he encounters to souls who show him
how he is slowly being killed. Meanwhile, his doctor begins to develop his own suspicions back
on Earth.
Mon, 10/11/1982 Tony's Market
Earl Hammond
Tells the tales of the final hours of the lives of four people who end up dead in a convenience
store shooting.
Wed, 10/13/1982 Fly Swatter
Fred Gwynne A pickpocket and his wife hire on as butler and cook to a strange couple who won't
tolerate killing flies.
Fri, 10/15/1982 Flash Point, The
Paul Hecht
An engineering executive is put out on the streets when his company is taken over. He is so
traumatized by the incident, he loses his memory and finds a new life. But old memories haunt
him and he can't avoid his destiny.
Mon, 10/18/1982 Desert Maiden
Mason Adams
An ad man visits the desert to conjure up a legend that will help him market a new perfume.
An aging advertising executive re-assesses his golden boy life when he unexpectedly runs into
an old flame while researching an ad campaign. Note: Mason Adams starred in the TV series Lou
Grant, which had been canceled a few months before broadcast.
Wed, 10/20/1982 Last Days of a Dictator
Bernard Grant
A dramatization of the overthrow of Benito Mussolini in Italy during World War II.
Recounts the fall from grace of Benito Mussolini and his final ditch appeal to Hitler for support
before his ultimate demise.
Fri, 10/22/1982 Three Fireflies in a Bottle
Russell Horton
A man claims to have reacquainted himself with an extraterrestrial being he first befriended as a
This sensitively written, emotionally moving sci-fi tale tells of a boy whose (imaginary?) extraterrestrial childhood friend transforms his life. It also boasts some on-the-mark social commentary
on the results of child abuse.
Mon, 10/25/1982 Resident Killer
Mason Adams Set in the future where violence is not tolerated, a man is asked to conform, then
asked to return to violence in order to save the world from invasion. Additional: In a future society
based on pacifism, a man with a violent nature finds an outlet as the Earth s sole defender
against attacking aliens. This show was repeated as the last show in the series. This recording
has the farewell message from CBS and Himan Brown.
Wed, 10/27/1982 Voice That Wouldn't Die, The - remote 10/10 – This one is almost exactly
like #614 “The Pleading Voice,” also about a girl who hears a voice near an old building,
her father investigates and needs a minister to exorcise it. This one is better though
because it’s more suspenseful, the time spent in the house by the characters was some of
the best I have heard from this series in a while.
Norman Rose
A young woman and her father move into a Scottish manor house on the moors. The
woman hears a mournful voice calling from a the ruins of a burned out house on the
grounds. Her father, her doctor, and a priest investigate.
Fri, 10/29/1982 I Hate Harold
Larry Haines
Passed over by the boss for the sales manager position in favor of the insufferably arrogant
Harold, George Wallaby vows revenge.
An executive assistant to a diamond broker strongly dislikes the sycophantic, arrogant sales
manager his boss just hired. When he finds out the guy is actually a professional jewel thief, he is
eager to help the police catch him.
Tue, 11/2/1982 The Sensible Thing
Lee Richardson
A widower marries his long-time secretary and discovers her prior attachments are out of this
A widower decides to marry his secretary and finds that she harbors a secret from her past that
makes it impossible for to love --- and that she has a strong attraction to her dog.
A woman has trouble dealing with the death of her father and brother.
Thu, 11/4/1982 The School Mistress
Patricia Elliot
A Russian school mistress leads has a scandulous love affair in pre-revolutionary Moscow.
Tue, 11/9/1982 Portrait of the Past ++r
Robert Kaliban
A jeweler's curiosity about an old coat of arms leads him into a mystery involving his uncle and
an 18-year-old girl, the latter of whom died without explanation some 50 years back.
A painting and a broach link two elderly gents to an 18-year-old girl who died 50 years ago.
Thu, 11/11/1982 Twelfth Juror, The
Marian Seldes, Lloyd Battista, Mandel Kramer & Joan Shay After a woman kills a man who
wanted to break off their affair, she pays a man to take to blame.
Tue, 11/16/1982 Magic Dust, The ++r
Tony Roberts
A scientist looks to his old college professor to get access to a new type of metal that can solve
the world's energy problems.
Industrialists go to extreme measures to convince an anthropologist to reveal a valuable tribal
formula she has sworn to keep secret.
Thu, 11/18/1982 Diamond Dotty ++r
Teri Keane
A woman wanders into an 1880 Western frontier town with a cache of diamonds and a story of
murdered husband and a ownership of a diamond mine. Two locals set out to swindle her out of
her wealth.
A distraught, frightened woman arrives in a western frontier town confessing to the murders of the
two fugitives that killed her husband in an attempt to hijack their diamond mine.
Tue, 11/23/1982 Smile, The
Tony Roberts
A reporter who has returned from an assignment in Tibet calls on his estranged wife when he
can't escape a smile-shaped cloud formation he sees in the sky.
A man summons his estranged wife to help him overcome a murderous stalker -- a celestial
image resembling a smile.
Thu, 11/25/1982 Reigate Mystery, The - remote ++r
Gordon Gould While taking a rest in the country, Sherlock Holmes is asked to solve a seemingly
routine murder.
Tue, 11/30/1982 Goddess of Death, The
Diana Kirkwood
A moody painter finds the perfect model for his painting of Aphrodite. Is she perfect because she
is a real goddess?
A beautiful young model has a profound affect on the artists who paint her likeness.
Thu, 12/2/1982 Last Plan, The
Elspeth Eric
An eccentric older woman acts as a mediator to a squabbling young neighbor couple, each of
whom is convinced one is out to get the other. But is her mediating meant to make the couple's
problems go away, or just make the couple go away?
A "weird" woman becomes the shared confidante of a young husband and wife who each
suspects the other of murderous intent.
Tue, 12/7/1982 Boatman and the Devil, The ++r
Alexander Scourby
The boatman who transports Russian exiles to Siberia tries to convince a young man to serve
out his sentence dilligently and not try to bring his family to pass the time with him in the Russian
wilderness of Siberia.
A man's feeling of guilt causes problems with his exile. (Last original show of the series 12/7/82).
NOTE: Originally this list had 1,400 episodes with the following
one as entry 1351, which was a repeat of episode 1312 with the
same title, "Only a Woman." The episode after that, "The
Innocent Murder" was therefore listed as episode 1352, thus
pushing the total number of episodes to 1,400. However, since
the file below and 1312 are the same, and since it does not
appear on other lists in the position of number 1351, I removed
this file, changed the numbers back by one (renaming "The
Innocent Murder as 1351 and so on), thus creating a list of 3,999
episodes so that it's the same as most lists I have found on the
Tue, 7/13/1982 Only a Woman
Marian Seldes, Russell Horton, Norman Rose & Ray Owens
to hear:
Not in any particular order
The Therupeutic Cat.
Jane Eyre---Arnold Moss makes an awesome Rochester
The Body Snatchers
The Garden
The Cornstarch Killer
Mayerling Revisited---Just love Marian Seldes
The Phantom Stop---Norman Rose gives one of his best performances.
The Further You Go the Less You Know
The Shock of His Life
The Hole in The Sky
The Favor of Women
Journey to Somewhere
Time Out of Mind Russell Horton and Lloyd Battista...The WWII switch
was great and sad.
The Neferteri Cycle was great fun to listen to.
War of Angels...Wow there are so many I loved.